University Story - Chapter 8: Part 1

Story by Tidus_Duke on SoFurry

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Ok, for the record, the next chapter is in a few parts because it all takes place on the same night, but from different points of view. Enjoy Part 1!

Chapter 8 - Part 1: Roommate Rumble

"Thanks for the ride guys." Jet said, jumping out of Jeff's car. He had been nice enough to drive everyone home, and Jet was the first to get dropped off. Syd, however, told them that he had something else to do, and that he'd find his own way home. It had been almost like he was avoiding them, but every time one of them confronted him, he changed the subject. Jet had tried more than once, but all Syd told him was that he was just tired and busy. This is what he told everyone and they all knew it was a lie, but just like Alex, they knew that all they could do was be there when he needed them. When he was ready to tell them, they would be there, and they made this very clear to him. Pushing the subject would probably just upset him even more.

Jet waved good-bye as Jeff and the gang drove off into the night. He stretched a little, and looked to his house. He sighed when he saw all the lights were on, and music was shaking the house's very foundations. This was no surprise though, his roommates were known for their party's and with the team's first victory under their belt he knew this would be coming. All three of them were really popular, major studs on campus, and they always invited tons of people. It was thought of as major to be invited to one of their party's, but Jet had no interest. He was tired, and wanted to get some sleep to forget all the stuff that had gone on that night.

"Well, here goes nothing..." Jet whispered to himself as he walked into the house, the door not even locked. He almost stepped back from the sheer volume of people, and the booming music that made everything jump a little. It was almost eleven, and the party was still young. Jet tried to squeeze his way through people to get up to his bedroom. Everyone was dancing, grinding, and Jet felt awkward having to rub against them to get through. He yelped a little every time he felt a strange hand fall to various parts of his body. Most of the party goers were jocks, and the people they invited. He had never been so close to so many sweaty, muscular furs before in his life, and gasped every time he touched someone in 'certain places'. He was blushing and panting, and felt trapped among the massive group of people.

He breathed in deep when he made it to the stairs, being only half filled with couples making out. He prayed that he wouldn't find a similar scene in his room. It had happened before where he discovered 'company' in his room, and he really didn't want to deal with two drunk and horny idiots tonight.

He tried to make his way up the stairs, but a bunch of football players were on their way down, and there was no way he was going to be able to get through them. They were like a stampede, and Jet had to practically jump out of the way.

"Woah, watch it tiny!" Brock, one of Jet's roommates, said. He was a bull who was the team's center. He was about 6'5, and pretty bulky, but was all muscle. He was followed by a few other football players, all dwarfing Jet in height and size. Jet was about 5'10, and he had a lean, toned body, a pretty typical cheetah build. He had played soccer all his life, and his short fur showed this off nicely. His black spots were as dark as coal, and really stood out against his golden yellow fur.

"Uhh, I'm not tiny..." Jet whispered, turning his back to the jocks. He was going to attempt the stairs again, but he was pulled back into the crowd by a mysterious hand. He was pulled into an arm lock, and all he smelled was a mix of sweat and cologne.

"Hey hey! Where ya been roomie?" It was Dane, a stallion who played defense. Jet was getting very friendly with the light brown fur of his bulging bicep, and he tried his best to push himself out of the vice-grip. Dane laughed a little, and freed Jet, who gasped for breath.

"Chill out dude!" Dane said, throwing a beer into Jet's hand. Jet grunted, and wanted nothing more than to leave. He was tired, and not in the mood to drink. Unlike his roommates, he didn't like making an ass of himself by getting wasted and fucking anything that moved. He was about to ditch the beer, when he was pushed forward by a hard slap on his back.

"Wow, take it easy Jet! What number beer is that now?" Darius asked. He was Jet's final roommate, a gorilla, who, like Dane, played defense. He was just as big and dumb as the other two.

"No-no, I haven't even-" Jet tried to explain, but Dane and Darius had burst into laughter before he could finish.

"No worries tiny!" Dane said, slapping Jet on the back again. "Just fooling ya! Lighten up!"

"I'm just a little tired." Jet answered, unconvincingly. "And I'm not that tiny..." Ever since he had been put in the same house as three huge football players, he had acquired the nick name 'Tiny'. He hated it, and he wasn't even that short. But when put in comparison with three massive, muscular, and tall jocks, he did look pretty small. He knew they were just kidding, but he didn't appreciate it.

"Whatever! Come on, let's get another drink tiny!" Darius said, grabbing Jet while Dane started laughing again. It's not even that funny, Jet thought.

Time seemed to pass at a slug's pace as Jet was pulled around by one roommate after another, introducing him to everyone. By the time they left him alone, he had met everyone at least twice. No one noticed though, as they were too drunk to remember him anyway. This is how their parties usually went. Jet wondered if they were even aware of how little he liked their parties. They probably thought they were helping him get out of his shell or something, but he just felt irritated. He wasn't a shy person, and if he really wanted to mingle and talk, he would. He really just wanted to get some sleep, and the second Dane, who had been parading Jet around at the moment, went to get another drink, Jet bolted for the stairs. He smiled a little when he saw it was practically empty, and ran up two steps at a time. He reached his door and said a silent prayer, hoping no one would be there. He opened the door just a little.

"Hello?" Jet said into the room. His eyes were shut just in case.

"Occupied dude!" A familiar voice called out to him. Jet opened the door all the way, and saw Brock, with a fox cheerleader. She was still in her uniform, and she had her legs around the bull's waist, with his hands firmly on her rump.

Jet would usually just say sorry and leave, but he was not in the mood for this tonight. Brock had his own room for God's sake!

"Sorry man, but I really wanna get some sleep. Can't you go to your room?" Jet said, stepping into his room. He stood at his full height, trying to send the message that he was serious, but Brock only laughed.

"Thought this was my room! Sorry Tiny!" Brock said, standing up abruptly, sending the vixen in his lap tumbling to the ground.

"Uggg, ouch!" She said, standing up and fixing her top. "Actually I think I'm gonna head out. I'd much prefer to take my chances down there, then getting tossed around up here!" And with an annoyed smirk, she slammed the door behind her.

"Fuckin bitch, eh man?" Brock said, flopping back down onto Jet's bed. He was shirtless and his brown fur was short, and revealed every muscle on his broad chest. Jet caught himself staring just as his eyes reached the huge bulge that was tenting Brock's tight jeans. He clearly wasn't wearing any underwear.

"Shit man, bitch left before she could take care of this." He said as he grabbed his crotch, shaking his head, "Really needed to get my rocks off too." Jet turned his head to not look at Brock. There was a half naked stud in his room practically jacking off. Jet was blushing, and was about to leave.

"Woah man. Leaving so soon?" Jet turned around and was shocked that Brock was standing up, right in front of him. He could practically feel the big bull's bulge against his stomach. Jet tried to step back, but Brock lifted his big arm and shut the door. He then grabbed Jet's arm and pinned it against the door, holding the small cat in place. He looked Jet up and down in a drunken and seductive way. Jet squirmed and pushed against Brock's chest with his small paw, but there was nothing he could do. Whatever Brock wanted to happen, clearly would.

"You don't want me to spend the night alone do you?" Brock said, moving closer. He was now right up against Jet, his brown fur rubbing against Jet's t-shirt.

"What are you doing?" Jet asked desperately. He was so confused. He knew that Brock must be drunk, but he was always wasted at these parties. He had never acted like this before.

"Fuck if I know. All I know is I could really use some 'company' tonight." Brock lifted Jet's other arm over his head, and pushed it against the door, just like the other. Jet whimpered a little when he realized how trapped he was, but also when he noticed that Brock's wasn't the only bulge straining a pair of jeans. Jet was rock hard just as much as his roommate and he had no idea why. He was pressed against a door, with a huge, sweaty, beefy jock pinning him in place. He was completely at Brock's mercy, and for some reason, he was secretly enjoying it.

"I-I...please, just-" Jet tried to say, but was cut off by Brock's massive hand covering his muzzle. He still kept Jet's hands immobile, but made sure the cheetah's mouth was just as useless. Well, useless for know, Brock thought.

"You don't have to say anything. The tent of your jeans speaks for you." And as Brock spoke, he pulled Jet's shirt off over his head, and threw it across the room. He let one hand leave Jet's muzzle and rubbed it through the cat's chest, eliciting moans to leave both of them. Brock chuckled softly, and grabbed Jet's muzzle again, this time leaning his in as well. He kissed Jet forcefully and passionately, sending the message that he was in charge, but that he would make sure they both had fun.

Jet's mind was rushing with questions, but he didn't have much time to think. Brock picked him up, being sure not to break the kiss. Jet let his legs slip around Brock's waist and the bull leaned him down on the bed. Brock made quick work of Jet's jeans, pulling them off in one go, doing the same to himself. Jet kept his eyes shut, a little afraid, not just of seeing another guy's dick, but that he might just enjoy what he saw.

"Whatcha think yur doing?" Brock said, grabbing Jet's muzzle, forcing him to look down at Brock. "You know you wanna look..." Jet opened his eyes, and saw the bull's massive cock, hard and dripping. It was about 9 inches, and thick. Jet gulped as he began to stare at the beautiful manhood that was so close to him. He hadn't even noticed, but his paw had wrapped itself around the shaft of Brock's cock, and the bull was moaning and grunting in pleasure.

"Mmmm, that's it tiny...but I'm interested in a little more..." And with that, Brock leaned back against the wall behind the bed, giving Jet a perfect view of his massive dick. Jet knew what Brock wanted, and couldn't believe he was about to do it. Thoughts of being with a guys had gone through his mind once or twice before, but he never thought he would act on them. But just being so close to someone as hot as Brock made it impossible to pass the chance by. He wanted it too much.

Jet licked his lips, and leaned in towards Brock. He grabbed the bottom of the dick with his paw, and moved his muzzle in closer. He just put his nose against Brock's crotch fur, and breathed in deeply, taking in all of his scent. It was amazing. Masculine, and rugged, and Jet could feel his cock twitch at just the feeling of being with someone as hot as Brock.

"Don't keep me waiting dude." Brock mumbled, and put one hand on the back of Jet's head, slowly guiding him over his cock. Jet let his lips run across Brock's dick head, and slowly ran his tongue up and down his shaft. Brock moaned, which gave Jet the encouragement to press on. He was making someone feel so good, and it really got him off. He let one paw grip the bottom of Brock's shaft, while the other slid down to his own throbbing cock. He began to move his paws up and down the two dicks at the same pace, while his small muzzle suckling the bull's mushroom-head. Brock's hands were roaming through Jet's head fur, slowly pushing him farther down his cock. He had only gotten about half way when he began to gag. This was his first time with a guy, and it was hard, but he tried to take more. Brock squirmed in place as Jet pushed more cock down his throat, the gagging making his throat twitch, which only increased the pleasure for Brock. Each gag sent more cock into the little fur's muzzle. It was slow, but it felt awesome. Jet finally was able to get the whole dick down his throat, and his eyes were watering from just how stuffed he felt. He could barley breath, but he wouldn't give up that dick for anything, it felt too good. Brock pulled back on Jet's short head fur, all the way back so only his dick head was in his muzzle. Then, before Jet could catch his breath, he shoved his entire dick back down the cheetah's throat, eliciting a loud mix of a gag and a moan from the little cat.

"Oh fuck yeah! You actually like doing this don't ya Tiny?" Brock was practically yelling as he continued to pull Jet up and down his dick. He was in complete control, and Jet loved every second of it. He loved feeling powerless, loved making Brock feel good, and loved the salty taste of pre cum in the back of his throat. He didn't think anything could ruin this.

"Hehe, well what do we have here?" Jet's eyes opened as wide as they could. He tried to turn his head to see who had been watching them, but Brock made sure all he could see was dick and his crotch fur.

"Here we are, being good roommates and coming up to make sure you weren't missing the party, and it seems you two are having yur own little party?" Jet could tell who it was now. It was Darius, and he knew that where he was, Dane wouldn't be far.

"And you didn't even invite us? Not cool man." Jet was right, the stallion was there too. Jet wanted to jump off the bed, throw his clothes on and burst out any explanation he could, but Brock wouldn't let him move. He squirmed and groaned as much as he could, but he was no match. Brock was keeping him in place with one hand for God's sake. He really was powerless.

"Well that bitch Stacey left me half-hard, so I took the next best thing." Brock said, as if it wasn't even a big deal, "Who knew second choice would be miles better."

"Miles better? I'd love to take your word for it, but I'd prefer to find out myself." Darius said, walking farther into the room. Jet was still locked onto Brock's dick, but he could feel Darius's hand running down his back. His eyes darted as far to the side as he could, and he could see the gorilla had taken his shirt and pants off already. He was rubbing his jockstrap with one hand, and Jet's head with the other. He lifted Jet's head up, just as Brock had done, and was moving him up and down the bull's dick. Jet was moaning just as loud as Brock, and Darius could see the puddle of pre around the cheetah's cock.

"Woah, little guy actually likes it?" Darius said, increasing the pace he force fucked Brock's dick with Jet's muzzle. Jet was moaning like crazy, and jumped a little when he felt another pair of hands on him. Dane had no intention of missing out on this. While Darius was pushing his head up and down Brock's dick, Dane had one hand wrapped Jet's dick, while the other was rubbing his butt. Jet was in heaven, and if he didn't have dick in his mouth, even people down stairs would hear his moans.

"Well you can't have all the fun Brock." Darius said, pulling Jet off of his dick, and forcing him on his own. Jet didn't even have time to breath before he was inhaling the scent of another fur. Darius wasn't as big as Brock, about 7 inches, but he was much thicker. Jet gagged trying to get it all the way down, but Darius didn't give him much choice. He never let Jet have less than half of his dick in his muzzle, keeping him stuffed the whole time. Darius let go of Jet's head, and put his massive arms behind his head, bucking his hips into Jet's muzzle. Jet almost backed off to get some air, but Dane grabbed his head, keeping him in place. Jet felt like he could drown in cock, and if it was possible, the three muscle god's around him would find a way. They continued this for what seemed like forever. Pulling him off one dick, just to get shoved onto another. Dane probably had the biggest dick, long and thin, and it felt great down Jet's muzzle, his huge head stuffing his whole throat. After almost an hour of this, Brock pulled Jet off of his dick, and laid him on top of him, making out with him forcefully. Jet felt awesome, even if his muzzle was sore from so much cock. Luckily for him, his mouth was about to get a break.

"Ah! What are you doing?" Jet said, breaking the kiss with Brock. Darius had begun rubbing his butt, slipping one big finger into his tight hole. Jet sounded surprised, but Darius took his deep moans as a sign to continue to finger fuck his tight ass.

"Shut up Tiny. You know you love it." Darius said, in a very end-of-discussion kind of way. Jet was broken, and didn't fight the gorilla at all when he began to add more fingers. With each huge finger, Jet would break the kiss with Brock to let out a loud groan. It really did feel awesome having his ass stretched, and a good thing too, as it was about to be really stretched.

"OHHHHH!!!" Jet screamed as Darius shoved almost his entire dick into his tight and virgin hole. He was about to scream more when Dane sat up in front of him, shoving his dick into Jet's muzzle. He was being stuffed from both ends, and it felt amazing. He had never been fucked before, and it hurt. His eyes were tearing, only eliciting a small laugh from Dane.

"What a bitch man, how's his ass dude?" Dane said, panting heavily as Jet continued to blow him.

"Fuckin awesome! So tight!" Darius said, out of breath. He really didn't care that it was Jet's first, as he was fucking him hard and rough. Jet had already taken all of the ape's dick, but no one could hear his loud yelps of both pain and pleasure. All it did was send a tingle in his throat that made Dane go crazy, letting out a loud, primal whiny. He was really close, and Jet could feel his dick head flare in the back of his throat. What pushed him over the edge was when he screamed so loud, you could hear it even with Dane's big dick in his throat.

"You ain't getting his ass all to yourself dude!" Brock said as he stuffed his dick into Jet's ass as well. Jet's eyes had rolled back and he was lost in the bliss. It hurt worse than anything for just a second, but now it was the best thing he had ever felt. Two dicks in his ass and one about to cum down his throat.

"Fuck dude, I'm so close now!!!" Darius yelled, and he screamed in pleasure as he was the first to cum into Jet. The pulsating, and throbbing dick sent Brock over the edge, and his cum mixed with the gorilla's in Jet's ass.

"MMMM!" Jet tried to scream, as he came just as hard onto Brock's chest. All the moans, and the way Jet's throat twitched as he came, made Dane cum just as hard down Jet's throat. Jet was in a haze from cumming, so didn't even notice when the first wave of cum went straight down his throat. He woke up when Dane pulled his dick out and shot the rest of his load across the cat's face. Just as Dane finished, all 4 guys flopped down on the bed. Dane fell to the side, whereas the other three where still attached by Jet's ass. They were exhausted, and none of them could even move.

"Fuuuuuck man..." Darius was the first to speak, "How did we have such a good fuck living with us all this time and never noticed?" He lifted himself up, and pulled himself out of Jet's ass, Brock and Jet's sensitive ass and dick making them moan and squirm.

"Tell me about it..." Dane said, still lying on his back, panting, "You're the best Tiny..."

Jet was too exhausted to argue with the stupid nick name. He licked his face clean of all of the stallion's cum. With all the cum on Brock's chest now, he felt stuck to the bull. He was cuddled up against the jock, his hand against his massive chest. He felt warm, and Jet loved it just as much as getting fucked. He felt warm and complete. It was definitely worth staying up for, he thought, and chuckled a little to himself.

"What's so funny tiny?" Brock said, looking down at Jet.

"Nothing, just never expected this to happen..."

"Well, you better expect it to happen again," Darius said, slapping Jet's ass. Jet yelped a little, his ass sore from the rough fucking. "No way you're getting off easy tonight..." Jet had thought he would fall asleep on Brock's chest, but clearly his fun wasn't over yet. Darius lifted Jet up off of the bull, straddling Jet on the bed. He kissed him roughly, and as he did, all thoughts of what had happened that night left Jet's mind. His mind became completely taken over by the present, and the near future, as he opened his muzzle preparing for another hot run with the best roomies ever...