The Ride to Work (Otherwise Untitled)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#92 of Short Stories

A coyote rides to work, in a crisp dawn.

~ The morning's blending of the last wisps of Winter chill and flat dampness of Spring's dour slammed into the coyote's face as he turned down the town's main road. A stubbornly rising sun flickered against the horizon, putting a bit more urgency into the rhythm of his pedaling. The impending oversight of the day's light always made him a bit more mindful of his paces. The wrinkles of his uniform fading away, the coyote smiled.

Old Friends in a Younge Place (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The hallways of the deep space way point station were always a crowded bustle of the recreational travelers transferring ships, visiting the many frivolous shops, or simply lingering about. Through the crowds, a fairly short fox slipped along with...

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Carefully Arranged Papers (Otherwise Untitled)

~ Alexander hefted his backpack from the post X-ray conveyor belt to one of the inspector's tables. He tried to keep his glittering red crest feathers in a subdued posture, handing his passport over to the customs official. With the apathetic gaze that...

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Blood in the Soil, Gaze to the Stars (Otherwise Untitled)

~ "Your great grandfather helped settle this colony, though! It was his hands and equipment that turned that field out there into its first crops!", the old coyote pleaded with her daughter. Her daughter, sitting across the empty table seemed to...

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