The furries took him!

Story by startycrock on SoFurry

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Again this is one of my older stories. If someone out there might be as kind as to comment on the difference between my older stories and the one called "Tales of Ferin" I would be very much thankful. I am afraid that I might have worked too diligently on that one and made it boring. So as I say, comments are more then welcome!

The furries took him.

The dark night was silent and not a sound could be heard in the lush forest

as the human made his way through. He was surrounded by utter darkness that

was reinforced by the fact that he was lost. For three hours had he been

walking and yet there was no sign of the road or the parking where his car


"What did they mean by a small forest?" He uttered silently to himself. Come

to the Therians and you will have fun they said. "Well I'm not having fun

right now he says aloud to himself breaking the silence of the forest and

voicing his annoyance. Things weren't exactly going the right way for this

poor human that only wanted to go to a fur meeting and have some fun. But

no! Those things always happened to him. This thought races through his mind

as he kicks a stick in the ground, grumbling.

The silence is suddenly broken by a splash in the distance followed by

giggling and laughing. The human can't but feel relieve as he continues

towards the sound only to be halted by his surprise as the forest breaks

into a small clearing in head of him and a little pond is revealed. He steps

into the clearing by mistake and can't help but stare at the two happy

figures in the water. A Vixen and a wolverine where splashing around in the

water totally naked and totally oblivious to his presence.

They are both human in appearance but on closer look he can see that they

are a mix of an animal and a human. Furries! He thinks quite exited as he

rubes his eyes not believing it yet. They turn out to be very real and

playful and not so oblivious to his presence when they suddenly start to

splash him with water giggling the whole time and jumping up and down their

ample fur covered breasts bouncing in rhythm.

"Uhm so sorry ladies." The human says, as his face turns crimson. "I didn't

mean to stare." He murmurs, as his face gets even redder then it already


Before he can say anymore they are both out of the water. They look at each

other and exchange grins. Then the wolverine says. "I've always wanted to do

a human Aera. She says and licks her lips with a very canine like tongue.

"Yea. Me to." The Vixen says and puts a finger into her mouth licking it as

she stares at the human with something unbelievable naughty on her mind. Her

tail or tails as the human can now see wraps around her muscular leg

covering her thigh as she spreads her legs a little. A Kitsune! The human

thinks as he sees her beautiful tails.

The human in wet clothes begins to back away as he sees the look on the two

females and suddenly his nose starts to bleed. He stares at them both as he

holds a hand to the thin trickle of blood from his nose and gives them a

nervous look. "Now ladies be calm." He says with a hint of nervousness in

his voice.

The Vixen gets hold of his arm and her tails are tangled in his legs. She

says. "Oh here here dear." She says as the wolverine grabs him by the other

arm. The vixen licks at his throat much like a dog would do, even more


The human shivers away his shyness getting to him but that only brings him

closer to the wolverine. And she as well brings out her tongue to lick at

the other side of his neck. He was completely trapped here by those two

nymphs and he had the feeling that even if he tried to get away they would

not let him!

"And besides. I thought humans liked kinky things?" The wolverine utters as

her hand wanders down to his crotch tugging at his zipper. Her other hand

just as nimble as it's twin catches his hand and brings it to her breast

where she puts it into his hand pushing herself into it.

The kitsune is just as inpatient as she clutches his other hand and puts it

between her legs where she is getting extremely wet. She giggles a little at

the look on the shy humans face as his hand touches her exposed sex. When he

doesn't do anything himself she only continues her licking and spreads her

legs guiding his finger into herself. Her hand with nothing to do joins the

wolverine hands and soon they have gotten his pants of.

The human can't decide whether to feel good or silly standing there without

his pants and underpants in the arms of those two horny water nymphs. As his

gaze wanders to their body and the furries hands roam over his body he

starts to feel more to the good side.

His eyes roam over the bodies of the two sex nymphs. The wolverine is a

little bigger then the vixen and a little more muscular but still she was

from far a steroids type of a woman. Her fur was silver grey and her tummy

as flat as a board outlined with her stomach muscles. Her legs spread a

little and he catches a glimpse of her sex. This short glimpse is enough to

bring his naked member to full size much to the enjoyment of the wolf lady

and the Kitsune.

The vixen is a little more sweet to look at. Her face marked with kindness

and her hands with grace as they roamed over his exposed cock making him

shiver every time. Her fur was rusty red with a hint of a shimmer to it. But

she was white on her chest and stomach down to her sex which was leaking

with her juices as she masturbated herself on his finger. The most

distinguished feature about this lovely vixen where the many tails she had

which were her birthmark as a kitsune. A Fox from Japanese legends.

They both fall on him now and tackle him down to the forest floor. He

surrenders this time not wanting to let this opportunity of a life time slip

him by. He just lies down on his back and relaxes when the wolverine gets

down on her haunches over his groin, her sex only a few inches away. The

vixen is not about to be left out as she sits down on his face almost

suffocating him. Her sex juices leak all over his face when he realizes how

horny this vixen must be.

As the human starts to lick the vixen she moans loudly almost screaming as

her breathing quickens, and she starts to shake her climax reaching her

almost instantly splashing the human all over the face. At the same time a

wet and a very hot feeling involves the humans cock as the wolverine lowers

herself on him sinking all the way down. She stops when he is all the way

inside her adjusting her balance a little. When she is completely balanced

she brings her rump up bringing his cock slightly out of herself before

slamming down again roughly as her hands reach her breasts and her fingers

start their stimulation at the same time as the lovely she wolf starts to

moan loudly as well, uttering a husky grunt with each stroke of her pussy

down on his member.

The clearing is soon filled with the loud and lusty moans of the two horny

nymphs as they seek their pleasure from the human. The guy just lays there

quite happy about it all.

He had licked many human females before but none of them had been as good

tasting nor as wet as this vixen, and not as loud he thought as the sounds

of her moaning mixed in with the wolverines as she sat on her haunches and

fucked him.

The vixen was giving him enough to lick up and he was sure that it would not

be a problem to enter her later on when she would want him to fuck her and

he was sure that she would want that.

The wolverine seemed as well to be very wet as he could feel her juices leak

down his cock and down on his body as she slid up and down on his member.

He relaxed and focused better on the vixen. His tongue slid into her hole

again and again with ease. He licked at her clit now and again to make her

moan even more. It was also very pleasurable to give the wolverine an

occasional thrust against her own. The she wolf was now riding him hard

causing him a little pain as she literally slammed herself down on him as

hard and as fast as she could. But he didn't mind. He liked the pain.

The vixen leaned over to the wolverine a look of lust on her face. Her

bottom always on the move as she says. "Oh I can't stand it anymore." She

stiffens up as another orgasm rocks her and the human is given more to

swallow. The beautiful Kitsune licks at the lips of the wolverine, her hand

grabs the she wolf and soon they are in a deep French kiss as they both

enjoy themselves with the human.

They both lick and suck at each others tongues like frantic as the wolf

fucks the human and the vixen is licked by the human. The vixen says to the

wolf, still with her tongue in her mouth. "Let's switch." They look at each

other and the wolverine seems to be liking the image as she dismounts the


The vixen gets to her knees over the human choosing not to sit on her

haunches like the wolf did. She takes the humans member in her hand stroking

it against her hot and wet sex for a moment before sliding herself down on

it slowly and gently, opposite of the what the wolf did.

As the vixen starts slowly to fuck the human just like the wolf had done

before the wolf sits down roughly on the humans head stunning him for a

moment at the impatience. "Now lick me" She says in a commanding tone

getting inpatient by the look on her face. That look on the other hand is

changed into that of pure pleasure as the guy underneath her starts to lick


As his tongue roams over the wolfs sex he notes the difference between her

and the vixen. The wolverine tasted very good just like the vixen. But still

she was a little more bitter and had a spicy taste to her unlike the sweet

sugar taste of the vixen. He really enjoyed the taste of the wolf as he

licked her as good as he could. His face now covered with the juices of both

females. Not only was it his face but also his whole groin. Damn, those two

where hot and horny he thought as his tongue slid in and out of the wolf in

sync with her moans.

Each thrust of the vixens behind was pure pleasure for the human as he lay

under them both. It was like being in heaven he thought as the Kitsune

proceeded to fuck him slowly and gently like the sweetest of sugars. Her

pace increased after a moment though as she climaxed yet again spraying him

with her juices. Her pussy clutched him hard for a second as she moaned her

orgasm shaking her, and then it was over.

The wolf leaned over to the vixen and soon they where licking at each others

mouths again, covering one another with their saliva as they licked

franticly. The wolverine suddenly utters a subdued little moan into the

vixens mouth as she suddenly comes for the first time into the mouth of the


When he receives what the wolverine gives him he suddenly can feel his

climax approach as his cock slides in and out of the vixen as she fucks him.

Every pass of her vagina makes his cock want more and soon it starts to

throb, the orgasm around the corner.

The Kitsune smiles as she can feel his cock jump and shake inside her

knowing that he was about to climax. She continues her rhythmical fucking

however and gets the humans attention as he gazes at her from beneath the

wolfs sex. "Now come inside me. Fill me with your seed. Right here! She says

and points at her flat stomach as it bounces up and down with the rest of


An immense feeling of climax fills the mind of the human with all the

details of the kitsune riding on his member. He can feel the heat inside of

her. He can feel the softness and the wetness of her hole as it slides up

and down his sensitive cock. His licking stops as the wolf grins not minding

that he stops while this is going on. He starts to shake and shivers as his

semen razes up from his testicles and up his shaft. It is almost painful as

the presence of heaven is over him and his hands clutch at the wolverines

buttocks making her squeal from pleasure. He tries to move around being

still to hard for him to handle. The vixen sits down on him and points to

her stomach again as his cock finally erupts and her stomach is filled with

waves after waves of his seed.

The wolf giggles but yelps as her two breasts are clutched by the kitsune as

the vixen starts to come as well. The sudden stimulation on the wolverines

breasts catches her by surprise and suddenly she is coming to, adding to all

the juices in the humans face.

His cock continues to pump it's juices inside her tight pussy as he is

suddenly clamped by her and his cock is sucked in. His flow of pleasure and

semen is at last at an end. But still the vixen is still coming and her

pussy was not about to let go of his cock as it milked the last drop out of

his member giving it a even stronger squeeze with each wave of her orgasm.

And by the sounds of it and the increased flow of pussy juices the wolf was

coming to.

The wolf soon slipped of him exhausted as her orgasm was over to tired to

continue right away. But still he had a feeling that she was not over with

him yet.

The kitsune was still atop of him her tight pussy refusing to let go even if

she tried to get up. She says. "Your going to have to wait till the orgasm

has left me for good. I sometimes suck them right up when I have a good

orgasm. And usually that happens with humans."

They just lay there all of them together snuggling up against one another

until the vixen could finally get of, even if he wanted to stay like that

forever. The vixen yawns and decides to lie down as well to rest a little.

The wolverine on the other hand is not in the mood to rest as she thrusts

her rear into the humans face. She then backs of a little assuming the

mounting position on her knees with her ass in the air and the tail to the

sides. "Now fuck me again human." She snarls at him playfully."

He was+ very happy to do so as he almost jumps her rump pushing himself

inside her without patience. He holds on to her upturned rump admiring her

muscular ass for a moment before he starts to fuck her. He strokes her firm

buttock with one of his hand as he starts to thrust into her. Her pussy is

very wet now almost as wet as the vixen as his member slides in and out of

her. He makes an effort to fuck her rough like she wanted it. He was right

as she moaned allot more when he really slammed hard into her. He was even

making so much effort of it that her feet left the ground a few times. Her

moans now turned into something almost likes sobs as she started to come

again squeezing his cock with her hole.

The vixen sat there resting but enjoying the show as she felt herself

becoming horny as well. She knew that she would have to wait for a time so

she started to finger herself. Bringing her finger to her mouth and licking

it of a couple of times as she watch her friend being fucked by the human.

There were now tears in the wolverines eyes as he pounded her without mercy.

Fucking her as fast and as hard as he could, just like she was his bitch.

The wolf suddenly screams and her pussy clutches his cock yet again spraying

it with her juices as she climaxes violently. He still thrusts into her not

to his climax yet. He fucks her until she can't take no more and her feet


"No more No more." The wolf says totally spent as she collapses on her

stomach, all her strength gone."

"Over here human." The kitsune waves her rump in the air now in the same

position as the wolf had used. The poor horny guy scrambles over to her and

is quick to push his cock inside her, past the many side turned tails.

The vixens juices are leaking down into the grass as her pussy leaks even

more amounts of the juices lubricating the stick that is thrusting in and

out of her pussy, bringing pleasure to her with each in and out movement.

He does not fuck her as roughly as he did the wolf but he does it fast

without to much contact with her rump, wanting to save that for the orgasm.

He reaches down to her breast and fondles it a moment, breasts like that not

what he was used to. The whole while he fucks her as his hand roam over

everything her could fondle and touch.

The vixen bends her spine to receive the thrusting from the human and

balances her self on her palms. After a while and two orgasms she can feel

her final and most powerful climax approaching. After that one she would be

finished, for a while. She trembles a little from the pleasures that human

was bringing her and looses strength to her hands plumping down to her

stomach but still her rump was in the air held up by the strong arms of the


The human slows down a little now and starts to fuck her a little harder

with each stroke but slower and deeper. Making contact with her butt and

legs, pressing himself as close to her and as deep inside her as he could.

The slow movement of her vagina walls stroking over his very sensitive

member was really calling for the orgasm as he thrust out once more slowly

and then in again slow but hard and as deep as he could, really pressing her

to him.

As she could feel him starting to come she looked back and up at him smiling

waiting for him to orgasm. But her thought was interrupted as her own

suddenly hit home. She grimaced and clawed at the ground the feeling of

pleasure so intense she almost lost her mind to blackness. Her pussy

clutches his cock really hard this time like she always did when she had a

powerful orgasm, yet this time it was even harder then before. The humans

always seemed to do that to her.

He could feel her coming and tugging his cock inside so he started to fuck

her as hard as he could to bring forth his climax. He manages to bring forth

a sob and a moan from the kitsune and a smile from the tired looking wolf as

she watched. But then it happened. The foxes pussy worked like a hand

milking of his seed and his member was only happy to comply as it shuddered

and his seed started it's journey down his tubes. He shivers and all of his

body functions are suddenly out and he looses the power to stand up and he

collapses on the vixens rump. The vixen makes sure to stay up though as she

wants all of his seed inside her. His vision seems to go out for a moment as

the ecstasy hits him and his cock begins to jump inside the pussy that

clutches him so tightly and soon his semen fills her belly yet again.

"Oh yes!" The vixen cries out as her climax reaches it's highest point and

her vagina clamps on him again sucking his cock and the seed it is spilling

inside. Her hands relax and she closes her eyes for a while with the human

atop of her.

He grunts a little and pumps the last spurt into the vixen as she relaxes

and closes her eyes. He is totally tied with her as she relaxes her ass

letting them both get down on the ground to relax. The wolverine crawls over

to lick them both. They were all spent now. And very happy.

The human relaxes and hugs both the ladies kissing them and thanking them

for a good time. His eyes grow heavy as the vixen kisses his cheek. The last

thing he hears is the sorrow filled comment of the vixen. "Sorry!" He opens

his eyes for a moment finding it hard to keep them open. Strange he though.

I didn't feel so sleepy before. The last thing he sees before he closes his

eyes is the loving expression of the beautiful wolverine and the lovely

vixen. Then he falls asleep in their arms and all is dark but the sweet warm

feeling of their presence.

* * * * *

The following day a member of Therians was found dead in a little clearing

by a little crystal clear spring. He appeared to have died of natural causes

by all the evidence. His face was happy and his eyes closed in a dream of

happiness. His clothes where on and where dry again. The only thing out of

place where three sets of footprints that disappeared mysteriously into the

forest. They were later found out to belong to a human, a fox and a wolf.

Scientists are puzzled over the prints of a wolf being found in UK let alone

in the company of a fox and some man that could not be found.

When he was sent to autopsy they found out that he had a brain tumour. Yet

that is not what killed him. Experts say now that he was lucky to have died

of natural causes even if it was not common among people so young. If he had

lived the tumour would have eventually brought him to death. There was

simply no cure for a tumour that big. It would have killed him anyway but in

a very painful manner. He was lucky they said.

His friends in the furry community mourn him still and pray for his

happiness in the afterlife. As their human/fur tears fell for him they each

and every wish that he was taken by the furries to a land far away from


The End.

By Snudur.