The Brotherly Line

Story by SwisherTrio on SoFurry

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It had been a long day for Chan.

Just as he'd been leaving work he'd received an email from an irate customer, keeping him behind for over an hour. Even with that out of the way, dealing with the aftermath of the man's complaint had taken another hour, and it was well into the evening when he finally donned his coat and exited the office.

As he sat on the tram home, watching the lights of empty shops scrolling by the windows, he looked at his phone and considered messaging his brother, Alek, and asking him to shove something in the oven for him to eat when he got home. After tracing his fingerpads tiredly over the screen for a few moments however, he decided against it, not wanting to have to spend the energy working out what he wanted to eat. Besides, Alek had a terrible track record of responding to his messages anyway, and was probably nose-deep in a video game or something.

The two of them had started living together in the summer of the year before, when Alek had lost his job and moving in with his older brother had seemed like a more attractive proposition than going back to live with his parents. The situation had worked well, and even after Alek found work they'd seen no reason to disrupt it. They got on as well as any two best friends, and sharing the rent on the flat meant that they could both live comfortably.

By virtue of essentially being mutts, Alek and Chan had radically different fur patterns despite their shared parents. Chan's was smooth, mottled in grey and gold, whereas Alek's fur was thick, scraggly and a deep orange. They shared a similar build and muzzle shape, however, and they'd always seemed to share a lot of the same interests.

It was almost 9pm when Chan finally arrived at the entrance to his block of flats, and the way the winter nights had quickly drawn in just made it feel even later. He rested against the side of the lift as it took him up to his floor, reluctantly picking up his bag and dragging himself out when it stopped. As he unlocked the door to his flat, he was aware of a quick, scrambling thud from the direction of the sofa, and moments later the voice of his brother, trying far too hard to act casual.

"Hey buddy! Come sit, how you doin'?"

Too tired to read too much into the over-enthusiastic display of welcoming, Chan dropped his things by the door and deposited himself on the sofa, sitting down with a heavy sigh. Alek was sat on the right of the sofa, wearing a pair of loose-fitting tracksuit bottoms and a shirt with a video game character on it. His phone sat face down on the armrest.

"I'm alright," he replied, "very long day though." Happy to see a friendly face in his brother, he lent over and gave the smaller folf's ears a brief but affectionate nuzzle. It was an action he'd done before - they'd never felt any embarrassment showing affection for one another - but this time it elicited a small squirm from Alek, and the faintest hint of a blush tinted the tops of his ears.

"He-he-heyyy," Alek stammered, "what's got you so... touchy feely?"

"I'm not allowed to show my brother some affection?"

Alek squirmed a little more, staying silent for a moment too long before answering. "I mean, well ... I don't mind affection at all. You know that."

As if to illustrate his point, he leant tentatively against Chan's shoulder, to which Chan responded by wrapping his arm around his brother and stroking softly.

"That's good," Chan said, "I'd hate to think you were getting shy around me."

Alek blushed more, noticeably this time, his eartips almost red and a faint glow distinguishable under his scraggy orange fur, his tail wagging gently.

"No ... I'm not shy ... it's just a little unexpected I guess." Alek replied. Chan looked down at his brother resting against him, noticing the blushing on his ears for the first time. Suddenly, Chan remembered the scuffle he'd heard when he opened the door, and suddenly realised what exactly his brother had been doing when he got back. He feigned a yawn, breathing in deeply through his nose, and sure enough, there was a faint odour of musk still lingering in the air.

Never one to pass up an opportunity to tease his brother, he grinned, leaning in just a little too close to his brother's muzzle. "Are you blushing?"

Alek noticeably shrank for a moment before regaining his composure, his paws moving instinctively between his legs. "No, I ... I dunno. It's your fault." he blurted out.

The movement of Alek's paws didn't go unnoticed, and Chan's stress and tiredness began to melt away, revelling in the unexpected power over his little bro.

"Oooh. Did I catch you in the middle of something?" Chan grinned, taking great care to make long, awkward eye contact.

Alek's ears perked, trying to look away from his brother's gaze and move his paws to a more natural, crotch-covering position without being too obvious about it. "What? Err... no, I was just... catching up on twitter and stuff, you know..."

Chan wasn't about to let it go that easily. "Oh, of course. So you'll have no problem fetching me a can of Coke from the fridge then, since I'm back late and all?"

Without missing a beat, Alek replied "Err... no, no, not at all." He paused for a moment, and a brief expression of concentration washed over his face as he tried to work out how to proceed. Carefully he stood up, twisting a little to keep his back to Chan. As casually as possible, he shuffled towards the kitchen area of their open plan living room, taking great care to casually keep his paws between his crotch and his brother's eyeline.

Chan briefly considered simply grabbing his brother's arm, but a more devious plan crossed his mind.

"Get one for yourself while you're up, you always let yourself get dehydrated."

The suggestion hit home immediately, and Alek's ears drooped, the smaller folf stopping dead in his tracks a little past Chan. He'd need both paws to do that.

"I ... I'm not really that thirsty though. D ... do you still want something, buddy?"

Chan closed his eyes. Lacking any other plan to force his brother into an embarrassing position, he did the only thing that came to mind. He leant forward from the sofa, pushing his thumbs into the waistband of Alek's tracksuit bottoms, tugging them down and pantsing the orange-furred folf in one swift, firm motion. "You're not as subtle as you think, Alek"

Alek yelped loudly as his trousers were tugged down, instinctively reaching down to grab them before they got too low. After missing with one grasping paw, he changed plan, moving both his paws to cover himself as his erection, momentarily caught in the waistband of his trousers and bounced up to his stomach. Stunned, he made the mistake of instinctively stepping backwards to maintain his balance. His feet tangling in the trousers around his ankles, and twisting, he reflexively threw out his arms to catch himself as he fell to the floor with a firm thud.

Alek started at Chan for a moment dumbfounded, and following his brother's gaze downwards, he could do nothing but stare blankly at his cock in shame and embarrassment as it stood throbbing between his spread, crumpled legs. Alek's cock was lightly curved, uncut like his brother's, and was traced with thick veins that pulsed with his obvious arousal. His foreskin was long enough to cover almost to the tip despite despite being hard, ending in a loose lip of skin that shone damply with pre in the soft light of the room.

Chan grinned widely, his suspicions confirmed. "You know," he said, "if you were pawing when I got here you could have just told me to come back in five minutes."

Alek whimpered, regaining his senses enough to move his paws back down to his cock and attempting to cover his length. His cock throbbed, the humiliation of being exposed to his brother doing surprisingly little to soften it.

"Y... yeah I know, I just ... thought it would go down. But then you, y'no, got all affectionate and... it just made it worse." Alek looked down again, blushing fiercer than ever, a familiar damp feeling of pre matting the fur on his leg where the tip of his cock pressed behind his paws, the sensation eliciting another needy twitch from below.

Chan nodded, seemingly satisfied with the level of embarrassment he'd already subjected Alek to. Chan's eyes wandered lower where, despite Alek's best efforts, a small section of pink flesh was visible between the folf's fingers, a noticeably wet, shiny patch left behind in the fur whenever Alek tried to shift position.

Chan nodded towards the matted fur. "Wow, you must be really pent up if a little ear nuzzle from your own brother made you leak like that."

Alek looked down again before spoken, his ears flattened. "I ... I was kinda close bro."

A silence followed, one that did nothing to help Alek's predicament. After a few more awkward moment, Chan felt it had gone far enough, and tried to calm his brother, "You know you don't have to cover yourself right? We're brothers, I've seen you wearing less than this before."

Alek's blush, which had begun to subside, came back in full force. "Ah, yeah... I know. But you've never seen me hard, have you?" Despite this light protestation, Alek's demeanour calmed slightly, relaxing his paws enough for his cock, which had still been pressed against his leg for modesty, to stand needily once more. Trying desperately not to touch himself in front of his brother despite the neediness of his cock, he settled for lightly tracing the rim of his foreskin with his thumbpad, an action which just made it throb harder.

The sight was too much for Chan. Brother or not, here was a guy sat bottomless and spread on the floor below him, making an inadvertent show of toying with the thick foreskin of their aching cock. Chan watched as Alek's thumbpad pressed the soft flesh down, nuding the skin, smearing the pre... and, letting out a heavy sigh, Chan decided that he couldn't take it anymore.

"It doesn't matter that I've not seen you hard before, it's just bigger hard." Chan said, lifting his hips slightly off the sofa, trying to act as nonchalantly as possible. He tugged open the buttons on his fly and pulled down his boxers just enough to reveal his own twitching cock, worked up to aching hardness. "See?"

Alek nodded, the shock of Chan's exposure causing him to stop playing with his own cock. Chan's dick was bigger than his own, and the sight had distracted him from his own racing feelings of embarrassment. His brother's scent filled his nose as the older folf's cock stood inches from his nose. After a moment, he tore his eyes away, looking down again at his own cock, just in time to catch a drop of pre leaking from the pool caused by his foreskin and dripping slowly down his shaft. "Dude... why... why are you also hard?"

Chan did his best to put up a confident front, despite his own nervousness about the line he knew he'd just crossed. "If you're allowed to get hard over an ear nuzzle I'm allowed to get hard over seeing someone open legged and twitching below me."

"Yeah but... I'm your brother..." Alek protested weakly, unable to stop his paw from wandering back to his shaft, already feeling more relaxed about being hard. He tugged his foreskin out so that it stretched beyond his tip. "Do... do you really like seeing me like this?" His eyes travelled back up to Chan, the older folf's rock hard cock the only answer he really needed.

Chan replied anyway, his cock giving an obvious twitch. "Yeah, I probably shouldn't be saying it but damn seeing you all blushy and hard got me worked up fast."

Alek let out a quiet whine of need, and finally let go of his dick long enough to untangle the trousers from his ankles.

"Al... alright, do you wanna jerk off together ... or something?" He said, kicking the trousers to one side and getting to his knees, cock pointing straight towards Chan.

Chan let out a noise that could only be described as a soft, pleased growl, and reached forward to grab the cock presented to him without even realising, groaning a little as he felt the smooth, loose skin of his brother's shaft against his paw pads. "Y-yeah, sounds like a plan. If we both need to get off might as well just do it now."

Alek desperately needed relief. He'd been on the edge of cumming when Chan got home, and the aching in his balls made it hard to think of much else. Did it really matter if Chan was his brother? Jerking off in each other's company didn't seem so bad, even with a little touching. Even straight guys did that stuff from time to time. Besides, if there was a line to be crossed, it had probably been crossed the moment Chan had seen his hard, drooling cock in the flesh.

Alek sat on the soda and tentatively reached to the side, taking hold of Chan's cock, pulling on the skin to make it scrunch up at the head. He felt a little guilty for it, but part of him was curious as to how their cocks compared given their shared genes. Their bodies were wildly different, but curiously they seemed to have a lot in common down there. They were both uncut (not surprising given they came from the same family, but still), both with enough foreskin to comfortably cover their heads even when hard. They were similar lengths, and both even had the same slight curve to the left. The only differences were that Chan was probably a bit bigger, though Alek felt this was a fair trade for his longer foreskin.

Speaking of foreskin... Chan seemed to get hard around the time Alek had started touching his skin. Could it be possible they shared that kink too? Alek shook his head to clear that thought from it. Pondering his brother's specific kinks was probably another line.

Chan's squirmed a little on the sofa as Alek stroked his cock, the shaft responding with an obvious throb, the gold-mottled folf sighing. He'd been worried when he'd reached out to touch Chan's cock without thinking, the reflexive action to having someone presenting their hard cock temporarily overriding his senses. But still, the outcome was good. Chan spread his legs a little as Alek toyed with his foreskin. "Fuuuuck, it feels nice when you do that."

Alek huffed, and dropped his face down to hide his resurging blush. "T-thanks Chan. I was worried it'd be uncomfortable, yours doesn't seem as stretchy as mine..."

Chan grinned at the comparison, the thought sending a quick wave of lust through him, his mouth dry. What he wanted to do seemed risky, but ... ah hell. This had already gone pretty far already. He moved his own paw to Alek's crotch, wrapping his fingers gently around his brother's cock, feeling the smooth, warm skin against his palm again. He slipped his hand upwards before gently squeezing Alek's overhang, tugging it forward and breathing heavily through his nose as he watched it stretch.

Alek let out a heavy sigh through his nose. What the hell. "I'm not going to lie," Alek said, trying to keep the shy nervousness from his voice, "I have a... thing for foreskin. Sorry if I'm being weird."

Chan couldn't help but let out a brief snort of laughter, the apology catching him completely off guard. "Alek, we're pawing off together. A foreskin fetish isn't what's going to make this weird." He paused for a moment, before regaining his composure. "Besides, I do too. Let's not worry about that stuff, let's just enjoy ourselves, okay?"

Alek nodded, his cock throbbing in Chan's paw, uncomfortably close to bursting already thanks to his session earlier. 'In.. in that case..."

Alek stood up, his hard cock throbbing the beating of his heart. He pulled off his shirt and stood there, stark naked in front of his brother, pre starting to drool already from his tip, and quickly, before he had chance to think about what he wanted to do or who he was going to do it to, he sank back to his knees and slipped his muzzle over Chan's cock.

The taste of his brother's pre exploded over his tongue, musky and... disconcertingly familiar. Alek liked to taste his own pre while playing with himself, and he really couldn't deny that there were similarities. He swirled his tongue around Chan's skin, clearing it of pre, moaning in pleasure as he slipped his tongue between his brother's foreskin and his head, enjoying the silky feeling wrapping his tongue.

With that out of his system, he began to bob quickly over his brother's shaft, pressing his tongue against the sensitive tip at each apex, cleaning it of pre. Once he'd adjusted and found his rhythm, he pushed himself forward, feeling Chan's cock filling his muzzle and pushing into his throat. His nose rested in Chan's crotch, the musk of a day in the office filling Alek's nose. He held position as long as he could, basking in the smell and the warm feeling against this tongue, before finally having to come back up for air.

Chan began to thrust, lightly as first, but quickly picking up the pace as it became clear that Alek wasn't going to object. Alek adapted quickly, letting Chan thrust under his own steam for a while before slowly starting to work with the motion, positioning his tongue in just the right way each time Chan bucked.

It wasn't long before Chan started to pant, leaving his mouth open between moans of pleasure as Alek worked his cock, any shyness the orange folf might have felt melting away in face of his natural desire to please. Alek huffed through his nose as Chan came, swallowing the first few large shots, but allowing it to pool in his maw once the bigger waves were dealt with. He bobbed slowly over Chan's cock, coaxing out as big a load as possible while the shots pooled over his tongue.

Reaching down, Alek's paw cut through the sticky strand of his pre that had formed between his achingly hard cock and the floor below. He started to stroke himself, and with a muzzle full of his brother's musky cum and the spent, throbbing cock against his tongue, he didn't last long before shooting his own, thick load against the side of the sofa.

Panting, Alek pulled off Chan's cock and finally swallowed the remainder of his load.

A silence followed, filled only by the sound of the brothers panting softly as they basked in the afterglow of their orgasms, Chan with his legs spread and his wet, spent cock flopped against his thigh, and Chan still kneeling, dripping onto the floor. With the all-consuming lust now sated, things were a little awkward. Neither of them wanted to admit it.

Eventually, wordlessly, Chan patted the space on the sofa next to him, and Alek climbed to his feet, still naked, and sat down next to his brother.

"You never did get me that Coke," Chan said, reaching for the TV remote and turning it on.

"You didn't really want it." Alek retorted.

"Maybe I just want to see your ass?"

Despite the smell of his brother's musk in his nostrils, despite the taste of his brother's cum that still lingered on his tongue, despite everything, that comment still made Alek blush, and he cursed himself it. "Y-y-y-ou what?"

Chan just grinned, grabbing the base of his mostly-soft shaft, still glistening slightly with Alek's saliva, and waved it in Alek's direction. "Don't tell me you're not even a bit curious?"

Alek looked down over his orange fur, avoiding eye contact, but somewhere deep down he knew that something had shifted in the relationship between himself and Chan. Whether Chan was kidding around or not, a line had definitely been crossed between them. And, well...

He was definitely curious.

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