A Night with Vixen

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#2 of A Night with Santa's Reindeer

Damakos bumps into a reindeer at the mall, only to find himself reunited with her later that same day under far more passionate circumstances. <3

This story was written for Shuzuru as part of my XXXMas Reindeer commission batch! It contains sexual acts between consenting adults, a male and a hermaphrodite. :3

A Night with Vixen

The best part of a week remained until Christmas, but for some reason as Damakos lay down in bed, he was as excited for the impending holidays as he had been since he was a little kid. All day this ball of energy had been building within himself, this eagerness and zeal for the holidays which he couldn't explain but equally couldn't shake off, not that he had any real inclination to try. He knew what had spawned it, though not why, or how. It had started when he'd bumped into that beautiful woman. A reindeer, dressed in the most stereotypical and yet wonderfully Christmassy attire, a rich red coat with a fluffy white trim, so long that it covered her from shoulders to ankles and beneath which she might as well have been naked, so completely did it cover her while somehow still radiating an aura of utter gorgeousness. Their interaction had been only momentary, him bumping into her as she strolled past at the mall, a quick apology on his part and a warm smile, a shake of the head and an assurance that it was fine from her. But for whatever reason, the dracowolf hadn't been able to get her out of his head for even a moment since then. And for every moment he spent thinking about her, imagining what might have been or not been beneath that coat and how he wished he'd taken the time to say more than sorry, to invite her for a coffee by way of apology or anything to give them even a few more seconds of contact, he had found not only his desire for her continuing to grow and grow, but his holiday spirit along with it.

How long he lay there before sleep took him, mind whirling with thoughts of that reindeer and imagining all sorts of scenarios in which she was somewhere in the world thinking of him too, those thoughts themselves present amidst gleeful considerations of how he could make this Christmas season even more special for all those who mattered to him, Damakos didn't truly know. At some point though, even with his heart never ceasing to slow its racing pulse and his mind flooded with eager thoughts of the Christmas soon to come, the dracowolf did succumb to slumber. He dreamed of snow, yet felt warm and comforted. He dreamed of gifts, not received but given, bringing joyful smiles to all those he loved. He dreamed of his apartment door, visible from the outside through blinking, long lashed eyes, and seeing a slender arm reach out from a red coat sleeve trimmed with fluffy white, a flash of magic blazing around the keyhole and blinding him for a second before the same set of eyes showed him the dark interior of his home.

He dreamed of that figure through which he was seeing walking to the door of his bedroom, and opening it to see himself lying there, asleep, dreaming that very dream. And he watched himself stir, struggling, fighting his way back to consciousness, as the figure in his dream reached down and began to unbutton her coat, as though ready to reveal to him precisely what lay beneath.

With a gasp, Damakos' eyes sprang open, and he groaned in wonder as in the hazy orange light of the street lamp shining through his window he saw a figure standing in the bedroom doorway. A beautiful reindeer with thin but smoothly curving branched antlers, dark eyes that shone with almost luminous radiance as they peered across to the bed and the man lying upon it, and a red and white coat which she was in the midst of opening up. A reindeer already so incredibly gorgeous to behold that Damakos could barely draw breath as he peered between those open buttons for any sign of clothing, only to see nothing but soft plush fur and a body in strict athletic trim, and who smiled at the dracowolf as he stared at her, winking as she unfastened the last button and didn't just spread her coat open, but immediately cast it aside to reveal the stark naked figure beneath with the most perfectly formed breasts peaked with firm pink nipples, thighs dampened with what seemed to be already prevalent arousal from between her legs, and rising up from a firm and lush furred sheath, a fully erect and straining cock which seemed as though it could never have been held in check beneath that coat even though it had seemed invisible until just moments ago.

"I could tell you how you were able to see me when the rest of the world would just have passed by like nothing had happened. I could tell you where I came from, how I can do the things I do, how you were able to see through my eyes as you dreamed... and how I can see into your mind even now, just as you can probably begin to feel mine. I could tell you all of that and so much more, Damakos. But... I know that you don't need to hear it. I know that you don't need an excuse, that you don't need a reason to do what we both know we want to do, to share together. You know it's going to happen. You've known it from the moment we touched, from the moment my spirit infused with yours. So, do you mind if I cut to the chase, and just ask you to do with me what I've been waiting to ask, what I haven't been able to stop thinking about asking since the mall?"

The reindeer spoke, and with every word Damakos knew that he couldn't resist her. That he had no desire to resist or hold back from anything she had to offer, no reason to fear her no matter how impossible some of what she was saying might have seemed if he'd been told it even twenty four hours prior. All he wanted to do was to nod and tell her that he trusted her with all his heart, because in that moment he truly and sincerely did. But at the same time, he knew that he didn't even need to say that much. He didn't even need to nod.

All he had to do was think it, to know it, and she would know it too.

She giggled, and trotted forward on her long, hoofed legs to the edge of the bed, scrambling up onto it and crawling up over him before dragging back the covers and slipping beneath them. Sliding down over Damakos' own bare body, feeling his fur and scales alike with trembling gasps of delight, and finally whispering the words that despite not realising it till just then, Damakos had been waiting to hear word for word from the moment their bodies first touched.

"Fuck me in the ass. Fuck me like Christmas is coming... and like all the joy and happiness it brings won't arrive until you cum, too."

She wrapped the thick winter blankets around them as she straddled Damakos' body, and moaned gently to him even as she lined up their bodies perfectly, scarcely giving the dracowolf a choice even though she already knew in their somehow linked, shared minds that he had already made his mind up the moment they first laid eyes on one another. The male's wings flared beneath the bedding, laying out flat against the bed either side of himself as he reached around the reindeer's gorgeous body and grasped her by the ass, squeezing and spreading her ample cheeks even as she lowered her hunched, trembling body down towards his cock. He groaned as he felt her own erection rub against his stomach and begin already to drizzle his smooth scales with pre-cum, and even in the near total darkness that followed as the reindeer dragged the sheets up over their heads and sealed them away in their own perfect little world of pleasure, somehow Damakos could still see his own stunned, joyous expression reflected in his newfound lover's eyes when he felt his cock press up against her ass, and found it not only just loose enough to welcome him, but already slick with lubricant and fully prepped for his presence.


Damakos groaned as the reindeer slipped down onto his cock without waiting for even a moment, knowing as certainly as she knew that the dracowolf was going to draw another breath after this one that he wanted her to do so, in fact that he wanted it more than almost anything else in the world. Her eyes widened, then rolled back in their sockets as they fluttered slightly, and the reindeer's body slumped down ever more intimately against Damakos' flat, resting body as she began to hump him, to ride him gently at first, but already beginning to pick up speed not to acclimatise herself to what was happening, but to keep the man she was riding from getting too overwhelmed, too fast.

"Ah. Ah. Oh god, t-the moment I touched you, I saw this. I could almost feel your cock in my ass right there in the mall. It took all my willpower not to go back, grab you by the hand and drag you into a restroom."

The dracowolf grinned and panted as the reindeer continued to bounce faster and harder on his cock, feeling her own erection throbbing and drooling yet more pre-cum over his chest while her pussy dribbled its own arousal over the fur of his crotch.

"Ohhfuck... I... a-ah, I wish you had."

Her eyes widened, and she nuzzled her flushed face down against his.

"Really? Y-you do?"

Their gazes met, and a cry of pleasure escaped the reindeer as she flung herself forward once again and savaged the dracowolf with a wild, passionate kiss. She felt the answer flood her mind without a word as she peered into his thoughts, and knew the absolute truth of what he was saying, though at the time she had merely considered it wishful thinking.

"Oh, Damakos..."

She whimpered his name in pleasure and delight, stroking his cheeks, riding his cock, milking him with her tight ass and painting him with her arousal as pre-orgasmic fluids continued to flow liberally from both cock and pussy alike. His cheeks flushed, he squeezed her ass tighter in his hands once again, and as their eyes lingered lustily and searchingly upon one another, he felt a name form on the tip of his tongue, just as the reindeer's moan had upon hers.

"Vixen, I... ah, I'd want you anywhere. Everywhere. Just so long as it was you. You and me, a-ahhhhhh!"

The reindeer giggled through her latest moan, and rubbed her nose gently against Damakos' own snout.

"Really? E-even a... oohhhyess, a mall restroom?"

The dracowolf growled in lust, thrusting his hips up to meet Vixen's lastest downward stroke of her tight, glorious ass.

"If it's you? A-and if it would mean I didn't have to wait this whole day for this chance... especially in a mall restroom."

Vixen's eyes flashed, and she grinned from ear to ear as the space around them, the interior of the bed beneath the sheets and between their entwined and eagerly fucking bodies, began to glow with a dazzling light... as the sound of sleigh-bells filled the air.

"Well, okay then."


Damakos' head span as he was dragged into the restroom by the reindeer whom barely two minutes ago he had bumped into, turning and ready to apologise when she had thrown herself into his arms, kissed him deeply, and proceeded to drag him away to... well, to right here.

"Oh god, Vixen..."

How he knew her name, how none of this seemed remotely surprising even though it should have been the most shocking an unexpected experience of the dracowolf's life, he didn't understand. But as she slipped into a cubicle and stripped off her coat to reveal a naked body complete with gorgeous breasts, rock hard cock and a pair of damp thighs suggesting a dripping pussy hidden away behind her balls, it really didn't matter. He raced in after her, and barely had time to lock the door and drop his trousers before she was pinning him to the wall, practically climbing his body as the male's strong hands grasped her rump, and plunging his straining cock deep into her waiting, drooling pussy.

"Cum in me, Damakos. Ohh yes. Ohhh god, fuck me. Cum in me, r-right here, right now. Then... ah, then you're gonna take me home... aaaahhyess, right there! You're gonna take me home with you, and... yes , we're gonna fuck all day, a-and all night, and... aaahhh, for every moment I have left until I need to head back for work!"

Damakos' eyes bulged, but all he could do was grunt, nod and fuck Vixen senseless as his mind was flooded with images of the two of them lying in bed together in the darkness, his cock buried deep in the herm reindeer's ass while her cock dribbled over his belly just as it was continuing to do right now. The cubicle rattled around them. They did nothing to hold back the slightest bit with their cries, echoing out around the restroom and well beyond its limits too, unconcerned by who might hear. He kissed Vixen deeply, with lust, with passion, and with... with gratitude, though he didn't know exactly what he was grateful for, aside from the obvious pussy milking his cock in that very moment. And soon, so soon that he might have been embarrassed if it didn't somehow feel like they'd already been fucking for much longer than the minute and a half or so he'd spent pounding her pussy here, Damakos found himself grunting with strenuous ecstasy as he felt his legs quivering beneath him, and his balls aching as they prepared to empty themselves deep into the reindeer's depths.

"Cum in me!"

Vixen shrieked at the top of her lungs, a voice somewhere beyond the cubicle gasping and a set of heels rapidly clicking away as their owner left the restroom they had just entered without making use of it.

"Yes, Damakos! Yes. Yessssssss, a-aaahhgod, don't stop! Cum. Cum in me! Cum with me, n-now!! Ahhhyessssssss!"

Her face pressed into his shoulder, and Damakos felt something hot and wet spilling out over the front of his shirt as the reindeer's cock throbbed, pulsed and began to let loose between their trembling bodies. A moment later her pussy was clutching and gushing too, milking him, driving him wild with pleasure and lust as she screamed, as she squirted violently in response to what he had obviously done to her body, and whatever else he had done to deserve this spontaneous and incredibly intimate form of attention. Damakos grunted. He threw his head back with a fevered growl, and with another thrust of his hips against the reindeer's gorgeous body and another squeeze of her pussy around his straining shaft, he roared, wings flaring, restroom echoing once again with both their cries as he began to flood her with the hardest, thickest, most potently voluminous load he could recall shooting in years. Cum enough to begin oozing out of her clutching pussy before either one of them were done, to dribble to the floor between their bodies as they moaned and grunted and clung to one another in pure elation, and enough even to leave her pussy as a drooling, creamy mess even when Damakos finally set her down and pulled out, feeling like his cock might fall off if her still quivering pussy kept on milking it for any longer.

"O-oh god, Vixen... what did... a-ahh, what did I do to deserve this? To deserve you?"

He gasped breathlessly, spent and yet still just as horny as ever, eyeing up Vixen's dripping, cum-stained pussy and licking his lips as she flopped down into a sitting position on the closed lid of the cubicle's toilet with a dazed, giddy grin on her face. She shrugged and giggled back as she spread her legs wider, and raised a hoof almost beckoningly towards the needy dracowolf.

"Get down on your knees, eat me out, t-then... aahh... then take me home to that lovely soft bed of yours, and maybe once your cock is in my ass again, it'll help you jog your memory."

By Jeeves