Porn in Nature: Side-Blotched Lizard

Story by Structure on SoFurry

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Please read [this](%5C) first. It will tell you what you need to know so that this

story makes sense. Also, author's notes there.

The sun was beginning to set, White's favorite part of the day. It

was soon enough into evening that the earth still held a lot of heat, good

time for basking, but there was also a deficiency of light such that he had

no trouble sneaking around a meager territory such as Blue's. White was

enjoying the company of the females, and delighted in the relative saftey.

Blue, however, was not enjoying himself as much. He wasn't at his

own territory. Instead, he had traveled to Red's lands with the intent of

coming home with another female or two. When he had finally worked up the

courage to set out, all his current females were very supportive. They bade

him all his "Good Luck"s and "Go get 'em"s (in quite a literal sense) and

his chest was puffed far out in pride.

He marched right into Red's territory, stomped right up to Red,demanded a handful of females, and then had his hide utterly and thoroughly handed to him. As he left, he became almost purple in shade as he blushed at

the countless females giggling amongst themselves. Just as he scurried off,

he was certain he heard Red shouting, "You five! My cock isn't gonna suck

itself! Get to work!"

Dejected and beaten, Blue dragged himself back to his home

territory. His females all sympathized with him when they saw his head hung,

his tail dragging, and no others in tow. They all gave customary, "There

there"s and "I still think you're great" and such and such, but all Blue

wanted was to lay on his bed and try to forget tonight forever. His bed that

was now occupied by our transgendered friend.

Blue's sleeping area was partitioned off from the rest of his small

patch by large rocks. It stayed rather warm all into the night due to this

fact. Several of his females had gone out and gathered and dried some

grasses to fashion a bed for him. Blue smiled in remberance of that day, "I

may not have as many as Red does, but I have some damn good females. Always

going through so much to make sure I'm happy."

It was because he was thinking to himself that Blue never noticed

the cream-colored lizard in his bed until his was sitting next to it. Blue

smiled again, then he swung his leg over its body so that he stradled its

head, then began to stroke lovingly from its forhead to the start of its


It didn't take long for White to wake up under the gentle treatment.

When he opened his eyes and saw a sexy blue scaled figure, stroking sweetly

on his scalp, he was immediately overcome with a slight blush that gave him

an overall pinkish appearance.

"I'm back now. Did you sleep well? You're such a sweety to have been waiting

here this whole time for me."

White thought to himself, "Back? Back where? Where am I? Who

is......this...this is..." It didn't take him long to realize what had

happened and whose crotch he was quite effectually nuzzling, "Oh crap! How

long did I sleep? Has he noticed who I am yet? No, I don't think he has.

Okay okay, just keep calm and you'll get out of here just fine."

"Yes? *ahem* Yes! I, uh...welcome...back? Uh...Welcome back." said White, in

the most effeminate voice he could manage.

"Oh!," exclaimed Blue," how awfully adorable! You don't need to be so shy

after you've been waiting here so long. I'm here now, so everything's fine."

White decided he had better not dawdle long, so he meeped out,

"Well, um, I'll just be...going.......over there." And he had begun to lift

himself up, but stopped when he felt a pair of scaly blue legs holding him

in place.

"Going so soon? But I just got here! I wouldn't want all that time you spent

waiting here to be in vain." At that, Blue pulled White in just a little,

while at the same time, laid down, facing upward. White's head was oriented

slightly downward by Blue's pull, and he noticed the very tip of Blue's

manly parts peeking out to say hello.

White gulped to himself and thought, "Oh god, I'd better just hurry

and get this over with quickly before he finds out I'm not all I'm cracked

up to be." So he leaned in and let the forked tip of his tongue slide over

what little meat was visible. The highly sensitive tongue that White used

for smelling was beggining to pick up on a certain taste the more he licked,

and the more he licked, the more clear what it was.

White was sensing the potent, inescapable taste of male. And the

more he licked, the more he liked. This was the very first time that White

was truly thankful he was born a White-breed. His penis was very small, and

wouldn't normally be exposed, even while erect, unless he squeezed specific

muscles to make his miniscule manhood materialize.

White was lost in thought until he hear a deep, "Mmmm...." And then

a quiet, "That's a good girl." Then White looked down and noticed that more

and more of Blue's length was becoming apparent. It was already much much

more than he had anticipated, and something told him that it wasn't done


Blue lifted his head to see his creamy prize, and was pleased by the

image he saw of an ivory lady with her tongue pulling across his sizeable

shaft, cross-eyed staring at it in focus. He smiled heartily to himself,

then said to her, "Well if you like it so much, what are you waiting for?"

And with that, he reached his blue scaled arms down on top of White's head,

and pulled while thrusting with his hips so that he filled up most of

White's mouth all at once.

White noticed that it was now that Blue's penis really began to fill

out. It got bigger, much bigger than he cared to handle, much less handle

with his mouth, but the most he could hope for was that it would be over

soon, and that he would never have to remeber this night ever. So he began

to bob up and down. Taking as much as would just fit in his mouth, then

drawing up until he was just making contact with the tip with just his

tongue. Then he would force himself back down, wedging his own mouth open

with a fellow lizard's meat.

After he had gotten a nice rhythm going, he turned his eyes upward,

to see how he was doing, but he didn't get nearly the response he was

expecting. When Blue felt his fair doll's eyes meet his own, he was

immediately overcome by passion. He used his hands that were still attached

to Whites head to guide him a little deeper with each cycle.

Each thrust went a little further. Each push took a little longer.

And it all went a little faster than White was comfortable with. He had

thought that his limit was reached already, but Blue's strong hands showed

him that there was still a little bit of mouth left that hadn't been

violated, though that was about to change.

When Blue had finally reached the point where White's mouth stopped

and his throat began, everything suddenly stopped and the blissful rhythm

was interrupted. Blue sat there in blissful anticipation of what was going

to come, White lay there with his mouth peirced and spread by another man's

genitals, like a hog on a spit, being taken in more than one way to his

limits, dreading what was to come.

White's jaw was opening wider than it was comfortable, and waiting

in that position was only making things worse. It didn't take long before a

dull quiet pain began spreading, becoming louder and sharper the more Blue

took his sweet assed time. White was beginning to squirm in pain, and it was

readily becoming more and more unbearable. White was sure he was going to

reach his limit soon, but Blue proved him wrong once again.

Just as the pain threatened to become totally insufferable, Blue

rammed the cream lizard down, and began thrusting with a violent, but

sustained new rhythm. White was thankful that the pain in his jaw receeded

due to the short amount his jaw was allowed to relax whenever Blue's cock

would pull out, but there was a new, even more serious pain in his throat.

This one didn't take a long time to build up. It was there just as

sudden as Blue's jagged thrusts were. White tried to focus on other things

to try and drown out the unpleasant sensations, "Let's see, there's Blue's

overpower musk of man that I can perpetually taste, the sight of a thick

cock repeatedly invading spaces I didn't know I had, and the rough, gutteral

noises that I will hear in my dreams for the rest of my life. Nope, so far

nothing's helping to overcome this."

The next thing that would happen would be both the greatest blessing

and the greatest curse that White could ever have hoped to get and prayed to

avoid at that particular instant. Blue's wild wild thrusting had stopped,

along with one final grunt. That was the blessing. The curse occured when a

never-ending torrent of lizard semen began to flood White's mouth and


If it weren't for Blue's hands keeping White's head securely in

place, White would have been sprayed clean off (as clean as he could be at

this point). Curse you hands! Because of you, several jets of cum were pressured forcibly down White's throat, while the rest of it either totally smothered his heightened reptilian sense of taste, or was jettisoned from White's tire maw.

Blue let go of White's head, but he was far too tired to move. The two just laid there in the afterglow of their terrible beautiful deed.

White thought it was all over until he heard, "So then White...How long did you think you could fool me? I'm going to have to punish you, and I think I have just the punishment in mind. Roll over. Also, brace yourself. This is going to be a long night."