Chapter 1

Story by Motto on SoFurry

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#1 of Velvet Jungle

Visiting the big city to help his daughter learn the ropes from her big sister and get ready for college Stu is forced to find his own enjoyment when the women go shopping. Leaping at this opportunity Nick decides to show Stu some of the things about the city you wouldn't find on a travel guide.

Hands in the front pockets of his overalls Stu followed behind his wife and daughters. "Now this is the inner loop, most people call it the blue line though." Judy pointed out a set of subway stairs. "It's what you'll be riding to get to and from ZSU campus."

"But I want to drive. Feel the wind in my hair," Mia, Stu's youngest, proclaimed and ran a hand back over her spotted ears. Tuning back into the conversation Stu smiled at the face his daughter pulled. She squeezed her eyes tight and leaned forward as if the wind was buffeting her face.

Walking closer so he could be heard Stu cleared his throat. "Do you have car or gas money baby carrot?" Stu offered and Bonnie, his lovely wife, just nodded her as she made sounds of agreement.

Ears drooping and hands hanging to her side Mia let out a long "But Dad!" Judy had to cover her mouth to stifle a chuckle.

Ruffling the hair between Mia's ears Nick stopped the bunny. "Take it from me kid, your pops is right. On top of paying for gas and the car you'll have to find parking for it. That takes a lot of scratch," Nick began as he rubbed his thumb and index finger together. The universal sign for cash. "A monthly train pass will cost you half what a month's worth of gas would. Plus, you get a discount on one as a student."

"Alright," Mia sniffled "does it at least stop at any good places to shop for clothes?"

"We'll worry about clothes after you finished picking out the things you need for your room," Bonnie explained as they rounded a corner.

Reaching into her pants' pocket Mia pulled out her smartphone and presented it to the gathered group. "I got it right here!" Mia did her best to keep the frustrated whine from her voice. "Binders, bedsheets, pencils, pens, everything!" Mia started to throw her hands up in the air before remembering she had her phone out. Stuffing her phone into her pants again Mia started to sulk. Trying to convince their parents to use newer technology had been an upward battle for all Hopps children.

Being the big sister she was, Judy came to her Mia's rescue. "How about I transfer it to paper and then we hit the big mall. We can get everything there!" Judy comforted her sister with the promise of trendy clothing and mall food.

"You can?" Bonnie asked incredulously. Stu smiled at his wife's back. With the kids leaving the house to make their own ways in world Bonnie had taken up making crafts. Stu enjoyed the little drink cozies and hats she had made for him. Stu did what he could encourage his wife love of hobbies, even though it never quite interested him.

"Go enjoy yourself honey. Me and Nick will figure out something to do," Stu beamed as his wife turned to him. He had already known what she was going to ask. "We'll meet you back at the house when we are done." Stepping up to his wife Stu took her hands into his, knitting their fingers together. Placing a kiss on her cheek he pulled back. Hearing the snickering and disgusted noises from their audience Stu leaned in for another kiss. "Have fun honey," Stu pitched his words lower to make them roll sweetly off his lips.

Bonnie reached a hand behind Stu's head and was leaning in for another kiss when Mia broke the moment. "Mom, Dad!" She complained, and the pair of older hares couldn't help but chuckle before stealing one last peck.

"See you at home honey," Stu grinned as his daughter dry heaved. "You too baby carrot and big carrot." Stu planted a kiss on each of his daughter's cheeks. Even with her performance a moment before Mia leaned in to take the kiss on the cheek.

Putting his hands back in his pocket Stu watched his lovely wife cross the street.

"So..." Nick began. Stu looked to the fox as he rocked back and forth on his feet. "I got a few things we can do until they're done." Not having a single idea of what to do in the city for fun, besides watching tv on his daughter's couch, Stu gestured to Nick to take the lead.

Keeping pace behind Nick Stu looked around at the passing city. Street traffic lightened, and new trendy buildings were replaced by old sturdy brownstones. An advertisement plastered onto a back panel van grabbed Stu's attention as they walked. The van was only idling at a stop light for a moment before speeding off, but Stu was able to get the name. The Velvet Jungle.

They had been walking for some time when Stu decided to ask where they were headed. "Oh, somewhere nice," Nick answered cryptically. Narrowing his eyes Stu kept quite as they kept on walking. He doubted Nick meant him any harm, but Stu didn't fully trust the fox his daughter chose to date.

They walked for a bit longer when Nick stopped. Standing before a building with blacked out windows Nick gestured to it. "Neon Paradise!" Nick announced, "Some of the best looking girls in the city." Standing a few feet from the door Stu could hear the loud bass boosted music filter out of the strip club.

Nick wore a big grin on his face that faltered when he saw Stu looking up at the pink neon letters above the door. With how conservative Judy had been Nick expected her parents to be much the same. The strip club could have been a clothing store for all Stu seemed to react to it. "I want to go to The Velvet Jungle," Stu responded, and it was Nick's turn to look surprised.

"I don't think you do. That's doesn't exactly have women you know?" Nick hesitated. Frantically, Nick searched for better words to explain to the older rabbit.

"I know, and if you don't show me, I'll tell Judy you tried to take her dear old dad into a strip club." Turning to look at Nick Stu waited patiently for Nick. All he wanted was for Nick to apologize for making him walk around town for a joke. After that, he'd let the issue drop so they could figure out something else to do with their time.

Digging his heels in Nick started walking away. "Suit yourself, I'll even buy you your first lap dance!" He proclaimed as he started his march towards The Velvet Jungle. Having no objections to spending his time in the city staring at scantily clad men Stu followed behind Nick.

On the edge of downtown and The Rainforest District The Velvet Jungle had an adult toy store to the left of it. To the right a rent by the hour motel. Even though it wasn't even past three in the afternoon there were quite a few cars in the strip club's parking lot.

Instead of leading directly into the club The Velvet Jungle's front doors lead into a little foyer that lived up to the club's name. Crushed purple velvet lined the walls of the tiny foyer. Sitting on a stool the guard, an albino croc with a black t-shirt stretched over sculpted pecs, leered down at the Nick and Stu as they entered. Blinking once the guard nodded his head to the door.

"Thanks bubba." Nick quipped as he passed the guard. The croc's only response was grunt.

The Velvet Jungle proper was dimly lit with and played their music moderately loud. The soundtrack was comprised of dance remixes of popular songs with minimal vocals that let the dancers shake their bodies to. Relatively small the club had three stages currently. They were occupied by toned beautiful men in tight glittering underwear. Similarly clad men walked around between customer's tables carrying drinks and food to customers.

The three stages were set up in a semi-circle shape. Seating was offered around the stages and in booths. Anywhere a customer decided to sit they'd be able to watch at least two of the dancers.

As Nick sussed out the club Stu strolled on by and sat in a booth that was in front of the middle stage. The booths were plush and had foot bars for smaller guys, like Stu, to rest their feet on. The same soft velvet that was on the walls in the foyer lined the inside of the booths. A black tiger stripe pattern was embroidered into the velvet of the booths.

Settling in the booth Stu looked to the dancer on stage in front of his booth. The muscular bobcat grabbed the pole above and behind his head with both hands. He then proceeded to roll his body to the beat of the music. Anticipating the change of the song he slowed the movement until his back was bowed and his hips, clad in black sparkly booty shorts, were thrust out.

"Looks like you're pretty comfortable in here," Nick accused as he came to sit opposite Stu in the booth. The dancer let go of the pole and dropped down till ass almost touched the floor as the song changed. Falling to all fours the dancer proceed to crawl to a man waving a bill in his face and take it in his teeth. The dancer held the man's eye as he knelt and let the other patrons push bills into his shorts.

Shrugging Stu kept his eyes on the show as he spoke to Nick. "A little fancier than I am use to. But not too different than the places I been to when I was younger." The dancer was something to behold and Stu couldn't help but wonder how the bobcat would be in bed. Bonnie and Stu had enough trust and respect in one another to have an open relationship. Stu usually found little reason to search for pleasure outside of his loving wife. The bobcat though, he was making Stu wonder. It had been years since he been with another man.

Not knowing what to say to that Nick let the conversation lull into silence.

Flagging down a dancer as he came by Nick ordered a vodka and cranberry while Stu stuck to the beer on tap. With their drinks the two men sat in companionable silence as the watched and enjoyed the show going on. The bobcat danced for three more songs and was replaced by a slim black wolf with long legs. The wolf owned the stage and played the onlooking men like a fiddle, Stu and Nick included.

When the wolf was ending his set Stu turned to look to Nick. "Maybe we should head back," He offered. With Stu's wallet a little lighter and a nice buzz going Stu felt ready to start heading home. He was sure it'd been long enough for the women to start heading home after they finished shopping.

"Nah." Nick raised both hands to rebuff Stu's words. A few drinks deeper than Stu Nick was feeling good and enjoying himself far more than he thought he would have. "I still need to get you that dance I promised right?" Nick pointed out and turned to scan the club's floor for a worker that caught his eye.

Reaching across the table to stop Nick Stu's and Nick's eyes happen to lock onto the fox at the same time. White like a blanket of fresh snow the fox walked gracefully through the club. He was wearing a baby blue thong that disappeared underneath his fluffy tail. Carrying drinks to another booth Nick nearly fell out of his own booth to get the fox's attention.

The fox's tail flitted behind him as he glided over to their booth once he caught sight of Stu hauling Nick back into the booth. "Hi there," The fox had a soft lilting voice "anything I can do for you?"

"How about a dance?" Stu asked as he patted Nick on the chest "He's buying!"

Showing a hint of gleaming white teeth, the fox whipped his tail back and forth. "You boys can call me Premier, how about we head to a private room in back." Curling his tail underneath Nick's chin Premier pulled Nick out of his seat. Sliding out of his seat Stu went to follow the pair of foxes to the private room.

Placed behind the center stage the entrance to the corridor of private rooms had a red curtain in place of a door. Each of the rooms in the corridor had the same curtain in place of doors. The occupied rooms had the curtain drawn to keep away prying eyes and muffle sound. Choosing the closet unoccupied room Premier lead Stu and Nick inside.

The private rooms were narrow rectangles with red velvet walls. Opposite the entrance to the room sat a black leather couch. It was large enough to fit Nick and Stu comfortably. The only other fixture in the room was a sturdy table that could act as a mini stage if the need arose.

Hand on his curvy hip Primer waited for Nick and Stu to get comfortable on the couch before sauntering over. "Why don't we start with you bunny rabbit." Primer suggested before climbing onto the couch. Primer made a show of crawling up onto the couch and dropping his toned ass into Stu's lap. "The rule is hands to yourself now," He warned. Running his hands up Stu's stomach Primer let them rest on Stu's shoulders.

"I should visit the city more often," Stu approved of the fox in his lap. Wrapping his arm around Stu's shoulders Primer ground back into Stu's lap, jostling Stu's erect cock.

"You should," Primer whispered low before dragging his hands down the straps of Stu's overalls. Fingering the silver buttons Primer's breath caught as his grinding dipped low enough to rub Stu's cock arousal between his inner thighs. Slowing his movements even further on the way back up Primer undid one strap and then the other on Stu's overalls.

Sliding off Stu's lap Primer sat in the space between the two men and let his hand rest on Stu's and Nick's chest. Primer bit his bottom lip and groaned low and with force as he let his hands descended. He reached the top of their stomachs when he spoke. "You know I never liked the club's rule about no hands. How about we both start using them? Our little secret?" Just as he finished his sentence Primer's reached across the men's lap to rub down their inner thighs. His arm just brushing the men's arousal in its wake.

"Fuck!" Nick exclaimed as his whole body stiffened at the attention Primer teased at. Stu agreed with Nick's sentiment but was unable to speak around the white tail pressed into his face.

The tail covered Stu's whole face and chin as breathed in a deep shuddering breath to fill his lungs enough to moan. The breath Stu ended up pulling in was tinged by the cologne on Primer's tail. The cologne was a mixture a nutty and earthy scent Stu couldn't place. It made Stu's cock jump and his pulse quicken. His clothes felt too tight and restrictive as he let the breath in the form of a moan.

"Or..." Primer traced his hands back up the men's inner thighs and palmed their hardons. Dragging his fingertips along the underside of the men's bulges to massage their balls Primer ground down his palm into the men's bulge. Trapping their hard members between their bodies and his hand. "Maybe we can both keep a bigger secret and have a bit of fun!" Primer suggested as he pulled his hands away.

The world grew brighter and louder as all the blood that had been in Stu's brain rushed to his loins. "Alright, but I get the first whack at you!" Stu Proclaimed as he grabbed Primer by the hips and pulled the fuzzy white ass into his lap. Letting Stu do it Primer bent at the waist, so he was between the two men.

Pulling the thong down the fox's legs past his knees Stu grabbed Primer's ass in one hand and the fox's hard cock in the other. Stu's finger dimpling Primer's perky cheek." Came ready huh?" Stu accused after pulling Primer's ass apart. The pink hole flexed and dribbled a strand of pink lube. Giving Primer's cock a single pump Stu pulled his hand away to gather up the pink dribble of pre on a thumb.

Focused on getting Nick's cock out of his pants Primer's answer was to pick up his hips and move his tail about. Primer's body tensed for a single breath as Stu pressed his thumb against the hole. As the digit sank in Primer melted into a full body shudder. "Look at that, making him weak already!" Stu Blurted out as he pressed his thumb in deeper.

"I think he just saw what I had to offer!" Nick retorted as he pulled himself from inside of his pants. For his size Nick had a quite impressive cock and smacked it against Primer's snout. Already leaking Nick dragged a long trail of pre down Primer's face, starting at the top of the snout and down to Primer's lips.

Sloughing off his overalls Stu knelt behind Primer, egged on by Nick's performance. Pushing his underwear down to pool around his knees with his overalls Stu pulled his thumb from Primer's ass. All of the dirty dancing he had seen tonight left Stu's cock raring to go. All he had to do was stroke himself a few times to get his cock coated in pre.

Grabbing Primer by the hips Stu slipped himself between Primer's cheeks. Slobbering over Nick's cock Primer left Stu to do the deed of slipping his cock inside, Stu delighted to do so. He ground his cock between Primer's soft cheeks and gave a few thrusts, taking great pleasure out of seeing the white cheeks jiggle.

Putting his other hand on Primer's hips Stu kept Primer still when he began to grow impatient. "Going to do it at my pace boy!" Stu scolded the fox. When Primer stopped trying to press back Stu grabbed his cock once more and lined it up to Primer's hole. Easing up Stu let Primer's push his hips back.

Stu's cock fit his wider frame. Below average Stu made up for it in girth and a fatter middle.

Dragging his hand down Primer's back Stu cleaned it of pre. He was halfway down the fox's back when his cock head slipped inside. Throwing his head back and moaning Stu grabbed a handful of Primer's fur and hung on as his cock slipped in. When their bodies meet with a clap Stu grabbed for Primer's waist again.

Holding himself in Primer Stu let out a long shuddering moan, enjoying the feeling of his cock being squeezed. Even though he was bottomed out Primer's ass wanted to pull him in deeper. The fox's ass made Stu's toes curl and his fist clinch.

Pulling back in one movement Stu left the barest inch of his cock inside spreading the fox. Then, with all his weight behind the thrust, he threw himself forward. The sound of their bodies meeting this time was a loud smack and of Nick's moan as Primer's nose was buried in his groin. Not as powerful as the first Stu's follow up thrusts were quick and had Stu's whole being dedicated to it. His ears and ponch bouncing around.

It had been years since Stu last felt this way. His blood was molten, and his breaths exploded out of him. He was a young man again pounding away before he had ever considered finesse to be a thing. All the world narrowed down to the cum sloshing in his balls and the pleasure he got from pumping his hips.

Nick's orgasm was a far off thing to Stu. He only knew the fox had came when Nick pulled his softening cock out of Primer's mouth. Left alone inside of the panting fox Stu bared down on Primer's back and went into rut. Faintly aware of the soft gasp and groans from Primer or the sound of the couch spring bouncing as he drove the fox down into it.

Stu's own orgasm snuck up on him and took him by the balls. The blur his hips became stuttered and faltered as even the pleasure became too much. Between the third and fourth shot of cum he shot into Primer's ass Stu pulled out and finished on the fox's cheeks.

Reclining against his wall Nick stroked his cock. A layer of white forth covering the half hard length. Stu stayed on his knees and as his orgasmed waned he grabbed hold of Primer's ass again. The warm cum he had just shot over the fox's ass smearing on his palms and slipping through his fingers. Dragging his thumbs up between the messy cheeks Stu spread them and moved to line himself up to the cum spattered hole. Having yet to reach his own peak Primer was all too willing for another round.

A cocky sneer painted across Stu's face as he slipped into Primer again. His attention was all on Nick as he tried to stroke himself back to hardness. "Not going to let this old man show you, up are you?" He called to Nick before looking back down to Primer. Grabbing Primer around the chest with both hands Stu had him in a bear hug as he bottomed out. "That's it, give it to me," Stu told Primer in response to his small curses and whimpers.

Stu wasn't necessarily keeping count, there was no room for numbers in his head. But he knew he was beating the fox. Every time he'd hear Nick cum Stu would race towards his next orgasm before Nick had recovered. More times than not he was successful in doing so. So much so that everything ached when the long fuck session ended with Primer slumped over the table.

Trying to force himself to keep going Stu's thrusts became sluggish. Only stopping when the fire that had kept him going dwindled down to nothing. Stumbling back Stu nearly made it to the couch before he fell on his ass with his head throbbing. The world started to spin, and Stu had to close his eyes. Having not even made it to the table Nick was laid on the couch with a hand over his eyes. "Ow" was all the clever community Nick could offer and Stu echoed the sentiment.

Finding enough energy to pick himself up Stu went for his overalls. He had his clothes in hand when the curtain was drawn open. Sticking his head in the crocodile scanned the room with narrowed eyes. "You idiot," the guard shouted as he stomped into room, his voice loud enough to make Stu wince. "Do you know what will happen if the club is caught selling sex!"

For his part Primer looked properly pitiful as he looked up to the guard. Matted by cum in more places than he wasn't while he leaked cum from either side Primer was wore out. "Jeez" was all the guard could say with his hands on his hips. Turning to Nick and Stu the guard's jaw clenched. "The boss will want to see you two. He will want to return anything Primer managed to weasel out of you. Come on and get dressed." Nick and Stu were ordered.

Rubbing his temple with one hand Stu pulled on his clothing with the other. He wanted to tell the guard they hadn't paid for anything but didn't have the energy to do it and keep dressing. Forgoing the underwear Stu stuck them in his pocket and stood on shaky legs while he waited for Nick. Dressed Stu and Nick were led back out to the front of the club. In an unoccupied corner of the club floor was a set of stairs. One flight going up to the second floor and the other down.

"I don't think there is much to apologize about," Nick explained as they were led up the steps. Stu kept following just to keep himself up right. Even at the slow pace they were moving Stu knew if he sat back down he wouldn't have the energy to stand back up for a while. After the croc didn't respond for a few second Nick tried a different tactic. "What is your name big guy?"

Seeming as if it pained him to answer the croc hunched his shoulder and stopped. "My name is Brass, and the boss needs to talk to you. The two of you were dosed by... something." He turned to look at Stu as he said the last word. A sense of vertigo having knocked Stu off his feet. Using both hands Stu grabbed hold of the handrail and sucked in a breath before levering himself up onto his feet.

Taking a look at Stu Nick stepped up closer to Brass. Even standing on the same step as Brass Nick only came up to the croc's waist. "You mean drugged don't you!" Nick Accused.

Lashing his tail about Brass stared Nick down. "I don't know what the thing does. All I know is some of the workers use the... stuff. It helps them perform. "Seeing Nick's skeptical look Brass continued "It's not a street drug, it's legal. But still in testing." Nick stayed beside Brass as they walked up the steps.

The second floor of the Velvet Jungle was more of a balcony than an actual floor. It consisted of an office, a path to get to the office from the stairs, and cat walks to service the many speakers and lights used on the main floor. The office resembled a fishbowl with all its glass walls that would allow the boss to oversee the club.

"I'll think about it boss," A white tiger was saying as he walked with his back towards Nick and Brass as they came out of the stairs. Standing in the doorway of his office the boss, a ram dressed in a purple tux, waved the tiger away. Seeing Brass leading Nick and Stu the boss's face lost its smile. "Sorry!" The tiger apologized as he tipped toed around the small group. Even with his head pounding Stu's eyes followed the muscled ass as it wiggled past him.

Meeting Brass halfway the boss asked, "What is it?"

"Primer might have gave them, "Brass gestured to Nick and Stu "a little bit of the stuff!"

Pinching the bridge of his nose the ram dipped his head back. Taking a moment to pull his composure back the boss dragged his hand down his face and nodded his head. "Thank you Brass, I'll take care of this," He said shooing off the guard. "Now you two, come with me. Let's sit and discuss."

Looking at Stu for the first time since they started climbing the steps Nick agreed.

The Velvet Jungle's owner had a thing for faux crystal. Every fixture of his room was either made of crystal or have it excess. Even the seats the boss offered Stu and Nick had little clear crystals pressed into the seat backs. "You can call my Joseph." He began as he rounded his desk and sat down "So I guess I have a few questions to answer then?"

Seated now Stu found he could dedicate energy to thinking rather than keeping himself standing. "Yeah what happened?" Stu tried to think of something more to say but the wheels in his head did have enough grease to keep turning. The idea of going back and having another round with Primer kept trying to creep its way into Stu's mind, even though it felt impossible to do so. Even being a rabbit there was only so much sex he could have before he needed to rest.

"Well," Joseph began by knitting his fingers together and breathing deep. "Some workers are using an aphrodisiac, not a drug, named Potency. It is acts as a cologne or spray to keep the worker ready to keep going for a longer. Problem is that it's still being tested and fine-tuned. Primer must have put too much on and allowed you to be affected by the excess."

"What are the effects of this drug?" Nick prodded as he sat up in his seat.

Holding up a finger Joseph sucked in a breath and let it back out. "Not a drug," he said adamantly. "The effects are to increase one's stamina and endurance, sexually and otherwise." Stu had to work not to think back to the time he spent fucking Primer as he listened. "That is largely it. Only cleared guests and workers were supposed to be using it. For your troubles I'd like to offer you a full refund on all you spent here tonight."

Wanting to go Stu was overjoyed with the idea of a refund. Nick, ever the hustler, smelled blood in the water. "Well Joseph, being an officer of the law, I think that is a poor way to settle this," Nick began. Joseph's breath caught, and he squeezed his hands together tightly. "However, I'd be okay to let this matter drop if we were put onto this private list on top of the refund."

Clicking his tongue against his teeth Joseph let out the breath. "Okay, we can do that. I just need you to sign release forms." He explained, the smile he tried to hold on his face coming off as forced. Reaching into his desk Joseph pulled out a thick stack of paper that made Stu's head hurt just from looking at it. "It's the only way I can allow you down where the aphrodisiac is given to customers."

"Down where?" Nick asked as he sat up in the chair and took the offered pen with the packet of paper.

"Down in the basement, it's where the only select few guests are allowed," Joseph explained as he offered Stu a pen. Turning to look at Nick Stu tried to gauge his reaction off Nick's. The fox was already starting to sign and read. Focusing on the paper Stu tried reading the first page. By the tenth time he had to reread a paragraph he gave up and just started to sign. It seemed the quickest way out of the club.

Chapter 2

Peering into a mini fridge Joseph came back out with two bottles of water. "Beside a bit of vodka this is all I can offer you two." He told the pair as he set the bottles down on his desk in front of them. Putting down his pen Stu reached for one of...

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Scribbles #1

Big Bear Belly Contains: Fat, Belly Worship, Public, Weight Gain, Kink but no sex. Bored with work Ian's day is spiced up when a new customer comes in. Beside a bit of a show Ian is rewarded for a job well done. * * * With the heavy snow coming...

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Catching A Tiger By The Tail

People, no matter their walk of life, have a sanctum. A secret place where they can rest and recharge. For some it's not a physical place, but in the arms of a lover or a good book. For Roman that secret place is his playroom. The room had been a...

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