Chapter 2

Story by Motto on SoFurry

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#2 of Velvet Jungle

Tired from the time with Primer Stu just wants to go home and relax. Nick has other ideas. Having gained the ability to enter the Velvet Jungle's private club Nick doesn't want to waste this rare opportunity.

Peering into a mini fridge Joseph came back out with two bottles of water. "Beside a bit of vodka this is all I can offer you two." He told the pair as he set the bottles down on his desk in front of them. Putting down his pen Stu reached for one of the sweating bottles of water and drank. "There is a lot of medical non-sense that goes into it. All you two need to know is that you guys can't spend to long down in the exclusive." To ensure his message was clear Joseph pointed a finger at both Stu and Nick before continuing. "After your exposure to the aphrodisiac with Primer an hour is the longest you should be down there."

By the time Stu finished the bottle of water Stu felt a lot better than he had when he climbed the steps. "That's okay, I don't think we plan on going down today," Stu added. Stu kept shifting his attention from Joseph and the paperwork he was signing.

"Why not! What's the harm if we go down to enjoy ourselves for a bit," Nick assured Stu. "Plus, if we go home now all we'll be doing until Judy gets home is sitting around the house."

"I like sitting around the house," Stu conceded. With the headache and nausea from the vertigo gone Stu was left feeling bone tired. As if he had just done a long day's work on the farm. Looking over to the fox Stu could see the drug hadn't hit Nick nearly as hard as it hit him.

Sitting back down behind his desk Joseph opened a series of drawers until he found the one he wanted. "How about this, you guys stay down there an hour. It'll be more than safe, and you'll be out of here in no time," Joseph proposed. Laying a slim black briefcase on the desk Joseph opened it and took out a pair of watches.

"See, just one hour and then we are gone." Nick jumped onto Joseph's suggestion.

Sinking back in his seat Stu gave a petulant "Fine." before drinking the last dregs of his bottle of water. Reaching the last page of the forms Stu let out a sigh of relief. Done Stu put the stack of paper back on Joseph's desk and stole the bottle of water Nick hadn't touched.

"Okay, I've set the timers and now all you have to do is click this button once you get downstairs." Joseph explained as he leaned over his desk to show how the watch functioned. Rather than a minute or hour hand like Stu was used to the watch Joseph held in his palm had a LED display. Using tiny buttons on the side Joseph cycled through settings and showed how to start or stop the timer. "Here you go." He said handing Stu the watch and trading the other to Nick for the signed paper.

Giving the watch a once over Stu strapped it onto his wrist and tapped at the screen. He was fiddling with the screen to try and repeat what Joseph had showed him when the ram spoke again. "I'll call Brass back up here and you two can go down. Drinks are free, but there is a limit to how much you're allowed to have. Again, for safety reasons," He explained. Picking up his desk phone Joseph called Brass and told him to come back up to his office before hanging up. Stu had just figured out how to start and stop the timer when the croc appeared in the doorway to escort them down.

"Follow me," Croaked the croc as he came up. Tossing the empty bottles of water away in a trash can by Joseph's desk Stu followed Nick and Brass back down the steps. The music from the main floor became indistinct and ultimately disappeared as they walked down to the basement. A bass heavy beat replaced the lost music once Brass opened the door that lead into the private club.

In the middle of the room there was a singular circular stage that multiple dancers shared. The bar and stage were the only places in the room that had decent light. The people that sat on the couches that rimmed the walls of the room were indistinct blobs. With the short glance he got before guard's blocked his way Stu knew most of them were in the midst of having sex.

"Only give them a little bit, they got hit pretty hard upstairs." Brass told the two men who block the way into the private club. Stepping back Stu looked over the two guards, a rhino and a zebra. Giving an affirmative grunt both men pulled out clear glass cologne bottles from their shirt pockets. The liquid inside of the bottles was a dark green color that almost looked black to in the dim light.

Squeezing his eyes and mouth shut Stu waited for the men to spray him with the 'aphrodisiac'. A moment later he felt the cool mist land on his fur. Breathing in Stu smelled the same nutty earthy scent he smelled on Primer's tail. Between breathing the scent in and letting the breath back out Stu's fatigue started slipping away. "Ohhh." he breathed out as he ran a hand over his ears and down the back of his head. Each breath in pushed the sense of tiredness away from Stu.

Stepping to the side the guards let Stu and Nick enter.

Making a b-line for the bar Nick left Stu standing by himself. Stu barely noticed Nick's departure as he scanned the room. Customers and workers alike walked around or lounged in underwear or with no clothing on at all. In a nearby section of couch Stu saw a wolf being stripped of his clothes by the concerted effort of two other men.

Stu's attention was pried from the scene as a cheetah sauntered away from the bar with a drink in his hand. Before he knew it, Stu was after the cheetah and followed him towards a gathering of other men. Almost to the cheetah Stu got a hold of himself and shook his head. His thoughts were hazy, and he had to make a concerted effort not to follow any tail that got his cock got hard over.

Getting ahold of himself Stu turned around and head back towards the bar at the back of the room. Elbow propped up on the bar top Nick was leaning into the personal space of another customer. Drink in hand the badger was laughing at a joke Nick had just told and the fox was smiling a wide rakish grin. Reaching out the badger pushed Stu back playfully. The touched turned playful and the badger's hand started moving south.

Watching the badger drag his fingers through Nick's chest fur made Stu's blood run hot. It was such an intense feeling that it made Stu pause in his walk back to the bar. At first, he thought it was jealousy over the fox, but quickly dismissed the idea. It wasn't as if there were no other options for him to pursue. All he had to do was turn his head and he'd find one. Walking towards the bar again Stu chased at the tatters of the memory connected to the anger. Trying to tease out the meaning of it.

"What'cha ya' having?" The bartender, a portly boar with just a bowtie and thong on, asked as Stu sat down at the bar.

Turning his attention away from Nick and the badger to dedicate his mind to drinks. Losing his grip on the memory he had been chasing. Eyeing the larger omnivore up and down Stu drummed his finger on the bar top. "A beer, anything on tap," he answered listlessly, not quite sure what else there was too get. Beside the boar. "Unless you're on the menu!" The words dribbled out of Stu's mouth without a conscious thought to them.

"I could use some company back here. How about you help me take care of this?" Leaning back towards the wall of liquor bottles behind him the bartender flashed Stu his half hard length. With his fingers wrapped behind the balls and base of the cock the bartender waggled his cock. The bartender flung strands of clear glistening pre on the back of the bar and over his own stomach as he put on a display for Stu. Watching with rapt attention Stu licked his lips as he watched the bartender flop his cock about.

Thinking about climbing over the glass bar top Stu thought better of it and slid out of his stool. The bartender was waiting to open the gate for Stu as he came around to it. "Got to keep moving so keep up." The bartender added as Stu stepped in.

"Glad to," Stu answered back and reached his hands up. Cradling the boar's balls with one hand Stu found one hand just couldn't do them justice. Stu had to use both to heft and massage the boar's massive nutsack. At just the right height Stu only needed to lean forward to take the cock in his mouth.

Just as the boar's cock began tickling Stu's tonsils the stout length was pulled from Stu's lips and smacked across his face. "Sorry," The bartender huffed as his cock rested against Stu's cheek and kept on drooling. With drink orders coming in the bartender had to keep moving and it was a game of keep up for Stu. A game that Stu was more than happy to indulge in.

Anticipating the bartender's movements Stu's craned his neck in that direction and kept on sucking. Often, he was successful enough to get a good rhythm going and enjoyed the feeling of the boar's warm pre slipping over his tongue down into his throat. Other times the bartender's cock popped out from his lips and flung a slimy mixture over Stu's face and underneath the bar. Stu was more than happy to keep going and let his face grow even messier with spit and pre. The boar on the other hand reached a point where he couldn't handle it.

"One moment," He ordered the next customer with a drink order. When they didn't take that for an answer the boar ignored the customer and reached down grab Stu's head. "Hold on!" He advised Stu as he hunched forward. Picking his hips up the boar angled his thrusts down into Stu's mouth. The fat balls clapping and slapping against Stu's face as the boar fucked it. Glasses shifted on top of the bar top and bottles underneath it as the boar grabbed the edge of the bar with his free hand. "That's it." The boar hissed as the fire in his loins built and his cock began to jump. Grabbing Stu by the ears the boar gave a few last powerful thrusts before throwing his head back.

"Fuuu cchk" the bartender moaned to the roof as his whole being was focused on his orgasm. With Stu's chin buried in his fat balls the boar unloaded. Coming back to himself after the heady moment of climax the bartender grabbed bar top with both hands. Stu swallowed the thick musky load as fast as he could manage, but he was quickly losing ground. His cheeks bulged and cum began leaking out the sides of his mouth. When he couldn't hold anymore in the dam broke and cum ran down his chin and throat. The cream pattering to the floor in a puddle and staining his overalls.

Still Stu kept on swallowing and drinking down as much of the ample load he could manage. His hands went to his gut to feel it grow warm and round with the boar's load. Swallowing a few more swallows of cum Stu had to throw in the towel even as the boar kept on coming. Pulling his mouth off the spasming cock Stu coughed to clear his throat as his head was covered with cream. Catching his breath Stu ducked out of the way and watched the show. Taking the time to clean much of the cum off his face and head with his shirt.

Slumping almost to his knees before catching himself the bartender leaned on his bar, having covered a portion of it in his seed. Another long curse bubbled out of the boar's mouth as he hung his head.

"Hey rabbit, hey..." Turning around Stu found a husky trying to flag him down. "Yeah, looks like you done with him. Want to have a bit of fun with us?" the husky asked after he saw he had Stu's attention. Us looked to be four other people and Stu jumped at the chance. Stepping around the puddle of cum the boar had made to keep from slipping Stu came from behind the bar to the group.

Getting to the group a ferret placed his hand right onto Stu's ass and told him "We needed another bottom."

Returning the favor Stu grabbed the ferret's ass. "I might end up in you boy!" he teased and gave the ferret's ass a slap.

Making their way over to an occupied corner Stu's group joined with another half dozen people. Rather than letting Stu hop onto the first person he saw that was willing the ferret and a few others pulled Stu out of his clothes. Stu was all too glad to be out of his clothes and paid little attention to where they were put when the hands that stripped him started to grope at his body.

The ferret's comment about needing bottoms seemed to be quite the opposite. More asses and mouths were put up on offer than anyone knew what to do with. Stu dedicated himself to filling as many of the offered hole as possible.

Mid-stroke inside of a panther he had to practically climb to mount Stu was yanked on. As they got into it the bottoms had gotten more than a little demanding. Instead of turning around Stu latched onto the wide frame of the black cat he was plowing and sped up. It took Nick putting his face in front of Stu's for the fox to get a modicum of the horny rabbit's attention. "We have to go!" Nick demanded as he tugged on Stu's arm again

"Wait your turn," Stu retorted through gritted teeth as he kept on moving his hips. He could get why Nick wanted a round underneath him, but he could only do so much at once.

Holding onto a shout with his clenched teeth Nick let go of Stu and tried to climb on top of feline Stu was balls deep in. "Something is wrong, some of these guys have been reported missing!" Nick urged Stu to listen. Stu's eyebrows pinched together as he tried to see why this was a problem.

Seeing he wasn't getting through to Stu Nick started to reach for Stu once more but stopped halfway. "I'll be back for you," Nick promised as he slid off panther's back. The feline seemed unperturbed either way. "Judy is so going to kill me." With Nick departed Stu turned his attention back to the task at hand. Hearing the name Judy reminded Stu of the anger he had for the fox. Using that anger Stu put the energy into pounding away at the moaning cat underneath him.

Finishing with the panther Stu moved from person to person without a pause for thought in his mind. What stopped him in the end wasn't a lack of men who needed him. Instead it was the fire in him losing to the fatigue of it all.

Stu rolled off the badger he finished inside of and laid on the couch, covered in a sheen of sweat. The countless partners had sapped his strength and drained his balls. He didn't even have enough strength in him left to turn off his watch. It was beeping incessantly in a shrill tone. Finding a bit of energy Stu turned his hand over and muffled the sound in the couch cushions.

With the beeping just a faint annoyance Stu let out a long breath and sat in silence. The club was all but empty save for the few people who were in the throes of lust. Stu had been apart of that group moments ago and the whiplash of exiting it left Stu's head spinning. Even the dancers and bartender were gone with the music.

Finding the couch as comfortable place as any other Stu started to drift off to sleep. The sounds of grunts and moans acting as a backdrop.

The sound of foot falls made him crack an eye open and watch as Joseph approached with one of his guards. "He was like a little jack hammer. Pew pew," The rhino exclaimed, and Stu could only think the guard meant him.

"What even is that sound?" Joseph inquired. The rhino's response was lost to Stu as he ended up dozing off. Waking up Stu found the guard removing his watch. "I don't care what the sound is from, just get him in a car," Joseph ordered flatly.

"Yes boss," the guard replied with a whine in his voice. Waiting until Joseph's back was turned the guard mumbled "It's the sound of someone running fast." Getting the beeping to stop the guard slipped watch into his pocket. "Up we go," the guard said to himself as he grabbed Stu around the waist. Having barely enough energy left to stay away Stu only groaned as he was lifted and put on the guard's shoulder. "It's okay relax, soon you'll be in a warm car and then a warm bed." The guard assured Stu when he felt him stirring.

Slipping in and out of sleep Stu saw the next length of time as a slide show. Images of the light from street lamps moving across the interior of a car and smears of colored light danced together. Those images combined with the feeling of being shaken awake by the car on a rough road and the sound of rushing water.

Chapter 3

Waking up Stu noticed three things immediately. His head felt like it was being split down the middle. On top of being dry as a desert his mouth was full of a foul taste that coated his tongue and throat. And someone was fucking a few feet away from...

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Chapter 1

Hands in the front pockets of his overalls Stu followed behind his wife and daughters. "Now this is the inner loop, most people call it the blue line though." Judy pointed out a set of subway stairs. "It's what you'll be riding to get to and from ZSU...

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Scribbles #1

Big Bear Belly Contains: Fat, Belly Worship, Public, Weight Gain, Kink but no sex. Bored with work Ian's day is spiced up when a new customer comes in. Beside a bit of a show Ian is rewarded for a job well done. * * * With the heavy snow coming...

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