The Bride of the Cloud Tree

Story by Final_Furry on SoFurry

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#7 of Transformations

From a distance, it seemed as if a front of clouds had crept low to the hilly grasslands. Poofy, cotton-white formations were supported on the limbs of angular pale gray trees and with each breeze, flecks of gold swirled through the air. Above, the sky was ever swept clear by the winds that constantly caressed the zephyr foothills as was fitting for a place naturally blessed by the winds.

Bright scenery made for a pleasant enough shortcut, but that was until Maia figured she was lost. The snow leopard blended well with the white environs, her plush spotted fur a clean ivory shade. The twists and turns of the forest offered no clue, only the occasional glint of gold the same color as her blonde hair as pollen passed in the slanted sunlight piercing the canopy.

Aggravated, she moved on. The forest wasn't big enough to threaten starvation out here, but the lost time was annoying. More puzzling was how such a thing could happen to her in the first place, the adventurer having navigated dungeon mazes in the past with no problem at all. She was starting to suspect magic was afoot when she caught sight of something that caused the thought to blow away from her mind.

In front of her there was a clearing covered in the downy leaves fallen from a cloud tree at its center that had grown much statelier than the others. Each root that curled into the ground was larger than the mightiest oak, to say nothing of the trunk they converged into. The tree's foliage spread like a cloud layer over the meadow, a glowing ceiling backlit by the sun.

As soon as Maia took a step into the meadow, a breeze kicked up whipping the white petals up into a vortex. She gave a groan of frustration as several of them plastered themselves to her fur and clung on for dear life. But the wind only strenghtened and the meadow soon looked like a snowglobe in a hurricane. Nothing of the forest could be seen beyond the cottony flurries, only the groaning of wooden limbs in the wind. Maia took an unsteady step, disoriented. Feeling as if she were drifting along with the leaves. She waved a hand in front of her face, but it did nothing. Another step and her foot failed to find solid ground. Eyes wide, she realized she really was being blown around through the air and drawn toward the center of the meadow where the collosal cloud tree was. Thrashing about as she orbited the great trunk, her claws reached out for the wooden surface but came just short. The world tilted and twisted, and then she jolted forward. Though instead of smacking into the tree, she was softly pressed against it and then seemed to sink into the wood. Her silhouette glowed with white light which congealed into an orb like one of the wisps seen in the woods and then disappeared passing straight into the tree.

When the wind settled down and the clearing was visible once more, nothing remained of the snow leopard. Only her armor, equipment and a sword lay at the base of the giant tree.

Up in the cloudy canopy there grew a tall vase shaped white flower with a slight bulge in its center. When the dawn of the next day first touched it, the flower began to slowly unfurl its petals. Perched in the flower was a fitting decoration for the tree- a tiny snow leopard shrunken down to just a few inches tall. From her perspective, she could have been standing at the peak of a snowy mountain range as the downy white fields hung around her.

Maia was shocked to find herself attached to the flower from the knees up, her lower legs securely wrapped in the flower's base. A new outfit had been afforded to her as well- it looked like a long wedding dress formed from interlaced stringy seedlets like those released into the wind from a chrysanthemum. Elbow length gloves of the same makeup were on her arms and her golden hair had been wrapped in petals forming a pair of buns. The garment betrayed quite a bit of cleavage, her breasts plumped up proudly.

For a moment she grasped at herself and the surroundings but stopped struggling when she saw how high up in the branches she was. As she settled down, the calm of the woods took over. A quiet whisper of wind gently rocked the branch and the groaning of wood was audible again. It almost seemed as if the tree were raising her toward its trunk, sort of like one would inspect a strange trinket they had found.

Wedding bells were hung over the flower, dark acorn-shaped nuts from which stringy white matter erupted. Confetti rained down in the form of seedlets parachuting out over the forest. The tree communicated its intentions without words. Whatever this entity was, it only resembled a tree. No..the trees here resembled it, she realized. A god of some sort, asking for her hand in marriage. That had to be an improvement over the drunks down at the tavern she reasoned.

"I...I do!" She declared.

At that moment, the wind gusted up through the branches. Maia wobbled as it washed over her and then in one burst, her wedding dress was scattered into a thousand seedlets on the wind. It left her clad only in the rose petals that caressed her breasts forming a strapless bra and pair of panties. The petals holding her hair in buns unfurled, and a silky golden waterfall fell down over her shoulders.

Several things brushed against her thighs as a cluster of pistils rose up from the bottom of the flower. They probed her body, curling around her thighs and the base of her tail and were soon tickling the bottom of her breasts. Rising between her legs was another huge phallic purple appendage, leaking a clear honey tinged fluid. It passed up between her thighs and then arched up to face her.

Maia took hold of the rose petals over her breasts and peeled them away. She reached out to take hold of the thick vine, requiring both hands to encircle the engorged shaft entirely. She kissed it as it leaked a burst of fluid down her chin. She pulled away with a string of the fluid sticking to her lips which she then smacked. The substance indeed tasted as good as it looked. She took the vine into her mouth, the prodigious amounts of fluid spattering her breasts and oozing through her fur with a warmth to it. One of the pistil appendages wrapped around her breasts and bound them together, catching the sticky fluid into a pool with her cleavage.

Streams of honey shot directly into Maia's stomach as the vine twitched with each spurt. With a slick slurp, it pulled itself out from halfway down her throat. It slid down as she savored the sweet flavor of its secretions now coating her face and breasts in great viscous globs.

The vine then busied itself massaging her inner thighs, rolling its slimy head up and down her legs slowly. Grinning, she ran a hand over the flexuous shaft and then moved to the two rose petals serving as her panties, peeling them away from a moistening slit.

The vine pressed into her pussy, squishing her lower lips and rolling itself back and forth massaging them. She moaned softly and then increased in volume as the vine pressed up into her.

It stood rigidly as the pistils wrapped around Maia's shoulders and hips, pulling her down to squat on the vine. She held on to a thick twist of the vine as its head started to go to work, pumping itself deep into her womb and then all the way back out until the swollen head stretched her labia again. She gasped and rode the vine as its strokes became shorter and faster, working the magic of its girth and dexterity on her pleasure center.

A few orgasms later, the vine held itself still deep within her. She could feel the thick fluid being continuously pumped in from the vine, filling her womb to capacity and beyond with a warmth that lulled her into a deep sleep suspended in the vines comfortably.

Over the course of the spring season, Maia's formerly flat stomach swelled out until she looked to be pregnant with quadruplets. She was actually pregnant with twice that many, but her children were the glossy oval seeds that tickled at her insides with their fluffy seedlets meant to carry them far and wide. Her perky breasts gradually swelled out into huge cones longer than her arms, eventually giving way to gravity and sagging down over her stomach. They constantly leaked the honeylike substance and formed a pool inside the flower.

Maia never thought she would end up barefoot and pregnant, especially for a tree but that indeed seemed to be the turn life had taken. She was the six-thousandth wife of the great cloud tree, perched on a throne at the closest point between the planes of earth and sky.