The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 11

Story by dragonshina on SoFurry

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#11 of Spyro Origins

Here we are. Chapter 11. I hope you like it... although it may seem a little bit of repetitive. Still... i think i diid good with a little bit of the suspense in here. Most likely... you know what will happen. If not.... then i don't want to spil the surprise.

Please... leave comments and critics (good or bad... i wont hunt you down... really!)

I do not own the Spyro things and all that stuff one must put in here.

Other hat that.... Enjoy.


The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 11

Cynder woke after having a nightmare about being under the influence of the Darkmaster again. She had been having that nightmare for countless time since he was freed from his evil clutches.

She groaned on her bed, whishing for the dream to go away, when he heard footsteps on the hallway. Who would be awake at this hour? The paces were slowly going away. Curiosity got the better of her, and decided to investigate. Besides, she was wide awake after that nightmare.

Cynder got up slowly and went to the door doing as little noise as she could. She opened the door with a little squeak, which to Cynder was almost deafening. She got out in time to see a golden tail blade disappear around the corner.


What was he doing up at this late hour? Curious and worried for him, she followed.

Spyro went to the main exit of the city hall. Cynder watched as he opened the door a little bit and saw outside. Whatever it was, it seemed to cause alarm to Spyro, because he slowly got the door closed and back stepped.

This caused a problem, because Cynder was behind him. She looked frantically to the sides for some place she could hide. There! She ran and opened the door and entered, closing the door without a sound.

She took a fast look at the room she had entered. Cynder jerked in surprise at whose room she had entered. Glacia. Cynder suppress a growl, fearing either Glacia, or worse, Spyro could hear her. She remained quiet, and waited.

She placed her ear on the door and waited for Spyro to pass. Wherever he was going, it seemed to be in a hurry. Cynder sighted after he passed, her relief evident. She did NOT want to be caught trailing after Spyro.

She opened the door quietly once Spyro had passed. Before she left the room, she shot a glance at Glacia to see if she was asleep. She is. Cynder closed the door without a sound, and followed Spyro.

He seemed to be sneaking. He walked slowly, without a sound. He looked everywhere, as if waiting to be caught at any moment.

Spyro arrived at one of the many side doors of the city hall. The same as before, he opened the door slowly and watched outside. This time, he seemed satisfied, because he completely left the building. Cynder ran at the door, and watched Spyro walk through the shadows.

This was a perfect opportunity to use her shadow powers. Darkness surrounded her and it merged with the shadows of the night. She used it to blend with the shadows and pass unnoticed. She could only used for a short period of time, but it was long enough for her to find a hiding spot for Spyro. She moved like a shadow through the darkness... which it was.

Cynder went through alleyways, streets, and plazas following Spyro wherever he went. He seemed to be avoiding everyone! Some guards were somewhat alerted by Spyro when he made his way through, but he managed pass undetected.What is he up to? Spyro finally stopped at the entrance of the ruins of Warfang... the same place they had used to leave the city undetected to attack the Destroyer.

Spyro stooped just in front of the entrance and took a full breath. This was enough... Cynder decided to reveal herself and question him. She left the shadow which she was and approached Spyro.

"What are you doing?" she whispered when she was near Spyro. He jumped from the place he was sitting and turned around at full speed. His amethyst eyes were wide opened when she had the chance to see them. "So?" she questioned.

"Damn, Cynder" he whispered back. "You scared me to death".

"Why were you sneaking?" she shot back.

"I... uh... I was not" he said.

"Liar!" she told him in a low voice. "I have been trailing you since you left your room. You have been avoiding everyone. Now, why are you here? What are you up to?"

Spyro lowered his head. Spyro had hoped to leave the city unnoticed. If he was seen, it would create awkward question he did not want to explain.

"Tell me before I shout to everyone" she threatened. "That will leave you with more question to be answered if you do not want to be seen leaving the city; that if that was your intent by coming here".

"Yes... I will leave the city" he confessed. He looked back up at her face. Her green eyes shone dangerously form its sockets.


"I don't want to answer that. Please, Cynder, don't make me answer it" he pleaded. She only shot him a glance that told him she was not going to let him leave without an explanation. "We cannot hold out another assault. The last one cost us too much".

"But Terrador said nothing of the sort" she told him, hoping he was lying.

"He did not say it; but his eyes told everything. He knows we won't survive another attack! I know he knows" he said in a sad voice.

"Then why are you leaving? We need your help more now than ever" she tried to reason with him.

"I will help defend this city with my life "he said with determination. "But it may not be enough. I have to go and see if I can do something that can help us win this battle".

"What can help us win this battle?" she inquired further.

"That's what I want to keep secret. I am not sure if it will work and I don't want to give hope to the city and dragons only to take it away. It may be a fool's hope. Please Cynder, don't make me say more".

She looked at his eyes and saw that he was pleading with her. He did not want to tell her... he wished not to tell her right now.

"Ok" she sighted. "I'm going with you".

"No" he said sadly.


"You can't help me!"

"But we have done everything together since we were released from the crystal prison! Surely we can do this together" she protested.

"You don't understand. I must do this... alone. I believe I am the only one who can do this and any company may put my mission in danger" he explained. "Please, Cynder, I beg you! Stay!" He pleaded.



Cynder thought hard for a moment, wondering what to do. She could force his paw and make him stay. That will make him answer questions to her and the guardians; but it will break his trust. She was not ready for that. On the other hand, she could allow him to leave... and hope for the best.

"Ok. How long will you take?" she asked.

"I don't know" he responded truthfully.

"Don't take long. We need you and... please, do not leave us"

"I will not" he promised.

They looked at each other for several moments, drinking each other sights and inhaling the smell of the other. The sight and smells made both dragons loose themselves in each other, ignoring the world for the moment. Both began to feel the magic of the moment, wishing it could never end. Just the two of them together, in peace. No world to worry about.

Spyro looked at those beautiful green eyes of Cynder's, and he saw the worry for him, the hope she wished to be had, the fear she had for him and for the city. He saw that she understood him better than anyone else in the world. It made his heart warm.

She saw Spyros' amethyst eyes, and she saw the fear he held in his heart being so close to this evil, the desire he had for her, and the protection that emanated from him to everything good in the world. She saw that he really appreciated her. I made her heart warm.

"Cynder..." Spyro began to say, but he could not continue... there was a choke in his throat.

"Yes Spyro?"

"I... I..."


"I wanted to... tell you..." He stammered. "I..." Damn, why is this so difficult?

"Spyro, what is wrong?

"I wanted to tell you that I... that I..."

But the moment was interrupted. Footsteps shattered the magic that was at work, breaking both of them from the trance in which only the two of them existed. They both looked toward the noise, and then at each other.

"I'll be waiting for you" she promised.

"And I'll be looking for you when I come back" he promised back.

With that, Spyro entered the tunnel at a dead run. Cynder watched as he disappeared in the darkness. But she could not stay if she wanted to avoid answering questions she needed time to think of the answers. She used her shadow powers to make her way back to her room.

She arrived without incidents and jumped to her bed. She thought of what had happened. Was the city really lost? If so, what could Spyro do to help it? Why such secrecy?


Cynder woke the next morning a little bit late due to the night activities and the fighting at dusk. She stretched on her bed all of her limbs. She was sore for all the work she had done yesterday.

Best if I figure out what will happen.

She got up and walked out of city hall and into the streets. Things were gloom and somber. The attack that was launched yesterday had cost too many lives, and people were beginning to get scared. She saw how people were losing hope. Things that should have ended still continued. The war still raged on.

She could feel the tension in the air, the death and fear ranked the air. She saw the destruction that had been caused by this long siege. She tried to ignore all of her senses showing this suffering and concentrate on more pressing matters; how to help.

She helped where she could. Moving logs and rocks, clearing debris, building defenses, bringing water to wounded soldiers, repairing what she could. While she did this, she moved without thinking, her body acting on her own.

"Hey, Cynder!" a voice came. She looked around, and noticed Sparx flying toward her.

"Sparx. How are you?" she asked, although she kinda knew why he was here.

"I am really fine. The city under siege, death everywhere and despair as breakfast" he said with sarcasm. "Hey, have you seen Spyro?" he asked.

_There it is..._she thought.

"No, I have not seen him since sunrise. Why?" she pretended to inquire.

"I can't find him" Sparx seemed to be almost desperate. "I was told to find him by Terrador; but I have not seen him also since dawn".

"He might just be somewhere else" she tried to alleviate the dragonfly fears. "Why don't you look around for a bit" she suggested.

"I have already done so. I have not found him anywhere. He seems to have disappeared".

"Calm Down! Have you asked around? Some people might have seen him" she assured him.

"I have already made some inquires. No one has seen him today. The last anyone who saw Spyro told me he was entering the City Hall after the battle".

"Maybe he is still asleep" she suggested.

"Already check his room. Wasn't there. I thought you might know where he is".

"I don't know where he is" she answered truthfully.

"I'll look around some more. But if you see him, you will let me know... all right?"

"Sure" she promised as she watched the dragonfly fly away.

Then, she turned to look at the overhead clouds. Spyro... where are you?


Next morning came, and still no sign of Spyro. She was beginning to get worried for him, about how he was faring, where he was and what he was doing. He did not know how long it would take him. Surely 'I don't know' includes a few days.

But she could not help but worry.

The disappearance of Spyro, which many of them considered the one who would save them from this, had already spread to all corners of the city. This, of course caused the city was beginning to enter a stage of turmoil. Cynder kept her mouth shut, hoping for the best.

She spent the morning helping where she could, ignoring everyone and trying to be ignored. Unfortunately, that was not meant to be.

"Cynder!" came a voice Cynder did not want to hear. She turned to look and found Glacia coming her way.

"What is it?" she asked in a cold voice, matching the breath of the ice breather.

"Have you seen Spyro?"

"No" she simply stated.

"Everyone is looking for him. No one knows where he is. It's as if he suddenly disappeared from the city" she exclaimed.

Cynder snorted. That more or less the true!

"So what do you want me to do?" she said in a clod voice.

"I am wondering if you know anything about it" Glacia said as she looked into the eyes of Cynder... probing... testing.

"Perhaps!" Cynder responded to annoy Glacia.

"It is really important that if you know anything at all, you tell me".

"YOU? Why will I tell anything to you?" Cynder almost snarled.

"WHOA! Calm down!" she cried as Glacia made a jump backwards. "I'm just concerned about him, like everyone else".

"More likely you want to know where he is so you can be with him" Cynder said to a dumbfound Glacia. "Oh yes... I know. You have been stalking him, spending time with him. You want HIM. Well... I'm not going to stay with my wings folded and wait for it to happen".

"Oh, poor Cynder. Is that what you think it is?" she said in a voice that feigned complete innocence. "I just want to chat with him. You are just jealous that he wants to be with me more that with you".

"That is a lie!!!"

"There is no shame in it Cynder, that he wants me more than you do. I'm more beautiful than you are, and also I have not selfish need of the evil side".

This caused Cynder to go over the edge.

"You want him for yourself!" Cynder snarled. "You want him so he can make you look more important without regard for his own feelings".

"You are talking nonsense". The commotion was starting to cause attention as moles, dragons and cheetahs alike looked at the scene.

"You want him because he is the Purple Dragon! Nothing more! You care nothing except for your own selfish needs!" she snarled at Glacia, who was rooted to the spot at Cynder's ruthless attack of words. "I tell you now... stay away from him!!! And you can forget about me telling you where he is!!!"

Glacia was as cold as her breath, her eyes wide open. Then, her eyes closed a little and a smile appeared on her lips. "So you do know where he is!" she exclaimed triumphantly. Cynder realized her mistake too late.

"No" Cynder tried to get away.

"Oh, but you do! So, where is he?" Glacia asked only to be met by Cynder's silence. "I will inform the guardians of this. And then, I will see to Spyro" she said with a smile. With than, Glacia turned and left, her hips and tail waving in her rear, taunting her.

Cynder only looked at the ground. She was in so much trouble now!


"Well Cynder, you had better explain yourself" Terrador ordered.

It had been fast, really fast when word of Cynder's involvement reached the guardians ears. They had been reluctant at first to think that Cynder was related to Spyro's disappearance, but she had practically shouted it in front of everyone. There were many witnesses and the guardians had to act.

They had summoned Cynder to their presence. She had made her toward the city hall and thrust into the room where politics of the city were discussed. The guardians and, to Cynder's dismay, Glacia, were waiting for her. Glacia, who was sitting a little ways from the guardians, had a small evil looking smile in her face. Her eyes shone in triumph at what truth she had uncovered. Cynder looked at the ground once she had sat.

"Well?" Terrador demanded. Cynder continued to stare at the ground, nor daring to raise her head.

"I do not know where he is" she answered truthfully.

"Then, what do you know?" Cyril asked. She hung her head lower still and deciding that the truth would be better.

"He... he has left the city" she told them. The three guardians gasped audibly, which made Cynder flinch.

"How do you know?" Terrador continued the questioning.

"I trailed him the night after the battle as he avoided everyone".

"And?" Terrador encouraged.

"And... he left the city" she finished. There were three audible gasps as she revealed this, causing her to flinch.

"What made him do that? I cannot imagine what could have caused him to do such a thing!" Terrador exclaimed.

"Why did you not try to stop him?" Cyril inquired further. The question caused the guardians to focus his attentions on her again.

"I... I did. I confronted him when he was about to leave".

"Go on"

"He... told me... things" she said, unsure.

"Like what?" Terrador asked. At this question, she lifted his head to see Terrador in the eyes.

"He told me about the last battle outcome, and what he thinks will happen in the next" she said in a low voice. Terrador's fear passed through his eyes, but as quickly as it appeared, it disappeared; but it had been enough for Cynder to see it.

Spyro had been right... Terrador knows. The city won't survive another attack like the last one. At that time, the new army had arrived without propped siege equipment. But they are building it now! The city won't survive another attack.Spyro... wherever you are... please, hurry.

"What will happen, young one?" Terrador inquired.

She looked at him straight in his eyes. "You know Terrador. Spyro saw it after the battle in your face... and I just saw it when I mentioned it".

Both Cyril and Volteer turned to look at Terrador. "What does she mean?" the asked together. Terrador tried to answer, but could not. This caused the guardians to turn to Cynder. "Well?"

"I... I think it's not for me to answer that question" she stated.

"I will" Terrador said after he had regained his composure. "But at a later time. Now, Cynder, if Spyro knew, and he told you... then why did you not stopped him? Surely you understand that the city needs him. The Alliance needs him; now, more than ever".

"I tried... but then, he told me that... he... that he was going to do something that will help the city".

"What was he going to do?" Volteer asked.

"I asked, but he begged me not to inquire further".

"He could have let us known what his intentions were" Volteer continued. "We could have provided assistance in this quest of his".

"I also told him that I would accompany him, but... he said that he must do it alone. That he alone, must do it; and that more company could risk it".

"But why all the sneaking out part?" Cyril asked.

"Because... he did not want to.... He told me that the quest he embarked upon, could fail. There were slim chances it could succeed. He did not wanted to tell everyone that he could help end the war, only to say he failed. He said that it may be a fool's hope"

"He could have told us" Volteer said. "And you could have told us about this after he left"

"Spyro must have his reasons to do what he did. About why I did not told you... well... Spyro was working to leave undetected. I could have yelled at that moment to call the guards attention, but I would have broke his trust. The same thing would have happened if I had told you immediately after he left."

"You did not want to break his trust?" Glacia asked from the side.

"No. We have gone through so much together that I could not bring myself to do so".

There was a silence from the group, until Terrador continued. "Did he say when he would return?"

"No" she answered.

Terrador sighted before the assembly. "Very well. This goes no further than this room. Everyone will stay quiet about this conversation".

"Terrador?" Cyril asked, confused.

"We will say that Spyro has gone on a mission. Do not say where not when he will return. That will alleviate some of the fears"

"Terrador, you know something" Cyril said again. "I want to know what it is".

"Terrador looked at those reunited, looking for some kind of way out. When he found none, he turned his eyes to the ground. "I believe that we cannot hold another assault" he spit it out all at once.

Volteer, Cyril and Glacia gasped at this information.

"You are joking, right guardian?" Glacia asked as she made her way toward the group.

"I wish I were"

"Why have you not told us of this before?" Cyril asked annoyed.

"To keep the hope and morale up. If I had said, the city would be in a state of panic. Chaos would follow and we would not be able to organize the defense when the attack came"

"We could have thought of something to do, places where we could retreat" Volteer stated.

"No" Terrador said lowly. "Had we attempted to flee the city, they would have noticed and attacked while we made our escape. That would be a massacre. If by some miracle we managed to escape, the, where would we have gone? We could have ran, but for how long. They would have hunted us down. Had we left the city, we would have been left vulnerable. Our only option was to stay here. This city is the most defensible location. Anywhere else, we would be defeated"

The other two guardians reluctantly saw the wisdom in Terrador's voice, and nodded their heads.

"Then, what are we going to do guardian?" Glacia asked, suddenly her voice sounded very afraid. Cynder could only sympathize with her.

"There is nothing we can do except keep up working to defend this city. Other than that, we can only hope... hope that whatever Spyro is doing works." Terrador then said in a lower voice. "I think Spyro was very wise when he left without any of us knowing. We would have kept him here. Remember... no word about this. We cannot afford to cause panic in the city. You are dismissed girls".

Both Glacia and Cynder left the guardians alone. Each of them left their own way. Glacia looked as if she had seen dearth upon her very face, and Cynder was not doing so well either. The confirmation that things were very bad had been a shock to her.

Cynder turned to look at the afternoon sun.

Spyro, please... don't fail.


The city had the answer about Spyro's mission, and calmed them to some extent. They stilled asked questions about where he was, but those where easily swayed away with that it was completely a secret.

Three more days passed without incident. Everyone was beginning to get nervous... waiting for the inevitable attack. Most of them did not know why they did have such nervousness... but they felt it in the air.

Cynder was at the ramparts that afternoon, watching for the safety of the wall the enemy movements. It was tedious to be at this post, but someone had to do it. Most of the guards were tired, and sleeping for the night shift. That left Cynder and few others to patrol the walls.

It was boring having to watch an enemy that made absolutely no movement. Had they been moving, or shown some signs of activity would have made them more... interesting to watch. But it was like the camp was dead. The stillness of the enemy side made Cynder nervous and she showed by the never stopping swinging of her tail. They had delayed enough already to launch an assault. What's keeping them?

"What are you doing here?" asked a very familiar voice. Cynder turned to look, and to her surprise, there was Spyro, grinning at her.

"SPYRO!!!" she cried in joy at seeing him. She flapped-jumped her way towards him. He stood there, with his grin as he watched her come. She halted just in front of him, snouts almost touching.

"I told you I was going to be looking for you when I came" he said.

"Yes... you did. And I told you I would wait for you. Here I am" she giggles at him. That made Spyro looked at her with an ever boarded smile. "When did you arrive?"

"I just got here"

"So, how was your quest?" she inquired.

The smile disappeared from his face. "I did what I set out to do" he simply stated, without further information.

Cynder took notice of this drastic change. "And did it work? I mean, whatever you did will help us win this upcoming battle?"

"I don't know" he sighted. "I really don't know"

"Why? What did you do?" she inquired.

"I do not want to tell. Not yet"

"Come on... you can tell me" she pushed him on.

"It is that. It just that... I don't..." he said as his legs began to shake and tremble. "I'm tired. I want to sleep". Cynder just say then that Spyro was nearly able to stand.

"Come on. I will get you to bed" she offered as she positioned herself next to Spyro, so he could rest his weight against her

"Thanks. I appreciate it"

As they made their way to the city hall, Spyro leaning against Cynder, she tried to gain more knowledge of his doings. "So, why are you in such a state? You seem half asleep already".

"I barley slept last night" he told her. "I tried to get back as fast as I could, fearing that I might be too late".

"You didn't miss a thing" she said as he led him up the stairs of the city hall. "So, was it far? Where you went, I mean?"

"Kinda. It took me more time to..."

"Took you more time to what, exactly?"

"Not now Cynder" he refused again to say anything, which made Cynder get annoyed at him.

She opened the door of his room and led him to the bed. Spyro all but collapsed on his bed when he got on it. He just lied there, not moving, with his eyes closed. Cynder looked at him, a small smile in her face at how he looked. She turned to leave when Spyro spoke.

"Cynder..." She turned to look back at him. He had one eye, barely open, that was looking at her. "Thanks for helping me get to my room".

"You are welcome" she told him, but he had already fallen asleep. "I'll see you in the morning" she told no one as she exited the room and closed the door to allow the purple dragon some much needed sleep.


Spyro woke next morning some hours after the sun had risen. That last rush he made to arrive back at the city had taken a lot of his energy. HE feared that he might be already too late, that the city had been destroyed. But his fears were alleviated when he found it still standing.

He looked around once he had regained his wits some after the deep sleep he had just woken up. Placed next to the door on the floor stood a bowl with some food in it. He smiled a little at the detail. Someone must know I would return hungry.

He got up from his bed, and walked toward the bowl that contained the food. He sniffed at it, and he could perceive, although faintly, someone odor. Cynder. Spyro thought warmly as he dug in with appetite.

Then, once the food was safely in his belly, he left his room, and began his search for the guardians. Surely they would have some questions... and perhaps a sermon about responsibility or a reprimand for his actions.

On he went.

He was told by a mole that the guardians were on the room where he had told his adventures to them, and when he had wakened, to join them. He opened the door to this room and saw the guardians sitting there, discussing in low voices amongst themselves. Spyro entered the room and approached the guardians as he saw around. Pictures of the dragon city surrounded the walls. These decrypted the construction and glory days of the city. In all, appeared dragons. Some of them contained moles too, working with the dragons.

The guardian noticed his approach and became silent. They waited until Spyro was near them and had sat.

"So?" Terrador said with his heavy voice. "What happened?"

"I'm sorry" Spyro said as he lowered his head. "I know all of you were worried when I left suddenly, but I had to do it".

"Yes... what exactly did you have to do?" Volteer asked. "Cynder told us you had left in the hopes of 'doing' something. She tried to keep your disappearance secret, but her tongue slipped".

"I'm not sure if I have to say it just yet. I told Cynder that it may not work".

"Maybe we can help, whatever it is" Terrador stated.

"No" Spyro said in a low voice. "We can no longer try a second time. Whatever I did... we can only hope it works".

"Spyro... what did you do?"

"I..." he started, but exactly that moment, the bells that sounded the alarms began to ring frantically. Terrador got up immediately.

"This will have to wait for a more appropriate time. Come on!" he urged them as he left the room at a fast pace. The guardians and Spyro followed closely. "Volteer, you will be on the eastern part of the walls" Terrador directed. "Cyril, you coordinate the reserves troops and direct them when needed. Spyro, come with me to the ramparts. Your strength and will be needed".

They exited the city hall and with a might lunge and a beat of their wing, the four dragons rose to the sky. Cyril and Volteer left them immediately after the got up to reach their assigned posts as Spyro continued to follow Terrador.

Terrador began to assess the situation as they flew. He inspected his troops as well as the enemies. Spyro also looked at the enemy host that was approaching them. And it seemed to be an endless wave. So many of them!

They touched down near a group of cheetahs on the wall that were looking to the oncoming host. Many of them were archers.

"What is the statue of your troops" Terrador asked to an orange looking cheetah with a red cape.

"Guardian, my troops stand ready and await the battle! We will follow your orders" he said as he turned. "And it is good to see you again, Spyro!"

"Prowlus?" Spyro asked.

"Indeed. It appears that once again we fill fight together. Now... where is Hunter?" He asked one of his cheetahs.

"He is directing another section of the archers as you told him to".

"Good. I will need good officers". Then he turned again to Terrador and Spyro. "We will see each other on the battlefield. Good luck".

"Same to you" Terrador said before he began to fly to other parts of the walls. Once they were in the air, Terrador again spoke. "Spyro, There is the dragon catapult! Defend it!!! To your left is Hunter with his archers and to your right is Volteer in command of several companies of moles. They will provide support. This catapult is very important to the defense. Do not let it be destroyed!!! I will be moving around, checking all of the areas. Stay safe!" he said as he left Spyro to glide down toward the mole that was manning the golden dragon-head weapon.

Just as he landed, Cynder shout up running form the stairs that lead toward it. "SPYRO!!!" she shouted. "We are to defend this weapon...again!"

"I know... Terrador just told me" he said as he walked toward the forward part of the wall and looked toward the approaching army. Cynder walked next to him and observed what they were facing. Siege towers slowly advanced, as well as battering rams. Catapults of the enemies also were being getting into position for bombardment of the city.

"Spyro... what did you do when you left. What can help us win this?" she asked.

Spyro remained silent for some moments before he answered somberly. "We have to fight on our own for now".

The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 34

**Author's notes:** Took me long enough to post this one. Anyway, here we have the third and last part of the Battle at Tall Plains. Some things will happen in this chapter as did in the last...

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The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 33

**Author's notes:** It's been a little bit more than a month since I last updated. Well, I want to say that I no longer work where I used to,, but I have now another job. A good change in my opinion, so no loss in there. This is the continuation of...

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The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 32

**Author's notes:** It has been 3 months since i last updated... but they had been put to good use. I started writing this chapter even before i posted the last one, but i never seemed to finish it because it was just too damn long. Yes... i broke...

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