Arcanine's Desires

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Arcanine's Desires

Through the hail the young Growlithe trudged on, seeking shelter from the painful storm the boy was running from tree to tree to avoid being lambasted by the oncoming ice. Step by step, tree by tree the boy finally found a cave. With a smile he rushed onwards, he had lost his parents today, the storm had seperated them.

Making a break from the nearest tree he winced at the onslaught of ice, his claws then suddenly clacked against the cold rock and slate, he slowed to a trot, then to a walk. The youngling looked left to right with a slight whimper, his tail stood stock still and his hackles raised in defense. The air was cold, not as in temperature but as in feeling, something wasnt right. With a frown the feral cub snuck deeper into the darkness, the hail outside driving him deeper. Just as he was about to light a possible fire he saw a light far off in the deepest parts of the cave, he decided it would be best to make his way there.

Slowing to halt by the light source he saw it was a lantern, hanging by a chain from the ceiling, looking up he raised an orange furred brow.

"Strange...." he muttered, his voice echoing down the tunnel.

His head turned to see two more similar lanterns down the way, his ears flattened and he suddenly was hit with a need for food. Through instinct the trooper moved on, claws clicking against the floor he stopped again, the cave ended, but something was there, some kind

"what is this place...?" the cub said quietly to himself as he climbed the small stairway leading to the rectangular object.

As he reached the top that cold feeling hit him hard, as if the box was its source. Cautiously the cub shook his head and stepped forwards, circling the box he examined it. On closer examination he saw what it was. A coffin, made of pure steel. He cocked his head, making his triangular ears flop with it.

"A coffin?" the cub spoke as if someone was there.

Then with a sudden rumble the coffin shot open. Thick black fog pouring from its insides. The cub barked fearfully and backed up against the wall. The black smoke coated the air, as soon as it reached his shivering paws and brushed his black nostril it froze, the fog completely motionless now.

"what is this place?!" the cub began to hug the wall as he walked.

He soon made his way out of the smoke and found himself at the top of the stairs, he swiftly and without hesitation began descending them. Something stirred in the darkness in front of him, he halted. Looking up he squinted and examined the dark cave as closely as possible. A stone moved and the sound echoed, the boy whimpered.

"wh...who's there!?" he whined

"A youngling....." a deep voice echoed back at him, sounding very close.

The cub whimpered and began back up the stairs, his ears down along with his body, his tail tucked between his legs.

"go away!" he shouted using the last of his bravery.

The Male's form soon stepped forwards at the bottom of the staircase. Another one of his kind..only this one was an Arcanine. A large Arcanine, and he didnt look happy.

"who are you?" the boy said, rather comforted at the sight of the similiar canine.

"I am the owner of this owner who doesnt take kindly to tresspassers..." he muttered it just enough to make it audible to the boy.

These words chilled the poor cubs blood, he whimpered loudly and took a step back.

" sorry! ill leave now!" he said quickly

"youll do nothing of the sort...." he retorted darkly

This horrified the boy, he began moving randomly, looking left to right as if he was confused. He was backed into a corner with an angry Male and a strange Artifact behind him. His eyes went wide as the male began ascending the stairs, his large bushy tail lashing out in the cave air.

"get back!!"the Growlithe shouted at him as if he was protecting his territory

"Be quiet you ingrate!" the male snarled, curling his lips and raising his hackles aggressively

Whimpering once more the cub did what he could, bowing down submissively he pressed his chest against the ground with his rump in the air and his tail tucked tightly between his legs, he was on the verge of tears.

"ah.....i see you know your place..." the male said almost smiling.

The boy sniffed and his body shook with fear, he shook his head out of instinct and backed away as the Male Arcanine reached the top of the stairs. Now no more than 5 feet from the cub he continued to walk towards him, circling the boy as if he was prey.

"tell me boy...." he said, not making eye contact

"what brings you to my cave...." he mutters, his tail swishing as his eyes locked on the boy's rear, he leaned back and sat on his haunches behind him.

"i....The storm...i was seperated from my parents..." the cub whimpered.

"hmph...." was all the male said with a grin

Slowly the male got back up on all fours and craned his neck forward, sticking his nose directly under the boys tail. The Growlithe yipped and his tail shot upwards from the cold nose tip. The Arcanine inhaled and groaned to himself.

"oh boy....your more than enough..." he said in a breathy voice

"for....for what?!" he asked still scared.

The male didnt answer as he suddenly mounted the cub, making the boy scream in terror. The males long and red erection slid into view as he spread his rear legs for better force against the boys rear. A wicked grin grew on the Males face.

"Young one youd best shut your trap befor i choose to kill you too...." he warned.

The boys eyes closed and he began to whimper again, the Arcanine's long cock suddenly grinded hard against his tight virgin hole, the cub yelped, baring his neck submissively. With a smirk the Male lurched forward, pushing his Hard breeding tool hard into the boy, nearly sinking half his dripping erection into the boys tail hole. The cub howled in response, he clenched his eyes closed from the pain of the males length.

"please sir stop! it hurts!" he shouted at him.

"its gonna hurt three times as much if you dont shut your god damn mouth boy!" he roared, his voice booming through the cave.

The boy immediately shut his maw, out of fear for his life he made the decision to go through with it, he didnt want to die. With the silence of boy the Large Male continued his mounting. Leaning down he wrapped his forepaws along the cubs chest, with a snarl of pleasure his hips rocked forwards, making the cub push forwards from the pressure.

"god your tight you little slut..." he groaned as he nearly hilted the unfortunate boy.

The cub could only whimper as the massive length was coaxed deeper and deeper into his tight anus. After nearly a minute the Male hilted the cub, his large balls resting tauntingly against his young rump. Eagerly the male didnt wait and pulled back out, sighing in bliss as the tightness of the boys cunt left him, only to be completely restored as he rammed hard back into the boy, beginning a rythm of harsh thrusting the Arcanine began to mate the underaged boy.

"Sir it hurts!!" he yelped as the pain rushed through him repeatedly.

The male didnt even respond, he simply quickened his thrustings to make his heavy cum filled orbs slap lewdly against his tight hole. Now thrusting at a nice and hard rythm the Arcanine began to whine himself, having never been in such a tight hole he could barely hold himself much longer, with a sudden roar he rammed his cock hard once more into the poor cubs ass. A torrent of cum erupted from his red spire. Long thick ribbons of Arcanine cum drenched the boys bowels,making the boy cry in the warm pain shooting through him, doubling his hip speed the Arcanine fucked the boy hard, his soaked cock dripping seed down the boy's haunches. Spent, the male began to slow his thrusting, collapsing on the boy his eyes closed and he began to snore, leaving his cock buried in the unfortunate underling. The cub softly cried, his tail hole ached and the Arcanines seed nearly burned his insides, he felt horrible as if the arcanine would never let him leave.

When morning came the cub found he was alone, he made a break for it and succesfully escaped, only to hear a horrible roar in the distance.

"your dead!!"