Draconic Resurgance

Story by Jalle on SoFurry

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#2 of Commissions

I'll be posting more YCH opportunities soon. I would love to hear your feedback. Please, please, please leave comments telling me what you liked or what I can do better. Feedback is amazing. Creepy or lewd comments are totally welcome. This is the finished YCH story that I posted a few days ago. I put in some extra work, and it turned out a bit longer than I expected, but that's all good. It was a pleasure to write, it was fantastic getting to write out a scene I've been thinking about for a long time, and it's thanks to my commissioners that it was done. If you like my work and would like to support more, please feel free to  donate at Ko-fi.com/jallew   , anything is helpful right now as I've missed a ton of work due to internet issues and could use the money for bills and food. 

Daniel and Gabriel had been travelling together for some time now. Dan had met the oddly colored sheep a few years back, at an adventuring guild. They were matched up with a couple other people into a proper party, and sent out on various tasks. Something between them clicked, and from then on, they stuck together, even as the other members came and went.

About a month ago they had been contracted for a quest to determine the source of deaths and disappearances out of a few miles' stretch of wilderness and small towns. Daniel and Gabriel had set out to investigate, and uncovered some devious cult, bent on resurrecting Tiamat and and bringing around a new age of dragons.

The cultists had seeped into the towns, corrupting the townsfolk and using them for their rituals. The party had spent weeks working on rooting them out of the towns, breaking dark spells and clearing people's minds. Thankfully, with Daniel's psionic abilities, they had an easy time figuring out who was and wasn't a cultist. Once they'd gotten the most important areas cult-free, they finally had time to set out for finding their lair.

Two days ago the party set out into the forest, following well-travelled paths and game trails alike as they searched. It was slow going, working through dark areas, branching out into twisting paths after they ran out of luck on the larger ones. They considered leaving it- traps and cultist attacks were all too deadly. But they were in far too deep to quit now, so Gabriel and Daniel pushed on.

After avoiding traps, wildlife, and cultist attacks for those days, Daniel finally located their lair, at an entrance to a deep cave, hidden beneath the trunk of a massive tree. After a quick check to stock up and ensure they were ready, they went in.

It was a surprisingly large cave system, the stone smooth and well maintained. Dan held a torch in his lower left arm, his mind and body ready for an attack. He spied Gabe, lit by the torch, and gave him another good once-over. The Paladin was a touch shorter than him, and sported some hefty plate armor. The sheep's skin was a light blue, his wool a pale green. Dan looked over the large horns jutting from the ram's head, pointedly remembering he'd seen them knock many an enemy to the ground. The mewtwo often questioned Gabe's choice of weapon; a spear and flail mixture with an intricately carved lion's head on one end, attached to the end of a pole. Three razor-sharp steel blades extended from the lion's mouth. At the end of the pole was a chain, made of sharpened steel, with a large cross on the end.

He wasn't altogether sure how Gabe didn't manage to slice himself to ribbons with the deadly chain and cross, but it seemed to work. He was sure that his own abilities were just as confusing to the sheep.

A moment after the contemplation however, his eyes caught something glinting in the distance, and he pulled his gaze away from his companion.

A lone cultist stood in the distance, wreathed in shadow. A naked and spotless longsword was held in one furred hand, face hidden behind a mask, carved out of wood to resemble a dragon's snarling visage. The blade waved up and down as they adjusted their grip, and a vague outline of another person appeared from the darkness behind him. Then another...


Gabe's grip around his polearm tightened as he saw the cultists gathering in the distance. One would expect yells and shouts to ring through the cavern, but the cultists were eerily silent, as if they just knew without needing to be told. A tense silence filled the tunnel as both parties waited for the other to act. The cultists, even with their numbers, realized the difference in strength between the two parties. Any party, even a team of two, with a psionic that had any mewtwo blood at all PLUS a Paladin of any type, was a party to not take lightly. This party in particular had already been responsible for the deaths of the cultists, just to drive the point home.

One brash cultist decided to take the lead. He lifted a sword, and started running down the tunnel. The other dark-robed people followed, surging towards the pair like a storm in the night, swords as lightning, cloaks as dark thunder clouds.

He watched as Daniel lifted a hand, and pushed with his palm, telekinetic powers sending one of the front runners flying. Despite that first easy counter, due to numbers the fight turned into chaos from there, but Gabe was no stranger to the flow of combat. He saw the mewtwo fighting, and he felt nostalgic. Gabe had been quite confused when he first fought with the pokemon. He had assumed that the dark male would use a weapon, or his large form and brute strength, but neither ended up being true. The four-armed male was quite adept at physical combat, true, but that wasn't where he shined.

Instead, the mewtwo was fantastic at something called 'psionic power', which was apparently moving stuff with your mind. The male certainly was big, though. It was hard for Gabe to think that the guy was so good at fighting, without even using his body unless he genuinely felt the need to close with a foe. Daniel was most content to remain at a distance and not let hostiles get near him at all.

The mewtwo stood taller than him, and his frame was covered in shiny black plates of armor that grew naturally from his dark grey scales. He had a pair of muscular but trim upper arms, and a pair of equally sized, lower ones that he used equally adeptly. He stood atop a pair of powerful lower legs, with a thick tail reaching out from his lower back. It tapered near the middle, but at the end, thickened again, making it into a surprisingly strong whip. Gabe had seen him send people flying with a flick of the appendage.

A fist struck Gabe's gut, and he felt the breath leave his lungs, making him wheeze. He'd let his guard down while thinking of Dan. Gabe pushed them back with his polearm, and swung it so that the heavy cross knocked his attacker across the head, knocking him out.

They both fought as hard as they could, but the cultists seemed endless. It dragged on, making him unsure if they were getting more skilled, or if he were just growing weaker. Wave after wave came, until they were both too tired to fight. Once Gabe and Dan had fallen to their knees, they were knocked unconscious, dragged off.

Call it nothing more than mindless persistence, but despite the heavy butcher's toll, the cultists had brought the party to their mercy.


As Dan came to he realized he was stuck in a harness of some sort. His arms were tied back, hands stuck in the spot right above his rear. His long, thick tail was pulled up and away, leaving the entrance to his ass open and free. The breeze he felt definitely meant he was naked now, for reasons unknown. Shaking his legs confirmed that they only had the barest of movements- something was attached around his ankles, keeping them held down.

He blinked, wondering if he were blind, or if it was simply pitch black, as he couldn't make a thing out. He could hear the metal creaking and groaning as he wriggled, so at least that worked. His head still rung, and even attempting to use any of his psionic abilities to search the area caused nausea to wash over him. As he started to wonder why they were holding him, he heard a groan come from surprisingly close behind him- just slightly above. "Gabe?" He called out, getting a mumbled response a moment later.

The mewtwo craned his head up, trying to get a better view of the area, to hopefully see his partner, but all he found was a pair of glowing, pink eyes, their light cutting in from the darkness as their captor leaned in. "Good, I'm glad to see that you're awake." A ring of fire caught behind those eyes, muting their glow, but bringing a short, robed feline into view. After his eyes adjusted, with some blinking, Dan could tell that the flames were a line of candles, arranged around them.

Arcane lines and sigils were etched into the ground beneath them... Which the mewtwo was surprisingly close to. He was laid out near horizontally, his chest a few inches off of the ground. He got a good view of the cat's feet and ankles as he stepped up close, reaching for Gabe above. "What... Are you doing?" He said, pausing to take a breath. He could see his friend now, held just behind him, in a much more vertical position.

Dan let his head hang back down, too tired to lift it up any more. He blinked slowly at the blue paws, frustration taking over his face. The cat didn't even bother to respond to him, instead continuing to do... Something to the sheep. "You're going to be such a big help." A soft 'pap' of palm hitting fur was heard, and the feline backed up a few steps.

Dan tried calling out again, raising his voice: "Hey! What are you doing?!"

Once more, he didn't respond, but at least Dan got to see who they were dealing with. The robes covered a good amount of his body, and were black in color, red in trim, similar to the ones he'd seen on other cultists. He wore no mask, unlike the others, and was slim of frame with a slight curve around his hips. His small frame didn't stop him from barking orders like he was meant to, however, having the incoming cultists take up specific positions around them. "You've all been trained on this. You'd better have practiced, or I swear, I'll feed you to them after we're done."

He turned back to face the bound pair, long tail swishing behind him eagerly. "Start the chant. Provide the framework. I'll do the hard work." With the last order, after a moment and a false start or two, the cultists that ringed around them began to chant. The lines on the ground began to fill with magical energy, stealing light from the flame until they were brimming with a bright, golden glow.

Dan squirmed in his harness as the cat came close once more, speaking in what sounded like draconic- though Daniel didn't know it. Typically, it'd be no problem to figure out what he was saying by checking his mind, but that was past the beaten mewtwo at this point. He could hear what sounded like the cat poking and prodding his friend while speaking this harsh language, until Gabe let out a low groan.

Dan could feel his friend moving around, swaying a bit himself after getting tapped by the sheep's leg. Then, much to his surprise, he felt something warm and firm poking at the thick underside of his tail, just a bit off from his exposed rear. He'd already suspected he'd been stripped, but he hadn't realized that he was completely bare and exposed! God, just what were these cultists doing? He blushed, realizing that it was Gabe's erection.

Was the sheep really hard right now? No, it had to be the magic.

The cat stepped over Dan's head to get closer, leaving the pokemon's head covered under robe, face pressed between the cat's soft lower legs. He yelled out in protest, but it seemed like that jerk wouldn't even acknowledge him. It was a moment later that he felt that cock press against his ass again, and this time he could feel how hot and hard it was, more than one would typically expect. He had to hope that Gabe just wasn't super into BDSM and cultists. He sure hadn't picked up any of those tendencies when feeling the man's thoughts over the years. Finding that out now just added to the embarrassment.

A hot, wet spurt of pre struck his right cheek, and ran down it and his inner thigh, leaving a cooling trail. Daniel shuddered at the feeling, toes curling as another pulse landed on him, and another. Gabe's groans were growing louder, his struggling getting stronger, and he could only wonder what was going on up there.


Gabriel was slow to come to. He came to consciousness as if honey draped over his head were falling away, slowly, drop by drop. He could hear people talking, and he knew one of them was Daniel, but the other one was unknown to him. It came a bit faster after the lights were lit, his eyes opening to see a thin, blue cat looking up at him, with contrasting pink eyes that gazed at him with what seemed to be a mix of purpose and excitement.

He could vaguely see cultists moving, but they were more of a blur than anything, blending into the shadows behind the candlefire. The cat in his face went away, for a minute, and when he was back, Gabe was nearly lucid. He felt like he was hallucinating as the candles drained of color, burning with grey flames, as the floor lit up, incomprehensible lines filling with a golden light. Chanting filled his ears, the words hard to pick out, as that feline came back.

"Nnf... What..."

The cat was saying something, reaching up to rub over his cheek, and chest. He watched as the feline brought that hand back to his mouth, using sharp incisors to cut his thumb, before marking fresh, wet blood on his chest and belly. Gabe jerked and squirmed as that thumb ran over his fluffy crotch, marking his thighs and nuts. And as he squirmed, he realized just how odd his restraint was. While Daniel was prostrated on the floor, he himself was suspended in the air from some sort of movable bracket, with his hands loosely secured near his shoulders.

A fire lit in the sheep's gut, burning his insides. He hissed in, hands squeezing shut as it spread and grew, sinking down into his crotch. That flame filled his length, and suddenly he was flooded with arousal. His dick, uncut, chubbed up, and then rose to attention in record time. He felt it bump something soft and fleshy, and tilted his head down, gasping as he noticed Dan tied up beneath him. The black mewtwo's body was tied up even tighter than he was, with his ass bared and tail tied. He spotted his purple cock bumping was against that rear, and with a deep blush, Gabriel let out a low moan.

The cat stepped over Daniel's head to mark his dick with those strange arcane symbols, moving with quick, precise movements. When he finished, he leaned down to blow over the sheep's dick, making it pulse from the attention. Gabe rumbled out as he saw a spurt leap from his length, staining the mewtwo's ass, making the scales glisten as it ran down.

When his tormentor reached in, grabbing his balls, he jerked his hips forward, grunting. They felt heavier than usual- thick and full. He had to get it out...



He needed to fuck something. The desire was rising in him from a primal place, and his body was automatically trying to fill his desire, cock bumping against his friend's ass as more pre flew from his tip.

A moan rose unbidden to his lips, Gabe unable to help himself while that cat looked up at him, an evil grin on his face. He undoubtedly was conflicted about this, about wanting to fuck his adventuring partner so badly, but all he could think about was the satisfaction of sinking all the way in to that tight hole. When he looked up from Dan's thick behind, he noticed that the cat had vanished- no longer was he standing uncomfortably close, and Gabe was left to dangle, fruitlessly trying to thrust forward to pierce his longtime friend. He could get his cock to slide along the top curve Dan's cheeks, underside hotdogging just a bit while his tip rubbed against that tail.

Gabe shuddered as he felt soft hands rubbing over his hips, grabbing him from behind. The feline pressed close to him from behind, standing only just over his rear. He could feel the cat's purr as the male's chest bumped against Gabe's rear, the sheep shuddering as another line of his pre added to the messy Mewtwo's backside. "F-fuuuck..." Gabe let out, earning him a playful nip from the evil cat. The nip confirmed that just like Daniel, the sheep had been stripped completely, just the bare wool of his whole body between his skin and the groping fingers of his captor.

"I can arrange that for you," the cat said teasing from behind. His blue hands reached past Gabe, grabbing instead to Dan's hips. With a bit of angling and adjusting, the cat had them properly positioned. With his hands holding Dan, and Gabe's cock aligned, throbbing, and ready, the feline pushed forward, using his body to force the two together. Gabe gasped as his tip rubbed against Dan's hole, and he could feel the mewtwo tense beneath him.

"Sorry..." Gabe thought once again, he feels bad for this, but he just couldn't beat out the need burning within him.

Gabriel's cock sunk slowly into Dan, the sheep moaning out louder than before at the hot, tight embrace. He could feel that hole squeezing tight around his length, as inch after inch sunk in. The cultist behind him didn't seem to be in a rush, as his words swapped back to guttural draconic words. It was a firm, measured push, dragging things out for both of the adventurers, as that member slowly slid in. It felt like an eternity for Gabe, but finally, his entire member was stuck inside the mewtwo, and some of the fiery feeling in him subsided. It felt like the warmth were slowly leeching out of his nethers, seeping into Dan. Overhead, the bracket had slid forward those same sensual inches, leaving his body hanging and hilted in Daniel's rear.

With his head finally cleared a bit, now fully returned to consciousness, he tried to better understand where and what was going on. Clearly he was being forced to join some cultist ritual, some perverted sex magic likely to further Tiamat's goals. But why couldn't they just fuck each other? Did they have to be unwilling? "Hff... Nnf. What are you trying to do here?" He managed to ask, feeling his dick twitch involuntarily within Daniel's body.

Surprisingly, the cat answered: "Trying to take the surprise out of it? It's the first time I've done this particular ritual, but I always love seeing people figure it out for themselves. Let's just say I'm giving you a new purpose in life." He gave one last yank to make sure that Gabe was fully stuck inside Dan, and pulled away to the side, coming back around to the sheep's front. He checked over the runes and prodded at the mewtwo's ass, for a moment.

"Why are we tied up like this?" Dan called out from below, Gabe looking to the cat for an answer- though he remained silent.

"Er, so," Gabe continued, confusion furrowing his brow as he repeated the question. "Why are we tied up like this?"

Those pink eyes flicked up at Gabe's face, and the cat chanted out some draconic, letting his hand rest on the sheep's snout for a moment. He answered after it was done. "For convenience for both of us. The harness keeps you still while we need you to be. Stops things from getting hurt or broken."

Gabe had to wonder what that was about, but he was happy that at least his groin had calmed down. He no longer felt that burning fire. In fact, he didn't feel much of anything down there- it was all rather numb to him. He blinked as a lock of wool fell from his head, pale green fuzz drifting towards the ground. That was weird. Did he scrape his head earlier?

He squirmed a bit, and was surprised to feel some more fall off from his groin, his crotch wool thinning. He looked down at it and squinted, trying to figure out what was going on. He had to use the flicking light from the drained flames, but he caught a glint of something shiny under the soft hair. Were those scales?


Dan was feeling increasingly frustrated. It was a new kind of low for some villain to completely ignore him, with his friend's dick stuck in his ass. If this were a different situation, it might've been fun, but the mewtwo couldn't feel any pleasure with the cat hanging around, cultists chanting, and the whole ominous ritual thing going on.

At least his rear didn't hurt much anymore. A warm, tingling feeling had spread out within him, maybe some sort of numbing spell so he didn't get off too quickly, or didn't get much pleasure from it. "Hey!" He yelled out, trying to get the cultist's attention. He craned his neck up at him, which was starting to hurt form all the bending. "Why am I down here?! If you're gonna kill us, get on with it!"

He could see Gabe's eyes flick between him and the blue cat, who still didn't react. An awkward silence stretched for a moment, until Dan started to thrash, yanking himself around in the harness, trying to pull free. The cultist had to step away, but Gabe, stuck as he was, yelped and squirmed as they rocked together, hanging in the air.

It was fine, until Dan yanked a bit too hard and a large spike of pain ran up his ass, Gabe letting out a cry. He tested it a bit more, trying to move back and forward, seeing if he could dislodge that dick in the slightest, but it wouldn't move. He felt queasy, for a moment, stomach in turmoil. Just what was going on?

He felt a soft bit of wool land on his back, scraping over his skin until it fell off his side, making him look back up. He blinked, Gabriel's face looking unfamiliar. The green wool that normally crowned his head was falling out, and underneath were shiny, silvery scales, spreading over his forehead. He could've sworn that the sheep's snout was longer, too.

He watched as Gabe's eyes locked on to his, trailing down to his dark rear, and back up. "W-why won't you answer Dan...?", the Paladin asked hesitantly, and both of them turned to watch the cultist.

Those pink eyes sparkled, and his teeth were bared in a wide, evil smile. "It's beneath me to speak to your dick. Maybe when he's a bit further on I'll say 'hello' in another way."

The both of them hung there in a stunned silence, for a moment. The level of perversion the cat was implying was unheard of. Dan certainly wasn't sure if it were even possible. It defied any sort of conventional magic that he'd ever heard of. Merging people like that wasn't something he'd ever considered, and indeed, wasn't something thought of by anyone sane.

Dan's guts started to feel like they were burning, turning up from a slow simmer. It definitely wasn't anything natural, and he felt dizzy when he thought about what could be going on down there. "You can't be serious. I can't- I'm not." He went silent as he tried to process it, hearing Gabe speak up next.

"I don't want him as my dick!! Make it stop! Let us go!"

The teasing, calm voice of the cat retorted; "We didn't ask what you wanted. Neither of you have a choice here. Surprised you aren't more worried for yourself, though." Dan heard another light 'pap', and felt Gabe jerk and pull.

He groaned out as the warmth spread from his gut, up and into his chest, making his heart flutter. Was it just him, or was the fire hotter? Was his skin more sensitive? Could he still move anything? If this was possible, what would happen? Dan started to get afraid, moving and squirming once more. Mentally, he went down his body, feeling out any odd patches or abnormalities. The first thing to do would be to isolate the change. Maybe he could disrupt the ritual somehow and reverse all this, but only if he knew what worked and what didn't.

Head and shoulders were good. Top arms, bottom arms, hands, fingers, and torso were all fine, if bound. He could waggle his legs, tilt his ankle, move his toes... But his toes actually wouldn't move right. They required a lot of force just to get them to twitch. He tried to squeeze his rear hole, but found that that was beyond him, too. It scared him that he couldn't move his body to its full extent, and his wide eyes searched around for any way out. There was nothing on the ground near him, nothing he could grab and try to saw his way out.

A quick attempt at a psychic push moved them back, but left him so dizzy that he couldn't think. He heard the cat tsk-ing above him, and a soft foot on his lower back brought their swinging to an end. He heard Gabe panting, and kept trying to flex his toes, feeling their movement slow and stop bit by bit, until he no longer had any control over them. He felt the same sort of weakness coming from his knees, and shuddered.

"What's happening to me?" he heard Gabe ask, and the cultist chuckled in response.

"Oh, nothing much. New purpose, as said. A simpler one. A useful one. I'm sure you'll like it."

"But why does Dan have to be my- my dick?"

Dan heard the ruffling of cloth, but didn't want to look up.

"Just produces better results. Plus, it's kind of hot."

"No, it's not!" Gabriel's passionate, angry reply at least made him feel a bit better about the absurdity and deprivation the cult was inflicting.

He couldn't move his legs at all now, and they were definitely starting to feel different. They were hot, each one feeling like a glowing, red-hot ember were stuck under his skin. Surprisingly... It wasn't that painful. He didn't want to, but a morbid fascination filled him- he had to look back. Dan peaked under himself, and squeaked in response to what he saw.

His legs were hanging from his body, rather than being naturally attached, like one would expect. Instead of a clean curve from hip to thigh, baggy skin instead took its spot, skin that was slowly gaining shining silver scales. He could still make out some shapes of his thighs and bones, but he could tell that they were quickly losing definition. He could feel the immense heat rolling off of them, as they started to bunch up and hang in the restraints. It didn't take a genius to put two and two together- with what the cultist had dropped on them, and the ovoid shape his legs were taking on...

"F-fuck..." he heard Gabe curse from above.

"Feeling pent up, huh? No wonder, with a set like that."

Gabe let out a decidedly un-sheep-like angry hiss, and yelled "Shut up!"

Dan looked away, because he had to, unable to watch his legs shift and change further into a massive sack. The heat from his insides was spreading up his throat, and Dan started to notice the feeling, too. As his legs grew closer to two giant sperm-makers, he could feel them ache.

It felt like a low throbbing, but already they felt full and strained. He felt the cat's paw lift from his back, walking forward next to him and Gabe, reaching down to their joined genitals. "Mm. Just about..." He heard the cat mumble, and the fingers he felt touching against his... Balls, sent electric, fiery pulses of pleasure jolting up him. It was sharper, more distinct pleasure before it hit his lower stomach, where it faded out a bit. Was that where it was at now?

He realized at some point that his own set must've faded away. He certainly hadn't been aroused enough to pop a boner before, and, well, it would make sense that a dick wouldn't need a dick. Steeling himself for a quick glance, he looked down.

His slit for his cock was gone, sealed over with the skin of a black dragon cock. Instead, that incessant surging up his body, that feeling of something pushing slowly up through his core...Was forcing its way up and through from where his groin had been. He could still feel it- sort of. He knew where it was, and that spot seemed to be extra sensitive still, if retooled from before.

Some part of him needed to be the urethra, used to pump out pre, cum, and everything else a dick needed to spew. His cock was filling that role now, and he could see the bulge, right where his member used to be, a broad and smooth channel that reached out of Gabe's musky draconic slit, and was inching it's way further towards his chest, heading right for his neck and head.

A latch popped free, and the bindings holding those nuts up gave away, letting them fall and jostle, causing Gabe to gasp, and Dan to shudder. He could clearly feel them there, hanging, churning, readying for... Whatever the cult had in mind for them. Dan couldn't control them, but he still tried. He felt like if they were his, well, he should be able to do something to them. He tried flexing muscles, pulling this way and that, and after a minute, he was finally able to elicit a response, getting the left nut to pull up slightly.

The balls seemed to react, and whether on their own, or by Gabe's reaction, pulled up full and tight. Once they did, Dan felt his stomach swell, suddenly feeling stuffed. Gabe above panted and whined, Dan starting to feel a distinct pulsing feeling. Thump, thump, thump... The stretching, bloating feeling in his gut made him feel all the hotter. It was as if there was some hot liquid being pushed into him, some grand tube slowly forcing its way up his gut. He could only think about how he'd felt the sheep's cock spurting hot pre against him earlier, wondering if that was soon to be his fate. But with each throbbing pulse and surge through his increasingly genital-shaped body, Daniel could feel the finality and impending carnality of his situation squeezing upon his very self.


Gabe was sick to his stomach. He couldn't comprehend why someone would do this to other people. His body, though... It felt stronger than ever. It felt good. With his fur and wool falling away, revealing those metallic scales, he felt empowered. He could tell he was changing, and not just physically. Oddly enough, he felt proud to have those hard scales come into place. Dragons were the best species, and he was the best of dragons- he should be happy to feel his previous form falling away like cut grass falling to the earth.

He could see his snout changing before his eyes, pushing out and becoming sharper, more pointed. Light from the glowing runes reflected off of those scales, peppering his body and the ring of cultists with spots of light. As his nose changed, he found that he could smell a whole lot more. His own scent, different from before, but musky and strong. Dan's scent, though that was fading bit by bit, he could make out each of the cultists individually, though the cat's was the strongest. He caught the scent of arousal on the air, and not just his own.

It wasn't surprisingly, admittedly. There was a hunger in the cat's eyes, and after freeing his balls, the cultist couldn't keep his hands off of the changing dragon. Erg, when did he start thinking of himself as a dragon? Gabe's bones popped and snapped as he grew, shifting in the harness. It was definitely a planned design. As soon as he started growing, he started fitting into new rings of the harness, continuing to keep him bound even while he changed.

He shuddered as the cat's fingers rubbed along his swollen sack, lifting one of the heavy orbs. He felt a twitch run involuntarily up his 'shaft,' making Dan's lower end jerk, only to peter out halfway up. Dan was really looking like a dick around what used to be his hips. Gabe had looked down a few times, just to see, and noticed that a reptilian slit had grown around Dan's bottom, connecting with the hanging, shiny balls below.

It wasn't the only thing he noticed. Further cementing Dan's situation as his cock, Gabe saw that powerful tail melding away. The heavy base turned into a thick ridge, right before the bottom of his length, while the rest simply began to fade away, into a clear and bulging vein. It wasn't fully changed yet, but his sharp eyes could easily tell what it was turning in to.

Gabe felt another pop in his body, and found himself leaning forward a bit more. The burning mix of pleasure and desire had been coming back bit by bit, returning with a solid punch when his new sack dropped a minute ago. It made it hard to think, fogging his mind with a desire to fill something with his cock.

Oh, god, Dan was going to be his cock. He couldn't use him like that. He wouldn't use his friend like that...

And yet...

He felt full to the brim- it was worse than any other time he'd ever been blue-balled. He couldn't get off, even if he wanted to, and doing so meant that his friend would fully be his penis. He could feel bits and pieces come through, down there, as things changed. A warm gust of air washing over his sensitive base, the underside of his cock twitching, balls swaying through the air. The cat's hands ran up his growing and changing body, tugging away loose strands of wool, a rumbling purr coming from him.

Gabe was finally starting to come to terms with the fact that they weren't going to get out of this. He was powerless to resist, draconic strength or no. Dan couldn't do anything in his state. He licked his lips with his new thinner, stronger tongue. Words were hard, and they came out rocky, as if he were growling the whole time. "D-Dan. I don't wrrrant this. But I'm going to take carrrre of you. I'll make surrrre we get out of here. I'llrrr fix it." This, of course, prompted cruel laughter from the cat, but he saw Dan nodding. Well, as well as he could. Gabe could tell it was getting hard for him to move, arms starting to merge into a thick, circular length.

The cat used that time to unhook the cock, the rest of the lower harnesses falling away. Dan was now fully held up just by the firm cock-flesh that made up most of his body. That harness had been starting to get tight anyway...

God, he hoped he could free them.


Dan was struggling with the strong sense of futility and immobility he felt. Things had only worsened since his legs changed, now progressing to Dan losing control of his stomach, torso, and arms. He was being filled with a sense of firmness, like his insides were full of lead. He definitely couldn't move his lower arms any more, and his upper pair felt stuck. He also felt an overwhelming sense of need brewing in him. Whatever Gabe felt with arousal pooling in his groin, Dan felt it multitudes worse.

Every inch of him from his belly down was a throbbing spire of electric pleasure, every touch or breeze that touch it rocked his mind with waves of heat and desire. It all felt so good, and he wasn't sure how he could fight it, or if he even wanted to. Would he ever experience anything as raw and sexual as this again, if he left? He doubted it. It was demeaning, terrifying, nauseating, but all he could think about now was what it would feel like for Gabe to get off. To use him. To be used, and enjoy fulfilling one's purpose.

Dan shook his head, knowing he had to dispel these thoughts. To grow complacent with this meant he was admitting defeat. Gabe's words of comfort were nice, but he couldn't let the sheep take care of everything. He couldn't see any out right now, but he had to watch and be vigilant. Maybe they'd slip up.

The bloating feeling in his middle surged up again, the nuts behind him tightening and squeezing for a moment. It was in his chest now, so close to reaching his throat. He dreaded that moment, and knowing that it was coming only made it worse. His eyes flicked up to meet the cultist's pink ones, and he glared back, as well as he could. The cat flashed him a grin, and sunk to his knees. He leaned in close to Dan's head, until warm breath touched his ears.

Daniel lowered his head to get away from the cat- it was his last escape, but it only made it worse, showing him how his body had changed. Dragon dicks had strong, plentiful ridges for stimulation, and dragging out a previous stud's spunk to replace with their own. He saw similar ridges all down his form, forming into firm, yet dull points in the middle. He shuddered as he watched the last edge of one of his firm, natural armor plates go dull as it turned into dick, bulging out slightly to form one side of a point of a new ridge.

"You know what you're going to be used for, hm?" Maybe the cat had finally felt like acknowledging Dan, or perhaps he was just there to tease and make things worse. The cat spoke in a whisper, just so Gabe couldn't hear. "You're just going to be a big, thick fuckstick. You're going to pump thick, virile dragon seed inside of cunt after cunt. You won't be a person, just a constantly hard pole for your friend to use to screw with." One soft hand touched on his back, stroking over a firm bump in Dan's flesh, making his form twitch and bob as it brushed over a forming draconic ridge in his cockflesh.

Dan was furious, and he opened his mouth to tell the cat off, only something to shift and connect inside him. He felt them touch, and the thick tube in him finally opened, his throat and mouth flooding with clear pre. "Glrk! Ggnn..." He tried to hold it back, throat muscles fighting against the flood. He was only just able to keep it down by locking his throat, but he could feel the slick, plentiful juices trying to get free.

It was hard to look as hateful as he wanted with lines of musky dragon-pre drooling from his lips, but he still fixed the feline with the best stink-eye he could manage. Of course, the cat couldn't let a mere dick show him such disrespect, and Dan felt the cat's touches growing firmer. He rubbed over the cock, stroking over a good foot or two. "I can't let you get off yet, but. I can have some fun, still." he spoke to both of them, Gabe only responding with a hot exhalation. Dan felt the balls pump again, and a new spurt of pre jetted inside his mouth, forcing him to hold it back once more.

His head angled down, and he could see the gossamer lines of pre trailing down, forming a small puddle beneath him. When he looked back, under him, he saw his shoulders, and the rest was pure dick. Slick and glisteningly moist black skin had replaced his scales, throbbing with Gabe's hammering pulse. He recognized the shape, too. Traditional dragon, with the addition of nuts. He wasn't sure if he preferred them out like that, but he did think it was a nice testament to male power.

He couldn't escape being Gabe's dick. Dan knew he was well and truly fucked. The dragon's spicy, raw musk filled his nose and made his head swim, wafting up from the pre that drooled from his lips. Hearing was hard, with the constant, powerful puse of hot blood through him, Gabe fully supporting him. He could feel it rush through his body, each pulse making him jerk, and bringing another little gush of pre to back up his throat.

Another line of thick pre drooled from his lips as he let his focus slip. Everything around him was so sensitive, so firm. He could barely move, but every stroke of that cat made him feel like he was going to burst with orgasmic pleasure. He saw where his hips used to be- they were a strong, thick draconic knot not. Two large bulbs, with a nice indentation in the middle leading up into the shaft, showing right where his urethra was. The same one that was currently trying to force precum out of his face.

A few ridges line the bottom of his shaft, thick lines of dragoncock that would surely be a wonderful pleasure to any partner, ringed around his girth leading up into a short, smooth section that Dan realized would soon be right underneath a fat, swollen tip. His throat struggled to deal with the pressure that was building up: "Glrrp!" It broke for a moment, a large glob of the fluid flowing between his teeth and out his lips before he managed to close it again.

It was about that point that he realized he didn't need to breathe any longer. He wasn't even sure if he could speak... Would he ever talk again? His throat fluttered once more. Maybe if he just let it go for a moment, clear the buildup, he could hold out longer. Some part of him realized it was worthless, but he was preoccupied with trying to spite the cat as long as he could, to hold on to every dredge of his pokemanity before it was gone.

He opened his mouth, and then, let the muscles in his neck loose. The cock jerked, and Dan closed his eyes as a rushing stream of pre gushed out into, and out of his mouth, splattering onto the floor, much to their captor's delight.

"Good! Let it all out. It's going to be all you're doing soon enough. Spewing for your dragon stud host."

The flow seemed to stop after a moment, and Dan, trying his best, drew in a wet, raspy breath. Seems like that still worked for the moment. "I'm going to- blrrg!" he got partway through his sentence before he felt his shaft pulse again, a hot, fresh spurt running right into his mouth and drooling out from his lips.

It was a few shaky breaths before he tried again. "I'm going to make you regret this..." he said, feeling those balls pump. He was getting used to the feeling, and knew it'd be coming, so he clamped his throat shut.

The damning, grinning cat laid down on his side infront of Dan, "Oh? What are you going to do, ruin my robes? Maybe that was my plan all along, too. Can't wear anything fancy when you're making the new stud." Dan's head throbbed, and he felt Gabe's pleasure running through every bit of him. He knew he didn't have much longer to hold on here... And he wasn't sure what'd happen next, short of that throb meaning his head was going to soon be becoming... Well, becoming Gabriel's engorged tip.

He watched those feline hands reach up, cupping him under his cheeks. Dan was raised up to stare him in the face, unable to resist as the cat leaned in to give him a smooch on the nose. "You were worthless before. But now you'll be serving a real purpose. A divine one. You don't appreciate what you're being given." Dan throbbed angrily... Or, Gabe did? The ex-mewtwo was certainly a big member, though. It didn't look like he'd lost any mass as the change continue, but as the feline moved away, and he glanced up, he saw why.

Gabe was massive now, turning into a true feral dragon. Silver thighs hung on either side of him, restraints mostly snapped and gone, save for a collar around the dragon's neck. He also saw that, at some point, another dragon had been brought in. A thin, svelte red was staring at them from across the room. She turned around, hips wriggling, and Gabe's body trembled. The buildup in his throat started to get unreasonable again, as the dragoness spread her legs, revealing a wet slit; Dan's eyes catching the glint of golden light shining off of a bead of feminine arousal that fell to the ground. He felt the cultist's arm wrap around his neck- only to find out that he didn't have one any more. It was all cockflesh, a big, thick barrel of dick with his immobile head stuck on the end.

"You're going right in there. He's not gonna be able to resist much longer. I'm amazed he's held out this long. He must really care for you. But, that's why I'm here." The feline's warm breath tingled on his ear, feeling far better than it had any right to. His sensitive length felt that warm breath move into the next forming ridge, and a wet, warm tongue touched his flesh. He saw a forepaw of the dragon scrape into the hard, stone floor, and his throat finally gave way to the dragon's urethra. Pre poured out into a puddle, pushing past his lips effortlessly. The first was just backup, and it drooled out aimlessly, but the next was a solid, hot spurt, rising from deep within. He saw it spray out, glittering in the light. And then Dan bobbed out of the cultist's grasp and wobbled back and forth as the chains and restraints released, and Gabe got to his new four feet.


The further Gabe ascended into dragonhood, the harder it was to resist his urges. Any shred of sheep had been replaced by silver scales and muscle. He could instinctively and physically feel that his massive body was meant to be a quadruped. He was hunched over in the harness, bent around his middle with his hind legs resting on the floor, Dan jutting out between them. It was hard to distinguish in his mind between the mewtwo and his dick. Every time he tried to force himself to think of Dan as he used to be, his thoughts quickly changed to something else. Stroking a dick, inserting a mewtwo into a tight hole, Dan's face with cum spewing out of it.

His head was a jumble, and it didn't help that his body knew exactly what it wanted to do, and was overloading him to try and get him to do it. His hips shook as that cultist was down there, talking with his dick. No! Dan. The mewtwo at least deserved to keep his name. Even if he lost his form, the least Gabe could do was honor him as a person. Unfortunately... Every inch of his, uh, Dan was aching. It was the worst, most persistent hard-on he ever had, and no matter what he tried, he couldn't get it to go away.

Having that cat teasing his length, feeling hot pre pouring forth from Dan while he desperately tried to resist it only made it harder for Gabe to resist. His new, broad wings flapped above him as he tried to keep himself from acting out. Even without the bindings, he was too far gone to bother attacking the circle of cultists. It seemed like the ritual was done, though. They had stopped chanting, and the golden light was starting to fade. He saw a few of them leave the room, and come back in a moment later, leading a lithe, supple dragoness, with scales the color of a bright flame. His cock throbbed, and he felt another sputter of pre splatter the floor.

He was so backed up. The cat's touch certainly didn't help, his moist and sensitive cock flesh feeling stretched with how much it was keeping back. His eyes were glued to the girl, as she turned around, exposing herself. Fuck. His mighty Dan throbbed, and he felt the wondrous feeling of release as pre poured forward, wetly pooling on the ground. He had to resist while Dan did. He couldn't let his friend down. He had to protect him.

The dragoness' scent hit his nose, and his entire body jerked. It was intoxicating. It drew him in, calling to base, primal needs in his body that he couldn't resist. His cock sprayed out a long line of slickness as, and Gabe stood on his fours, cock waving with the motion. The devious feline must've moved out of the way fast, because Gabe didn't feel him get bowled over as he bound forward. His larger, heavier body slammed atop the dragoness, her body warm against his cooler one.

Dan smacked against her underside, swollen orbs swaying underneath. Gabe went in for a possessive neckbite, grabbing ahold of her tight. He knew it was wrong, and there was no way he'd normally just run up and plunge in to someone, but his body was acting on its own now, and he could resist no more than Dan could. Gabe's hips pulled back, and he thrust wildly, ridged cock scraping against her scales and rear.

Finally, he managed to snag her entrance with his tip. He was nearly too big for her- apparently having a mewtwo as a dick made you quite the hung dragon. It was a squeeze to force Dan in, but the tight, excessively hot embrace of a fire dragon's innards was worth it. A mix of his pre and her fluids gushed out of her cunt, washing down his shaft and splashing against his balls. His hips worked like a machine, fucking inches into her, ridge by ridge, working to get every bit of himself sheathed.


Despite bouncing up and down wildly, Dan didn't feel very dizzy. Not like you usually would, anyway. The burning, all-consuming need to fuck made him a bit dizzy, though. As Gabe's new implement of debauchery, he felt all Gabe did and more, his form literally swollen with arousal. He slapped up against the dragoness' underside, and a spurt of pre rocketed out of his mouth. If you could call it that. He couldn't move his lips or nose any more, and he could see them extending into the pointed tip of a spade-shaped dragon's glans. He knew his face was changing into a ridged cocktip, but for the moment, he could still see everything. The hot, musky taste of pre slowly faded out as the spurts became more regular, flowing naturally from him, his throat and mouth becoming nothing more than a flowing tube.

Dan wanted to hate this, but he looked forward to getting in there. After finishing, no matter how weird or explosive it was, he'd finally get a reprieve from this burning need to cum.

Gabe pulled him back, and Dan got a brief view of that ass standing at the ready, legs firmly planted, tail lifted, snatch wet and waiting. He plunged forward, and thought this would be it, but instead he slid against her cheeks, stimulating but not enough.

Gabe's next attempt lodge his pointed tip in the right hole, the cock's face caught by those beautiful, soaked lips. With him stuck there, for just a moment, he got to see plenty. He spread her just enough to see past the soft scales, into the soft pink tunnel that awaited him. He feel his inner tube flood with fluid, and a strong blast of pre gushed out from him, coating her entrance and his tip. The draconic hips rolled forward, and Dan's close view got obscene, pressed right up against her entrance, before sliding further in.

She was hot inside, and her warmth seeped into him, reminding him of the flame burning in his core. He should feel humiliated and grossed out, but instead, Dan simply feels proud and happy. This is what he was meant to do. Now, at least. She gripped his body tight, and the sensations of being stroked and squeezed from every angle, soft yet firm walls gripping every bit of his tapered tip and head made him pulse.

It was no surprised that they were leaky, but the amount of fluids in there surprised the cock, his constant streams of pre mixing with her arousal to engulf him entirely. Good thing he didn't need to breathe. He felt her stuck at the bottom of one ridge, the tight tunnel stuffed full of him and their combined juices. Gabe's hips screwed him further in, and he felt a hot splash run over the next portion of his length. Dan was excited to be fully in, and the rest of his form tingled in anticipation.

Gabe's hard, firm thrusts drove him deeper and deeper, the tunnel only getting tighter as his length expanded the closer they got to his base. He had been able to see some soft pink glows of light from outside, but at this point, all was black to him. He knew that the next time he was pulled out, any semblance of the mewtwo he used to be would be gone. As it should be- he was a cock, not a pokemon. He was supposed to be used.

As his length finally bottomed out, pressed in right to the knot, he could barely feel his tip tickling a soft barrier in-front of him. He was just the perfect length to screw her. More pre bulged out his underside as it travelled up him, filling her further.


Gabe hilted in her, his mind still muddled. He swapped between thinking about Dan, stuck in that dark, tight tunnel, and how good it felt to breed. His nuts were packed full of his fertile jizz, and he knew she would be swaying with his eggs within weeks. He would be the best sire they ever had- no, this was wrong! He fought it was much as he could, but the mental strain was losing out to the sensation of his hips pumping back and forth, sliding Dan into and out of her snatch, pounding her forcefully.

He could tell she enjoyed it, and that made him at least slightly less conflicted. She trembled under him, hot breath letting out in gasps and moans. His mind let loose of all other worries as he slammed himself in. He could feel them coming to a climax, starting deep in his nuts. Burning splashes of his pre fell to the ground beneath them as he screwed, and he could feel it reaching his clawed feet. His talons were so sharp they were stuck in the stone, firmly rooting them despite the slick floor.

He felt her walls give a hard clench around his straining member, spasming as she reared her head, making him bite harder, working more to claim her. He pushed in harder than before, her walls stretching around his knot as his length throbbed and quivered. So close... He didn't quite make it in, so he pulled back and tried again, pushing harder. She had a hard time staying up under the force of his mating, and he could feel her slipping beneath him, but he just needed a bit more.

Lewd, wet plaps and slaps echoed in the room or horny cultists as he fucked her with everything his new body had, her hot tunnel taking up the whole of his world. He didn't see, didn't smell, didn't taste. Gabe was fully taken in by the feeling of rutting deep within her, spreading her open further and further with his wide knot. He snarled as he came closer and closer, the tip of his cock feeling so sensitive, he could feel it dragging and pushing over her textured, soft insides, rubbing against ridge and bump.

With one final thrust, he finally managed to pop it in, and the locked knot finally brought him where he needed to be. He gave a few halfhearted grinds, but his cock knew what to do. It jerked harder than ever before, balls pulling up as they prepared to unload. He let out a triumphant roar into the echoing caverns as he seeded his first bitch, cum flooding into her.


In and out, in and out, Daniel was forced to explore the dragoness' depths personally. Much like how Gabe was lost to the pleasure, so was he, for he felt everything in great detail. He came to know her insides as if they were a map. He knew and savored every inch of her tunnel, memorizing it by bump and vein.

Gabe pulled back, and his ridges pulled and slid over her softer sets. He was pushed back in, and spurted his pre all over the lovely set of stimulating bumps deep within. He kissed her cervix every time he was pushed in, and it egged him on.

He could feel their orgasm growing in what used to be his legs, which dangled and jostled outside. He also knew it wasn't possible yet. There was a wall, a barrier in him that prevented it from happening until he was in the perfect position to impregnate her. He wasn't sure how he knew- maybe some semblance of psychic power returned to him, or it was just a thing cocks knew.

Dan felt them getting closer and closer, and his form grew steely as they did. They were so near now, their knot feeling her sweet embrace more each push, his head delving just a bit further. When Dan felt the knot pop in, his glans firmly wedged right in the middle of that cervix, spreading and squishing in a fleshy fashion that his skull would never have permitted it so that his tip was primed to coat her innards in cum, he knew it was time.

It was like a holy revelation, a divine movement that rushed through him. Every inch of him was full of fiery passion, radiating out. A thicker, bountiful load bulged him out, and he was eager to see it come through. His form jerked hard, his glans inflating as Gabe's draconic jizz spewed forth. He could feel the balls working, pumping more and more in while he let it out, the thick sperm quickly filler her up. It got even tighter in there as the spunk kept coming, bloating out her hole and innards with his prodigious load. It backed all the way up to his knot, where the load fought to get out. It got tighter and tighter, cum flowing out liberally, until he finally felt it spurt out past their tight knot, drooling down their balls.

The flow finally abated, Dan giving out a few more spurts before his length fell dormant. He was still hard, at least mostly, but the warmth in his middle simmered down. He was stuck in there for a few minutes, at least, but soon enough he felt Gabe tugging, the dragoness' walls moving around him. The knot popped out, and a flood of his cum exited, releasing the firm, tight feeling as he was dragged out. The world remained dark as Dan dangled between Gabe's legs, the world cold. He felt jizz dripping off of him, falling to the ground. The only thing he could hear was the beating of Gabe's heart, and the rumbles and vibrations of Gabe's throat running through his body.

Just when he started to flag, knot going down, Dan thinking he'd get a break, that flaming need stoked its fire within him, and the cock returned to attention. He felt himself wobble as Gabe moved, and soon his face was pressed to a new, tightened cunt. Pre washed back against his tip yet again, as Dan readied himself for the next.


Gabe was so relieved to get that load out. He felt relaxed, fulfilled, pleased and proud from letting it go. When the cultists pulled him back, making her pull off, he was reluctant. He snarled and snapped at them, but despite that, his knot pulled out, and he heard what sounded like thick waterfall of his cum pouring out of her. He looked down and saw the large lake of creamy, white spunk, and the feeling of pride swelled in him. He had done that?

He saw her gaping, stretched slit winking as she wobbled away, the strength in her legs fucked out of her as the cultists led her away. To his surprise, there was a replacement. A dapper, blue dragoness was next, and he could already smell her need on the air. His member pulsed back to life... He could do one more before breaking them out, right? She sidled up to him, and he mounted her, much better at finding the target this time. Just one more.


Hello all! Another finished commission. If you're interested in getting one, feel free to send me a PM. -- The Dragon's Breath was a lively inn, middle tier, that always had a bard or band playing, and proudly offered up spicy, flavorful ales. It...

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Tome's Sacrifice

Tome sat (Well, more accurately, crouched) in the throne room of a dark, imposing castle, made of high terraces and sharp points. Around his neck was a tight collar, keeping him chained to the wall. His hands were bound behind his back. He was forced...

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Falling Paladin

Ky knew they were in trouble. The vast ritual chamber had somehow been transformed since he'd fallen asleep. Braziers had been added in, and flickering red flames lit the area around him, though that seemed to just make the rest of the room that much...

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