Just Friends [version 2]

Story by eddiew on SoFurry

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#2 of The Mageranger Collection

A rewrite and retcon of an older story, probably the first in the collection chronologically. Now fits in a little better with the overall plan for the set :)

For the curious, the original illustration is [here](%5C) and the original story [here](%5C). I like to think both are an improvement ^^;

Just Friends

A gentle breeze ruffled the trees along the edges of the lake. High above, a lark spiralled upwards into the clear blue sky, high pitched song just reaching the ears of the cheetah on the ground below.

Glancing around, taking in the circle of surrounding trees and the stillness of the sunlit waters, he smiled. Sliding his bow from his shoulder, he propped it against a fallen tree, where it was quickly joined by his belt, daggers, boots and tunic. Standing naked at the water's edge, he stretched, displaying a slender but well toned body to the summer air, tail standing out ramrod straight behind him as his back arched.

Eyeing the water, judging its depth, the cheetah crouched low before vaulting forwards into a leap of many yards and one which a casual onlooker would have thought he had no right to be able to perform. Such an onlooker would of course, not have been aware that this feline had that spring reached his fourteenth year in the ranks of the Magerangers, that elite group of law keepers who's reputation for courage and upholding justice were only overshadowed by their famous use of the <i>magus lumen</i>. Sensitive to the magical ether, trained to draw upon its ambient power, the rangers were known to be able to endow themselves with great strength and speed in the heat of combat.

They were also able, as it turned out, to perform ten yard cannonballs into a lake without a run up.

Surfacing, the cheetah grinned up at the blue sky, welcoming the chill shock of the water after nine hot hours in the saddle. Floating on his back for a few seconds, he swam a couple of lazy widths of the little lake, guessing it to be perhaps thirty yards across. Taking a deep breath, he dived, making his way along the bottom until he reached the deepest point at the centre. It was a few seconds after he surfaced, treading water in the middle of the lake, that he thought he heard movement in the bushes behind him.

"Um, hello?" he called out, turning in the water. "Who's there?"

Somewhere behind the thick curtain of willow leaves that trailed all the way down to the water's surface, a giggle sounded.

"Amethyst...?" the cheetah raised an eyebrow, his toes just brushing the sandy bottom. He half hoped it wasn't her, half hoped it was some random stranger passing by and leering at him, rather than have the conversation he thought was coming; a conversation he had been avoiding for two days now.

"Yes Leoric?" the lioness' face peered through the greenery, her light tan fur in compliment to the leaves and stark contrast to the remarkably purple mane of hair cascading down one side of her face. It was that unlikely colouration that often startled the unwary, amused those familiar with it, and mildly embarrassed Amethyst, who generally claimed to dye it that way.

Those who knew her well enough might eventually find out that she did so such thing; instead having wrought a permanent change upon herself as a teenager when her natural love of mechanisms, concoctions and chemicals had led her to experiment with how such things might be imbued and infused with the magus lumen. Unfortunately she had never been the most disciplined or ordered student, and eventually the inevitable happened - an accidental combination of entirely the wrong reagents that had gone up with an earsplitting bang and a magnificent cloud of purple smoke that billowed from the window of the laboratory.

Sitting in the infirmary that afternoon, being scrutinised by several experienced healers and medics, she claimed to have been looking for a dye that would repel dirt. Leoric, standing at the side of her bed, observing her rather guilty expression, had rather suspected she'd been once again looking for a way to add a few inches to what she considered her 'short' five-foot-nine stature. Certainly he had witnessed a long history of such attempts, ranging from meditation, to eating vast amounts of green vegetables, to hanging upside down by her feet - none of which ever had the slightest effect. It was an odd worry, and one that Leoric suspected would take another lioness to really understand, but after an argument on the subject had ended in tears and a feeling of incredible guilt, he had learned to leave the matter alone.

Although right now, neither her height nor her hair colour really crossed his mind.

"Um, why are you watching me?" he asked nervously.

Stepping out of the bush, Amethyst brushed a couple of stray leaves from the shoulder of her tunic as she approached the log on which the cheetah had left his folded clothes. She sat down next to them. Leoric found himself suddenly very aware that he was entirely naked, and that the water was far too clear and pure for comfort.

"Actually, I've been thinking..." the lioness said softly, looking at him. "About two days ago..."

Leoric flushed, a pinkness visible even at distance. "Ammy..." he said. "I am really, truly, very sorry that..."

"I'm not," she smiled.

The cheetah stopped and looked at her, her response sufficiently unexpected as to leave him momentarily lost for words.

"Well," she went on. "I kind of am..."

Leoric's ears sank, matched by the rest of him as his chin dipped into the water. "I know I didn't really do much to make it good for you," he said quietly. "If I had been even half in my right mind, I would have... well..."

The lioness shook her head. "We were both pretty out of it," she said. "And besides, if you had been in your right mind, you wouldn't have done anything."

Leoric looked away.

"Do you wish you hadn't done anything?" she asked gently.

"I..." the cheetah searched for the right words. "I wish..." he swallowed. Might as well say it, he realised, he had already dug the hole, may as well fall into it gracefully and let her bury him. "I wish that we had both been thinking straight, and that we had enjoyed it more, and that I hadn't... hadn't hurt you. I... I wanted to tell you how much I liked you for a long time, that I wanted to be... be closer to you, but not like that, not drunk, not stupid. It was just... I was drunk, and I am stupid, and I just couldn't help myself. I'm really sorry."

Amethyst smiled kindly. "You didn't hurt me much," she said softly. "Just a bit of a bruise where you pushed me down. You make it sound like you forced yourself on me..."

Leoric looked at her, biting his lip. "Did I?" he asked, an audible tremor in his voice.

The lioness laughed gently. "No," she shook her head. "No of course you didn't. What, do you think I can't hold off a skinny drunken boy like you if I need to?" she stuck her tongue out at him, then smiled as his expression shifted away from miserable and towards hopeful. "There and then, I wanted it as much as you did," she admitted. "Seemed like a good idea at the time, I guess," she sighed.

"Less so in hind sight...?"

"A little," she confessed with a wry smile. "I have had better times, and I'm sure you have too."

Flushing again, Leoric looked away, unable to meet her gaze. "I, uh... I haven't had any other times," he told her.

Amethyst covered her mouth with her hand. "What? But... but you told me about you and..."

"I lied," Leoric admitted. "You were always telling me I'd never find a girl, I figured it was easier just to pretend to get you off my back about it."

"Oh, Leo..." the lioness said softly. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have teased you... I was only joking, you're a sweet guy really... I didn't know it bothered you that much." She looked at him sadly. "And now look what I've gone and made of your first time! Oh, I'm sorry..."

"Hey, as far as I was concerned, you were pretty good," he laughed nervously. "What little I remember, anyway," he looked unhappy.

"Would you like to try again?" she asked. Bobbing on only the tips of his toes, this comment was enough to dislodge him from his precarious footing and he toppled into the water, his head dunking under before he re-emerged, sputtering. Amethyst giggled.

"A-again?" he asked, blinking water out of his eyes. She nodded and smiled, and he felt the heat in his cheeks rise all the way up his ears.

"You... you really aren't angry...?" he stammered. She shook her head. "Don't wish we'd never...?" She shook her head again.

"I don't wish we hadn't spent the night together," she said softly. "But I do wish we'd made a better job of it, and because you're my friend and I like you I wouldn't mind a try at making things right, and if I don't say so I'm going to hate myself forever," she admitted, her blush mirroring his.

It wasn't often that she blushed, Leoric thought. She really meant it...

Leoric took a step forwards, stopped, wobbled slightly under the water, and looked at her.

Laughing, the lioness grabbed the towel he had left by his clothes and stood up. "Why don't you come out here?" she asked.


"Well its not like I haven't seen what you got," she giggled. "Though I think you did keep your shirt on."

"Only because neither of us could get the buttons undone..." Steeling himself, the cheetah leaned forwards into the water, taking a few swimming strokes until it was shallow enough to stand and walk easily. Pausing for a moment with the water at his waist, he found the lioness' gaze focused on his eyes, not straying an inch until he was in front of her. "Gotcha!" she announced, wrapping her arms, and the towel around him.

He laughed, relaxing slightly into her embrace, resting his wet cheek against hers.

"I do love you, Ammy," he pronounced. "You're my best friend."

Smiling, the lioness pulled back looked down at him from her height advantage of half an inch - although she always said it was double that - then leaned forwards and pressed her lips gently against his, one hand resting against the back of his head, keeping him in the kiss for several long seconds.

"Wowzl..." he commented as she released him, feeling his lips tingling even after the contact was lost.

"Now that," she said, "is how you're supposed to have a first kiss. Did you like it?"

Leoric smiled and nodded, knowing as he did so how stupid he looked, and somehow not caring.

"So..." he said, not quite sure where to take things.

The lioness smiled, and rubbed his shoulders through the towel. "Just stay still, it'll be quicker," she told him as he made a move to start drying himself.

Slightly uncertain, but not really wanting to interrupt her, the cheetah complied. It was actually quite relaxing, he realised... standing in the warm sunlight, being towelled off by a rather pretty lioness. He smiled as she moved around behind him.

Amethyst noticed the smile, and grinned at him as he looked over his shoulder, her hands moving to his bottom, making him jump. He found himself blushing as she worked her way down the backs of his legs, reaching all the way around to dry the front, then moving back to his rump and along his tail.

"Turn around?" she asked.

"Uh..." he hesitated, and she looked up. Standing, she put her arms around his chest.

"Leo? Are you ok?" she asked gently, her chin on his shoulder. "Am I pushing you too fast? We can go slow if you like..."

He laughed nervously. "No, I'm sorry, I'm just... Geez, Ammy, I blush just thinking about talking to you about something like this. You have no idea how much Dutch courage it took last time."

The lioness chuckled. "I have some idea," she said, leaning over his shoulder and nuzzling his cheek. "But please don't be nervous," she went on gently. "You don't have to impress me, or talk me into it, you've already got me, if you want me. I promise I'm not teasing you this time," the lioness purred.

Looking over his shoulder at her face, Leoric smiled. Keeping her eyes locked with hers, he turned around slowly.

"There you go," she grinned, covering his chest with the towel and rubbing at him. "See? I don't bite. Yet," she winked as her hands moved down to his stomach, stepping in closer to him until her lips grazed against his, a fleeting kiss that left him with his eyes closed and trembling. Before he could recover, she dropped the towel, briskly drying his lower torso.

"Much better," she pronounced, standing again and letting the towel fall to the grass underfoot, and he nodded mutely. Amethyst giggled. "You're awful quiet - usually we can't shut you up..."

"Sorry," Leoric found himself apologising again. "I guess you just... take my breath away," he said, smiling as the lioness' eyes sparkled. Catching him off guard, she jabbed him lightly in the chest with one hand, making him take a step back, advancing on him until she had him backed up against a tree.

"Uh..." he commented, finding himself nudged into jumping up and sitting on a conveniently low branch. He wondered if she had had her eye on this particular tree for a while. Without a word, she put her hands on his knees, pulling them apart and stepping up between them until her nose touched his.

"You really are kinda cute when you're nervous," she told him, grinning. Then she kissed him.

The cheetah mmphed as he felt her tongue press against his lips for a moment, pushing inside his mouth, gently exploring his front teeth as her hands caressed his buttocks, her fingers ruffling and then smoothing his soft, spotted fur. As she felt him respond to her, the lioness moved one of her hands, taking his as it hovered an inch from touching her, and gently brought it into contact with her flank, letting him stroke over the soft fur between where her top ended and her skirt begin for a few moments, before guiding his fingertips up and under her clothing. She purred as he gingerly explored her soft breast, pulling back to smile at her best friend.

"You... you feel wonderful," the cheetah told her, then winced. "And that sounded really..."

"Cute," Amethyst giggled. "I so have to fluster you more often, you're way more fun like this. Here, let me help," she took his other hand, sliding it up under her top on the other side. "Doing fine," she purred, smiling, and touching her nose to his, and he nodded hesitantly. "Don't be afraid to explore, nothing's off limits to you," she said softly, and he looked at her for a moment, then slid one hand around, his fingertips finding the tickly spot under her arm, making her laugh and wriggle.

The cheetah couldn't help but purr himself as he investigated his friend's body. OK, so perhaps it wasn't quite a new experience, but with a clear head, and her friendly smile beaming at him, this was so much more pleasant. He let both his hands roam around to her back, pulling her towards him, brushing his lips over hers in a brief, teasing kiss before moving his hands to cup her breasts again, feeling how her nipples stood up under the attention.

Amethyst purred richly as her friend caressed her, setting off that wonderful tense, tingly feeling in her chest... and other places. Smiling, she reached up to take his hands, guiding them down and around and to the button at the front of the waistband of her skirt.

Leoric's eyes widened a little, and she winked at him. Fumbling slightly, the cheetah managed to unfasten the button, his fingers shaking. She moved his hands again, and, making sure that his thumbs were hooked both through the waistband of her skirt, and into her underwear, pushed them as far down her legs as he could reach. The cheetah flushed as he found his eyes drawn downwards, captivated by the triangle of soft, purple fur that pointed to the pink skin that was just barely out of his line of sight, hidden by the angle of her hips.

Grinning, the lioness took one of his hands and guided it, palm up, until it rested nicely between her legs.

Leoric leaned forwards a little, nuzzling softly at her collarbone as he let his hand rest where it was, softly cupping her. As she sighed and leaned into him, he let his fingers explore slightly, working on touch.

"Easy, Leo," she whispered. "Don't push in just yet..."

The cheetah nodded, flushing, pulling back the finger that had been nudging between her soft folds, instead letting it trace back and forth along the warmth of her entrance. Amethyst sighed appreciatively and put her hands on his flat stomach, caressing him gently, letting her hands wander across his chest and down again. He jumped suddenly as she wrapped her fingers around an erection he hadn't even noticed, busy with his exploration of her body.

Leoric gasped as the lioness explored his arousal, her touch light and constantly shifting focus, one moment flickering along the underside of his shaft, the next investigating the very tip.

"Ammy..." he whispered, and she pulled back to smile at him.

"Everything ok?" she asked gently, and he nodded vigorously. "Good, because its about to get better," she giggled, moving his hand from between her legs, and kneeling in front of him, her face on a level with his hips.

"Ammy... wait... please..." he put his hands on her shoulders as she leaned forwards, and she looked up, puzzled.

"Please, I... I have to do something for you..."

The lioness smiled. "It's ok," she let her nose touch ever so lightly against his length. "I'm happy to do this for you. Just relax and I'll lead a while."

"Please..." he pushed at her shoulders, pressing her away. "It... it's important."

Amethyst blinked. "I don't understand," she said gently, lifting her hand to stroke softly against his inner thigh. "It's ok, Leo. I don't mind at all..."

"No, its..." Leoric flushed. "L-last time, I didn't do anything for you... you... didn't get to... to finish properly."

To Leoric's surprise, Amethyst went bright red. "I... I did," she told him. "Just not until you passed out," she looked away.

"Ammy..." the cheetah reached out to stroke her cheek. "Please let me make it up to you?"

The lioness looked back at him, snuggling her face against his palm, and nodded. "If you really want to," she said gently. "But I really don't mind if..."

Leoric smiled at her, and nudged her backwards until he could slide off the branch, his arousal still prominent and bobbing with the movement. He gripped her upper arms as she rose to her feet, holding her tightly and kissing her as she straightened.

She giggled as they broke apart. "What would you like to do?" she whispered, her eyes shining.

"You, uh... you tell me," the cheetah answered. "Anything you want... anything... I'll do it."

Amethyst giggled again, her hair falling to hide her face. "Careful. You never know where that kind of promise might get you," she winked.

"If its with you," Leoric told her, taking her hands. "It will be wonderful, wherever it is."

"Aww," Amethyst smiled and kissed him again, one hand tight against the back of his head, the other pressing hard on his bottom, trapping his erection against her. She turned him as they held each other, until she had her back to the tree.

"Now then, what should I put you to doing...?" she grinned, releasing him.

"Your wish, my wonderful lioness, is my command," Leoric smiled, kneeling before her, making her laugh.

"Well, seeing as you're down there, how about getting my skirt all the way off?" she giggled, and he nodded, pulling the garment down from her knees to her feet until she could step out of it. He smiled as he looked back up at her, his position leaving him with a view up between her legs, along her flat stomach, to the undersides of her breasts, with her laughing face leaning over to watch him. Leaning forwards, he gently kissed the triangle of purple fur just above her soft entrance.

"Mmm," Amethyst sighed. Taking a step backwards, she leaned against the tree behind her. "I think I should just let you see where you go on your own..."

With a grin, Leoric saluted. "Aye aye, skipper."

As the lioness laughed again, he crawled forwards until he knelt between her booted feet again, looking up at her wonderful body. Somehow, he felt a lot more relaxed than he had a few minutes ago, despite the intensity of the moment. It was just... really easy to know his job was to please her. He smiled and kissed her fur again, his chin just barely brushing against pink skin.

"Mmm," she purred, then gasped as he dropped the target of his kisses a little, slowly working his way back along her soft folds, not missing an inch.

"Ooo," Amethyst commented, arching her back and bending forwards, her hands rubbing his shoulders as he gave a long, slow lick from the back of her entrance to the front, his tongue flicking her most sensitive spot as it left her.

Leoric smiled, and repeated the entire process, his hands on her legs, gently stroking her fur as he tended to her intimately.

"Leo..." the lioness whispered, unable to help rocking her hips slightly as he licked her.

"Ahhh," she added as he gave the front of her softness a triple lick, her legs trembling slightly.

Leoric felt the tremor and paused for a moment to look up at her. "Ok?"

Amethyst nodded emphatically, and he put his head under her again, making her purr. Each time he dipped his head for that long lick, he added one to the count of quick licks at the end, grinning as she gasped and purred at the attention. It didn't take too long before each lick got a noticeable shiver out of her, and he pulled back again.

"Ammy? You want to lie down or something?" he smiled.

To his surprise, she shook her head. "Gods no!" she exclaimed, lightly tugging on his ears until he resumed the contact.

"Mmm... can I tell you a secret?" she asked suddenly.

Leoric blinked and missed a kiss, backtracking and showering that place with three extras to make up for it. "Of course."

"Well, I..." she blushed at the thought of telling him, but realised there wasn't a lot more intimate they could get. "Sometimes when I'm a little lonely... you know how it is... when you want to be touched, but nobody is there to touch you... or nobody you want to, anyway..."

Leoric chuckled, began the long lick, and paused with his chin resting against her. "Yeah, I know," he smiled, applying the first of what was now many short licks.

"Well, when I... mmm... feel like that," Amethyst straightened, leaning her head back against the tree, hunching her hips forwards to give her friend an easier task. "Sometimes I like to... ahhh... stand like this... until I... mmm..."

"You don't worry about falling over?" Leoric asked, moving his hands up the backs of her legs until he was cupping her soft bottom, fingers splayed across her warm fur.

Amethyst laughed. "You'd be... surprised at... how hard it is... to fall over without... hnaahhhaaa... meaning to."

Leoric raised his eyebrows. In fairness, he realised, although her legs may be trembling a bit, she seemed fairly stable on her feet, in no real danger of toppling.

"Doesn't it distract you a bit though?"

"N-no," she reached down and took one of his hands off her bottom, pushing it forwards between her legs. "Now you can push in," she moved her arms to hug herself, realised she still had her top on, and decided she didn't care.

Leoric did as she had said, letting the tips of his first two fingers graze up and down between her soft folds for a few moments, before pressing upwards gently.

"Mmm, little further back," the lioness purred. "No, its good like this," she picked up the thread she had left off. "Makes me feel... feeelllll... in-in control," she giggled just as Leoric laughed, both of them realising the irony of the statement. "Well, I'm in control when... hmmmya... when its just... just me," she panted, starting to feel out of breath as the cheetah's fingers found the right place and nudged their way slowly inside her.

Leoric chuckled. "I think you're pretty in control now too," he told her, twisting his fingers inside her and making her shiver all over, her tail curling around one leg.

"Gnn... well, it's... mostly an act..." she confessed. "Really I'm... hnnyaa... really, really enjoying this, you just... mmm... wouldn't know it to... to look at me-ee-ee..." her voice rose nearly a full octave, and she burst out laughing again, reaching down to stroke the back of one of his ears with one hand, still hugging herself with her other arm.

Leoric smiled, pleased at how she was responding, changing the motion of his fingers within her to a gentle up and down movement. He moved the hand on her bottom to hold the base of her tail tightly, knowing that he liked the odd tug and squeeze there, hoping she would too.

"Ahhhaaahhh..." the lioness suggested, her head thudding against the tree. "Gods..."

Leoric assumed that was a yes and fought back a laugh, not wanting to waste time in bringing her pleasure.

"Leo... Leo, just... move your thumb for me... if you don't mind..."

Leoric moved his thumb so that it brushed against her soft folds each time his fingers pressed inside her.

"Mmm, no... no... other thumb..." Amethyst told him, smiling nonetheless.

The cheetah thought a moment, then slid his hand slightly further down the length of her tail, gripping it tightly.

Amethyst laughed. "Please... the other way... if... if that's ok."

Oh. Leoric figured out what she was asking. Blushing, he let his hand wander up to where her tail joined her body, thumb positioned to rest gently, just very gently against her pink tailhole.

"That's it... mmm..." the lioness hugged herself tighter. "Don't push, just... ahhh... just touch... I... ah... I think I'm gonna..."

Leoric grinned, intensifying his attentions to all her sensitive places, focusing on short, sharp licks against the top of her folds, letting his fingers slide freely within her, his fingers massaging the base of her tail, and his thumb right where she wanted it.

"Leo, I... aaaAAHH!!" Amethyst gritted her teeth, feeling the pleasure reach a critical point inside her. Dropping her chin to her chest she groaned through her teeth as her climax arrived, fighting the urge to shout out loud, knowing their campsite was within earshot if she yelled loud enough.

The cheetah felt her tense, her legs tremble, and drew back just enough to nuzzle the top of her entrance with his nose as her peak arrived, her body squeezing hard on his fingers, the wetness of her insides dripping down to his knuckles.

"Oh... oh Gods!" she exclaimed as her climax faded. "Holy," she said something that made Leoric flush. "Oh my..." she seemed to be having trouble forming a coherent sentence.

Grinning, Leoric gently disengaged himself from her, and stood, taking her in his arms, nuzzling the side of her neck as he held her.

"You ok?" he asked gently.

She laughed and he hugged her tighter.

"I think..." she panted over his shoulder. "That we can call that... fair payback... goodness," she leaned against him, feeling weak. She let him guide her into sitting, and then lying back on the rich green grass.

"Well, more accurately, we're even," Leoric admitted, sitting down next to her, his hands gently massaging her stomach, caressing her chest as she slowly came down from her high.

"Oh no," she shook her head, her hair a tousled and utterly beautiful mess over her face. "No way did you get it that good... no way..." she let his hands stroke over her for a minute or so more, just regaining her breath.

"Here, help me... get this off," she said, tugging her top upwards. "It's too hot..." With Leoric's assistance, she slipped the garment over her head, sighing as the cool air washed over her firm breasts. Reaching down, he unlaced her boots, the summer air pleasantly cooling on her bare feet. Leoric couldn't help staring and her fully nude body, thinking she was possibly the most wonderful thing he had ever seen, her figure trim, her breasts not large, but just pleasantly sized, and with hard, pink nipples showing through her fur.

Amethyst noticed his gaze. "Come down here," she giggled, tugging at him until he lay next to her on the grass, snuggled against her side, one hand caressing her chest.

"Ammy?" he asked, nuzzling her cheek.


"When you asked me to... touch you... there... did it feel good?"

"Of course!" the lioness told him, turning her head to kiss his nose.


"Really! You've never been touched there have you... uh, I mean... touched yourself there, have you?" she smiled.

Leoric went pink. Amethyst kissed him, her hand stroking down his flank.

"Well?" she asked as they broke.

"Once," the cheetah admitted.


"I felt sore for about a day..."

Amethyst laughed, kissing him again. "Too far, too fast?" she asked, and discovered that he could indeed go a deeper shade of pink.

"The key," she told him. "Is not to force anything. You don't have to push, it can feel good just with the contact. Would you like me to..."

"Uh, not... not right now."

The lioness giggled at his nervous expression. "Well, maybe some other time then. Now," she told him, tapping his nose with a finger. "I think it is most definitely time we did something that's good for you, or you're going to make an awful sticky mess in my fur."

Leoric realised that he had, without realising it, been pressing his hips tight against the lioness' flank, his erection sandwiched tightly between their bodies, a couple of drops of clear wetness having left shining smears on her fur.

"Sorry," he apologised instinctively, and she laughed.

"Don't be," she told him, smiling. "If this is what you like, you're more than welcome to keep going," her hand wandered down to his hip, caressing him softly. "But I can definitely think of more interesting things to do, if you'd like to."

Leoric looked sheepish, and nodded.


Amethyst giggled. "For a start, sit up," she suggested. "There you go, now." Flat on her back, she pulled her knees up to her chest. "I'll let you figure out the rest," she grinned, winking at him.

The lioness continued smiling encouragingly as Leoric quickly shuffled around to her bottom. He looked at her for a moment, then bent his head and gently kissed between her legs, making her giggle and kick her feet.

"Come on, silly," she smiled at him between her knees, and he nodded, adopting a kneeling position, his legs wide enough apart that...

Amethyst purred as she felt the tip of his length press against her soft folds. "Here," she reached down and gently helped line him up just so. "Ok?" she asked him, and he nodded, his arms wrapping around her thighs as he looked down, seeing the tip of his length nestling against her pink, wet warmth.

"Is... is it ok to...?"

The lioness smiled gently, reaching up to caress his chest between her thighs. "Of course it is, Leo. I'm all yours. Let's do it."

Slowly, hesitantly, he nudged his hips forwards, gasping, shivering as her body surrounded him with warmth, squeezing him along his entire length. She sighed in contentment as she felt him opening her up inside, spreading her around him, pulling her legs against his chest, pressing his hips forwards to meet her until they couldn't get any closer together.

"Ammy... you're wonderful," the cheetah announced, leaning forwards over her, bending her double, her legs either side of his head.

"You're pretty cute too, spots," she smiled, raising one hand to caress his cheek while the other dropped to stroke one of his thighs.

Leoric blushed, and gently pulled his hips back, pushing forwards slowly, making them both gasp. And again. And again, slowly building up a rhythm, the lioness arching her back into his movements, accepting him happily into her body.

"Um, Ammy..." Leoric said hesitantly.

"Mmm, yeah?"

"Can, um, can I tell you something?" he asked, one hand finding its way down to caress that tickly spot under her arm that made her laugh.

"Is it a secret?" she giggled, slapping at his hand, but really quite enjoying the sensation.

"Well, I'd like it to be... It's kinda embarrassing..."

"Leo," she murmured softly, her hands reaching down below her thighs to stroke his flanks. "It's ok. Remember who you're talking to, and what you're doing with her. I won't tell anyone else..."

"Good, I'd rather nobody else finds out that, uh... I um..."


"I can't hold it much longer," Leoric said, his ears sinking.

Amethyst looked at him a moment, then burst out laughing. "That's it?"

"Sorry," the cheetah mumbled.

"Aww, Leo, that's not what I meant... you said it was something embarrassing!"


"Shh," she put her finger to his lips. "It's all right. You waited more than long enough while you took care of me, I didn't expect more. Now it's your turn," she bent her legs slightly, changing the angle between them, purring richly.

"It's... it's ok to... like this?" he stammered. Feeling the pressure build, he held her still against him, trying not to give in to it until he heard her answer.

The lioness smiled. "I don't think there's been a lion-cheetah cross in the last thousand years," she said gently. "I think we're pretty safe. It's ok, let it happen."

Spreading her legs suddenly, letting them fall from his shoulders, she reached for him, pulling him down to her, chest to chest, her thighs hugging his waist as she squeezed down on him inside her.

Leoric gasped, his head falling to rest against her shoulder.

"Ammy..." he whispered, his eyes closing tightly. "Can't... I'm gonna..."

"Shh, it's ok, baby," she murmured into his ear, hugging him with arms, legs, and tail all at once. "Don't fight it. Let it go."

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Leoric let go, gasping and seeing stars on the backs of his eyelids as his hips hunched against his friend's, his climax surging through him. Amethyst purred underneath him, continuing to hold and caress him as he tensed, his cheek pressed firmly against her shoulder, the warmth of his pleasure spreading inside her.

"Ammy..." the cheetah whispered, slowly relaxing as the pleasure faded.

"Good lad, that's right, just like that," the lioness nuzzled his cheek. "You ok?"

Leoric nodded, feeling thoroughly drained, in every sense. "You're wonderful," he told her, looking up at her suddenly. "Thank you."

Amethyst was surprised to see his blue eyes were shining with tears.

"Leo...? What's wrong?" she asked, concerned that she might have hurt him somehow.

"Thank you for not giving up on me," he whispered, resting his head on her shoulder.

"Aww..." she purred softly, stroking his back all the way from his neck to his tail. "No," she murmured. "Thank you for letting me be your first. Thank you for letting me make up for last time." She hugged him tightly, feeling him respond, his forearms pressing against her sides.

They stayed like that for several minutes, locked in each others arms, neither wanting the moment to end, but, as all good things must, it did so.

"Um, Ammy...?"

"Hmm?" the lioness smiled and nuzzled his cheek.

"I kinda need to go pee..."

Amethyst laughed let go of him. He sat back on his heels, and looked at her. Sweating slightly, ruffled, her hair a mess, she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He told her so and was pleased when she smiled and blushed. Pink of cheek, she pointed at some thick bushes and told him to go sort himself out, and he nodded.

Returning a minute or so later, he sat down next to her on the grass where she still lay.

"I guess I owe you one again," he said, smiling, and running his hand through her hair, smoothing it gently.

She laughed and sat up. "Nah, I'm still thinking we're even. Besides, looks like you could use some more attention," she winked at him, letting her gaze drop from his face for a moment.

"Heh, uh, well, if you want to..." the cheetah found that the beginnings of his arousal quickly swelled to full attention under the lioness' amused gaze.

Amethyst lowered her eyelids. "Oh come on, you must know the rumors about lionesses," she gave a lopsided, seductive smile. "Now go wash yourself, I ain't touching you after you just peed," she stuck her tongue out.

Leoric flushed and stood up, quickly moving to the waters edge and rinsing himself, self consciously feeling her watching him all the while. As he returned to her, he felt acutely aware of the silly way in which his erection bobbed in front of him. Apparently Amethyst was aware too, although it seemed she didn't find it silly at all, as she swiftly knelt in front of him, taking the tip of his length into her mouth, caressing it with her tongue as he gasped.

Slowly, she slid her lips down his length until she held his entire shaft in her muzzle. She felt him sway slightly on the spot and, giggling, took his wrists and guided his hands to the top of her head for balance.

Leoric sighed softly as the lioness attended to him. She was remarkably good, holding him within her muzzle as her tongue flicked around his shaft. He gasped as her hand came up to cup his furry testicles, applying the lightest of squeezes, not nearly enough to hurt, but just enough to excite. He nearly jumped six inches into the air when he felt her suddenly rest a fingertip under his tail.

"Well, that got your attention," she smiled, pulling back from him. "Not really ready for that then?" The cheetah shook his head, looking apologetic. "That's ok," Amethyst smiled gently. "I guess we'll just have to find something else to do with you... I wonder now..." as she spoke, she put her hands on his hips and pulled him down until he was sitting in front of her. With a grin, she lowered her head and prodded him in the chest with her nose, pushing him back onto the grass.

"Yes, I think this will do," she decided, straddling his hips.

Leoric took a sharp breath as she pressed down against him, not taking him inside herself, just letting her soft warmth lie along his shaft, pressing it down into his own fur. She purred and leaned forwards, her hips shifting just enough to rub the front of her entrance firmly along his length.

Not quite sure what to make of this unexpected approach, the cheetah smiled, putting his hands on her cheeks and caressing her softly, feeling the vibration of her purring in his fingers.

"A little different," the lioness confessed, reading his expression. "But you can't argue with the results," she smiled, and he nodded, pressing his hips up under hers and making her gasp.

"I wouldn't argue with anything that makes you make noises like that," he told her, his hands stroking down her neck to her shoulders. "Ammy... you know I'd do anything for you, right?"

The lioness smiled and blushed, then leaned forwards to kiss him, her tongue sliding over his even as her soft folds slid back and forth over his arousal. She felt his hands caress her breasts, and she moaned softly into the kiss, already feeling the slow build of pleasure inside her. She gasped as she felt one of his hands slide down her back to scritch softly at the base of her tail.

"Leo..." she whispered as they broke from their kiss. "If... if you touch me there, you're g-gonna make me..."

"Do you want me to make you?" he asked gently, nuzzling his nose against hers as she leaned low over him.

"Yes..." she whimpered, rocking her hips against his length, silken folds sliding against his heat, her most sensitive spot being firmly pressured by the movement. "Please... but not this fast... slow..."

Leoric nodded and moved his hand up to the small of her back as she continued to move herself against him, smiling as he realised he had found a quick-release trigger that he could use to please her. He reached both hands around her back, pulling her down into his embrace, nuzzling her cheek vigorously for a few moments, before releasing her so that she could resume the contact she found so pleasurable.


"Hfff... yeah?" the lioness sighed, giggling as Leoric ran his fingers over her tickly places.

"What actually is the next job on the list, anyway?" he asked.

Amethyst paused. "You're talking business now?"

Leoric looked sheepish. "Well, its the first time we've really spoken in two days," he gasped as she pressed herself against him particularly hard.

"Fair enough," she panted. "There's a... village about three days north of here. They've been... mmm... having some problems with... ahhh... livestock."

"Problems? What... nnnf... kind of problems?"

"They keep losing them, well... mmm... bits of them, anyway."

"Bits of them?" the cheetah raised an eyebrow. "Which bits...? Do I... unf... even want to know?"

"I'll tell you... ahhh... later," Amethyst told him. "Right now, there's something else I need to tell you..."


"It's kinda embarrassing..." she said, and Leoric chuckled.

"Sounds familiar. Care to elaborate?" grinning, he slid one hand down her back to rub at the base of her tail, the other tickling her flank ruthlessly.

"Ahh, bastard!" she slapped at his hands, giggling madly, gasping for breath. She stiffened as he moved the hand on her tail, fingers gently sliding underneath, a light contact against the naked skin there. She screwed her eyes shut tight, her mouth opening silently as she drove her hips down firmly against the cheetah's length, the pleasure inside her reaching a sudden peak, crashing through her in surge after surge of liquid joy.

Leoric smiled, moving his hand from under her arm to her hip, holding her firmly, pressing her down against him.

"Oh... oh... oh... oh yeah," the lioness panted, her muscles slowly relaxing, her arms trembling. "I needed that." She let herself fall forwards into Leoric's gentle embrace.

"You are so beautiful," he whispered, kissing her cheek through the screen of her tangled hair, holding her tightly to his chest.

"And you," she whispered. "Are turning into a very good liar. But don't stop on my account." She nuzzled his neck and he laughed. Grinning evilly, she pressed her nose firmly against his neck, shaking her head and making him wriggle underneath her.

"So!" she declared, pushing herself up on her arms. "He has a weakness!"

"Of course I do," he said simply. "You."

"Aww..." Amethyst blushed, then leaned down and nuzzled his neck again, until he was gasping for breath underneath her.

"The answer to your earlier question," she told him, leaning back, her hands on his chest as he wiped away tears of laughter. "Is heads."

"Heads?" Leoric raised an eyebrow. "Who just takes the heads of livestock and leaves the bodies?"

Amethyst shrugged. "That would be our job to find out," she stuck her tongue out at him.

"And here was me," Leoric smiled. "Thinking that your job was to tease me."

"Tease? Moi?" the lioness feigned shock, sitting up straighter and putting a hand to her chest. "Well, I suppose I have left one matter unattended that I really should deal with..." she let the hand drop until her fingers caressed the end of the cheetah's length where it emerged from underneath her. Leoric's breath caught in his throat as she ran her fingers firmly over his tip.

"Think you can handle another round?" she asked, her other hand wandering over his chest.

"I'm... not really sure," he admitted.

"Not sure 'make it a quickie,' or not sure 'just get me off already you crazy wench'?" she asked, smiling kindly down at him her expression making it quite clear that his answer didn't actually matter.

"Not sure 'a quickie might be too long, but I'll try,'" Leoric gave an apologetic smile.

"Ah well, I'll take the risk," Amethyst leaned down to kiss him, very intentionally lifting the weight of her hips off him, giving him a chance to cool down a little. He purred under her as her hands caressed his chest for a few seconds.

"How would you like to do this?" she whispered into his ear.

"Uh... I'm not really sure what, um..."

Amethyst kissed him again, holding it for slightly too long so that they both gasped for breath as they broke, giggling and panting.

Rolling off him, the lioness lay front down in the grass, her head on her folded arms, her knees apart, her bottom raised just slightly. She looked at Leoric with an inviting smile, and he nodded, settling himself between her legs and leaning over her back. She reached back between her thighs, guiding him as his body pressed down over, and into hers.

"Comfy?" she asked, giggling, and he nuzzled between her ears, hunching his hips against her, pressing inside her as far as he could. She purred richly as she felt him nudge against her cervix, one hand reaching underneath her, her fingers caressing both of them where they joined.

"Just relax," she smiled over her shoulder. "Stop worrying," she giggled at his expression. "It's my fault if it's a quickie. Let yourself go when you need to."

Leoric nodded and pressed himself against her again, her hips rocking up to meet his motion as she arched her back.

"So we're... mmm... probably talking what, mountain troll out of its territory?" he asked as he moved against the lioness.

"Possibly," she agreed. "Though they'd usually... ooo... take the whole thing."

"Good point..." Leoric nuzzled between her ears again, and she laughed at the sensation. "Uh, basilisk?"

"Not... haahhh... likely," she let her hand reach as far back as she could, tugging gently on his furry testicles for a moment, before retreating to caress the front of her soft folds, trying to catch up with him. "No scorch marks nearby, no tracks."

"Ok, so-ooo... maybe kobolds?"

"Those little lizardy things?" Amethyst laughed.

"Don't underestimate them," Leoric said thoughtfully. "They... hoo..." he huffed a breath into her ear, holding his hips still for a moment. "Know more than you think. I've heard it said they have a magic of their own - something older and darker than the lumen. Maybe they're looking for reagents?"

"Yeah, for oxtail soup," the lioness giggled. "Really... mmm yeah... they'd be lucky to get the right end, and it's not like cows are particularly magical."

"Well then, I guess... we'll have to... see when we... get there... mmm, and speaking of getting there... I think I need to tell you something."

"Is it a secret?" Amethyst giggled, letting her fingers work faster against herself, panting softly as the cheetah pushed himself against her bottom.

"Well, it won't be for long," Leoric said, wrapping one arm around her torso, hugging her tightly. "I'm sorry, I can't..."

"Don't worry," Amethyst looked over her shoulder, and he nuzzled her muzzle. "I pushed you too much last time. My bad, not yours. Let it go, Leo."

The cheetah nodded, nuzzling his nose against her cheek for a few more moments before dropping his head. For a moment he paused, then in an unexpected movement, rolled them both sideways, managing to maintain the contact between them, but ending up with them both lying on their sides, his arms wrapping around her, hugging her tightly as his knees tucked up behind hers. The lioness purred softly, thinking that perhaps he simply wanted to finish more comfortably, but to her surprise his hand stroked down her stomach, settling between her legs.

"I just thought of something," he murmured, nuzzling tenderly behind her ears. "Stay still."

She sighed softly as he gently caressed her softness, holding his hips quite still behind her, his hard warmth embedded nicely within her.

"Mmm, I never knew you had... such good... ideas," she panted.

"Oh, I'm full of them," he chuckled. "Sadly they tend to get buried under all the bad ones about kobolds and basilisks and never see the light of day."

Amethyst giggled and gasped as her friend's fingers caressed her body.

"You're not that bad, really. Rather that you... mmm... keep yourself open to things than... ahh... miss the obvious... Holy cow you're good at this for a newbie..."

He laughed, kissing the back of her head. Softly, she coaxed him on, murmuring approvals, giggling as he discovered that the crease of her leg and her body was particularly ticklish, tensing as he ran his fingers right over the little button at the front of her entrance, fighting for breath as he noticed her reaction and concentrated here until she was panting hard.

"I'm close..." she whispered. "Very... very... cl..." She was there.

With a soft cry, the lioness screwed her eyes shut, her head rolling as all the pleasure in her body contracted to a single point under Leoric's fingertips, radiating outward in waves, leaving her trembling in their wake, every muscle becoming liquidly limp, except where she clamped down on the cheetah inside her, squeezing him with ferocious strength.

"Ammy?" Leoric nuzzled behind her ears as she finally relaxed. "Ammy?" he called softly again when she didn't respond.

"Mmmmm," she sighed. "Whatever did I do to deserve that?" she asked, and he smiled.

"You just have to be you," he told her gently.

"Aww..." she didn't quite know what to say to this, and settled instead for reaching behind her and squeezing his buttock affectionately. "Did you...?"

Leoric kissed the back of her head. "Doesn't matter," he said simply.

"Wha...? Of course it matters..." she told him, lightly slapping his thigh. "Silly spotty cat." She turned her head to look over her shoulder at him. "How do you want to...?"

"I... can... can I get a hug?" he said softly.

Amethyst purred, smiling as she disengaged from her friend, encouraging him to sit up, kneeling over his thighs.

"Like this?" she asked softly, putting her arms around him. Leoric nodded, blushing.

"Then here we go," the lioness purred, shuffling forwards and sinking down onto him, taking him back inside her body with a shiver. "When you're ready," she murmured into Leoric's ear, rocking her hips firmly against him.

He nodded against her shoulder, his arms tight about her waist, hands caressing her back.

"I'm, uh, pretty much ready right now..." he confessed, and she giggled.

"Then go for it, spots... gimme what you got." Putting her hands on his cheeks, she raised his face to kiss him softly, making him purr as she felt his muscles start to tense. As his arms went tight about her, she released his face, cradling him to her tenderly, hands caressing his back, his neck, his ears as he found his well deserved release.

Leoric trembled as his climax faded, his head resting comfortably against Amethyst's shoulder.

"Love ya, Leo," she whispered into his ear, hugging him tightly as emphasis, smiling at his breathless reciprocation.

After a few seconds, she encouraged him to lie back onto the grass, following him down, rolling to one side so as to snuggle against his flank, her hand idly caressing the soft creamy white fur down his front.

"Ammy?" he asked, sounding suddenly uncertain.


"We're still friends, right?"

The lioness smiled. "Of course we are," she nuzzled his cheek.

"Are we... more than that?" he continued, regarding her with a plaintive expression.

She blinked. "Do you want to be?"

"I... I don't know," he confessed. "I love you for being my friend, I always have. I just... I don't know if I'm ready for more than that... but I feel like I should..."

Amethyst put her finger to his lips. "If we said that we were a couple, what difference would there be?"

"I... well, we hang around together all the time anyway... I mean, we work together, eat together, play together... look after each other... do most of the same things..."

"So, practically none?"

Leoric nodded, hesitantly. "Well, yeah."

"Then lets just be friends," Amethyst said. "I'll still love you, as a friend, and you'll still love me, as a friend, and we won't risk spoiling any of that, we'll just... have a few more friendly activities, I guess."

Leoric looked at her. "You really are my best friend," he said, kissing her tenderly.