Marla Chapter 4 - Into The Dungeon, Part 2 - Punishment or Pleasure?

Story by SMWolf on SoFurry

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#7 of Marla


Chapter 4

Into the Dungeon, Part 2 - Punishment Or Pleasure?

S.M. Wolf

Marla and Kayla are copyrighted by Kittiara and used with her permission. Master David Wolf and this story are copyright 2005, 2010 by S.M. Wolf. This story may not be reproduced by any means in part or completely without prior written permission of the author. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Marla's mind raced.

She tried to calm herself by remembering all the good things Master David had done for her and Kayla. He was obviously a good Master. Still, she could not help but remember the beatings and worse that had followed even casual contact between her and other slaves without her owners' permission. She and Kayla were in serious trouble.

"Did I startle you, Marla?" Master David asked. His voice was full of concern.

Marla nodded her head yes. She was surprised that there was absolutely no anger in his voice. Any of her other owners or the guards at the Academy would have been beating her and Kayla by now. They deserved it for their actions. Dolefully Marla wondered why she had decided to take such a stupid risk. Was she really that addicted to sex, she wondered?

"I'm sorry. You just looked so nice standing there in your bonds I couldn't keep my paws off you any longer."

Marla was shocked. Her Master was complimenting her?!

"So, has this little imp been doing bad things to you all day long?" Master David asked.

Marla felt as much as heard Kayla giggling from the region of her crotch. She had not even slowed down since Master David had arrived. Apparently she saw nothing wrong with what was going on. Perhaps this would not go as badly as Marla feared.

"I suppose I will eventually have to do something to show my displeasure for you two not waiting for me-" Master David said in a pained voice.

Marla stiffened. They were in for it now!

"-but for right now I just want to screw the two of you senseless!" he concluded with great enthusiasm.

Behind the blindfold Marla's eyes widened. Her Master was not only not upset, but he seemed to actually like what was happening.

This could be real fun.

Marla could hear Master David's clothes being removed. He laid them on the floor off to her right. He came back to stand beside her. He whispered into her right ear," You look heavenly tonight, Marla. I think I will take my pleasure from you fast and hard first. Do you prefer I enter you high-"

Marla felt a finger push against her tail hole.

"-or low?"

The finger moved down and started to explore the bottom of her slit.

"Or not at all? Nod your head no, and the session ends. You have that right, and it will carry no repercussions.

"But I really want you!"

Marla almost laughed at the longing in her Master's voice. They obviously both wanted the same thing right now.

Marla considered her options. She did not want Kayla to stop, but she did want her Master's cock buried deep in her. If she chose to have him mount her from behind in her tail hole, she could have both.

Marla raised her tail as high as the rope would permit and jerked her muzzle sharply upwards several times.

"Good!" Master David exclaimed. Master David paused and then continued, "But I think we need to get you ready first."

Marla practically cried. She wanted her Master now!

Instead she felt Kayla stop tonguing her cunny. She could hear them leave her and go to the far wall. She could not make out what they were saying, but she heard Kayla giggle several times. They quickly returned to Marla.

"Now to get you ready," Master David said.

Marla felt the rope restraining her tail loosened. Her tail was lifted up, and the rope was run through a ring on her collar. She could tell from the paws that it was Kayla doing the work. She pulled the rope taut and tied it off.

"Is that too tight?" Master David asked Kayla.

"No," Kayla replied, "it is just the way she likes it."

And it was. The rope was tight, drawing the tip of Marla's tail up almost to her collar, but not so tight that it hurt. It left her rear and flanks exposed to her Master's whim without actually hurting her. Marla was a bit surprised that Kayla had been able to get it just right. At the Academy she had been frequently punished for poor bondage technique. Marla would have to have a long talk with her friend later about how she had learned better methods.

In the meantime, she heard and felt Kayla resume her position in front of Marla's snatch. Marla felt a tug on the string attached to her Ben Wa balls. She briefly fought to keep them buried in her snatch, but the steady pull was too much. Reluctantly she let the two hard orbs slide out into Kayla's paw.

Marla felt another tug. This time it was on the cord securing her string of anal beads. Her Master had grabbed the cord and had pulled the first bead up against the inside of her anus.

Master David continued to pull steadily harder, but Marla refused to let the beads slip out easily. She clenched her flanks. Master David noted her act but said nothing. Instead he just pulled ever stronger.

The first bead exploded out of Marla's ass hole with an audible pop. She screamed in pleasure as her anal muscles were forced open. Master David continued pulling. One by one each bead in the long string popped out of Marla's ass.

When her pack mates were done Marla felt strangely empty. For the first time in hours she no longer had something inside her pushing outwards. Her problem was soon corrected, though.

Kayla spread Marla's inner and outer labia wide. She sprayed something cold on the inner surface of Marla's cunt. She jumped at the sudden chill, but whatever it was quickly warmed up. In fact, in a few seconds it felt positively pleasantly warm.

Marla felt a blunt, hard object graze over her cunt lips. It was a dildo, and it felt like a good size one too. Kayla worked the tip up and down Marla's slit repeatedly. Each time she would graze Marla's clitoris to further stimulate her.

Master David moved to stand over Kayla in front of Marla. He reached out and took Marla's breasts in his paws. As Kayla worked over Marla's pussy, Master David massaged and played with Marla's breasts. The two sensations made a potent combination. Marla could feel herself growing steadily more excited yet again.

Kayla stopped running the dildo over Marla's labia and instead thrust it up into her wet pussy. Ten inches of one inch diameter solid steel erection slowly slid up into Marla with little resistance. Marla screamed as another orgasm took her. Distantly Marla heard Kayla laugh and say, "See! I told you it would get her off."

Kayla began to work the dildo in and out of Marla's pussy. She frequently added licks of her tongue to Marla's sensitive clit. Only the stocks holding her feet stopped Marla from jumping from foot to foot. Instead she was forced to accept the tender torture her friend was dishing out.

Master David left Marla's front. Marla could just hear him move around behind her. She started to consciously loosen her anal muscles in preparation for him mounting her. She felt a small tube inserted into her rectum. A cream of some sort was forced into her anal cavity

Like the lubricant Kayla had used on her pussy, the cream quickly went from cool to warm. Unlike the other lubricant, this cream actually reached the point of feeling almost uncomfortably hot. It centered her attention on her bottom, right where Master David wanted it for now. Marla certainly did not object. The fire in her bottom made her moan in desire.

Mater David spread a generous dollop of petroleum jelly onto Marla's tail hole. He worked it into her using first one and then two fingers. Marla wished she was not gagged so she could implore her Master to hurry. Instead she was forced to wait as patiently as possible as he slid a third finger into her ass hole. The job Kayla was doing on her cunt helped distract her.

Marla felt Master David withdraw his fingers. His paws grabbed her hips just below her waist. Marla arched her back in anticipation. She felt the tip of Master David's cock push against her tail hole. Marla thrust backward, Four inches of wolf dick slid into her. She continued to push back and more and more of her Master's cock disappeared up her ass. The lubricant Master David had rubbed into her anus and deposited in her rectum made the entry easy and nearly painless.

Soon Marla felt her ass cheeks pushing up against Master David's lower abdomen and thighs. She wriggled her butt back and forth to settle him into her more comfortably. Master David ran his paws over Marla's flanks a couple of times before grabbing her hips tightly. He withdrew several inches and thrust hard. The sound of his thighs and balls striking Marla's ass and legs were clearly audible. Marla grinned and wriggled her ass again to entice her Master to continue.

Marla did not have to worry about Master David stopping. He withdrew several inches of his dick again and thrust it back deep into Marla's rear. He picked up the speed and intensity of his thrusts, withdrawing more of his dick each time. Soon he had all of his wolf cock except the tip pulled out before each hard thrust. Marla met each forward thrust with a backwards thrust of her hips. She loved the hard smack of their bodies colliding.

Soon Master David gripped her hard and held her tight to his body as his knot swelled and tied the two lupines together. Marla felt the inside of her ass coated with a flood of hot jism as Master David came for the first time.

Marla's ass was filled with her Master's semen. While he was pumping her rear end full, Kayla continued to slide the dildo in and out of Marla's dripping wet snatch. Kayla developed the nasty habit of inserting it almost completely into Marla and then twisting it back and forth repeatedly. The rotation was bad enough, but Kayla also leaned in and nibbled on Marla's hard clit. Vainly Marla tried to pull back her hips to relieve some of the pressure on her front side, but she was trapped against the strong body of Master David. She had nowhere to go.

Marla did not mind too much, though. She felt her body quickly responding to the many pleasurable sensations that her pack mates were giving her. In a few minutes she again climaxed in a massive orgasm. Her orgasm triggered a sudden flood from Master David in her rectum as he orgasms as well.

Neither Master David nor Kayla slowed down once Marla climaxed. They quickly brought Marla back to the edge.

"Do not cum without permission, Slave!" Master David said sternly in Marla's left ear. He removed her blindfold and gag so he could see her eyes and listen to her moans of pleasure.

Desperately Marla tried to will her body to cooperate, but her tormentors were too good to be ignored. They kept up their assault on her willing body and held her on the edge of an orgasm for several minutes. Marla worked hard to delay her next climax, but she could feel herself slowly losing control of her body. She was not sure if she would be able to hold off long enough or not.

Finally Master David sternly said, "You may cum now."

Marla screamed as she allowed her body to find its release. Her world grew dim, and she collapsed in her bonds from the sheer force of her orgasm. Master David had to help support her with his strong paws on her waist.

Master David and Kayla continued to play with Marla, but they were careful not to excite her too much so that she could recover her strength. Master David and Marla remained tied together for another fifteen minutes. Only after he had cum repeatedly and filled Marla's behind with jism did his knot shrink. He withdrew his half-erect cock and took a step back.

"Remain where you are," Master David commanded the two female slaves.

Master David went into the bathroom. Through the partially open door Marla could hear running water. Marla glanced down at Kayla.

"How bad do you think our punishment is going to be, Kayla?" Marla whispered.

Kayla looked up at Marla. To Marla's immense surprise her friend was grinning broadly.

"Oh, I am sure he will have something interesting for us as a punishment, but I doubt you will be sorry to receive this 'punishment'," Kayla replied cryptically.

Marla wanted to ask Kayla what she meant, but Master David walked back into the dungeon. Marla dropped her head and adopted a submissive attitude. She saw Kayla doing the same, but the otteress' grin did not abate in the least.

Master David grabbed a lead and heavy collar from the wall as he walked back to the waiting females.

"Stand up!" he ordered Kayla.

Kayla stood up. Master David secured the collar around her throat. He snapped the lead onto Kayla's collar. He gave it a short tug and ordered her, "Follow!"

Marla watched as Master David took Kayla to the far end of the dungeon where the various metal dildos and butt plugs were stored on glass shelves. She could not hear what transpired, but she did see Kayla kneel and raise her paws. Master David took down the cast copy of his own penis and lay it on Kayla's outstretched paws. Kayla kissed it before rising.

Marla watched as her Master and fellow slave walked to an area near the back corner of the dungeon. She could see two highly polished metal cylinders sticking up from the floor. Kayla knelt beside the one on Marla's right and lifted her metal phallus up on upturned paws. Master David ignored Kayla and tied her lead off to a shackle on the floor. He left Kayla and returned to the still bound Marla.

Master David released Marla's feet from the stocks. She waited as he undid the cuffs around her wrists. He picked up her lead from the floor and attached it to her collar again. He gave a sharp tug and started off again. Marla followed two steps behind and one step to Master David's right. He led her back to the arrayed dildos.

"Marla, I will give you an option. You may either receive punishment along with Kayla or you may watch and learn how I punish my slaves. If you participate, the punishment will be split between the two of you. If you watch, Kayla will receive twice the punishment she would otherwise. Your lead will be tied to a shackle, and you will be allowed to lie on some comfortable cushions if you chose to watch."

Marla wanted a punishment session no more than any other slave fur, but she was never going to abandon Kayla and leave her to receive the punishment alone for an act that she even more than Kayla had wanted. Marla dropped her head and said, "I will accept my fair share of the punishment, Master David."

Marla heard Master David chuckle.

"Kayla said you would," Master David leaned in close and whispered in a light voice, "She also said you would kill yourself if you did not, and she had all the fun."

Marla was confused now. She liked extreme sexual situations, but why would Kayla think she would want to be punished or sorry that Kayla was being punished by their Master and she was not? She shook her head in confusion.

Marla's attention was brought back to her Master as he began talking in a strong tone again.

"The first part of your punishment will involve the repeated and prolonged insertion of a dildo into you. You will be allowed to select the instrument of your torture from your half of the rack."

Marla looked to the right side of the glass shelves. There were several dildos that she would not mind trying for fun, but none that would be unpleasant. Marla frowned. In fact, the selection Kayla had assembled included none that would hurt her, only ones that would pleasure her. Suddenly a light came on inside her skull.

Neither Master David nor Kayla intended any harm to Marla. Her "punishment" was going to be another sex game like the ones she had been playing all afternoon except it would be led by Master David instead of Kayla.

Marla grinned wickedly. Now that she understood the rules of the game better she did indeed want to play. Her eyes were drawn to the lower shelves. The brother of the dildo Kayla had selected and the son of her Master's living cock beckoned her.

Marla knelt as she has seen Kayla do. She carefully lifted the metal dildo up off the shelf and presented it to her Master by raising high above her head on upturned paws.

"Master, may I please be punished with this poor representation of your own impressive wolf cock?"

Master David snorted at Marla's phrasing, but he replied, "Yes, you may. Bring it along."

Master David gave her lead a pull. Marla stood and followed behind him meekly as he led her over to Kayla. He pointed to a spot beside the second cylinder. Marla knelt and waited. Master David tied her lead off. She emulated Kayla and raised the dildo high above her head.

Master David disappeared behind Marla. She could hear him rummaging around behind her. She risked a glance at Kayla. Kayla gave her a quick wink and a smile before dropping her head.

A black leather pile of bondage gear landed on the floor beside Marla. She glanced at it and instantly recognized it as a leather bondage sleeve for her arms. It would immobilize her arms behind her and leave her front side wide open to whatever her Master chose to do. There was also a pair of heavy metal manacles with large padlocks. The manacles had hasps welded onto one side.

Master David deposited a second pile of red leather beside Kayla. He took her phallus and adjusted something on the base. He placed it tip up on top of the cylinder beside Kayla. He depressed a button on the floor behind the cylinder. Marla saw a thinner column rise from the cylinder.

Marla felt a small shudder run through her body. The cylinder was a hydraulic jack, and the phallus was going to be attached to the top of the piston. It was obvious where the two females would go. The only question was which entrance her Master would chose to use. Marla was hoping it would be her front one. Her tail hole was still recovering from the pleasant reaming he had given her, but her pussy was looking for more and larger action than the dildo Kayla had been using on her.

Master David pushed down on a second button. Marla heard a click. Some mechanism had secured the phallus to the top of the jack. Master David pressed the first button again. The phallus rose upward. Marla's eyes grew large as the tip reached the height of her breasts. She liked a good deep thrust, but this would do some real damage.

Master David depressed a third button and the phallus descended until the tip was well below the level of Kayla's cunt. Satisfied, Master David nodded his head and returned to Kayla.

Master David knelt behind Kayla. He took the two metal manacles and placed them around Kayla's ankles. They fit tightly and actually pressed into the skin firmly. He padlocked them shut.

"Stand," Master David ordered Kayla.

Kayla stood rapidly. The padlocks clinked against the manacles as a reminder to both slaves of their presence and the promise of what was to come.

Master David picked up the arm sleeve and stood. On the top end of the sleeve were two leather straps. He ran them past Kayla's neck, over her chest, between her breasts and back behind her again. He secured them tightly so the sleeve would not move. Master David let the body of the sleeve fall down along the length of Kayla's back.

"You know the routine, Slave," Master David growled.

Kayla placed her hands behind her back. She positioned her paws together palm to palm and intertwined her fingers.

Master David pulled the closed end of the sleeve over Kayla's paws. He tightly secured a strap on the outside of the sleeve around her wrists. He slid the heavy leather lace through the bottom eyelets of the sleeve and began to lace up the sleeve. The leather encased Kayla's arms in a tight red leather cocoon. Master David secured additional straps over the laces as he worked his way up Kayla's arms.

Marla watched as her friend was bound. The sleeve pulled Kayla's arms back and thrust her breasts out at Marla. With the leather bra still supporting them they made a most tempting sight. Marla licked her lips and hoped she would have a chance to savor them again that night.

Master David tied off the lace and secured a final strap at the very top of the sleeve. Marla's practiced eye detected that the sleeve, while tight enough to hold her pack mate's arms securely, was nowhere near as tight as it could have been. It would no doubt be a bit uncomfortable for even the supple otteress, but it was not so tight as to cause much if any pain. It was in keeping with Marla's thoughts about what would happen to her and Kayla tonight.

Master David took Kayla's lead and led her over to the phallus. Without prompting she straddled it with her legs spread wide. The tip rested an inch below her already puffy labia. Kayla kept her head down, but the gleam in her eye and her parted lips as she stared at the tip of the phallus told Marla of her excitement.

Master David knelt in front of Kayla. He pulled two small releases on either side of the cylinder. Two bars dropped down to a horizontal position. They locked into place with an audible click. Master David grabbed Kayla's right ankle in his left paw and guided it to the bar. He slid back a lever and the end of the bar opened. He positioned the hasp on the manacle in the opening. He released the slide and the opening closed around the hasp. Kayla's right leg was firmly attached to the bar though she could move her ankle about some.

Master David repeated the process with Kayla's left ankle. When he was done Kayla's legs were firmly fixed in place with the metal dildo poised just below her cunt. Kayla was gently panting in anticipation.

Master David stood behind Kayla. He reached around and spread her pussy lips. Marla could see her pack mate's bright pink interior glistening from a steady flow of juices. Master David depressed a button, and the dildo slowly closed the distance between it and Kayla's hot cunny.

Marla watched as the head of the dildo slid into Kayla's body. Kayla moaned as the cool metal intruder slid past her outer labia and parted her inner lips. She yelped in protest when Master David released the button. She only had the knob of the dildo inside her, and she wanted more!

Master David laughed and nuzzled the back of Kayla's neck. "This is supposed to be a punishment, Kayla," he told her. He gave her a playful slap on her right flanks and said, "Now wait quietly while I prepare Marla."

Kayla stood pouting, but she remained quiet while Master David walked over to Marla. He grinned down at her and gave her a wink as he took the phallus from Marla. He attached it to the piston beside her.

"I think you know the routine now, Slave!"

Soon Marla was standing bound with her arms encased behind her and her legs spread wide. She was facing Kayla. They would have to watch as each received their punishment. Marla grinned. She suspected Kayla would put on a good show for her, and she certainly intended to give Kayla a performance to remember.

Marla grinned broadly. She could not remember when she had ever looked forward to a punishment so much!

Master David was behind her. She could feel the heat of his flesh where he leaned against her back. He reached down and gently pulled her outer labia open. Just as he had done with Kayla he ran the phallus slowly upwards until the tip lodged in her cunt. Marla sighed. She liked the feel of the cool metal inside her.

Master David left his slaves and went to a nearby cabinet. Marla was surprised to see him take out a control panel. He placed it on a table near the two slaves. He punched in a few commands on the keyboard. He looked at Marla as she stood watching him.

"Now the punishment begins!" he told her with a wicked grin. He hit a button on the control panel.

The phallus between her legs suddenly came to life. It slid three inches deeper into her cunt. Marla tried to rise up to avoid the sudden thrust of the hard intruder. The manacles allowed her to push up onto her toes, but she could not escape the thrust of the mechanical stud. Not that she wanted to do so. She would have preferred the living version of the dildo, but what she was getting was pretty darn good in its own right. She lowered herself back to a flat-footed stand and wriggled her hips a bit to settle herself on the metal shaft.

The piston suddenly dropped back down to its starting position. Marla yelped in surprise at the sudden sucking feeling inside her womb. She heard Kayla laugh quietly. She shot her friend an evil look. Kayla just grinned back as her piston pushed upwards. Like Marla she tried to escape the thrust but ultimately and willingly failed. Unlike Marla she grinned when the piston suddenly dropped down. All of them could hear the sucking sound the retreating phallus made. Kayla had grabbed it tightly with her cunt muscles for extra stimulation.

The computer program continued. The thrusts became deeper and faster as the two captive females loosened up. Pressure sensors, load cells and feedback loops made sure no harm would come to either of them. They also enhanced the experience of both female furs. Sometimes the program would alternate rapidly between the two females. Other times one would be worked on for several minutes while the other was left impaled upon her phallus. Less frequently both were subjected to s series of strong, deep thrusts that left both panting. Soon both were writhing in sexual ecstasy. Their cries filled the dungeon, but neither was brought to completion.

Yet again Marla felt her sexual frustration growing. She wondered if her pack had some perverse desire to drive her insane through sexual torture. She soon learned the reason for her lack of fulfillment.

Master David stood behind Marla. He reached around and began to play with her hard nipples. He gently bounced her nipple rings on the tips of his forefingers. The vibrations when they dropped back onto his fingers were heavenly.

Master David's paws trailed over her tummy and past her crotch to stroke her inner thighs. Marla tried to press back against her Master, but the computer chose that moment to bring the piston between her legs to life and impale her on ten inches of hard metal. Marla could only wait as her Master's paws traveled slowly upwards again. She groaned loudly and raised her muzzle heavenward as Master David pressed her labia against the hard metal shaft just as it came to life. The extra pressure as the dildo slid in an out of her brought her to the very edge of a climax, but did not quite push her over.

"Enjoying your punishment, Slave?" Master David asked.

Marla groaned, "Yes, Master!"

"A lot?"

Marla tried to reply, but the piston decided to give a series of short, quick thrusts up into her cunt. Her attempted reply became a long, loud moan.

"I asked you a question, Slave," Master David gently chided her.

"Yes, Master!" Marla screamed.


Master David left Marla for a moment. He made some adjustments on the control panel. The dildo withdrew from Marla completely. Meanwhile Kayla's dildo was run up deep inside of her cunt. Marla whimpered in protest at the void in her crotch. Master David just grinned and returned to stand behind her.

Master David grabbed the rings in Marla's outer labia. He spread her pussy lips wide while pulling down to lengthen her outer lips.

"Fun time, Marla," Master David whispered in Marla's right ear.

The piston lifted the dildo up. The first two inches disappeared back into Marla's cunt. Out of the corner of her eyes Marla caught a pink flash as Kayla licked her lips in anticipation.

The piston was motionless for five seconds. Marla was starting to get a bit anxious for something, anything to happen when the dildo beneath her came to life. The piston rammed an inch into her before withdrawing three quarters of an inch. In a rapid fire series of thrusts the computer systematically buried the entire length of the metal dildo into Marla's cunny. She could feel the cold metal testicles of the dildo bounce against her perineum and her inner thighs.

Marla was in heaven. She howled as the dildo disappeared within her. The quick thrusts combined with just a hint of pain from her spread labia were setting her crotch on fire. She could feel her clit grow until she thought it would burst.

The dildo paused again. Marla waited and was rewarded as the computer slowly withdrew it. Her eyes flew open wide, though, when she felt the dildo twist within her as it descended. Her Master's penis had a slight upward curvature that the dildo faithfully mirrored. As the dildo twisted and withdrew, the tip put pressure on different parts of her vagina and vulva.

The computer repeated the series of rapid thrusts of the dildo up into Marla's pussy. She lifted her muzzle heavenward and screamed in ecstasy. This time the dildo withdrew faster. Her Master also pressed her cunt lips against the now fairly rapidly rotating phallus.

Marla was on the brink. Anything could set her off.

For a third time the computer sent the dildo rapidly thrusting up into her cunt. This time her Master released her labia rings and started rubbing her clit in time with the rapid thrusts. It was all Marla needed. Her juices streamed down over the polished metal phallus as she howled long and loud as her climax took her.

The computer sensed Marla's raging climax and changed tactics. It now worked deep into her with long, slow thrusts that drew out her orgasm. It varied the speed as it felt her cunt muscles contract and release the dildo. Master David quickly walked around Marla and knelt before her. He placed his muzzle against her swollen clitoris. She howled again as she felt his tongue tip delicately flutter over the tip of her clit. The sensation revived her flagging orgasm and sent it to new heights.

Even with her training and the help of Master David and the computer Marla's body could only keep her orgasm going so long. After several minutes she collapsed onto the now quiescent dildo completely buried within her. The strong metal shaft helped support her and remind her of her pleasure.

Master David stroked Marla's hair. He checked her over to make sure she had suffered no real harm from her sexual ordeal. He also checked her pulse rate. It was elevated but not unusually so.

"Now, Kayla, it is time for your punishment," Master David told Kayla severely.

Marla recovered from her stupor enough to raise her head and watch as Master David approached Kayla. She could not help but think for a slave about to be punished Kayla had the largest grin Marla had ever seen. Of course, given her own "punishment", Marla could well understand why Kayla was so excited and eager. The wolfess was rather curious to see what would happen to her fellow slave at their Master's paws.

Master David tapped out a couple of commands on the control panel to activate Kayla's piston. He stood behind her and watched as the first few inches of metal disappeared into Kayla's cunt. Marla watched in rapture as inch after inch slowly disappeared into her pack mate. She listened to Kayla moans of pleasure. While Marla preferred to be watched, she was not about to miss the show of her fellow sex slave being pleasured.

Master David had selected a different program for Kayla. Rather than short, fast thrusts, Kayla was subjected to long, slow pushes of her dildo deep inside of her followed by equally slow withdrawals. Marla licked her lips when she saw the entire piston slowly rotate while the dildo was completely buried to the balls in Kayla. She had little trouble imagining how it felt especially with Kayla's screams of pure pleasure.

While the computer proceeded to work over Kayla's pussy, Master David busied himself with Kayla's tits. He gently pulled and pinched them until her nipples were standing like twin pink towers above her bright white breast fur.

Marla watched as Master David cupped Kayla's breasts and gently played with them. Silently she cursed. Those delicious orbs of tender otter flesh were just a few feet away, but there was no way she could get to them like she wanted to do so badly. When he began to squeeze them Marla let out a little sob of protest because she wanted them so much.

Master David looked up from Kayla's breasts and locked eyes with Marla. He could tell what she wanted.

"You want these, don't you, Slave?" he said.

"Yes, Master!"

"Too bad. You are being punished. Tonight, these are all mine!"

With that Master David walked around to Kayla's right side. He continued to knead her right breast, but now he also dipped his muzzle and started to lick her entire breast and cleavage with his supple tongue. Kayla filled the dungeon with loud otter chirps and barks of pleasure as she mounted towards her orgasm.

Master David's right paw trailed down over Kayla's stomach and covered her crotch. Marla could see it move slowly up and down as he rubbed Kayla's clitoris. She knew how large and stiff her friend's clit got when stimulated like this. Soon she saw the pink tip between Master David's forefinger and middle finger as he pressed down hard on either side of Kayla's clit to pull back her head and expose her tenderest flesh to his fingers.

The triple sensations from her breast, clit and pussy were enough to finally bring Kayla to a climax. She threw back her head and screamed in pleasure as wave after wave of sexual delight ran through her body. Master David stopped stroking her crotch. He stood in front of her facing Kayla. Marla's view was partially obscured, but she could see him grab Kayla's breasts and squeeze them tight. His head dropped and he rapidly worked over her breasts and cleavage with is wet tongue. The computer picked up the pace of the dildo thrusts.

Marla watched as Kayla writhed in a sexual frenzy while impaled upon the hard metal pole inside her. She realized she had likely looked much the same as Master David had brought her off. She grinned and hoped that Kayla had enjoyed the sight of her gyrations as much as she enjoyed the spectacle of her alpha female jiggling around now. She would have to compare notes with the otteress later.

Marla shook her head. She was surprised at herself and Kayla. At the Academy Marla would have been enthusiastically volunteering for training like this while Kayla would likely have sulked in the bath later at the indignities she had been forced to endure. Now her friend was at least as eager as Marla. She did not know how Master David had done it, but he had truly changed Kayla, and Marla thought it was for the better. Regardless of whatever else happened, she would have to find a special way to thank him for what he had done to help remove Kayla's sexual inhibitions.

Kayla's body slumped. Her orgasm had run its course. Master David stepped away. Marla looked over her friend's sweat covered body. She was breathing hard and was obviously tired, but Kayla was also grinning broadly.

"Remain here!" Master David unnecessarily ordered his two slaves. Between the manacles on their ankles and the long metal poles rammed up into their vaginas, they could barely move let alone walk away.

Master David left the dungeon.

Marla lifted her head up and looked at Kayla. Their eyes met. Both dissolved into laughter.

"So, are you enjoying your 'punishment', Marla?" Kayla asked her friend.

Marla fought back laughter. It had been a long time, perhaps as long ago as some of the sessions at the Academy with her friends, since she had had so much enjoyment from sex.

"As far as I am concerned, I want to be 'punished' every day, all day!" she responded brightly.

They dissolved into laughing again.

Both females quickly regained their strength. Both were aware of the large metal phalluses in their cunts. Neither one objected, though. Training and now desire made them pleasurable companions. Marla contracted her cunny muscles just a bit to get a better grip on the dildo.

The control panel gave an angry buzz. Marla felt a small but definite electric shock come from the phallus. She tried to jump in surprise.


Kayla gave a low laugh and said, "I see you just found out about the joy buzzer. Master David put it in when he found me working over the dildo with my interior muscles when I should have been standing quietly. The internal instrumentation can detect even small contractions of our muscles."

"How powerful is it?" Marla asked in concern.

"Good question. Master David said it was rated for 240 volts and 100 amps, but I doubt it is more than a couple of volts. Definitely enough to give a slightly unpleasant shock, but not enough to do any real harm."

The control panel buzzed again, and Kayla jumped slightly. She grinned and added with a wicked grin, "Sometimes I imagine I am Zassa and play with it some."

Marla laughed. Zassa would have loved this setup. Having the inside of her sex shocked when she grabbed the dildo would have been a huge turn-on for the vixen.

The control panel buzzed loudly as both females grabbed their dildos hard. They grinned at each other. The sensations were mild enough to be more exciting than painful. Over the next several minutes they played with the hard dildos buried inside them.

"I see Kayla is corrupting you, Marla," Master David said in mock exasperation.

The two females quickly dropped their muzzles and adopted a submissive attitude, but neither lost their grin. Marla even impudently ran her vaginal muscles over the dildo in a quick series of contractions. She was rewarded with a rapid fire buzzing from the control panel. Master David frowned at her, but there was a twinkle in his eyes.

Master David had brought back three dinners from the kitchen. He placed them on the floor in between the two impaled females. There were two steaks for the wolves and a large fish for Kayla. A carafe held a red wine. There was no silverware or glasses, though.

Master David placed a small table beside each female and transferred their dinner to it. He placed his dinner on a nearby third table.

Marla had no clue what was going on, but Kayla gave her a quick wink. She relaxed and waited.

Master David returned to the control panel again. He touched the screen and the pistons sprang to life. They ever so slowly began to withdraw the hard metal phali from each female. Marla wriggled her hips as delicious sensations ran up her spine. She could tell the almost painfully slow withdrawal was having a similar effect on Kayla. Marla swore it took a full minute for the metal shaft to pull completely out of her hot, wet snatch.

"Time for dinner," Master David announced.

Master David picked up Marla's dinner plate and waved it under her nose. The steak smelled divine, but without any silverware and with her arms still bound behind her Marla was uncertain how she would eat it.

"Hungry, Slave?"

"Yes, Master."

"Good! Open wide."

Marla opened her muzzle. Master David ripped a chunk out of her steak with his teeth and deposited it in her mouth. He also caressed her tongue with his.

Marla was momentarily stunned. At the Academy they had been taught many sex games revolving around food. It was common enough for two partners to share food as a prelude to sex or actual foreplay. Sharing it like this was a common practice that she had done many times while in the bordello and on the coffle.

Now, though, it was the alpha male of her pack who was sharing her food. Momentarily it took her back to her youth when her mother and father had done the same though not in quite the same manner. It had a different meaning here and now, though. She felt a strange warming not in her crotch but in her heart. She had to look away so he did not see the tears forming in her eyes.

Master David took Marla's head in his paws and deposited a kiss on her muzzle. He said nothing, but he seemed to know what she was thinking and feeling. The contact brought her out of her stupor. Belatedly she started chewing her food. When she was done Master David ripped another piece off the steak. He held it before her muzzle on the tip of his tongue. Marla reached out with her tongue. She caressed her alpha's tongue before taking the piece from him.

Master David took a long sip of wine from the carafe. He held it in his mouth while waiting for Marla to finish chewing her food. When she was done he leaned forward and inserted his tongue between her lips. He allowed the warmed wine to trickle into her mouth. Marla was treated to the taste of a fruity, sweet wine mixed with just a hint of the taste of her Master. At the same time the piston came to life again and started equally slowly reinserting the dildo into her.

Master David left her after giving Marla her drink and attended to Kayla in a similar manner. He alternated between the two immobile slaves until both had received their dinners and a generous amount of wine. Both females had the additional pleasure of the metal dildos being slowly run in and out of their bodies.

Master David held the plate holding his dinner up to Kayla's muzzle.

"Time for my dinner," he told her.

Kayla grinned broadly. Marla watched as she managed to sensuously lift the steak from the plate and use her sharp teeth to bite off a piece. She turned her head slightly and presented her muzzle to their Master. He opened his mouth, and she slid both the meat and her tongue deep into his mouth. Their muzzles remained locked for several seconds until Kayla withdrew.

Next it was Marla's turn. She tried her best to emulate Kayla, but she was a little out of practice and used to using her paws to help her. Still, both wolves enjoyed the shared intimacy as their lips touched for several seconds.

Master David was soon done with his meat and wine, but he took the time to do some after dinner necking with his slaves. Both females were gently assaulted by his lips, tongue and paws as he worked over their faces and necks. Neither complained at his treatment as he slowly excited them.

Impishly Master David grabbed and squeezed Marla's flanks. He played with them for several moments before he released Marla and Kayla.

"You both are a mess," he commented. "Go get cleaned up."

Kayla grabbed Marla's paw and took her back to the bathroom. Kayla closed the door behind them. She giggled and gave Marla a quick hug.

"Still bored?' She asked Marla.

"Hell, no!" Marla replied with a broad grin.

"Good, because when he's like this Master David can go on for hours!"

Marla's grin widened even more.

Marla drew a bath while Kayla used the toilet. Kayla traded places with Marla a couple of minutes later. When the bath was filled she slid into the warm soapy water and luxuriated while waiting for Marla to join her. Once Marla was done with her ablutions, she slid into the bath and grabbed Kayla in a quick hug. They kissed briefly.

"We need to get back soon," Kayla commented between kisses.

"Right," Marla replied, but they kept kissing.

Breaking their embrace finally, the two females quickly lathered up each other's fur. Despite the already long day, each made it a point to fondle and caress the other. Neither could seem to be satiated today.

They quickly rinsed off and shared the fur drier. Their fur was still slightly damp when they stepped out of the drier, but neither minded. They both suspected their bodies would soon be covered in sweat again from more sexual play.

Kayla showed Marla the sequence to open the secret door to the dungeon. Marla smiled. She would have easy access to a treasure trove of toys. Not that she really wanted to use them alone, but she was sure there were times when her pack mates would not be around, and a girl can get rather lonesome on a cold night with no big, brawny, well endowed male to keep her warm.

Or so Marla told herself.

Master David was waiting for them just inside the door. He had two heavy leather leashes in his paws. Each was about six feet long and over an inch wide. A heavy clip at the end ensured the slave would be well secured.

Master David frowned at Marla and Kayla, and both instinctively lowered their heads and crossed their wrists behind their backs. Marla heard the distinct click as Master David attached a leash to Kayla's collar. She felt her Master's paw slide under her jaw. He attached the second leash to her collar. The sudden weight was exhilarating. She would now have to follow her Master wherever he chose to take her.

Master David gave a sharp jerk on their leads, and Marla and Kayla fell into step two paces behind him and one to either side. He took them to the middle of the dungeon where a wrestling mat was laid out on the floor. The padding had just a slight amount of give but was still very firm. He positioned his two slaves in the center of the mat facing him.

Master David pointed to the floor and commanded, "Kneel!"

Marla and Kayla dropped to their knees. They kept their legs widely spread and their bodies open and available for their Master's slightest whim. Marla could not help but notice her position placed her mere inches from her Master's sheath. She licked her lips in anticipation. Out of the corner of her eye Marla caught a pink flash from Kayla's direction. She was also licking her lips. They locked eyes briefly and grinned at each other before returning their gaze to the object of their desire.

Master David reached down and scritched Marla and Kayla behind the ears. He had not missed their little interchange.

"It seems you both want the same thing, but only one of you can get it. Which one of you will get my shaft while the other plays with my balls? Hmm?" he asked.

Master David paused and gave the appearance of being deep in thought. In fact he had made up his mind already on how to decide the answer. He looked down at Marla and said, "Kayla told me both of you were in the advanced Pubo-Coccygeal and Kegel classes along with Trouble and some of your other friends. I think we will have a little contest to see which of you has the honor of sucking your Master off."

Master David paused for a moment.

"I think you both know the position."

Kayla turned around and interlocked her fingers behind her neck. She gracefully dropped her upper torso to the floor. Her ample breasts were pressed hard into the mat and her back severely arched. Her muzzle and eyes were pointing straight forward. She thrust her hips up into the air by straightening her legs and rising up onto the very tips of her toes. She lifted her tail high to expose her cunt and awaited her Master.

Marla envied Kayla her limber otter body. She swore Kayla could tie her body in knots if she wanted to do so. Marla turned and dropped her own upper body down onto the mat. She placed her paws behind her neck and locked her fingers together. She could not match Kayla's gracefully arched back, but she did her best to display her pussy for her Master as she straightened her legs and lifted her tail high into the air.

Master David was treated to the lewd sight of two beautiful pink cunnies ready for his intrusion. He smiled and said, "It may not be an instrumented dildo like the Academy's, but I think my fingers are good enough for tonight. The one that can grab and hold me the hardest wins."

Master David slid the center finger of each paw into a waiting cunt. Marla and Kayla felt him wriggle his finger within them until it was well settled deep in their vaginas with his knuckled pressed against their labia. Once he was ready, Master David simply said, "Begin."

Marla concentrated on contracting her vaginal muscles. She started off slow and easy but quickly worked up to much stronger contractions. She could hear her Master hum in pleasure as she worked over his finger.

Marla's ears pricked up. She swiveled them towards Kayla. At first she thought she was mistaken, but Marla was hearing the unmistakable sound of Kayla grunting. She appeared to be putting forth tremendous efforts. Her grunts became steadily louder until Kayla was almost yelling every time she clamped down on Master David's finger.

Marla suddenly realized Kayla was not taking this test as a friendly contest but a serious challenge that she meant to win at any cost. The friendly rivalry they had in the Academy returned full blown. Marla started concentrating on clamping down on the finger in her cunt. She was soon drenched in sweat and grunting as loudly a Kayla.

Master David allowed the two slaves five minutes to prove their worth. He had to smile at their efforts. It was obvious that neither would concede defeat to the other, but there was no question about the winner.

"Enough!" Master David said.

Marla and Kayla stopped. Both were panting from their exertions.

"You both did well, but there is no doubt who the winner is. Kayla, you have the honor of sucking on my shaft tonight. Marla, you will assist her by licking my balls."

Marla was crestfallen. She had done well and thought she had won. A slave did not question her Master, and an omega did not question an alpha. She accepted her defeat, but she was still disappointed. Perhaps she would have another opportunity tonight to get her Master's cock in her mouth.

Master David grabbed their leashes in his right paw and turned the two young females over onto their knees. He spread his legs wide and planted his feet. The pink tip of his penis was showing again. He grinned and pointed at it with his left forefinger. The two females grinned back and dove onto his slowly swelling prick.

Kayla drew the tip of Master David's shaft into her mouth. She held his wolfhood with her teeth just behind his head and inserted her tongue underneath his foreskin. Using nothing but her tongue, she played with the folds of skin. They peeled back as Master David's shaft grew steadily.

Marla was discontented that she was not given the honor of sucking off her Master, but she still attacked her objective with gusto. She ran her muzzle underneath Master David's sack and gently bounced them back and forth with her muzzle. Her nose was filled with the heady musk of her Master's arousal. Seeing what Kayla was doing out of the corner of her left eye, Marla decided to take a similar tact. She also decided on a method that appealed to her more extreme nature and hopefully her Master's desires.

Marla turned her head and opened her mouth. She ever so gently closed her large canines on her Master's left testicle. He stiffened briefly before relaxing again. She waited a few seconds to see if he would stop her, but he remained silent. He evidently trusted her. Marla was warmed by that trust from her alpha of only a few days. Most males would not chance a female biting their testicles no matter how well they knew them or trusted them.

The skin over Master David's testicle was stretched taut. The light fur provided virtually no protection. She carefully wet her tongue with saliva. As the Academy had taught her, too much friction would be counterproductive for this type of play. She honestly doubted Master David would beat her as severely as the instructor had, but it would definitely end this pleasant night if he jerked back suddenly at this point.

Marla applied a generous coating of saliva to Master David's ball. He was breathing unusually hard already from the two females' efforts.

Kayla saw what Marla was doing and grinned. Back at the Academy she had snuck a quick conversation with Edmund, one of the male wolf sex slaves, after this type of training. He had said her tongue running over his balls had driven him nuts, and it had taken everything he had not to cum instantly. He had thanked her the next time they were together with some extra long cunninglingus. For now, though, Kayla adjusted her efforts by releasing Master David's prick from her teeth. She started taking long, slow laps along the length of his half erect cock while waiting for Marla to finish her work.

Once the fur covering Master David's testicle was soaked, Marla began running the tip of her tongue up and down the drum tight flesh. She was instantly rewarded with a long, drawn-out gasp from Master David. He jerked back and forth a bit, but both Marla and Kayla were ready for his reaction and easily moved their heads and upper body to match his movements.

Marla could feel Master David's balls shift in his sack. They rose as he became sexually aroused. The wolfess followed them upwards. She caught Kayla's eye as she drove her tongue into their Master's sheath to tease out the few remaining inches of pink flesh. She pointed to the tip of Master David's prick with her eyes.

Kayla nodded. She continued to dance the tip of her tongue over the now fully erect dick in front of her, but both slaves knew their Master was close to coming. It was time to get serious about finishing him off.

Kayla dropped down to her paws and knees so she could slide her head underneath her Master's cock. She leaned forward and kissed his dangling right ball. She was rewarded with a sharp intake of breath. Bending her head back, she stuck out her tongue and laid it along the length of Master David's cock. She slowly bent her head back to drag her tongue along several inches of the pink member. She could hear her Master panting from above her. Kayla shifted back an inch or so and repeated her efforts. Each time she stopped she would move an inch further towards her ultimate objective.

Not to be outdone by her pack mate, Marla considered her options. She hoped Master David would not object to her plans.

Marla opened her mouth wide and took her Master's entire ball completely into her mouth. It filled her as well as a medium size ball gag. She laughed out loud as the analogy occurred to her. From her position she could see her Master look down at her. She gave him a wink.

Master David was confused but still willing to let these two females have their way. They were driving him insane with desire. It was taking all of his control not to grab both of them and force them to finish the job they had started. He understood the role of titillation and arousal, though. He waited to see what these two trained sex slaves would do next to pleasure him. In the meantime, the journey to his release was already highly exciting.

Marla placed her left paw on the mat for stability. She ran the palm of her right paw up the back of Master David's left leg. She stroked the sensitive areas of his flank before moving to run her fingers through his bushy tail. His tail fur stood up straight as she caressed his sensitive flesh with just the very tips of her nails. His tail jerked away from her repeatedly, but every time it returned seemingly of its own volition to find her paw.

Kayla reached the head of their Master's shaft. It was throbbing and precum juices were flowing from the tip. She used the very tip of her tongue to noisily slurp up the offered juices. She also ran her tongue tip up and down the length of her Master's slit to further stimulate him.

Kayla knew Master David was ready to cum. She had also seen Marla's right paw disappear up under their Master's tail and suspected what she had planned. She lifted herself up into a squatting position so her head was slightly above her Master's cock. She licked her lips in anticipation and hunger before opening her mouth wide. She slid forward and took six inches of her Master deep into her throat in a single smooth motion. Lustily she continued devouring him until almost his entire shaft had slid down her throat. Once he was firmly entrapped in her mouth, Kayla nodded to Marla imperceptibly.

Marla had only been waiting for Kayla's signal that she was ready. One of the two most sensitive portions of a male's anatomy was his anus. As soon as Marla moved her fingers from his tail to begin rubbing his ass hole, Master David grabbed Kayla's head, threw back his head and howled as a massive orgasm wracked his body.

Master David thrust deeper into Kayla's throat. As an otter she was able to hold her breath for extended periods of time, and he was determined to take advantage of that ability now. He rocked his hips back and forth. Marla released his testicle and shifted to licking whatever part of his ball sack and sheath she could reach as Master David's crotch jumped around in front of her muzzle. She also kept rubbing her Master's tail hole. When she could she pressed her fingers against his sensitive pink rose to further stimulate him.

Kayla felt a torrent of hot jism flow down her throat and fill her stomach. She closed her eyes and smiled. She and Marla had really sent their Master off this time! He continued thrusting hard into her muzzle for several minutes. She was starting to get worried. Otter or not, she was getting close to needing a breath. He pushed back her head and allowed her to take several deep breaths. He did not stop cumming, though. The white fluid filled her mouth and overflowed onto her lips and chin.

Marla saw her Master's cum dribbling from Kayla's muzzle. Sensing an opportunity, she leaned over and licked Kayla's muzzle. A jerk on her leash brought her back to her Master's balls.

"Not just yet. You'll get the opportunity later," Master David growled at Marla.

Marla pouted. She wanted to relish the taste of her Master's jism, but so far tonight she was being denied anything but a quick taste. Still, he was her Master and alpha. She had to submit to his demands. She returned her attention to her Master. She slid her left paw up the inner thigh of his left leg. She moved her paw underneath his cock and cupped his balls. She played with them.

Master David slowed his thrusts. Marla rubbed his anus harder to keep him aroused. She also resumed licking his balls with quick laps of her tongue alternating between his testicles. Kayla drew his shaft back down her throat and rippled her throat muscles over the still hard shaft. He responded to their combined efforts with another burst of cum before his penis slowly began wilting.

Once his cock was back in its sheath and his breathing had slowed some, Master David looked down at Marla.

"You may clean Kayla's muzzle now, Marla," he informed her.

Marla dove forward and ran her tongue over and into Kayla's muzzle. Kayla laughed at Marla's enthusiasm but did not complain. The otteress returned Marla's attention with kisses of her own.

Marla was enjoying the salty sticky mess when she felt Master David begin to scritch her behind her left ear. She hummed in pleasure.

"You seem upset about something, Marla," Master David commented.

Marla stopped dead. Her Master had noticed her displeasure.

Master David continued to scratch her ear.

"Are you mad because I chose Kayla as the winner instead of you? Do you think I chose her just because she has been with me longer and not because she deserved the honor?" he calmly asked her.

Marla's heart started racing. She was in trouble and knew it.

"You know, Marla, a slave should not question her Master's decisions," he finished with just a hint of steel in his voice.

Damn! Marla thought. She closed her eyes and awaited her Master's displeasure.

He never stopped scritching her ear, though.

"Marla, I'll tell you what. Since you are new here, I'll let you decide if I made the right choice or not. If you feel I am wrong, you get Kayla's leash for the rest of the night and can do with her as you please. But if you agree with me, she gets your leash and may punish and use you as she sees fit."

Master David pointed first at Kayla and then the mat.

"Over!" he commanded her.

Kayla gave Marla a quick reassuring grin before resuming her position. Whatever Marla thought Kayla was obviously not very concerned about what was happening. Marla took some solace in that fact.

Kayla looked back over her left shoulder and provocatively swayed her hips.

"I'm waiting for your finger, Marla" Kayla playfully told Marla with a little laugh.

Marla took a deep breath to calm her. She reached out and slid the middle finger of her right paw into Kayla's waiting cunt. She had barely gotten the first joint into Kayla when she suddenly felt her finger grabbed and yanked into Kayla's pussy. Marla's eyes popped open, and she gasped in shock. Kayla was clamping down very hard on her finger. She tried to pull it out, but she could not.

In awe Marla said, "Damn, Kayla! I think you're better than the Rottweiler bitch that taught us!"

Both Kayla and Master David laughed.

Marla tried to extricate her finger from Kayla's cunt, but Kayla was not letting go. Instead she gripped Marla's finger even harder.

"Uh, Kayla? Can I have my finger back now?" she asked her pack mate.

Kayla grinned up and said, "Not until you say 'Uncle!'."

With a grunt Kayla clamped down on Marla's finger even harder. Her grip was almost painfully tight.

"Uncle! Uncle!" Marla cried. She was half laughing as well.

Kayla's pussy pushed Marla's finger out so suddenly it made a little pop.

Without a word Marla handed her leash to Kayla and lay down full length on her belly in an act of submission. There was no question that Master David had chosen the true winner.

Kayla reached under Marla's jaw and raised her head up just enough so that she could scratch Marla's lower jaw.

"Tomorrow we will start you on your exercises again. You'll be competing with me again in no time. In the meantime, I've got a few ideas for a suitable 'punishment' for doubting me and, more importantly, our Master and alpha male."

Kayla lowered Marla's head back to the mat. She stood up and went to the wall to get several restraints. Master David lay down on Marla's right side and ran his left paw over her ass while watching Kayla gather up her tools. Marla could see his grin grow steadily wider as Kayla grabbed more and more things from around the dungeon.

Before Kayla returned Master David leaned down and whispered in Marla's ear, "Don't forget your safe word if things get too hairy. This is play, not true punishment, and you can end it whenever you want. However, from what Kayla has told me, I doubt that you will want it to end."

Master David paused for a minute and then added in a curious voice, "I am curious to see just how far you will go, though."

Marla glanced up at her Master. There was gentleness in his eyes and a smile on his muzzle that made her trust him. While she was supposedly in trouble, her alphas were not being nearly as harsh on her as her prior owners or the Academy guards and instructors would have been. Other than frequently being left short of full sexual fulfillment she was in fact having a blast. She realized that her alphas wanted her that way - horny and unfulfilled - so that those orgasms she attained were even more intense and prolonged. It was a simple yet effective strategy. When she climaxed her entire world was filled with pure pleasure.

Marla grinned up at her Master for just a moment and licked her lips to show her true desires before dropping her gaze and assuming a pensive expression again. She would continue to play the disobedient slave accepting her punishment and would likely enjoy her temporary Mistress' attentions.

Kayla deposited her booty on Marla's left side. Marla tried to swivel her eyes around to see what she had selected, but they were too far back to see them.

Kayla slid a wide strap underneath Marla's left thigh and secured it tight around her leg with a buckle. A second strap went around Marla's right thigh. Marla could feel a ring on the back of the strap lying on the back of her thigh. Kayla attached a double ended snap to the ring. She bent Marla's leg up and secured her ankle cuffs to the thigh straps. The otteress repeated the process with Marla's other leg. Marla's legs were secured bent double.

Kayla next selected a sock made of a web of rope. One end was open. The ropes at the other end were tied off to a large brass ring. She slid it over the tip of Marla's tail and down its entire length. When Kayla pulled it taut the web constricted around Marla's tail. So long as tension was maintained the sock would not come off. Kayla used a double hitch knot to attach a short length of rope to the ring. Kayla pulled Marla's tail up her back and ran the rope through the ring in the back of her collar. She pulled it tight and tied it off.

Kayla attached two more double ended snaps to rings on Marla's wrist cuffs. Kayla pulled back on Marla's arms. Marla lifted her upper torso free of the mat. She had a good idea what Kayla was planning.

Kayla crossed Marla's arms behind her. She first attached Marla's left wrist to her right ankle and then her right wrist to her left ankle. She scritched Marla dead center between her shoulder blades before rolling her over onto her right side.

"Comfortable, Marla?" Kayla asked her.

Marla grinned back at Kayla. She truly enjoyed these types of sex games. She was secured firmly with just a slight bit of discomfort to give her a small thrill. She almost wished Kayla would go a bit further and pull her bonds even tighter.

Kayla picked up the next item in her pile. Marla opened her muzzle wide, and Kayla slid the bit gag into her mouth. She pulled the straps behind Marla's head and buckled them tight. The rings on the ends of the bar bit into Marla's cheeks.

Kayla took a short piece of rope and tied one end to the left ring of the bit gag. She ran the rope through the ring on the left side of Marla's collar. She continued along her collar and ran it though the center ring and the ring on the right side before slipping the end through the right ring of the bit gag. Kayla pushed Marla's muzzle down until her chin was tight against her chest. She tied the rope off. Marla's head was forced downward, and she had to look down at her breasts.

Kayla grabbed the final item in her pile. It was a simple cloth muzzle. She wrapped it around Marla's muzzle and secured it with the Velcro on the outer surface. Marla's mouth was clamped shut around the hard wooden bar, and she could not talk, only whimper in anticipation of what was to come. Her eyes told her true emotional state, though. She was excited at the prospect of her punishment at Kayla's paws. She could even feel her pussy juices begin to flow again.

Kayla left the two furs again. Master David gently pawed Marla's ass while they waited for Kayla to return. The otteress went to one of the cabinets on the edge of the dungeon and selected some item. Marla was puzzled. She had not seen this particular instrument before.

It had a metal handle about six inches long. At one end the handle split into a fork with a small wheel in the center. When Kayla held it in front of Marla's muzzle, Marla's eyes opened wide in shock. The outer edge of the wheel was covered with a series of small, sharp points each about one quarter inch long.

"I found this at the clinic one day. It is called a Wartenberg Pin Wheel or neurological wheel. It is used in Emergency Rooms when there is paralysis or loss of feeling in a limb. The doctor can run it over the affected area and watch to see if there is any reaction. The points are needle sharp, but short enough they only give the patient a small prick. Their affect on a healthy fur when applied to certain regions of their body can be...'interesting'." Kayla told Marla.

Kayla added with a slightly evil grin, "I wish I had thought of this before when you were on the slant rack!"

For some reason Marla was rather happy Kayla had not thought of this instrument before. She had the feeling it was going to be bad enough with Master David here to oversee the procedure.

Kayla lay down on her left side with her head even with Marla's breasts. Marla watched as Kayla extended her muzzle and began to nuzzle her tits. Even after the hours in the dungeon Marla's body still had much left to give. She felt her nipples begin to swell.

Behind Marla she heard Master David slide closer until her arms, legs and upper back were pressed against his front, but she kept her eyes on Kayla. Master David snaked his muzzle over Marla's left shoulder for a front row seat to the proceedings. Marla could feel the first stirrings of his cock in its sheath where it pressed against her left shin.

Kayla's tongue darted out and slid slowly, sensuously over the tip of Marla's left nipple. Soon her breast was crowned by a large pink tower of erect flesh.

Kayla withdrew her head. She grinned up at Marla before lifting her right paw up. She lay poised with the points of the wheel hovering a small fraction of an inch from Marla's sensitive pink flesh. Marla's breathing quickened as the sweet thrill of anticipation came over her. She knew that she was entirely at Kayla's mercy and there was no hope for her to escape this punishment.

Marla's panic was kept in check, though, by the knowledge her pack mates would not do her any real harm. She could revel in her feelings of helplessness and danger without true fear of any adverse consequences except through misfortune or bad luck. For her, it was the best of both worlds and a perfect situation for an incredible experience to satisfy her sexual kinks.

Kayla lowered the wheel. Marla had anticipated it running over her nipple, but instead Kayla slowly ran it around the edge of her aureole. The series of minute pin pricks sent electric shocks through Marla's breast.

Marla lifted her head as far as the rope allowed and screamed as a massive orgasm shook her body. She fought against her bonds. She felt Master David grab her thrashing body and force her to remain still. She tried her best to calm her body, but her orgasm continued to through her body as Kayla ran her tongue over the path of the wheel. She bucked hard in her bonds. Her right thigh fur was soaked from the massive wave of cunt juices streaming from her hot pussy. Worse, Kayla's work left Marla's tit incredibly sensitive. Even Master David's gentle breath was sending small shocks through her flesh.

"For the next part, Marla," Kayla told her pack mate, "you are forbidden to have another orgasm."

Marla whimpered and pleaded with her eyes. Even after her last orgasm she could tell her body would soon be back on the verge of another climax especially if Kayla used that little device on her sensitive flesh. Kayla just grinned at Marla before proceeding to her next objective. Marla gritted her teeth and tried to bear her punishment as stoically as possible.

Kayla slid her left paw underneath Marla's right breast. She cupped it and gently bounced it in her paw. Marla could see her friend smiling in anticipation. She shifted her grip and began to twirl Marla's rock hard nipple between her thumb and forefinger. Marla moaned in pleasure. Kayla's right paw lifted and brought the wheel down. This time Kayla ran the wheel from the top of Marla's right breast down across her nipple to the underside of her breast.

Marla was in heaven. Each little prick sent a small thrill through her tit.

Kayla continued to run the wheel over her breasts. She ran the wheel from the right side of Marla's right breast all the way across her cleavage and on to the left side of her left breast. Delicately Kayla ran the instrument from the underside of Marla's left breast up to the top. Marla nearly lost it, but she just managed to control her body and not reach an orgasm.

Kayla next circled the base of both of Marla's breasts. Marla was panting hard and wriggling in her bonds. Master David grabbed her upper arms to steady her. Kayla finished by slowly running the wheel around the aureole of Marla's right breast. Marla was drenched in sweat again, but she had barely managed to maintain control. Anything could send her over the top now.

"For the next part of your punishment, I'll do your labia," Kayla coolly informed Marla.

Marla's eyes flew open. The little wheel had been pleasurable agony on her sensitive breasts, but what would it do of her poor cunt?

"Master David, this is best done with Marla's cunt lips stretched. If you would do the honors?"

Master David raised himself up on his right elbow. He reached under Marla's left thigh and lifted her leg up. He slid his own left leg underneath hers and used it to prop her legs open. He reached up and placed his right paw on Marla's right shoulder. She could feel his firm grip. He adjusted his hips so the tip of his already rampant prick rested against her pussy. She was soaked from her prior orgasms and ready for him.

"Marla, you may have as many orgasms as you wish now," Kayla told her.

With a single hard thrust Master David rammed his cock deep into Marla. She was so loose from the extended session he nearly hilted his shaft. She screamed in pleasure.

Master David's face appeared beside her head.

"Marla, are you hurt?" he asked in a concerned voice.

Marla shook her head no.

"Do you want to stop?"

Marla vigorously shook her head no again. She wished she could tell him how much she wanted him to repeat his powerful thrust over and over.

"Trust me, Master David," Kayla told him, "Marla wants nothing more than to continue. She lives for this type of fun and loves gentle abuses like these as part of foreplay. The only thing she wants more right now is your cock thrusting into her."

Marla looked Kayla in the eyes and silently thanked the otteress.

Master David gave Marla a quick kiss before resuming his work. He withdrew and thrust several times before his knot began to swell. Soon it was caught in Marla's hot cunt, and they were tied together. Marla heard Master David grunt and felt his first load of jism coat the inside of her pussy. She rolled her eyes up in her head in pleasure as another orgasm took her. Nothing else got her off quite as well as good bondage, a hint of pain and a hard male pounding her.

Kayla tapped Marla's muzzle with the instrument to bring her back to reality. Kayla trailed the handle of the instrument down through her cleavage and across her tummy until she reached Marla's clit. Kayla circled Marla's clit with the tip of the handle several time. Marla shook her head back and forth. It was one thing to have Kayla do her nipples and quite another to have the many pins of the wheel pierce her clitoris.

Master David grabbed Marla and rolled over onto his back. She lay atop him. He shifted his grip so his paws were underneath her shoulder blades and pushed up. He slid his elbows in tight against his body and lowered them until they rested on the mat. Marla was propped up in a half reclining position looking past her breasts at an eager Kayla. She could not see her crotch, but she had to watch Kayla's paws descend towards it.

Kayla reversed the instrument and placed the wheel on Marla's lower abdomen just below her belly button. She slowly rolled it downward along Marla stomach towards her cunny. Marla's eyes opened wide, and she screamed into her gag. She could not believe what Kayla was about to do.

At the last possible instant Kayla shifted her path and ran the wheel along the outside of Marla's right labia. Her thick fur almost completely protected her, and she barely felt anything.

Kayla looked up and with a wicked grin said, "Got you!"

Both Kayla and Master David had a chuckle as Marla panted heavily in relief. Marla was ready to kill Kayla for scaring her so badly, but she had to admit Kayla had done a very good job in convincing her that she was about to receive an extreme punishment.

Kayla allowed Marla a few moments respite. When Marla's breathing returned to normal, Kayla resumed her torment of her friend. She repeatedly ran the wheel around the tightly stretched folds of Marla's cunt. Marla felt each little pin prick. Emotionally she was sure that her pussy was a bloody mess by now though her reason told her that her fur largely protected her and that the pins could do little if any damage. At the same time, though, the small pricks heightened the sensation of her cunt wrapped around the hard shaft of her Master's cock.

Kayla set aside the instrument and lowered her muzzle to Marla's crotch. She nuzzled her pack mate's entire cunny. She savored the delicious smell of a wolfess in a sexual frenzy. She began to run her tongue over Marla's labia. With each stroke she brought Marla to a more and more aroused state.

Master David lowered Marla back down onto him until she lay upon his chest and stomach. He reached around her body and began to knead her breasts with his strong paws.

"We cannot forget these now, can we, Marla?" he whispered into her left ear.

Marla's beasts were still stinging a bit from the small pin pricks. The slight pain mixed with the pleasure of her Master's paws aroused Marla. She felt her cunt juices flowing faster as she quickly mounted towards yet another orgasm.

Her pack mates worked over Marla's exposed genitalia for several more minutes. Marla lay on top of her Master moaning loudly as her body responded time and again to their gentle touches and torments. They only stopped when Master David's shaft softened, and he withdrew.

"Bathroom break time," Kayla declared.

Marla was grateful for the reprieve. Kayla unsnapped Marla's restraints but left the gag and other things on Marla. She grabbed a chain leash from a nearby hook. She took Marla back to her bathroom.

After they had taken care of their needs, Kayla handed Marla a douche. With her eyes Marla asked Kayla what this was for.

Kayla grinned and said, "I want you clean for the next portion of your punishment. Also, I noticed how loose you were. This will help tighten you up just a bit."

As soon as the liquid hit the inside of her cunt Marla felt a mild stinging sensation. She gasped behind her gag and looked at her friend in surprise.

"The liquid contains a fair amount of lemon juice. It will help contract your insides and tighten you. Master David likes to use it for punishment."

Kayla grinned impudently.

"Of course, he also uses the same solution for pleasure. It makes it rather difficult at times to figure out which he is actually doing."

Marla could not help but think that punishments in the penthouse dungeon were just an excuse for some kinky fun. That thought brought a smile to her muzzle. She also could not help but think how badly she had misjudged her Master's sexual interests. She was glad to find that they were so similar to her own.

Marla finished her job. Kayla reattached several of the restraints so that Marla's arms were secured behind her.

Kayla took Marla back to the dungeon. Master David was reclining on several pillows and sipping a drink. He watched the two beautiful, nearly nude females walk towards him with a huge grin on his face.

When they reached him, Master David looked directly at Marla and asked, "Are you enjoying yourself?"

Marla bobbed her entire upped body to nod yes.

"Even the last part?"

Marla vigorously bobbed her body yes again.

"Then, since you seem to have no objections, we will carry on with your punishment." Master David nodded his head at Kayla and said, "Proceed!"

Kayla took Marla over to a long, narrow wooden trestle table. It was only two feet wide, but close to ten feet long. Marla could easily see the winches and rope hanging from the underside of the heavy wooden top. They could be used to turn the table into a torture rack.

Kayla pointed to a spot midway along the length of the table and ordered Marla, "Stand here!"

Marla stood with her belly fur just touching the table top. Her breathing was a bit fast in anticipation of what was to come. She doubted either Kayla or Master David would harm her, but the torture device in front of her could do serious damage if Kayla wanted to eliminate an omega wolfess from competition for the alpha male. It presented a delicious dilemma for Marla.

Master David rose and joined Marla beside the table. He stood on the other side sipping his drink and watching her. For some reason he seemed slightly troubled, but he said nothing.

Kayla tossed a large bolster on the table. It was a red felt covered cylinder about a foot in diameter and two feet long. She laid it so its length was across the tabletop.

Kayla freed Marla's limbs and removed the rope forcing her to bend her head downward. She left all of the cuffs in place, though. With the palm of her paw, Kayla tapped the table and ordered Marla, "Get up here and lay face down."

Marla quickly complied. She was not surprised when Kayla adjusted her position so her hips were on top of the cushion. She was left with her ass sticking up in the air and freely available for many forms of punishment. The sock that still trapped her tail against her back left her unable to cover her behind. Marla's nether regions were again totally available to Kayla's attention and Master David's view.

Kayla took Marla's arms and stretched them out above her head along the length of the table. From underneath the table she brought out two ropes with heavy snaps on the ends. Kayla ran them over the far end of the table and attached them to Marla's wrist cuffs. She slowly turned a winch underneath the table. Marla could hear the click-click-click of the ratchet and see the ropes tighten. Kayla took her time and deliberately prolonged taking up the slack as long as possible.

Kayla walked around behind Marla. Marla started to turn her head to follow Kayla, but Kayla delivered a sharp slap to Marla's ass.

"Keep your eyes forward!" she commanded Marla.

Marla turned her head back around. She stared at the white ropes running from her wrists along the length of the table to disappear beneath the top. She heard Kayla pulling out more ropes and felt her attaching them to Marla's ankle cuffs. The snaps made a heavy sound as they were closed to secure Marla's legs.

Marla heard the click of the winches being operated. Once again Kayla took her time and drew out the operation as long as possible. Marla felt the ropes binding her legs tug on her ankle cuffs. Her legs were drawn backward as the ropes tightened. When Kayla was done Marla's legs were pulled straight out behind her and her knees were well clear of the table. The bolster kept her ass high in the air.

Kayla walked around in front of Marla again. She was wearing a self-satisfied smile on her muzzle. Marla shot her friend a nervous look, but Kayla ignored her. Instead, she reached under the table and started further tightening the ropes binding Marla's arms.

Marla's eyes grew steadily wider as the ropes got tighter and tighter. She had been supporting herself on her paws. The ropes steadily pulled on her wrists until she had to fully extend her arms. Kayla did not stop there, though. She continued tightening the ropes until Marla was left with her arms sticking straight out in front of her with her paws well up in the air.

Marla was on the verge of panic. If Kayla turned the winch any more she would start to pull hard on the Marla's arms and legs. Marla vividly remembered the times she had been suspended with weights on her limbs or similarly punished. Sometimes Kayla had been there beside her on the Punishment Wall at the Academy. Both knew the pain as the ropes tried to tear their bodies asunder.

What did Kayla have in mind for Marla?

Kayla reached out and plucked the taut ropes holding Marla down. They gave a low twang like a deep bass.

Kayla smiled and said, "Perfect!"

Kayla flashed Marla a quick grin. Marla sighed. Her pack mate had been very careful to tightly restrain her without actually harming her. It was exactly the type of severe restraint that the wolfess enjoyed. She wondered where Kayla had learned her skills. She had never shown such aptitude while at the Academy.

Kayla leaned in and said to Marla in a deep, throaty voice dripping with sexual desire, "I'll be back in a moment, Dear."

Marla's eyes followed Kayla's every movement as she walked over to a cabinet on the wall. Beside her Marla was aware of Master David watching Kayla as well. He set down his now empty glass. Marla could almost feel his eyes wandering over her taut body, but she was more concerned about what Kayla was planning at the moment.

Kayla opened a cabinet and rummaged around for a few seconds. She pulled out a pair of jet black gloves and a large tube of lubricant. She closed the cabinet and walked back to Marla. As she closed with her helpless victim, Kayla pulled the gloves on over her paws and forearms. From the way they stretched and snapped when Kayla released them Marla had to conclude they were made of rubber.

Kayla stopped beside Marla and held her paws in front of Marla's muzzle so she got a good view of the gloves.

"Do you like them, Pretty?" Kayla asked Marla,

Marla took a good look at them. She had expected the surface to be smooth. Instead there were a variety of nubs on the surface. They looked tantalizingly familiar to Marla. Those on the palm and inside of the fingers were short, only about an eighth of an inch, but the back and side of each glove were covered in soft cilia up to a half inch long. The gloves came halfway up Kayla's forearms.

Marla's eyes flew wide open. She suddenly knew why the nubs were so familiar. They were the same size and shape as those covering a variety of sex toys she had used in the past. The fact that they went so far up Kayla's arms could only mean one thing.

Kayla was going to fist Marla deep and hard.

Kayla laughed.

"Well, this is a punishment, Silly!" she told Marla.

Marla pleaded with her eyes, but Kayla ignored her. She had to watch helplessly as Kayla greased up both gloves and even part of her uncovered forearms. All the time Kayla stood over Marla grinning down at her.

Kayla snapped the cap back onto the tube of lubricant. She dropped it on the table just in front of Marla's muzzle. Marla turned her head to follow Kayla as she moved towards Marla's butt. Kayla gave her a stern look. Reluctantly, Marla turned her head back to look at the wall in front of her. She was nervous and uncertain about what was to come.

Marla's entire body jumped as she felt a sudden cool breeze blowing across her tail hole. She heard an otterish giggle. Kayla had gently blown on Marla's pink rose.

"Tense, Marla? Surely you couldn't be too concerned about a little thing like my arm. Remember that stallion you liked at the Academy?"

Marla did remember that pony stallion. He had gotten Trouble a good caning because she had not been able to open her muzzle wide enough to suck him off without her fangs grazing his cock. Marla had a great time that night when the guards tied her in the cell muzzle to cunt with Trouble. Later on, Marla had kept an eye open and tried to get the stallion for her partner. She had not succeeded often, but when she got lucky, she got very lucky!

Involuntarily Marla grinned behind her gag at the memory. Kayla was right. Her arm would fill out Marla nicely, and the strange surface of the glove held the potential of some interesting stimulation. Suddenly Marla was no longer worried but instead was looking forward to Kayla getting started. She mewed into her gag and shook her ass back and forth the little bit her restraints would allow. Her ears burned at Kayla's knowing laugh, but it did not matter to Marla.

Marla was going to enjoy herself.

Marla jumped again as she felt a light touch against her labia. It was not the slick rubber of the gloves but the soft warmth of Kayla's tongue. She slowly licked along the entire length of Marla's cunny. Kayla stood back up and laughed. She asked, "Ready already, Marla?"

Marla was acutely aware of the thin stream of cunt juices that had started to flow again. She only grinned at Kayla's barb.

Kayla drew the palm of her right glove from the wolfess' belly button and down over her entire crotch. She pulled her paw up under Marla's tail to lightly caress her ass hole before lifting her paw free from Marla's body. Marla tried desperately to raise herself up to escape the intense pleasure coming from her lower abdomen but the ropes held her down. Now Marla understood why Kayla had made them so tight. Marla groaned into her gag. Behind her she could hear Kayla's soft knowing laugh at her friend's reaction. The otteress well knew the effect she was having upon her friend from their days together at the Academy.

Kayla slid her right paw back underneath Marla and started to rub her labia. She could hear Marla moaning as wave after wave of pleasure emanated from her crotch. Kayla brought her left paw up and ran the back of her glove across Marla's pink anal rose. Marla screamed into her gag as each little nub sent electric shock through her anal rose. She desperately tried to clench her ass cheeks to protect her sensitive flesh, but Kayla had made sure her legs were just a bit too wide for Marla to do that. Kayla continued to rub both of Marla's entrances.

The flow of juices quickened under Kayla's double pawed assault, and soon the right glove beneath Marla was covered in a slick coating. Kayla leaned in and gently blew on Marla's now engorged clitoris. Marla closed her eyes and shivered in ecstasy. She felt the very tip of Kayla's forefinger slide into her juicy slit. The nubbed rubber digit moved up and down along the entire length of her slit, pausing to tickle the tip of her clit at the end of each stroke.

Kayla continued to tease Marla for several minutes. She never slid her finger in more than a single joint, and she was careful not to rub against Marla's cunny with her other fingers. As she had done earlier that day, Kayla was slowly but surely driving Marla wild with desire while not allowing her the release of an orgasm. For her part, Marla was whimpering behind her gag, begging Kayla to finish her off.

Kayla's left paw slid from Marla's ass down to spread her labia wide. Marla smiled. It was time for her release.

Kayla switched from her forefinger to her middle finger. She pressed against Marla's wet pussy. Marla concentrated relaxing her vaginal muscles. Kayla continued pressing, but she was still meeting resistance. Marla frowned. She carefully concentrated on her vaginal muscle groups. One by one she tried to relax them, but she had no success.

It suddenly dawned on Marla that the douche had more than lemon juice in it. There had to be some sort of constrictor drug. The nasty thought crossed her mind that Kayla had probably selected one that was either heat or moisture activated so that the hornier Marla got the tighter she got.

Marla assessed her situation. She was as tight as a virgin pup. She was going to feel every single, solitary rubber nub on Kayla's gloves as she forced her fist deep into Marla.

Marla was going to have a great time.

Marla rolled her eyes back in her head. She felt two more fingers join Kayla's middle finger at the entrance to her womb. Kayla had turned her paw so her palm was parallel to Marla's slit. She pushed progressively harder until the first joint of all three fingers slid into Marla's hot cunt.

Marla squealed as Kayla's hand bore deeper into her. The tip of Kayla's pinky started to tap against Marla's clit. Each time it struck, Marla felt a jolt from her crotch. As Kayla's fingers went deeper, the gentle taps became a steady pressure. All too soon for Marla the pressure disappeared as the fourth finger of Kayla's right paw disappeared into her snatch.

Kayla continued working her paw deeper into Marla. She kept her fingers in a line and her paw wide open. The drugs were doing a great job of keeping Marla's muscles good and tight. She could feel the firm grip of Marla's vaginal muscles around her fingers. She pushed and pulled her fingers slightly in and out of Marla and waited patiently for the telltale loosening that would soon follow as the counteragent in the lubricant on the gloves took hold.

Marla felt a gradual loosening of her muscles around Kayla's fingers. In a way, she was a bit disappointed. She always enjoyed getting her pussy filled almost to bursting. On the other paw, Kayla was penetrating deeper into her vulva and vagina. She could feel the first joint of Kayla's thumb rub against the bottom of her slit as Kayla forced her fifth and final finger into Marla.

Kayla continued to work her paw deeper and deeper into Marla. The counteragent worked slowly to release the wolfess' vaginal muscles, so there was considerable work required to push Kayla's paw further into Marla. Both of them were grunting as Kayla went deeper and deeper into the wolfess' tight but willing pussy.

Master David suddenly appeared beside Marla's head. He was frowning and looked almost angry in his concern for her safety

Master David removed Marla's muzzle and gag. She licked her lips and looked up at her Master. She was panting very hard.

"Are you okay, Marla?" he asked her.

Marla was touched by the obvious concern in his voice. In the middle of her punishment he had stepped out of scene and was checking on her because he was apprehensive over her health and well being. At the Academy or even later the only concern would have been if she was going to pass out from the pain and abuse before her punishment was completed and escape some of what her Masters deemed was her due. Now Master David was asking because he was honestly afraid that she was having problems or being actually abused in this play.

"I am fine, Master David," Marla replied.

"Are you sure? You certainly do not seem to be okay."

"Master, Kayla is not really hurting me. She knows I like it hard. As she has obviously told you, I honestly like the more extreme forms of bondage and sex. Yes, she is going to stuff her fist up into me, but I have had far worse done to me."

Marla paused and ducked her head.

"Some of my most cherished memories from the Academy were when my friends did this type of thing to me. I still remember when Trouble tied me up for bondage class. Her design was declared the 'winner' that day. I loved it. Other times Zassa, Trouble, Jenny and the others did similar things to me. When they had the chance to do it right, with affection, it was some of the best sex I have ever had."

Marla raised her head and looked back at Kayla where she stood motionless beside Marla's left flank. She flashed her a quick grin.

"Kayla never seemed to like this type of thing, though. I'm glad to see she has learned how to do it and do it very well."

"Even these ropes that bind you?" Master David asked as he stroked the taut line securing her left arm to the table.

"Yes. If it were one click looser, I could move. If it was one click more... Well, Zassa would probably enjoy it some, but the rest of us would be yelling in pain, not pleasure."

Marla went silent. Master David stroked her hair and face. Kayla stood watching her Master for instructions.

Long moments passed as Master David deliberated. Eventually he quietly said, "If you truly like it and want it, Marla, you may have it."

He picked up the gag and started to put it back on Marla.

"Master?" Kayla asked.


Kayla grinned impudently at him and said, "I think I really need you to help in her punishment."

Master David cocked his left eyebrow at Kayla. He was still a bit uncomfortable with what was happening to Marla despite her obvious enthusiastic enjoyment of the situation. He was aware of many females' masochistic tendencies and even enjoyed playing on some of Kayla's, but Marla's desire was so much more excessive it almost frightened him. He was afraid she would be hurt by one of them in her pursuit of pleasure.

Still, Kayla seemed to know exactly what she was doing. Marla was still panting, but otherwise she seemed to be physically at ease. Her eyes were bright, and she was alert. He slid a paw under her jaw and found her pulse. It was fast as one would expect but strong and steady. She even looked up at him through her long eyelashes and batted her eyes in an effort to entice him to allow her punishment to continue.

Master David gave a little laugh at Marla's antics. He said very clearly, "Marla, your safe word is Rex. Whatever else you do, do not forget to use it if you need to. Kayla and I will stop immediately if you safe out."

Master David paused and added somewhat forcefully, "And if you do not use it and get hurt, you will spend the next month wearing a steel chastity belt all day, every day! You will have no sex of any kind as punishment for allowing yourself to be injured. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Master!" Marla quickly responded.

Master David set down the muzzle and bit gag. He half turned to Kayla and asked, "What do you want me to do?"

Kayla gave her Master a smile and said, "Just kneel in front of her on the table and make sure she can see everything but not touch anything."

Marla howled in protest. She was sure that the "anything" would be their Master's very erect penis. Having it so close but out of reach would drive her nuts!

Master David climbed onto the table and knelt with his hips just over two feet from Marla's muzzle. She looked up at him and pleaded with her eyes for him to come closer, but he just laughed and remained where he was. He did start to stroke her hair and scritch her ears, though.

Kayla resumed her work with gusto. She worked the glove steadily deeper into Marla's pussy. With the gag gone Marla was able to give full voice to her pleasure. She frequently yelled encouragement to Kayla. Soon Kayla's paw was buried up to the wrist in Marla's cunt.

The passion of Marla's enjoyment was not missed by Master David. Both of the females watched as the tip of his prick slid from his sheath and his shaft slowly lengthened and thickened. Both licked their lips in raw lust at the sight. Master David saw the object of their attention and their obvious desire. A pleased smirk appeared on his muzzle.

Once Kayla had her right paw fully inserted, she stopped and let the counteragent relax Marla's vagina muscles. Once there was some looseness, Kayla made a fist and started to rotate her paw back and forth. The nubs on the glove came into full play as they ran over the interior of Marla's pussy. Marla screamed in pleasure as a full-fledged orgasm ran through her body. Kayla felt Marla contracting her muscles around her paw to increase the pressure and friction to draw out her climax.

Once Marla's climax was done, Kayla worked her gloved paw even deeper into Marla. The pressure built within Marla as more and more of Kayla's forearm disappeared into her. Worse, the tip of Master David's now fully erect cock was mere millimeters beyond the reach of Marla's questing tongue. She could see the first drops of precum juice oozing out of his slit and dripping to the table. She could also smell the exhilarating musky scent of his arousal again.

It took many minutes, but eventually Kayla managed to get the three quarters of her forearm covered by the glove into Marla's cunny. Marla had fully relaxed her muscles. She was so full she felt like a Russian Heavy Draft horse stud was mounting her, but the nubs on the glove made her think of the spines of a feline - a monster size feline cock!

Kayla began to play with her paw inside of Marla. She tried to remember every little trick the instructors at the Academy had used on her. She had hated this part of her training, but somehow they had forced her to climax against her will. She twisted and contorted her paw to poke and prod every part of Marla's warm interior. She also slid her other paw underneath Marla and began to play with her clit again.

Kayla's assault sent shivers through Marla's body. Her eyes dilated slightly as she mounted towards yet another sexual peak. She opened her mouth to howl her pleasure, but her cry was muffled by the hot shaft inserted into her mouth. Master David could no longer simply kneel and watch. He slid his prick deep into Marla's mouth. Now her pleasure was doubled. Without prompting she began to suck him hard. Almost instantly she was rewarded with a flood of hot fluid that filled her mouth and dribbled down her chin. She was finally getting the hot liquid she had desired so much earlier that evening. Moments later her body went rigid as another orgasm ran its course.

Even after Marla's climax subsided Master David continued to pump her mouth full of wolf cum. She sucked and licked his shaft. She was sorely distracted, though, by Kayla slowly withdrawing her arm from Marla's cunt. The nubs sent many more electric shocks from her vagina to her brain's pleasure center. By the time Kayla was fully withdrawn, Marla was feeling empty but aroused again.

Master David stopped cumming a few minutes after Kayla finished her part of the punishment. He got off of the table and checked over Marla's vagina carefully, even going so far as to spread her slowly closing labia to check for any signs of tearing. He returned to stand by her head and check her pulse. It was rapidly returning to normal.

"Did you like that, Marla?" he asked her in a level tone.

"Yes, Master!" Marla replied enthusiastically.

Master David had to laugh.

"Well, I guess you do like the more extreme forms of sex play the most after all. Personally I have never seen anything quite so rough that was enjoyed so much by the femfur. I will have to keep that in mind for the future."

Master David turned to Kayla and impishly asked, "What's next, Mistress Kayla?"

Kayla gave a truly wicked grin to Master David and said, "The worst part of all!"

Kayla went to the wall to get a pair of arm binders and two four inch wide leather straps. They had a heavy D-ring on a swivel riveted halfway along their length. While she was walking back Kayla also picked up a one foot length of chain with snaps on both ends, a single double ended snap, a short length of rope and a phallic gag.

Kayla released Marla. Marla lay on the table waiting for orders.

"Stand up, Slave!"

Marla stood beside the table. She was unsteady on her feet after all the "abuse" she had taken. Master David turned her to face him and grabbed her by the waist. His strong paws steadied her, and she could stand motionless.

Kayla first attached the short chain to Marla's ankle cuffs. She was hobbled and could not escape from what was to come. Not that Marla had any intention of going anywhere. In fact she was looking forward to the tight feel of the arm binders enveloping her arms.

The wide leather straps went around her legs mid-thigh. The D-rings hung at the back of Marla's legs. Marla shivered in anticipation as she felt the straps enveloping her thighs again. Whatever her friend had in mind for Marla, it likely involved using ankle-to-thigh restraints, one of Marla's favorite forms of bondage.

The arm binders consisted of two heavy black leather gloves that went from Marla's paws all the way up to her armpits. The ends of the gloves had no fingers, just a pouch to hold Marla's paws. The very tips had a large O-ring attached. There were heavy leather straps with buckles and D-rings at the wrists, elbows and very top of each arm binder. A zipper ran almost the entire length of each glove.

Kayla pulled Marla's arms behind her. She slipped the black leather gloves over her arms and closed the zippers. Marla felt a little thrill as her arms were again encased in leather. Unlike the sleeve used before that held both of her arms pressed together behind her, her entire arms was wrapped in leather this time which made the sensation even more intimate for the wolfess.

Kayla buckled the straps up. She used the double ended snap to join the arm binders together at Marla's wrists. Her paws rested on top of the base of her tail as she stood facing Master David. Her vulnerable position and displayed assets were not missed by her Master. He grinned at her as he took in the view. Marla ducked her head, but there was a knowing smile on her muzzle.

Next Kayla ran a short length of rope from the arm binder rings at Marla's elbows to a ring on the back of Marla's heavy collar. She pulled the rope tight enough to force Marla to raise her arms to relieve some of the pressure.

That also thrust Marla's breasts out at Master David. He took advantage of the situation to slide his paws upwards and begin to play with Marla's nipples. She sighed contentedly as his strong fingers ran over her breasts. She particularly liked it when he played with her nipple rings.

The dildo gag came last. The inside of the gag had a three inch long, two inch diameter dildo shaped like the tip of a penis on the inside surface. Marla opened her mouth wide and eagerly accepted the hard tool into her mouth. Kayla ran the strap behind her head and buckled it closed. Once again Marla was unable to speak.

"Back in a moment. We will need a few other things for later in the bedroom."

Kayla walked over to the selection of bindings and got a long coil of half inch diameter cotton rope. She also picked up a sharp knife from a nearby cabinet. Her final acquisition was a two foot long spreader bar.

Kayla picked up Marla's discarded lead and snapped it back onto the front of her collar. She turned to Master David and cheerfully said, "Time to head to bed, Master!"

In a knowing tone Kayla added, "Not that anyfur is going to get to sleep for some time!"

The otteress and wolf left the dungeon. Marla was forced to walk behind them on the end of her lead taking many small quick steps to keep up with her Master and temporary Mistress. They walked through the library and down the hall to the Master bedroom. Both furs totally ignored Marla as befitted a slave being punished. She hung her head submissively, but inside she wondered what else Kayla had in store for her. So far she had shocked Marla with the breadth and depth of her ingenuity. She no doubt had something else inventive in mind for her pack mate.

They entered the bedroom. Kayla led Marla to the foot of the bed. Master David sat down on the edge of the bed to watch the proceedings.

"Face down on the bed with your legs below the knees hanging over the foot of the bed, Slave,' Kayla ordered Marla.

Marla knelt on the edge of the bed. With her arms tied behind her as they were, there was no graceful way to lie down, so she simply allowed her body to fall forward. The soft mattress cushioned the blow of landing. Behind her she heard Kayla giggle at her antics. Out of the corner of her right eye Marla could see her Master grinning as he reclined on the bed watching her. Both were apparently enjoying her helplessness. She had to admit her little flop had to look pretty funny.

Marla could hear Kayla deposit the items she had brought from the dungeon on the floor behind her. She was still trying to figure out what the rest of the night held in store for her.

Kayla undid the chain hobbling Marla's legs. She dropped it on the floor with the other toys. She picked up the spreader bar. The ends had fixed snaps. She attached the bar to Marla's right ankle cuff. She casually pushed Marla's legs apart and clipped the other end of the bar to Marla's left ankle cuff. Marla now lay before Kayla with her legs comfortably spread. Kayla was treated to the sight of her friend's puffy pink labia framed by her open thighs.

Kayla picked up the rope and the knife. She measured out eight lengths by spreading her arms wide while holding the rope in each paw. She cut and quickly coiled up the rope pieces and laid them on the bed.

Kayla looked at her Master. He nodded his permission to proceed.

Kayla picked up the first piece of rope and uncoiled it. She brought the two ends together to double up the rope. She slid the round end through the ring on Marla's right ankle cuff. She grabbed the spreader bar in her left paw and used it to bend Marla's legs up until her calves were pointing almost straight up.

"Hold still!" Kayla ordered Marla.

Kayla let go of the spreader bar. As ordered, Marla held her legs as steady as possible.

Kayla threaded the ends of the rope through the D-ring on the back of Marla's thigh cuffs. She inserted them into the round end of the rope and pulled the rope taut. Marla expected her to tighten the rope to bring her calves down to lay along the back of her thighs, but instead Kayla tied off the rope by knotting it around the strands running from her thighs to ankles.

Kayla moved to Marla's left side and repeated the process. Marla was left with her legs half folded. The position was not uncomfortable for Marla especially since she could relax her muscles and allow the ropes to take the weight of her calves.

Next Kayla doubled up a third piece of rope. She ran the rounded end through the D-ring on Marla's right thigh, up to her left ankle, and through the ring on her ankle cuff. She again inserted the ends through the loop of rope and knotted the ends of the rope around itself. Finally she repeated the process to tie together Marla's left thigh to her right ankle.

Kayla inspected her work carefully. Between the spreader bars and ropes Marla was tied with her legs slightly spread. The lines were tight enough that Marla could not move her legs to extend them while not being too tight to hurt.

Kayla picked up the fifth piece of rope. She took one end and repeatedly wrapped it around the base and middle of Marla's tail. She tied it off several times so it could not slip off Marla's tail. When she was done it made a nice white crisscross pattern about Marla's gray tail fur. Kayla gave a couple of tugs on the other end of the rope to make sure the bonds would hold. Satisfied that Marla's tail could not escape, she wrapped the other end over the middle of the spreader bar. She pulled on the rope until Marla's tail was trapped against the spreader bar. Kayla wrapped the rope under the bar, around Marla's tail from right to left, around the bar, back over Marla's tail from left to right and around the bar again. She had enough rope to repeat the process twice more. She tied off the rope. Marla's tail was now trapped in a raised position. She could still move the tip back and forth, but she could not use it to cover her exposed nether regions.

Kayla slid her left paw under Marla's tail and inserted a finger into her pussy. It came out wet when she withdrew it.

"I do believe the slave is enjoying herself," Kayla commented with a bit of a laugh. She wiped her finger clean on Marla's muzzle. Marla could smell her own excitement.

Kayla gathered up Marla's hair into a rough pony tail. She separated it into three sections. The largest was the middle. Kayla braided one end of the sixth piece of rope into Marla's hair and tied it off. She ran the other end back around the middle of the spreader bar. She pulled it tight enough that Marla had to lift her head up and look at the headboard before tying it off.

Kayla took the small bang she had left on the right side of Marla's head and braided the seventh piece of rope into it. The other end of the rope was secured to the ring in Marla's right ankle cuff. Finally Kayla braided the eight piece of rope into the bang on the left side of Marla's head and secured the rope to Marla's left ankle cuff.

Marla was held in a variant of a hogtie. Her arms and legs were firmly immobilized while she could not drop or turn her head.

"Good! Now she is ready for her final punishment, Master," Kayla told Master David.

"And what might that be?" Master David asked Kayla.

Kayla did not respond. Instead she went to the control panel for the lights and adjusted the lighting so the head of the bed was brightly lit while the rest of the room including where Marla lay was dark. Kayla returned to Master David and without a word pushed him down onto his back. She flowed onto the bed and gently guided him until he lay on his back in the center of the lit portion of the bed.

Kayla shifted to the side away from Marla and started kissing Master David's stomach. She slowly worked her way up his chest until she reached his face. Marla was forced to watch as Kayla pleasured their Master. Her eyes strayed to the rapidly appearing shaft of their Master's cock. She groaned in frustration as she realized Kayla would have him this time and all Marla could do was watch and get steadily hornier.

Kayla reached down and cupped Master David's balls. She stroked him through the thin fur covering them. Unconsciously he bent his left leg and twisted a bit towards Marla so she could see what Kayla was doing better.

Marla closed her eyes rather than watch. That proved to be a mistake.

"Open your eyes, Slave!" Kayla shouted at Marla.

Marla quickly opened her eyes. She was surprised by the note of command in Kayla's voice.

"You will keep your eyes open and watch everything that happens. Do I make myself clear?"

Marla managed to make a positive sound around her gag.

"Good!" Kayla's voice turned much softer and sultry as she turned to bat her eyelashes and Master David and ask, "Where were we, Master?"

Marla realized now what her final punishment of the night would be. She would have to watch her alphas make love while unable to participate or fulfill her own sexual desires.

Kayla loosely wrapped her left thumb and forefinger around Master David's shaft. She slowly ran her paw up and down his cock to bring him to full hardness. She grabbed a couple of pillows and worked them under his upper torso so Master David was lifted into a half reclining position.

Kayla trailed her tongue from the tip of Master David's nose down his face and chest. She continued on across his stomach pausing briefly to tickle the inside of his belly button with the tip of her tongue. It was a trick Marla had liked to use on Kayla and the others while they were at the Academy.

Kayla continued down the length of their Master's body until she reached his penis. She began to gently lick the entire length of his shaft with her tongue. Marla could see Kayla lapping down their Master's salty precum as well. She could almost taste his juices in her mouth.

Kayla pushed Master David's legs down flat on the bed. She knelt above him with her knees on either side of his waist and her tail held to the side away from Marla. Marla could see Master David's knot swelling rapidly. Kayla reached underneath her tail and inserted the tip of Master David's prick into her cunt. She slowly lowered herself down onto his rigid shaft. Marla watched enviously as inch after inch of pink flesh disappeared into Kayla. Soon only Master David's knot was left outside of Kayla. The otteress used her pussy muscles to gobble it up in on quick movement.

Marla groaned. Her pussy was a red hot furnace of desire. Despite all that had happened to her and the many orgasms she had experiences, she still wanted to be tied to her Master with him pumping load after load of his cum deep into her.

Kayla languorously ran her paws over Master David's stomach and chest. He lay beneath her with a pleased smile on his face. She played with his nipples, rolling them between her thumbs and forefingers. He responded by reaching up and stroking her breasts. Marla saw Kayla's nipples rise and harden. Kayla must have started to play games with her vaginal muscles because Master David suddenly screwed up his face and howled in pleasure as a particularly strong orgasm took him.

As soon as he recovered Master David rolled Kayla over onto her back. Unfortunately for the wolfess he rolled towards Marla so she had an even better view of their coupling. She was also overwhelmed by the strong scent of aroused male wolf and female otter.

Kayla wrapped her legs around Master David's hips and linked her ankles together. He proceeded to thrust into Kayla as much as he could with his knot trapped within her vulva. Marla had to listen to their grunts and groans of pleasure. Marla could not help but think Kayla looked a little funny with her hair covering her eyes, but that did not diminish her enthusiasm one iota.

Master David's body stiffened, and he let out a series of quick barks as another orgasm took him. Kayla threw back her head and answered with a series of short otter cries of her own. They continued to mate feverishly inches from Marla. The bed shook from their passion.

Marla tried to ignore the couple in front of her, but it was impossible. She also could not relieve her frustration using any of the tricks she had learned over the years. The spreader bar kept her thighs apart. She was too securely tied to rub her breasts or clitoris back and forth on the bed. Her paws were trapped in such a way she could not reach her tail hole. The dildo was buried too deeply into her mouth to be played with using her tongue but not deep enough to work it against the back of her mouth.

Marla sighed. Kayla was right. This was the worst part of her punishment by far. Yet it was also a continuation of the day's theme of sexual frustration for the omega wolfess. Briefly she wondered if her entire life in the penthouse would be like this. Always close but never quite getting what she truly desired.

Just then Marla noticed Kayla watching her out of the corner of her eye. She gave Marla three quick winks and touched the tip of her muzzle with the tip of her tongue. Marla knew the sign from their days together back at the Academy. The friends had used it to let each other know that, regardless of what they were forced to do to one another, she was being given a promise that the perpetrator of the indignity would do their best to repay the fur on the short end of the experience. Kayla was playing her role tonight as Marla had asked her to do earlier that day, but she did not forget her friend or her plight.

Kayla continued to mate with Master David for several more minutes. Marla watched them take their enjoyment from each other and from giving pleasure to one another. Marla was struck by how much both wanted the other to experience the joys of the flesh. In all the time she had been a slave Marla had seldom experienced anything similar before coming to the penthouse.

In the bordello or the coffle she could have been in this situation with another of the female slaves and a paying customer and been almost disinterested in what was happening in front of her. Here it was her loving friend and caring Master. More than anything else Marla wanted to slip out of her bonds and join in by pleasuring her pack mates even if neither would give her the slightest pleasure in return that night. Being excluded almost hurt physically. Still, she had Kayla's unspoken promise to sustain her as she lay there. She had to also concede that watching her alpha pack mates joined in such a loving situation warmed more than just her crotch.

Master David rolled off of Kayla. Marla could see his rapidly shrinking penis slide back into his sheath. He gave Kayla several passionate kisses before reaching over his head and turning off the lights. The three lay on the bed in darkness. Marla did her best to settle in for a long night in bondage. In some ways it was nice to be tightly bound again. The wolfess actually enjoyed long bondage sessions.

Marla heard Kayla and Master David whispering briefly. The bed shook, and she felt gentle paws on her body. The ropes were cut and removed except the one holding her tail. That was released and retied with her legs fully extended. She was pulled fully onto the bed and laid across the width. The gag was loosened but not removed. The arm binder was removed by two pairs of paws and tossed on the floor.

Marla was rolled over onto her back. She felt strong male paws grab her wrists and lift them to her neck. Kayla used a remnant of the rope to loosely attach her wrist cuffs to Marla's collar.

"Are you comfortable, Marla?" Kayla asked quietly.

Marla shook her head yes. Her position was not unpleasant.

"Marla," Master David said, "I want to be sure you understand that we are just playing. Kayla said you wanted a more extreme sexual session today and that you felt healthy enough for some serious fun."

Master David started to stroke Marla's face and hair. She closed her eyes and savored her Master's attention.

"We are not mad at you. We are just playing. You chose the role of submissive omega wolf sex slave today. We decided to go along with you.

"At times I was actually a bit frightened by your... 'enthusiasm' for the role."

Marla saw a faint flash of white from her Master's teeth as he smiled.

"Kayla appears to know what she was doing. You seemed to be cumming every time I turned around and from things I would think would be terrible punishments no less!"

Kayla leaned in a bit closer to Marla and added, "If I thought you didn't want it, I would not have done what I did. Now and any time in the future if you do not like what is happening and want to stop, just say your safe word. That is both your privilege and your right."

"For tonight, Marla," Master David said, "we want to ask if you want to finish the day in your role of abused sex slave or if you would like to end the play session and jump me. Kayla and you have done a pretty good job of tiring my old body out, but I think I can find enough for one or two more rounds if you want. Just nod your head yes if you want out."

"And you can have him all to yourself this time!" Kayla added.

"If you do not want to be released, we will go to sleep and leave you like this. Tomorrow morning we will untie you. I will then do my best to pleasure you with Kayla's assistance. Anything you want goes, so you can spend the night fantasizing about the possibilities."

Marla looked back and forth between the silhouettes of her alphas. Both were offering her release from her current predicament, one that she was in solely because earlier today she had proclaimed she was bored and wanted extreme sex. Kayla was offering her exclusive access to their Master for her own pleasure. Master David, even though she could tell he was tired, was willing to give Marla all he had left to please her.

It was strange for the wolfess sex slave to have such kindness shown to her. Almost half her life she had been bereft of real love. Being sold to the Academy had not been as bad as it might have been otherwise because she at least had physical companionship on a regular basis. It filled a physical void and masked the emotional one. The affection - perhaps even love! - of her two new alphas filled her with a warmth she had not felt since her parents had died.

Marla was in no real pain. Her "torment" had involved a lot of pleasure as well as frustration from occasional denial of sexual release and the frequent lack of physical intimacy with her Master. Even now her body yearned for his embrace and later a deep penetration that ended with them tied together for hours on end.

However, Marla also recognized that Kayla had raised Marla to a near sexual frenzy that could lead to an incredible climax tomorrow morning. She was surprised at the otteress' skill and wanted to have some very long conversations with her about her newfound abilities. For now all she wanted to do was bask in the heat of her unfulfilled passions and fantasize about what might await her tomorrow.

Marla shook her head no.

Kayla laughed lightly.

"Good! I didn't think you would, but we had to offer. You are far too important to us not to be sure you are happy. Now we are going to leave you like this so you cannot play with yourself tonight..."

Kayla's voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper.

"...but tomorrow morning we are going to have all sorts of fun together!!"

Both Kayla and Master David gave her several light kisses on her face and ears before returning to the head of the bed. Marla heard them cuddle together. Their breathing slowed, and she could tell that they had fallen asleep. A quick glance confirmed their bodies were wrapped around one another in a pleasant pile. Despite her exclusion that night, Marla had to grin happily at the sight. She had been part of the pile in the past and knew she would be again very soon. Her exclusion was strictly of her own doing, and it was for play, not punishment. Furthermore, she knew she could have been a part of the furry bunch with just a nod of her head.

Marla turned her head around and found the clock. It was almost three in the morning. She and Kayla had been engaged in sex for almost fourteen hours, and Marla was still far from satiated.

Marla sighed. It was going to be a long night waiting for the release that she had been promised in the morning by her pack mates. Briefly she wondered if she should have taken their offer of release that night, but she knew the morning would be better for the waiting. She grinned as thoughts of what the three of them would do together raced through her head. She wanted to pay them back for all the frustration she had experienced this day, and she would find a most pleasurable way to do so!

The hours passed slowly as Marla thought over all her past encounters and training seeking just the right mix of fun for their morning sexual exercise. She thought about all of the fun toys that she had seen in the dungeon but had not yet used. As she contemplated the fun she would have leading the three-way orgy, the bed grew steadily damper beneath her crotch.

The morning promised a most pleasant time for all three!

Marla Chapter 5 - New Friends, Old Friends

# Marla Chapter 5 New Friends, Old Friends ## S.M. Wolf * * * _Marla and Kayla are copyrighted by Kittiara, Bruce is copyrighted by Iron Badger, and Maxx is copyrighted by David Celis. All characters are sued with permission. Master David Wolf,...

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Marla Chapter 3 - Into the Dungeon, Part 1 - Girls Just Want To Have (Kinky) Fun!

# Marla Chapter 3 Into the Dungeon, Part 1 - Girls Just Want To Have (Kinky) Fun! ## S.M. Wolf * * * _Marla and Kayla are copyrighted by Kittiara and used with her kind permission. Master David Wolf and this story are copyright 2005, 2010 by...

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Marla Chapter 2 - Running With The Pack

# Marla Chapter Two - Running With The Pack ## S.M. Wolf * * * _Marla and Kayla are copyrighted by Kittiara and used with her kind permission. Master David Wolf, Mike and all other minor characters and this story are copyright 2005, 2010 by S.M....

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