New School, New Love? Chapter: 2

Story by KitsunesWolf on SoFurry

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#2 of New School, New Love?

A continuation of Grant's and Aimi's journey.

Grant smiled to himself even though he felt nervous wondering what she could have meant as he took his pets home.

Grant's mom was in the kitchen when he got home. Smiling as she saw the vulpix and eevee running towards the backyard. "How was school today?" She called out as she was still stirring dinner.

"Okay I suppose...." he spoke as the two pokes ran past him into the den of the house. Taking off his over shirt he scratched at the stubble near his wrists before running his hand through the longer hairs up his arm. " Just wishing I didn't have to go in the fall, it's too hard wearing long clothes in the heat." he admitted moving to get a drink from the fridge.

"I understand but your father wants you to finish one more year of poke school before you go off on your own."

"I am going to lay down...." he spoke as he moved towards the kitchen exit.

His mom watched him leave as a thought just popped in her head, not all that unusual. "Oh Grant did you by chance meet our new neighbors? They have a couple of children near or nearing your age." She called out behind him.

" No I didn't," he spoke from the hallway stopping for a moment.

"Next door to the right as you leave the house. They came from a different region." She explained with a smile. "They have pickchus and several other not seen here. Now what was their family name?" She paused putting her clawed finger to her face as she thought about it. "I swear my memory is just getting worse every year." She said shaking her head.

Grant listened to what she said wondering if it was indeed the fox he had met earlier as he moved to his bedroom closing the door before shedding his clothes as he glanced out the window to see who was indeed next door to them.

Outside next door was other anthro foxes. Mostly white or red furred. Their dress was indeed different from normal for this region. They only covered their privates with leather bindings instead of full clothes. The smaller ones, all red like his vulpix, were playing on the onyx laying next to the small pond. The elder looking woman, white fur, was flowering the garden with a vaporeon sitting next to her. "Aimi can you come out here please?" The woman called out.

"Yes mama," a voice called out from inside. Aimi came outside with the white and blue ninetails following her. Unlike her family she wore a leather vest as her top as well as the leather loincloth. All of her tails were showing, all nine of them.

Grant couldn't help but find himself attracted to her appearance feeling a stirring below as he looked to her part of his animal side pushing forward causing him to become lost in watching her studying her body as if he were looking for a mate in the wild.

"Aimi dear could you get leafeon out of the garden? He is becoming a bit lazy since we moved." Her mother asked.

"Oh mama let him be. We are all tired still from the move. He is still helping the plants grow even if it isn't as fast as you would like." She responded, kneeling down to pet the other pokes heading her way for attention. "Hey everyone, sorry I was gone all day. Have you all been behaving?" She asked. Several evolved forms of eevee came out of the plants or house to see her. Also other plant type pokemon came out for attention too.

Grant watched slightly amazed by the amount of pokemon they had as he stood starting to feel worried he would be spotted as his arousal seemed to grow more.

"How is flareon doing hon?" Her mother asked as she finished watering the last of the plants.

"Yeah she just keeps laying down." Shouts one of the little brothers from the top of onyx's head.

"Well she is with child Steven. That takes a lot of energy to create eggs. Which I think she is going to birth more than one again." Aimi stated starting to stand up again. "Flare is doing fine considering the move. I think she is close to laying the eggs. Though mama don't you think it is getting hard to keep all of the eggs birthed here? We don't have the space like we did before."

Her mother looked back at her with a look. "I am not going to give our family to just anyone child." She said in a scornful voice, "if anything we will give them to you as a completion gift."

Aimi looked down slightly at the last comment. "I am not sure about this school mama. The humans at this one doesn't like anthros all that much." She admitted petting the ninetails that bumped her hip. "Some even hinted at hunting trips."

"There are going to be those out there. If you want to be a breeder you have to be ready for those types of humans. It is why you are in the school to begin with." Her mother said as she walked back to the house. Aimi just nodded silently as her mother passed her. When her mother got out of sight as wrapped her arms around her as if she wanted a hug. Making the ninetails come in closer to her and wrapping her tails around Aimi.

Grant continued to watch unable to hear what was being said as he sat on the window sill finding himself entranced in her movements.

Aimi went to a bench swing, letting her tails sway as she swung. Watching her little brothers rough house around the yard. Not really noticing the difference in the yard size yet. "It will be easier when I leave I guess. Most of the pokemon will likely follow me." She thought to herself. Aimi often thought about running off on her own since she was seen as able to be on her own by now. Go somewhere in the woods and take care of the wild pokemon and abandoned ones as well. She looked up at that point and noticed Grant in the window.

Grant saw her eyes see him as he ducked into the shadow of the darkened room as he felt something sweep over him. Embarrassment mixed with shame passed around him realizing the arousal he had reached.

She smiled and waved up at him. Looking away to not make him too uncomfortable. "Come on boys we have chores to do and I am sure you have your own homework too." Aimi said softly as she got up from the bench and pulled out her pokeball for onyx, recalling him to be able to fit in the house. All the other pokemon, other than the plant types, followed her into the house. The ninetails stayed and watched Grant. Tilting her head at him like she was curious about him.

Grant watched the ninetales from the shadows as he heard the sounds of his pokemon running out into the yard of their house clearly let out by his mother.

"Grant could you come down here and set the table? Dinner's almost ready." his mother called out from the bottom of the stairs.

Grant moved from the window his eyes locked on the ninetails until it was out of sight as he moved down the stairs wearing just a pair of simple shorts feeling secure with his hairy body around his mother as he moved placing the simple table setting.

His mother softly sniffed the air and gave a soft smile. "So you saw our neighbors huh? Do you think you will like them?" She asked trying to be subtle in finding out why he smelled aroused when she herself was nowhere near her heat cycle.

Grant looked down as he sat down. "I saw them, and I don't know no one ends up liking me after they see me." he spoke not telling her he had already met one of them. "They have a lot of pets though." he added as he moved to pour himself a drink.

"Yes they do. Though I heard from their matron female that it is their second daughter is the reason for that. She rescued several of those pokemon from abusive owners and also helps the pokemon through their birthing process." She said as she brought some of the food to the table.

"Yea...." he spoke glancing towards vulpix and eevee who were sitting at their bowls eating food balls.

"I think the daughter's name is Aimi. They don't want to admit it but it sound like Aimi is the reason they had to move here." She said softly.

"Maybe.... I don't know why it should affect us..." he spoke wondering what his mother was leaning towards knowing she often encouraged him to socialize. "They will stay here until the locals run them off, it always happens." he spoke simply looking down to avoid his mother's eyes his arousal still affecting his senses.

"I doubt they will willingly run these people off. They are all experts in care for pokemon, well the father and his brother is." She said eyeing Grant. "Rumors are starting about them putting up a gym and pokecenter in town with them as leaders."

Grant shrugged knowing even though he enjoyed pokemon he could never find himself raising his two to fight.

"I am thinking of inviting that family over for lunch on Saturday. You will be here for that Grant." She said finally before he said anything to say he wouldn't make it. Saturday was two days away.

He looked up at her giving her a look of uncomfortable and nerves as he tried to think of a way to get out. "Saturday is an off day for me.... I don't want to spend the day in a sweater and pants." he spoke his clawed fingers dragging lightly against the table.

"You don't have to honey. They wouldn't care how you look. Just on how you act." She said with love in her voice.

"They will, they always do, I am too weird for the humans and the anthro breeds see me as impure.... A freak." he spoke remembering the teasing when he was younger often ending up in fights with both humans and anthros alike.

"These are new people from a different region. Not the locals you have been raised with. Not everyone is like the people here. I am sorry we could not move after your father passed away for you to see what I mean." She said softly as she stopped serving the food. Loss was on her face like it always was when she thought of her late mate.

Grant picked at his food looking to his mother feeling the apology as he smiled to her. "It isn't your fault others are an ass." he spoke looking to her clearly something on his mind as he shifted in his seat.

"Language Grant. You know better than to speak like that in this house." She said with a little less bite than usual. She gave him a half smile and nodded though to his statement. "They will be coming around one in the afternoon. The whole family so be nice to the kids alright?" She said before her hand reached his. "You need this Grant... please." She said looking to him.

He nodded as he looked away slightly realizing he had dug into the table with his claws slightly as he sighed. "I forgot to trim my claws...." he spoke softly curling his fingers to hide the long nail like claws.

"Don't do that Grant. I know it hurts you when you do that. If you feel you must then wear the gloves I got you." She said trying to get him to not change a thing about himself before the other family could see him. Unknown to Grant that this was very much an interview process as being a possible mate for one of their daughters.

"I feel dumb wearing gloves." he confessed as he looked to her sighing slightly as he looked down his scent increasing as his mind wandered.

"Don't trim or shave before they get here. Be you without hiding if you can. If you want to hide then do it with the clothes not removing what you are. Please," she said finally before moving her hand back and started eating her food.

"Why is it so important." he added as he sounded more nervous remembering these visits when he was younger from families visiting. "They Will never speak to us again like the others." he spoke as he pushed his plate away.

"You need this is all I am going to say since you will fight me on the reasoning. You have since you were a child. Very much an alpha tendency even though you forced yourself into an omega role. Relax and be yourself. Everything will be fine," she said softly with her usual soft smile. She hoped if the other family saw what she did then everything would be alright for her son. They were a prestigious kitsune family like she was of the wolves. This would be advantageous to both families in the long run...if he got along with one of the daughters.

"Very well I will do it...." he spoke softly finishing his drink. After a few moments he looked to her. " Can I sleep with you tonight?" he confessed knowing sometimes his mother would allow him to spend time with her outside her heat cycle.

"No son. Not this close to having other anthros coming. Don't want them to know that we are closer than normal hon." She said as she continued to eat.

Grant nodded as he moved to stand. "I should go shower then to help myself." he spoke the bulge becoming obvious as he knew he would have to struggle until the next heat cycle.

"Okay hon, put your dishes down for arkaine and the others since you didn't finish." She said before he left.

Grant nodded as he placed the plates near the pets before moving off to the bathroom.

Aimi had finished her food and was just told about the lunch date on Saturday. She agreed to be there and then went outside. Laying down on the grass looking to what stars she could. Her ninetails laying behind her head like she was a pillow for Aimi.

Grant moved to his room after taking a shower fighting the urge to trim his claws as he moved to his window opening the window catching Aimi's scent causing him to look out seeing her lay in her yard.

Aimi smelled Grant but out of respect she didn't look at him. It seemed like he was ashamed for what he was, though if he lived here all of his life she could understand why.