What Universe Am I In??? Chapter 6: Under A Spell.

Story by James Matrix on SoFurry

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Chapter 6

I'm back finally!!! Works been hell. I haven't had a real day off in forever. Sorry I haven't posted any stories in a while, i know i had promised in the last chapter that this one would be up in a couple of days. So here is the awesome club chapter.

Constructive criticism and comments welcomed!

I do not own the Star Trek franchise or any of its characters, planets, or people or other stuff. I do however own my characters, so do not use without my permission. Merci beaucoup!

This story has yiff. 18+ only!

"What should I wear?" I asked Devin as he got up off my bed, setting his book down. He walked up behind me as I stared into my closet of clothes.

We discussed it for a few minutes and I ended up choosing black jeans, a black sleeveless and very tight undershirt, and a dark blue, with small light blue pin stripes, button down collared shirt, the trendy kind made to be left untucked. I topped it off with a black leather belt, and shiny black shoes.

Devin was wearing a red short sleeve shirt with silver designs of some band, blue jeans, and black leather shoes. Plus a black sport coat since the night air had cooled significantly and he didn't have fur.

"How are we getting there?" I asked.

"Oooh. I didn't think of that. I feel stupid. The others had taken Ariel's SUV since the club is on the other side of the colony. Everyone else has pretty much left already so we probably won't be able to hitch a ride." Devin said.

"What about my car?" I said.

"It is still in lockdown. officially it isn't anymore, we just haven't bothered to move it into the regular garage. But a cop car? Thats an odd ride to go clubbing." Devin said.

"It is slightly transformable. Its silver and white right now with visible light bar, but it can turn into a black unmarked police car with the lights inside the windshield and back window." I said.

"Works for me. Besides, I kinda want to see it drive."

We walked out of my quarters, double checked to see if we could get the car out of lockdown, and made our way to the forensics garage. I walked up the to car and heard the forcefield disengage with a hum. I opened the drivers side door of the car and reached in.

"Watch this." I said to Devin as I pressed a button on the dashboard computer.

With a low hum, the thin light bar on top of the car retracted into the roof of the car. Then the police markings on the car disappeared. Next the black paint on the window trim became transparent, revealing chrome. Then, almost magically, the silver and white cop car became a sleek black sedan, with an awesome grill on the front, and chrome finishes. Devin stared at the car. It was a large four door sedan, very sleek and stylish, but with a powerful and almost intimidating presence. The doors were almost seamless, only very close inspection would someone be able to tell that they were even there. Only small chrome squares, which you just tapped to open the door, where handles normally are, were the only indication there was a door at all.

"Damn. That is a nice car."

"Yeah, elite cops get the best. And its not only armored, its shielded. Hop in." I said, climbing into the drivers seat. Devin climbed into passenger seat, looking around the roomy, high tech interior. The black dashboard was sleek, with silver accents, just like the rest of the car. It had all the latest electronics, and even a great sound system. The leather front seats were a cross between racing style seats, and luxury car seats, with three points seat belts. Between the seats was a small flip open computer, found in all cop cars.

"Why isn't there a partition between the front and back seats? I shouldn't the backseat be one long bench, so no one can hide crap in there?" Devin asked.

"Not on this car. Its a regular stock leather bench. We rarely arrest people. If we do, its in large number and we just call in a paddy wagon. We deal with organized crime, so its not like we're picking up petty criminals off the streets. This car is more designed for comfort and size to carry more cops on longer stake outs and drives, since we rarely stay in one place." I explained.

"Ahhh. Ok. Lets get outta here, don't wanna miss the party!" Devin said.

I started the car up, and it rose a few feet of the ground with a low growl. I grabbed the steering wheel which poopped out and extended to the perfect height.

"Welcome back James." A monotone female voice said. "It has been eight days and thirteen hours since you last drove this unit."

"Car AI. Does back ground checks and yada yada for us, while we drive or are in gunfights." I explained.

"Ahhh." Devin said.

I drove the car out the garage and into the roads of the colony. There was not much traffic, but there were a couple cars around. Some hover cars, mostly ground cars. Devin explained they were very expensive here. We drove for about ten minutes until we came to a large building in the neon light district of the colony. Here there were many cars, and TONS of pedestrians. On the massive, wide sidewalks, outdoor vendors of all species shouted out prices and deals on their food and goods. On the sides of the roads, people hsowed off their cars to girls and bragged about this pr that. Neon signs advertised foreign goods, rare imports, dancers, music, entertainment, more "entertainment", clubs, and other stuff. I pulled up the car to a curb Devin pointed me to. Two me wearing black suits, without ties, walked up to the car and opened our doors, staring at my black car.

"Its valet parking here." Devin said.

As i got out, I remembered something.

"Amy. Valet mode." I addressed the car AI.

"Yes Lieutenant." She responded, making the valet man look at me in surprise.

I looked around the area. My senses were assaulted by the sounds of people laughing and shouting, the muffled music of the dozens of clubs, the smells of food and spilt booze, people, cars, the sight of neon signs, constantly shifting to advertise something else. The area was just full of energy, making my heart beat and muscles tense in excitement. I couldn't wait to get inside the club. If the street alone was like this, i couldn't wait to get into the actual club/

I looked at the club we had pulled up to. I stood on red carpet that led straight up to roped off chrome double doors. The doors were chrome, with brushed silver flames all over it. The doors were flanked by two suited men, one of them a massive human, the other an aline of some sort, who dwarfed his human companion. Another man guarded a line of people to the side, that were waiting to get into the massive club named "Silver Fire". All three of the men, and the remaining valet man, were all obviously armed, their jackets had a slight bulge. not much of one, but enough for the trained eye of a cop to catch.I followed Devin up to the doors, where he showed the human guard his ID. Devin jerked his head at me, and the guard nodded. pulling back the rope while another opened the door.

The anterior was amazing. It was dimly lit, but the neon lights lit it up as they flashed to the music. It was three floors, the top two were just open rings, where the dark booths were, circling the interior wall of the club, but with the middle open looking down on the dance floor and middle pillar. The middle round pillar, I call i that because i don't know how else to describe it, was hanging down from the middle of the ceiling, the bottom, which was rounded off, hovered about twenty feet off the dance floor. I had large "shelves" sticking out into the air above the gyrating crowd on the dance floor. Slung underneath the "shelves" were colored strobe lights and spotlights, along with massive speakers. On the shelves were skimpily, leather clad female dancers of all sorts of species, dancing, swaying, bending and gyrating to the music. On the wall of the pillar were large screens, showing the dancers dancing, but in neon colors that changed constantly, lighting up the area. I still don't know how the dancers got up to the shelves, but i admit it was pretty cool. The dance floor circled the middle pillar, and took up the majority of the first floor. Against the wall of the club, around the dance floor, was one long, massive circular bar, with hundreds of stools and dozens of bar tenders. The music was loud and electronic, with a deep thundering bass you could feel in your chest, and a complicated, fast techno beat that the lights, dancers, and grown gyrated to. It was like nothing i had ever seen, and i LOVED it.

"Pretty epic huh?" Devin said looking at me with a smirk.

"Yeah." I said, still awestruck by such a marvelous architectural wonder, designed perfectly for its job of entertaining. That hanging pillar made sure all the floors had the right amount of music and light, so the atmosphere never changed, no matter what floor or booth you were in, and it also made sure that an eyeful of dancer was only a glance away.

"C'mon, the others will likely have gotten a booth on the second floor, thats where the big ones are."

I followed Devin through the club to a set of stairs that was lined up against the wall in a dark corner, that slowly rose up to the second floor. As we walked through the club, many people stared at me. Women and men alike gawked at me, or even stared with slitted ayes and a suggestive smirk. One alien woman even licked her lips slowly at me. I followed him passed the other large booths, most of which were crowded with large groups of laughing and shouting people. Up here, most people were to engrossed in conversation or each others mouths that they hardly took notice of the strange light blue and white furred person walking by. I also noticed this floor had an open bar as well, it just didn't have any bar stools, so a person could get drinks very quickly and get back to their booth.

We found the booth our friends were sitting at, a horse shoe shaped booth. Tanya and Ariel, and a few others were seated, enjoying a large platter of hors dourves and sipping at their colorful drinks. Tanya was dressed in a simple, but sleek and sexy black dress that accented her lithe and petite, but also powerful, build, and also made her orange fur pop. She wore orange crystal jewelry, that looked ablaze in the light when it moved. Ariel wore a silver shiny dress, that changed from silver to bright blue when it moved, and she wore silver and blue jewelry. Me and Devin grabbed our drinks, I got a scotch, and Devin got some green drink. We drank and chatted for a bit, before we decided to dance. I took off my long sleeved shirt because i was already getting hot.

We walked through the crowd and onto the dance floor. We pushed our way through to the center. The music was loud, had a bass i could feel inside of me, and complex electronic tones that got into your head. We joined the crowd, swaying to the music and our arms and bodies gyrating to the beat. Tanya's jewelry looked ablaze in the white and neon flashing lights, Ariels dress gyrated and changed from blue to silver and back with the beat of the music as she danced. Devin danced as well, his muscles tensed and relaxed as he danced to the music, denoting power and grace. I too began to fall under the spell of the dance floor. I relaxed, letting the powerful, and almost dark, bass of the electronic music control my body as i moved and and danced through the crowd. The smell of sweat, musk, and booze filled my nose, the music my ears, and the flashing lights and gyrating crowd my eyes. I danced and gyrated in powerful motions, sending all my stress and worries out of my body through my arms, hips, tail and feet, absorbing more of the crowds energy with every bump and slight collision with a dancing stranger, my tail constantly brushing someone's legs. The tight web of bodies in the crown shared energy, the flashing lights and moving spotlights filled the crowd with its powerful and intoxicating energy, and removed the negative. It was glorious.

As I was under the spell of the dance floor, I felt powerful arms wrap around me from behind, and a body press of against mine, matching the movements of my body. I smelled Devin's masculine scent. Our bodies moved in unison, sharing our intense body heat and energy. I looked turned my head and looked at him, we shared a long kiss, still dancing the night away. I was in heaven.

We felt a pull on our shirts, and turned to see Tanya and Ariel motioning us to follow them. We separated and followed them back to our booths, ordering another round of drinks, but this time cold.

"I love this club!" I said.

"It is amazing, but its never been this good. They added a few things since the last time I was last here, about five months ago." Ariel said. "Anyway, we didn't know you two were an item." She lied (but we didn't know that) with a twinkle in her eye, smirking as Tanya did.

"Yup." I said matter-of-factly. Taking a long drink of the cold amber liquid in my tall, frosty glass, enjoying it as it quenched and cooled my parched throat.

"Yeah. We kinda have been going out for a bit now." Devin said.

"Ahh. Well you two are pretty cute together, and not to mention hot." Tanya said, winking at us, making Devin blush a bit. I just laughed.

Before I could say anything else, two women walked up to the bar, one was a Bajoran, another a Human. The Bajoran sat herself down next to Devin, and the Human next to me, draping their arms over us.

"I've never seen you, or your kind here before." She said in a seductive voice, as she rubbed her hand up and down my bare bicept and her other down my back.. "You sure are sexy and soft."

"Thanks, I'm taken." I said, pointing to Devin, who was trying to gently let down the girl flirting with him.

"Oooh. Two sexy men, thats something I'd love to join." She said, rubbing my leg.

"No thanks. While you are a very lovely woman, i'm not available." I said.

"Such a shame." She said pouting. "You two are very lucky." She said, patting my leg before getting up. "Find me on the dance floor if you change your mind. Come on Ginger, lets dance some more!" She said, leaving with her Bajoran friend.

"That was interesting." Tanya said blankly.

"Yeah, those skanks probably have twenty different STDs." Ariel said, glaring in the direction of the woman, who hadn't made it to the dance floor, but were flirting with two other men.

"Well, what can ya do?" I said. "Remember when we went undercover at that one club? I was a bouncer and you were a dancer?"

"YES. That was one of the worst undercover assignments i had ever done. I had to beat up like six different guys who groped me, despite the 'not touching' policy. Ugh." Tanya said.

We all shared a laugh. After a few more minutes of cooling off and finishing our drinks, me and Devin got up to dance the rest of the night away in each others arms. It was four in the morning when we walked out into the crisp, cold, morning air. I got my car back from the valet before Ariel got her SUV, so we waited for her. When she got hers, we followed her back to the outpost. before you jump to any conclusions, Neither I nor Ariel were anywhere being close to drunk.

When we got back, I walked with Devin to his quarters, hand in hand. We undressed and got into bed, too tired to really do anything more than cuddle, before falling sound asleep in each others' arms.

I woke up first at about two in the afternoon. Devin was still sound asleep. I pulled back the blanket to find i had raging morning wood. I had wanted to make breakfast before Devin woke up, but I cant do that with a boner.

I gripped my dick and began to rub it, up and down, from tip to base. After a few minutes, my knot began to swell. I closed my eyes as I continued. I suddenly felt lips on my muzzle, and opened my eyes to find Devin kissing me as he climbed on top of me. He too had a boner. We broke the kiss and he looked down at me with love in his eyes, and i looked back with mutual feelings.

"Last night was amazing, thanks for taking me there." I said, rubbing my hand up and down his back.

"You made it even better." He said.

We passionately kissed again, rubbing our bodies and cocks together. Deving slid down my body, kissing my neck, chest, and abs as he went. He grimaced suddenly, and pulled some fur out of his mouth. I laughed, and he too laughed.

"What did you expect?" I said.

He just chuckled before taking my cock into his mouth. He bobbed his head up and down, sucking and licking. He pulled off, and slid his tongue up and down the shaft, making my white flesh shiny with saliva. He then took the pink head into his mouth and sucked as hard as he could, sending shivers of pleasure down my spine. I suddenly felt pressure at my tail hole, and looked at him, he looked back with a questioning look, i nodded vigorously. I wanted him inside me. He continued to suck on my cock and balls, as he pressed a finger into my hole.

He stopped suddenly, and went to his dresser and pulled out a bottle of lube. He put some in his fingers, and knelt back down at the foot of the bed, between my legs. He pressed his lubed finger to my hole until it went in, stretching my hole and rubbing my prostate, sending waves of pleasure through me. Then two fingers, than a third as he stretched my virgin hole. I was bi, but i had always been a top, Devin was the only man i could ever see fucking me.

He than stood up, lubing his dick. He then grabbed my legs and propped them up onto his shoulders. He moved my bushy white and blue tail out of the way, and pressed his dick up to my hole. I felt the pressure, than suddenly it went in. It hurt a bit, but also felt good. He pushed in n inch more, making me squeeze my eyes shut and moan from the intense pain, but also the pleasure that i gave way to. I nodded to him, and he pushed another inch in. We repeated this until all eight inches were in. I relaxed, letting my inside adjust to the new sensation. When I had adjusted, Devin pulled out to the tip, leaving an empty feeling, than pushed back in. I moaned again, mostly form pleasure this time. He pulled out, than pushed in again, this time his cock rubbed against my prostate. I shivered and moaned in the sheer pleasure this brought. He spend up his motions, his cock pounding my prostate, making me moan and shiver in ecstasy. It felt amazing. His powerful body drove his manhood into mine, bringing us both great amounts of pleasure. I never knew it could feel so good. My dick hardened even more, and my balls tightened up against my cock as my knot grew larger. Devin reached down and began to pump my cock, as he leaned down and kissed me, still ramming my prostate. Our tongues wrestled as we moaned. Deving gripped my knot, sending me over the edge. My balls tightened even more. My cock spewed my white load onto mine and Devin's chests and abs, and even our chins as we made out, our moans muffled by our interlocked mouths. My inside clenched down on Devin's cock, sending him over the edge as well. He leaned back up and cried out as he released his load, painting my insides with his white seed. I moaned as i felt his hot load coat my insides, and I loved it.

He collapsed on top of me, as we basked in the after glow of our intense orgasm. He looked at me and kissed me again.

"I love you." He said, smiling. I stared at him in slight shock, not expecting to hear those three amazing words.

"I love you two." I said, rolling us over. I sat on his lap and kissed him more passionately than ever before, the fire of our kiss was like nothing I had ever felt.

When we broke the kiss to catch our breathes, i spoke up.

"It is almost three in the afternoon. Lets shower and get something to eat. I'm starving. Than we can go see what the others are up to." I suggested.

"Sounds good." Devin said. We got up, both covered in cum and sweat and headed to the shower.


I hope you guys liked it! Comments welcomed.