The Happenings at Swords, Sheathes and Staffs Academy – Gyrian Day One “Newbie”

Story by DelusionsOfGrandeur on SoFurry

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#1 of The Happenings at Swords, Sheathes and Staffs Academy

Long time, no post. Sorry about that, I don't really have an excuse beyond... life. Heh. Anyway, I'm trying to get back into writing more regularly, and that will include smut, most or all of which will be posted here!

Hope you all enjoy!

Gyrian eased himself into the nearly-scalding water with a long hiss, fangs clenched tight in his muzzle. After a few long moments of adjustment and feeling the hot water soak through his thick fur, his body relaxed, long tongue lolling in abject relief.

"God, what a day." He mumbled quietly as he rolled aching shoulders. His long digitigrade legs stretched out and flexed before resting again on the stone floor of the communal baths. "Didn't think they'd work us so hard right off the bat. I mean, I get we need testing but..." His words trailed off as he submerged his head underwater, thoughts turning over the events of the day.

"Oh, aren't I just the luckiest fucking teacher in the world! Look at what a crop of weak-looking children I've got to deal with now!" The humongous tigress bellowed as she stalked around the students gathered on the training arena for the first-year students at the Walled City's Swords, Sheathes and Staffs Academy.

"Professor Simnora, Professor Simnora, Professor Sim..." Gyrian repeatedly reminded himself, determined not to forget any of his teacher's names. Unconsciously, he was nodding along with the repetitions in his head, golden eyes narrowed in concentration.

"Oh, you agree with that assessment, do you!?" A sudden roar from right by his head startled Gyrian, his hand immediately rising into a defensive position as he jumped back and spun to face the tigress. "Well, at least you've got some decent reflexes, even if you're an oblivious waste of fur." Professor Simnora grunted as stood, eyeing the wolf with her hands on her wide, muscular hips, claws tapping slowly against the striped fur of her thighs.

"My apologies, Professor Simnora!" Gyrian yelped and lowered his head. "I was focusing on remembering something."

"What could be so important that you take your eyes off me for even one second in _my_arena? She growled, circling him.

"Well..." Gyrian mumbled sheepishly, then took a deep breath and stated, "Your name, Professor Simnora! I've got a bad habit of forgetting them and, well, I wouldn't want to forget yours and piss you off." He grinned a little as he said that last, looking up at the tigress who stood nearly a foot taller than his own height just shy of six feet.

Simnora chuffed out a laugh and grabbed Gyrian's head in one big hand, her claws pressing noticeably into his scalp as she pulled his face near to hers. "That would definitely piss me off, so you better make sure to remember my name, little wolf brat." She let go of him with a dismissive flick of her paw and continued pacing and berating the students. Several of them looked at Gyrian with amusement, but he just shrugged and stood straight.

"Alright, that's enough of me whining about the hand of weaklings I've been dealt, let's see if any of you are actually worth my time! Pair up!" Simnora bellowed after walking through and taking the measure of her new students. "Daltus and Allen, Scrivener and Jesse Brown... Gyrian and Dane.." She called out names in pairs, all business now.

Gyrian looked around and saw a large chestnut-furred stallion walking towards him. "Dane, I presume?" Gyrian asked and stuck his hand out. The stallion just glared at him as if he had offered him a fistful of shit.

"Mageling. You ought to bury your nose in a book, not be out here wasting the _warriors'_time." Dane sneered.

"Everyone found their partner? Good!" Simnora roared without pausing to allow anyone to disagree. "Then first pair in the middle, everyone else on the sidelines, move! Who's got the balls to be the first ones bleeding?" Sunlight glinted off of the tigress' fangs as she grinned.

Dane planted his hands in the small of Gyrian's back and roughly shoved him forward, toward the center of the arena. "Hey!" Gyrian snarled, baring his teeth at the big stallion.

"I see some of you have balls after all!" Simnora chuckled, looking over Dane appreciatively as the stallion pulled his shirt off over his head, showing off the thick sheaths of muscle covering his body. Gyrian rolled his eyes and followed suit, tossing his own shirt aside.

There were a few chuckles from the other students as they watched the pair in the center. Dane had several inches on Gyrian and probably fifty pounds of muscle. He flexed, showing off his muscles and winking at the girls watching. Gyrian simply stretched, not interested in showing off, just on getting his body ready.

"Enough eye-candy." Simnora growled, stepping away from the center of the arena. "If I don't see some blood soon, I'll have to draw some myself." She waved her hands together impatiently.

Dane immediately strode toward Gyrian, closing the distance far quicker than expected, and began throwing strong, slow punches. Gyrian backed away, dodging as best he could and trying to counter. He quickly realized that the stallion had a considerably longer reach than he did and focused on avoiding the powerful blows until he found an opening.

Suddenly, Dane shifted tactics and grabbed at Gyrian's arm, catching him off-guard and throwing him to the ground. Gyrian's breath was knocked out of him and his teeth clacked together painfully, but he managed to roll away just before Dane's elbow smashed down onto where his chest had been.

Dane snarled in pain and threw himself onto his smaller opponent. Gyrian struggled in the stallion's grip, trying to wriggle free as strong arms closed around him. Dane slowly stood up, his arms wrapped around Gyrian's chest, pinning his arms to his sides. He smirked and began to squeeze, the muscles on his arms and back standing out starkly beneath his fur. Gyrian's eyes widened in panic as he felt the breath being forced out of him and his ribs start to creak. He looked around the arena and saw Professor Simnora watching, smiling to herself and shaking her head.

Gyrian would've growled if he had any air left to do so. Instead he closed his eyes and concentrated. Mageling, Dane had called him, and mageling Gyrian was. He fanned that flame inside of him to life and directed it with his will. A few agonizing seconds later he felt heard Dane snarl in pain and his grip loosen. Gyrian drew a fresh breath and opened his eyes, staring into his opponent's.

Dane tore his arms off Gyrian with a series of crackling sounds like ice breaking. The stallion's breath steamed in the summer air. Light shone in the thin layer of frost covering Gyrian's fur as he swiftly swept Dane's feet out from under him and dived on top of him. Dane struggled, but Gyrian gritted his teeth and kept a tight grip on the stronger person as he tried to throw the wolf off.

Slowly, Dane tottered to his feet, lifting Gyrian clear off of the ground. He grabbed handfuls of the wolf's thick, freezing fur and threw him. Gyrian landed well, rolling to his feet and eyeing the stallion. Dane was shivering uncontrollably, fists balled tightly, eyes wide and full of unaccustomed fear. Gyrian grinned and started forward.

Dane simply moved too slow now, the magical cold Gyrian had surrounded himself with had taken a major toll on his unprepared opponent while they grappled, and every time he drew close, Dane was hit with another wave of freezing temperatures. Gyrian wasn't even trying to hit him, he simply danced around the stallion's increasingly feeble attempts to hurt him, staying close, letting the magic work.

"Alright, enough playing." An angry growl cut through the air. Professor Simnora stood, thick arms crossed in front of her tremendous bosom, watching the now one-sided fight with a frown. Gyrian stepped back from Dane and shrugged, then darted forward and slammed the side of his fist into the stallion's throat. Dane fell to the side, gagging and gasping. Gyrian grabbed his head and slammed his knee into his temple. Dane slid to the ground, barely conscious.

Gyrian turned to the massive tigress. "Sorry, Professor Simnora." He shrugged. "No blood." Simnora just stared for a few long moments, then had to bite back a laugh. Gyrian picked his shirt up but didn't put it back on, his dark gray fur was nearly black with water from the melted frost. He turned and walked to the sidelines, other students backing away from him slightly.

After Dane had staggered out of the arena, helped by a few students who threw angry glares Gyrian's way, everyone in the new first-year class had fought. He watched them all as he stood at the sidelines, trying not to show that it hurt just to breath, let alone move. Gyrian even stayed behind as the other students began to leave once all the fights were done and Professor Simnora had told them all to, "stop wasting the air in her arena." She'd grinned as she'd said it though, Gyrian thought to himself an hour or two later as he blinked his eyes clear of water and slowly stood up in the bath, letting the waters run out of his fur.

He picked up the bottle of shampoo he'd brought into the bath with him and squeezed a large dollop into his hand before walking closer to the drain. The water was even hotter here! Gyrian winced and felt the fire inside of him flicker to life, cooling his fur. Smiling now, he began working the shampoo into his fur, taking his time and making sure he got it all the way through his thick coat.

"Wellll, this is a surprise." A feminine voice drawled from behind him. Gyrian had to fight the immediate urge to drop into the water and hide his naked body. He took a few deep breaths, thanked the powers-that-be that no blush would be obvious beneath his fur and turned his head to look at the new bather.

She was a drake. Crimson scales chased obsidian over her toned body in intricate patterns. Unlike Gyrian, she didn't seem embarrassed in the least, one hand on her hip, the other carrying a bowl with various soaps and things in it, leaving her body on full display. Gyrian tried to keep his eyes on her face, but couldn't help a few glances lower, to her tight, perky breasts.

"You must be a new student. Between the hours of 2-4 and 9-11pm, this bath is kept at a higher temperature than normal, for the... enjoyment of people like myself." She walked a little closer, looking over Gyrian's body as he slowly returned to washing his fur, not trying to hide her assessing look at all. "Not many mammals can take the heat. I'm impressed. Slightly." She walked around to stand in front of him and Gyrian was glad for the thick bubbles from the shampoo gathered at his waist, hiding at least some of him from view. "I'm Sasara." She stuck her hand out expectantly.

Gyrian dropped his hand into the water to rinse it off and took her hand, shaking it gently. "Gyrian, and yeah, I'm a first-year. Today was my first day, actually." Sasara smiled and turned her back to him, setting the bowl down to float on the water nearby and beginning to lather her scales with soap. Gyrian couldn't help but watch her tail sway over her toned ass, and growled low in his throat, shaking his head.

"Something wrong?" Sasara asked, looking back over shoulder at him and affecting an innocent look that was obviously fake.

"Not at all." Gyrian answered and stepped away to place one foot on the edge of the bath to work the shampoo into the fur of his leg. He made sure to stay angled away from her gaze a bit.

"Tsk, spoil-sport." Sasara chuckled, turning towards him and bringing her long tail up to her chest, hands moving up and down it slowly. Gyrian's hands stopped, getting hypnotized in watching her hands move over the rings of crimson and obsidian scaled of her tale. "Gyrian, Gyrian... why does that sound familiar?" Sasara mused. "Oh! Miss Simnora was grumbling about you!"

Sasara smiled excitedly and stepped close to Gyrian, who had to fight the urge to back away from the naked drake. She smiled at him conspiratorially and leaned forward until her snout was almost touching his neck. "Apparently, you might actually be worth teaching, for a 'weak little magic-using pup.' That's high praise from her!" She tilted her head back in a laugh, then quickly kissed him.

Gyrian was frozen in shock, left blinking wildly in confusion as she stepped back a little and slowly trailed one hand down his chest and stomach. "I saw that big horse you fought, as impressive specimen. You must have some... hidden talents, hmm?" Gyrian got his mind back just in time to grip her wrist as her hand started to dive below the water.

"Sasara, what do you think you're doing?" He asked quietly, intently.

"Learning about an interesting new student in my very favorite way." She practically purred and pressed her body to his, kissing him forcefully. Gyrian resisted for a long moment, then wrapped one furry arm around her scaled body and kissed her back hungrily. He let go of her wrist and instead slipped his hand around her body and cupped one cheek of her muscular ass.

Sasara moaned into Gyrian's mouth and moved her hand beneath the water to grip his wolfhood. "Mmm, definitely some hidden talents!" She chuckled breathlessly. His cock throbbed in her grip, more than her hand could hold and still growing. Gyrian dipped his head and pressed his lips to her neck, kissing and gently nibbling at the sensitive scales there. She gasped and wrapped her arm around him as she began to pump his cock slowly.

Gyrian growled in pleasure and lightly bit Sasara's neck as she stroked his cock to full hardness. His hand slipped under her tail and stroked at the extremely sensitive underside base, making her shiver and spread her legs. Gyrian grinned and slipped his hand under the water and between her strong thighs. Even in the hot water, he could feel the sweet heat of her pussy against his fingers as he explored and caressed her folds.

Sasara buried her head against the crook of Gyrian's neck and began to pant. "You're very good with your -uh- fingers, aren't you, newbie?"

"Newbie?" Gyrian chuckled. He slipped two fingers inside of her and began to thrust them slowly, cutting off whatever Sasara might have said. Instead, she moaned loudly and began to stroke his cock faster, rubbing the angled head against her palm and running her fingertips around the slight swelling where his knot would form. He groaned and began to thrust into her hand slightly, the water beginning to splash around them from the motions.

Sasara raised her head and lightly nipped on of Gyrian's ears. "I want to see it." She whispered and pulled away from him, stepping toward the edge of the bat where the water was shallower. He grinned and waited for her to turn back and watch him before he slowly strode toward her, the water dropping to reveal his thick, veiny cock in pointed directly at her.

Gyrian's eyes were on the shadowed crevice between her legs. Now that she was out of the water as well, the scent of her arousal flooded his sensitive nose, causing his cock to throb and leak a few drops of precum. She bit her lip as he walked up to her, but before she could grab his cock again, Gyrian dropped to his knees in the water and spread her legs with his muzzle, tongue wasting no time slipping into her folds.

Sasara gasped and gripped his head with both hands, fingers digging into his headfur, twisting it as he slipped his strong, long tongue inside of her pussy. Gyrian grinned as he heard her gasp above him and he rubbed his nose against her clit as he wriggled his tongue as deep into her as it could reach. She moaned, and he worked his tongue harder, loving the taste as she got wetter and wetter for him.

"Wait, newbie, wait." Sasara panted and gently tugged on his ears when he didn't stop immediately. He looked up her, a little disappointed as she stepped back. Then she turned around and bent over, raising her tail for him. "If I'm going to cum, I want to cum on that cock of yours." She said with a hungry smile. Gyrian growled happily and practically pounced on her.

He leaned over her body and reached under her to fondle her breasts as the tip of his cock easily spread her folds and he pressed inside of her. They both gasped as he bottomed out in her. He was so thick! She was so tight! They both stopped for a long moment, bodies adjusting the sudden, immense pleasure.

Finally, Gyrian gripped her chin and turned her head to kiss her. As he did, he began to pull out slowly, making her moan into his mouth. He started thrusting back into her and she moved her hips to meet him. The bathroom quickly filled with the rhythmic sounds of his hips slapping into her ass with each deep thrust.

Faster, they moved, their pleasure rising together. His hands teased her perky breasts as they hung beneath her, fingertips playing with her hard nipples. She reached back with one hand and spread herself for him letting him see everything. Their intermingled cries were louder than the splashing of the water, but neither of them noticed or cared.

"I'm close!" Gyrian growled, slipping his hands back to grip her hips, slamming into her forcefully.

"Go ahead, cum in me!" Sasara moaned, looking back at him hungrily. "Cum for me, newbie!"

Gyrian growled and reached around with one hand to rub her clit, determined to make her cum too. She gasped and moaned as his fingers stroked her clit rapidly. Her pussy started to spasm around him and she screamed at the overwhelming pleasure as she came. Gyrian thrust as deep into her as he could, roaring, his knot pushing inside of her and swelling, locking them together.

Sasara's eyes widened in shock, the pleasure, and little shot of pain, from his knot stretching her pushing her immediately into a second orgasm. Gyrian leaned over her body as his balls emptied into her, knot trapping all his seed inside of her, filling her pussy and pushing into her womb.

They lay together at the edge of the bath, panting and trying to catch their breath. They both turned, sluggishly, at the sound of slow clapping. Several other reptiles of various species, all but one of them female, stood at the far side of the bath near the entrance. Most looked embarrassed and aroused, but one especially curvy drake with cobalt and pearly scales was openly grinning and clapping. "Awesome show, Sassy! You're gonna hafta introduce me to that one."