A Messy Situation - Part 2 [Comm]

Story by Horatio Husky on SoFurry

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#2 of Short Story Commissions

An unexpected second part to the "A Messy Situation" short story! It seems like Angelo's griefs about being forced to the role of a little sissy baby aren't over! Follow along as Angelo is taken to the park for a bit of fresh air and an extra special bit of "freshening up." Enjoy~

Commission for: angellothefox

Thumbnail by: LiuTheKitty775

If you are interested in commissioning a story from me, click here for information and make sure to follow me on Twitter for updates and previews of my writing!

A Messy Situation - Part 2

By Horatio Husky

Angelo felt groggy, he shifted and the memories of what had happened came flooding back into his still sleepy mind. Opening his eyes he found himself bound and still in a very soiled diaper, laying down in the enclosed playpen. He suckled nervoulsy at the pacifier strapped into his maw, embarrassingly gaining small solace from its comforting presence. The soiled padding he wore had become a little clammy and clung to him unpleasantly. In the silence of the play room Angelo quietly whimpered, hoping that those who had captured him would at least change him out of his used padding.

To both his relief and dismay, after lying on the playpen for what seemed like hours his ears perked up as he heard the doors to the playroom open. Angelo lifted his head up,and a grinning skunk soon loomed into view and leaned his forearms on the railing of the playpen. He turned his head sideways at Angelo, the grin not leaving his face.

"My my, my little ones left you in a bit of a bind now, hmm?"

Angelo could only provide a muffled whimper into his pacifier gag in response. The skunk chuckled, and unlocked the gate to the playpen. He had a bag slung over his shoulder, which Angelo realized with relief was a diaper bag. The skunk kneeled down in front of the spread eagle fox, and examined the soiled diaper in front of him in mock seriousness.

"Looks like a bad case of the used diaper... My professional diagnosis you ask? Hmmm... You're a big baby!"

Angelo's ears flattened and his cheeks reddened, feeling humiliated as the skunk leaned back his head and let out a short laugh. Grinning proudly the skunk turned his attention to his diaper bag and, unzipping it, began removing several supplies. After removing baby powder, rash cream, baby wipes, and to the dismay of Angelo a thick, pink diaper the skunk set to work cleaning the poor oversized kit up. Taking great care to remove all of the mess the skunk repowdered and recreamed the fox with impressive efficiency.

The skunk gave the fox a stern look as he instructed him to raise his bottom for his new diaper to be deposited beneath him. The fox, barely able to handle this situation, could only look up dejectedly at the ceiling above him as he raised his fluffy bottom, allowing the skunk to tape him back up into a fresh, clean diaper.

Although still indignant at being treated like such an infant, Angelo could not help but feel relieved as he wiggled a little bit in his clean padding. It did feel good to be changed after his messing had been so openly teased.

The skunk returned his supplies to his diaper bag and began to undo the straps that held Angelo down. Before the fox had a chance to massage his stretched and slightly sore muscles the skunk had whisked him up on his hip again and placed the diaper bag on the opposite shoulder.

"We're going on a little outing today! But first we've got to get some nums in your tums!

Let's have a snack."

With that the skunk carried the still abashed fox out of the playroom and, taking a left down the hall, strode into a large kitchen area. Jezebel, Penelope, and Harold were all seated in large, oversized high chairs that impressively prevented them from placing their feet from touching the ground by an entire foot, yet still gave anybody who wished to feed them plenty of access.

Angelo was lead over to an empty highchair right next to Harold, much to his dismay. The skunk hoisted him into the seat and strapped him into a five point harness, which placed just enough pressure on his pink, padded front to remind him of what he was wearing. Grabbing both of his arms the skunk placed them in Angelo's lap and before he could react slid the tray over them, preventing him from bringing them up and over the tray table. He squirmed, he could do little to nothing to prevent what the skunk was going to do to him next.

The skunk walked over to one of the kitchen counters and picked up a tray with various food items. Chicken fingers, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese in a cup, broccoli, and a large jar of peach baby food. He distributed these items amongst Jezebel, Penelope, and Harold along with plastic forks. The three dug in enthusiastically. Only the jar remained, and Angelo was able to put two and two together pretty quickly and figure out that it was probably meant for him.

The skunk had an almost evil grin on his face, undoing the pacifier strap with one paw he set the jar on Angelo's table tray. He unscrewed the jar with his free paw and dipped a baby spoon in, retrieving it with a sizable clump of pureed peach. The moment that the pacifier dropped from Angelo's aching jaws the spoonful of peach was inserted. Although not the worst flavor, the food certainly had an odd aftertaste as he was force fed spoonful after spoonful of baby food. Just as he felt as if he could take no more the spoon clinked back into the an empty jar, and he let out a sigh of relief. Too exhausted to even verbally protest he allowed the skunk to retrieve a wet towel from the counter behind him and wipe up the pieces of peach which had failed to successful enter his mouth and had instead landed on him.

Without skipping a beat the fox then unstrapped the other three oversized babies out of their high chairs and lifted them down, instructing them quietly to be good little babies and get changed. Turning back to Angelo, the skunk gently but firmly grasped Angelo's nose and as he instinctively opened his mouth reinserted the pacifier gag, fastening it behind his head.

"We're going out now! You better be on your best behavior while we're outside or I'm going to have to be a little strict on my big baby!"

Angelo winced, how could anything be more of a punishment than what was happening to him now? He could only glumly stare back at the skunk and nod, whimpering back in consent. The skunk nodded, pleased, and slid out the tray from the chair and unstrapped the teal fox from his harness.

Picking him up and out of the chair Angelo was once again carried out of the room, the skunk's arm firmly holding up him by his padded rear. Although still uncomfortable with the situation, the skunk's firmness and gentleness couldn't help but make Angelo feel just a little bit secure.

These feelings promptly vanished as at the end of the hallway they were going down Angelo saw a large, oversized baby buggy, the perfect size for a certain teal, diapered fox. He tensed, they weren't actually going to take him outside in this thing, were they?

Penelope, Harold, and Jezebel were patiently waiting next to it; Harold with a smug grin on his face. The three grasped him as they and the skunk lower the struggling fox into the carriage. They pulled out straps between the padding of the carriage bottom began securing his limbs, which soon brought his struggles to a minimum as he found his legs and arms bound, helplessly tied to the buggy by another five point harness.

Angelo was breathing heavily, furious at being so helpless during this entire charade. He heard the door open, and saw from his limited vision of looking only upwards a bright blue sky. He moved his head up and could see just over the edge of the buggy a friendly suburban street sprawling out around him. The air was a little chilly, and he let out a sneeze.

The skunk was pushing the carriage and he saw Penelope duck under to retrieve something from the bottom of the carriage. Resurfacing, Angelo was surprised when a fluffy, purple baby blanket was put on him and tucked in over him by Penelope. He looked at her, taken aback by her concerned but smiling face. The sissy fox winked at him, and Angelo lay in the carriage for the rest of the ride, wondering what the intentions of these people really were.

After only a few minutes the carriage halted, and Angelo's ears perked up as he heard the skunk inform Penelope and Jezebel that they could go out and play, but to stay within earshot and be good girls.

They responded with giggles and 'yes daddies', and the last thing Angelo heard was the sound of them scampering off over grass, giggling amongst one another as the skunk calmly strode after them. As they faded out, the rabbit Harold loomed into Angelo's vision, his grin still plastered on his buck toothed face. Angelo groaned a little on the inside and whimpered into his gag, knowing that the rabbit probably had something planned that he would not enjoy. Grasping him under his chin Harold slowly took the blanket off of Angelo, who shivered as cool air washed over him.

"Hmm... I don't think our little baby is secure enough. Oh! I've got just the think to fix that."

Ducking back under the buggy, Angello waited in anguish as he heard Harold shuffling around beneath him. Popping back up, the rabbit proudly brandished a collar, pair of mittens with little lockable buckles on the wrists, and a leash. Angello groaned and strained against his straps, not wanting to be humiliated further.

Harold took advantage of Angelo's debilitated state and began to work the gloves onto Angelo's hands, balling his fists into the padded devices and locking the straps around his wrist. Then he took the collar, covered with pink and purple sparkles and expertly locked it around his neck before clipping the leash to it.

Penelope had snuck up on them while Angelo was too busy trying to get away from Harold, the fox tickled Angelo on the tummy as a form of greeting, causing him to jump and almost wet his diaper in surprise.

"Oh what a pretty collar you have! I'm jealous! Buuuut... I don't think your outfit is quite complete, do you, Harold?"

Harold grinned back at her, "I don't think so either sis, we should dress him up more!"

Harold took the end of the leash and fastened it to a pole just out of Angelo's sight as Penelope worked to released Angelo from the baby buggy.

As she helped him stand up, Angelo finally got the opportunity to look around. He saw a large, expansive park of green fields and few scattered trees, and he would have sworn he saw some furs in the distance playing, one of them even seemed to be wearing a diaper.

Angelo didn't have a chance to further investigate for he was dragged by his leash to stand by the pole that he was attached to. Penelope had retrieved yet another feminine item as Angelo had been distracted by the setting around him, she clutched in her delicate paws a dress similar to the one she herself wore.

"We're going to pretty you up that you'll even surpass me in gorgeousness!" the fox chirped excitedly.

Harold and Penelope set to work at manhandling the poor fox into the dress. The fox struggled but whenever he resisted too much the two would start tickling him and he'd have to fight against using his diapers there and then so he would quickly calm himself down, allowing the two to resume trying to get the dress over his head.

After they had succeeded, Angelo realized the dress did very little to hide the bulging, pink diaper he was clad in. Harold removed the pacifier gag from his mouth and popped in a large baby bottle to replace it while Penelope started working on his hair.

Unhappily, he allowed himself to be fed, knowing quite well where the peach he had eaten and the bottle he was drinking was going to end up.

Seemingly satisfied with the state of Angelo's hair, Penelope retrieved a small jar of nail polish and began to work on the nails on his footpaws, much to his discontent.

Harold kept a firm grip on Angelo's leash as he finished off the last dregs of the bottle, which had been a sweet, cranberry mix that the fox had found to be quite pleasant on his tongue.

Penelope and Harold both grasped Angelo's mitten paws and using another pair of straps secured his wrists to the pole his leash was tethered too.

Unable to do little more than whimper, Harold removed the mittens on his paws and allowed Penelope to work on painting his nails while Harold expertly applied lipstick to Angelo's lips, placing a paw on Angelo's stomach as a warning that if he resisted, he'd get tickled with the little mercy that Harold seemed to possess.

A few minutes later Harold and Penelope stood back, seemingly finished and quite happy with what they had done to the poor fox. Penelope took a small mirror out of one of her dress pockets, and held it in front of Angelo.

The fox's tail went up between his legs and curled around his right leg, right underneath his thick padding. He looked like a much more sissified version of Penelope, with the addition that his diapers were much thicker and more obvious than hers.

"I think we forgot just one last thing..." Penelope pondered aloud, a finger tapping on his chin in mock concentration.

Harold smiled cheerily at Penelope, and nodded, "Yep! Our little baby hasn't had the opportunity to use their diapers since lunch! Wouldn't want them to get a tummy ache now would we?"

It was true that a pressure had been building on Angelo's bladder and bowels over the past several minutes, but he had hoped that it wouldn't be alleviated out in the open like they were in now.

His wishes were promptly ignored as the two assailed him with merciless tickling, his armpits, his tummy, his thighs, even his neck were attacked, nowhere was safe from the probing and gently scratching fingers of sissy fox and rabbit.

Tied to a pole and able to do little but squirm, it was only a matter of time before Angelo's bladder burst into his diapers, and soon following that the mess that Angelo had been dreading would come about as a result of the peaches released into the seat of his waiting padding.

His diaper sagged slightly as Harold and Penelope stood back, watching Angelo struggle against his body as it emptied itself into his thirsty baby pants.

Right on time the skunk padded over, holding the hand of a dragon whose diaper too looked rather soggy. Harold smiled and squeezed Jezebel's padded tush, causing the dragon to blush slightly.

"I think that's enough park time for today my darlings, let's get this baby back into his seat and head home for a nap!"

The four untied the fox and secured him back into his carriage; Angelo was too defeated and exhausted to even fight back.

Cringing slightly as the straps and seat he was on caused the contents of his messy diapers to be squelched against him, he found his eyelids were beginning to droop on him as they set off back home.

It was late in the evening, and Angelo had felt like the stresses and impositions done to him had really done a number on him.

He could little else but slip into gentle dozing, as the skunk ensured that the ride home avoided bumps and any major obstacles to ensure that the fox got a little beauty sleep before the next few steps of Angelo's forced babification were to take place.

Harold glanced sideways at Penelope as they waddled slightly behind the skunk, who strode cheerfully forward, pushing the carriage in front of him while softly humming.

Penelope caught his eye and beamed back at him, his girlish gait pronounced even further by his joyous expression.

"Think we did a good number on him?" he asked, fluttering his eyelashes at Harold.

Harold grinned back a toothy grin, and nodded with conviction. "I think he's slowly learning his place, before long he'll be our newest little one. Right along side Jezebel, won't he?"

Reaching over Harold gave the sissy dragon a few friendly pats on her frilled diaper bottom, causing her to blush fiercely.

"I'm happy I'm getting a little sister though, it'll be nice to be able to look out for someone now." Jezebel said quietly, and the other others nodded in agreement. Jezebel had been wanting another younger sibling for quite some time now, although she was now grateful for the attention she received as the youngest of the three she did yearn to have another sibling in the same treatment.

The three strode through the streets, a strange sight by any eyes, but little did they care, for in the other houses similar things were occurring to other unsuspecting furs. The skunk allowed himself a little grin at the thought of what his friend Maya the beaver was up to, and if her new subject was proving to be as troublesome as Angelo.

He shook his head, they're all just babies who don't know a good pampering when they get one, he thought to himself, as the last few rays of the sun disappeared, and the world was plunged into dusk.

A Messy Situation - Part 3 [Comm]

A Messy Situation - Part 3 By Horatio Husky Angello whimpered softly into the pacifier-gag snuggly secured in his maw. It had been a week now that had elapsed since his kidnapping, and he found himself with all four of his limbs bound in opposite...

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Planets and Pacifiers [Comm]

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All People Great and Small | Chapter 5

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