Sagata the Mightiest Cat

Story by dfeyder on SoFurry

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Sagata the Mightiest Cat

It has been four hundred years since the death of the last king of birds. Four hundred years of birds, mice, rabbits and cats living in relative piece. But then a bird was born with a dream, a bird that remembered the grate name of Caliguluse the god king. His name is Guise, and Guise wanted everything that Caliguluse once had.

But to have everything the god king had Guise would first need to do everything the god king had done. Guise had to fight in the sky army, he needed to serve in the house of congress. Then he needed to usurp the speaker of the house. Next Guise would need to christen a dozen queens, and become the undisputed law giver of the bird.

Guise had the luck of demons on his side. beyond all expectations Guise left his home at three sessions old and returned after eight as the richest and most powerful bird to live since before the fall of Graywall. With his fortune in hand and an army of worshipers at his back, Guise set out to conquer the new world. Guise the Red would in the following years oversee the construction of a dozen mighty monuments to his glory, he would burn down the villages of mice and rabbits on all sides of them and make the children of their tribes into conscripted workers under his command.

A savoir some would call Guise; a warlord other would say. Guise struck like lightening as he charged across the new lands. But after reaching the territory called Deepgreens, Guise met a man that was his match. A single cat...

Sagata is a tiny cat most would say. He stands only slightly taller than the average rabbit. But when the Legionaries arrived in the Deep. Sagata stood alone on the crossroads people say. And when the Legionaries put Sagata in chains the cat snapped the chain effortlessly. Sagata singlehandedly defeated 50 birds armed with spears without need for a weapon of his own.

Then Sagata ran from the Deep all the way to Red Sands to meet Guise and free the rabbit slaves. When Sagata arrived in Guise throne room the cat charmed Guise dozen queens and approached the king unopposed. "who are you traveler?" Guise would ask

Sagata held up his paws showing off his sleek shape then shouted "I am Sagata! The mightiest cat in the universe!" The heavy guard would threaten Sagata, Sagata demonstrates the truth of his claim by kicking one of the grate marble pillers in the throne room and watching it crumble to dust. "Free the rabbits and renounce the crown king of the birds or I will show you I haz power!"

From laying on his chair Guise, a white feathered crow sitting up on his chest, Guise calls over to his honor gaurds "Kill him, kill him a lot."

The blue-eyed white crow whispers with the king of birds "should we retire to your nest?"

Guise streaches out his neck to pluck a grape from his golden food dish set along side him. "Not yet, I want to see this Sagata humiliated."

Four birds dressed in heavy armor rush Sagata. The first to reach the cat brings down his beak and headbutts the little cat, he pulls back his beak rearing in pain "I see no armor yet it feels as if I have struck a smith's anvil."

The second bird jumps at Sagata, talons out stretched. Sagata falls onto his back and kicks with his back legs throwing the bird into the chandler. The third in line slaps with a open wing, Sagata back flips away then snaps out his arms drawing his claws. Sagata counter attacks thrusting out with one paw punching so heroically as to make leather, steel, and wood explodes off the bird's armor as if forged out of nothing more than sugar glass. The third bird in line stands stunned as he notices his is now standing naked before his enemy.

The forth bird pulls a voulge from the wall, Sagata dances around the voulge as the bird night takes a dozen swings. Sagata brings up one paw letting the polearm hit the back of one arm, Sagata then swings his other paw forward and punches the spire in half.

Guise calls over to one of his workers "would you please let the Plantagrade out of her cage?"

Sagata brings up a paw to rub one of his ears forward "what is a Plantagrade?" a cloth door is pushed open and a four-lagged, armored beast with two horns stomps into the room, it stands at eight times the height of Sagata and 50 times the weight, it has feet with three toes, each easily as large as a cat's torso. The horned beast opens its mouth and roars like a cow might if it was a predator. Sagata twitches his tail "That must be the Plantagrade."

Guise explains "A monster from the south east valley. She was a gift from Garmth family. What do you think Mightiest Cat in the Universe?" Guise cackles.

The Plantagrade is pocked in the back with a sharpened stick to convince it to charge at the cat. Sagata grinds his paws into the ground readying himself to take the charge. Sagata grabs the beast by the horns and tries to force it to stop its charge, Sagata is pushed backward ripping up pieces of the castle floor as he is dragged and nocking down a wall as he is pushed outside.

The monster pushes the mighty cat a hundred body lengths before the cat can gain his footing. Sagata slaps the rhino on the nose then uppercuts the beast, Sagata slips his paws under her chest then lifts her into the air proclaiming "I am Sagata!..." Sagata's victory is cut short as his back paws feel around and he notices the ground has vanished from under his feet.

Guise castle is built on a bluff and as Sagata picked up the Plantagrade he jumped backwards a step and that step his put him over the side of the cliff. Now aware that the ground is gone Sagata falls over falls backwards along with his opponent tumbling two hundred paws down into the river.

Guise pulls his toga into place running out of his castle to watch the fight, he arrives just in time to see Sagata fall. Guise walks to the ledge looking down. The cat is washed down stream. Guise whispers to his enemy "I awoke this day and looked to the grate fire in the sky, and I wept, I thought about how when the grate fire is in the sky the lesser fires vanish and I thought about how lonely the grate fire must be. The night before I dreamed about the lesser fire and I wept as I thought about how fare the fires are from home. Tell me Sagata, are the tears of down any less bitter then the tears of dusk?"

As the cat fights against the waters of the river he is tossed and turned. He struggles to keep his head above water. He pants and he meows, Sagata blacks out as the water washes over him. A paw reaches into the water and grips Sagata by the back of the neck like a mother cat may grab a blind kitten. The paw pulls Sagata up onto the sand of a beach miles downstream.

Sagata looks up coughing and spitting as he looks for clean air. A slick black rabbit with eyes that look like rolling thunder stands over him, her fur looks like a starless night, her skin is gray like clay. Sagata stares into the rabbit's eyes. "I know you, I think."

Unlike the birds and Sagata the rabbit sees no need to hide her body under leather and cloth. She sits slender and strong; a regal but lusty voice whispers form the rabbit's lips "I know everyone and everyone knows me. I am the first thing every beast sees the hour before their birth, and when you shut your eyes for the last time, I will be there to welcome you home. No god or monster is so grate as to not welcome me with open arms into their home. The monkeys call me Yggdrasil, the rabbits call me Efrafra, your people call me call me Eden."

Once Sagata has finished spitting up water and catching his breath the black rabbit vanishes. Sagata crawls up to sit on his honchos, he brings up a paw to rub down one of his ears and wipe his face with his paws. In frustration Sagata brings his paw up to his mouth and bites onto it. He shuts his eyes thinking hard. "Maybe I need a better plan."

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