
Story by Seracen on SoFurry

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This is a sequel to a story that magic4cast did a while ago, Peg-A-Drake! See that here: ! I finally get my revenge on my mate, and Oreos as well!

Features magic4cast and oreos heavily, with a cameo from ikani!

This story was available two weeks ago on my Patreon!

Go there to see stories earlier as well as some other perks!

Seracen moaned in the dark, still covered in the hard rubber shell. Movement was all but impossible, much as he tried, the rubber pulling the dragon back to his former position each time. The reason for that attempted movement giggled behind him. The dragoness was the latest in a long line of visitors after Malv had disappeared and this one was having a great deal of fun. Her paw was pressed right up against Seracen's hidden slit, pressing on it firmly as she thrust a small dildo in and out of his tailhole just behind.

The minute squirms and movements that he made were only just visible but the dragoness was watching out for them and she giggled again. "You're a squirmy one," she said, giving the toy another few quick thrusts with her paw, still rubbing over the trapped dragon's slit.

Just as Seracen was beginning to moan into the cock gag, she pulled the toy free. "Oops, sorry, but my times up," she said, giving the rubbery drake a pat on the rump. "I hear they do deliciously cruel things to people that stay past their time, but I have places to be."

With that, she vanished with the toy, the door clicking shut behind her. The black dragon huffed softly under the equally dark latex, trying to shift his hips to relieve the pressure he felt as his cock tried to leave his slit. As it had been since he came in here, it was impossible to get hard; the only pleasure in here came from the dragonesses that came in to use his tailhole, teasing and delighting in his denial. The latex was obviously magical as he needed neither food nor water while encased in it, and when the store closed, it forced the dragon to curl up and sleep, only to wake him by clambering back into this humiliating presenting position.

Considering that this 'lights-out' period had happened three times, Seracen assumed that he'd been trapped in here for three days. Three long days with a never-ending train of giggling dragonesses, eager to play with a helpless male's rump. Some liked to use the toys; others preferred the pegging harnesses that the store outside sold.

This time seemed to be different though. As the door behind the dragon shut again, there was a chiming sound, like a little bell getting run half a dozen times. Before the last ring had faded from the air, a ripple went through the latex covering Seracen. Solid for the past few days, the hard shell began to run like liquid, finally freeing the dragon to move. He gasped, spitting out the slowly melting rubber cock gag as it dissolved into a puddle on the floor, the latex slowly draining away into some hidden reservoir below.

Seracen groaned softly, stretching out stiff muscles as he flexed his limbs. Now that it was finally free, for the first time in days, his cock grew quickly from his slit, the latex no longer there to stop lock it in. That felt like the best stretch of all. He dearly wanted to take a muzzle or paw to his needy length but now wasn't really the time. Looking around, the black dragon saw a sliver of light along the edge of the door; it was open! He nudged it with his tail too, just to see if it would move. It did.

"Finally," he huffed to himself, blushing a little beneath his scales as he turned to face the door. On second thoughts, going outside the little room with a hard cock, in public, wasn't the best of options. Growling a little, the dragon sat and waited for his cock to recede into his slit. It took quite a while for Seracen to be ready to be in public, and his slit was still a little swollen with repressed arousal, but it would be acceptable for the anthros. Not that most of them would probably mind; it was a sex store after all.

It was still a bit nerve-wracking to go out into the strange store alone, but he had no idea where Malv was. He huffed a little at the thought of the blue dragon. When I get my paws on her... He huffed again and left the little room, blinking at the bright lights that illuminated the rows of lewd gear. Just like it had been before he'd been captured, there were several employees wandering around, assisting the few customers, feral and anthro, that were browsing the product range. Said employees were still wearing their full-body latex suits, with a few more in extra gear like an armbinder or loose muzzles.

"Ah, you're out!" a voice said, Seracen jumping as it sounded right at his side. He turned quickly to see the same skunk that had greeted him and Malv when they had entered the store in the first place.

"Oreos, right?" Seracen said, narrowing his eyes. "You tricked me!"

"I believe it was your mate that did that, sir," she said with a mischievous smile. "Speaking of her, I need to tell you: she was unable to pay for some overtime that she incurred when she was with you. As such, she entered into another program our company runs over at our other store, Breed-A-Ness. She hasn't started to pay off her debt yet; company policy says that you get first try."

"So that's where she went," Seracen muttered. He had been wondering why Malv had only come that once.

"Yes, so you can make your way over to see her immediately, if you want," Oreos said chirpily, smiling and motioning towards the door. "If you like, you can fill out an employee review form as well, as I was the one that accommodated your entry."

Seracen was in the middle of stepping towards the door when he stopped, turning to Oreos with a smile. "Why, yes I would. What can I do?"

The smile on the skunk's face faded a bit at that. "You can recommend punishments, sir, or add time onto my stay here as an employee. In fact, I am almost up as your mate added three days as you came in."

The black dragon smiled, looking down at the anthro skunk with an evil look in his eye. "Punishments, hmm? Tell me about those."

Oreos wasn't smiling at all now, a rather concerned look on her face. It seems that she didn't really want to say the next part but the skunk forced herself to anyway. "If you feel I have spoken out of turn, we have a number of gag harnesses that you may find appealing. If I've touched something or someone in a way you feel is inappropriate then we have a broad selection of arm binders and straitjackets. If I have wandered off when you needed further assistance then a leg binder or hobble skirt might be of interest. If I've made an unfortunate expression or you disapprove of my gaze, then a leather or rubber hood will keep me from making the same mistake again."

She hesitated for a long time before saying the last part. "Finally, if my service has been too poor to ever be redeemed, then you may check the box at the bottom to recommend that I be rubber-encased and sold off as a permanent breeding doll. This punishment is not automatic, as it requires three strikes before it is enforced... of which I have earned two."

At that last bit, the dragon's smile widened. "Oh, my," he said sweetly. "I would never condemn you to such a fate for simply tricking me like you did. No, such a thing would be reserved for truly terrible service. Buuuuut...well, I think you deserve some things. Let's go with a hood, gag, straitjacket, hobbleskirt, annnnnd how about a chastity belt, for good luck? Do you have all that?"

The skunk was looking quite unhappy, but she nodded. "Of course, sir. Would you like to put it on me? As the complainant, you have that option but as a feral, it might not be possible. I can get one of the employees to assist if you'd like?"

"Oh, I'll do it. Don't you bother any other employees; I'll manage."

Oreos nodded again. "I'll be right back then, sir."

She trotted off and Seracen sat by the front desk of the store, watching people come in and out. Quite a number of the customers, all female of course, looked at him with that same predatory expression that they'd had when he came in. Seracen huffed; he wasn't in the room for them to use anymore, so they were just going to have to look.

He almost thought that Oreos wasn't going to come back when she reappeared, still looking nervous, with her arms filled with rubbery gear. "Here you go, sir, everything that you requested." She put everything down on a table, spreading it out.

"Excellent," Seracen purred, rearing up a little before shifting to anthro, shrinking down to the skunk's size. "Need proper hands for this."

Oreos stood still as the black dragon looked over all of the stuff, picking out a nice ballgag harness first. "Hmmm, good quality stuff," he smiled. "Open wide!"

She did so, the ball fitting perfectly into her muzzle as the web of straps covered the skunk's face. "Nnnmmmph!" she moaned, seemingly for effect, as Seracen tightened the last of the gag's buckles.

"You look good in a gag," he remarked, then picked up the latex hood. "Too bad it'll be covered up."

The skunk's blinking eyes were obscured from view quickly enough as he picked up the hood next. It was a thick rubber one, with a zipper along the muzzle and little padded pockets for an anthro's ears. There were nostril holes, but no eye holes at all. Another zipper ran down the back, able to be locked on if the owner desired it. Oreos didn't move or resist as the dragon stretched it over her, making sure the muzzle section lined up. There was only a quiet "mmmpph!" as her sight disappeared completely and her hearing was greatly muffled. Seracen zipped it up tightly, then spied a lock on the table. That was quickly threaded through the zipper and the hood was made irremovable without the key.

Just to have fun, and because the hood was wrinkled in a few places, he touched a few fingers to it, sending a pulse of magic through the material. The latex suddenly tightened, shrinking a few sizes and that got a reaction. "Nnnnnnmph!" Oreos said, her hands jumping up to run along the shiny surface covering her face. The shape of the ball gag between her lips was clearly visible beneath the rubber, as were the straps holding it on, the raised lines easily seen even through the thick latex.

"There, that's better," Seracen smiled, watching as the skunk blindly fingered the lock. "But we have to get rid of those wandering hands."

Next was the straitjacket that he requested. It was large with a few complex buckles and extremely long sleeves that didn't open at the end. With the skunk completely blind, Seracen had to direct her arms into the sleeves, buckling it on. With the latex bodysuit she was already wearing, the rubber straitjacket squeaked and rubbed against the suit as Oreos slid her arms deep into the sleeves. Once they were all in, Seracen spun her around and buckled up the back. Lastly, he took the sleeves and buckled them tightly, making it so Oreos crossed her arms and had to keep them that way. Soon as that was done, Seracen again used a bit of magic to shrink the jacket, forcing a wheezing breath from the skunk as her top half was suddenly being squeezed from all directions. It was suddenly practically impossible to move her arms at all or even take a deep breath.

"That looks excellent," he purred, tugging on a few parts to try and smooth out the latex's surface. "Hear me in there?"

Oreos stopped tugging on her arms and nodded blindly, her sounds muffled and distorted by the gag and hood. "Good, good. Here comes the belt." The chastity belt that Oreos had picked was multihinged so it was easy to get on her. The steel locked closed, high on her hips, before the Seracen brought the other part forwards, between her legs. The chastity plate pressed tight and the skunk squirmed a little as a second loud click sounded, the locking system engaged.

The hobbleskirt as the last part and, luckily, it had a zip too. Oreos put her legs close together so he could put it on her, the latex forcing her knees and legs close together. It was a bit of a struggle for Seracen to tighten it up all of the way but he was determined. Just for effect, he locked it on as well. Oreos tried walking; it was quite amusing to watch, the skunk managing steps of only a few inches with the skirt constricting her. Her blindness and inability to use her arms were also quite hot to watch and made her movement even slower and more cautious.

"Right, that seems to be all of your punishment for now," Seracen said brightly, reverting back to a feral shape now that all the delicate work was done. He nosed the skunk lightly and there was a muffled yelp from beneath the hood as she almost overbalanced. "After all, I wasn't so cruel as to resign you to the life of a toy for just that one infraction. Now that I'm here though, I might as well do a little shopping for Malv. I do want your opinion on a few things though, so meet me over in the feral section so I can ask your advice."

"Mmmnnph!" Oreos protested wordlessly, twisting and yanking at the straitjacket.

"Oh, and I abhor poor customer service," Seracen continued, a dangerous purr beneath the words. "So do be quick, or I will have you turned into a toy."

With that, the dragon turned and padded off, down into the rows of merchandise. When he was a few metres away, smiling, Seracen turned to look at Oreos curiously. His threat had apparently been quite motivating as she was twisting and moving as fast as she could, her co-workers looking on in amusement and not helping. Unfortunately for the skunk, her blindness was a big hindrance; she was facing the wrong way and going very slowly. Even with the hobbleskirt, she was moving as fast as she could though, muzzle cautiously poked out so that she'd know if she bumped into a wall. She did just that a second later, jumping in surprise as she tried to navigate around the store.

Chuckling, Seracen put her out of his mind, trying to mind some of the feral stuff that the store stocked. There was a surprisingly large collection, with merchandise for both males and females. On this occasion though, he was shopping specifically for Malv and wanted something that would be good for revenge. There was a delightful collection of chastity belts, including some with rather lewd toys sticking out of the bottom plates. Seracen snickered when he saw them, but chose a plain one instead. It was thick steel and would need a bit of magical work to be suitable for Malv, but it was sturdy and well made.

Next was a very lewd cock gag and muzzle combination that he selected. Even for a feral dragon, the gag was oversized; Malv would have to constantly fight her gag reflex when it was in. "Should be a good start for her punishment," he said thoughtfully to himself. It was added to the pile. Not sure what the Breed-A-Ness shop entailed exactly, though he had a pretty good idea, he chose a nice anal plug, a bit oversized too, just to give her a taste of what had been happening to him for the past few days.

A few of the other females in the shop came up a couple of times, amazingly brazen in this place. One ran her hand along Seracen's haunch as he was examining a rack of plus-sized dildos, making the dragon jump and growl in surprise. "Mmmm, are you going in one of the rooms, pretty?" the anthro giggled. "Wouldn't mind some time with you..."

Seracen smiled, showing teeth. "Sure, after you and I go over to Breed-A-Ness for some fun." That got rid of her quickly enough; apparently it wasn't as fun the other way around. For a moment, the dragon considered turning female so as to be able to shop in peace, but decided against it. Besides, he had everything that he wanted for the moment. There was a small basket for ferals to carry stuff and he put his intended purchases inside it, carrying them all in his jaws as he trotted towards the front desk where payments could be made. Smiling, he dropped the basket and then went off in search of Oreos.

The skunk hadn't made it anywhere near the feral section of the store. In fact, she was going in completely the wrong direction, having obviously gotten turned around in the darkness of the hood. She was stumbling along slowly, panting through her nose with the effort while using her shoulder against the shelves as a guide. "Pity," Seracen said loudly, causing the skunk to jump and then moan loudly, sagging a little. "I was really hoping that you'd make it," he continued, shaking his head in a gesture that Oreos couldn't see. "Ah well, guess you'll have to redeem yourself as a toy."

"Nnnnnnnnnn!" she whined, the sound so quiet as to almost be missed in the store's bustle.

Looking around, Seracen called for another store employee. It was a rubber naga, covered in latex with nippleless, exposed breasts. Mostly white, there were green patterns over parts of her and a dark grey over her cobra hood and arms. The employee slivered closer and Seracen spied that not only was the snake completely genderless, she was _made_of rubber too, not simply wearing it. A barcode was printed on her tail, a code 'MD-69 MK I' also identifying the naga. "Hello, sir, I am Ikani," she said when she was close enough, looking the moaning skunk up and down. "I see you have Oreos here; is she not performing to your satisfaction?"

From beneath the hood the skunk was wearing came what might have been a muffled wail as she began to try and walk away, pitifully slowly. Seracen curled his tail around her middle and brought her right back. "Indeed she is," he said, speaking loudly so the hooded soon-to-be-toy could hear him clearly. "Her service has been terrible; she's been no help at all. I'd like to give her a strike."

Ikani looked at the squirming skunk, currently trying to escape the dragon's tail without use of her arms and barely any use of her legs. "My, my, Oreos," she said smoothly. "You're third know, sir, that this will result in her being sold as a toy?"

"I do."

The naga nodded and waved over another two employees. They came and grabbed hold of the squirming Oreos by the straps on the straitjacket and then led her away. "If you don't know, sir," Ikani continued, "as the final aggrieved customer, you have the option of determining the type of toy that she will be sold as. Also, you can buy her for a fixed price instead of auction if you desire."

Seracen perked up at that. Bringing a skunk toy home with Malv might be fun. "I'll definitely choose," he said slowly, thinking, "and maybe I'll buy her. What types of toys do you have available?"

Ikani led him back to the desk, taking from a draw a chart. On it were pictures of other furs being turned into various types and themes of toys and slaves, as well as a short description of what it entailed. Next to that, in the final column, was the price. Seracen didn't care much about the cost; money was of little importance to him, and they were all about the same anyway. There were quite a few nice ones on the list.

Puppy - Ever wonder what it would like to have bound bitch, ever eager to please, bounding around your home? Includes long-term bitchsuit, muzzle-hood combo, and wagging tail plug.

Maid - Worry no more about common household chores; the maid will be happy to take care of it all, including the lewder tasks! Includes maid costume, gag and cleaning attachments, as well as mild mental conditioning. Longer wait times apply.

Harem - Fulfil that fantasy with the harem girl, beautiful, trained in the arts of pleasure and utterly devoted to their master! Includes cosmetic changes, heavy mental conditioning, and sexual training. Longer wait times apply.

There were quite a few nice options as Seracen read down the list, mentally crossing a few off that didn't sound particularly enticing while adding a few others to a shortlist in his head. It was quite difficult to decide and there were a few minutes that the dragon hemmed and hawed. I could retrain her if I wanted to, Seracen reasoned, settling on one near the bottom.

Breeding Doll - With her body covered and trussed in latex and tight bondage, you won't even know that there's a person beneath that suit! Designed for heavy use, the breeding doll excels at sex...and little else! Includes chastity belt with vibrators, full latex suit with sensory deprivation hood, and a variety of toys without charge.

"That one," Seracen said, jabbing a claw at the breeding doll entry on the list.

"Excellent choice, sir," Ikani said, taking note before putting the list back into the drawer. "It won't take long before she is ready, if you wish to buy her."

"Oh yeah, I would," Seracen said quickly. Ikani held up a paw scanner but Seracen shook his head. "Give me a second..."

It actually took several, but soon the dragon was back with something in his jaws. Ikani looked very surprised indeed as he dropped a diamond the size of a chicken egg into her hand. "Rather unconventional, sir," the naga said, weighing the gem in her hand. "But it would be more than enough, I think. Would you like to stay, or have her delivered somewhere?"

"Deliver her to me at Breed-A-Ness," Seracen said, smiling. "Time I went to visit my mate." He picked up the bag with her purchases, apart from Oreos of course, and set off.

It was only a short walk from Peg-A-Drake to the Breed-A-Ness store. Inside, it looked remarkably similar. The floor was again black rubber with a front desk facing the door. There was a little merchandise beyond but nowhere near the amount that had been in the previous store. Instead, there were many, many more doors lining the walls, very similar to the doors to the rooms that Seracen had been trapped in for three days. There was another female anthro staffing the desk at the front, this one an otter. Like the employees at the Peg-A-Drake store, she was wearing a latex bodysuit. Unlike them though, the otter was heavily pregnant, the latex a shiny globe around her rotund belly.

"Welcome, sir," she said with a smile, standing with a hand on her belly. "Do you have a dragoness with you, or would you like to choose a room?"

Seracen smirked, walking right up the desk. "No thanks. I think that I already have someone here: Malv? Blue dragoness? Couldn't pay at Peg-A-Drake a few days ago?"

The otter giggled to herself. "Didn't know she was blue, sir, but I know the one. It's company policy that you get to be the first to try her out, so she hasn't entered service yet. She's still in storage but I can have her brought up into a room for you."

The black dragon nodded a few times. "What exactly is done here? The name gives a clue..."

The otter rubbed her belly suggestively. "Well, it's fairly simple. All of the females, mostly dragons, are given a cocktail when they're capt--I mean, employed. That makes them go into heat, and I can tell you that it's pretty extreme." Her eyes got a little dreamy. "You get really needy..."

"Ahem," Seracen coughed, prodding her to continue.

"Oh right. Well, heat, and then the employees get really desperate for a male. Buuuut...any male cum causes a reaction, you might say." She rubbed her belly again for emphasis. "Makes a belly full of eggs. Not fertile, of course; they're just the eggs. Actually, if you're interested, they're not eggs at all. It's a type of biological rubber that the formula produces naturally. The formula also makes the sex of the dragoness quite elastic, so they don't hurt themselves laying." Her eyes got that dreamy quality again. "It just feels really, really good..."

"Is that what you had done to you?" Seracen asked curiously.

She nodded enthusiastically. "I was in one of the rooms for a while," she said, "but the desk employee's formula is a little different. It's mostly the same, but the eggs take a week to grow. Advertisement, I guess. In the rooms, the entire process takes about fifteen, twenty minutes. Also, as her mate, you can make her wear a special ring that prevents climaxes." She winked. "Some people go for it. Between the heat and all the denial, it's super mean though. Usually she'd cum over and over with the eggs, but this will make her extra needy!"

Seracen chuckled. "That's a nice thought, but I was thinking that forcing her to cum until she can't bear it is a better option."

"Excellent choice, sir." The otter motioned for the closest room. "Just wait in there, sir. I'll have Malv in there in a few minutes. You may want to wait a few minutes for the heat to kick in; I'm sure you'll know when. If not, your mate will _definitely_tell you."

The dragon chuckled again and headed for the room, the door closing behind him. It was much the same as the ones in Peg-A-Drake, except of course without the dragon. Sitting down in a corner, Seracen waited.


Everything was dark around Malv, the tight rubber sack not letting any light through. It was unbelievably tight around the dragoness, pressing in from all sides. She'd struggled at first, barely able to make the latex stretch, but she didn't bother now. All of the dragoness's energy was always focused on suckling on the cock in her maw, nursing on it feverishly. That cock was the only way she could get any air and it seemed quite magical. She needed neither food nor water and it always seemed to just let in enough that she didn't pass out. When Malv slept, it let in oxygen unrestricted, but the rest of the time she was giving the rubber cock uninterrupted oral. Luckily, the magic seemed to extend to her muzzle and tongue; they didn't get sore or tired.

She wasn't sure how much time had passed. With no light or breaks or anything, it was impossible to tell the passage of time, doubly so with how hard she concentrated on just breathing. Still, if there was a benefit of this, she would be amazing at oral after; Seracen would be pleased. Not for the first time, she thought of her mate in the little room. He wouldn't be in there for long, a couple of days at the most, then he would come for her. Malv didn't want to be stuck in this rubber sack, earning every breath, for any longer!

It seemed to be quite a long time before she began to move, but as soon as the rubber sack shifted, the dragoness felt it. She moaned into the gag, squirming and twisting the sack moved upwards, the quiet buzzing of the motor moving the dragoness making it through the thick latex. There was more motion and then stillness for a few moments.

A ripple ran through the rubber and Malv moaned as she was finally allowed to uncurl from the ball shape. The latex was still coating her though, directing the dragoness's limbs. It made Malv crouch into a presenting position, then tightened all around her, making sure that she couldn't move from it. More importantly, it left a place; Malv shivered and squirmed as she suddenly felt cool air on her sex, the rubber leaving part of her exposed for the first time in days. Of course, considering what part of her was now exposed, it didn't bode well.

Malv was still blind, her eyes covered. Thankfully, as the rubber stilled and completed its work, the gag changed, allowing air through unhindered; the breathplay part of her bondage was now gone. Malv wondered what had caused this change; after all the time spent curled up, what had made her captors change the bondage? Not quite release, the dragoness thought dryly to herself.

Without the constant need to concentrate on simply breathing, Malv quickly felt bored. She could hardly move beneath the latex, a slight wiggle to her rump her entire range of motion. Something felt a though. The dragoness couldn't place the feeling but she got more restless, squirming and wriggling in the bondage as she moved about.

Though she couldn't see it herself, Malv's sex was changing, the folds swelling and becoming more apparent. Her scent got more powerful, filling the small room with the scent of heat. To anyone else, it would have been apparent what was happening in moments but it took the dragoness a little longer; she wasn't as sensitive to her own pheromones. Her arousal slickened the dragoness's pussy and that was when the dot's connected in her head. Heat? Seriously?!

She squirmed her hips more, tail yanking on whatever was keeping it raised. A drop of her arousal fell down her thigh, rolling down the dragoness's latex covering and she moaned. The slight tickling sensation seemed to be magnified a thousand times, making her squirm and whine as the need in her sex intensified.

"This is very nice to watch," a voice said. Malv jumped with a yelp, not having realised that there was anyone else in the room.

"Mmmph?" she said into the gag. Seracen?

Seracen grinned. He'd been in the room, watching his mate since she'd come up out of the floor, already covered in the thick rubber. It'd taken almost all of his self-control not to make a sound, which was doubly hard considering his erect shaft, gently throbbing beneath his belly; Malv's heat-scent had been very effective on him. "And yes, it's your mate, hun," he purred, standing up.

Malv quivered at the words, her heat now in full swing. "Mmmphh mmm!" she grunted into the gag. She didn't know if she wanted to be released, or fucked. Both seemed to be enticing options and Malv couldn't deny that bondage and latex, especially together, really excited her...

"Bet you didn't expect to be captured almost at the same time as me," he purred, walking around the dragoness in a circle to view her from every angle. "The rubber is quite fetching on you, dear," he said with smile, stopping in front of her muzzle. Knowing exactly how she'd react, he stepped over Malv's head, letting his cock rub against her nose, a little pre glistening against the latex.

The dragoness jerked at the touch and then let out a long, needy moan. Her nostrils flared, taking in the male musk as her sex clenched hard. The smell of a male's cock, especially so close, made her heat flare. More of her juices dripped down, Malv whining wordlessly.

"Mmm," Seracen purred, rubbing his length against her muzzle several times. "It was quite frustrating being in that room for days...but I'm sure I'll cum more than enough for both of us. You don't know what is coming, do you?" He moved back, taking his cock off of Malv's muzzle and moving behind her. "Doesn't matter; it'll be nice as a surprise."

Malv's sex was clearly on display, her inner folds showing. Seracen took a moment to admire them, then pushed his nose into her sex, inhaling deeply. Straight from the source, the smell of a dragoness in deep heat made him moan quietly before he ran his tongue right over her folds. Malv gasped and quivered at that, her pussy clenching visibly in front of him as more of her arousal trickled out. "Very productive while in heat," he said, smiling.

"Mmmmmmmnn!" Malv whined, shaking her rump as much as she could, trying to entice her mate.

"Want to be mounted?" Seracen said teasingly, licking her again. The dragoness shuddered and practically squealed her answer back at him. "Well, I can't promise anything, especially considering how many times I was denied back in Peg-A-Drake. If you want, we can wait a while..." At that, Malv shook her head frantically. She couldn't wait any longer! "Well, if you're sure..."

Seracen reared up, placing his weight on Malv's rear legs, the dragoness spreading her hinds as far as she could eagerly. The time it took for the dragon to line up his cock seemed to last an age before his tip pressed against Malv's folds. She gasped into her gag, then let out a long, muffled moan as he sank into her. Seracen's moan was louder still, considering he wasn't gagged.

Malv's sex was wet enough that there was almost no difficulty in getting inside her. As soon as he was, she began clenching down like crazy, eagerly drawing her mate's cock in deeper, milking around it. "Calm down a little," he panted in her ear, nipping at Malv's neck through the rubber. She just moaned again, trying to hump back against him.

Just to mess with her, Seracen grinned, staying still as deep within her as he could get, haunches pressed together. Her inner walls kept trying to milk at him, a plaintive whine coming from the hooded dragoness as she tried to get him to thrust. Seracen denied her, nipping at Malv again and staying still for a few more minutes. It seemed like a long time for the both of them, but definitely longer for the female.

Finally, when he couldn't take it anymore, Seracen gripped the back of Malv's neck with his jaws and began to thrust. The ridges along his length rubbed and pulled along Malv's sex, stimulating her very well indeed; within only a few thrusts, she stopped squirming, simply moaning and clenching down rapidly, squeezing his cock tightly.

With treatment like that, and especially considering the denial from Peg-A-Drake, Seracen was never going to last long, but surprisingly, it was Malv that began to cum first. The dragoness stiffened and howled into her gag, pussy tightening down in quick, irregular spasms as the pleasure rushed through her. Orgasms were always more intense in heat and this one even more so due to the drugs in the dragoness's system.

Feeling his mate cum hard around him, Seracen growled, still biting down near the base of Malv's head as he made a couple more hard thrusts, prolonging the climax for the dragoness. He held back, fighting against the urge to cum himself until her orgasm was done. Then, and only then, did he moan himself, thrusting as deep into Malv as he could then feeling the pleasure of his own climax rush through him.

His cock pulsed and throbbed powerfully, seed spurting from the tip right against Malv's womb. At the feeling of hot cum shooting inside her, her heat made Malv orgasm again, right on the tails of her first. She let out a strangled howl, sucking on the cock gag subconsciously as the instinctual need of heat was--partially--sated.

Seracen released his grip on Malv's neck, the rubber unharmed but slick with a little saliva. A little tired, he dropped off her back. Beneath her still-raised tail, his thick cum slowly dripped from her used vent, accompanied by quite a lot of her own juices. "A lovely sight," Seracen smiled.

In front of him, Malv wiggled her hindquarters at him again. Even after two orgasms, she was still needy. "Must be some heat," he laughed, stroking the underside of her tail with his paw. That made her sex quiver visibly again. "It shouldn't take long for the rest of the...ah...effects."

At those words, Malv whined, trying to look around at him. "Oh, you didn't know?" he teased. "We're in Breed-A-Ness...and you, my dear, have just been bred." The dragoness whined long and hard at that, trying to struggle beneath the rubber but the movement ended up as a series of needy humps against the air. Seracen, with his own need taken care of for the moment, sat off to one side, positioning himself so that he had a good side view of his mate.

It didn't take long at all for the signs to begin showing. Malv, who had no clue, whined again in an obvious question as her belly began to expand. At first, it was almost too slow to notice but within five minutes, she looked visibly pregnant. Within ten, like she was carrying a full clutch. Seracen stayed quiet, smiling as he listened to Malv whine and whimper past the gag. "Don't worry," he said eventually, just as she got very big indeed. "They're not real eggs, just some synthetic things. But you will have to lay them."

That got a long whine from the dragoness but it cut off half way through, a shudder passing through her body. Recognising it, Seracen smiled, the black dragon moving behind Malv again. Her sex was flexing rhythmically again but in a different way. Experimentally, Seracen stuck a digit into her pussy, feeling his mate jump as the contractions continued, squeezing around him. "Is the first egg coming?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

Malv just moaned as, deep inside her, the first egg began to be pushed from her womb. Her cervix was painlessly spread, thanks to the treatments from the store. Instead, all that Malv felt was pleasure, and lots of it. She was already so sensitive from the heat that the egg, simply by spreading her wide, was driving her towards another climax.

The first orb made it fully into her sex, Malv squeezing it instinctively to try and force it out. As she did, she came. The orgasm was practically a surprise, the dragoness arching and moaning as her clenching squeezes forced the egg further along, which only made the orgasm more intense. Seracen, feeling all of this, just smiled more. The egg nudged against his digit and he pulled it out.

The dragon watched avidly as a black, shiny shape became visible, poking out from her folds. The egg was, just as the otter had said, made of firm rubber, shining slickly. It was slowly pushed free, Malv panting as she came over and over, unable to stop herself even as she began to moan in overstimulation. Finally, the egg slipped free, leaving Malv gaping open for a few moments.

Seracen caught the rubber egg as it dropped. "It's very pretty," he said, hefting it. It seemed to be solid rubber and quite weighty. Panting, Malv was given a small break, gasping for air through her nose. "One down," Seracen said cheerfully, just as the next contractions began and Malv resumed her moaning.


As each of the eggs was lain, Seracen caught them, placing them in a small pyramid in the corner of the room. By the time Malv's belly was flat again, she'd lain eight of them, and was exhausted. The rubber covering was the only think keeping her upright as she panted with long, deep breaths. Beneath her tail, the dragoness's sex was wet and swollen, though surprisingly not stretched.

Seracen pat her pussy with his paw, making her jump. "Good job, hun," he purred, stroking her clit lightly. That drew a muffled squeal and he chuckled. "Now, I should tell you," he said, moving around to her front and nuzzling at his mate's cheek. "I can't actually get you out of here; you have to work off your debt."

"Nnnmmmf!" she whined, shaking her head beneath the hood.

"Sorry," Seracen said with a smile, not sounding sorry at all. "If it helps, should only be a few days or so. Maybe a dozen clutches. You'll be back out of here in no time!"

"Nnnnnnnnnnn!" she whimpered, squirming around.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door. "Enter," Seracen called out. The door opened, revealing the pregnant otter.

"Delivery for you, sir," she said respectfully, hand on her belly. She stepped aside and someone entered. A burly bull, he was carrying a chest which he placed in a corner of the room. Then he walked back out, only to return a moment later with another man. Between them was Oreos.

The only part of the skunk that was exposed was her ears, poking free of the extremely tight hood that covered her head, though a different one than Seracen had put on her. Her muzzle was covered in a web of straps sealing a ring gag in her muzzle, though someone had stuffed something else in there: a long dildo that connected with the ring. The rubber continued down the rest of her body, right to her toes, apart from a shiny metal belt around her waist.

She was in very strict bondage too, a hogtie. Her wrists and ankles had been crossed and attached to a metal rig of some kind, by which she was being carried. Oreos was squirming, though she couldn't move much, her body curved into an arch as she tugged on the restraints. The bull set her down on the floor near Seracen, letting her worm around with a moan, before handing a remote to the dragon. "Here you go, sir," he said, then left.

Seracen smiled, looking down at the remote. There were only two buttons and he pressed the top on experimentally. The effect on Oreos was immediate. A chorus of hums erupted from beneath her belt and she flexed, moaning and squirming blindly on the floor. Seracen left her to it, walking back over to Malv. "I'll come pick you up in a few days," he purred. "And by then, we'll have a new toy to break in."

Malv and Oreos moaned together.