Private Show

Story by Birdpup on SoFurry

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Commission for MobianBirb

Chip stepped into his house, his breathing slow and quiet. Rubbing his red eyes, he turned, quietly closing the door behind him and twisting an ear. He could hear the blaring of the television in the sitting room, heard the idle conversation of his mother to someone on the phone. He heaved a relieved sigh and kicked off his shoes, leaving them by the door. He quickly made his way up the stairs before his mother realised he was home, and retreated to the safety of his bedroom.

He was frustrated. He always considered himself an academic, a do-gooder, but today he had just...snapped. He had gotten into a fight at school. There was no doubt his parents were aware of the altercation and he'd likely hear about it later on in the evening, but that wasn't what he was worried about. With gritted teeth, the young Chespin yanked his sweater over his head and tossed it across the room and onto his bed, revealing the plaid shirt underneath. His knuckles still felt sore.

It had started out innocently enough. He and his friend-- now his potential lover-- Jax, had been sitting having lunch in the cafeteria when the daily ritual of ridicule came knocking. The school was known for its bullies, and Chip had grown used to them berating him on a regular, almost a daily basis. What he hadn't expected, and what had infuriated him so, was that they might point their mocking fingers at his best friend. Chip could endure them making fun of him, but a switch inside him flipped when they began to make fun of Jax.

'Look at his poor clothes', they had said. 'Do you think he's a prostitute, 'coz he's hanging around wealthy kids?'. At that mere comment, Chip had thrown the first punch. In hindsight, he knew it was a bad move. Having known how the education system worked for some time, he had a feeling he'd be punished before the bullies were even looked at. That only made him more angry.

He moved over towards his computer and decided that it might be wise to just drown himself in work. When Jax had offered to walk him home, he had blown him off, more out of anger and frustration at himself than anything else. He could see the hurt in Jax's eyes when he had denied him, and he felt an angry guilt forming in his stomach. The screen of his computer switched on and the computer stuttered to life, displaying his desktop.

Almost immediately, he heard a familiar notification. A call. He pulled up the common gaming program 'Furcord' and his eyes widened when he realised who was calling him: Jax. He fumbled for his headset and tugged it on, accepting the call. He was met with silence. Then, the call window expanded to show a black screen which quickly flickered and loaded into something else.

"Hey." Jax spoke, and could also be seen. Chip had gifted him a webcam sometime last year so that they could help each other study, in the event one or the other could come over. But there was no studying today, that much was clear. Jax sat there leisurely in his usual attire: the loose, sleeveless hoodie, the backwards cap. His lips were drawn into his trademark smile, but the sparkle wasn't in his eyes. He was nervous, just like Chip was.

"U-Uh...hey. What's up?" Chip asked awkwardly, glancing away from Jax's face on the screen to click a button below him, sharing his own webcam. He rubbed the back of his head awkwardly as the Riolu's smile widened, if only briefly, at the sight of his friend. Well...potential boyfriend.

"Not much, I just...wanted to see if you were okay." Jax didn't feel the need to keep up his tough guy act when around Chip. Both of them knew how the other felt most of the time, so the need to hide it wasn't as necessary. Chip adjusted his glasses and cast his gaze down for a moment, his lips quivering as he tried to find the works.

"Yeah. I...I'm sorry for snapping at you, I just..." He clenched his fists, sighing through his nose and into the microphone. "I can't stand them making fun of you like that."

"It's okay. You know I don't mind..." Jax assured him, but Chip raised his head, his lips drawn into a line. He looked determined. Determined to defend him. He had grown so much in the past year that he was almost a completely different person. He was still shy and anxious, but he had a fiery passion and a confidence in certain areas of his life that seemed impenetrable. Jax squirmed a little in his chair at that piercing gaze.

"Alright, fine, you win." Jax grunted, and Chip sighed, his muscles relaxing. The riolu started in on a chuckle, and Chip found himself joining in, even though he didn't really feel like laughing. It wasn't that kind of conversation.

"Well...I know what'll cheer you up." Jax continued, causing Chip to frown, watching him intently. He stared as Jax stepped up out of his chair, placing his headset on the desk, before moving off the screen for a moment, and Chip heard the click of a door meeting its respective hole. He came back into view and a cheeky grin spread across his face as he grabbed his headset again and reached up slowly with his hands, catching the zipper of his hoodie between two of his digits in his other hand.

"What're you...?" Chip's eyes widened as he watched. His mouth went dry as Jax pulled the zipper down slowly, inch by inch, until his hoodie had parted completely, revealing the T-Shirt beneath. He let the hoodie slip past his shoulders as his eyes lidded over, licking his lips. His fingers danced down his clothed chest and towards his crotch, where he stroked his hand over his own intimate area. An audible groan escaped his lips, travelling through the webcam and into Chip's headset. The chespin paled, albeit just a little, before he heard the hot burn of a blush on his own cheeks.

Jax wordlessly moved his hand up to pop the button of his shorts, letting them part around his waist and slip past his chunky hipes to reveal the briefs underneath. The bulge in his underwear was plainly obvious, the outline of it thick and pulsing. Chip knew just how big Jax was and the mere thought of it meat his heart quicken. He leaned forwards in his seat, watching as Jax moaned quietly, stroking the pulsing package. The chespin watched as the tip of the riolu's cock poked out from the leghole of his briefs, teasing Chip with the sight.

"D-Damnit, Jax..." Chip mumbled, flustered, as he reached down into his own pants. He couldn't stop himself from stroking his steadily hardening cock at the sight of his crush's member, at the way it pulsed to life, growing steadily from that leghole, sliding down the riolu's thick upper leg and past the chunky part of his naturally thick hips.

"You like what you see?" Jax whispered quietly into the microphone, watching the screen. He saw Chip's fervent nodding and a smirk played upon his lips. He tucked a digit into the waistband of his underwear and slowly slid it down, exposing the thick, bulbous base of his knot for just a moment. He held it there as Chip watched, and Jax easily caught the sight of his friend's slowly bobbing hand.

"You're looking a little overdressed, Chip." Jax reminded him, causing the chespin to blush. Chip glanced nervously across his bedroom and breathed a relieved sigh when he saw his door was shut. He slowly stook, his hands shaking as he popped the buttons of his plaid shirt, parting the fabric to expose his average frame and tucked-in stomach. Jax licked his lips.

"I wish I was there right now," Jax muttered. "I wish you could feel this..."

He reached down to grasp the length of his cock, pulling and wrenching it free from his underwear as he tugged the garment down with his other hand, revealing himself completely. He moaned into the microphone again as he stroked his impressive, thick, 10 inch canine cock. He dragged his fingers from the tip down to the base, squeezing his knot and coaxing a few droplets of pre-cum from the tapered end of his length. Chip watched, his breathing heavy as he worked to unbutton his formal trousers, desperate to expose himself as well.

His trousers finally fell around his ankles, and he wasted no time in tugging down his shorts to reveal his own member, barely half the size of Jax's own. He had always been a little self conscious, but he could tell by Jax's aching, twitching member that he enjoyed the sight of Chip's cock. Althought the chespin felt a little inferior, he still played along, reaching down to peel the foreskin back on his 5 inch humanoid cock.

"I've been waiting for this," Jax spoke breathlessly. "I wanted to come home with you today to show you, but...well, I've been edging all day."

"A-All day?" Chip whispered, his eyes wide. Jax smirked, his eyes just off the screen of the webcam, giving him a rather mysterious aura.

"Yeah," He replied, barely above a whisper. "At break time, when I get home...I'm practically aching."

"W...Wow," Chip muttered, feeling the colour rise to his cheeks, his member wildly twitching in his grip. "I guess I should help you, shouldn't I?"

"And how are y..." Jax trailed off and his eyes widened when Chip suddenly started to move differently. From his back unfurled a number of vines, 5 in total, that wormed and caressed over his body. Chip kept his arms by his sides and panted breathlessly as one of the thin vined trailed towards his cock, wrapping around the length and slowly dragging up and down. It was one of Chip's learned abilities: Vine Whip.

The chespin squirmed on the spot as the vines moved over him, teasing his body and touching him in all manner of places. One of them trailed over towards one of his nipples, teasing and circling the nub as another ducked down towards his balls, wrapping around the base of his ballsack to make the scrotum taut. Another slipped down around his inner thigh, sinking between his cheeks. He arched his back as the vine probed his entrance, the final 5th vine slipping into his mouth, swirling around his tongue.

"F-Fuck..." Jax muttered into the microphone, and Chip caught sight of his friend's cock, saw the way that he wildly pumped his thick member. The pre-cum looked plentiful, even in that 720p stream.

"Jax..." Chip moaned his lover's name and he could see the Riolu visibly tremble on stream, his other hand meeting his cock as he dutifully stroked himself to the sight of his friend. Chip probed the vine against his behind deeper as the one around his cock picked up the pace, stroking him faster the faster. For the longest time, all the two of them could hear was their heavy breathing and hot, laboured moans.

"I'm gonna cum...!" Chip warned, squirming on the spot and thrusting against his own vines as the pre-cum oozed from the end of his member, dribbling down the underside of his cock. His moans grew more laboured, but he tried to keep them quiet, for fear of his mother hearing him. His body tensed and quaked as he reached the point of no return.

Suddenly, he thrust forward, a low sigh escaping his lips. His cock twitched violently as a thick spurt of cum arced from his cock, landing across his desk and thankfully avoiding the keyboard. Jax, however, was not so lucky. He orgasmed just shortly after Chip had done, but he didn't have the luxury of a larger desk. The riolu's 10 inch cock emptied itself onto his desk, splattering across his keyboard and running down the underside of his member, were it trickled down his tucked-up balls and onto the floor below.

"Oooh fuck..." The riolu violently shuddered on the spot and he sighed in utter bliss, sliding down into his seat and letting his half-limp dick hang in the air, occasionally twitching and oozing another fresh dollop of seed. Chip stood there, panting tiredly, before he, too, moved into his seat and examined the mess he'd made. He grimaced at the sight.

"I..." Chip began nervously and Jax chuckled.

"You wanna clean up?" The Riolu asked, and Chip solemnly nodded, looking a little bashful.

"You made a mess, did you? Good boy." Jax teased quietly with husky, breathless undertones, before he got to his feet. "I need to clean up too. I'll call you in 20 minutes?"

"Y-Yeah. See you soon." Chip smiled awkwardly, and Jax quickly ended the call. Chip parted his lips and mouthed three words to himself, before reaching for the tissues. He smiled awkwardly. Jax always knew how to cheer him up.