On the Path of Discovery: Chapter 1- Introduction

Story by Wolfish_love on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: All the characters are from my imagination and so is the story, any likeness to others was not intentional.

This is my first story on here so hope you guys enjoy. Critism is welcome, but be nice about it please ^^

Sorry for any bad spelling or grammar. Enjoy.

On the Path of Discovery: Chapter 1- Introduction

BEEEP BEEEP BEEEP BEEEP BEE... I hit the button on the top of my alarm clock and very slowly rolled my barely awake body out of bed. I got up and walked to the bathroom right next to my room. I turned on the cold water in the sink and splashed my face with it to wake up a bit more. It was 7am and school started at 8. As I looked in the mirror I did the usual routine of admiring myself (although no one knows I do this). I couldn't help it, much like the girls in my high school couldn't.

I was 6ft tall and possessed every wolf feature known to an almost perfect degree. I had a mixed coat of brown and grey everywhere but my chest, belly, and under my tail, which was white. My eyes are a bright sky blue colour. I had all the natural wolf muscle but was a bit meatier since I participate in as many sports as I can and workout every day after school to keep in top performance. I even have what I guess to be a birthmark on my right shoulder blade of black fur in a diagonal line. I am not overly muscular like some of the teammates on my teams, mainly the football team, who have such crazy amounts of muscle that it's not that attractive; in my opinion.

Anyways that's enough about me. I quickly finished up in the bathroom and got dressed for school grabbing my backpack and sports bag, and finally made my way downstairs with plenty of time to eat and catch the bus. I dropped my stuff at the door and headed to the kitchen where my Mom was eating her breakfast before she left for work. "Hey Mom" I said as I grabbed the cereal from the cupboard. "Hi Matt. Do you need a ride home from school today?" As I grabbed the milk and bowl I thought this over. "No, Mark will drive me home after we work out, but thanks" (Mark is one of my workout buddies) I sat down across from her as she finished eating and starting into my bowl of cereal. "Okay Sweetie that is perfect. I won't be home tonight I have to go to a conference and will be staying the night there. And now I have to run or I will be late. Bye, have a good day and I will see you tomorrow for dinner." "Bye Mom, have fun!" She stuck her tongue out at me as she left out the front door.

I am a single child and my father died in a car accident 2 years ago, my freshman year of high school. It was hard at first, but we are both much better, and my Mom is more a friend to me then my Mom now, but she can still pull all the mom stuff from out of nowhere.The good thing now though is that I can have my two best friends over as much as I want since she is gone a lot on trips for work; on average twice a week, otherwise more often.

As I finish cereal and put the bowl in the sink I see my bus turning the corner onto my street and quickly glance at the clock. 7:45!!! Wow, how long had I been eating for! I run to door and swing my backpack on my back and grab my sports bag with one paw and my house keys with the other rushing my way out the door as the bus pulls up to the curb out front. I lock the door and jog to bus, jumping the steps in the door I work my way to the back seats mumbling hellos to pretty much everyone. The price to pay being so great at almost every sport in the school is the popularity. Most people would love it, well at least I think they do since the other popular Anthros seem very happy, but I do not enjoy the attention one bit. Justin once asked me why I just don't quit the sports and keep working out with him and then I lose the popularity....well I could never stop playing the sports, ever.

I sit down in the seat I always sit in with one of my two best friends, Justin, who is already on the bus waiting for me his tail wagging behind him as I sit down. "Hey man! How's it going?" I asked him. "Good! So has your Mom gone for a conference, or not?" Typical, he would ask me that straight away. He loves it when she's gone and he can come over afterschool and he, Katrina (our other best friend since grade 5) and I can have the entire house to ourselves. Also because I own a lot of things he doesn't, like his favourite, the Xbox. "Yeah, she is gone till tomorrow night, you can both come over. If you see Katrina first let her know for me ok?" "Sure, no problem. Can't wait!" I roll my eyes and we chat the rest of the way to school and into our first class of the day, math. I got nothing against math just that I don't get it. I am only passing because Katrina helps me with my homework every time we get some.

Justin and I sit down together in the back row and open up our books as the bell rings to start the class. Mrs. Russell walks in and starts talking about something or other as I instantly zone out after the bell rings. In this I usually stare around the room at the others while they are working just for the fun of it. My eyes stare for a couple minutes on everyone in the room until I look over at Justin, sitting next to me. He is very concentrated on whatever it is the teacher is saying as he always is. Him in class is like there is no one around but him and the teacher as he learns. He is a complete nerd in that way and doesn't have many friends even though he is a good guy and good looking as well. Yes, very good looking actually. I don't know for sure how long I have thought he was good looking, but it has been for a long time. I'm not sure if I am gay or not, since he is the only guy I find attractive and I find lots of the girls attractive as well. But every morning I sit there next him and just look up and down, every now and then looking away to not be caught. He has the most amazing patterned face for dog. He is a mutt, basically. He was adopted as baby, and has never known his real parents or what breed they are. When he asked his adoptive mom, she told that not even she was sure their breeds.

None of his background mattered to me though. He was just amazing to look at. He is nicely built, about 5'10", with honey brown eyes, that looked almost black sometimes. His face was black and a light tan colour mixed in the black with patches of the tan making their own markings on his face, chest, arms and legs. His back was entirely black, and he had a white strip going down his chin and neck, right in the middle. His tail was slightly bushy with black on top and the tan colour underneath, but nowhere near as bushy as my tail was. I could go on and on about every little detail about his body (except for one area of course). I would say that he is a lab crossed with something and maybe a shepherd somewhere down the line. His ears are the ones that flop over at the halfway mark because they are just slightly too big for his head. If I could stare at him forever, I would.

He has no idea that I do this, or at least if he is aware, he has not made me realize the fact. He has been openly gay for 3 years now, and it may be one of the reasons he doesn't have many friends, but I know I will always be his friend no matter what; as well as Katrina.

Speaking of Katrina, we finally find her at lunch, sitting in our usual spot next to the windows. I instantly wave at her and point towards the line up for the cafeteria, then walk over to it to stand wait to get my food. Justin joins me and we go through the wait for burgers, fries and a drink, then finally go and sit down with Katrina.

"Hi guys!" She says in her cute, very feline voice. In that I mean the slightly more high pitched tone they have when they talk compared to other species. She is high energy, and slightly crazy, medium fur and petite calico cat. To me her markings change so often I can't follow. Until she reaches adulthood her markings are suppose to shift almost every year, in a slow progress they just move a bit and/or get bigger in size. She's very petite and has an even mixture of the orange, black and white colours. I can't explain her markings to well since I have never seen them before just her face, arms, bottom half of her legs, and that long tail. Her medium length of fur gives her this wispy look that is extremely sexy looking. Being a very social cat, she easily attracts a lot of the guys here and has dating quite a few of them as well.

She would never admit it, but her main interest was me. The whole school knew I was too and that made it almost annoying since she won't admit it. She always has to sit next to me and looks at me with absolute adoration in her bright green eyes. I had to admit she was very sexy and I sometimes masturbated to the image of her in my mind. But the thing was she didn't have the guts to ask me out on a date and I didn't have any more of an interest than the possibility of sex, and that was something I could never do to her.

Justin had already started to tell her the plans for tonight, as I just slowly ate next to her, glancing every now and then out of the corner of my eye at her breasts. Yes, we are best friends and everything and I would never make a move, but damn! She was hot, there was no denying it. She is perfectly proportioned, the right size of everything, not overdoing it in any way. Man just the thoughts that were going through my mind were causing my sheath to swell!

STOP THAT! I shake my head gently as Katrina turns to me, "Matt can we seriously PLEASE watch a movie tonight after you guys get some Xbox time?!" I look between her and Justin and realized they obviously had just had a feud over playing Xbox all night and watching a movie for the evening part of it. "Umm..." Justin gives a look that begs me to say no, wow is it hard to decide with that face looking at me, "Sorry man, she asked last time and all we did last time was play video games. We'll play till 9 then all decide on a movie to watch, ok?" Katrina squeals with delight already starting to think of movies to watch as Justin just rolls his eyes and finally just join in with movie titles.

The bell finally rings; marking the end of lunch and without a movie decided we go off to the last few classes of the day. The last few go on almost without my notice as I wait for the end of the day to go workout. O right! Workout! I totally had forgotten we planned on working out which would mean Katrina had to wait before we went to my place. I'll just have to remind her when I see her afterschool. I'm shocked Justin also forgot about it. My thoughts are broken as the final bell rings and I jog to my locker excited for our workout. Justin and Katrina meet me at my locker and I can see Katrina's frustration on her face; Justin must have reminded her first. She said nothing to me though to indicate the frustration otherwise and said she would see us after practice in the parking lot.

We went our separate ways, as she headed to the Library and we headed for the locker rooms. Mark is already there and changed he quickly says hi and that he will see us out there and heads out. Justin goes to lockers beside each other, me following and we start to get changed. It is very quick to change since none of us were shirts while working out, just shorts, since it is hot enough with all the fur. Justin walks out in front of as I stare at his muscular back the whole way. Marks got the music playing loudly so there isn't much talking the whole time, just an hour of focused working out; for everyone else at least.

I was concentrated on those amazing muscles of Justin. Watching each muscle move in his back, and arms. I believe I may have come to the conclusion right now that I must be Bi, since this was actually turning me on to watch. It never has to such a degree before and I end up having to leave 15 minutes early to avoid getting a boner in front of the all the guys working out. I claim leaving early to overdoing it to early, and head to the shower while Mark and Justin finish up their work outs. As I'm showering I clear my head, going over my thoughts and avoiding getting turned on in case someone came in on me. Could I be Bi? I wasn't sure. I have never had such thoughts I just loved staring at his body, but then again I had never had a huge interest in dating girls. Could that mean I was gay then? The questions scattered around in my mind I walked back to locker and got changed. They others finished up and I told Justin I would meet him at Katrina's car.

As I walk out to the parking lot I see Katrina already sitting on the hood of her little Honda Civic her mom passed on to her. She is reading what looks like an encyclopaedia, her tail waving from side-to-side lazily. I approach quietly learning from experience she will not notice me even if made some noise. She is very into reading whether it's an educational book or not. I stop beside the car on the passenger side, behind her at this point, and drop my bags loudly and jump her, grabbing her shoulders and growling as angrily as I could muster after seeing the look on her face. I love scaring her while she reads because she never sees it coming and her face is not of fear but of an absolutely, pissed off cat defending her young. She tucks the book under her as I grab her and hisses at me turning and punching me hard in the gut, a little too low for my comfort. I instantly back off fearing where the next swing might land, as she sees it's me and calms down. Her fur, which I hadn't notice fluff out, starts to fall back down, and I burst out laughing at the sight of her. "MATT!! You scared the crap out of me! I could have hurt you!" She yells this at me as I continue to laugh, moving back onto the hood to sit next to her. I grab her in hug choking out my words between giggles, "Sorry you know I can't help myself when you're so into your reading, and don't worry I doubt you could of hurt me unless you hit a lower of course!" I smile at her letting her go and lying back against the windshield. She harumps, grabbing her book again and finding her page, "Where's Justin?" "On his way I was faster than he was and didn't feel like waiting" I look over at the school doors for a sign of him. "He'll probably be another 5 minutes or so." She puts her book back down and scoots over to me laying her head on my chest and nuzzling into it. I look away from her flirting trying to find something else to focus on, but there is nothing around that would get her attention. Instead I just put my paws behind my head and look up at the sky as we wait. She knew nothing would happen since I never seemed to respond, but she will still try.

After a couple minutes of her nuzzling, we hear the doors open as Justin comes out and walks over to the car. I sit up, causing Katrina to sit up as well, since I know he hates seeing her cuddling against me, especially since he knows that I wouldn't do anything with her. I'm not sure why exactly he hates it so much, but he does, so I don't let her do it in front of him.

I jump off the hood to grab my bags, opening the backseat door and throwing them in, Justin throwing his in on top of mine and giving a look telling me he saw the two of us...again. I just look away, yell shotgun and hope in before he can take it. Katrina packs up her stuff and gets into the driver seat and starts the car, while Justin climbs in. "Should we go rent movies first or go after dinner?" She asks us. "AFTER!" Justin almost yells it in his excitement, which I notice has returned, to play video games. She rolls her eyes at him and pulls the car out of the parking lot and turns towards my house.

The ride there was fairly quiet and once we got there I grabbed my stuff, Justin leaving his behind and went to unlock the front door. Once inside Justin immediately walks to the living room to turn on the T.V. and Xbox, and pick out a game to play. Katrina follows, pulling out her giant book again as she sprawls out on the comfy love seat against the far wall, planning on ignoring our gaming time as she always does. I on other hand tell Justin to pick any game he wants and set it up while I went upstairs to my room putting my bags away and walked back to the kitchen to grab us all some snacks to eat.

I drop myself onto the bigger couch with Justin and put down the snacks on the table, grabbing the other controller. We start to play Gears of War 2 online for a couple hours, and yes we can both play for that long with only bathroom breaks, which are rare. 8pm rolls around and Katrina slams her almost finished giant book shut and looks over at us, "I'm hungry and we still haven't decided on a movie which is suppose to start at 9!!" Justin is very intent on the game leaving me to answer, "Well why don't we order a pizza and how about you pick the movie since you're the one who really wants to watch one, and one of us or all of us can run and grab the movies?" I really didn't feel like leaving to go get the movies, and Justin definitely was not going to be pried away from the video games till 9pm on the dot. Katrina rolled her eyes and got up stretching, and grabbed her keys, "Alright I'll go get the movies since I'm picking and I'll pick up a pizza on my way back for us. I'll be back soon and be ready to turn that damn thing off!" She walked out of the room and out the door without saying anything else, clearly excited that she gets to pick the movies, preferring we not be there to tell her no to something we likely won't enjoy as much as she will.

As the match we were playing ended, I put down the controller and tell Justin he can play a match himself, I was done for the night. As he starts to play I continue to watch him again, admiring all those little details about him others failed to notice. Like that cute little smile he had when he concentrated on something. I don't understand how people couldn't like him. I don't notice his match end until he looks over at me and gives this awkward half smile as he puts down the controller. I just about died on the spot having been caught by him, my ears twitching with embarrassment that he knows is already there from the smell coming off me. "Umm...Sorry..." I don't even know what to say to him as he continues to just smile. "Don't worry Matt," he casually says, actually moving a little closer to me, "I have noticed you staring at me almost every time you do it. You just seem to be in your own little world while you do it." I was shocked to hear this. How long had he been noticing exactly? Since I started however many years ago? "You knew? How come you never said anything?" Oddly that was first question I could ask him. "Well I think it is because I enjoy having you stare at me, I've always been attracted to you, but I could tell you didn't know your sexuality and didn't want to scare you or anything." I'm still shocked and can barely utter an understandable word from my mouth when I notice exactly how close he is to me, our legs are almost touching. He looks at me, his ears back and he is obviously being submissive in a slow moving approach to me, "Have you ever been curious Matt?"

His question literally smacks me back to reality as I look at him and think about if I had ever been curious. When I think back I know I had wondered what it would be like to be him, and as the years progressed I had started to wonder what his fur and muscles had felt like while I had stared at him. But today during our work out was the first time I had ever been turned on while looking at him. I didn't know how to respond to him, I was embarrassed at that moment and for once extremely shy about my thoughts while talking to him.

He didn't bother letting me answer the question, he just leaned forward and kissed me o so gently on the lips. I didn't kiss back I just sat there, my mind a mess as I seemed to be watching this in my mind as if it were a movie on the T.V. He pulled back and looked at me and gave a little smile, showing his embarrassment for acting so suddenly and without my consent. I look at him and immediately growled at him, causing him cower down and whimper slightly. I didn't know why I was growling, but some instinct told me to do so. After about 30 seconds of growling at him, but not angrily, I grabbed his lower jaw and pulled him back to my mouth, kissing him harder than he had kissed me. It felt so right to me, and I realized my reaction was due my feeling of I was the dominant one over him and he acted without my consent.

He melted against me as we kissed. I pushed my tongue into his maw and started to feel my way around as I slowly twisted my tongue with his. I could feel my pants tightening uncomfortably as I experienced my first kiss with a male and wondered if his was too. As if he was thinking the same as me his paw slowly inched under my shirt feeling across my chest and gently rubbing at each of my nipples. As I continued to dance with his tongue, I felt his paw work its way down my abs and finally to the swollen area of my pants. I instantly ran out of breathe pulling away from him. He stopped moving altogether fearing he made a bad choice. I had never had anyone, but myself, touch my sheath before, let alone my cock. But once my instincts took over, I took my own paw and reached for his swollen sheath, gently rubbing it through his shorts.

Just as I leaned back towards him we heard the front door slam and he jumped back to his spot on the couch as I grabbed a blanket to cover the bulge in my pants. He sat leaning forward starting up a new game as if nothing just happened. Katrina walks around the corner and stops abruptly in the doorway. For a moment I inhale and realize the scent lingering in the air from the both us was strong. I look at her hoping that cats are not able to smell the scents we give off. As I look at her I realize she is looking at the T.V. "O NO!! You turn that off now! I got the pizza in the kitchen already and here are the movies. You guys get them started and I will grab you guys some pizza." She turned around as she threw the movies at me and walked off to the kitchen. I just sat there my mouth slightly open as the movies land in my lap. If she smelled anything or even saw anything she wasn't going to say so. I really hoped she hadn't. I got up, not looking at Justin out of fear of...of what I wasn't sure; I turned and opened the Xbox and put in the first movie not caring what it is.

Katrina finally comes back with 3 plates piled on top of each other, some cups, a bottle of pop, and the pizza box. She sets everything down and hands us each a plate and we all grab ourselves some pizza and a drink as I hit play. The 3 of us all sit on the same couch to watch... THE NOTEBOOK!! Damn I should have looked at the title.

To Be Continued...