A Bond Unbroken ~ Chapter 6

Story by Aiden Windsong on SoFurry

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#7 of Bond Unbroken

I do hope you're enjoying this little tale

She heard what he said as she put the bucket down, her heart skipped a beat and her cheeks got flustered, luckily he saw none of that as she already had her back to him at this point.

"Oh i was hardly gone long enough for you to miss me, besides Vox was here to keep you company"

She didn't know why she said that in such a laughing manor, he was being kind and she just brushed it off seemingly as if she didn't care. That was just the point though, she cared, in fact as she stood there with her back to him she realized she cared far to much.

Her thoughts cut short by his voice seeking her attention


she answered him and turned around. She gave him a puzzled looked 'orbs' she thought, what is he talking about. That's when it dawned on her that he had a slightly embarrass look on his face, and as he watched her slightly puzzled face he glanced down to his crotch. she was sure her mouth had slightly gaped in surprise as it hit her which orbs he was talking about. Normally this would have caused her to blush, but he was also her patient so the healer in her kicked in and she quickly formed her lips to answer.

"Of course, why haven't you said something earlier. Well never mind, dinner is ready so let's eat and then i'll have a look, ok."

She busied her self scooping up the fragrant stew onto two plates, and added some on a smaller plate for Vox. Rather absentmindedly she put the plate down in front of Vox, gently stroke his head and said with a soft voice

"There you go, enjoy"

Her mind was so focused on what might be wrong with Conner's orbs that she had totally forgotten that she was still cross with Vox, he of course did nothing to remind her, instead he quickly stroked his head against her paw and murred happily.

"It's still very warm so you might want to be careful not to burn your self"

she said as she placed a plate of steaming hot stew in Connors lap. She was so wrapped up in her thoughts that even though she had told him to be careful she just put a full spoon into her own mouth and it stung real good. Looking up at him she just smiled and shrugged her shoulders like yes i know...

Once dinner was done she picked up their plates and took them over to the sink, rinsing her hands and turned back to Connor.

"Okay, let's see what we can do"

she said as she turned the covers off of him, exposing his naked body.

"Spread please"

she said as she lay a paw on his thigh.

"You have to tell me when and if something hurts"

With gentle paws she started at his knees going up towards his crotch, seeing as he didn't flinch or say anything she continued till there was nothing more then his genitals to examine. Cradling his balls in her paws she could feel that one was slightly bigger, a tad swollen in comparison to the other, letting go of his orbs she pressed her paw down on the left groin and was just about to ask if that hurt when she heard his suppressed moan. Looking up at him she could tell he was in pain so she quickly released the pressure.

"I think you've been literally kicked in the groin. Too soon to tell what damage has been made, with any luck it's nothing permanent."

Hearing his gasp she quickly added

"I'm talking fertility not ability"

Looking between his crotch and his face she pondered for a moment before continuing.

"We'll have to keep an eye on it. Until the swelling goes down i can't do or say much, after that we can do a more thorough exam."

As she stood there looking down at his bare crotch her mind started to wander to just how thorough that exam would be, she had only been told how and what to do but never actually seen or done it.

"Unless you rather want to have your own healer look at it once you get home"

Waiting for his answer she didn't dare to look at him, not even realizing she was holding her breath. One part of her was hoping he would say to leave it for his own healer, the other she shamefully had to admit to her self was dreading that that was what he would answer.


Conner said rather more loudly then he had wanted as she suggested he might prefer his regular healer to take care of such a sensitive matter. The mere thought of the old stallion handling the royal jewels making him cringe. He could still remember how roughly they were handled by the old healer when he was still a growing colt, and wanted none of that now. His other option in the garrisons medic was even less appealing since He was just as likely to remove an injured part as to heal it.

"You're my healer now. I'd rather you take care of them."

He managed in a calmer tone. Hoping his sudden outburst hadn't put her on edge. Her paws were the only ones he fully trusted. They were gentle and caring, and he had no doubt that she would do the best she could for him.

She also knew what she was doing. He hadn't told her that he had been kicked between the legs, but that was indeed what had happened. At the time he thought for sure that he was gelded, and had almost wished that to be the case considering the mind numbing pain at the time. He was relieved to know they were going to be fine though. The question over his fertility concerned him greatly.

"I do hope I'm not sterile Nish."

He said as his ears folded down and his muzzle drooped, making him look rather sad

"For I do want young when I find the right mare. I want to hear the patter of little hoofs, and raise a family"

Conner sighed as he took her paws in his and looked into her eyes

"I know you can do this for me. I need you to help make this possible"

Nisha understood his great concern, not only for him self but also for his clan. Undoubtably his parents would have already been on his case about marriage and securing the legacy of the Connor clan. As a vibrant young stallion Nisha could also understand that he might be worried about performance, the mere thought of being gelded she was sure made him cringe inside, although he did keep it together very well.

"Of course i will do my best to help you Connor, i'm just not certain i'm the best healer for the job, after all i only know what to do in theory, i've never..umm handled a stallions"

searching for the right words


she decided was descriptive enough.

She could hear suppressed muffling sounds from Vox corner, which made her bite her jaws together in irritation. That damned dragon was having a field day listening in on this very awkward discussion. She knew that if she were to turn around his eyes would be like green fireballs piercing through the small room.

She just chose to ignore him and stayed focused on Connor, lowering her voice slightly

"There is really nothing we can do until the swelling goes down, which hopefully won't take too long"

Sitting down on the bunk next to him she took a deep breath

"I'm not sure you realize the full magnitude of what will be needed in making sure you're still fertile"

Even though she was now talking to him as his healer, she was still first and foremost a female. The thought of what would be needed sent small shivers of excitement down her spine. Which to a certain degree annoyed her, here she was supposed to be this great healer and she was cooing over him like a mare in heat.

Without realizing she was talking out loud she continued

"We will have to try and see if we can extract semen from you, right now that would be too painful, with the swelling and all. But once that is down we'd have to find a way..."

That's when it dawned on her that she was not only thinking these thoughts but saying them out loud, in an effort to save face she of course continued and just put her hoof further into it.

"Well i mean i'm sure you've done it enough to know how, err i mean ..."

Blushing profusely now she shock her head

"I'm sorry this is rather embarrassing."

Conner was sure that she was blushing under that fine dark black fur of hers. Certainly she was getting a bit flustered about talking about such things. A fairly normal thing for most, even if she was a healer by trade. In all honesty it was a difficult subject even for him, and it was his equipment they were talking about.

"I understand all that Nisha"

He said gently.

"But there is no other healer around I trust to lay one paw on my sheath, let alone my orbs. I need someone who is gentle, and who understands how important it is that I keep them. As I see it you are that someone"

Conner smiled softly as he looked at her. Knowing that this was going to be difficult for them both. He was going to help her through this as she did her best to heal him, He knew that. Still he was rather looking forward to it. Just the thought of her touching him again made his sheath a little tighter.

"I trust you Nish."

He said softly as he blushed slightly at what he was about to admit.

"And yes, I've pawed off many times. So I know how to do it."

"Of course you'll have to be my paws when the time comes, unless my arm is better by then."

He added with a nervous laugh.

Hearing him admit that made it almost worse, now her very vivid imagination went into overdrive. Granted she had never seen it, yet she had a fair idea how it had to be done. Blatantly ignoring Vox whom she knew had his little ears perked at their conversation

"I'm honored that you think i will do a satisfactory job, i certainly will do my best"

Talk about innuendos, but Nisha was oblivious to that fact.

"Well as your now official healer i need to look and possible re dress some of these wounds"

she busied her self with fetching water, cloths and the remedies she might need.

"Lay down, please."

she said and turned his cover, trying not to stare at his groin which seemed to work as a magnet to her eyes. Carefully she washed and re dressed his wounds, all of which seemed to heal very nicely. Once she was done with him she drew back the covers over him.

"There, all done, now i think it's time we get some sleep"

As she walked passed Vox to shut the door she whispered in a hissing voice

"You, can sleep where your at, and tomorrow you'll be having your flying lessons by your self. Don't think i don't know your taking far too much pleasure in this"

Vox just snorted and turned his head in dismissal and disapproval of what she just said.

As she lay on her mattress on the floor she looked out into the dark and silent room, sleep didn't want to come. So many thoughts running through her mind. She knew she would have to deal with her attraction to Connor at some point, but now was too soon and she really didn't want to. Not before long her breath grew deeper and sleep finally took over, with it dreams of a white stallion emerged.