Sincere Tears Chapter:2

Story by PhantomWinter on SoFurry

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#3 of Sincere Tears

I hope you like the chapter. It's hard to find time with classes.

Tray's POV

"It's time to talk."

Rex, Jessie, and I left school for the market plaza around the block. There's a smoothie shop that the football team goes to hangout after practice. I took a seat near the front window as I waited for Rex and Jess at the register. It was becoming difficult to be patient when all of my answers stood eight feet away from me. I was tapping the table with a nail when Rex walked up, taking a seat across from me with the same uneasy expression. Jess walked up to us and took the chair next to Rex with his ears back. There was an awkward silence until the Doberman cleared his throat.

"S-Should I start from the beginning?" He asked, keeping his eyes glued to the uninteresting texture of the table. I could hear the whimper in his voice and see the sadness in his eyes that he regretted his actions.

"Please." That was all I needed to say for him to begin telling us what happened.

"It all started November 7th of last year after our practice. Ty, Gym, Drake, and I was hanging out at the locker room entrance with a couple soccer players." Drake was a big horse and my backup before he moved to another school.

"When we spotted Sora leaving the dance room next to the weight room. He was walking down the stairs in his own little world...Ty wasn't happy to see him and told Drake and me to grab him. We did what we were told, and held him down. He was crying, begging us to let him go, but we didn't listen. Ty punched him in the face a couple times. We both dropped him to the ground and Gym started to kick his gut. Drake and the soccer players we were hanging with joined in...I-I was kicking him too. He kept pleading us to stop, but we didn't. Even when he coughed up some blood... He was in so much pain; I can still remember the sounds of his bones breaking. It was suppose to end there, but Ty had other ideas. He dropped his pants and ripped Sora's claiming that 'You're not a man, but a faggot cock sleeved slut and I'm going to break you into our sex slave.' Drake did the same, but we heard someone call out so we ran."

My jaw dropped and a dangerous anger was bubbling up deep inside me. I was way beyond being simply pissed. I was ready to go out and hunt down every goddamn motherfucker who laid a paw on my Sora. And my first victim was gonna be this back stabbing fucker. Rex jumped out of his chair and restrains me by placing both paws on my shoulders to keep me seated. Of course he would notice the blood lust coming off me before I strangled Jess. The Doberman leaped back from his chair and crashed to the ground with wide terrified eyes.

"Ya son of a bitch!" I yelled out getting a couple customers attention, but I didn't care.

"Tell meh fucker! Were ya gonna do the same thing as the others if no one interfered?!" I growled out, tasting the venom on my tongue. Showing off how furious I was at the dog who I thought was a good friend. He whimpered and balled up in shame crying. I wanted to be angry with Jessie, but watching him breakdown lessened my anger towards him, slightly.

"If Sora was being picked on what the hell were you doing? Why didn't you stand up for him?" Alexis's words echoed in the turmoil of thoughts bouncing in my head and the rest of my anger disappeared. Just like Rex and I, Jessie did the same thing to stay in the good graces of that ass Ty. Well enough is enough. Rex let me go feeling the tension leave my body. I rose from the chair and stood in front of the Doberman and lend him a paw. He stopped crying and looked up at me. He realized I wasn't angry anymore and reached for it. I helped him up and we exchanged a silent understanding that we were good.

The other costumers that witnessed our fight went back to their own business as the waitress called out Rex and Jessie to retrieve their drinks. I sat back down still pissed, but now I had a single target to place it on. That hare is never going to lay a finger on Sora as long as I breathe. They both came back with drinks in paw. They retook their chairs and slurped on their smoothies. Rex had an Arctic Blueberry Mist, while Jess's was a Tropical Wild Mango.

"Besides that. What else did you guys do?" I asked, trying to stay calm. The Doberman gulped down his smoothie and fiddled with the straw before looking at me. "We used to go to the same middle school...I saw Ty bully Sora and to be one of the cool kids I did it too. W-we used to slam him against the lockers or slam his locker door on his paws. Whenever we came by he would try to run, but Ty would beat him before he had the chance. Last year was the only time Ty tried to take it that far. When my baby brother started to avoid me. He came up to me during summer break and told me he knew what we did. I was shocked and ashamed when he looked at me. He then asked me if I would beat and try to rape him too, before coming out to me. I could see the fear and hurt in his eyes and I broke down in front of him. I love my baby brother so much and the guilt was starting to destroy me. I...after today I-I just can't look at Sora without seeing Ricky."

"I-I still can't believe Sora forgave me..."

"Yeah, You and me both." Rex said dryly slurping on his drink before sighing. "At least we got a second chance...Big Dog. You're the only one here who didn't majorly screw up the first time, so behave." The polar bear smirked and laughed when he noticed my flush. "Dude! What were you imagining when I said behave?!" He said making me blush even more. I couldn't help it, Sora popped into my head in the most seductive pose possible! I seriously have it bad. "Hey! It's not funny. I-I was just picturing something...cute." I lied weak heartedly poking my index fingers together shyly. Rex stopped laughing completely and stared at me dumbfounded. "Holy shit! I knew you had it bad for the Shiba. But you're acting differently now then before you were with Sarah... You're more protective and head over heels when Sora crosses your path." Rex smiled big teasingly.

"Shut it and slurp on your smoothie." I mock pouted hiding a smile before losing it when Jessie gave me a wide eye 'O' face. Shit. "W-Wait! You have a thing for Sora?!" He practically shouted into the room, gaining some of the other customer's attention once again. I covered my face with my paws and sighed deeply before glaring at him. Which made him shut his muzzle quickly. "I don't know... Yes, I guess. I'm not really attracted to guys, but Sora's different." I replied, scratching my cheek shyly. "I figured as much." Rex said teasingly. "What's that suppose to mean?" I smirked back before my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it up to see my Mom's number and tapped to answer. Both of my friends hushed up while I took the call.

"Mom? Is something up?" I asked and waited for a reply. "Hello dear. I'm just calling to let you know I'm picking you up right now. Your father is busy getting groceries with your sister." She informed me with her same warm motherly voice that makes me smile no matter what. "All right. I'm at McFrosty with some friends." I said. "Okay Honey. Wait outside for me and I'll pull up. I love you." Aah. I can feel my face heat up. I coughed to clear my throat of embarrassment. "Love you too mom. Bye."

Rex and Jessie smirked at me as I got up. "That was my mom. Looks like my times up. See you tomorrow guys." I waved them goodbye before leaving the air-conditioned building and into the heat. Why does it still have to be so hot?! I started to sweat before mom pulled up and I quickly got into her car. Thankfully she had the AC on to the max. "So how was school?" She asked after pulling onto the road. Compared to me mom's a little short.

She's actually taller than Sora and has that motherly figure, which radiates love and comfort. Like any Rottweiler she just about has the same marking except her ears and paws is pitch black instead of tan like me. Where do I start? "It was pretty good. I got a couple new friends, there's a new teacher, my classes are fun, and I've met someone...interesting." I revealed smiling at my mom, her ear twitched at the last tidbit of information. "That's great, but this better not be a girl you're interested in. She asked with a tone that had a warning behind it.

Of course, my mom became a bit protective over what Sarah did, but she wanted me to stay her little boy too.

"No mom it's not a girl. His name is Sora and he's a very kind Shiba." I said, smiling both inside and out as a warm feeling overcame me picturing my pup.

"Sora? Such a cute name for a boy. Is he a new friend then? I hope he's better than most of those other boys you play with. Rex is a nice young man, but the others are...well they just need to learn some manners and respect." My mom voiced out with a huff.

She was still holding a grudge on a few of the players after a game we won. Idiots like Ty and Gym were lacking sportsmanship as they taunted and insulted the losing team. It was really bad and a fight broke out. A right hook knocked me down, but it was fortunate that my helmet was still on or else it could have been worse.

"I know mom. To be honest with you I wanted to bash Ty and Gym's head in since this morning." I stated, fuming a little as the memory came back.

"You better not! You know I don't tolerate violence. What did they do to get under your fur though?" she asked, sounding a little curious, since I'm not one who is easily angered.

"Um...they were bullying Sora verbally and tried to steal his food during lunch. Sarah was worse." I added without thinking.

"What do you mean Sarah was worse? What did that spaniel do?" My mom questioned and I didn't really have a choice but to tell her.

"One of my classes this year is chorus and Sora has it with me too. Well, when all the students went up Sora was last and he was amazing mom. I mean he has a voice of an angel that just so soothing and warm-I-I mean he's good." I coughed uneasily.

Thankfully mom either missed the words or she thought I was just blown away by my pup's singing. She was obviously laughing. "Wow, Top praise from my pup who keeps changing the radio station when a song doesn't meet your standards. Who ever this boy might be. I need to meet him, but back to Sarah." Mom pointed out, amusement gone from her voice having to say that bitch's name. I sighed and continued explaining what happened.

"Like I said. He was...magnificent and Sarah was jealous because she's a tone-deaf self-absorbed bitch." I was starting to growl and my mom caught it.

"Calm. I'll let the B word slip this time, but no swearing. You hear me?" I nodded my head.

"Sorry mom. It just makes me angry that-that she. She went up to Sora's face afterwards and screamed at him. Tackling him down while trying to claw out his eyes." I could hear my mom growl and rarely hear her cuss either.

"That little hussy, excuse my French. No one has a right to attack another, just because they are envious. Tell me about this boy Tray. What's he like exactly." She asked and I didn't know how to describe Sora without sounding like a love struck puppy... Fuck it.

"Well for starters Sora is a kind, gentle hearted, and loving pup. He's so cute and has violet eyes and might be an inch or two shorter than you. I forgot to pack my lunch this morning and accidently left my wallet on my dresser. Without even asking he shared half of his lunch with me, although I declined, he had a way to change my mind. He likes to tease, but he's also easily embarrassed. He loves to perform and doesn't boast or brag about his talents. I've wanted to be his friend for a while actually, but I was kind of intimidated by this benevolent aura he emits. I felt unworthy of his attention and only waited until now to talk to him."

I caught my mom smirk while she focused on the road. "Your father felt the same way when he tried to ask me out on a date back in high school. My little boy is in love again, but this pup sounds ten times more delightful than the last. What do you say about inviting him over for dinner this weekend." I was rendered speechless by how calm my mom was taking in the fact that I was interested in a guy. She laughed at my dumbfounded goofy face as the heat increased in temperature. I could tell I was turning red from ear to muzzle and my mom could tell too. "Oh my god! I haven't seen you blush this hard since you were five."

"M-mom!" What the hell was I thinking telling her in the first place? God I'm going to die of embarrassment, wait...oh no I have to introduce Sora to her! She's going to show off all my baby pictures! I need to hide those. "S-so your okay with this? Don't you want grandchildren?" I asked nervously looking down at my paws. "Honey! I'm not one of those stuck up moms that care for blooded grandchildren. If you want this relationship so badly last until you both grow old like your father and me. Then I don't care if you adopt, I'll still love whoever my grandchild will be as long as you live happily. She patted my shoulder to comfort my unease and it was working until a thought struck me. "What about dad?"

"Hm...He's not a homophobe dear, but it might take him some time to process it. Don't worry. If he say or do anything over the line, then I'll pull on his ear." In other words mom wears the pants in the family relationship. Stifling a little of my laughter we pulled up in our driveway. Our home was old, but modernly refurnished after mom inherited it from grandpa and grandma. It was a typical one-story house with a nice front and back yard. We appeared to have made it home before my dad and little sister did.

Mom parked the car and I pulled out my spare house key. I made my way to my room while mom went to do her own thing. I entered my room, dropping my bag and landing face first onto my soft king size bed with a loud thump. God was I tired, but I found enough strength to flip myself onto my back and stare at my ceiling. Sora plagued my thoughts and I closed my eyes to picture that little Shiba by my side. Feeling that soft white and orange fur between my finger pads. Gliding my paws over his curves while those sweet as honey moans pierced my ears. This isn't a's a need just like I need water and food to survive. I need my Sora and if the massive tent in my jeans wasn't enough to prove my point I don't know what will. The trust and longing in those beautiful violet eyes haunt my mind and the desire grows even hotter between my legs. To think such a little pup like him can cause such a reaction to my state of mind.

Fuck these jeans are too tight that I almost ripped them off to free my dog hood. The urge to mate increased tenfold as the cool air kissed the sensitive flesh of my eleven-inch cock. I panted desperately feeling my member grow harder with the change of temperature. I grabbed my cock with both paws and gave it a stroke as I lay back with a moan. I stopped for a sec to grab my bottle of lube that is hidden under the bed and made my way to my private bathroom. I turned on the shower and angled the showerhead to give me some space to jack off. I coated my dog hood with the cool lube and closed my eyes. Fantasizing about my pup being under me as I gave a good hump into my paws. I moaned deeply and continued the fantasy.

Feeling Sora's tight pucker break open as I claim his virginity and slide everything I have to offer inside. Until I hit balls deep and make him moan out my name with unrestraint desire. Hearing him beg and plead for me to fuck him harder. God damn it! I need him. I need to taste his lips. I need to feel the real one and breed him hard. I humped fiercely into my paws, panting lustfully as my climax reached its peak. I head-butted the tile wall not too hard and gritted my teeth to stifle my howl while ropes of burning hot fertile doggy seed shot all over the tiles. Fuck this is going to be a pain to clean. I thought, looking down at the massive mess. That can be considered a good liter of cum and picturing all of it inside my pup made me rock hard again. I'm going to breed him...I'm going to breed him so good...

Sora's POV

I leaned against the passenger side door with my head resting on the palm of my paw. Waiting for the traffic light to change to green. I released a sigh with a tired smile. "What's up soldier boy? I don't believe your first day back would be this trying." Uncle chuckled with a devilish smirk. Eyes focused on the changing light. "N-No it was fine. Better than the first day of freshmen year actually. Sure, I still had some problems, but I made a couple new friends." I confessed. Uncle hummed knowing what I mean by problems. "By any chance were those three boys that had you surrounded your new friends? I know Mr. Gale, but the other two were strangers."

"Hm, Yeah. The polar bear is Rex and the Doberman, Jessie." I answered sitting up straight. "Well as long as those boys behave themselves, then I don't have any issues. We should be home now after I turn here. Are you ready to see your second favorite uncle?" Uncle Ray said, looking anxious to see his significant other. "Who said he was my second favorite? He could be the first, uncle Ray." I said, holding back my giggles seeing uncle's shocked and devastated face as he pouted. "Hey now. Who's your teacher that can flunk you at any moment." He huffed. "I don't think papa or Uncle Tim would be too thrilled if they learn you abused your power as an educator." I countered.

He huffed and turned into the driveway. I quickly got out and ran towards the door. Before I could get my key out. The door opened with a huge intimidating figure on the other side. I paused and slowly raised my head to spot forest green eyes and a huge toothy grin. My vision was covered with thick burly brown fur, as the grizzly bear know as my uncle Tim bear hug me to death. I love his hugs, but at times their kind of...overpowering. He finally pushed me in arms reach and gave me a sheepish smile as I coughed up a brown fur ball. If his size didn't scare you off, then muscles stretching out of his tank top and shorts can, but deep down he's a real teddy bear...till you piss him off then good luck. "Oops! Sorry about that munchkin." Tim carefully placed me back down; Ray chuckled from behind us patiently.

"Dear I love you, but I would love to get inside before the bugs decide to fly in." The older Shiba commented with a grin. "Hm? Oh! Sorry, come in, come in. I just got back a couple of minutes ago from the supermarket. I'll start dinner around 4:30. " The bear said leading both my uncle and me into the living room. Papa wouldn't be back home from work until around five. "So how was school munchkin? Learn anything?" Tim asked me to take a seat in the three-sitter couch with Uncle Ray. I was about to comment before Ray snickered earning both the bear and my attention. "What's so funny?" I glared

"Well today I did learn who you have a thing for." The older Shiba admitted making the fur under my face heat up. "Oh my god! Spill! Tell me who it is so I can rough them up a little. Uncle Tim beamed, looking quite mischievous. Caught off guard by the conversation shifting to my love life. I barked a frustrated cry and made my way up the stairs, heat still present on my face. Before I could close my door and lock it, I could still hear my uncle's downstairs. "Was it something you said?" Uncle Tim accused his mate. I closed the door before I heard anything else. Jumping on my bed, I released a breath and looked up at the ceiling.

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, as the memories of Tray holding me resurfaced. Oh god I'm a puppy wrapped around his finger. Thanks a lot uncle Ray." I pouted in my head. I sat up feeling more tired now than before and reached out for my bag. "Well, time for a distraction. I guess homework does serve a useful purpose after all."

Tray's POV

I woke up from a pleasant dream with a startle as my baby sister decided to use my stomach as a trampoline. At least it wasn't as bad as the time she came in my room half asleep mistaking a kitchen knife for a frying pan. Grumping, I sat up and shooed her away. As she closed the door, I got out of bed, dragging the covers against my hip. It fell off, exposing my rump and semi-hard member thanks to the wet dream. My stub of a tail started to wag, reminiscing in the dream. My semi-hard on becoming full as the blood relocated towards my crotch. Damn it! I want to beat it off so badly, but I need to shower fast to get breakfast.

I set the water to cold and dived in to make my cock go soft and quickly washed up. While changing I was debating to leave my wallet here so I could get another chance to share a lunch with my favorite Shiba. But decided not to, since I don't want to mooch off on his meals. As I left my room with a bag in paw I heard Lily shriek and run out of our parent's room in a fit of giggles pass me towards the kitchen. A minute later a Rottweiler as big as me with a beer gut walked through the door in steak print PJ and a white tank top grumbling to himself.

"Moring dad...did Lily jump on you too?" I asked with a sympathetic smile. "Wull ah'll be lyin if ah said no boy. Heh, ah swear she takes after your ma." Dad whispered dryly so mom wouldn't hear. "Oh dear!" Mom called from the kitchen making dad's ears go back and eyes wide with terror. She heard. Dad gulped. "Wish meh luck boy." He said before marching into the kitchen. I winced when a loud slap echoed through the hall. Another minute later we're all seated at the table with blueberry pancakes, sausage, and eggs. Lily scarfed down her food, oblivious to the awkwardness at the table. Mom eating like nothing happened, while I finished my food uncomfortably. Dad on the other paw ate with a slap mark engraved on his bed-furred cheek.

Before I could get up to wash my dish, mom told me she'd do it. "Don't forget your lunch this time." Mom said, giving me a knowing wink. My face heated up and I went to retrieve a bag with my name on it from the frig. I left my house and walked my way to school since it was like 20 minutes a walk. The benefit of waking up two hours before school started. Rex would be walking with me to school if he weren't a late sleeper. As I continued half way on my stroll to school a car slowed down right next to me. I was cautious at first until the passenger window rolled down and an excited grin grew on my muzzle.

I was lost in daydream land as I stared at the beautiful fur sitting in front of me in the car. Sora was smiling at me and saying something, but I was too lost to understand it. Sora raised an eyebrow and stared back at Mr. Clawson who laughed and shook his head. I quickly snapped back when Sora tried to gain my attention. "Tray...hello?" He asked me somewhat worried. "Huh? Oh sorry! Um... What was it you were asking?" I asked sheepishly ruffling my neck fur with a chuckle. "Hm, well I was wondering if you wanted a ride to school. I know its not that far, but at least this way we can hang out...right?" He asked shyly which made my heart flutter. 'He wants to hang out with me? He wants to be with me!' I thought excitedly and nodded my head a little bit too eager.

When I got into the car Mr. Clawson whispered something into Sora's ear that made him laugh and Sora flustered. I perked my ears curiously and noticed Sora's uncle looking at me through the rearview mirror. He smirked and gave me a wink, which made me flustered too. Does he know?! Is he giving me his approval?! I didn't know what to think so I looked down at my paws. Resting on my lap embarrassed with a small wag of my tail. It didn't take us long to get to school and we caught the staff opening the front gate. It turns out Sora and I had all the same classes today, except for sixth period. Even though I had weight lifting and Sora had dance, we still needed to take P.E. Instead of Coach Miranda we had Ms. Renfro who is an easy-going deer, but likes to join Coach's exercise routine for his class.

Since the gate to the field was closed we couldn't go and change until later. So we made our way to the open benches in the cafeteria. We both sat on one side and I noticed Sora shiver so I gave him my jacket to warm up. He was reluctant at first, but accepted the offer after some encouragement. I shivered when a breeze dug into my neck fur brutally. It was Sora's turn to notice my chills. He stripped the jacket off and placed it back on me. Before I could refuse he stood up and relocated onto my lap. Snuggling up to my chest. I was at a loss for words and wrapped my arms around him to keep us both warm with my jacket.

If this was a dream, I never want to wake up. "Is this okay?" Sora asked under my neck that sent more shivers through my body. I bit my lip and tried to settle down. "Of course. This way we can both stay warm." I answered, blushing as I held him tighter. My pup buried himself deeper into my chest as our combined body heat beats the cold away. Freezing in the morning and blazing in the afternoon, seriously what's up with the weather. Although if I can get cases like this more often then who's complaining.

I carefully moved my arm to reach my pocket to retrieve my phone. It seems 30 minutes passed since we were cuddling... hold on? Rex seemed to have sent me a text. I opened messenger to find a picture. Closer inspection showed that it was my back with Sora under my chin. I was confused until a loud roar boomed behind us, making Sora jump in my lap. Head-butting me in the process. I growled and turned my head to see a laughing polar bear that was going to be a dead polar bear soon. Sora whimpered and held me closer, which made my anger subside. Meanwhile, Rex continued to laugh till he was smacked in the back of the head by an irritated tiger.

"Oh come on, you can't tell me you didn't want to do that to them too." Rex argued through his laughter. "I wanted to do it, you big marshmallow!" Alexis argued back with her arms open. "Now, now, no need to unsheathe those claws." Rex suggested with a cold sweat on his face the moment all ten claws came out of the tiger's paws. "To bad marshmallow, but I haven't had my daily dose of cottontail yet so I'm going to make one. Thank you for your donation." Alexis warned before pouncing on a panicked Rex. "Wait! My fur is too short to make a cotton tail!" Rex yelped when the tiger's claws came close to his head fur sticking out from his hat.

"Alexis what are you doing?" Clover questioned walking up to the group with a Starbucks coffee in paw. The tiger let go of Rex and slid right up to the bunny. Purring, as she rubbed her face against the soft, fluffy pelt of her mate. Clover sighed happily and looked around the group. Rex was still on the ground looking relieved; she turned to me with a curiously until she saw who was under me. Her face instantly turned into a huge smile. "Oh where, oh where, did my little puppy go? Is he under the bench? Is he in the restroom? Or could he be hiding in the arms of a Rottweiler?" Clover teased innocently.

Sora shifted in my arms and positioned his head out from under my chin. I can only assume he stick his tongue out to the now laughing bunny. "Tray can I get up now." Sora asked me. To hold him a little longer I pretended to not hear him. This made Sora giggle that sound like beautiful bells in my ears. I thought this moment was perfect, but I was proven wrong when the little Shiba nuzzled my neck and gave it a caring lick. Shivers ran down my whole body like electricity. Without realizing it, I was panting a little harsh and placing the weight of my chin on Sora's head. Clover and Alexis faced me with a raised eyebrow and crossed arms while Rex gave me a double thumbs up.

I quickly composed myself and coughed to mask my embarrassment. Sora giggled some more and finally broke free from my hold. I pouted a little feeling his heat leave me to the cold world.

Sora's POV

I can't believe I did that! I literally kissed him! was on the neck, oh gods calm my poor little heart. I quickly but not too quickly got out of Tray's lap. Missing the warmth after a gust of cold air brushed my face. "Hey Big dog, there's coach." Rex pointed out joyfully. I turned to see Mr. Miranda opening the gate to the field. Now we can go and change into our P.E. clothes...change? Change!!! T-Tray is going to see me naked! Well not completely naked, b-but still! W-Wait...what are the chances our lockers are even close.

Apparently, all three of our lockers were right next to each other. It was too early for most, so the lockers were still empty. I was hesitant to change in front of two big buff jocks that should already now my orientation. But it seems Tray and Rex weren't shy to show off. Rex kept smacking his stomach and making jokes while Tray unbuttons his jeans laughing along. I was really nervous, but I needed to change too so I did. First I removed my sweater that did nothing to protect me from the cold. Then my white long sleeved shirt. I giggled a bit when my fur stood up due to the static created by my shirt. What I didn't realize was Tray and Rex are watching me.

I removed both of my shoes, unbuttoned my denim jeans, and bend over to Slide them down. I got back up after slipping my legs through the pant's holes and looked at the two next to me. Both of their jaws hanged open. I scratched my cheek and blushed. Completely forgetting the type of briefs I was wearing. They were light pink... I quickly grabbed my dance bag to find my P.E. clothes. I found my shorts, but after searching and coming up empty handed for the shirt. I realize I may have forgotten it. I stood there bent over my bag with a pair of shorts in hand, but no shirt. Shoot.

Tray seemed to have noticed my problem, among other things. "Hey Sora." Tray called out making me look up. His paw was facing me with a shirt in hand, although the first thing I noticed before the shirt was the huge bulge sticking out through the jockstrap. My face was on fire and my tongue was as dry as Uncle Ray's meatloaf. I choked out a thank you and reached for the shirt. Our paws touched and the heat in my face went up a notch. I looked up at the Rottweiler to see his face was just as red as mine and quickly took the shirt.

The shirt was the first thing I put on and it was...big. It reminded me of the time I wore one of my papa's shirts as a pup. It covered down to my groin and if Tray and Rex didn't see me with underwear before. It made me look like I was wearing nothing underneath. This was so embarrassing. I looked back up to see Tray, but he was gone. Rex was still there in his own jockstrap covering his muzzle. He was...laughing? "Where did Tray go?" I asked. H-He went t-to the bathroom!" The polar bear answered between breaks. I was confused, but shrugged. "I hope he's okay." I said, putting on my shorts, which looked smaller with the shirt. "Oh trust me, he's just fine. Sure, he got a nose bleed but that's a pretty natural reaction." Rex said finally finished laughing. "But seriously little dog. Do you like showing off your legs like that?" Rex asked with a grin

"What do you mean?" I asked puzzled. "I mean-you know what, Never mind. Hey here comes the dog of the hour!" The polar bear pointed out with a chuckle after seeing a piece of paper stuck up the Rottweiler's nose. "Not one word." Tray warned Rex with a glare and turned to me. "Ready?" He asked me without realizing he was still in his jock. "Y-yep! Shouldn't you two start getting ready though?" I asked to make the two look down at their own nudeness. Tray turned red, slightly under his black fur and hummed. "Ah reckon you're right-" Tray covered his muzzle looking embarrassed for some reason. I giggled and patted his arm gently. "Tray, its okay. I like your accent. It's cute." I complemented before walking away towards the doors to the indoor gym. Before leaving I heard Rex say something, then a loud thud sound after, but it probably wasn't important.

Everything seemed pretty normal in the gym. Mr. Miranda was sitting in the bleachers with a stack of papers in hoof. He noticed me and waved a good morning, which I returned full heartedly. Since it's the first day of class we didn't have a roll call order yet so I remained standing until a couple of hazel paws covered my eyes. "Guess who?" A mini mouse imitation voice echoed into my ear. "Clover! Are you that bored?" I asked as the bunny removed her paws and giggled. "Yes, yes I am. Why did my poor kitten get seventh period gym instead of fifth?" She pouted disappointedly. "I guess her lucky rabbit's foot was defective." I answered, earning a glare from Cottontail.

"The only thing defective here mister is your sense of measurement. That shirt is huge! Why are you wearing it?" Clover questioned. "Um...I may have...forgotten my shirt...and Tray had an extra." I answered truthfully. The bunny looked at my borrowed shirt and smirked. "Well ain't that nice. You two have been getting pretty close. So when are you going to ask him out?" I almost flopped to the ground when Clover said that out-loud. "Shhh!!! Don't say that!" I harshly whispered, panic stricken. I was going to start hyperventilating if I wasn't careful, oh wait I'm already doing it.

Clover's attempts to calm me down failed because my nerves were too tense to relax. "Come on puppy. You can't tell me you haven't notice the way he looks at you. I bet my own 'Gossip Queen' top that he's head over heels for you...just as much as you are for him." I want to believe her words, but reality isn't so easily altered. Tray's straight! Come on, he dated Sarah freak-in West. The most popular cheerleader in the whole school. Besides, were...we're just...friends. He'll never see me as anything more... Great, now I'm depressed and crying.

I sighed, feeling my eyes burn hot tears. Clover looked guilty for upsetting me, drooping her long ears down. An awkward silence loomed between us, until Tray and Rex came in with some other students. Hoping to hide what transpired a few moments ago, I rubbed my eyes. Giving the Rottweiler a big smile, but it felt too fake and crumbled effortlessly. I tried again, only to prove futile the second I saw the concern in Tray's eyes. The depression started to take its toll and the pain resurfaced around an old scar on my chest. I clung to my chest and kneeled to the ground with closed eyes to stop the world from spinning. Feeling colder than usual, I shivered uncontrollably. However, I stopped the instant big warm arms embraced me and pulled me into a tight hug.

I shivered involuntarily, sniffling in the warm, pleasant sent of cinnamon. Which calmed me down immensely. I felt a paw move from my back to wipe the wet fur along my eyes. Slowly allowing them to open to see Tray in front of me with concern and affection. Handling me with great care. I couldn't see the other student because of Tray's bulky shoulders, but I could see my other two friend's worried faces. Mr. Miranda also moved from his seat to see my condition. "Mr. Blume is your chest hurting right now?" He asked, holding a phone to call for help if needed, but it was unnecessary. "N-No it''s okay." I replied sincerely. The bull nodded and went back in full alert.

Tray looked down at me confused, but I shook my head. I wasn't ready to tell him the reason just yet. He wasn't happy, but accepted my wish to stay silent. I was still down, but having him hold me help lift my spirits somewhat. Regrettably I had to get up since class would start at any moment. Tray helped me onto my feet and rubbed my eyes. This was just him being friendly. Clover tried to smile, but looked somewhat sick, probably remembering the reason I have the scar. Rex, being an ignorant goof laughed and slapped all our back while making hearty jokes. Which made me smile for real this time.

By the time the gym clock hit eight. All of the students were dressed and waiting in the gym for instructions. A young deer strolled in, sporting a pink and gray work out attire. She cleared her throat and introduced herself to everyone and explained that those in her class are to sit in the arranged spot. It turned out to be alphabetical order by last name. I sat in the first row with Rex in front of me, while Tray sat in the center looking disappointed. Clover was close to the last row chatting with a few other students. I didn't realize it until now, but one of the students she's talking to is another member of our dance class. Luna Rayas, a white wolf that can undoubtedly replace Sarah as head cheerleader with charm and personality.

Luna noticed me and waved. I returned her greeting happily. Class went off without any more issues. Well, except for when Rex grabbed me during a lap around the track, when I was chatting with Tray. It was really funny. His expressions changed from shock to rage, then determination like a cartoon character. Rex ran like his life depended on it, while Clover and Luna laughed on the sideline. But Mr. Miranda and Ms. Renfro weren't too happy about the stunt. They scolded Rex and Tray about the dangers of running on gravel and the safety of other students. Afterwards, we waited near the doors to the changing room. I was laughing with the two girls as I waited for the Rottweiler and the bear.

We dreaded having to go to Dance after the workout, but at least we've warmed up. "Hey Sora. I heard what happened yesterday with Sarah. Getting slapped in the face on the first day of school with a suspension must be a record. Karma's a bitch, but at least you're okay." Luna commented. I sighed in agreement. "So why did she attack you?" The wolf asked, which I explained to her and Clover all the details of yesterday's events.

"Geez I know you have talent, but to attack you just for that." Luna growled silently, while Clover's nose twitched radically. "Oh just wait until I get my phone, I'm going to ruin her life just wait." The bunny said darkly with a sinister smile. "Although I know where she's coming from. I'm not siding with that bitch, but you're going to make me cry tears of blood with that beautiful voice." Luna laughed full heartedly. I was blushing pretty hard from that complement. Clover on the other paw was looking behind me with a smirk. I turned but my muzzle bumped into a firm chest. Looking up curiously at Tray. "You're right about that!" Tray said making me blush ten fold as his arms wrapped around me.

My tail was wagging like a hurricane, but my body was frozen in place. "Tray stop picking on the little guy!" Mr. Miranda yelled out from the boy's locker room entrance. Making Tray flinch and sheepishly let me go. Oh how I wished for him to hold me longer, but I shook the thought away and parted from the girls. They snickered seeing how close Tray leaned on me as he generously guided me into the lockers. "Hey are you going to join me in the showers?" He asked almost making me snap my neck. A huge blush burned under my fur. Tray saw my embarrassment and difficulty to speak and tried to rephrase his question. "U-uh! I-I mean. Well you know, to wash the dirt and sweat off our bodies... You have used the showers here, right?" He questioned a little flustered.

I shook my head and mumbled a reply, which he did not hear. "W-What was that?" He asked again. "N-No I haven't... Last year I had Ty for gym... Things didn't go well for me... Besides, I have Dance next so there's no point for me to shower yet." I answered simply. Tray stopped in his tracks and I turned to see his shoulders stiffen. "Is something wrong?" I asked worried. He shook his head and smiled at me. "No, nothing is wrong. I'll go take a shower then. Will you wait for me?" He asked, lifting his sweat soaked shirt over his head. Flexing his chest and abs teasingly. I quickly looked away as the heat flared up in my face. He chuckled and stripped off the rest of his clothes until he was bear naked towards his locker.

It took all of my will power to resist looking down at his nice ass and cute tail. Retrieving a towel, he turned around to flash me a hint of his private parts before covering them. 'Oh god!' I though, seeing such a huge piece of meat hiding two grapefruit sized balls. I was speechless to know that Tray was well gifted for a fellow dog. Now the only thing I'm going to see in my dreams all week was that. I must have been in daydream land because when I came to Tray was already gone to the showers. I shook my head and sighed in defeat as I took a seat on the bench placed in front our locker. I'm usually thrilled for dancing, but I feel too beat. Stretching my arms over my head, I got up and opened my locker for my gym bag.

Quickly replacing the sweat soaked clothes for my dance clothes. Which revolves around a light pink baggy tank top with the words 'TOO FLUFFY' and white short shorts. Sitting back down upon the bench I waited patiently for Tray and probably Rex to leave the showers' since I didn't see the huge polar bear while entering the locker room. The steam leaked out of the open entrance from the showers, heating up the room to an uncomfortable temperature. But thanks to the change of close it was rather bearable. It didn't take long for the two jocks to leave the room with a few other guys. They walked in laughing and punching each-others' arms like typical men. I giggled as I watched them walk over, but twisted my head, realizing that they were all naked holding their towels. 'What the hell!' I thought, feeling a little teased. I could easily hear my two friends walking closer like everything was normal.

"Hey Little Dog! Why are you looking away? Don't you want to see what a polar bear got to offer?" Rex laughed out loud seeing my face burn, until Tray punched him in the gut. Although, it seemed ineffective. "Nice try, but I'm built like a tank." The polar bear grinned triumphantly placing both paws on his hips extending his solid chest. Tray grumbled, deciding to ignore the bear's smug face. "Are you okay Sora." The Rottweiler asked earnestly looking down at me. My back was facing them and debating to turn around was difficult because of the chance I'll get a face full of dick. This is so embarrassing because it's so very tempting. " might be easier to answer you guys put something on." I said shyly. "Hmm? Oh right!" The Rottweiler sheepishly claimed wrapping the towel around his waist. Rex followed suit after the Rottweiler elbowed him.

"All right we're covered." Rex voiced. I got up and turned around as the guys got a look at me. Tray's eyes widen and Rex whistled making me blush some more while the Rottweiler gaped comically. The heat from the showers was still entering the room, making me feel warmer in more ways than one. "Um, What?" I asked timidly. Rex slapped Tray on the back, snapping him back to reality. "Huh? What?" Tray jerked sputtering his words. "That's quite the outfit. Don't you agree Tray?" Rex complemented, hinting for Tray to say something. "Y-Yeah! You look great!" Tray said a little too loudly. I shrunk into myself when some of the guys changing stared at us.

"T-Thanks..." I whispered. There was an awkward silence that was soon broken by the polar bear. "Geez, you dogs are so tense. Hurry up and d-Hm?!" Rex couldn't finish his statement when Tray jumped and covered his mouth. I stepped back surprised and raised an eyebrow. "Ha-ha, just ignore anything that comes out of this moron's mouth! Why don't you head out and we'll come out shortly?" Tray said with an uncomfortable smile. "O-Okay?" I hesitantly said, grabbing my things. I walked passed the bathrooms and turned around one more time to see Tray and Rex drop their towels. I quickly looked away as I stepped through the exit. Letting out a sigh when I twisted my head where the dressed students waited in front of the closed gate. I smiled when I saw Clover and Luna talking together in their own dance clothes.


When Sora left the locker room. "Dude! What the Hell?!" Rex peeved opening his locker. "You better explain to me why it's so difficult for you to just come out to him. I mean seriously! It's obvious he likes you and you like him." The polar bear pointed out waiting for an answer while he attempted to put on a shirt. Tray bit his lip to delay a response. "Well?!" Rex growled impatiently after getting his head through the opening. "Okay, I'm scared he doesn't feel the same way! I know its stupid but after Sarah..." The Rottweiler whispered with a hint of a whimper in his voice.

"Are you for real? Firstly, he looks at you with total affection and trust. Secondly, that pup is ten times- no, one hundred times better than that bitch of a cheerleader. Just ask him out already." Rex's encouragement brought a hopeful smile back on the Rottweiler's muzzle as they got changed. "Fuck!" Tray snapped out of nowhere. Rex jumped and looked at his friend, worried. "Whoa. What's up?" Rex asked curiously. Tray scratched his cheek and explained to his friend about how his mother wanted to have Sora over this weekend.

"Well look who finally decided to come out!" Luna said, grinning at me with a wave. "Oh please, he came out a long time ago." Clover commented with her own grin. I playfully nudged them both. "Hey! What did I ever do to you?" I laughed glaring at Clover. "Nothing, that's my reason." Clover huffed. "Try opening up more. Be wild." Luna and I looked at each other and burst out laughing. "Okay, I think Alexis is rubbing off on you too much. Sooner or later you're going to lose your 'Gossip Queen' title and become a Weeb." Luna howled. "How dare you. I earned that title and there is no way I'm going to lose it." The bunny declared with a stomp. "By the way, where are your two boys at?" Luna asked me. I shrugged and told them they were getting changed. We still had three minutes before the gate opened to dismiss us for sixth period.

Before the minute passed Tray and Rex exited the locker room and walked towards us. I waved for them to come over and we all started to discuss our next classes. It seemed Tray was going to Spanish 1 and Rex was heading to History class. When the gate opened we were going to part ways, but Tray pulled me from the side. "H-Hey Sora. I was wondering if you would like to come over to my house this weekend. Saturday, if you're not busy." The Rottweiler asked looking nervous.

Honestly, I was starting to fidget having my crush invite me over to his place. But it's just him wanting a friend to hang out with after all. "Sure, I'll love to come over! Is there anything I should watch out for?" I gratefully accepted with an open smile. My tail had a slow upbeat wag to match my mood. Tray beamed and suddenly grabbed me in a tight hug. My face blew up and my tail wagged furiously. "That's great! Oh, can you stay for dinner?" He asked with an overjoyed grin. A gleam sparkled in his overjoyed eyes like he won the lottery or something. "Um, Y-yeah. I need to ask my papa first, but he'll probably let me come over."

"Cool!" Tray barked, quickly letting me go as he made his escape. I stood there in a haze of my own thoughts until Clover and Luna called out. Telling me to hurry up from above the stairs. Snapping me out of my stupor. As we got into the dance room next to the fitness room, two orange striped arms grabbed Clover and I and squeezed the stuffing out of us. The assailant laughed out loud from above our heads'.

We didn't have to look up to see who it was since the laughter obviously belonged to Alexis. Luna joined in the laughter as she watched both of us in the tiger's arms being lifted to a corner. Alexis placed me down carefully and sat down with the bunny on her lap. "Spill pup. What did Tray just ask you and don't play stupid either. I saw him talking to you from the railing." Alexis challenged, amused and curious. Clover's ears attempted to perk, but the tiger's chin pinned them down. Luna sat on the floor with us joining in our little group.

I started to twist the strands of my cheek fur and looked up at the girls. My face felt a little hot having all their eyes on me. "W-well, he just invited me his place for dinner. J-just as friends!" I added, before Alexis jumped for joy. "Oh please, friends my ass! Boy, He wants you." Alexis assured crossing her arms in front of Clover. "That's right Sora! You can't tell me you haven't noticed the way he looks at you...or hugs you. I mean he probably hugs you more than any of his male friends." The bunny agreed full heartedly to what her significant other said.

"Wait! Are you guys for real?! Tray likes Sora in a romantic way. Oh man, I need to ask Luka when I get home." Luna marveled wide eye. "Luka?" I questioned tilting my head. "Luka's my fraternal twin brother. I look like our mother who is a wolf while he looks like our father that is a husky. We just have the same china blue eyes and taste in music. He's the team captain of the football team, so he might have some interesting stories if I corner him." The wolf giggled mischievously.

"P-Please... I don't really think Tray likes me in that way..." I whimpered silently. "Don't be like that Sora. That dog definitely has feelings for you. Come on, have some self-confidence." Alexis growled frustrated. Could Tray really have romantic feelings for me? He didn't seem to mind me sitting on his lap this morning or the times he held me close. 'Can we be more then friends?' I thought, feeling a little spark of hope beat in my chest. My tail wagging slowly till it sped up. The three girls noticed my change of mood and the big happy smile on my muzzle.

I failed to notice the rest of the class and Mrs. Winter in front of our group. Class was beginning, however, the Rottweiler plagued my mind throughout class. That deep alluring sexy voice, which sends shivers down my spine. The warmth and strong scent of cinnamon etched into his chest fur. Or the way he glides his fingers against my fur when he digs his nails in... I want nothing more than to be Tray's boyfriend, but if my friends looked too much into this it can backfire terribly.

My thoughts were in a haze as my body moved auto-manically to the choreography. It wasn't amazing, but it was passable. Although, everyone could tell something was on my mind. By the end of class I waved goodbye to the girls and headed down to the locker room to change. I shivered when the warm outside breeze blew through my sweat-covered fur. I wasn't planning to take a shower, but after taking a good whiff changed my mind. I hesitated when I entered the locker room since this was my first time consider showering here.

I just had to get in and out fast. Everything was going to be okay. There wasn't a sixth period gym class at the moment, so it was empty. But I didn't want to take the chance for any jocks' to show up during lunch. Stripping off the little clothes I had on I shoved them into my gym bag and retrieved the towel. Tray's shirt he loaned me was still in my bag. I forgot to give it back to him before he left. Shoot... "I'll just give it back next period." I reasoned my thoughts out loud, quickly shoving everything back in my locker. After that I quickly walked to the showers', yipping a little in surprise to the very cold tile flooring compared to the cement floored locker room.

Geez was it cold. I went to the closest showerhead in the corner and turned the knob for hot water, only to dodge scalding water in time. After adjusting the temperature I was in business. Unfortunately, there was no shampoo so all I could do was soak and squeeze the water out of my fur. "Need some shampoo?" A voice boomed into the room, making me yelp in fright. Snapping my head back in alarm to a rather worried bull. I let out a tense breath as my tightened muscles relaxed in relief. "Hi, Mr. Miranda...Can I have that shampoo, please." I asked fully turning around with a paw covering my crotch.

The coach snorted at my attempt at modesty and left to bring back the shampoo. "How's your dad doing?" He yelled across the facility. "Mm...Okay. Did you really try to out drink my papa?" I asked curiously. Yesterday, papa came home a little late, tripping on his feet. Uncle Tim was laughing at the display while both Ray and me were embarrassed. Papa has a pretty high alcohol tolerance and when I say pretty high, I mean down right cheating. For my papa to come home tipsy means he drank enough to put a grizzly in a coma.

"Hey, it was for old time's sake. I was this close to beating him." The bull claimed reentering the room. Pinching his hooved fingers as close as possible without touching. Giving me the most serious look he could give. It didn't take long for us to burst laughing at the idea anyone could beat my papa. Mr. Miranda and my papa are good friends since the college days, but work sometimes keeps them from interacting. I guess the bull can be considered a third uncle at times where it counts. He came a little close before tossing the shampoo bottle to me.

I was able to catch it with one paw against my fur soaked chest that squished from the applied weight. Smiling up at Mr. Miranda, I thanked him and returned to my shower. Pop opening the camp earned me a sniff of lavender scented suds as I giggled. I looked back to see the bull walk back to his office as I lathered the sweet flower shampoo into my fur. By the time I soaped up my entire body in bubbles I heard the bell ring. Sending me into a panic to rinse off the shampoo before any wonders enter the locker room. Turning off the shower, I retrieved my towel off the wall rack.

After shaking off the extra water on my fur. I used the towel to help dry the remaining water. There was a fur dryer, but...the time it will take- "Sora use the fur dryer. Don't worry. I'll make sure no one enters the room so take your time." The bull shouted from his office. Mr. Miranda is the best! I could feel the gust my damp wagging tail created and hurryingly left the showers to turn right towards the dryers. It was pretty much a wall full of holes that releases hot air when the motion sensor is triggered. I was close enough to trigger the dryer and feel the comfortable heat blow through my wet fur.

Turning around a couple times and combing through my fur helped dry it faster. Although, anytime you dry your fur can make you a puffball, which is why I carry a fur brush in my gym bag. Finally done with redressing, I left the locker room after returning the shampoo bottle to the bull. I still had time for lunch and ran straight for the cafeteria. There were students hanging around in their groups gossiping, but I paid no mind to it. If I wanted to learn something, Clover would tell us...even when I don't want to know.

I made it to the double doors, only to be stopped by Ty, whose smile sent chills down my spine. "Excuse me." I politely said before attempting to move the door open. Only to be blocked again by the rabbit devil. "Sorry, but flea bitten mutts like you aren't allowed in. Why don't you go back and eat behind a garbage can like the worthless animal you are. Better yet." He snapped his fingers and I could hear, no feel the hostile presence behind me.

I cried out when I was suddenly grabbed from behind and thrown at a garbage can in front of the cafeteria. Hitting the back of my head against the pavement sent sharp pain. It hurt so much that I was left to whimper on the floor in a ball clutching my head. I could feel something wet touch my finger pads. Bearing through the pain I looked up to see Ty laughing and a big lion that looked uncomfortable stare down at me. Tears fell down one after another. I tried to get up, but the world started to spin and I fell back down again.

Ty laughed out again and pointed out my tumble as a joke. I felt sick, ashamed, embarrassed...worthless. Just make it stop- "Sora!" Someone yelled out or was it a growl. I couldn't tell...everything was blurred both in sight and sound. I felt so weak...I couldn't move, but the last thing I remember is being picked up in warm caring arms. A fast yet calming beat echoed in my was soothing...

Tray's POV

'Where is he?!' I screamed in my head. Sitting in the same spot with Alexis, Clover, and Rex. This time Luka decided to join us with his sister Luna. Half the time for lunch is almost approaching, lunch being ignored in front of me as I kept an eye on the door. "Big dog calm down! I'm sure the pup is on his way. Geez, I don't see these two overacting." The bear pointed out looking at them. I did the same to maybe help calm me down. But I could see the worry in their expressions too, which didn't all.

"Maybe, we should have waited for him..." Clover uneasily rubbed the side of her neck. Alexis looked just as troubled as her mate. I was about to comment that I'd go find him when I heard a cry outside. I immediately jumped out of the bench and ran towards the door. I could hear the others behind me as I slammed the doors open. What I saw sent me into a rage. Sora was on the ground whimpering, but unmoving. Ty and a lion stood over my pup. That Rabbit dared to laugh at my boy with that disgusting smug grin! And that lion...Son of a bitch it's Jonny!

Screw them, they're not important. "Sora!" I roared out every pissed. Shoving both of the morons hard as I made my way to Sora. He wasn't whimpering anymore...actually he wasn't moving or doing anything anymore. I kneeled down and caught the distinct smell of copper over the sweet smell of lavender. I panicked when I turned the pup over to see the hints of red mixed into his orange head fur.

Without thinking I picked up the Shiba as carefully as possible and turned around to face the two culprits and stare them down. Holding Sora tightly against my chest I bared my teeth and snarled at the rabbit and lion. Rex and the others were visible in the corner of my eye, but my focus was solely on the two in front. "You better remember this and remember it good you pieces of trash! Touch this pup one more time and there will be no where for your asses to hide when I rip you to shreds!" I roared, making the rabbit and lion flinch, but that fucking rabbit kept his smug retarded grin.

"Is that a threat I hear? I wonder what the coach would say if I told him. Maybe he'll finally kick you off the team. At least without you we can truly win and that mutt deserved what he got." Ty said acting all high and mighty. This rabbit is truly an idiot, we never once lost a game and most of the wins were because of my help. But what really ticked me off is the fact he called my pup a mutt! I was going to pounce on this motherfucker, but an orange and white fist beat me to the goal as I watched the rabbit fly seven feet away and skid into a tree.

He was out cold instantly as everyone went slacked jaw, watching Alexis retract her fist and huff out an irritated growl. The tiger snapped her head in my direction, which caused me to step back. She looked at Sora cradled in my arms and nodded her head in the directed to the nurse's office. I nodded back and ran as gently as I could. Damn it! Why did this have to happen again! I could feel my eyes burning as I looked down at the unconscious loveable pup in my arms.

His eyes were closed, but surges of pain would cause his nose to crinkle and eyes to squint. I was going to protect him and I failed to do just that. I held my pup close in my arms till a muffled voice ringed into my ears. "T-Tray can't b-breath." Sora whimpered, trying with whatever strength he could muster to push my firm chest away. I stopped and almost tumbled over with the Shiba in my arms. "Sora! You're awake! Oh thank god." I balled rubbing my cheek against his forehead.

I completely forgot his injury until he winced and squeezed his eyes shut in a whimper. "S-Sorry! I'm taking you to the nurse right now. Can you tell me what happened?" I asked pacing myself. "I'm not really sure...I was about to reach the cafeteria doors when Ty stopped me. H-He said some hurtful things then had someone grab me from behind...I think I was thrown at a garbage can? It's hard to remember... There was pain and blood? I feel dizzy." Sora was having trouble keeping his eyes open.

Now I was really concerned if my pup had a concussion. We made it to the nurse's office. A red panda wearing big round red glasses and a white lab coat sat behind a desk. Holding a piece of chicken with chopsticks, before dropping everything when she saw the pup in my arms. "Sora! Oh my dear, what happened?" She jumped and guided me to the patient bed. I carefully placed the pup down and watched as the nurse did her job as I explained what happened. He was laying on his back as she flashed a flashlight into his eyes.

Telling him to follow the light. He was able to do it, but struggled to keep them open. Next she went to the back and came back with ointment, bandages, and some painkillers. She asked me to help the Shiba up as she disinfects the cut behind his head and wrap the bandage. She handed me the pills and instructed me to give them to him when the pain becomes too unbearable. She looked at him hunched over and sighed deeply. "I did all I could do. The good news is that he doesn't have a concussion." That brought a smile onto my muzzle, but I felt a 'but' coming. "But" Fuck...

"He may have issues moving around campus for the time being if he still feels dizzy. By any chance it gets worse, he will have to go home-" Suddenly, the door slammed open and an older orange Shiba ran in. "Where is he?" Mr. Clawson pleaded, looking everywhere but where we were. Ms. Aoi looked pissed as she crossed her arms and coughed it get his attention. Mr. Clawson flinched and rubbed his neck fur embarrassed, but got over it when he saw Sora on the bed.

"How is he doing?" The older Shiba asked, concern cracking into his voice. "He's okay Ray. I was just telling Mr. Gale here to help guide Sora around campus and to call for help if the condition worsens." She explained. Mr. Clawson didn't look happy, but accepted the answer. He was just happy the pup was not in any serious danger. "Mr. Clawson-" I tried to call out, but the Shiba put out his paw to stop me and smiled. "It's okay Mr. Gale. Alexis and Clover explained what happened. Sadly, Alexis will be suspended for punching Mr. Granite even though he deserved it." RC growled showing some teeth.

Believe me the feeling is mutual. "What about Ty and...Jonny?" I said as the urge to snap their heads resurfaced. "Mr. Granite and the principle's son Jonny Heartson will be suspended too. Man...Alex was really disappointed." The older Shiba explained shaking his head tiredly. The older Shiba had to leave, but before he did, he gave me Sora's gym bag that must have been left on the ground. Lunch was close to ending and I doubt my pup ate anything...neither did I. I forgot my lunch on the table. I pinched the bridge of my nose and growled. My stomach followed along not too soon after.

"...Are you hungry Tray?" The pup asked, making me jump forgetting that I was helping him to the cafeteria after leaving Aoi's office. "Y-Yeah... I was kind of waiting for you." I answered back thoughtlessly. "Oh...sorry." "Hey now pup. It's not your fault. I'm just really happy you're alright." When I looked down Sora had a clear blush showing through his white cheek fur. Fuck, he's adorable- Ow! I wasn't watching where I was going and crashed into a pole. I would have turned red under my fur if Sora didn't just laugh cutely.

Cringing moments later placing a paw on his wrapped bandaged head. Forgetting everything I came close to the pup and cupped his cheek to get a view of his face. His eyes were closed tightly with the smallest indication of tears running down. He was in pain. I still had the painkillers in my pocket, but my pup needs to eat before taking them. Its time to be the big dog and man up! Sora yelped when I lifted him in my arms. The only difference this time is Sora is fully awake. "T-Tray! What are you doing?!" He whined startled by my actions. Looking flustered as he clings to the collar of my jacket.

"Sorry, but by the time we make it to the cafeteria lunch will be over. And I want to eat my lunch with you." I said, feeling the heat rise to my face. The pup stopped struggling in my arms and leaned closer to my chest. My heart was beating a mile a minute as I held him tighter. I continued to walk and noticed Luka and Luna waiting in front of the double doors for us. They saw us coming and grinned at us that made the heat under my collar rise.

"How is he Tray?" Luka asked gently moving over to see the bandage around the pup's head. "He's in pain, but overall okay." I answered back earning a relieved sigh by both the canines. They guided us back inside towards the table where my lunch bag still stood. "Where's Rex?" I asked not spotting the large polar bear. "He went with Alexis and Clover for support. They told us to wait here in case you came back." There were odd stares landing on me as I carried Sora over and placed him down next to my seat. But I could care less about what they think.

His ears were down and sadness was present in his eyes, probably about Alexis getting suspended. "Sora, want me to get your lunch?" I asked hoping to change topics. "...No its okay...I brought my own." He said giving me a grateful smile. I took my seat next to him. When the Shiba removed his backpack and dug into it, I did the same.

But to my surprise and irritation, instead of food, I pulled out a note saying 'I.O.U from your favorite bear.' Dumbfounded with a growling stomach I crumpled the paper bag and plotted my revenge on Rex. Luka looked over and saw the note in my paw, holding back a chuckle. "Do you want to share?" Sora asked. I didn't want to take his food again and the pup needs to eat a real meal to take the pills. I turned to face him and reject the offer, but in front of him was a big box wrapped in fabric. Speechless I stared at the box earning another laugh from the Shiba.

"My uncle likes to make bento lunches for me, but sometimes he goes overboard. Well...?" I didn't know what to say. I've never had a bento before and it looked quite big. I nodded my head and a huge smile grew on the Shiba's muzzle, which meant I made the right choice. Sora untied the cloth as it fell. The big box was actually composed of four small boxes. As he lifted the first box and removed the lid my nose was assaulted by the flavors that were completely new to me.

My mouth was watering over and I could see Luka and Luna were in the same boat. "Mr. Clawson made that?" I asked, looking over the container. Something looking like omelets, but more organized. Sausages shaped like octopus mixed with a small salad. Some white grainy stuff that smelled rather tasty. Sora then took the lid off the rest of the food. I think I died and went to heaven as my stomach roared its approval.

Chicken, Beef, something round with that white grain surrounding the outside, and another white grain dish, but it was slightly brown with mixed egg and veggies. "Um...Uncle Ray's husband made this. He's a big grizzly who loves to cook." Sora said, taking a bite of a sausage octopus. Cupping his cheeks in glee. Mom always tells me to try new things. So I grabbed that roll thing with my fingernails and popped it into my mouth. My eyes bulged as I savored the overwhelming flavors.

Sora giggled and smiled up at my goofy face. "That's called a California roll. Rice covers the outside and the feeling is mixed with imitation crab, , . Next I looked at the chicken and there was a small container on the side of it. Sora pointed out that it was teriyaki sauce. He removed the lid and drizzled it on top of the finely cut chicken. The beef was thinly cut and placed on wooden sticks. They seemed barbequed since there were hints of char. I didn't realize Luka left the table and came back with little packets that hold sporks and napkins.

I immediately dug into the chicken and shivered in bliss. Next was the Fried rice, Sora explained to me after a brief pause. It was really tasty and I was starting to devour it. Sora offered some to Luka and Luna, who were grateful, but they kind of had to fight me off...hehe. After swallowing a muzzle full of chicken and rice I turned to Sora with a huge loving grin. But my eyes went wide when the pup held up a teriyaki beef stick for me.

His face looked flush as I leaned over and took a bite. I looked up into his purple eyes and saw the affects my stunt pulled on the pup. If I thought I looked love struck, he's on an entirely new level. I pulled back, chewing on the beef. It was tasty too. A little difficult to chew into pieces, but still good.

While this was going on Luka and Luna were watching on the side. They would whisper or giggle with a beef stick in paw at the show.

God was my stomach stuffed. It's been awhile since I had delicious food that didn't belong to my mom. The others seem to share my sentiment as I leaned over to get my gym bag. I took out my water bottle and handed it over to my pup. He looked at me puzzled as to why I gave it to him, until I took the two pills out of my jacket pocket and handed them to him. His ears perked then lowered as he gave me loving puppy dog eyes. My heart nearly stopped. He placed the pills on his tongue and took a chug of water. Some of the water spilled out from the side of his muzzle, causing him to giggle when he stops drinking.

Luka coughed to get my attention as I snapped my head to his direction harshly. Completely forgetting the husky and his sister. He perched his head on his folded paws looking at me with a knowing smile. His sister was doing the same, making the heat rise to my face. "Thanks." Sora thanked, handing back the water bottle. "No, thank you for the food it was amazing." I said, feeling my tail wag from the memory. "I'll make sure to tell Uncle Tim you loved it. He might make more next time." Sora said with a big smile. 'Oh I can't wait.' I thought, feeling my mouth salivate again.

Luka and Luna left first when the bell rang while I helped Sora up. Walking him to our next class we made a quick stop to our locker to drop off our things. Sadly, our school lockers were on different floors. I pouted a bit that we don't have another thing in common. We went to my locker first and before I opened Sora pulled out a shirt from his gym bag. I stared at it, then remembered that I lend it to him. "Um...thank you for letting me wear your shirt." He said shyly. My tail begins to wag again as I accepted my shirt back.

I was able to get a whiff of it before I threw it into my locker and pull out a history textbook. I shivered when I caught Sora's sweet scent entwined in the fabric. Thankfully I restrained myself before my pup thought I was some kind of pervert. As we entered, the teacher Mr. King, a go with the flow hound wrote the lesson on the board. All of the chairs were just about filled except two spots that were being saved by Jessie and Luka.

The two dogs waved us over when they saw us. The Doberman noticed the bandages around Sora's head and raised an eyebrow. Luka whispered something into Jessie's ear and they lowered slightly. We took our seats and got organized for class. I could see Jess repeatedly looking at my pup's injury, but he wasn't the only one. The class would try to steal glances at us. It wasn't until Mr. King turned around to see the Shiba. "Crikey lad! Where in bloody hell did you earn that?" The hound crossed his arms waiting for a reply. "Um...I fell." The Shiba awkwardly crossed his fingers. Not looking at Mr. King as he answered.

The old hound narrowed his eyes and tapped his foot, patiently waiting. "Codswallop! I'm not going to fall for that clanger so out with it." Sora bit his lip and whimpered. I didn't like how my pup was keeping the truth from the teacher. In fact, why isn't he outing that rabbit to the teacher. Making eye contact with the fidgeting pup briefly, Sora looked away. Hell, it clicked. He doesn't want my team to suffer by losing a teammate...even when the teammate is a homophobic piece of shit who dare to lay a paw on my pup! Jessie kneed my arm when I started to growl unconsciously. I coughed and composed myself as I got up.

Mr. King looked at me and narrowed his eyes looking a little madder. Probably assuming I was the cause of the injury, which mind you I would never do-ever. "Mr. King, Sora got injured because of Ty Granite and Jonny Heartson. They pushed Sora into a trash can for fun." I answered honestly, which made the hound calm down, although he was still irritated. "Thank you for telling me Mr. Gale. However I would have liked for Sora to tell me instead. Sora, lad. You need to come up and tell me or any of the teachers' when you're being bullied. We don't want a repeat of last year." Mr. King turned around and wrote something new on the board.

Sora froze with big sorrowful eyes like he was reliving that moment again. Jessie too tensed up with shame as his ears pinned to his head. I could feel the muscles in my arms and back twitch at the mention of last year as the anger bubbled up to the surface. A cough echoed in my ear as I turned to the one who made it. Luka gazed at me, understanding my rage, but shook his head that now was not the time.

That cough snapped the other two canines out of their stupor too. They stared at one another, until Sora smiled up at the big Doberman. Jess's eyes grew wide and smiled back as tears started to swell up. He chuckled lightly and wiped them away with his arm. Everything was going back to normal or at least as normal as it can get. The rest of school went by much easier than the beginning. We had Mr. Clawson for our Advisory teacher, which made a cute little Shiba even more adorable as I watched that cotton tail wag.

Alexis, Clover, Rex, Luka, and Jessie were in the class too which made our group bigger. At least we didn't have that bitch or any of the other annoying people here. Now I just have to wait for Sora's reply for coming over tomorrow when he asks his dad... Wait shouldn't it be the mom?