Ablaze Once Again

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#4 of My Husband's Girlfriend - A Cheating/Cuckolding Series

Just when Fyr thinks her and Ropes' relationship is back on track, her husband begins acting like himself again.

This story was written for Fyrdrgon. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults, themes of adultery/cuckolding, dom/sub play, rough sex, impregnation/pregnancy and humiliation focused on pregnancy/fertility (possible tw for this).

Ablaze Once Again

"Oh... R-Ropes... again?"

Fyr awoke with lips upon her breasts, pecking tenderly at the peaks of her bountiful chest, caressing the smooth scales and probing, exploring around the nipples rising from their very apex. It was still dark. Still pitch black in their bedroom, but with the rumbling growls and purrs filling the air around her the dragoness knew without even straining her eyes to see through the darkness that her husband was responsible for disturbing her slumber.

"One more. I need you, Fyr. Your dripping pussy. I need it."

Without waiting for her response, no fewer than three of the puma's fingers delved between Fyr's trembling thighs. Her back arched, pressing her body up against the male straddling her freshly woken form as a ragged gasp of pleasure escaped her. She was exhausted. Not just from a long day of work, but also from the last few days of activity at home, too. In the last few months, with Ropes' attention divided between herself and Chemical, the bitch who seemed intent on stealing her husband away from her so shamelessly whenever possible, Fyr had all but forgotten what it was like to have Ropes focused solely upon her. But for the last few weeks, for reasons that he outright refused to even devote a single word of his time to, Chem had been conspicuously absent. A fight? An outright breakup? Perhaps Ropes had finally realised who was truly the better woman of the two. Who knew. Either way, Fyr had her husband back, and now that she was his only regular source of sexual relief once more... well, Fyr was being made to remember just how insatiable the appetites of a pleasure demon could be.

Barely thirty seconds after the male's fingers had begun to probe and pleasure her, rubbing his thumb over her swollen clit which his tongue had already devastatingly assaulted earlier that night, Ropes' digits pulled hurriedly back. Fyr didn't even have the chance to cry out in fevered desire however before they were replaced by the thick length of his cock. With his foreskin drawn back the throbbing head of his member grazed against her aching clit, then slipped just a little way downward and in between those flushed, swollen outer lips. His palms pinned her shoulders to the bed. In the darkness the heat and wetness of his savage panting washed out over her face. And then...

" Yes!"

Fyr screamed as he took her. Wrapping her legs around his waist, toes splayed out and quivering before curling tightly as he drew back, then dived back in once again. He began to fuck her. To pound her senseless right from the start, no build up, no time for either one of them to relish the simple romantic intimacy of their togetherness. They didn't need it. Ropes needed to drain his balls deep inside the clutching depths of his wife, and Fyr... Fyr needed to let him, giddy at the sensation of being taken and worked with such fevered force once again after so many weeks of not knowing when her next fuck from the man she loved was going to happen.

"Harder, Ropes. Harder!"

She begged, and he obeyed without question. His hips slammed against her with such force that the slap of thighs against thighs echoed around the dark bedroom amidst their grunts and snarls. His weight pressed down over the powerful dragoness with a force that would have harmed a lesser woman, but only drove Fyr to greater heights of her own rapturous lust. The bed shook, even its sturdy, re-enforced structure struggling to cope with the sheer excess of use it had found itself faced with in recent times. Fyr shook harder though. She quaked beneath the savage intensity of her lover's actions, and felt herself not so much rising towards the heights of an orgasm as she was being dragged, kicking, screaming and snarling in almost agonisingly violent ecstasy.

"Right there. R-right... oh fuck! Fuck , R-Ropes, yes!"

She screamed at the top of her lungs, eyes bulging and face flushed beneath her scales as she felt herself losing all control over her inner musculature. It clutched and convulsed urgently as hot waves of liquid lust poured out from around Ropes' still rapidly thrusting, deeply striking cock. Fyr's toes curled so tightly it almost hurt as she felt herself squirting uncontrollably, muzzle wide open, eyes wide but utterly sightless as her mind found itself so wholly devoted to processing the sheer volumes of pleasure she was experiencing that there was barely sense enough left in her to remember to breath between shrieks of bliss.

Even as her body sagged in the wake of the orgasm's fury though, Fyr was under no illusions that the overwhelming pleasure was going to end there. Considering how many times Ropes had fucked her throughout that afternoon, evening and when they turned in for the night what must have been only a couple of hours ago, she was already exceptionally sensitive. Now that was heightened to such an extreme that she felt light-headed as his thrusting continued, a tightness building in the base of her stomach that Fyr's overwhelmed brain couldn't quite tell if it was supposed to be processing as pleasure or pain.


Ropes snarled a short while later, and Fyr's whole body tensed in joyous anticipation as she felt his cock flare and throb more urgently still within her. She reached out through the darkness, smiling through gritted teeth and ragged gasps for breath as she saw the hazy, barely visible outline of his face illuminated as his pale white eyes began to glow with demonic fury and passion.

"Take it. T-take... e-every fucking drop..."

His pace picked up not just one gear, but by several, and the whole room began to echo with the creaking of the bed and loud, rhythmic clashes as the whole frame began to shake and slam against the wall behind the headboard. Fyr felt thick, slick tendrils wrapping around her wrists and ankles. Around her neck, not quite choking her but certainly moving as though letting her know they could do so at a single moment's notice. She felt her lover losing control. Letting his demonic self take over as he succumbed to his own savage, unabashed needs. This was it. This was why she had married Ropes, and why he had married her. Who else could handle his wild and supernaturally volatile needs? Who else could see and feel the most violent and savage extremes of over-stimulation, and love him all the more when finally they were released from those ravaging clutches?

Not Chemical, surely. Not that bitch, because if so... well, where was she now?! She, Fyr, was the only one. Ropes' one and only true love.

"Cum in me!"

She begged, voice ragged and breathless as the tentacle around her neck began to tighten in pulsating bursts, squeezing and clutching in time with the throbbing of the male's cock.

"Please, Ropes! Please , c-cu... cum... aaah! Aaahhhhhyes! Ropes, I'm..."

Her voice trailed off into a frantic roar as the puma began to pour himself into her, snarling and lunging down, biting hard at her left shoulder and drawing blood through her tough scales as he climaxed. Fyr came with him, their juices gushing and mingling as her clawed fingers dragged across his back, feeling where the demonic tendrils were springing forth from his back and the intensity with which he was trembling as his hips thrust hard against the pussy in which they were already hilted, letting loose ribbon after ribbon of thick, potent cum into her hungrily welcoming body.

Twenty seconds later, it was over.

Ropes rolled off Fyr, and they lay together in silence, trembling, twitching, bleeding onto their sheets without a care.

Shallow, ragged gasps grew heavy as they caught their breath, then slowed as the immediate intensity of the moment wore off and fatigue took its place.

Fyr didn't know exactly when she fell asleep, but it couldn't have been long.

Nor, she presumed, was it that long before she was woken up again.


She whimpered in disbelief as she awoke feeling herself being rolled over onto her back. A weight over her as her tail was pushed aside, her body being pulled back so that she was up on her knees, ass raised, legs spread.

As soon as she felt Ropes' lips upon her neck though, and two fingers sliding into her muzzle, glistening and scented thickly with his pre-cum, she gurgled in desire.

"A-again. Fuck me, R-Ropes. One more time. Please."


"Mnnghh... mnhhhhnnn..."

Fyr gurgled around Ropes' cock as he humped her face. It was getting light now. Dawn's first rays creeping under the bedroom drapes, illuminating the sight of the bed, comforter cast aside, sheets stained with sweat, cum and even small patches of blood from their biting and scraping. The dragoness lay upon her back, head propped up on the pillows as she continued the act she had awoken being pressed to perform, feeling Ropes' hard cock already rubbing itself against her sleeping muzzle. Of course she had welcomed it, and welcomed him into her maw in moments. Now, minutes later, he was holding onto her face tightly and fucking her muzzle every bit as savagely as he had fucked her pussy earlier that night.

He held nothing back as he sought to hump her maw, not the slightest bit afraid of Fyr's expert actions waning with her fatigue, totally secure in his belief that she would not allow a single sharp draconic tooth to do him any harm. Even as she began to moan and gurgle louder, hands reaching around the male's body and down between her own legs, stimulating herself as he fucked her face, Fyr didn't let her attention drift. She hungrily gulped down every drop of pre-cum offered to her as her tongue wrapped around and rubbed across the sensitive length of the male's member, stomach gurgling in anticipation of a more complete, filling load of cum rapidly approaching.

"Drink it."

Ropes snarled as he felt his orgasm rapidly swelling, his balls so full and tender it felt as though they might burst no matter how frequently and savagely he emptied them into his wife.

"Ahh... ah, f-fucking slut... take it. Take my cum! Ahhh!"

He grunted as he watched Fyr's eyes roll back and felt her own body shaking beneath him, driving herself to a climax of her own with her greedy, selfish fingers. The sight alongside the feeling of her suckling intensifying around his member was too much for Ropes to handle. Once more he began to let loose. To fill her maw with streaks of his rich, hot cum. He watched as she gulped down as much as she could, but still left some dribbling out around the corners of her muzzle while he kept on humping her.

Lustful, weary but unabashed in their own hunger, Fyr's eyes stared up at Ropes as her own peak passed and she finished draining him of his. He pulled back, wiping his saliva-stained cock off on the scaled surface of his wife's cheeks, and grinned savagely as she moaned up at him.

"D-don't... don't let me stop. Don't ever let me stop making you cum. I... I want every fucking drop you have, Ropes. Your cum. Y-your cock... they're mine, a-and no-one, not Chem or any other fucking bitch who thinks they can handle you like I can, is going to take this feeling away from me again."


"Y-yesss... ohhhgod, a-aaahhh... again...!"

Fyr had expected Ropes to let her sleep again, however briefly, after the dawn blowjob she had given him. But he hadn't. He'd teased her. Worked her with his fingers and one thick, green, glistening demonic tendril until he was ready to go again, and then fucked her. After that, he'd eaten her out before fucking her again. He'd sucked and licked his own cum right out of her gushing pussy before attacking her clit with his tongue in a sixty-nine, and then, after making her cum twice more with his muzzle before she could even do the same to him, had fucked her one more time.

By that point Fyr had realised that sleep was something she was just going to have to do without, that now it was morning, and this wasn't simply some quickie to get Ropes' rocks off before they enjoyed another restful post and pre-coital nap. This was it. This was them embarking upon one of those days. One of the day that had been far too rare in the recent past, but oh so regular and frequent since Chemical had made herself scarce once again. Ropes was a man of excessive needs. In fact, he wasn't a man at all in the mortal sense, and thus the needs weren't excessive, they were simply fitting for his true nature. His immortal, insatiable drive as a demon of pleasure.

"Ohh. O-oh... fuck. Ropes! I... p-please... so good..."

Fyr's breasts swung as she knelt upon all fours, muzzle open and panting like a dog as her husband fucked her from behind. Her buttocks were in constant motion, jiggling wildly from the sheer force with which Ropes' hips were slamming against her. His cock was so hard, so urgent in its straining, pulsing strokes that it seemed impossible that he had already fucked her into double digits since midnight. But Fyr couldn't doubt it, couldn't disbelieve it, because the pleasure of that throbbing length sliding in and out of her own well worked and tender pussy would not let her deny it. It was so fucking good, almost too good. Fyr wanted to stay awake, to stay conscious for more of this. And more. And more. But every time she came she swore that for a few moments she was blacking out, and with every fresh orgasm to crash over her she felt as though there was more and more of a chance that next time she lost consciousness in the wake of her peak, it would be more than mere seconds before she awoke again.

The dragoness gurgled, practically sobbing in ecstasy as Ropes lunged forward and pressed down against her back, beginning to hump her like she was a feral bitch in heat. His hands wrapped around her torso as his teeth nipped at the back of her throat, and Fyr shrieked shamelessly when mere seconds later one of those hands reached down and began to fondle between her legs. Spreading her already glistening, lewdly dripping lips open to grant him even more open, unfettered access, and thumbing roughly across the aching nub of her clit.

"I... I c-can't!"

Fyr screamed at the top of her lungs, though unable to communicate precisely what she was unable to do as a supernova of pure ecstasy exploded between her legs.

"I... h-hhhh_nnhhaaahhh_..."

She was cumming. Helpless. Uncontrolled and utterly overwhelmed. She could feel her own juices running like rivers down the insides of her thighs. Hear them dripping down to the bedding below in rich, heavily drumming droplets as Ropes slurped his way greedily in and out of her, using the extra lubrication to kick his thrusting up into another impossibly savage, lewd and wonderful gear.

Her arms gave way, and she tumbled head-first into the pillows, still screaming. Her toes curled. Her fingers twitched and flexed. Her tail thrashed and she shrieked, howled, roared into her pillows as her head span with dizzying volumes of pure, volatile sexual stimulation. She heard an ear-splitting snarl from behind her, and felt white hot cum flooding her depths at long last, prompting her to scream louder and cum harder still. And then... then the dragoness heard, felt, and said nothing more as she fell limp beneath the trembling, grunting, bucking figure of her husband, pussy still convulsing and squirting even as her mind gave up and Fyr's body collapsed into over-stimulated and truly overwhelmed unconsciousness.


When Fyr awoke, the curtains were open and the room, the bed in which she was lying was bathed in light. She whimpered softly. She whimpered because she hadn't awoken to the feeling of lips upon her. Of a cock rubbing against or even already inside her, all of which she would have welcomed greedily. She pulled herself upright, whimpering again as she realised that she had been asleep long enough for the sheets beneath her to mostly dry off, and dragged herself to the edge of the bed.

Unless he had gone out to work, unless he wasn't here, she was going to find Ropes. She was going to find him, fall to her knees in front of him, and suck his cock. Last night had been incredible. The past days had been incredible, and she wasn't ready to let the puma forget that fact. She would be here for him, here to give him what he wanted, what he needed, whenever he wanted it. He didn't have to restrain himself or settle for less with her. And now that Chemical was a mere stain in the rear view mirror of their relationship, they could both forget all about that slut and focus on the only people in their lives who could ever truly grant them satisfaction. Each other.

Naked, groping at one of her breasts with one hand and between her legs with the other as she padded out of the bedroom and down the hallway to the stairs of their home, Fyr readied herself. She was already needy, already worked up, but she wanted to reveal herself to Ropes already dripping wet. So ready, so eager for him that he wouldn't be able to resist her. Even if for some impossible reason he seemed to be spent or satisfied, she'd get him worked up again in mere minutes.

She hurried down the stairs and into the hallway at its base. She passed by the coat rack and... froze. Staring, blinking in dismay at what she saw before her, Fyr's right hand fell away from her pussy, and her left from her breasts. The ragged, lustful breathing she had been engaged in practically from the moment she awoke slowed and escaped in a more fearful, mournful rush as she groaned in horror.

Lying on the floor beside the front door were clothes. A white sun-dress too short for any self-respecting woman to wear out in public, and a pair of thong panties with their crotch darkened in one patch by still glistening arousal. Then, from the living room close by, she heard it. Not just a moan, but the moan of a voice that sent a dagger of anguish through the dragoness' heart.


No. Not again.

Not her.

She and Ropes had been doing so well. She'd been keeping him satisfied. Keeping him so sated that he didn't need to drift elsewhere. He didn't need to find other women. And... goddammit, even if he did find his eyes wandering again, despite Fyr's best efforts...

Why the fuck did it have to be her!?

Fyr burst into the living room with teeth bared, snarling as she saw Ropes kneeling beside one of their armchairs, face bowed and two green and black scaled legs draped over his shoulders and down his back. She could hear the loud slurping of his tongue at work, and of course she could hear more clearly now Chemical's moans of pleasure.

"Aaah... right there, r-right were you put your hot, t-thick cum. Oh fuck, Ropes. I... I missed your tongue, your cock so much. I couldn't wait, a-as... as soon as I realised I wasn't nauseous any more, t-that the morning sickness was passing..."

The other dragoness' eyes bulged. She didn't so much rush forward as she did stumble in disbelief and dismay, shaking her head as she told herself that Chemical was lying. That they'd heard her coming in and that the cruel bitch was saying those things to get a rise out of her. If so, it was fucking working.

She moved far enough into the room that the chair was no longer hiding Chemical from her sight, and turned to face the cheating pair just as they too turned their heads to face her. Ropes pulled his muzzle away from Chem's pussy, much to her frustration, and before he could say a word the dragoness upon whom he had been feasting spat words laced with venomous glee at the wife of the man resting between her legs.

"Thanks for keeping Ropes busy while I was laid up. I swear to god I thought the universe was playing a cruel joke on me when I started to get nauseous every time I got horny. But, y'know how fucked up biology can be, right? Still, it's all gonna be worth it, for the reward at the end."

Chemical's cruel grin evaporated for a moment, just a moment, as she looked down and rubbed her scaled belly, a little bigger and rounder than it had been the last time Fyr had seen the other dragoness. Then her eyes darted back up to Fyr once more though, and the savage glee returned as she tilted her head to one side.

"Y'know, you'd think that as much as he fucked you the last few weeks, and before I came along when his attention wasn't elsewhere with the sluts he settled for back then, he'd have knocked you up by now. Can you even get knocked up, Fyr?"

Fyr's eyes flashed with rage, with hurt, and of course with the humiliating arousal of seeing her husband stare blankly up at her as she was mocked and insulted, only to turn his head thoughtlessly away and return to feasting upon his mistress' pussy.

Chemical shuddered, moaned and rubbed at her belly with one hand, stroking the top of Ropes' head with the other as he tongued her swollen clit and wet, quivering inner depths.

"Ah. Mmmhh, yeah... or... aahh... is it something you did, Ropes? Can you... c-control it? Was it a choice by your demonic side to make me pregnant? T-to... to show that I'm worthy? Sure as hell more worthy than a spineless bitch who can't even... ah... s-stop her man from cheating on her when she catches him red handed and sticky-mawed."

Fyr tried not to react quite simply because she didn't know what that reaction would be. Was she going to lunge at Chemical and slap her across the face? Grab her husband around the neck and try to drag him away from the other dragon's pussy, make him face her and explain what the fuck he was doing getting another woman pregnant rather than her? Or was she holding back because she knew the truth of what this made her feel? Was she holding herself back because she knew that if she let her true feelings show, she wouldn't be weeping or angry or frustrated... she'd be masturbating. She'd be falling to her knees with her hands between her legs, shamelessly, feverishly frigging herself to a soaking wet orgasm in this state of abject humiliation. So overwhelmed, so aghast at the betrayal that she felt as though she might cum from how embarrassed, how horrifyingly and excitingly ashamed she was even if she didn't touch herself.

"Oh. O-oh... Ropes, I... mmhhh, y-yes... I'm gonna cum."

Paralysed by her own indecision, Fyr could only stand and stare blankly as Chemical began to writhe in her seat.

"Make me cum. M-make... aaahh... make the mother of your child cum. Oh god. I'm so close... s-so... so fucking close, Ropes. Yes. Yes... I... I'm cumming!"

Fyr tensed, shuddering, fighting with every last drop of composure she could muster not to react as the sight of Chemical cumming sent her over the edge. She'd brought herself too close with her masturbatory antics leading up to catching Ropes and his bitch of a girlfriend together. Too close, and now, undeniably turned on by their cruel betrayal and the humiliation it set ablaze within her, she was unable to hold back. Her cum trickled down the insides of her quivering thighs. More and more as she squirted and shuddered and stared at Chemical arching her back, rounded, fertile belly pressed outward as she moaned and grunted happily to Ropes.

"Ahhyes... d-don't stop. Father of my baby. My h-hot... sexy, demon daddy... eat me, t-then... ohh, yes... then fuck me. It's been so long, a-and... your baby's momma needs your cock in her."

Fyr watched, listened, stared helplessly as Chemical writhed and moaned her way through that orgasm, and even when the pair began to move and re-arrange themselves before her, she still couldn't bring herself to turn away. Soon Ropes was sitting on the chair with Chemical straddling his lap, and it was his hands which were gently rubbing her belly as she sank down on his rock hard cock. Even as Chemical leaned in, wrapped her hands around his neck and kissed the puma deeply as she slowly began to ride him though, it was Fyr whose face the puma's white, glowing demonic eyes were staring at.

It was the fire of her humiliation, her desire and desperation that he was feeding upon to fuel his arousal in that moment, not Chemical's lust or indeed anything that the other dragoness was doing with or to him.

And in that moment, as they stared at one another while Chemical mindlessly began to hump the father of her unborn baby, a strange thought crossed Fyr's mind. A thought that was every bit as disturbing and twisted as it was reassuring.

If it was her humiliation, her lustful embarrassment at being cheated upon that was driving Ropes now, and that perhaps had driven him to seek out someone who Fyr despised quite so personally as she despised Chemical in the first place... then maybe it was that same humiliation which had driven him to impregnate her.

Maybe, just maybe, Ropes hadn't knocked Chemical up because he cared for her more, or desired her more at all.

Maybe he'd gotten her pregnant to see how Fyr would react.

And maybe, just maybe, if that was the case... Fyr would let him find out.

By Jeeves

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