Dungeon of Forbidden Desires Part 2

Story by seraphor12 on SoFurry

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#2 of Dungeon of Forbidden Desire

"So, which one would you choose first?"

Isthak contemplated from the three, and he said, "Arnad."

"The rat, huh? He has been stuck in there for a while, so I guess it's time for you to relieve his stress, hmm? Now, the rule is this. You get to choose what he is going to endure, but be warned. The moment he lost his willpower without ever having fun, he's out."

"So, whatever fate I chose of him, if I fail discovering his fetish, he is thrown out?"

"Not only that, you get a strike. Three strikes and you're out. Ever heard about that impression? But, instead of kicking you out, I'll make you my slave."

Isthak gulped.

"Which is something you'll like, but it's going to be a waste of your hidden talent."

"And, how am I supposed to know?"

"You'll know soon enough. Remember, don't break him too soon."

Isthak nodded. Mirabelle then released his binding, giving his arms freedom as he sat in front of the screen. He did not know Arnad much, mostly because of the rat's reluctance to know more about a newbie like and the fact that he had not earned his respect, given that he was captured so early in the dungeon.

In front of the screens was a choice of contraptions. There were a lot of things that cater to every desire, which made Isthak gulped. He even saw a button saying 'knives'. He hoped that Arnad and the others had no fetish of being cut or anything that's too weird. He did not want that. It would be a major boner killer for him.

Knowing that he needed to choose one, he felt that 'gear' was pretty light. He pushed the button and saw what happened on screen. Arnad was still sleeping when several portals came out, grabbed him, and forcibly put on a bondage fetish gear set that involved a set of cuffs on his arms, thighs, and wrists, a leather strap with a hole for his cock and tail, and a collar.

"Hey, what the fuck?!" said Arnad as he looked at himself.

"Wrong choice, Isthak," said Mirabelle. "He does not seem to enjoy it."

"At least his willpower's there. He's just surprised, that's all," said Isthak.

"You don't need to force anything on him. The buttons in front of you is divided into three modes: immobilization, wearables, and stimuli, top, center, and bottom, respectively. The safest bet is to give stimuli and see his reaction. Unless you know him personally, you might not get what you want in the get go."

"I hope you tell me that before I put that gear on him."

"Sorry. Anyway, you got the right idea. He won't lose his willpower or mobility if you simply put something on him. Continue."

Isthak's doubt slowly disappeared. If he wanted to impress his captor and would be mentor, he needed to prove his worth. The Lizan then looked at the button and, with a guess, started pushing one that said 'brush'.

A brush appeared in front of Arnad. He seemed to be fixated by it and examined it. Before long he said, "Well, at least I won't get my hair curled up. Feels good on my tail, too."

Something about that sounded off. How could he use a brush on a fleshy, segmented tail like the one he had. Suspecting what his fetish was, Isthak pushed a button that said 'feather'.

"Oh, you know his fetish already?"

"I don't personally know Arnad or even understand him, but his actions are dead giveaways. Still, I need to know."

A feather came out and brushed Arnad's genitals, which caused him to giggle. The Lizan then quickly summoned a pillow with a hole, during which Arnad saw it. He then looked at it for a moment before he smiled and said, "Well...I think it's better than stroking myself."

As he did not know that he was being watched, he started moving towards the pillow and put his penis inside. With a grunt, he started pushing it, making a gyrating motion, pulling it in and out. Just then, a mischievous idea came through Asthak's mind, and he quickly found buttons to immobilize the rat.

The Lizan found several button marked 'Torture rack', but each with different functions. The first had no mark, the second was marked 'soft', and the third was marked 'painful'. He knew the 'soft' one would be the one Arnad would like, and he pushed it.

A rack came out from behind Arnad. The shackles magically locked into each of Arnad's limb and pulled him towards the rack. His erect penis was still there as he struggled to get off the rack.

"Oh, shit!" exclaimed Arnad. "I should've known that thing's a trigger!"

"Or so he thought," said Mirabelle. "Now, Isthak. I hope you're right. I don't want to strike you off."

"Don't worry. Even if I'm wrong, he's still happy, regardless."

Isthak then pushed several buttons as Arnad started to stop struggling, giving up. In front of him, several levitating feather and brushes loomed towards him as he looked at them with worry. A small stroke of brush caused him to giggle, then the brush brushing the sole of his feet caused him to giggle louder. It was only after everything was in place did he realized that he was going to be in a dire situation pretty soon.

"W-wait," said Arnad with a nervous grin. "H-how the hell does this dungeon...? I-I never told anyone about being ticklish, right? Does this dungeon...?"

Before he could even say anything more, the brush of feather started to make him yelp. Then as they feathers and other devices started getting on him, he started to laugh uncontrollably, helpless as his partially naked body was ravaged by tickling devices.

It was only a short while before Arnad's willpower started to drop, as indicated by a bar nearby. He also looked tired, but Isthak knew that his laughter and smile was not forced. Maybe he would smile louder when his erect penis was given a treatment.

There was a button that put the pillow directly on Arnad's penis. The weakened rat could not do anything but see as the pillow went on his penis and rested snugly on his body. His confusion as to what would happen was quickly replaced with a moan as the pillow moved up and down slowly.

Isthak was not done. In a sadistic streak he put on a blindfold on Arnad. The result was an even more uncontrollable laughter/moan that filled the room, as he could not move his restrained body and ravaged with tickles from parts he would not guess. Before long, his moan started to replace his laughter. He then exclaimed, 'Ahhh!" as he achieved his orgasm. The pillow as stained with his cum as his laughter died out and his body weakened. He quickly passed out as his remaining willpower was lost.

"Good job," said Mirabelle. "I know it's a guess, but you're spot on. He has a tickling fetish. How did you know?"

"I don't know about rats, but I don't think they brush their naked, worm-like tail, right?"

"He just likes the sensation on his naked body. Even then, let me tell you his other fetish: being bald."

"Like, no fur? How can you tell?"

"If he has no fur, he will achieve more pleasure with the tickles, right? That comment about his tail is a dead giveaway. Anyway, you got half of it right, and he enjoys it, so I'll keep him for awhile for you."


"You still have four more of your comrades to deal with. Now, you can take care of the two captured ones, or, you can play with the ones still free. Your choice."

Isthak looked at the remaining four, then his eyes was locked onto Sciler. Unlike the others, he knew about Sciler's fetish as they had talked about it awhile ago. While only Kaln knew about Isthak's, Sciler only guessed it after the incident where Kaln found out about the latex.

First, however, he needed to separate Kaln with Sciler. Fortunately, the control panel had everything, including traps that pulled Sciler away from Kaln. Kaln himself did not even notice that his last companion disappeared into another room. Isthak then proceeded to gas the room with pheromone gas.

"I know it's considered cheating, but not everyone's susceptible to that gas," said Mirabelle. "You can only use it to invoke hidden desires."

"Fortunately for me, Sciler's hidden desire is pretty easy to give."

Right after that, Sciler started disrobing and, while looking at something non-existent, started to masturbate. He looked zonked and before long, he had lost his willpower, but satisfied.

"He's pretty easy to charm if what he sees is a kobold. The gas seems to give an impression that an absolutely sexy kobold is in front of him. Also, given how he's so tired and could not fight back, he gave away all that willpower for a little sexual fantasy, and that's how you get him."

"Impressive," said Mirabelle with a smile. "You do have a knack for this, Isthak."

"Oh, well...a little bit of fantasy goes a long way, I guess."

"And you have what it takes to be a fetish mage. Well, when you're done with the rest of the group, I'll start your training. No hesitation."

"I'll try. It'll be hard with master Kaln, since, well...we're friends."

"And that is your greatest obstacle to cut ties with them. Or, you can just make him your one and only strike if you think he does not belong here..."

"I'll try for perfect score," said Isthak with a mischievous smile.

"I'm sure you will."

Mirabelle was glad that Isthak seemed bent on actually taking care of his former companions. She always kept her part of her bargain, and like she said, they could go on without ever knowing about the place. It depended on Isthak's choice, however. While it would be a waste letting several good subjects go, it was not her choice. She relinquished her rights of choice to her new apprentice. Still, Isthak had a long way to go, and the path of being a fetish mage was always heavy, much like a regular mage, but much more.

Isthak's next choice was Alteron, the draconian. While he was not the most imposing of the group, it was clear that he had his own danger, and the Lizan knew about it. As the sharpshooter of the group, he would be their spotter, and would know about dangers. He was also naturally suspicious, so it would be hard determining his secret desires.

It was to Isthak's surprise that Alteron was secretly into BDSM. Isthak thought that the safest bet was to give him a stimuli, and he did by letting him see several bondage gears on the floor. He also thought that showing a draconian in bondage (which Mirabelle had a few) was also a safe bet. To Isthak's surprise, Alteron stopped and admired the tied up draconian before trying to help her.

Of course, that's where the similarity ended. Isthak liked the feel of bondage, but Alteron liked seeing others in bondage, while he wasn't really into getting himself tied up. Of course, that was soon gone when Isthak showed that even a mild-mannered Lizan like him could give the most sadistic treatment if he wanted to, a quality Mirabelle liked to see.

Isthak, however, did not think Mirabelle had anything, at least until she showed that she did have everything. After Alteron was safely restrained on an x-frame and ballgagged, several scantily-clad reptilian women walked out of a wall and started caressing Alteron, who could do nothing but moan. He was still struggling to fight against his captors, but the resistance was slowly eroded when he saw something that he secretly liked: bondage activity.

Alteron may not have any desire to get himself tied up, but he did like how it looked like on someone else. While being tied up himself did not seem to make him happy, all that disappeared when he saw a couple these women pulled out males of various beast races, all covered in rubber and was forced on all fours. The women then barked out suggestive orders towards their slaves, and while they all playfully followed the orders, the draconian realized something. He was spread-eagled on an x-frame and he had no way to even touch his raging boner. He started struggling, trying any way to give himself relief, but it was useless. The frame ensured that nothing could be used to pleasure himself, and with all his limbs (including his wings, already restrained awhile ago by Isthak's machination), could only look at the activity as he whimpered in defeat.

One of the reptilian women then looked at him and, hissing seductively and flicking her tongue, she caressed the frustrated draconian and said, "Oh, look at you. How a dragon has fallen."

Alteron could only look away and whimper. He was supposed to be a draconian, a race known for their pride and might. Alteron was far from those and secretly desired to have all control taken off him. While reluctant, knowing that he was still inside an unknown and (not actually) hostile dungeon, he whimpered even louder and gave out one of the most submissive look he could think of towards the reptilian, to which she giggled.

"Really? Is that the best you can do?" said the reptilian while kissing Alteron's nose. "I want to see you struggle more, dragon boy. Struggle while you know it's futile."

Alteron tried to do anything other than giving up to the reptilian, but with his body stretched out and for some reason, his lust amplified, he had no other way but to do it. He struggled with all his might, letting out muffled groans and grunts as he tried his best to get out. He was, however, distracted by the activity in front of his eyes, and after several minutes of struggling, he stopped, giving up and exhausted.

That was when he felt a soft, scaled caress on his thick pole, but with the struggles, he could not even elicit a response as the orgasm built in him. It was only after he finally cum did he let out a weak, but quite loud, orgasmic roar, as much as he could from his gag. After that, he slumped off his bond, exhausted and beaten.

Up in the control room, Isthak looked as Alteron's exhausted body was let off the x-frame and taken away by the reptilian women. Something told him that it was not enough for him in a long shot. It even made the Lizan felt bad.

"How do you think of the girls?" said Mirabelle. "Most of them were outcasts from several communities in the continent where we both hailed. I personally trained them to be effective doms, but they can switch, too, which made them fun, in my opinion."

"Switch, huh? Maybe I consider playing with one of them after this."

"Yes, if you choose that as your reward."

"You have something else in mind?"

"I'll tell you once you follow on your words, Isthak," said Mirabelle with a smile. "Of course, I'll give the best reward if you can give me a perfect score."

Isthak nodded, then returned to the screen. Rodrigo and Kaln were the only ones remaining. While he still had reservation with Kaln, he had an idea of what Rodrigo liked.

The screen showed the remaining free people, Rodrigo and Kaln, still wandering around, while Arnad, Sciler, and Alteron were put in cells. Isthak was still thinking of what he would do to them, but for now, he wanted to see his former acquaintances fall from their grace.

It was quite a fun game.