2626 CH 2 (An Orr World Story)

Story by Kindar on SoFurry

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#2 of 2626

Theodore Paso, or is it Laramie? or Vulps? isn't your normal citizen of the solar system, for one thing, he doesn't belong to any of the corporations, Or to SolGov for that matter. And yet, he can prove that he's a citizen of all of them, depending on which name he used.Theodore is a spy for a group that has been hiding for about as long as SolGov has existed. His job? To ensure that they are not discovered, that they obtain information and technology they need, or sometimes it's as boring as shuffling finances around so other spies can do their job.On his way back home after a successful mission, he is diverted to transport an agent to mars, where a conference is underway as to how SolGov will populate the generation ship that it, along with the corporation's help built.Theo's people aren't interested in the conference. What they want is the terraforming technology the corporation have been hoarding. Now that it has finally left the protection of Earth Theo will help get it for them.It's an easy job, get himself in, drop off his passenger, and head back home. the worse thing about it? the fact he won't be able to throw his parents an anniversary celebration, for yet another year.Posted using PostyBirb


The badger said something to the wolf, shoving what he was holding against his chest. The wolf took it, turned it over a couple of time, then looked up. His eyes met Theo's and a mix of emotions washed over the wolf's face, surprise, pain, sorrow and finally settled on anger.

With a quiet curse Theo turned and ran out.

"Hmmm, It would seem they have noticed the switch," Cass commented.

"You don't say. How hard could it be? All you did was reproduce the casing."

"I matched the weight exactly."

"And did it open?"

"Well, no. It's one solid block. All it needed was to match the look and weight so Captain Gold didn't notice the switch. He was just the courier. We were suppose to be long gone before the hand-off happened."

"Well, we're not. Now monitor the comms so I know how to reach the transport ship." The tail of Theo's jacket almost caught in a closing door. "And give me something less conspicuous to wear."

The tail shrank until it vanished, the jacket became the gray of a utility vest, with a white shirt underneath. His pants matched that. The shoes thickened to become workmen's boots. They didn't look comfortable to run in, but fortunately for him, appearances were wrong. Still, he hoped that one of these days someone in research could figure out how to fully duplicate the Orr's polymorphic cloth, then change of clothing could also provide body protection. Until then he had to settle for change of colors and styles controlled by Cass.

"We have a problem."

"If we only have one, I'll be happy."

"The alert has been sent to the docks. They know that's where you're heading."

"Tell me the ID tags have been removed."

"The nanites are mostly done reverting the DNA tags to your original ID."

"Mostly? What the hell does that mean?" he slammed a shoulder in the door and it burst open. He ran down the stairs. He couldn't risk any of the lifts. Tyberius might know someone in Control. "If they can identify me as I cross the scanners we're screwed."

"I'm not worried about the scanners. You're mostly you, and they don't have any records of Vulp's ID. I also don't see how they will find any of your shed fur among everyone else at the party in time to prevent you from leaving. No, the problem is that you and the captain were dancing so well that you were recorded, which means they know what you look like and have sent that to the guards at the docks."

"Can you intercept it?"

"Theodore, might I kindly remind you that I'm not an Angel. I'm not even an Alpha Casanova. I'm Beta. I can cajole systems, sweet talk them into giving me information, or peek at what they are seeing. I cannot get the comm system to change its mind."

Theo pulled the door open and joined the crowd, matching their speed and keeping an eye out for security. "I get it. Then I need a way to fool their visual scans." He looked around. He couldn't just pull a hood over his head. He needed something that would fool them even when they saw his fur.

He looked over them twice, before he noticed the visors. Large, green tinted transparency. All sort of shirts, pants and dresses. There were a lot of them.

"Cass, I need a blind spot for a change of clothing."

"Theo, I don't see how changing clothing will help. I'm looking for an alternative that bypasses the entry sensors."

"You can multitask, find me a blind spot."

An area between columns started flashing. Theo headed for it. "Cass, give me a standard Independent look."

"Theo, you know very well what you're wearing can't produce functional visors and interface pads."

"Damn, you get argumentative when you're stressed." Theo reached the space between the columns. "I don't need it to work, I just need to look like an Independent."

"Independents don't 'look' like anything, you are one."

Theo rested his head against the wall. "Cass, we really don't have the time for a social lesson. People overlook Independents because they won't integrate into society, technologically wise. I know not all of us are like that, but it's something I need to use right now. So can you please do what I ask without arguing?"

"Fine, but if you get caught, don't blame me."

His jacket melted away to become a colorful shirt in yellow red and greens. A thin filament extended on each side of his head to hook on his ears and form the arms of the visor, which then formed before his eyes. On his arm, over the sleeve, the fabric thickened and acquired the appearance of plastic. A screen formed with buttons on the side. It wasn't actually solid, it was still fabric, but it would have to be good enough. Hopefully the guards wouldn't decide to play with it.

He went out the other side and headed for the group of Independents at a rapid pace. "Cass, when I tell you, change the color of my clothing."

"But I just gave you the perfect color coordination for an Independent."

"Cass, no arguing."


Theo reached the back of the group. "Now." The pants went from black to maroon. The shirt became a kaleidoscope of blues, pink, oranges and black. He pushed himself through the people as gently as he could, apologizing. "Again."

Cass sighed, but his shirt became a static scene an earth beach. Or maybe the beach section of the Park, at the center of the station? His pants were the color of a sunset. "In case you're interested, I've found a path that lets you bypass the entry scans."

He finger typed. 'Keep as backup.'

"Backup? Theo, if you get caught, there isn't going to be a chance to make use of them."

'No time,' he typed.

Cass' sigh was so theatrical it could belong in one of his movie productions.

The group of Independents reached the entry and each raised their arms with the interface to the scanner. The scanner glowed green and they stepped to the other side.

'Get ready.'

"I'm always ready Theo, you know that. Why else would you have me if I didn't get the job done? I swear, something it feel like you don't trust me to do my job."

Theo wished he could do more than send short message via finger typing. 'Focus.' He sent as he stepped before the scanner and raised his arm.

"I am focusing. What do you think I am doing?" Cass complained, all the while the scanner remained yellow. "You know, I'm thinking that you're considering exchanging me for another Beta. Maybe you'd prefer an Angel."

Theo forced his expression to turn quizzical as he looked at the yellow light. Guards were watching him now. 'Cass.' He needed to work out a way to code exclamation marks into finger typing.

The light turned green.

He stepped forward, and a uniformed guard placed a hand on his chest, keeping Theo in place. "Name?"

"Agriran. Theodore Agriran," he answered, speaking slowly. Giving Cass time to get the Id's information and place it in the station's system.

"Where from?"

"The Tuberan island." Theo was reading off his what Cass showed him. He knew most of the Agriran ID information, but with the sheer number of ID he had memorized he didn't want to risk getting something wrong.

"Reason for you visit?"

"Touring the Saturn satellites, what else?"

"Al, just let him through, you're holding up the line."

"What ship are you traveling on?"

"I'm on the Expedition."

"What gate?"

Nothing appeared in Theo's vision. He brought up the interface.

"Damn it, Al. Will you let him through, just look it up, It's in the system."

"The scanner didn't like him." The guard replied.

"So? the scanner has trouble with that thing he wears. Stuff like that happens with those people. It's all that really old tech. It's glitchy, or the scanner just takes a while to read it."

The two guards glared at each other.

"I'm at gate 18," Theo said, the information having appeared.

"What time-"

"No, that's enough." The other guard grabbed Theo and pulled him forward. "You, move along." He turned to the other. "If any of them miss their departure, we all get screwed, so just let the damn scanner do its job."

Theo moved away, and past gate 18.

At gate 25, he entered the unguarded door and leaned against the clean white wall. Without having to tell Cass, his clothing changed to a light brown jumpsuit. It took a moment for his boots the change to match the uniform. They really had to at figure out how to speed that up. He looked up at a woman in a command uniform coming toward him.

Theo straightened and nodded to the goat. "Theodore Paso, I'm your new sanitation officer."

She frowned. "We haven't needed one of those in all my time flying this ship."

Theo shrugged. "I just go where I'm ordered. You really want to run the risk that this is going to be the one time you need me, and I'm not here?"

"I don't like having extra crew for nothing."

"Hey, just pack me in a locker, I don't take much space, and at least I'll be there if you need me."

She gave him a beautiful smile now that the code phrases had been exchanged and extended her hand. "Welcome aboard the Mystery, Mister Paso."

He shook it. "Just call me Theo. Mister Paso's my dad."

"If you'll follow me, your quarters are ready. We're departing in an hour. You already have a message waiting." She started walking.

Theo fell into step next to her. "What is it?"

"I wouldn't know. I'm not authorized to access sanitation officer's messages." She led him through a handful of hallways, a lift and then stopped before a door. "If you need anything, Mister Paso, just call for me."

"Thanks you..."

"Emerson, Sir, Captain Emerson."

"Thank you, Captain. I'll do my best not to make any demands on your time."

She nodded and stepped away.

Theo entered the room, locking the door behind him, and went directly to the bed, letting himself fall on it.

"Anderson wants a report," Cass said.

"Have you managed to decrypt the information?"

"You know I'm not authorized to do that. Our job was only to retrieve it and get it back."

"Don't you ever wonder what we're told to get?"

"No, do you?"

"Sometimes. I mean, it's got to be pretty important stuff, considering the risks we have to take at times. So yeah, I wonder."

"If you want me to decrypt it, just order me to."

Theo smiled. "Nah. I'm not curious enough to jeopardize my job."

"I think you're an adrenaline junky."

The tiger snorted. "You know I do my best to avoid stress and risk." He sat up and pulled off the top of his 'one-piece suit,' then he pulled off the shoes and pants. All of them immediately turned to plain white clothing, shirt, pants and footwear. "I'm going to shower, then we can send Anderson our report."

"Do you want me to start on it right now?"

"Sure. You have all the information."

"Do you want me to ask for someone to help relieve your tension?"

Theo chuckled. "No need. The one good thing about things going wrong, is that it defuses that tension. I'll go socialize once we've taken care of everything. I can find myself a playmate then."

Theo shed in the shower, stress did that to him. Sometime he was amazed he didn't end up furless. Next time he was home, he'd get his mom to check him over, she could probably come with something that would keep that from happening.

He was looking forward to seeing his parents again. It had been a year and a half since he'd been back. He was overdue for taking them out for their respective birthdays. And they would insist on throwing him a birthday party. He wondered how many of this friends would be available, since most of them were also agents he'd meet during training.

Washed and dried he didn't bother dressing before sitting at the desk. "Show me what you wrote."

The report's pages appeared as individual papers on the desk. Theo preferred working with physical objects, and while it wasn't possible away from home, Cass accommodated him as best as he could. He didn't feel the pages as he picked one up, but it moved properly. Cass's experience with making movies helped with that.

As usual he didn't have anything to add. Cass could simply file and send the report, but they were partners and neither did something that affected the other without running it by him first.

"It's going to be three hours before we get Anderson's reply."

"Good. It means I can get some sleep before getting screamed at."

He picked up the piece of clothing and placed them on the back of the chair. "They'll be clean by the time you wake up," Cass informed him.

That, right there, made those items invaluable. Self-washing clothing. A Couple of hours off and they were good as new. He'd give a decade's worth of his salary to get all of his every day clothing like that. Why the Orrs didn't at least offer that to the public he didn't understand.

He lay in bed, and was out the moment his head hit the pillow.

* * * * *

Anderson didn't scream, but she glowered.

"Ten thousand? Just so you could dance? What do you think we send you out for? You own amusement? Are you telling me there was no other way for you to get the item? The two of you should be clever enough to be able to come up with alternative to spending exorbitant amount of money. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to replenish those accounts without anyone noticing?"

Theo paused the message. "She'd kidding, right? Didn't we do three of those jobs over the last decade? Hundred of transactions over two weeks each time. My legs were killing me from walking all over the station."

"It's part of her job to make sure we don't use the funds allocated needlessly."

"Then she should trust us enough to know what's the best we can do in the time frame we're given. Especially with incorrect information. Does she address that at least?"

"Only to say we were given the best information they had. The change must have happened after we got to Titan."

"You've listened to everything she has to say. Is there anything in there that requires immediate response?"

"No. She does calm down after two minutes, congratulates us on a job well done. Wishes you a happy birthday. She never wishes me one. Reminds us not to hand off the item until we're back, and for you to enjoy your trip."

Theo ran a hand along the inside of his right forearm, tracing the seam he couldn't feel under his fur. "Good, because I need to get laid. We'll go over everything she said after that, and reply if I feel the need to."

He put on the white clothing, and had Cass change them to black jeans and a white dress shirt. He couldn't do anything about how comfortable the shoes were, he'd like sandals, but they didn't do that, Cass could only make them look like close toes shoes or boots.

Things like that were when he wondered how nice it would be to have an implant, like the majority of the population in the solar system, like his parents. They'd never made him feel like he was missing out, making sure nothing they did as a family required an implant. That was easier to do on Eiffel, since it was an Independent colony. The majority of the inhabitants didn't have implants, or even someone like Cass to simulate them. Those who had to venture off the colonies and interact with the rest of the solar system had to wear the visors and interfaces.

Still what might it be like to be able to control what the clothing look just by willing it, but if he could do that, he'd be without his best friend. He had no idea what he'd do without Cass around.

"Do you have a particular body type you want for your next movie?" Theo asked.

Cass took a moment to answer. "Well, if you could find someone close to Captain Gold, it would let me used the footage of the two of you dancing I recorded with a minimum of alteration."

"That should be doable. I don't guaranty a wolf, but big and strong are common enough."

Theo found him in the galley, an equine, a little taller than him, muscular, and more than willing to spend time in bed with him. Although after their third time, the horse cried for mercy.

* * * * *

The ship Theo was on was halfway home, when pounding on his door woke him, as well as the doberman next to him. The canine panicked and started pulling pieced of clothing on even before Cass unlocked the door. Theo remained in bed, covered up.

Captain Emerson entered, looked at the doberman with a frown.

"Sorry Captain," he said, standing with only his underwear on. "It'll never happen again."

"Are you late for your duties crewman?"

The doberman paused. "No, Ma'am."

"Then what's the problem?"

The doberman looked at Theo. "He's an officer."

"When have I ever given the impression I give a damn who you have sex with? It isn't like Mister Paso is within the command structure of my ship. So, he can't influence your duties. Unless you're running late, you can stay in bed with him." She looked at Theodore. "An urgent message came in for you."

'Cass.' He finger typed. No one outside of covert operations, and his parents, knew about Cass, there had never been any doubt he'd tell them about Cass.

'I haven't received anything.'

That was odd. Normally Anderson sent everything addressed to them so Cass would know about it.

"Can you send it here?"

"No, I'm sorry, you'll need to take it in my ready room."

"I'll be there in a few minutes then."

She nodded and left.

Theodore got out of bed. The doberman was standing there, unsure what to do.

"Unless you're thinking of waiting for me to come back, you might want to finish getting dressed."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply..." his voice trailed off.

Theo laughed. "Trust me, I don't get offended easily. Your captain said it was okay, so you should relax. I'm going to shower, alone, since I don't have much time. I don't mean to offend you, but I want you to have made up your mind by the time I'm done."

"Yes Sir. I'll be leaving. I need to go eat and I'm on duty within the hour."

"Alright, then have a good day."

"You too sir."

* * * * *

Twenty minutes later Theo was in the captain's ready room, stunned. They'd never turned him around this quickly before. He wouldn't even get to see his parents. A ship was on its way to meet up with them and it would take him back to Titan. The message only said to leave the item with the agent who would take his place on the Mystery. He'd be given his assignment once he was on the other ship.

He wouldn't get to take his parents out for dinner for at least another year.