Prisoners of Team Shadow Chapter 3

Story by Luna-Lynx on SoFurry

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#3 of The Prisoners of Team Shadow

"How's Dan doing?" A loud voice called out, almost as though it was a roar. George's physiology had caused him to grow a thick, rocky hide as the Tyranataur DNA worked its way through his body. His famous mustache had fallen out with the rest of his hair, making him upset about that as well. But, as any good commander, George was most worried for his men. The reptilian-skinned Jim sighed. As the day wore on, Daniel's mood did not improve in any way. She stayed in her bunk, sulking under her sheets a little. Jim kept her as much company as he could, trying to console his good friend.

"Not too good..." He said. "He's not taking it too well..."

"What's he turning into?" George called back. Jim just turned to look at Dan, not wanting to tell anyone his friend's awkward position.

"Go ahead... tell them..." Dan said, still kind of lost in thought.

"Well..." Jim called back.

Suddenly, a female voice cut them off. "I'm a fucking Kangaskhan!" She screamed.

Jim was a bit surprised. "Who is that!?" George asked.

"Me! Damian!" She called back, obviously pretty upset. "Bayer's a damn Kingler! FUCK!" She screamed, butting her head against the bar, sending a loud 'BANG' reverberating through the cellblock. Bayer's annoyed growl could be heard afterwards, wanting everyone to know he still didn't approve, especially after the loss of his off-hand, which was now a fairly large claw.

"What about Joel?" Jim asked, calling out. George craned his now-thick neck, trying to hear a response. They heard a low mutter from Joel's cell before he finally spoke up.

"Zangoose." He called out, still not showing himself or even going near his cell door. Jim nodded, still thinking to himself a little.

George spoke up again, "And Dan?" He asked. Jim looked at his friend before she turned her head and shouted back.

"Nidorina." She called out, trying not to sound upset but failing. She sighed, curling back up under her covers.

"Oh man, you too..?" Damian called out. The Kangaskhan morph was taking her new gender a little better than Dan, it seemed. Dan pondered on this only a moment. Damian had always been bisexual, so she had to suppose that the change was a little less traumatic for her.

Jim just sat back down, the strange sensations of his body finally stopping. Dan had felt the bizarre tingling stopping too, the last changes being her ears enlarging a bit more and her chest forming full, round breasts. She kept her chest pointed away from her cellmate, not wanting him to see the rather shapely breasts stretching the fabric of her shirt. She just stayed there, unmoving, and not partaking in the conversation with her peers. Eventually the talk died down and Jim just returned to the table, his final mutation being the finishing touches on his long tail and his jaw muscles. He figured Dan had stopped changing too, hazarding a glance in her direction before going back to his thoughts.

Dan, meanwhile, was also lost in thought; though for the past few minutes her thoughts had been dominated by her full bladder. She had the urge to use the toilet for several hours, but her pride wouldn't really allow it until then, when it was becoming unbearable. She whimpered a bit, audibly, making Jim's head perk up. "You okay buddy..?" He asked, looking in her direction. "Need anything?"

She hesitated a moment, before finally admitting her problem, "... I really need to piss..." She whined, mortified.

"Oh! Shit... You can go ahead, man... I swear, I won't look or anything." Jim offered. She looked at him, turning her head to see him.

"You swear?" She asked. Jim nodded in response, covering his eyes with his hands. She sighed and lifted herself onto her feet, tapping her claws against the ground a little. Her anatomy felt so alien to her... she just sheepishly approached the toilet and looked in Jim's direction, making sure he was still averting his eyes. She finally dropped her pants and sat down, shivering a little, embarrassed that she had to sit to pee. She let out a soft sigh, finally able to relieve herself, though it still felt disturbing given what organ she was using to do so.

"You done?" Jim asked, still covering his eyes. She got her clothes situated again and flushed behind her, before walking over and sitting at the table.

"I want my own body back..." She said, sadly. Jim uncovered his eyes and couldn't help but stare at her new breasts for a moment before forcing eye contact again. Dan noticed him ogling her chest and crossed her arms over them. "This is almost scary..." She lied. It WAS frightening for her. Jim patted her on the back, softly.

"I know Dan..." He said, "We're all going through this. Well, not exactly what you are... but pretty close." He said.

Dan sighed and hung her head. "I have a fucking pussy now!" She said, her hands grabbed at her chest, having a bit of a panic attack. "Look at these! I'm a GUY! I shouldn't have tits!" She took a deep breath, calming down and scratching a little behind her ear.

"... Those are very good points. I know it's weird, but it ain't the end of the world is it? I'd be more concerned about changing species than changing genders." Jim stated.

"Yeah, I bet you would..." She said, staring at the table.

"Hey, I feel weird too, y'know? My junk's relocated itself inside my body. Honestly I thought I had a cunt too for a little while there." Jim couldn't help but laugh a little. Dan just glared at him, half-cracking a smile too. "C'mon buddy, you'll get the hang of this." He said, fake-punching her in the arm. She shoved him back a little, a smirk finally finding its way onto her face. She had to admit, this was a lot better than just hiding out and feeling sorry for herself.

The two just sat there for a little while, until they both heard the sound of one of the cell doors opening and closing. They looked outside, finding that the guards were starting to round everyone up. George was already in his chains and other guards were fetching the others. One of them opened their cell and, knowing the routine, they held out their wrists. The guard snapped their chains on their wrists and ankles, using much heavier and stronger chains now.

Dan couldn't help but notice that, despite the obvious increase in weight, the chains actually felt a bit lighter. Was it because she wasn't so weakened now, or because her new physiology capitalized on her physical strength? She didn't have much time to ponder the fact before she was pushed along and herded in with the other five. She looked around at her friends, astonished by their physical changes as well.

George's size had increased a great deal, and his entire body just oozed with physical might. His chains reflected this, being some of the biggest and thickest ones she'd ever seen. His limbs were thick and well muscled, which showed through even the boney plate armor covering his body, and he kept his basic human body structure, spared from the tiny limbs of an actual Tyranitar. His expression hadn't changed much, apparently not finding his new physiology too unbearable.

Damian's body had also changed significantly. Her figure wasn't unlike that of her own, except she was and appeared much heavier. A stark contrast with Damian's former scrawny self. Her breasts were also huge, barely restrained by her shirt anymore. She looked absolutely agitated, as she had outgrown most of her clothing, only being left with her barely-fitting shirt and boxers that showed off her wide, shapely hips and legs. Dan was almost embarrassed at the fact that, to her, Damian actually looked quite stunning.

Bayer on the other hand, looked almost freakish. He was hunched and his entire body was covered in a chitinous shell. His right hand still had all its fingers, though they were all talon-like in appearance now. His other hand was a large crab-claw, easily half the size of his torso. His head had sunken into his chest a little, and his lower jaw had grown to encompass the entire lower half of his head. He looked embarrassed of his bizarre physiology, which Dan could relate.

Joel, finally, looked almost exactly like a Zangoose from what Dan could tell. The only difference between him and his animal counterpart was some human bone structure, having human-proportioned limbs like the rest of the Pokemorphs. He looked kind of embarrassed too, and he too was shocked at finding his friends' in such condition. She also couldn't help but notice that his stare was lingering on her and Damian's female bits, which more than a little agitating.

All six of them kept staring at each other, having varying reactions of finally being able to see the extent of everyone's mutations. The guards let them get adjusted before they started marching them back to the labs. This time, however, the elevator took them to what looked like a medical area. The guards started splitting everyone up. "All of you can have a room to yourselves. Jason wants to inspect you all individually." One of the guards stated.

"That's fine." George commented, being led into one of the rooms. Dan herself was pushed into another one before long. The guard instantly dragged her over to a table and prompted her to hop up on it. She complied, grumbling to herself a little in the meanwhile.

"Wait here" The guard ordered, staring at her. She didn't really have much of a choice anyhow, but he left her. She just looked around the room. It wasn't too different from the doctor's office back at the military base. She wondered what all this would entail. She sighed, realizing that part of her "inspection" would entail Jason exploring her new cunt. She wasn't looking forward to it, obviously. She just stared at the digital clock built in the wall, her guts churning a little in anticipation. Thirty minutes had passed, feeling like it was an entire day.

As soon as Dan finally started hoping that she'd be one of the last ones, she heard the door open. Jason and three guards walked into the room, quickly surrounding her. "Good afternoon Ms. Marrick." He said, cheerfully. Before she could say much they had started man-handling her, pushing her down onto the table and relocating the shackles on her limbs. They freed her legs which she instantly used to try to kick someone, but her legs were wrestled down and strapped to two pads on the corners of the table. The chain still dangling from her cuffs were hauled over her head and then linked to the floor, making her arms dangle over the table with her elbows up past her head.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" She shouted, trying to resist. She wasn't planning on putting up a fight, so it was all pretty unnecessary.

"Just the usual precautions. Sorry, Daniel." Jason said. "How do you feel?"

Dan just glared at him, "Awful." She said, flatly.

"You should be feeling fantastic. The DNA assimilation was completely successful. Even your chromosomes accepted their DNA change. If I didn't know any better, I'd have said you were born a Nidorina." He smiled at her, making her grimace in anger. He lifted her shirt up to show her belly and almost force her to get a glimpse of her new, curvaceous hips. He pressed down on her lower belly, feeling around for her organs. She just stared at the ceiling, ignoring him. "Your organs all seem fine... even your new uterus feels like it should be just fine."

"I have the female organs too...?" She asked. She wasn't surprised but still she felt her heart sink again.

"That's right. You're 100% female. Well, physically anyway. Let's make sure of that though. Strip her down." He ordered.

Dan glared, "I can undress myself...!" She said, angrily.

"Not restrained like that you can't." Jason noted. He was right, but she was still upset. The guard near her got his combat knife and started cutting away her uniform.

"Stop that you fuckers!" She protested, squirming her body away from the knife. She just glared dangerously at the guard cutting up her uniform. Before long and with just a few cuts on her actual skin, her military garb was in tatters and discarded, leaving her completely naked save for her dog-tags. She couldn't help but whimper a little, getting her first good look at her own body like that. She was gorgeous, having an almost mockingly perfect figure. The blush invading her cheeks only deepened when the guards started remarking on it, one even whistling at her.

"Beautiful." Jason said, running a hand along her smooth skin. She growled at him angrily, gritting her teeth. He began his inspection, though he didn't have any tools of any kind. He moved the pads her legs were attached to apart, forcing her into a spread-eagle position. She just started panting, overwhelmed with shame and rage. The Team Shadow officer bent down to get a look at her folds, dipping two fingers into her entrance and spreading her lips apart.

Her entire body shook, making her take a deep breath. She was no virgin, nor a stranger to pleasure, but this was unlike anything she'd ever felt before. It was such a strange sensation she was a little overwhelmed. He looked inside her as far as he could. "Well, you didn't grow a hymen... but I suppose that's bearable. Everything else seems just fine. It's all obviously just as sensitive as it should be. Well from what I've seen, you're perfectly healthy."

"Th-then let me go back to my cell..." She said, still gritting her teeth. Jason just smiled and pulled his fingers from her snatch.

"Heheheheh... Sonya's going to have a lot of fun with you..." He remarked.

"Who's that...?" She asked.

"Your trainer." He answered. "She's the one that's going to break you all into your new role... Speaking of her, she wouldn't really like it if I didn't make sure your new equipment works right."

Dan's eyes widened, "Don't you dare..." She was cut off when he put his fingers back into her, starting to slide them in and out of her cunt. She choked down a groan, feeling waves of pleasure just sizzling in the back of her brain. She tried to clench her legs shut, but only succeeded in moving her knees a little. "Stop!" She ordered, but Jason kept going, watching her clit slide out of its home. He grinned lewdly, rubbing his thumb over the sensitive little nub, making her suddenly squeak in pleasure. She couldn't take it... it felt good, like it did when she was still a guy, but it as different... she wasn't used to it. It was like she was a virgin all over again... and this time she hadn't even touched herself before.

"Check her other bits." Jason ordered the guard standing behind her. The soldier chuckled and reached over, grabbing a breast in each hand. She squirmed and whimpered in pleasure, her face flushing red with shame.

"Stop touching me!!" She shouted, snapping her eyes shut. The guard only laughed and moved his hands up, pinching each of her nipples gently, tweaking the sensitive flesh. A moan finally escaped her mouth, her fogged-up mind unable to muster the willpower to keep it choked down. That was all she allowed herself to do besides squirm, forcing herself to keep quiet. They kept teasing and finger-fucking her body, Jason swapping hands to keep fingering her cunt, while his other hand, now moist with her sexual fluids, started invading her tail-hole. She kept yelling at them to stop, her mind just continuing to cloud with pleasure. She couldn't take it anymore, crying out in pleasure as she started on her first female orgasm.

Surges of pleasure just ripped through her delicate body. She remembered hearing that women's climaxes lasted longer than men's, but she didn't really believe it until then, her body shuddered and squirmed in pleasure until finally it subsided, slowly. She just laid there, panting as the guard released her sore nipples and Jason pulled his fingers from both her holes. He walked over and forced the fingers that were in her cunt against her nose, making her turn her head away. She was ashamed, having gotten off and came in front of a room full of enemy troops... The Kanto Alliance soldier was already disheartened by her predicament, but now a whole new level of shame reached her heart.

Jason wiped his fingers off on her bare skin, "Alright. That's enough for now. Take her back to her room." He said, starting to walk out of the room with the three guards that came in with him. The last one undid her chains and reconnected them with her ankles, pushing her onto her feet.

"Wait... m-my clothes..." She stuttered, starting to resist him. He just shoved her forward, ignoring her plight. It seemed like miles before she finally got back to her cell, the guard freeing her limbs and pushing her inside. She just collapsed on her bed, holding her dog-tags in her hand and clutching at them, desperately. She picked up the sheet on her bed and wrapped herself up in it, shivering. Dan just stared at the floor, her tags finally giving her some amount of pride back.

As the hours passed on, the others were being escorted back their cells too, all of them stark naked. Jim was actually the last to return, his hands covering his scaly crotch. When the guard went to undo his chains, Jim had to remove his hands, Dan accidentally getting a glimpse of his reptilian slit. After the door was shut, they both just stayed in awkward silence.

Jim finally spoke up, though. "Told you." He said, kind of pointing his snout downwards that he was indicating his privates. Dan just rolled her eyes and sighed, finally forcing a laugh from Jim. He sheepishly walked over to his bunk and grabbed his sheet, tying it around his waist like a sort of toga. "At least I got less to worry about covering than you do." He said, still grinning. She sighed, not responding. "Sorry... Too soon...?" He asked, sitting down next to her.

"Yeah..." She responded, still blushing pretty badly. Jim finally figured out what they'd probably done to her. He looked down at the floor.

"Sorry... There's not much I can say for you at this point, man..." He said, apologetically. "It's just something you're gonna have to get used to, eh?" He looked over at her, and she nodded, shallowly. "... You wanna hug...?" He asked, half-jokingly.

Dan looked at him a moment before she actually nodded. He complied and pulled her into a tight hug, patting her back reassuringly. She couldn't help but notice his sleek but masculine musculature, something she herself used to possess. "Do you think command is gonna come rescue us...?" She asked, hopefully.

Jim released her. "I don't know... But we can always hope." Dan nodded again, staring down at the floor. Jim got up and clambered into bed, now able to lift his large weight with relative ease. Daniel laid down, curling into a ball under her sheets. Both of them were pretty tired as it stood, and just wanted to sleep their awkward experiences away. Before too long Dan's sensitive new ears heard Jim's breathing deepen, having fallen asleep. She whimpered softly and reached down, running a claw along her slit. She shivered, feeling the pleasure race up her spine. She hadn't been able to even touch herself in weeks... She suddenly got a hold of herself and yanked her hand back up. She just curled up again, hugging herself a little. She eventually drifted off, kind of clinging to her own tail.

Daniel heard their cell door open, slamming against the wall. She jumped up, startled, and one of the guards threw a cord around her neck. She shouted, trying to get away but the cord tightened on the end of a long pole, and they started dragging her out of the cell. She flailed and grabbed at the rod, more than anything trying to stop herself from being choked. She glanced back, finding Jim suffering a similar fate. Another guard snapped something around her neck, and finally she was released. She coughed and choked, grasping at her neck. She found a tight, thick leather collar around her neck. All the spines on her body stood on end upon finding it. She got up and instantly felt some electricity surge through her body.

"Now now dear... Be a good girl." A female voice called out. She looked up, woozily, finding a tall woman with bright red hair. She smiled and pet her head, but Dan recoiled, trying to get to her feet again. She got shocked again as a result, only then seeing the remote in her hand.

"Sonya...?" She asked, realizing what must be going on.

"Yes, that's me. You're a smart little girl huh?" She said, cutely. Dan just glared at her, not trying to get up again. She looked around the room, seeing the others being issued their own collars. Jim was thrown down next to her, landing with a loud thud since the poor Crocanaw was still half asleep. A jolt from his collar made him yelp and spring to his feet.

"What the fucks' going on!?" He asked, looking around, and finding Sonya.

"Jason says the scientific process is all done now. And now it's time for us to start making you marketable..." Sonya said. "I've been assigned to you two little pun'kins. Jim and Daniel huh? Heehee... You're both adorable."

Dan looked around, seeing the others in other parts of the room being introduced to their trainers. George could be heard yelling until a shock shut him up. "Who are you!?" Jim asked, angrily.

"Sonya. But you can call me Master." She said, smiling. Both of the Pokemorphs looked at each other before trying to get up again, but they both got another good, long shock. "Help me get these two to the 'yard'" She ordered, tilting her hips seductively while the guards gathered the two up. Dan struggled against the guard a little, as did Jim. "I'm gonna have fun breaking you two I think."

Jim sneered, baring his huge, jagged teeth. "You ain't never gonna break us, bitch..." He spat.

Dan glared at her, "No matter what you do to our bodies, we're still soldiers... so go fuck yourself..." Dan spat, angrily. Sonya just wagged her finger at her.

"Such language..." She dug into her pocket and pulled something out. It was a dull metal sphere, which grew several times larger after she had presented it to them. It was a military-grade Pokeball. Her heart raced a little. Were Pokemorphs able to be captured..? She didn't have a chance to mull it over too much when Sonya flung the heavy sphere at her. It bounced off her gut and she recoiled, and her vision was suddenly overcome with a bright light.

She once again felt like her body was on fire. She couldn't see anything beyond the bright light engulfing her. She just struggled and thrashed as she felt like some walls of force were closing in around her. She couldn't help it. She screamed loudly as she struggled, trying to break free of the invisible hands grappling her. But she was too tired and too weakened to put up a decent fight.

Finally, she felt that she was finally let go. She looked around, seeing nothing but white in every direction. Was... she inside the pokeball...? But weren't pokeballs supposed to have artificial environments? She curled up on the hard ground, shaking. It felt like an eternity before her vision was blinded by bright light, and she felt herself landing on the ground, hard. She coughed, looking around, and saw another, lesser flash of light. Jim hit the ground not far from her, obviously dazed.

They heard the mini-skirt clad woman laugh at them as they tried to get their bearings again. Now they were in another room of the prison section, which looked more like a torture chamber than anything else. Dan rubbed her eyes, sitting up. "Wh-what...!?"

"You know, maybe if you two shape up and start being good, I might program a cozy little environment into your balls..." Jim and Dan looked at each other, both of them shaking a little bit. She just smiled at them. "We'll see how you start shaping up... Good slaves get rewards, and bad pets get punished. Let's get started..." She smiled wickedly at the two dazed slaves.