Code Oblivion: Rebellion (reboot): Chapter 2

Story by Artwolf5 on SoFurry

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#3 of Code Oblivion: Rebellion (Reboot)

Hey folks! Here is the second chapter of the CO reboot! Hope you enjoy! And thanks greatly for Axel_The Dork Lion for editing! I promise there won't be a year gap before the next chapter XD

Code Oblivion Chapter 2: The Calm Before the Stor

After what felt like forever, Noah and his father had arrived at the Vernati International Airport. He had honestly always wondered why Vernati of all states got an International Airport. He guessed it made some sense, given how close Vernati was to Senetria but still, it was a pretty unimportant state all told. Taranebra made sense, given it was the home of Polleburn Rillotia's MODD city and the home of Gale Winthrop, the Elemental Lord of Wind. Victis, of course had Shellington; one of Rillotia's largest cities and of course Atlus, being the capital, had its own. Vernati just felt...random.

"We're here!" He heard his dad announce as he parked. From where they parked, Noah could see the massive forests surrounding the city. Most of Vernati was covered in woodland so naturally the largest industry was lumber. It was funny because despite how extremely advanced Rillotia was, they were still reliant on such a primitive industry to build homes and among other things. Coal and oil had been rendered obsolete well over a century ago but lumber still thrived. Either way, the forest was beautiful. They got out of the car and grabbed their bags. They had packed lightly, which was heavily suggested by his dad earlier. Noah had long since learned to not question why he was like that. He had also stopped trying to ask his dad about his family as he always clammed up whenever the younger wolf brought the topic up so he just gave up.

With a sigh he took out a golden pocket-watch from his pocket. It was very special to him as it was the only thing he had from before his dad found him with no recollection of anything. It was beautifully crafted with an ornate design to it. Despite this, it was shattered and didn't work but he still cherished it all the same and on the other side of the watch was the words 'I. Reaper' which to this day Noah couldn't decipher even when he showed it to Emily who was just as baffled. All he knew was that it was a link to his lost past.

"Have you ever been to Eldra dad?" He asked as they reached the check-in station and had their passports scanned and he put his watch back in his pocket. To his surprise his dad didn't clam up or dodge the question but actually answered.

"I have actually, but it was a long time ago before I found you." He said with a small smile before letting out a tired sigh. "Listen Noah, there are a lot of things I need to talk to you about. Things I probably should have told you ages ago honestly, but I never mustered up the courage to do so." He continued with a far off look in his eyes. "But I promise you, when we get to Eldra I'll tell you everything."

"Why can't you tell me now?" Noah whined, frustration evident in his tone. He had been dying to get any clue on his forgotten past. He had long figured out that the story his father had told him about how he found him wasn't the full story. It was full of holes but he figured his father had reasons not to tell him so he never pressed the older man for details. Now that his father was offering to finally tell him the truth, he was still trying to delay things even further, which frustrated him greatly. To his credit, his dad smiled and patted his shoulder.

"I know you are frustrated son, but I promise, when we get to Eldra I will explain everything so just relax." He said as he got out and began to grab their luggage. Noah himself did the same and helped his dad unpack, then they entered the airport and went past security and eventually stepped on the plane


Aidan sighed as he heard extremely loud knocking on his bedroom door. He had been having such a nice dream but it was rudely interrupted. Blearily he listened and heard someone yell on the other side. It sounded like his sister. Why was his sister trying this hard to wake him up? Was something important going on? "Hey, wake up! You overslept! Dad's been working himself ragged preparing for the armistice day festival!" Aidan blinked a bit, trying to get the sleep out of his eyes. What did she mean by he overslept? Surely he didn't and Aria was just screwing with him. His baby sister loved doing that. But one look at his clock and he let out a loud stream of curses. It was 8:00am. He was due for work in an hour!

"Fuck!" He shouted as he rushed out of his bed, ignoring the slight light headedness that he got from getting up too fast and gathered his uniform. After doing that, he managed to put on a (hopefully) clean pair of boxers to cover himself before rushing out of the room, nearly running over his sister in the process.

"Watch where you are going doofus!" She shouted out from behind him, her slight protest being ignored as he ran into the shower and stripped off his boxers. Throwing himself in the shower, he turned on the water, only for it to be ice-cold. Thankfully, living in Eldra, he was used to the cold so it wasn't a total disaster. After making sure he was fully clean, he got dressed and rushed down to the kitchen, hoping to grab himself an energy bar to fill him up right fast. He didn't have to though, as he saw Aria finished packing a lunch for him.

"Thanks, sis!" He said as he grabbed a piece of toast, ready to stuff it into his face, but stopped himself to give his sister a smile. "So what you gonna do today sis? Have you heard from Alec? How is Oxis treating him?" Aidan asked, thinking about his older brother who had left for Oxis two years ago after being matched with a Lightning Glyph. He missed him sometimes but he knew Alec was having a great time there.

"I did! He wished us a happy armistice day. He said Commander Custer had plans for the tribe to celebrate the occasion." She said with a roll of her eyes, making Aidan laugh. Everyone knew the Oxian Tribals had certain... proclivities but nobody really cared much about them since they had their own way of life after all.

"So what you gonna do today? Got any plans?" He asked before stuffing the toast in his mouth.

"Gonna go with my friends! We're going to go to the VCRS center to play some games. It's free today after all." Aidan just rolled his eyes at that, he never got why people bothered with those virtual games when real sports were a thing. He had played football all throughout his high school years and had a blast. His sister seemed to notice his mocking eyeroll and threw a bagel at him, which he managed to grab and stuff in his mouth after he ate his toast.

"Oh shut up, you stupid jock! VCRS requires just as much physical conditioning as regular sports and you know it! The guys on the VCRS team are just as buff as you!" Aidan just rolled his eyes again before swallowing the remainder of his bagel.

"As much fun as it is to bug you over this, I got to go if I want to make it on time. Thanks sis!" Aidan said before running out with his lunch into the billowing snow covered streets. Eldra was always a bit chilly, but when you lived here your entire life like Aidan did, you got used to it. But then again, he did have his standard MODD issue jacket with his Lieutenant emblem emblazoned on the front and his gunblade strapped to his waist. Most of the people gave him a bit of a wide berth, not wanting to get in the way of a MODD Lieutenant. They were not local, as the locals were much more comfortable with him and didn't shy away. From what he had heard, in some districts the MODD Officers would abuse their power, having them seen more as oppressors than protectors.

Sighing, he shook his head and continued on his way. Despite devoting his life to serving MODD as an officer, he knew MODD could be shady. You don't basically control the entire planet by playing nice after all. They controlled the technological and energy systems of the world. Each nation had their own MODD controlled city and out of them, twelve served as the seat of the Elemental Lords. Eldra served as the Seat of Power for Aidan's father; Commander Andrew Hart, 'The Iron Soldier'(Each of the Elemental Lords had their own epithet reflecting their Element). They were the ones who held the Prime Elemental Seals, the only Seals to have survived the Great Seal War over 500 years ago. Nobody knew why they were the ones to survive but the Original Holders became the first generation of Elemental Lords.

As he ran, he passed through the crowd to see a particular group of furs standing about, the lot of them appearing to be college students like himself. Among them was a boisterous looking tiger who had his arm around a shy looking husky who laughed at whatever the tiger was saying. He also noticed a vixen who seemed to be the leader of the group. Another pair that caught his interest were two wolves, apparently father and son as they were close to the hip. The older wolf seemed to be telling the younger one about history or something but the younger blond wolf looked bored which made him snicker. After several minutes of more running however, he found himself in front of a massive, imposing building emblazoned with the MODD logo and the Emblem of Eldra; The HQ of Modd's Eldra base and his workplace. After showing his ID to the guard at the door (an old grumpy horse named Ricky) he rushed as fast as he could and managed to reach the time-clock and clocked in just before it was too late. He let out a sigh of relief, then quickly straightened up as he heard a low, masculine chuckle.

"Running a bit late Lt. Hart?" Aidan gave a smile and turned around to see a tall, broad shouldered labrador with very messy brown hair, large brown eyes and a massive smile.

"Alarm didn't go off for whatever reason, so I had to rush things. Couldn't be late on this big an occasion, now can I? The armistice day festival is the biggest event of the year and my dad's been planning everything for months. But how's Lizzie, Sergeant Rodgers? Still knocked up?" He teased. Him and Todd went way back. They had been buddies since elementary and played football together a lot while in high school. His bond with the labrador was so tight that he had the honor of being the best man at his wedding. And now, whenever his wife was mentioned, Todd's happiness grew.

"Yeah, she's going to pop any day now from what the docs have said! I'm so excited to be a daddy!" He beamed and Aidan could only smile back, he was genuinely happy for his friend.

"Hopefully the baby takes after Lizzie because you are one ugly motherfucker!" Aidan teased, giving the other soldier a punch in the arm. Todd only laughed and punched him right back.

"Fuck you Hart! You aren't much of a looker yourself." Todd sniped back with a sarcastic sneer.

"You're delusional! I'm totally sexy! Look at these muscles!" Aidan flexed, showing off his ripped body, and before Todd could snark back they heard an extremely deep and firm voice ring out between them.

"I don't think that has anything to do with your performance Lieutenant Hart." Both of the men gave a jump and turned, immediately giving a salute to the source of the voice. It belonged to a massive, towering wolf with the same reddish fur and brown hair as Aidan. He was in his late 40's and on his chest was the Commander Emblem.

"Dad!" Aidan yelled out, then quickly corrected himself. "Good to see you, sir!"

"Good morning, Commander Hart! Are you ready for the big day?" The Commander only gave a small smile and gave a wave to indicate for them to drop their salutes.

"I am ready indeed! After months of planning we are finally here once again. I hope you two are ready. How is your wife though sergeant? She should be giving birth any time now shouldn't she? I hope she has a nice, relaxing day. Is she with somebody?"

"My mother is watching her. She's super excited for her first grandbaby and sometimes I think she likes Lizzie better than she likes me sometimes." Todd said with a laugh and goofy smile, the Commander giving his own smile and nodded before turning towards Aidan.

"What's Aria doing today? I left before she could get up so I couldn't ask her myself."'

"She's going to the VCRS center with her friends since it's a free day apparently." Aidan said with a roll of his eyes, something his father caught and laughed at.

"Don't be that way Aidan, you know VCRS training is required for training in MODD, and last I checked, you seemed to have a good time with the war game training last year. You did pretty good. If you open your mind up more, you might enjoy them like your sister does. If I recall correctly, Alec was on both the football and VCRS teams, on top of being at the top of his year in the academy." Aidan flushed at that. His brother was pretty much the ace of the family and everyone suspected he would possibly be the next holder of the Metal Seal, currently held by their father but everyone was surprised when he matched with a Lightning Glyph and thus was sent to Oxis for his duties. Aidan had done very well in his own rate; leading the football team to nationals and winning as captain in his last year of his schooling in the academy (which was basically a highschool/military school at the same time where you learned both matters of basic education as well as military training to serve in the MODD service corps), but he didn't get the top of his class that year though.

"Whatever you say dad," was all the young wolf said before looking at the time. "I'm going to start some early patrols, see how things are going. Gotta make sure there are no Inquisition agents running around or that group of unsealed that somehow got through the barrier." He stepping out, knowing fully well neither of those options were likely, given that the Inquisition had no presence here in Senetria, outside a few occasional raids.

They were mostly limited to Weleshna where they caused a lot of trouble, where the Elemental Lord of Earth did her best to keep them in control when she could. Sighing, he felt the breath flow out of him like a puff of smoke as he exited and began his patrols. On his way out he passed another father and son duo, this one being a pair of jackals, though the kid was much younger than the teen wolf he had seen earlier. They looked happy, which made Aidan smile as he remembered the days when he was little when his mom was still alive and his father hadn't taken up the mantel as the Elemental Lord of Metal. That was before the Inquisition Raid twelve years ago that cost the lives of a lot of people, his mother and the previous elemental lord included.

Aidan shook his head to get that thought out of his mind. As much as he missed his mother, her murderers had gotten what they deserved and the entire raiding party was wiped out by the defending MODD forcers but it was still a bloody scar of the horrors those monsters inflicted on people. Letting out another sigh, he continued his way through the snowy avenues of his hometown. He had actually had offers to be stationed in Sinra the capital but he refused. As beautiful as the Walled City was, it couldn't hold a candle to his hometown. Aidan would have been happy to continue his reverie but a loud female voice rang out behind him.

"Excuse me, officer! Would you care for an interview?" He turned around to see a pretty lioness dressed in a heavy pink jacket, fancy snow hat and snow boots with a large crocodile standing behind her carrying a camera dressed in much the same way, though looking a bit miserable at the cold. He noticed they were both wearing engagement rings, figuring the two were a couple. A smile played upon his lips as it reminded him of his own parents and even Todd and Lizzie.

"Sure, I recognize you. Aren't you Loni Daniels from Shellington news? I've seen you several times on the television. I guess they sent you to cover the celebration. So what do you want to ask?" He said, feeling a bit anxious. He didn't often give interviews, it was mostly his dad and the older Lt's who did them but the reporter seemed nice enough. The lioness beamed at him and motioned the croc to turn the camera on and she turned around to address the camera with her microphone.

"Loni Daniels here covering the armistice day festival in Eldra, the sacred city of metal. I'm here with one of the Lieutenants working under Commander Andrew Hart, the Iron soldier and leader of the MODD forcers in Senetria. We are going to interview him on a few things regarding the security of the festival." She said before turning towards Aidan. "Can you tell me your name Lt.?"

"My name is Aidan...Aidan Hart." He said with a smile when he saw the glowing look on the lionesses face. Turning around she spoke in an almost excited tone.

"What luck! The Lieutenant we happened to find also happened to be the second son of the Commander himself! As you remember, I did an interview with the eldest son Alec Hart last year during my time in Oxis so it is exciting to meet another son of the esteemed Commander!" She turned around, her attention focused back to the wolf. "It truly is an honor to meet you Lt. Hart! I heard many good things from your brother when met."

Aidan could only give a shy blush at the praise. He had seen that interview and his brother looked pretty good in Tribal wear. He felt his groin tighten, thinking about seeing his brother in one of those but he refocused on the female reporter. "Thank you, that means a lot. So what did you want to ask me Ma'am?" He said with a smile which made the woman flush a bit and refocused herself as well.

"Yes, right! This is the probably the biggest festival Eldra has ever had, correct? I do assume that there has been massive security measures to make sure things will be safe for the celebrants correct? An event such as this would be a prime target for an Inquisition attack or an unsealed attack which could be devastating."

"We have guards and checkpoints all throughout the city, so there is little chance of Inquisition attacking before getting routed by our guards. As for the unsealed, we have the best anti-unsealed barriers MODD has to offer, so they won't be able to get within a hundred miles of the city so we should be safe." He said in an off-handed manner. "I can't say much more obviously but everything should be safe." He said before waving at the camera. "But I really need to get back on my patrols Ms. Daniels." He said with a polite nod. The Lioness returned the nod and turned towards the crocodile and the camera.

"That was our interview with Lieutenant Hart! This is Loni Daniels reporting from the armistice day festival. I will be reporting further so I'll see you all very soon!" She said before giving Aidan a smile and walking away from him, the croc quickly following her, thus leaving him alone. He let out a sigh and continued on his way through the city. He checked on several of the checkpoints to see how the lower ranked soldiers were doing. He caught a few drinking on the job who he swiftly dismissed and ordered them to return to HQ for disciplinary measures but other than that, things seemed to be going well. After that he found himself in the Central Plaza which was decked out in hundreds of floating candles surrounding the Great Fountain which had the Statue of the First Elemental Lord of Metal and the founder of Eldra, Asterius the Ironheart. A large bull holding a massive meteor hammer that was as large as he was in his paws, standing proud, his eyes observing the plaza like a silent guardian.

All the shops surrounding the plaza were all filled to the brim, as well as every single hotel in the city. It truly was the biggest festival on record and Aidan knew it would be a crazy few days. Numerous people were taking pictures with their holo-cameras around the plaza, being goofy and enjoying themselves greatly which made him smile. He was a bit jealous of the tourists, since for them, it was an awesome vacation while for him, it was an extremely hectic and crazy few days but this brought a lot of money for the city so he grinned and beared it. He was just about to leave the plaza before he heard someone call to him, which startled him and turned around, his paw resting on his gunblade. He knew it was probably unnecessary to do so but he had plenty of people try to off him before, so he did his best to be cautious but as he fully turned around he saw the tiger from earlier, holding his paws out in front of him as a sign of surrender.

"Easy there, Lieutenant! I was just wanting to say hi!" He said with a wary smile as the shy looking husky and the confident looking vixen came up next to him. The husky was looking warily at the tiger and the gunblade Aidan still had, his paw clasped unknowingly. The shy dog seemed to tremble at the sight of the wolf being much taller than either him or the tiger, barely 6' if that.

"Please don't hurt him Lieutenant! He didn't mean anything! Flint is just an excitable guy so he tends to get ahead of himself." Aidan nodded and let out a sigh as he removed his paw from his weapon. The two seemed harmless enough, though by their accent, neither were from around here. Crecsenta he had to guess since they were in the country to see the festival. Seeing the paw being removed caused the husky to relax a bit and give a shy smile. "I've obviously introduced Flint obviously, but my name is Bryon Marxton. We're here for the festival like everyone else. What is your name if I may ask?"

"My name is Lt. Aidan Hart. I'm glad you guys are having a good time but if I may ask, what is your name ma'am?" He said, giving a pointed look to the silent vixen who seemed to be watching the entire affair with a smug smile. This didn't seem to phase her a bit as she chuckled and put out her own much smaller paw to shake. She was around the same height as the husky and from what he could tell, quite fit and when he shook her paw he could tell she had a strong grip which impressed him.

"My name is Elena Morgan and like these goofballs, I'm here for the festivities. But did you say your name was Hart? Are you related to Commander Hart then? The Iron Soldier?" She asked, her eyes piercing him enough to make him blush. This girl was certainly the formidable sort.

"He's my father." Was all he could say under the intense scrutiny and the vixen obviously seemed to enjoy the fact she managed to have this kind of effect on a MODD Military Lieutenant. Suddenly, he looked towards his watch and sighed. He needed to make a second round to check all the checkpoints, and in order to do that, he had to leave the entertaining trio. He had other duties to attend to. "Anyway, it's good to meet you three but I need to get back to work. When all this chaos is over and if you guys are still around, maybe we can grab a coffee or something?" He said, having really taken a liking to the trio for some reason and the tiger of course was the first one to speak with an almost blinding smile.

"That'd be bloody brilliant! We were planning on staying in town for a week anyway so it sounds like fun! If you want, we can give you our contacts in case you can't find us." The seemingly ever-eager tiger said as he took out his holophone. Aidan could only chuckle and did the same as they tapped their phones, the information being passed between them and the two put their respective phones back into their pockets and then shook paws.

"I guess I'll see you around then, but I really need to go." Aidan said with a polite wave as he walked away from the plaza and as he left, he turned back to see the vixen and husky laugh at the tiger as he did something silly before he bent down and kissed the husky, drawing him close. 'Well shucks,' Aidan thought in a mildly disappointed manner. It had been awhile since he had gotten laid, plus it doesn't help that he had been so busy helping with the preparations for the festival that he hadn't had time to go out to party. But he knew that whenever he would finally get a day off, he was totally going to get hammered and hopefully pick up some hot fur for some fun. If he was honest with himself, he was kinda hoping it would have been the tiger. He seemed like an eager sort and those were the best in bed in his opinion but before he could delve in deeper into his perverse thoughts, he felt something or someone run into him. Looking down, he saw the same blond wolf he had seen earlier this morning. He looked a bit disheveled and he was rubbing his ass, obviously sore from the sudden fall.

Leaning down, he lent out a paw to help the pup up. "You alright, kid?"


Noah let out a soft sigh. It felt like forever since they had left Vernati and as he looked out of the window, he saw the massive city underneath him as well as the two massive walls that surrounded it. The famous walled city of Sinra, the Capital of Senetri and one of the few major cities that went largely unscathed from the Great Seal War 500 years ago. From what he learned in school, it was made from diamond adamantium, one of the hardest substances in the world. He never thought he would be able to see them first paw but here he was! And this wasn't even going to be their final destination. They were going to take a train to Eldra after they landed, which left him kinda excited. He could see the land that surrounded the city, blanketed by snow, giving a serene feeling. His ears twitched when he heard his dad lean close to him.

"It's beautiful isn't it? We might get snow back home but it's nothing compared to the beauty of Senetria." He said with an almost nostalgic tone in his voice, which made Noah give a curious look. It was now or never and his dad did promise to tell him the truth of how he found him so what could it hurt to ask something so simple?

"Hey, Dad?" He asked. His dad looked down at him and smiled, the love on his face made Noah feel so happy, he was so glad his dad had found him.

"Yes, son?" His dad asked, ruffling his hair which made him childishly flinch away but he still smiled at the affection his father showed. Taking a breath, he steeled himself before doing his best to get it out.

"Are you from here dad? You seem like you know this place. And don't try and clam up, you promised me you would be honest with me. I want to know more about you. I deserve that." He said, his father briefly flinching and letting out a heavy sigh before looking away from his son for a bit. Noah could tell his father looked troubled but he pressed on. "Why are you so afraid to tell me dad? I love you, you know that and I always will. I want to know more about the amazing man who took me in and raised me as his own." He said, hugging his father who looked like he was going to cry before hugging his son back.

"I love you more than anything Noah, you are the greatest thing to ever happen to me. There is a lot I want to tell you. I've done things I'm not proud of, but yes...I grew up here." He started with a small smile.

"Do I have grandparents?" Noah asked curiously. "Why haven't I ever met them? Do they know I exist?" His dad just sighed and shook his head.

"No they don't, my parents think I am dead." He said, tears streaming down his face. "When I found you I had to leave everything behind so you would be safe. I haven't spoken to them in years and I miss them. We'll talk more about this when we land and get into the hotel room, is that alright?" There were so many questions burning in Noah's head, so many revelations. Why did his dad have to fake his death when he found him? What did he mean by keeping him safe? But his dad was right, the plane had already started it's landing so they had to get their stuff together so they could make their train.

The plane landed safely and after a few minutes of chaos getting off the plane, the two were off towards the train terminal leading to Eldra. One thing nice about how the airports functioned is that it was often merged with another transport method like the trains in Senetria, which given the extremely mountainous terrain made it difficult to make a coherent highway system so they put more focus on the extensive maglev trains that ran throughout the country. And from what Noah had heard of, it seemed to work given everything seemed to be working fine. They finally reached the train and his dad flashed their passes to the elk standing in front of the doors and with a nod he stepped back and the door opened allowing them to walk in and the door closed the instant they stepped through.

The train was completely packed and they were lucky enough to get a pair of seats towards the back of the train. Once they sat down, the train set off rushing through the mountains, giving Noah an awesome view of the wilderness. He was broken from his revere when his dad let out a little cough.

"It'll be about an hour until we reach Eldra so enjoy the ride. Is there anything else you want to talk about son?" This made Noah pause. There was one thing he did want to talk about and that was the fact he was gay. He felt stupid that he hadn't admitted it to himself much sooner. It would explain why all the porn he watched were two dudes and why exactly he freaked out when that girl snuck into his house when any other teenage boy would have probably taken her up on her offer. Plus all the nights he masturbated thinking of Chadstone West and his mild obsession with the young hunky actor. But it was now or never. His dad said he would love him no matter what right? He surely wouldn't care that his only adopted son was gay right?

"Dad... I've been wanting to tell you this for awhile but I'm-" He started to say before his dad gently cut him off with a small gesture. Noah flinched a bit but looking at his dad's face he saw a small gentle smile on his face.

"No need to say more son. I've known, I've always known. I was just waiting for you to be comfortable enough to tell me on your own. As I said countless times before, I love you Noah, more than life itself and you are the best thing to ever happen to me and I stand by that. Oh, and you need to do a better job hiding your browser history. You have some interesting tastes, though those Taranebrian men were quite handsome so I can kind of understand why they caught your eye." Noah flushed and looked away. He did indeed have a thing for Taranebrian men, the whole stereotype regarding their sexual proclivities and the size difference thing was a definite turn-on but he still let himself look a bit miffed.

"Why were you looking through my laptop? That's a total invasion of privacy!" He complained petulantly, embarrassed his secret porn folder was found. He was so sure he had made it where only he could access it but he guessed that wasn't the case. His father just gave a sly smirk and a chuckle.

"I pay for your internet so I have the right to check what you are up to in the web so to make sure you aren't getting into anything crazy or dangerous, like join Inquisition or something." Noah could only roll his nose up in disgust at the thought, which made his father laugh and mess-up his hair once again, causing the teenager to flinch away which made his father laugh even harder. The train ride went by rather quickly as the two wolves just talked and laughed the entire time and once they reached the train station they gathered their luggage and found a taxi to drive them to their hotel. It was freezing outside and it made Noah grateful for the very thick winter coat he was wearing and he quickly but his beanie back on. The city was beautiful with lights everywhere and he could see hundreds of small stalls with people selling various things like food, souvenirs and other things you could need for the cold.

Soon enough, they reached their hotel. It was fairly nice and the outside seemed pretty clean. Once they stepped in, they saw a cougar dude with several piercings on his ears, nose and lip. He was very cute Noah thought as he greeted them cheerfully,

"Welcome!" He said with a loud, cheerful tone and Noah could see he also had a tongue piercing as well and Noah briefly wondered what that would feel like on his cock. He unconsciously adjusted his pants to hide his hardening manhood, not wanting to get attention towards it. He was rather big in that department and he was a bit insecure about it since he always got stares when he took showers after gym. The cougar had neon pink hair but his clothes were surprisingly conservative; a standard uniform with a black vest, red pants and a white tie. He seemed pretty fit from what Noah could tell and looked young, probably around 18 or so.

"We are the Littlesea family. You should have our reservation, correct?" His dad asked. The cougar just hummed as he looked at his computer, humming happily with his tail swishing back and forth. He seemed to eye Noah, which made the wolf blush and look away. When he looked back, he could tell that the cougar was all but staring at his crotch and when he was sure the older wolf wasn't looking, he winked and licked his lips, giving a brief grab of his own crotch, then quickly went back to being professional when Noah's father turned his focus back.

"Hmm, yes I see you guys are here indeed! Room 338 on the third floor! You guys got lucky! You might have just gotten the last room in the entire city. I don't think I've ever seen it this busy, and I've worked here for quite awhile." He chuckled, then handed the door-card over to the older wolf who nodded to him and went on his way to the elevator. Noah went on to follow him before he heard a whistle, which made him turn around to see the cougar becanning him over. Curious, Noah went up to see what the cat wanted. The cat only winked and passed him a piece of paper and went down to whisper in his ear which made Noah flush. "I'm going to go on break in about ten minutes. If you want to have a little fun, meet me here." He said before leaning back with a wink, pretending like nothing happened.

"What you doing Noah? Stop bothering the desk clerk!" He heard his dad shout. He looked towards his father who was standing by the elevator, looking a bit annoyed but he seemed to be completely oblivious to the cougar's offer. Intrigued, he considered it and gave the feline a little nod and a wink of his own before he ran up to his father with an apologetic look on his face.

"Sorry, I just wanted to ask something." He said before looking at the piece of paper and blushed again. He had never actually done anything with another dude before, so he was quite nervous about this. The cougar was very hot and seemed to be into him so why not have some fun? His father only smiled and rolled his eyes before placing the card in the elevator slot, causing it to open. "Third floor, right dad?" Noah asked as they entered. His father nodded and pushed the button, sending them up to the designated floor. Once they did so, they dragged their luggage to their room. Once they entered, they set their luggage next to the door.

The room was actually pretty nice. It had some fluffy white carpeting and had two beds with pretty yellow sheets and in between them stood a nightstand with a delicate looking lamp. There was also a small kitchenette

"What a day...I think I'm going to take a bit of a nap. If you want to explore a bit feel free, just don't leave the hotel without telling me alright? I don't want you to get lost." He said, before he started snoring causing Noah to chuckle and lean in to kiss his dad on the cheek which caused the man to smile in his sleep.

"I'll be back in a bit dad, I promise not to leave the hotel. Love you." He said before taking the card and leaving the room. Looking at the paper he saw a room number scrawled on it. 'Room 303' it said and Noah nodded, making his way through the hallway. He got odd look from the other guests but he ignored them as his cock got harder and harder in his pants. He didn't think he'd ever been as aroused as he was currently. Was he really going to have his first time with a complete stranger? Soon enough, he found himself outside the room and took a deep breath. 'It's now or never!' He thought before he knocked on the door and after a few minutes of waiting he heard the door open and the cougar looked at him with a smile.

"Good to see you wolfy! Wasn't sure you'd come! Come in, I won't bite." He said as he opened the door wider, allowing the young wolf to enter. He was a bit surprised to see the cougar was already naked and Noah got a good look at his body. He was indeed fit, obviously having worked out. He was a bit shorter than Noah was, maybe 5'10 and his bright green eyes seemed to glow as he looked the wolf over with a lustful gaze. His fur was a light brown with a bit of cream on his chest. "Looking good!" He said before forcing the wolf against the door and kissed him forcefully which made Noah moan. This was his first kiss and it was obvious that the cougar had more experience but something didn't feel right.

With a growl, Noah flipped the situation and next thing the cougar knew, he was the one forced against the wall and found the wolf kissing him even more forcefully. 'Much better!' Noah thought as he dominated the mouth of the feline who seemed to greatly enjoy the forceful treatment. Soon enough though, the two were forced to break apart to breathe.

"You're the take control type aren't you wolfy? What's your name kid? Mine's Jerome!"

"Noah. Do you often sleep with guests?" He teased lightly while fondling the cougar's exposed sheath and balls, making the feline moan and shake his head.

"Only if I find them interesting. I caught a glimpse of what you were packing." He said while grabbing at Noah's clothed crotch, letting out a gasp in shock at the size of it. Noah blushed. He knew he should be proud at how big he was but he just felt awkward when it was pointed out. "Damn wolfy, you're huge! Didn't think a skinny guy like you would have such a big dick. This is going to be fun!" He said before leaning down on his knees and started to unbutton the wolf boy's pants. Once he undid the zipper and slid everything down, the cougar grinned when the boy's black member slapped him in the face. "Nice! Gonna enjoy this!" He said before he took nearly half the length into his throat, making Noah gasp and have to hold onto the door, afraid his legs would give out from the sensation of having his dick swallowed.

"Holy shit!" He whined out as he felt the the slobbering maw take him deeper and deeper until his knot was rubbing against Jerome's lips. "Damn... you... took it all..." He said in surprise. The cougar simply hummed in response which felt amazing around his dick and he let out a stifled moan as he felt the piercing rub against his sensitive flesh. Feeling the need for more, he grabbed the back of the cougar's head and forced himself deeper into the willing throat, making Jerome gag before giving a pleased hum, seemingly enjoying the wolf taking control. This went on for several more minutes but right as Noah was about to cum, the cougar swiftly moved away and stood up, kissing Noah forcefully to share some of the pre.

"That was nice but I want that cum somewhere else if you know what I mean." He said with a wink and headed to the bed and laid down on it. He spread his legs, exposing his hole which made Noah blush and his cock pulse at the sight. "Come-on, get naked I want to be bred by a puppy." Noah nodded and started to quickly undress himself, leaving him completely exposed to the cougar who gave him a good look-over, his eyes hungry as he licked his lips. When he saw Noah's chest, he smiled. "Aww, you have a heart on your chest! That's adorable." Noah blushed at that. Another thing he was a bit awkward about was the heart-shaped patch of golden blond hair on his chest. A few boys had tried to tease him about it but he swiftly put an end to that. "What you waiting for? Come and join me!" Jerome said before patting the space next to him.

Noah let out a sigh. This was really going to happen, wasn't it? 'So this is how I lose my virginity, eh?' With a shaky sigh, Noah walked up and got onto the bed and laid next to the cougar, not having any idea what to do. "So, um... how do we start this... I've never done anything like this before." He said feeling incredibly awkward, his question also seemed to take Jerome off-guard a bit.

"Virgin, eh? I'm surprised a hunky wolfy like you never had a playmate." Jerome said playfully. "But aren't you full of surprises Noah. I like that and I'm glad we got to meet! Let me guide you, just follow my lead alright?" Noah could only nod before the cougar kissed him gently on the lips before turning around to where his hole was facing Noah's snout which made the wolf blush even more.

"Umm..." Jerome sensed his concern and quickly told him that he was clean so there was no worry. With a shrug, he brought his nose up to the hole and let out a cautionary sniff. He didn't smell anything amiss so he went to town and shoved his face into the ass in front of him and began to devour the offered hole. It was weird, he knew for a fact that he never did anything like this before but for whatever reason he knew exactly what to do to prepare the hole for his engorged member. The entire time Jerome was letting out adorable and erotic meows and purrs as he enjoyed the sensations but eventually, and much to Noah's dismay he got up and turned to face Noah again, giving him yet another kiss.

"I'm going to ride you so stay still, okay? It's been awhile for me and you are frankly huge, so for now let me decide the pace okay?" Noah once again just nodded, not trusting his voice right then as Jerome kissed him again. He gently grabbed Noah's cock and lined it up with his hole, then slowly, inch by inch began to slide down on it. Noah could only gasp as he felt his tip touch the burning heat and it took everything in him not to just thrust his knot into the feline. He trusted his judgement and he didn't want to hurt his new friend. Jerome actually made it halfway down Noah's shaft before he had to stop to rest. "Fuck! You're huge!" Jerome cried out in ecstasy. "This is going to be something to remember! I hope this isn't the only time we get to play!" He said before resuming his descent and he kept going until he rested himself on Noah's half-formed knot. "There, all in."

Noah couldn't even speak at that moment, he was too overwhelmed by the heat and the sensations of the hole he was embedded in. Was this how sex felt like? How did he go so long without trying this? After resting himself and making sure he was stretched out enough, Jerome started going up and down, causing them both to moan at the sensations of their act. The two kept going on, the feelings getting more and more intense. Soon enough, Noah decided to take charge, catching the cougar off-guard as he forced himself on top with Jerome on his back. Having maneuvered carefully, his dick stayed inside the ass the entire time. A blissful sigh escaped before he resumed, watching the cougar's reactions, enjoying the moans and mewls. Soon enough, Noah couldn't take it anymore and he clamped down on the cougar's shoulder with a mating bite, driven purely by instinct as he thrust his knot inside the cougar, tying him. He briefly felt some heat on his belly from the cougar's orgasm and the clamping on his knot was too much for Noah. With a muffled howl, he came inside of the cougar, his seed spilling in the spasming hole.

He eventually let go of Jerome's shoulder and started to gently lick at it, the cat purring in delight. "That was fun wolfy. You're pretty good for a former virgin." He said, rubbing the wolf's back. "So, how long does it take you to deflate?"

"Um... maybe ten minutes? I never really counted how long it took for my knot to go down so we might be stuck for awhile." Noah said before kissing Jerome once again. "Thanks for this though, it was nice." He said with a blush. Jerome could only smile at that.

"You are really sweet Noah. I had a good time myself. I hope we can meet each other again before you leave."

"So do I." Noah said before snuggling into the crook of Jerome's neck, waiting for his knot to go down.


Noah slowly crept through the hotel, feeling a bit self-conscious even though he and Jerome took a shower so they wouldn't smell like sex. Despite this, he felt like everyone who looked at him knew what he did. He did get Jerome's number though so they could stay in contact which Noah was happy about. The cat was pretty nice and of course an excellent lay. After several minutes of walking, he found himself back at their room. Being as quiet as possible, he straightened up his clothes and placed the card into the door and was surprised to see his dad sitting on the bed with a smile on his face. He expected him to still be asleep.

"Howdy son! Glad you're back. Did you enjoy yourself with the cougar boy? He was pretty cute, wasn't he?" Noah felt himself blush for probably the hundredth time that day. How did his dad know? His dad seemed to catch on and smiled even wider. "Come on, boy! I'm not blind! I saw you two checking each other out. I didn't say anything because it was none of my business but really son, did you have a good time?" He said, patting the part of the bed next to him which Noah reluctantly took and his dad wrapped his arm around him and kissed his forehead. "You can be honest with me Noah, you know I would never judge you for something like this. I love you more than anything and all I want is for you to be happy, alright?" Noah could only nod as he buried his head in his father's chest and cried. He was so grateful for his father, the man who raised him even though he wasn't biologically his.

"I love you dad..." He said, tears still running down his face. "Thank you so much for accepting me. I don't know what I would do without you." His dad only patted him on the back and let him cry it out, the two eventually falling asleep in each other's arms.


Noah could only smile as he and his dad enjoyed their time at the festival. The streets were so packed they could barely move but it was a blast. The energy was amazing and everyone was happy and partying in the streets. Noah was soaking it up, as was his dad. This however was ruined when he was nearly knocked over by someone running past him. "Watch where you're going!" He shouted out at the person who merely flipped him off. It was some punk dressed in a red hoodie and jeans and Noah frowned when he saw what the bastard had in his paws. His watch! The bastard nicked it! "Give that back!" He shouted out and chased after the figure, barely hearing his dad shouting out for him.

He rushed past numerous people, having to bump into almost everyone and apologizing along the way, all the while doing his best to keep his sights on the figure but by doing that he wasn't paying attention to where he was going. He wound up colliding with what felt like a wall and fell on his ass, stunned and confused. Looking up, he saw a tall wolf in a MODD Service Uniform with a gunblade strapped to his waist. Noah gulped in fear, having heard stories of how some MODD Service Members were tyrannical assholes but the older wolf just gave a gentle smile and bent down to help him up. "You okay, kid?" Noah shyly took his paw and he was easily lifted onto his feet. 'Wow, he's strong!' Noah thought to himself. 'And pretty good looking too...' the officer seemed oblivious to his thoughts and asked him something which snapped him back into focus.

"What's got you running so fast kid? You could have hurt someone."

"Someone stole my watch! It's very important to me!" He cried out, hoping the officer could help him get it back. The wolf nodded and took out a tablet and started to type.

"Can you describe it?" The man asked. "I can send a notice for the guards to look out for it, just need the description." The wolf typed on his tablet as the information was given. "What's your name kid?"

" Noah Littlesea. What's yours, officer?" Noah asked in return.

"Lt. Aidan Hart. I'll help you get your watch back." He said while placing his tablet back into its pouch. As he did so, he frowned as if he felt something was already in it. Taking whatever it was out, he saw it was the exact watch that Noah described just seconds ago. "Is this it?" Noah nodded as he snatched it out of the other wolf's paws and thanked him, then stared at the item with an eyebrow raised. "So where are you parents?" Noah was going to say something but before he could get anything out, he heard a loud explosion which knocked him off his feet and he heard screams all around him. Turning around, he saw what looked like a tiny little robot buzzing around with a strange symbol on its head. 'An Unsealed?' Was all Noah could think before even more explosions rang throughout the city. 'What's going on?' He thought as he tried to get up off the ground before the robot turned towards him and began to charge up a laser pointed directly at both him and the wolf.