a white wedding day

Story by furriefox on SoFurry

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sorry it took so long to get out guys but this is andother part of the seires with james and zak

this stroy contains no yiff so sorry for all you furverts out there, thestroies from here on will bw told from zaks point of veiw this story will also contain male heat and male pregnacy

smling softly as he settled deeper into the seat of his husband, james' 57 belair i cant belive it the days finnaly here. im finnaly gonna get married he giggled quitly to himself and looked over at the wonder wole that was to be his husband "you know its been exactly three months since you gave me this" he aid smiling twisting the ring on his finger "i know my love, and i was worth it every moment since ive been with you has been worht while" james replied taking in a deep breath he smelled his musk "i thought you wouldnr come back into heat after the first time" james looked over at him raising an eyebrow. he giggled and wiggled in his seat "well my love i guess i lied" he looked back to the raod blushing a little. they still had a ways to go beffore the reached Vermont.he sighed softly. he still hadnt tolsd james he could get pregnant when he was in heat hell i dont even know if he would like kids he looked back over to james and decided to find out

"hey babe how do you feel about kids?" he asked smiling a little james looked over at him with a quizical look "why the sunnden kid tsalk babe? but to answer your question i love kids and i would love for us to adopt one day" zak did a little jump for joy in his seat as he grined at his husband "well what if i said we wouldnt have to adopt?" noe james was really confused he pulled into a little station along the road to he could fully talk to his love "what do you mean zak theres no other way for us to have kids." zak patted his belly softly as he blushed hard "well actually theres some thing i havent told you, i can get pregnant when im in heat just like a real bitch"

james stared at him taken back his face slowly crept into a grin "thats wonderfull babe!!!! im gonna have to be extra rough with you yo night if i wanna get a pup or two in that belly of yours" smilng james pulled back onto the road.

5 hours later--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

james pulled the car into the little cottage house he had rented for the foe the wedding their honey moon the place was already buzzing with final preperations and most of their guests had alread arrived. it was gonna be a nice quit little wedding with just the familes and close friends. smiling as zak got out of the car and poped the trunk pulling out the black bag that had his dress in it thinking quitil to himself i cant belive i let him ta;lk me into wearing a dress sighing happily as kissed hi love on the cheek and said good nyr until the ceromony he rushed off to find his mother Laura and his sister Kate to help him get ready

"there the two of you are!" zak chucklrd as he padded up to his mother and sister "ive been looking every where for you two!" Laura smiled and patted her son on the head "well dear evidently not hard enough because weve been here the whole time. havent we Kate?" she asked looking over to his sister "yeah little bro we havent moved sice we got here" she teased him lightly and took the black bag from him and walked into the house "come on you two weve got a lot of work to do! she called back

it had taken four hours to get him ready but all that was left for Zak to do was step into the dress and walk down the aisle and say i do "i still cant belive you let him talk you into wearing the dress" Kate giggled handing him the bag "quit teasing your brother kate. now go and put it on dear i want so see what you look like" laura smiled warmly at him as he stepped into the changing room he slid on the simple strapless white dress that came all the way down to his feet it was covered in little stiched roses and leaves "hey Kate come in here i need you to zip me!" Kate laughed out walking towards the stall and stepping in "turn and ill zip" she said as he turned and she took hold of the zipper zipping it up she took a deep breath and gasped grabbing her brother by the shoulder and hissing in his ear "your in heat!!!! and you didnt say anything. ehat the hells wrong with you!" she turned him lose and tapped her foot waiting for an amswer "well i didnt think i had to any more James knows about it and he doesnt mind" Zak sat on the little bench inn the stall and pulled on the pure whir converse he had picked out because there was no way in hell he was wearing heels "the big deal is" she said popping him on the back of the head "you can get pregnant!"

rubbing his head he cut her a snide look "hey watch where you swing that paw.and i know that and so does he. wwe both want kids so whats the worst that could happen?" their conversation was cut short by the ringing of the bells "ohh shit there starting!" hiking up his dress so he wouldnt step on it as he ran out of the stall "hurry up you two i dont wanna be late for my own wedding"

panting a ltille as the tree of them reached the little chaple that was right down the road from the cottage zak fixed his dress and walked into the chaple front hall taking his mothers arm ready to be escorted down to his love. he would loved for it to be his father nut ever since he announced his engagement his father refused to talk to him. but alas he wasnt going to that ruin his day

shortly after the i do's--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

smiling james lifted the veil from zaks face and gave him a nice long wet kiss "why helo there mrs. james edwards" he tased him picking him up in the bridal way and took him out of th chaple setting him in the carrige he had waiting for them. "ive got the most wonderfull ride planned with my lovely mate" smiling as he climbed in beside zak and they drove off for their ride


coming soon: the honey moon night

a day of bliss-2

a sequel to a day of bliss this next storyis gonna be writen from the perspective of zac the fox ...

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a day of bliss

authors note: this is another story involving those cute furs zac and james form mid nite romance. all of the porplr are of my creation there fore you must ask before you use them. As Zac opened his eyes to the soft...

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midnight romance

james was a silver and white wolf about 6 ft tall and was very handsome. now james had been living in his home town of aiken for all of his life and he had been very fourtunate in meeting the very few gay furs that he had in this podunk little...

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