Feldspar: Step One

Story by Equinox on SoFurry

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First Night


That was the one thing running through the husky's mind as he looked up at the imposing mass of neon and steel before him. Forget the rain, the fast cars racing past and even the occasional shouts of drunken Friday night brawlers from the club on just behind him; they were of no concern. All that mattered was keeping his cool and not running away with his tail between his legs. The building was on the other side of the road, and yet seemed to be much closer.

The husky, Matt, suddenly flinched as a particularly large water drop splashed on his nose, causing him to dig his hands into his jacket pockets, a bad habit he always did when he became nervous. Nervous was a bit of a understatement, he was practically shitting bricks.

"Come on, come on, come on..."

Matt was doing a small jog on the spot, trying to psyche himself to cross the road and enter the building. He stopped his jogging and merely slumped his head down, water trickling down his head and adding to the small river flowing on the pavement down to the drains. Thanks to the lights behind him he could see his reflection in the water, yellow eyes that shone like headlamps looked back at him and a mess of soaked hair clinged to his head. Matt sighed; he'd spent ages getting his hair just right for tonight, jumping into the shower at least three times after each failed attempt. Apart from his sodden fur he had to admit he wasn't that bad looking, an innocent face made up of electric blue and white fur caused him to give a silly half-smile to himself. Although he didn't look it, Matt wasn't what you'd consider an average teenager. He didn't care for sports, or anything that involved physical labour. He was more interested in mental athletics, putting his mind to use instead or his body. Despite this he wasn't overweight. He wasn't built either, simply nesting in a slot that had no classification.

He'd also never really taken much care in the way he looked, only ever going out of his way to make his hair look decent. He had always wanted to find an unusual hairstyle, but he never saw anything that made him look twice. Then browsing through a gaming magazine one night he saw a picture of some cosplaying fox sporting a Cloud Strife hairstyle. And that's when he made up his mind. But now it just resembled a blue and white mess. He broke away from his own reflection as he remembered what he was there for, and immediately began to panic again.

"Come on...come on...don't give up now..."

He had been planning this thing for weeks, ever since he turned 18 a couple of months ago. He had been taken out to the club just behind him on his birthday by a group of friends, when he noticed the larger club just over the road. Not knowing the true nature of the building Matt turned to his best friend Chris, a jet-black wolf who was very athletic and whose nature to matched his colour, and asked what the place was.

"That place? Why the hell do you wanna know!"

"It just seems to be a bit more lively than this one".

Chris flashed his sharp teeth and flicked his head toward the building.

"That place," he begun, " is full of fags. Loads of them, just gathering in there and doing all of their gay shit! It's disgusting that those places are allowed to exist, mind you, the same question applies to the pieces of shit that go there".

Matt just stood there and looked at his friend and then to the club.

"You really hate them don't you? Ever since you found out about your da-"

Matt stopped his words as he saw the threatening look in his friend's eyes, receiving the order to shut his muzzle immediately.

"Keith is not my dad, and he never was." Chris had a pensive look on his, lost in memories of events that happened a long ago. "Enough of this crap, lets just get in the club, get pissed, get you laid and then go home. Sounds like a good birthday treat eh!"

"Erm, sounds great!" Matt put on a false grin and Chris laughed as he grabbed Matt round the neck and began to mess up his hair, something he knew Matt hated, before running off to the club behind him. Matt chased after him, hurling abuse at Chris whilst halting to recompose his hair in the club's window.

There was no getting smashed or getting laid for Matt that night, although Chris more than made up for him. All of Matt's other friend had left ages ago, wishing their friend a happy birthday and making their way home. Chris and Matt left the club just after midnight, Chris's arm draped over his friend's shoulder and dragging his feet whilst muttering drunken tales of his night out.

"She was fit as, massive tits and a right slut!"

"I'm sure she was, sounds like you had fun." Matt rolled his eyes at Chris's intoxicated tale of how he had got his way with some dalmation and he started to snigger as Chris retold the tale for the third time, but then his eyes caught the building just over the road. The black windows gave off a sort of magnetism, piquing his curiosity to see what was inside. Although he had never been with another guy in his life, Matt had always known he was gay. However, he chose to keep this to himself as the idea of what people would say made him feel like they'd treat him like a disease, especially Chris. The story of Chris's dad was a well-known story around college and the estate where they both lived.

Keith was a popular and well-liked guy. His fur was even blacker than his son's and he was always known for his large physique and aggressive face. Yet he was a big softie deep down, always using his abilities to help those in need and standing up for the weak. When Chris turned 16 his dad took him to the kitchen along with his Chris's mother where they sat down at the table and began to talk. It was then that Keith revealed to his son that he was gay. Chris laughed and said it was a good joke, only his dad wasn't laughing. Chris turned to his Arra, his mother, who was also a black wolf and told her to make his dad stop playing around, but she just averted her eyes away from her son. That was when Chris realised what was happening.

There are many different accounts of what happened next, some say that they remained seated down and talked, whilst others said that the family just sat in silence for hours. But they all ended with the same result, Chris attacking Keith in a blind rage and screaming at him to leave. Even by the age of 16 Chris was more than capable of taking on people bigger than himself. Keith apparently just stood there and took all of the punches, kicks, scratches and bites without so much as blinking. It was only when Chris threw his wildest punch so far, missing his dad and instead making contact with Arra, instantly breaking her nose and sending her crashing to the floor, that Keith finally reacted. Clenching a fist he punched his son right in the stomach, making it the first time in his life that he laid a single mark on Chris. Chris took the full force of the punch, flying straight into the back door, and then slumped to ground, completely winded.

Chris looked up to see Keith hugging Arra, her blood soaking her husband's neck and shoulder. He whispered something her and she nodded. Both of them turned to Chris, who began to chant sorry in a pained voice, the aftermath of the punch still causing him pain.

Chris's dad drove to the hospital where he and his son were for their battle wounds and Arra for her wrecked nose. The family then went home and Chris's parents told him that Keith was leaving tomorrow night. Arra explained that Keith had realised who he was when Chris was 8 years old. He had explained to his wife that he couldn't lie to her anymore, admitting that he couldn't face her any more without her knowing. His wife simply sat there and laughed in the same way Chris had done 8 years later. However, she said she had always had a small idea that he was batting for the other side and that she was pleased for him to accept himself for who he was. Keith asked her if they should tell their son but they thought it would be best to do it when he was old enough to understand. Arra said that she still had feeling for Keith, regardless of whether he loved her or not. Keith then looked at Chris.

"I loved your mother, and I still do. It was awkward at first but we got on with it, we were happy."

Chris just sat there, not uttering a word.

The next day Keith was gone, without saying goodbye to any of his friends or neighbours. Since then Arra had met another partner, a silver wolf called Leon who was a complete comedian, able to have everyone in hysterics within a matter of seconds with his witty one- liners and his amazing ability to make even the dullest story sound like a piece of pure genius. There had been no more mention of her ex-husband to this day.

Chris's attitude towards the gay community was common knowledge to most people nowadays. The few known gay furs around the college avoided him at all times and never made eye contact. Chris's behaviour was the main reason why Matt had never indicated his sexual orientation to his friend.

Matt was still gazing at the club, the familiar magnetism and mystery of the black windows tugging at his entire body. The cold was beginning to go straight through his clothes and fur, causing him to give a small shiver. Taking a look around him to make sure he didn't clock anyone familiar he finally took his first step towards the gay club, crossing the road quickly with his head dipped low, not taking care to look out for traffic. When he finally got to the other side he immediately began to panic, weeks worth of planning and waiting finally condensed into this one moment. Ever since that night out with Chris he had been obsessed with knowing more about the club. The website didn't reveal much and this only intensified his desires to know what it was like inside.

Suddenly everything went quiet and all he could her was his heart beating rapidly in his chest, threatening to explode with anticipation and fear. Shaking his head to remove most of the rain, which had saturated into his fur, he then took a deep breath and sound returned to him.Matt then slowly walked up to the door of the club, the black glass still preventing him from knowing what lay on the other side, and reached for the handle with a shaking hand. As he grabbed to the cold steel he turned around one last time to check he wasn't being watched and gave a small laugh as he saw the brawlers now rolling with laughter at some sort of text one of them had on their phone. Turning his head to the door he saw his reflection once more, the innocent face now replaced by one of fear and anticipation. His heart beat louder than ever but he yanked open the door and ran inside, only for his head to make contact with something hard. Wincing from the blow to his nose he cautiously opened one eye. What he saw puzzled him, he seemed to have bumped into a wall with a black curtain attached to it. It was only when he looked down that he noticed that just below his chin was the top of a large belt buckle. Matt stepped back and felt his back make contact with the door behind him, the handle right next to his elbow.

"Erm, kid?"

Matt quickly snapped out of his hypnotised state and looked up to see that the wall was actually a person! The thick brown mane and lustrous amber eyes made Matt's draw drop as he stared. He was standing in the presence of a massive lion. Actually, massive didn't even begin to describe this guy, he made Chris's dad look like a nothing in comparison.

"Kid? Are you okay?" the lion said, his face showing genuine concern.

Matt foolishly looked around to see who he was talking to, and felt his heart beat double when he realised he was the one the lion was addressing.

"Oh, I'm fine. I'm really sorry!" Matt said with a deep panic, "I didn't see where I was going! Please, I'm sorry!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Time out! What re you panicking for? I'm not gonna hurt you or anything, just be a bit more careful in future, 'kay?

Matt was taken back by how calming the lion's voice was, immediately felt more at ease.

"I didn't mean to, I was, you know, I've never, well, the thing is-"

Matt stopped talking as the lion raised a one of it's gigantic paws and gave a small smile.

"Lemme guess, first time in here? It's not that unheard of for a newbie to run straight into a guy when they first enter".

Matt gave the lion a concerned look and immediately reached for the handle.

"Hey, wait a minute! When I said that I didn't mean that guys lurk around the entrance preying on newbies! Sometimes people wait here to get some air and get out of the area for a minute, it can get a bit too much sometimes."

The lion looked at Matt with a pleading look, and Matt relinquished his grip on the handle, letting his paw drop to his side.

"There's no need to panic, I'm on my way home anyway so I assure you that I'm not some perv". The lion held out his massive paw. "I'm Nathan by the way".

Matt hesitated but then extended his own paw and laughed at how much the lion's paw dwarfed his own. In the end Matt just took his paw away and introduced himself. It was after Matt's introduction that he looked at Nathan properly for the first time.

Nathan was a incredibly muscular lion dressed in dark jeans and a black shirt, the tight fitting fabric failing to disguise his well-defined abs and incredible pecs. Matt guessed that Nathan had to be at least nine feet tall. He was drawn to the giant's arms, each bicep three times big as Matt's. It was then that the most prominent feature of the lion was revealed, the huge bulge in the Nathan's jeans. Matt was transfixed at the sight, he had seen some guys at college with big bulges but this guy put them all to shame.

Matt immediately felt himself flush at the sight, and Nathan noticed what the husky was looking at. Nathan didn't say anything but merely waited for Matt to stop staring. When he finally did look away Nathan gave another of those little smiles.

"Don't worry, you're not the first guy to gorm out at me either. I admit it is nice but it gets a little embarrassing after a while. Ha! You should see your face kid!"

Matt turned around and looked at himself in the black glass, he swore he could see himself blushing beneath his fur. He was then horrified to see that he had a tent forming in his own jeans, and immediately turned round to see Nathan returning the favour, staring at Matt's tent with a curious look on his face.

"Yup, another newbie thing" Nathan looked at Matt's ashamed expression and let out a roar of laughter, before wiping a tear from his eye and apologising. "Don't worry about it, just don't let the others see or you might draw a crowd- hey! Wait up!"

But it was too late, Matt had flung open the door and was now running down the street, the rain falling harder than ever.

"Matt! Hey! What're you doing?! Come back!" Nathan was standing outside yelling down the street towards the husky, but it was useless. Nathan stood there and scratched the back of his head and then went back inside to call for a taxi on one of the pay phones.

Matt kept on running until his lungs felt like they were on fire and then stopped outside a café which had long since closed. He leant back against the shop and began to catch his breath. Looking down he noticed that his erection was still rock-hard, refusing to go down. He just stood there, unable to register how much of a disaster it had all been.

"Getting a fucking hard-on at the first sight of a guy, good one Matt, good one..."

a good ten minutes had passed since Matt had fled the club. The cold was seeping in more than ever and Matt decided it would be best to go home. Reaching for his mobile he was about to call a taxi when he saw one coming down the road and it began to slow down as it approached. Matt put away his phone as the taxi stopped right next to him and the back window came down to reveal Nathan. Giving another one of smiles.

"Look, I'm not interested in your cock so just get in the cab before you freeze to death."

Matt stood just stood there, his yellow eyes staring straight at the amber ones in front of him.

"Fine", he said, "but you're paying."

Nathan gave another loud laugh and opened the door for Matt to get inside. As Nathan closed the door he asked Matt where he wanted to go.

"Tenason Close, please" Matt said to driver, and then they set off.

The back of the taxi wasn't that big and Matt found himself squashed to the side by the bulk of the lion next to him. They sat in silence for a while until Nathan asked him why he wanted to go in the club.

"I dunno really, I guess because I've never really been with any other guys like me before. I just kinda wondered what it would be like." Matt's ears then sank. "Turned out to be a waste of time though, I'm such an idiot."

Nathan chuckled to himself and turned to the husky.

"If it makes you feel any better I was flattered by it."

"Shut up!" Matt punched Nathan playfully in the bicep, regretting it instantly as he felt the pain surge through his entire arm"

Nathan chuckled again and then looked out the window as the taxi stopped.

Tenason Close, will that be all?" asked the driver

"Yes, thank you" replied Matt. He was about to get out but Nathan grabbed his arm.

"Look kid, I'm 34 so I'm not interested in what you have to offer. But I'd like to see you again, you're a bit of a laugh and I can watch your back in there. How about tomorrow night?"

Matt just looked at Nathan, unable to say anything. He then mumbled something that sounded like a yes, much to the amusement of Nathan.

"Right, well I'll see you tomorrow then kid, see ya!"

"Erm, okay, bye then" Nathan scurried out of the taxi and watched it drive off into the distance. Looking down he noticed that Nathan had stuffed a piece of paper into his hand. Curious, Matt unfolded it and noticed it to be a Nathan's phone number. Matt just looked at it, in two minds whether to keep it or not before finally deciding to drop it on the floor, watching the ink get washed away by the rain. Making a mental note to tell Nathan he didn't get the phone number he walked home, the rain still pouring down on him.

As he unlocked the door he glanced at the clock inside and was shocked to discover it was well past midnight. Taking off waterlogged shoes he slowly began to make his way upstairs into the bathroom.

Making sure that his parents were asleep Matt ran the hot water and sank into the bath, grateful for the warmth.

Afterwards he pulled the plug and idly watched the water drain away, following the swirling pattern as it disappeared. Towelling himself dry he remembered Nathans incredible bulge, and instantly felt him self getting hard at the thought.. Matt put down the towel and watched his cock grow out of his sheath, swelling up with incredible speed and standing proud. He never really considered himself undersized or large in the baggage department, although he had never really taken much notice before come to think of it.. Deciding that he should call it a night he folded his damp clothes and placed them into the laundry basket. And then walked out of the bathroom naked, cock leading the way.

As soon as he entered the room Matt walked blindly through the darkness before finally collapsing onto his bed, staring at the ceiling with arms crossed behind his head. He lay like that for a while until he felt himself drifting off, thoughts of what might occur tomorrow night putting a smile on his face before he feel to sleep.