the Renegade Conspurracy-chapter 2: tuoout the facilite

Story by Urist shadowolf on SoFurry

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The steel of the airvent was cold, cold like a cold nite on the coldest place in the word. it was dark like a tunnel obscruced by a white elefant on the darkest nite of africa

"its so dark normal mostly peopel cant' see any thing" but his color-changing eye had anhoter trick over there sleeves. and then he find untricate desing on something in there. And the untricate desing on the wheel caugt his eyes:the vent was a pipe but he find the wheel of activaiton and pushes the to get away

"righty loosy left tighty" he rememembered to himslefrom boyscotus

He wheels 12 foot clockwise, opening the panel revels a room about four touhsand feet high, a manafacturing plant. He removed his binoculors and looked out at the terible site. Convayer belts of poor cute teddy bears being run throufgh cold ripping machines of industre. the machiens were prodecessing the tedy bear trouhgout the site at statoin where the machines would put the weird black pill trouhg the teddy bear eyes

Mcfluffy9s eyees flashed infared and ultroviolet both at the same time as he used his zoom visoin to see the pills closer. the pills were acutally L.S.D. as he can see by the molicules of the intricute pattern on the top of it

he think:"by the gods of Zues and isildur, thes russian are putting L.S.D. are into the teddy bear, they are higher then the avarage americant!!!!" he says to himself.

"i must faintly destroid these diabloical machinerie of evil" he then realized as he must act swifly for he burden himslef

"If i remember correctly form my doctorate in spy chemsty., L.S,D. is an acid compund and so if i want to destoy the factury i need moar acide!"

Racking his mind he thhought of only one substunce he has that acide he so despurtaly needed to blow up the facilite. "this will crate an exofermic reaction, and it wil make the machinerie overhat!"

Luckly the chemicel he though of was one he kept inside his balls most of time time, or outside oif he had a blame to ti!

"I forgot so much of my cum in that solder lung, but i just need a bit to brake the machiinerie"

"I am sorry bear but this is for the good of the planete;" the fox apoloizeed as he thrust his waiting cock into a hole he tore of the stiffed bear.

as he bucks his hip more and more twistung with plasure the teddy bear graps him at the croch and defean him villany but he kept trusting. The cuttun stuffing like the steal of russian submurines scritches unto his hot weeny biulding tiney scratches inside it. but he nevertheless trusthing because of the mition he impended to finish, l;ives were at stake, so he kepp on fuckxing the teddy hardest.

As he about to came the seman fuseed outside of his peenie and in the interoir of the bear but the bear moane and steam and stuff came out of his eyes as they dissloved to slobbur and drool form the reactoin.

"opps, look like this bear is about gonna blow" he say as he quickly whit his 2 tail put up the detonator up the bear quickly before the seam and foam..

He took the sicky bear and trew it far across the factury into ther machineie gear box "misson accompliushed" he says out loud and flies through the glass cieling just as the gear explade

*james bond music*

Menwhile little did he know he was being watced by none oter then Opunpanerurumu Takanawa half japanesse leader of the russian

"curse that Darkie Willotail McFluffy, he will pay dealry for ruining his plans"@!

his hand smahsed with blunte force like an pack of thousand elefants on the argnaitti italian desk he brougt from chinase contractor, then he drink from his glass fo alcool.. The whiskey get fast to his head and before he sunk inside drukness he has a last thuougt for the 2-tail fox.