James and The Jock II - Tutoring Assignments

Story by Destroyed on SoFurry

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#4 of James & The Jock

James & The Jock

Chapter II

Tutoring Assignments

What a day, James thought, as he set his dinner down on the small table shoehorned into the narrow space he had next to his desk. He drew up the uncompromisingly hard dorm chair and dumped himself into it, staring at the screen of his laptop. For the last thirty minutes it had been showing the login splash-screen for Ungroomed MUCK, a text-based realm he frequented when he was alone in his dorm.

And only when he was alone, which was thankfully often as his three dorm-mates were frequently out doing college things that had little to do with studying. Since it was Friday night they would be out late indeed, and come in so drunk they could barely walk.

Unfortunately he would not be able to enjoy his solitude; tossed onto the desk next to his laptop was a small folded cardstock detailing how he would be spending his Friday night. He had found it after coming in from his last class of the day; stapled arrogantly to the top of his doorframe. Being of only average height in a dorm designed to suit species of any size meant that the door was twice again as tall as he was, putting the card out of reach without a little work. His was a species known for climbing, after all; it took a few tries and losing his shoes, but he was eventually able to use the doorframe to jump high enough to snatch the note off the frame. It was the insulting way it was tacked up there, like a taunt, that had pissed him off enough to decide to get it on his own.

It came from one of his Department heads and had very little to say. A time, a date, a location, and a task: Review of upcoming first-term finals with a member of the Delta-Omega-Gamma fraternity. _DOG_s, a frat populated by jocks, preps, and spoiled trust fund heirs. He had to go to one of their fraternity houses, of which they had almost a dozen on Brownstone Lane on the opposite side of campus. James would have to be there in forty-five minutes, and had little recourse to refuse. The Department head in question was the one heading the tutoring program he was employed with and would take a very dim view to his ditching a job request like that.

--Somewhere on the MUCK Ebonshadow has connected!-- flashed across the bottom of his screen and James hastily set aside his fork. Ebonshadow was his... friend, on the MUCK, one of the few who seemed to have the wit and compassion to engage him. The silver and black wolf had taken him down paths of intellectual exploration that he had been afraid to explore on his own in a more physical manner; examinations of who he was inside, his spirit, his desires, and let him explore himself through his interactions with the Wolf that had opened his eyes and his mind.

That the wolf was male had concerned him early on in their relationship, but with time those concerns had faded and finally passed away entirely, allowing James to understand himself better.

--Ebonshadow has arrived.--

_ --Ebonshadow pads in with a gleaming, toothy wolfish smile, dark velvet robes sweeping around his feet. He crosses over to you and sweeps you into his arms with a mighty hug, "Hello there, hon! I'm glad I caught you before I had to jot off. I just got a call to run back to the office for a conference call with a Chinese plant manager."--_

James' fingers hovered over the keys for a moment as he digested his online mate's revelation, cursing how fate seemed intent on denying him any outlet for solace. That his Friday night would have been a lonely one regardless hardly even factored into it. He swallowed the muzzlefull of crawfish etouffee he had been chewing on and set his claw tipped fingers to the keys, typing rapidly.

_ --Zephyr returns the hug with one of his own, leaning his brow into the fur of Ebonshadow's chest with a sigh, "That's okay, luv, I learned a couple of hours ago that I, too, have had my Friday plans stomped upon." He draws his head back and looks up to your dark muzzle, meeting your violet gaze. "I'm on the volunteer tutor's roster and some... jackass... brought a summons by sometime today. They stapled it to the top of my doorjam."--_

_ --Ebonshadow snorts and tilts his head, dropping his hands to your lower back and flexing his fingers into the warm, soft fur there, "Top of... those doors are how tall there??" the wolf growls in exasperation.--_

_ --"Mine's about ten feet or so. Had to practically climb the jam to get it down." Zephyr sighs, leaning into Ebonshadow's comforting frame with a soft smile at the feel of your strong hands upon him, enjoying the gentle strength of your touch, his tail arching up at the touch of your fingers. "It was issued Monday, I should have gotten it then. The jackass who posted it there has had it all fucking week!"--_

_ --Ebonshadow growls irritably, "God damned college pricks. They just love fucking with people, gives them a rise. Who are you supposed to tutor?" He bows his head and gives you a comforting nuzzle while his blunt tipped claws slide down further and tuzzle at the fur of your backside.--_

_ --Zephyr churrrs warmly at the teasing hands upon his ass, "You're... distracting me, luv." He chuckles softly, but does not move to extricate himself from the wolf's gentle embrace. "It wasn't on the summons, just a date and time and location, one of the DOG houses."--_

_ --Ebonshadow tilts his head with a cock of one silver dusted black brow, "Dog houses?"--_

_ --Zephyr giggles softly, then sighs, "Delta-Omega-Gamma, a rich dick frat. If anyone on this campus gets a rise out of fucking with people, it's the DOGs." Zephyr closes his eyes briefly and lets out a long sigh, leaning his hips forward against your front, brushing himself against the heavy velvet of the wolf's robes while his tail sways slowly against the wolf's fingers. "I'm almost afraid to go... I have no idea if this is just some convoluted prank or an actual assignment."--_

_ --Ebonshadow shakes his head slowly with a rumbling sigh of his own. He slides both his paws a little lower onto your shapely ass and, with a squeeze, lifts up and pulls you in tight against his chest. Ebon leans down and runs the tip of his tongue gently along your whiskers. "Much as I would love to keep you from your appointed task, my dear, I can't just skip out on my job." The wolf rubs his nose against your own and darts his tongue out against your lips . "If they fuck with you, give me a text. Wouldn't mind at all putting in a shot across their bow with a phone call to the national headquarters of that gods be damned frat. I'd pull a few ears about their Maplevalle chapterhouse members being fuckwads to non-frat students. Damn sure as shit they'd listen to a fortune five-hundred corporation complaining about mistreatment of students."--_

_ --Zephyr's rump tenses against those broad, strong paws. Alas he has no time to enjoy such a tryst and pulls back with a shudder racing through his entire body. "If it comes to that, love, I may... I'd hate to ask favors like that of you but... I'm at my wit's end sometimes with the monied elite here. They treat scholarship students like shit, and the teachers sometimes are not much better. If you don't hear anything from me in the next few days, just tell Campus police to start checking for the body out at the DOG house, k?" he jokes softly and sighs.--_

_ --Ebonshadow lets the raccoon escape with a soft smile, his gaze roving down the your handsome gray and black body to settle upon the object of his desire, nestled between those strong legs and, alas, untouched for today. "Are you really sure that is the school for you, hon? It sounds like hell."--_

_ --Zephyr blushes, ears backing and tail sweeping back and forth self-consciously under the wolf's frank stare. "It's the best architectural studies college in the province, and the only one willing to put up a scholarship for me."--_

_ --"I thought I remember you said you got one at Parkerson Heights as well. It's highly accredited, or so I thought."--_

_ --"Yeah, but their syllabus would have me slogging through remedial courses for two years. Courses I don't need just to pad their attendance roles and fatten their federal tuition fund. And the thought of going to an inner-city campus fills me with dread. If this one is bad, that one would be infinitely worse." Zephyr sighs and shakes his head slowly, tail swaying low behind him and his whiskers drooping. "Besides which, their curriculum sucks compared to this place."--_

_ --Ebonshadow throws his head back with a throaty laugh. "Ah, inter-school rivalries. I remember those."_

_ --"And Maplevalle is also closer to home."--_

_ --Ebonshadow merely nods, then steps closer to catch your head in his hands gently, "If you call a seven hour drive 'close', but I understand, dear one." Ebonshadow touches his lips to yours in a soft kiss, meeting that gentle brown gaze he's become so fond of. "I must make my way swiftly, but I could not leave without saying hello, and explaining my absence. You be safe, hon, and text me anytime. I'll have every number of their Maplevalle frats by the time I get to the office and if I need to call one to get you out of shit, I will."--_

_ --Zephyr rests his hands against your chest for a few moments, comforted by your warm, gentle presence, before raising his head to meet your kiss and returning it softly, "If I need help, love, you'll be the first one I call. Good luck with your China conference."--_

_ --Ebonshadow's tongue strokes lightly across those gentle lips and the wolf nods, "And to you, love, and to you. Be safe, and see if you can't drill some brains into that bony mass you're going to tutor." He pauses at the door and looks back over his shoulder, "And I'll only be thinking of you while I try to understand badly translated 'Engrish.'"--_

_ --Ebonshadow has disconnected.--_

James leaned back in his chair with a frown, feeling the Wolf's attentions in the confines of his sweat pants. He picked up his half eaten dinner and carried it to the sink, tossing it into the stack of other dishes left behind. Likely it would be there tomorrow, stinking the place up, because his dorm mates wouldn't make a move to wash the dishes until they ran out of something to eat off of. James only washed his own, the others be damned. Leaving it in the pile he went to get dressed.

Number nine Brownstone Lane was like the others on the lane, but bigger. For a brownstone style construction it could be considered huge; twice as wide as any other and four floors high opposed to three. Built over a century ago when the college was founded the ancient building had suffered countless tenants in its many years, none of them particularly kind. The only saving grace was that it was an architectural college and construction vocations were a part of its curriculum. Someone was always performing repairs as a part of one class assignment or another.

None of the repairmen were DOGs, of course. Three of the frat brothers lounged below the front architrave smoking cigarettes and drinking cheap beer. They must has been at it a while, as he could clearly smell it from the curb. He hitched up the shoulder strap of his laptop bag and paced up the sidewalk, eyeing the mule deer buck, brown bull, and red fox who eyed him in turn. All of them wore clothing that would have cost James three months tuition to buy under their letterman jackets, but they drank the cheapest swill available at the liquor store. Their less-than-sober disdain radiated from them almost as palpably as the stench of beer and musk.

"Wot you here for, scrounge?" the bull snorted as James approached the front stair. James stopped at the bottom of the stairs and looked up at the bull as it stood away from the column he had been lounging against. His hackles rose a little at the derogatory 'scrounge' epithet; a common slang used to refer to wild raccoon's digging through trash bins. A letterman's jacket clung to the bull's frame in overstretched desperation sporting no fewer than seven varsity letters from high school and college. The bull outmassed James on his own by at least three times, and the greater proportion of that mass was raw, bulging muscle. James, at the bottom of the stairs, found himself looking squarely at the prominent bulge of the bull's overtight denim jeans and quickly cast his gaze upward.

"Came to tutor someone, as assigned." James hazarded as he fished the card from his pocket and waved it toward the trio, "Friday, eight PM, number nine Brownstone Lane." He glanced at the card, "Top floor suite one."

The bull's eyes narrowed belligerently and he snorted but made no move to stop the advancing raccoon wearing age-faded cotton pants and an equally aged flannel shirt. "Aint but one suite up there, scrounge." He lowed in bovine ire.

"Oh, that's just his fucking highness," said the fox, dismissively waiving his bottle around. "He fed me a line of shit about having a study guide come by to review the quarterlies." He snickered as the buck leaned around, pointing at Jame's clothing. "Never said it would be no scrounge, though."

The bull cocked one ear toward them and waved toward the open door with one thickly muscled arm. "Guess not keep his highness waiting, then. Mike, Fain, let the little pauper on in. He needs his spending money, too."

Yeah, cause I hear your mom raised her price, James thought darkly, almost having to bite his tongue to keep from saying it.

"Yuh!" the fox yapped sharply, grinning with all of his teeth, "Damn rah, he does! Daddy aint got no silver spoon in dat boy's mouth!"

"Mebbe he lost it th' scrounge's ass." Muttered the buck with a dark leer, glaring down at James as if considering how far he could kick him. Neither of them moved from their post on the balustrade, but all three of them guffawed at the deer's wit. James felt his hackles and tail bushing in fear and anger but suffered the jibe as he passed through the door. Half a dozen other fraternity members, from pledges to upper classmen, looked up as he entered. Two were involved in a console game and spared him the most cursory of glares while the other four were more appraising. None of their appraisals looked positive judging by the up and down rake of their eyes. James was dressed in tatters compared to them; an age worn flannel shirt and denim jeans gone pale and soft with much use. A coyote swung himself out of a tattered recliner and padded over to James with a glower.

"What's up, 'coon?" he growled with his hands fisted on his hips. James proffered the card and the coyote snapped it from his fingers to pore over it. His ears pinned forward and then back before his sharp golden eyes darted up to seize James with an uncompromising glower. "Ah. Stairs to the right, go all the way up. Kick the shit out of the door, he plays that fucking music loud as hell." He flicked the card back like a shuriken and stalked away leaving James to recover it from the air. James crossed to the indicated stairway and made his way up.

The ground floor was mostly common space and kitchen, with a few tiny rooms for pledges. The second and third floor were pretty much carbon copies; hallways with larger rooms off of either side. Each landing on the second and third floor had a small seating area and huge bay window looking out over the street, many of them decorated with colored wax pencil art by the denizens.

At the top of the climb was another landing, another bay window, and no hallway. Instead there was simply a wall at the back of the landing with a single door. From beyond the door roared some symphonic music that James could not identify other than it sounded vaguely reminiscent of Wagner, with modern electronic and base accompaniment. Taking a long breath to steady himself James rapped on the door.

Considering the thunder coming through the stout, antique wood, it was not surprising that he got no response. He hammered with his fist solidly half a dozen times through the crescendo of the musical piece before the volume was cut. Due to some past student's work the floor was surprisingly resistant to the thunder; James had not heard it very clearly on the lower floors save for the thumping rumble of the bass line.

"Come!" a voice called in the musical lull. James swallowed and gave the antique latch a lift, opening the door slowly. Beyond the door was a wide hallway between two walls cluttered with small tables and bookshelves that lead to an open, studio-styled common room dominated by ultra-modern audio/visual equipment and furniture. Sunlight spilled in from an unseen skylight and through the huge bay window at the very far end of the room. James held his bag close at his chest and made his way down the hallway. At the end it widened out even further, revealing two doors set at an angle to either side leading to the rooms beyond the walls. A small but well appointed open kitchenette dominated the studio's right wall but there were no other doors save one in the center of the bay window leading to an outside landing.

Lacking any other doors meant that each of the residents had a private one in either room. James marveled at the luxuries of being stupidly rich and a part of a frat that was the same.

"Hello?" James called into the quiet; the music had been reduced to a library whisper but maintained its symphonic overtones.

"You never did tell me your name." a voice replied at his shoulder causing James to spin about so rapidly he staggered. Only the weight of his tail lashing about behind him helped keep his balance.

Standing in the doorway of one of the rooms was the broad shouldered, starkly patterned frame of a gemsbok; one very familiar to James if only briefly met. The raccoon's eyes opened wide and his jaw hung as he staggered several paces back. He clutched desperately at the bag containing his laptop and e-book reader containing the class syllabus. He choked on his own tongue for several seconds while the gemsbok, garbed in comfortable looking smoky gray button-fly silk slacks and a sky blue silk polo shirt, tilted his head curiously and offered a smile.

"You -" James managed to cough after several unsuccessful attempts to drag his tongue out of his own throat and his heart out of his sinus cavities, "We're in class... you already know my name!"

The gemsbok merely laughed warmly and bobbed his head affirmatively as he stepped from his room. The door swung closed behind him on its own accord with a quiet click. "I do, James, yes." He crossed the room, his tufted tail twitching behind him, and settled into one of the thickly upholstered chairs. "But you did not tell me what it was." Smiling, he waved his hand toward the other furniture, beckoning James to sit down as well.

The flustered young raccoon staggered to the nearest chair and spilled into it with a shuddering huff of breath, not relinquishing his bag. "I -" he stammered, completely at a loss for how he should reply to that strange manner of greetings. The gemsbok, cum most-eligible-bachelor of campus, leaned back in his own chair. He laced his fingers together over his stomach and crossed his ankles as he regarded the raccoon across from him like a cat might a bird. His dark cloven hooves were as unshod as James' own paws but showed the sheen of considerably more care spent upon them than on James' slender, concrete-blunted claws.

"I'm Erol, as I am sure you know." He smiled disarmingly, "I'm glad to make your acquaintance."

"Uh... yeah." James swallowed again and stared at his own feet, seeing the shabby condition of his pant cuffs cast against the expensive material of the chair in which he sat. "I'm James." After a few moments of silence he tentatively raised his eyes to look across at his host, casting about for something to say. Unfortunately the words that found their way to his lips were far from socially apt, "It's been two weeks." He chuffed, unable to stop himself, "After what... what we did... two weeks, in class, but not a word!" He dug the tips of his claws at the worn canvas of his bag in sudden irritation, "Not even a 'hi'."

Erol's ears twitched and he nodded slowly with a sober expression, "I'm sorry about that, James, I really am." He heaved a huge sigh and looked up through the skylight; a huge affair taking up a good seventy percent of the ceiling. "I haven't been sure what you might... say. Our first meeting was so impromptu." Slowly he brought his gaze back down to James, "And I've got this crowd around me, all the god damned time, except here." He raised one hand slightly to sweep it across the room, "If I stopped to acknowledge you they would've been on you like starving hyenas, fearing that you might usurp some status they believe they have with me." Broad shoulders rose and fell helplessly, "Here I can escape them, but it's taken me two weeks to figure out how to bring you here legitimately, so it would not raise their hackles. Tutors are not uncommon, even ones from outside the frat."

James listened quietly, unmoving. "Why?"

Erol frowned slightly, "Why?" He shifted a little uncomfortably in his chair, "To talk?"

"To talk." James chuffed flatly, "To talk? You don't need me here to review for the quarterly exams."

Erol shook his head, "I know the material as well as any, better than pretty much anybody in this building, other than you. I just wanted to -- James?!"

James had lurched out of the chair and, with a brief glower, stalked toward the door. He heard Erol scramble to his hooves and dart after him, but the gemsbok did not lay a staying hand upon his shoulder, "James! Wait! Please? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to mislead you."

James rounded on him at the door, suddenly feeling trapped in the hallway by the gemsbok's broad, tall frame. "Mislead me? Was it you who stapled this to the top of my doorframe, then?" he snatched the card from his pocket and brandished it toward the taller student. Erol stood a few paces back, his ears laid flat and his hands at his side. The gemsbok's dark eyes dropped to the card briefly.

He shook his head, "No. I asked one of the brothers who works with the Scholarship committee to find me a tutor from my classes, knowing you were the only one he would find." The gemsbok's brows drew down and he frowned, "You found that stapled to the top of your door? Out of reach?"

James snarled and flicked the card onto the floor, "Yeah. Tonight! Not three hours ago!" he turned toward the door again but could not bring himself to reach for the latch. His tail swept low against the back of his legs and his shoulders slumped; played, again. For some dumb jock's jollies. "Just because I'm not frat doesn't mean I'm worthless." He hissed irritably.

James heard some low grumblings and curses behind him. "Tonight? I asked him to find you last week." A large but gentle hand touched his shoulder. "I'm sorry again, James, I really am. I'll find out who he had post that, and when, and get it squared." The hand fell away and James heard the subtle shift of his weight through the floorboards behind him. "Can we talk?"

James took a long breath and stared at the door for several long seconds. "Yeah," he whispered at length. When he turned he found Erol smiling warmly. The raccoon tilted his head and looked up at the towering gemsbok archly through his brows, "I guess I know why you didn't introduce yourself before."

"Oh?" Erol turned to return down the hallway, holding out a hand and beckoning James to follow.

"You were busy." James laughed softly to himself as he saw Erol wince, shoulders hunching as his tail flicked up in surprise, then tucked between his legs.

Erol huffed as they crossed back into the studio, "Yeah... I guess I was." He stopped at his chair but did not sit, turning to look at James, "About that,"

James stopped at the periphery of the seating area and set his bag into one of the chairs. He pricked his ears forward and tilted his head with a lift of his brows. "What about it?"

"Were.. are... you okay with it?" Erol slowly sank into his chair, grasping his knees with his hands and leaning forward earnestly, "I didn't really give you a whole lot of forewarning or... anything like that."

"Did I say no?" James asked, feeling an atavistic shudder race along his spine as he thought about what he was talking about. Two weeks earlier the gemsbok; Erol, the biggest jock on the whole campus and scion to a host of possible professional sports leagues if he chose to go that way; most popular male around, private wet dreams of half the females on campus and reviled by the other half as a typical 'chauvinist'; had unexpectedly come upon James privately masturbating in a forest clearing.

Far from acting like a typical jock and deriding James for the situation he found him in, Erol had gotten on his knees and used his muzzle on the startled raccoon, bringing him to a powerful orgasm the likes of which James had never thought he would experience. James still reeled at the memory of having his dick sucked upon like that. Not that it was sucked upon, for he had gotten more than few blowjobs from a girl back home, but that he was getting head from a male, and a popular male at that. A male that no one knew leaned that way, that James knew of.

Erol's ears twitched, "No, you didn't."

James sank into one of the chairs and nodded slowly, still shivering under his fur and unable to stop himself. The situation was quickly spiraling beyond his ability to grasp and yet he was continuing forward with it... and found himself pleased that he was! "Then I guess I was okay with it."

"Was, yeah." Erol said slowly, "But now?"

"I'm still here, and we're talking about it." James replied, forcing himself to swallow the lump in his throat. He felt terribly chilled despite the warmth of the room and flexed his fingers to keep from wrapping his arms around himself to stop the shivers.

"Yeah, we are." Erol looked down at his hooves for a long few seconds, "And, well..."

"Mmm?" James tilted his head slightly and raised one eyebrow as he twitched one of his ears forward.

"Well, ah, I..." Erol huffed a breath and swallowed self-consciously, "Well, can... can I do it again?"

James blinked and tilted his head slightly, both ears pinning forward and one eyebrow crawling up his brow. "Uh," he chuffed, at a loss for words. He knew the gemsbok would ask something like that, or he never would have continued their acquaintance. "I - uh,"

Erol merely nodded soberly, "You're not sure."

James nodded, then shook his head, "Yeah, it's all kinda... new, you know?" he waved his fingers helplessly for a moment before looking up and meeting the curious brown gaze of the athlete, the jock, seated across from him. "But, well, yeah, you know... I am curious." He looked back down again while, under his clothes, his fur rippled with a body encompassing shiver of mixed fear and excitement. "And I - ah - I really did kinda like our first meeting."

Erol rose smoothly from his chair to walk slowly across and stand before James, who had to lean back and look up so he could hold the gemsbok's gaze. "So did I." Erol said softly and knelt before the raccoon, resting his hands upon the arms of the chair when he came eye-level to the smaller student. Holding James' gaze for a few moments he smiled broadly and cast his gaze down, "May I?" he asked, softer still.

"Here?" James chirped, swallowing the lump that grew suddenly in his throat, his heart racing. He shifted a little as another lump began to form somewhere else entirely. "Now??"

Erol laughed softly and, turning, he scooped a massive, complex looking remote control from a nearby table. "Mmhmm, here, now." He nodded as he turned his attention to the remote control. After a few moments of thought he held it up and pressed one of the multitudes of buttons. Immediately the warm sunlight streaming into the room softened to a diffuse glow. The change in light drew James' attention to the bay window and then the skylight, both of which had taken on a translucent, frosted sheen that made everything beyond into vague shapes and colors. His jaw hung slightly in surprise; polarized windows in a dorm flat! "Not my doing." Erol said while he set the remote back on the table, "Was like that when I got here, but damn sure is nice, yes?" His hands came to rest on the front of James' thighs bringing the raccoon's attention back to him.

"Yeah," James said, frozen between fear and arousal, as he looked into Erol's dark brown eyes. For a moment they just stared at each other; penniless pauper and wealthy jock, while Brahms played quietly in the background. Then Erol leaned close and brushed his short-furred, broad muzzle along the side of James' shorter, more angular muzzle. The raccoon felt every strong contour of bone and muscle through the contact of his sensitive whiskers. He felt the gemsbok's warm breath waft softly across the thick fur of his cheekruff and was almost painfully aware of the hands resting just above his knees. He closed his eyes and let a sigh whisper through his nose, willing himself to relax even as his fingers clenched at the fabric of the armrests, already accepting in mind while the body was torn between flight or submission.

Erol's muzzle brushed upward slowly, his dexterous herbivore's lips tracing lightly across James' brow, and descended along the opposite side of James' muzzle. "Nice," Erol said as he drew back until his broad nose was an inch from James' cool, furless black nose. James blinked and smiled, tilting his head slightly.

"What's that?"

"How you smell." The gemsbok breathed, "Subtle musk, a bit of sandalwood and citrus in your shampoo." His lips twitched humorously as those large, gentle hands slid upward along James' thighs, "And denim doesn't mask a whole lot." He winked. James' ears flattened back and his whiskers laid along his muzzle in consternation at the buck's humor. The raccoon fought to hold the gemsbok's gaze as he nodded shakily back, a embarrassed smirk twitching across his muzzle. "And you're scared shitless."

That finally did it, and James broke his gaze from Erol's, looking off at the frosted window; anywhere but the deep, penetrating eyes of the gemsbok. "No! I'm not scared, Erol...." He swallowed deeply in an effort to compose himself. "Well, okay, I guess I am. But I'm not leaving," he concluded, returning his gaze to Erol's once more.

Erol lifted his hands and rested them against James' chest as he nodded and smiled, "Discovery can be frightening, but courage sees us through." Without taking his eyes from James' his blunt, thick fingers worked lightly at the buttons of his shirt. The age softened flannel fell open easily under his touch and the gemsbok smiled broadly, splaying his fingers into the pale, silvery gray pelt of the raccoon's chest. Sliding his hands upward he let it fall back over James' shoulders. James sat rock still and tried to keep his breathing even; the excitement and terror causing his heart to pound madly made him want to hyperventilate. He leaned forward slightly, brushing his whiskered muzzle alongside Erol's, and brought in his arms inwards and out of the sleeves while the buck's gentle hands eased his shirt down from his shoulders and off body, tossing it casually over the back of the chair.

Dropping his hands to James' waist, Erol pulled and lifted, prompting James to lean forward further and stand while Erol remained kneeling. The gemsbok's large head angled upward as James stood before him and he turned it slightly, brushing the side of his muzzle along the soft fur of James' belly. His hands slid down to the raccoon's hips and around the waist of his pants to feel out the manner of clasp used above his tail; a simple bronze button that was easily maneuvered loose. James' ears backed self-consciously as he felt the back of his jeans fall open. He rested his hands upon Erol's shoulders and smiled down at the one brown eye still looking up at him. Muted light glimmered from the silver caps adorning Erol's short-cropped horns and James was able to see that the silver had been embossed with simple filigree that caused the light to sparkle.

"I like your fur a lot," Erol murmured as he brushed his muzzle up and down against James' stomach fur, "I wish I had fur this soft. Mine's so short and stiff." Strong hands slid along the waist of James' pants, the buck's thumbs slipped between fur and fabric. James sucked in his gut as they came around to the front of his jeans.

"It's just fur." He replied, noticing that he was not the only one whose breathing was hastened. The buck's nostrils flared as he, too, sucked in short, rapid breaths. Erol's lips quivered against the pale gray fur above James' hidden navel. "Yours is short, but smooth, like silk. It's quite nice, too."

Erol pulled his head back and toyed with the button of James' fly, freeing it with the same facile ease as he had the button above James' tail. Using the edge of a blunt hoof-like thumb tip he hooked the eye of the raccoon's zipper and drew it down with playful slowness. He rocked his head back to look up, resting his chin against James' lower chest. With both hands he worked along the waistline of his jeans, and the boxers James wore underneath, slowly slipping them down, teasingly slow, while James braced his hands upon Erol's shoulders. James continued to look down; chin tucked to his upper chest, and returned the smile as he stepped out of the pile of shed clothing.

Erol leaned back onto the hocks of his powerful legs and rested his hands upon his thighs, slowly letting his gaze rove downward. James shook off the last of the clothing at his feet and watched the gemsbok's gaze. "I like." Erol breathed slowly, muscular lips twitching, "Mmm, yes, I like indeed. Very handsome." One hand rose and stroked lightly at the fur of James' upper thigh, then across the front of his hips, the pads of his fingers lightly crossing the short, very full sheath of the raccoon before him. "I really did not get to admire you before." His eyes rose to James' gaze as his hand came back across, again brushing against his sheath and causing the raccoon to shudder slightly. "I was... intent on what you had to offer."

James laughed softly, letting a little bit of his barely contained hysteria trill out from his tight chest, "Wh- what is offered now, too." He gasped softly at the gentle touch across him.

Erol let a huff of breath escape his nose as he nodded, dropping his gaze back to the raccoon's groin, "Offer accepted." He leaned forward and brushed the front of his broad nose against James' sheath, inhaling a long, deep breath that made the pelt under his light shirt ripple. Abruptly he threw his weight back against his hocks and pushed himself upright to stand before James. His hands came to rest upon the raccoon's hips and slid around to his lower back, pulling him close. "Gratefully accepted, James." His hands slid downward, to either side of the raccoon's self-consciously tucked tail, splaying across the furred curves of his rump. With his fingers, Erol toyed with the underside of the raccoon's tail that tucked even more securely down against his backside, pushing it up a little.

Leaning his head down he stroked one side of James' muzzle with his own, then the other, lipping lightly at the raccoon's sensitive whiskers. James could feel just how tense Erol was; a tension that mirrored his own with alarming closeness. James felt his tail slowly lifting of its own accord with the light stroke of the back of the buck's fingers along its underside but he did not feel any particular design made to touch other, more sensitive areas. He was not sure if he could handle that, at this point, without fleeing entirely. As it was he was riding the razor's edge between acceptance and retreat. He leaned into the gentle embrace, however, resting the front of his body from chest to hips against Erol's. He could feel the light silk of the gemsbok's slacks against his sheath, already hypersensitive from the seductive stripping and earlier touch.

He let his own hands slip around Erol's waist, sliding along his lower back indecisively, as he suddenly had a clear mental picture of Ebonshadow embracing him the very same way during their brief meeting on the MUCK. The mental image sent a thrill of arousal racing along his spine and he leaned into Erol's steady strength, letting out a slow breath.

James let his hands slowly make their way downward along the small of Erol's back, almost to the waistline of his slacks, before Erol drew his head back and met his gaze. Nose to nose the gemsbok regarded him with a silent curiosity before giving his thin, gray furred lips a touch of his own thick, short furred and cream hued lips. Without waiting to see how James took being kissed Erol lowered his head, nudging his broad, starkly patterned muzzle under his chin, and lipped at his throat. James lifted his head, staring toward the silvered skylight. A deep sigh overtook him and felt his tension beginning to fade under the gentle, light touch, his eyes sliding closed as Erol worked along his neck. The buck's grasp upon his rump did not waver but did not quest deeper under his uplifted tail.

Erol's slow ministrations progressed downward along the ridge of his throat, breath wafting warmly through his fur, to his collarbones and chest. James' head rocked further back and he drew his hands upward, away from the slacks he had almost reached, nearer the gemsbok's shoulder blades, while those dexterous lips worked back and forth across his chest. Nosing through the thicker fur of his chest Erol found the raccoon's smallish, concealed nipples and teased them with his lips. The sensation was so electric, and so unexpected, that James twitched involuntarily and leaned into Erol's muzzle. His fingers flexed against the buck's upper back, pointed claws digging at his shirt as Erol whikkered a soft sound and exchanged the teasing caress of his lips for a slow drag of his broad, muscular tongue across the sensitive flesh.

"Ahhh," James rasped in surprise. Erol's tall ears flicked forward at the sound and he tilted his head slightly to look up as he traced his muzzle sideways across James' chest and lipped at his fur to find his other nipple.

"Like that?"

"Oh... feels... it feels good." James offered with a swallow. No one had ever even attempted to do that to him before. The feeling was shockingly electric, but not in any unpleasant sort of way. Erol's lips parted the fur hiding his other nipple and caught at it with muscular gentleness, inciting another wave of shudders and gasps from the raccoon. James' legs quivered at the amazing sensations and he sucked swift breaths past his clenched teeth. "Real good." Again the gentle massage of lips was finished with a stroke of warm tongue.

Erol merely chuckled softly, "Mmmhmm." In a knowing way as his muzzle drew downward and inward to the center of James' chest, continuing to progress ever so slowly downward. His hands shifted down to the back of James' upper thighs as Erol sank to his knees, turning his muzzle to one side and leaning against the raccoon's front, brushing his head up and down against the soft, well groomed belly fur once more. James' hands shifted to his shoulders and he finally brought his gaze down from the blurred blue and white sky seen through the silver veil of polarized glass above. Silver gleamed at the black tips of the foot long whorled lengths of Erol's horns just below his nose.

"Then this will feel even better." Erol chortled with a low, rolling sound and dipped his muzzle to give a firm but achingly slow lick upward from James' testicles to the tip of his sheath, pulling it upward as James let out a stunned, gasping trill. Pleasure exploded through him from the focal point of that lick despite not even the slightest bit of tongue touching his sheathed erection. The raccoon's hands clutched at Erol's shoulders, rucking the thin material against his palms as his claws dug against it. Erol's hands slid upward from the back of James' shuddering thighs and covered the curves of his rump again, supporting his suddenly unsteady weight as he chuckled softly. Once more he dipped his muzzle and pressed the firm, warm width of his tongue against the raccoon's orbs and drew upward, considerably more slowly, as he drank in the warm scent of James' arousal. Reaching the tip of his sheath Erol lipped at it softly, teasing the tip of his tongue between them to trace softly at the tufted tip.

James writhed, his jaw hanging open as he gulped for breath, "Ohh, yeah," he groaned as he braced his hands upon Erol's shoulders, "Yeah, it does feel good." He was forced to shift his paws further apart and lean forward into the touch of Erol's muzzle. With a playful chuckle Erol tilted his head to one side and lipped the entire length of the raccoon's sheath sending him into a paroxysm of twitching pleasure. Then he leaned back, causing James to falter forward, but shifted his hands up quickly to the small of his back to brace him as he stood with athletic ease.

Erol's hands slipped down and gave the raccoon's rump a squeeze, pulling him forward against his muscular frame, "Let's go stretch out a bit." He said to James' upturned face. James panted heavily for a few seconds, then put his hands against Erol's chest and pushed back slightly. He dropped his gaze to his hands, looking at the pale silver-dusted-black fingers against the black silk of his shirt.

"Not yet," James churred huskily, flexing his fingers lightly against the loosely buttoned silk. Looking back up he met Erol's gaze and slipped his fingers to the top button of his shirt. The gemsbok's tall ears flicked forward and he raised one eyebrow but he did not move as James worried the button loose. A broad smile stretched across his lips as he nodded imperceptibly. Without taking his gaze down James worried loose each button of the open v-neck of Erol's silk polo shirt. Erol's strong hands continued to stroke his butt and tease the underside of his tail. That plumed appendage now stood out behind James in a relaxed arc, no longer tucked timidly between his legs.

With the collar loosened James let his hands slide down Erol's sides to his hips, digging at the soft silk with his blunt tipped claws and drawing it out of his slacks. He worked around the athlete's strong hips to his back and untucked it from above his tail, letting his fingers trail down and tease loose the ivory button above the gemsbok's strong rear appendage. He then brought his hands around to the front of Erol's hips, his eyes watching as Erol's eyes widened slightly and the corners of his muzzle twitched upward in a soft smile. He could feel the gemsbok's substantial sheath under the thin material under his sensitive fingertip pads. Lightly he tugged at the fabric until it was loosed from his slacks and then slipped his hands beneath it.

Immediately his fingertips found that firm, long ridge where it extended above the waist of Erol's slacks and both of them shuddered at that first touch. For James it was the first time he had ever touched the anatomy of another male in any way and the sensation was electric. For Erol it was the first touch James had favored him with, and likewise there was a sharp, thrilling jolt of pleasure at the light, ephemeral caress of sensitive pads and firm yet gentle claws. James covered that firm ridge with his palms, his fingertip pads highly sensitive to the short, satin smooth hair that covered it, and slowly stroked his hands upward along either side, lifting the shirt with his wrists.

Reaching a tuft of longer hair at its tip he did not pause to examine that tactilely, splaying his hands out to either side and continuing upward across the muscular abs, lifting the short hair with his fingertips lightly as more and more of the shirt piled up on his forearms. Unlike his own fur, there wasn't much chance of being able to bury his fingers in it. Like his abs Erol's chest was strong and the muscles of his pectorals amazingly well defined, far moreso than James felt his own to be under his own dense fur. While he was by no means a slouch James' strength came from working the forests through his teenage years; clearing firebreaks with huge pulpwood saws, chopping and stacking firewood. Then there was the planting, weeding, and harvesting the family gardening plot or managing the fisheries that were the main staple of the family income beyond federal Forestry Management grants.

Erol's sensitive nipples were far more easily found under his dense but thin pelt and James took a moment to trace the blunted tips of his thumb-claws against them, watching how the buck shuddered and gasped at the sensation. He found himself smiling at that tiny triumph; being able to make the buck writhe as delightfully as he was made to writhe himself. Continuing upward he tried to draw the shirt over Erol's head only to succeed in getting it caught upon his horns. Erol chuckled warmly and bowed his head forward to ease his fumbling efforts to untangle the sheer material. James hastily cast it aside over the chair with his own clothes and looked down.

The gemsbok stood in stark example of the problems all species with substantial sheaths had to deal with; the fact that their enshrouded penises were bound to their stomachs almost to the level of their navels, well above the waistline of any legwear. Unless the male in question chose to wear the more body friendly drapes like togas it was a matter of fashion that they simply had to deal with. James cast his gaze down upon it as his hands came to rest upon Erol's stomach again just to either side of it.

Comparatively, to his mass, it was not a particularly broad sheath; its contents were unmistakably thickened by the raccoon's ministrations, but it was surprisingly long. The dark hairs adorning the tip were only a couple of inches below the navel sunken into the buck's washboard abs and the prominent ridge disappeared into the waistline of those smoky blue Slacks. With an upward look to meet Erol's gaze James brought his hands inward to either side of that guiding ridge and, hooking his fingers to comb his blunted clawtips through the short but dense hair adorning it, slid his touch downward slowly. The young engineering student's fingerpads were incredibly touch sensitive and he could feel the heat of Erol's arousal through the thin layer of skin as well as the strong, steady pulse of his heart. Erol's pupils were great black pits against the narrow brown of his irises as he gazed into James' eyes.

Working by touch James traced the overlay tab of Erol's slacks and worked loose the ivory button, drawing it aside to reveal the four additional buttons down the front of his slacks. One by one his facile fingers teased them loose and with an adventurous shudder James slipped his hands into the opening as the fly of Erol's slacks fell open.

Much to his surprise he found that Erol wore nothing underneath his slacks. Not, of course, that he really needed to with half of his sheath stuck well above his pants concealed only by his shirt. James slipped his hands further down Erol's sheath until he felt the warm, soft flesh of his orbs and he examined them with his acute tactile senses. They were large, of that there was no doubt, substantially larger than the raccoon's own, and amazingly soft; the hair upon them very short, very dense, and surprisingly like velvet. Erol gasped and groaned softly, his balance swaying as he dropped his chin to his chest and snorted heavily.

James relented on his torturous examination of the Buck's hidden secrets and moved his hands outward to either side of Erol's hips, edging his slacks downward. Erol helped by shimmying hips a little until the material slipped from the contours of his upper thighs and spilled onto his hocks. He stepped out of them nimbly and reached down to grasp James' hands gently before the raccoon did too much more exploring.

"You're driving me insane, J." the gemsbok gulped as he brought James' hands back up to his chest, "Out of my ever loving mind!" Releasing the raccoon's hands he turned and made his way with unsteady grace toward the door to his bedroom, leaving his slacks where they spilled upon the floor. James found his gaze dropping to the strong rump of the athlete as he followed.

What the hell am I doing? He thought desperately to himself even as Erol opened the door and looked back with a smile, bidding him to enter. Erol's hand dropped to stroke along James' tail as the raccoon passed him. Am I fucking cracked? Am I gay?

If so, you're enjoying it. Why stop now? another tiny facet of his mind replied with a sardonic mental laugh.

Erol's room as just as impressive as the main room but was not, as James might have expected, dominated by its bed. The bed was a relatively simple affair sized for the gemsbok's substantial frame and was pushed up against the far wall. A single window let muted light into the room from behind dark blue curtains. On the near wall by the door was a large entertainment system with an overpriced wide flatscreen perched on a hardwood stand. A dresser was on one wall topped by a mirror beside the window and a desk occupied the opposite wall complete with a computer system that, had he not been achingly aroused, James would have drooled over.

As he took in the room and its preponderance of blue décor Erol stepped behind him and slipped his well toned but not overly muscular arms around him. James was acutely aware of the firm ridge of the gemsbok's sheath pressing against his lower and mid back as the gemsbok embraced him warmly. His tail dipped briefly and then rose up between Erol's thighs, brushing against the weight of his testicles with a light, soft stroke of fur. Erol whikkered a pleased sound and tuzzled his fingers into James' belly fur. "Have a seat." Erol said gently.

With a jerky nod James padded on naked paws toward the bed and sank down on it as Erol stopped before him and knelt, "This seems familiar." He joked warmly, gently spreading James' thighs and revealing their nested treasure. His hands slowly stroked along the short, soft fur. Settling back on his hocks he leaned forward and brushed his lips across James' fur. His hands slid upward and outward to the hips as he slowly worked his way up to the raccoon's sheath again, lipping lightly at it and huffing a breath through his nose. Delicately he worked at the swollen ridge of fur encasing James' length.

That was not a problem Erol was going to have overmuch difficulty with for, upon reaching the tufted ring of dense but short fur at the tip, he pressed his tongue along the front of that sheath and pushed downward even as he pressed his lips to it. James cried out with a sharp trill as his erection was simultaneously exposed from his sheath and hidden within the gemsbok's muzzle. He braced his hands behind him on the bed and bucked his hips instinctively, eliciting a pleased grunt from the athlete kneeling between his knees as he pushed several inches into his muzzle. The subtly coarse surface of Erol's tongue was firm yet yielding against the contours of James' erection and its touch sent waves of intense pleasure surging through his loins.

His cock twitched and throbbed as he gasped under the now familiar touch of Erol's tongue, jetting a steady stream of thin pre into the buck's encompassing muzzle. Erol's hands slipped further back behind James' hips and pulled as he leaned forward, pushing James' sheath further back as he took the entirety of the raccoon's erection. The gemsbok's muzzle was far deeper than that shaft and took its full length easily. Pushing upward with the root of his tongue he let it roll forward along the underside of James' cock as it pulled back slightly, rasping the subtly coarse surface against the smooth flesh. James threw his head back and cried out softly, his eyes rolling wildly in his head. Having been teased mercilessly long before this warm culmination James could feel that he would not last long at all.

Erol drew his head up slowly and toyed with the spear-like, slender tip of James' thick length slowly before dipping his head once more, pushing his tongue upward and letting its width contour around the raccoon's arousal. Hungrily he consumed James fully and gulped down the pre that infused his muzzle with the raccoon's unique flavor. His tongue continued the firm, slow ripple from root to tip as his head drew up again. His eyes watched the rippling silvery gray and black striped fur of the raccoon's thighs and groin as his muscles twitched and flexed underneath.

As his head dipped again James' hips flexed upward, pressing firmly against his lips with a growling trill of pleasure. His muscles tensed mightily and his hands clutched savagely at the coverlet behind him as he felt himself growing all too swiftly to orgasm. Not so fast, not so... oh, gods, I can't believe this! James' thoughts ran wild in his skull as Erol drew up again and then pushed downward with a whickering groan of his own pleasure.

James clenched his teeth and tried to hold back, to enjoy that warm, rippling pressure upon himself, but there was no withstanding such intense pleasure. His loins tightened up with unrestrainable pressure and with a final gasp the raccoon's hips bucked upward into another descending dip of Erol's muzzle to hilt himself once more. At the apex of his thrust his cock gave up its resistance with a powerful, spastic jerk. His orgasm exploded from him with breath stealing force and left him gaping in its throes. Erol gave a short, pleased snort into the fur of his groin at the explosion of saline heat that filled his muzzle with rather pleasantly unexpected quantity. He stilled his tongue and let James' orgasm rise to its swift peak and begin ebbing before he swallowed his considerable gift hungrily.

His vision swimming with gray spots James' hips slowly settled back down. He twitched at the pull of Erol's tongue when he swallowed but he let that stimulation of his suddenly hyper-sensitive cock pass freely. After a moment his arms gave out and he simply fell back with a gasp for breath. Erol glanced up along his stomach and chest with a chuckle, nursing ever so gently upon the young engineering student's twitching erection as it began to flag. Slowly he drew his muzzle upward and eased the pale flesh of the raccoon's cock down onto the gray of his stomach.

"Mmm," he whickered softly, tracing his lips with his tongue as he leaned his weight onto his elbows against the edge of the bed, "Very, very nice. Thank you, James."

Bleary eyed the raccoon lifted his head to gaze down at the black-and-white pattered gemsbok's head and chuffed, "Thank me?" he trilled breathlessly and dropped his head back heavily, "Fuck. Thank you! Gods... Erol, I have honestly never had anyone do that... so damn well." He giggled stupidly and gulped for breath, "Not that I have a lot of experience."

Erol dipped his head to nose at the pale pink flesh lightly, lipping along the slowly softening length with care. "I do." He admitted playfully, "But not with very many." He raised one hand with four fingers extended, "You make four, in maybe three years since my first."

James reached up to capture Erol's hand with one of his own, lightly drawing down three of those fingers, "Mine, one. You." He raised his head to look down again, watching the surprisingly arousing visual of Erol's dexterous lips lightly caressing his slender length back into its sheath. "Girls, tho?" He dug his elbows into the rumpled coverlet and crabbed backwards up onto the bed fully.

Erol snorted into his fur, lipping the tip of his sheath, "Too many... and none of them I've really wanted to, or enjoyed as much as this." He backed his ears and shook his head slowly without looking up to meet James' gaze. The silver on his horns reflected the blue of the room. "I treat them like shit, and I hate it, but the more who see me as just another asshole jock, the fewer I have to contend with. But there are the jock groupies, they're scary. They don't care how much of a jerk everyone says you are, they just want to bed you to say they have."

"And in this environment you can't be seen as gay... so you fuck 'em anyway?" James rubbed consolingly between Erol's ears with his fingertips. Erol nodded and rested his head against James' thighs, relaxing. His eyes slid shut as he lay there, stroking the raccoon's hips and outer thighs while the raccoon in turn traced his own fingers along the starkly defined patterns of Erol's coat.

"As little as possible... mugh..." He raised up a bit and pulled himself onto the bed, stretching out at James' side and settling bonelessly with a whuff of breath through his nose. "How many girls for you?"

James watched Erol move and swallowed at the majesty of the athletic beast who chose him as an intimate. Or merely an outlet for his own desires and passions; at the moment James did not dare think it was anything deeper than the jock's wanting a dick to suck with little regard to the owner of that dick. For the moment, and while time allowed, James would make what of it that he could. Reaching over, he placed one paw on Erol's flat chest, rubbing slowly back and forth; the fur underneath was fine and silky smooth in one direction, coarse but not sharp in the other. "Just one, but it was never really romantic. We tried a few times, but we'd grew up together and it was always awkward thinking of each other that way. We settled on friends with benefits, but never anything more."

Tentatively James moved his paw down further and toyed lightly with the tuft of longer, darker hair adorning the tip of Erol's sheath. The buck tensed slightly, sucking in his gut, and left James' hand hovering there as he cast an unsure look up. Erol's gentle brown eyes regarded him soberly. "Careful there, J, I'm..." his ears backed and he licked his lips in self conscious embarrassment, "I'm pretty sensitive there right now."

Lifting one corner of his tapered muzzle in a rakish grin James only nodded, "I know." He tittered softly, both at his own frightening bravery and foolish action to tease the buck so. Am I ready for this? He thought to himself as he looked back down, letting his fingertips rest lightly upon the prominent ridge of the gemsbok's sheath just below the tufted tip. If not now, then never, was the only reply that came to mind, and you will forever question what the truth is.

Erol propped himself on one elbow and turned slightly toward the raccoon, watching him intently with a curious, gentle gaze. James swallowed jerkily and continued to trace the fingerpads of one hand slowly along the long ridge of the gemsbok's sheath. Slowly he leaned toward Erol until his muzzle was an inch from the tip of the buck's sheath. The scent was both enticing and overwhelming; a heavy pungent musk that was redolent with earth and sharp desire but James did not find that as unpleasant as he would have thought. Underlying it was a strange spiciness that made him think of fresh ground nutmeg or cinnamon and made his mouth water slightly.

Leaning closer he angled his whiskers forward while his fingers traced their way downward to the root of Erol's sheath, splaying as they delicately slipped over the velvet contours of his testicles. Erol's head slowly dropped back, his jaw hanging open, as he let out a deep, shuddering groan. James' whiskers teased lightly at the longer hair at the tip of the buck's sheath as the raccoon took another slow breath, drinking in the heavy weight of the aroused musk and shivered.

He loved it! That smell was intoxicating and sent shivers racing through his fur as he used his whiskers to trace the tip of that sheath. With his head turned slightly he looked down along the length of Erol's sheath, watching as the flesh within pressed against its confines with the rapid beat of his heart and the muscular tightness of his groin. His fingers slipped around each of the athlete's large orbs, lifting and rolling them gently as he familiarized himself with their warmth and weight. James knew what he could put out, and his balls were not nearly so large. Erol would drown him! He shuddered again and licked his lips, flattening back his whiskers while his twitching ears swiveled around to listen to that mighty groan.

A gleam of pale pink against the cream of Erol's stomach brought his gaze back up from his contemplation of the globes held within his dark paw and he smiled at the first glistening hint of Erol's arousal. The tapered tip lay upon his pale coat with a trickle of clear pre that merely added to the natural gleam afforded by the moisture of his sheath. James leaned closer, drawing his whiskers back, and sampled that flesh with a slow breath through his nose. If Erol's musk was enticing before it was manifestly more so with the added pungency of his erection. Unable to stop himself, and too far along to back down at any rate, James' tongue snuck from between his lips and traced lightly across the pale flesh.

Erol spasmed, jerking his hips upward slightly as his arms dropped to the coverlet to fist the blue fabric into further chaos. "Ja - James, please!" he moaned throatily as his entire body quivered, "Are - you sure?"

The up thrust of those hips had driven the slightly flared tip solidly against the raccoon's tongue and the subtly bitter, saline musk that infused his muzzle made James' mouth water madly. With a low growl he took hold of the sheath to better control the angle and shifted his head slightly to get the position of that slender tip adjusted between his short but stout and sharp teeth, an inch of the buck's hot erection pressing into his muzzle.

The taste was not unpleasant in the least; James found it amazing. Different than anything he had ever tasted before, to be sure; powerfully musky with subtle hints of newly sprouted spring grass, and wholly, amazingly marvelous. As if to assuage Erol's concern James growled softly with unrestrained hunger and pushed his muzzle a little further upon the throbbing spear that thickened further still at the stimulation of his tongue. Careful to curl his tongue along the underside, between his sharp teeth and the sensitive flesh, he tilted his head to let the tapered flare press along his palette well clear of his upper teeth. A twitch of powerful muscles deep within the buck's loins shot a wet spurt across James' palette and the saline potency of the pre overwhelmed the fleshy, subtly bitter taste of his sheath lube. James closed his muzzle carefully, sealing his lips about it, and began to play his tongue about the flare captured just beyond his canines.

The gemsbok cried out and writhed, moving one hand to James' back between his shoulder blades. He clutched at the heavy fur of James' hackles as his hips strove to buck upward stayed only by his wavering self control. "Ohhh, you're a devil!" Erol gasped as James drew back slightly and lipped at the gleaming flesh exposed from the buck's sheath. As the raccoon pressed gently the buck's sheath and slipped his thumb under his exposed erection to raise it and lightly tracing his way down the underside of it with his lips and then back to the tip before hungrily suckling it back into his muzzle, Erol could only rock his hips back and forth and try not to impale him by driving it forward.

James had learned, from receiving the very same attention he was now giving the buck, that he had to be extremely careful with the harsh edges of his teeth. He used that understanding to keep his lips or tongue between his sharp carnivorous teeth and the buck's throbbing cock even while he tried to take more than a spare couple of inches into his muzzle. He drew the gemsbok's sheath a little further back, using his palm rather than a pull of his fingers, rubbing gently at the buck's length with the flesh of that sheath even as he eased it back. All the while Erol snorted and gasped, clutching spastically at his hackles and the chaotic rumple of the coverlet with his hands. "Ahhh, a devil!" James drew back again to circle his tongue about Erol's tip slowly, tasting the steady spatter of the buck's pre as he carefully gauged the buck's reaction to the tongue on his flesh. It was not difficult to find the most sensitive areas about his flared tip and James felt triumphant to discover such new and amazing things.

Continuing to roll those large orbs in one hand, he slowly coaxed the sheath back until it would withdraw no further. Slowly he pushed his head down, slipping the long taper of exposed flesh into his muzzle as far as he could. From the slightly flared, tapered glans downward the buck's shaft was a smooth taper that looked commendably thick where James could see it exposed from his sheath. The thoughts of what the gemsbok could do with that majestic length filled James with both fear and wonder.

But such examination would be for another hour; at this moment James was interested in savoring his first examination of what it was really like to have a male writhing against him and filling his muzzle. With Ebonshadow it had always been nothing more than an exercise in his ability to type. This was the real thing. No wolf, to be sure, but the differences only made it all the more fascinating. Ebon's gentle guidance had well prepared him for the particulars of his task, as had his previous experience receiving from his friend, Lilly, back home.

"You - you're good." Erol grunted, his voice strained as the buck's hips rose into each slow downward slip of James' muzzle, falling heavily as he backed off to work his tongue upon those areas that seemed to achieve the most powerful twitches from the buck. "James - J!" he lowed heavily, tension swiftly building in his abs and thighs, "I - James, I'm... off!" he gasped, grabbing convulsively at the raccoon's hackles. James growled merrily and shrugged off the strong haul against his fur, moving his head a little more swiftly against the swelling spear of hot rigidity nested upon his tongue.

"James!" Erol bellowed in a strained hiss past his clenched teeth, "Off, James!" But the raccoon was having none of that. He could feel the tautness pulling the buck's balls firmly upward into his crotch. The twitching muscular tension was wonderfully familiar and James reveled in it. Ignoring Erol's insistent tugs, he pulled back towards the very tip and pressed hard with the tip of his tongue against the most sensitive spot he had found earlier. "Aughh, Ja -" Erol could manage nothing further as he grunted a deep groan and jerked powerfully, his hips thrusting upward toward the raccoon's suckling pressure as a sharp spasm jerked at his muscles. James found himself unprepared for the copious explosion of powerfully saline spiciness that fountained into his muzzle and could not help but gag unexpectedly at the volume of it. He swallowed hastily but felt no little bit of it spurt from the corner of his muzzle and course down his whiskers. Even as he gulped down what he could another spasm jerked at the gemsbok's muscles and another surge spilled into his muzzle.

Rapidly the buck's orgasm poured itself into the hungry raccoon's muzzle, more than slaking his thirst and near doing exactly what James feared it might. He was forced to stop breathing entirely after that first unexpected choking gag simply to swallow as quickly as he possibly could. After several mind blowing seconds Erol's body dropped heavily back onto his bed and the twitching of his loins slackened slowly. With each muscular spasm his seed became thicker still and, by the time he was done, Erol leaked a cloyingly thick, powerfully musky heat that James found clung to his tongue with mucous like tenacity. He gulped it down nonetheless as he smiled beatifically.

So, he thought, this is what it is to be gay?

Mm, not so bad!

As Erol's orgasm tapered off and the buck lay there, panting heavily, James drew his head up slowly. Carefully he avoided those sensitive areas he found only minutes before as he milked the dregs of the gemsbok's climax from his twitching cock tip. Raising his head he looked to Erol while he licked at his muzzle, chin and whiskers. The buck cast a look from the corner of his eye and huffed a breathless laugh, "And you say you've never done that before?"

James smiled and shook his head, "Not in real life." He churred throatily as he looked down at Erol's sheath. Only half exposed the buck was as long as James was, but not quite as thick. His shaft was tipped with a spear-shaped tapered flare around a notable depression and, below that flare, it slowly and smoothly tapered ever thicker. Semen glistened on the pale cream hair of the gemsbok's belly and James leaned down to lap lightly at it. "But I can do it again." He joked as he gave the exposed flesh a flick of his whiskers.

Erol twitched and laughed, "Not so soon!" he cried out and ruffled at the raccoon's disarrayed hackles. "You - you're a damn natural, James." He whikkered softly as he flopped onto his back with a mighty sigh, "I didn't think you'd be ready for... me, like that."

"I wasn't." James explained softly as he rested his chin upon Erol's chest. He could feel the rapid thumping of his heart through the athlete's firm muscles. "Sorta surprised me."

"I bet." One gentle hand stroked lightly at James' ears while Erol worked to regain his breath. James closed his eyes, a smile drifting over his muzzle and a deep churr of contentment slipping through his lips. "Off means off, J... you're still new to this." His blunt fingertips lightly traced each of the raccoon's short, triangular ears. "I didn't want to overwhelm you. Everything in its time, handsome; not all at once."

"But I like it and..." James looked up with whiskers and ears backed though he smiled, "and, well, you didn't back off of me, the first time."

Erol chuckled warmly and dipped his muzzle to lip lightly along the side of James' muzzle, touching his lips lightly, "I knew what I was going to get, J. I wanted it."

James, not knowing exactly what to do about that kiss, returned it with a light touch of his own. Lilly, his old friend-with-benefits female companion, was the sort who kissed with stunning intensity; it had somewhat put him off of the idea that it was all that pleasant. "So did I, Erol, and I did, too."

Erol dropped his head back with a beatific smile, "You're too much, James, you're just too damn good for an old closet fag like myself."

"Closet's a safe place to be, that's why we hide there."


"I guess." James shrugged a bit as he stretched out. He combed his fingerclaws idly through the hair of Erol's hip. It was thicker than his chest and shoulders, softer, too. It was something he'd have to investigate further. "I mean... this..." he sighed and cast about for the right words, "This is fulfilling. With my old girlfriend I always felt that... well... I wasn't all there, you know? Something was missing." He raised his head to meet Erol's curious gaze, "Now, I think, I know what that was."

"There's a lot more to learn, J." Erol replied softly as he stroked gently along James' back. "One blowjob does not a fag make."

James grinned, his white teeth gleaming in the muted blue light cast by the curtained window, "So shall we review?"

Erol snorted a laugh.


Issue #2