Becoming His Pet

Story by Oniric on SoFurry

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Hey everyone! First submission of the year!

It's been a while since I wrote a watersports story, so let's fix that! This was a really quick thing with very little plot, just an excuse to write some smut involving a big, dominating wolf, a very lucky weasel, and lots of piss. I've done similar scenarios to this one before, but I wanted to have an even bigger watersports and ownership focus this time.

Content warning: this story contains explicit sex, alcohol consumption, consensual domination/submission and ownership themes, and many watersports scenes including piss drinking.

Connor hid under the bushes and waited, holding his breath. Somehow, he'd managed to escape from his cell unnoticed, but there were guards everywhere, and they'd soon notice that he was missing...

The weasel took another quick look at his hideout. The bushes were very thick and probably were enough to conceal him unless someone specifically thought of searching for him in that place, or had an extremely keen sense of smell. And speaking of smell, Connor noticed a very peculiar scent around him. He couldn't really tell what it was, but he found it strangely pleasant, and he hoped it helped mask his own scent from the guards.

Besides that, there wasn't much he could do. The moon was full and most guards were holding torches. With so much vigilance in the area, it would be foolish of Connor to try to move from those bushes. It was as safe as it could get.

Of course, that was until he saw one of the town guards approaching. A black wolf, and a huge one at that. The guard was wearing studded leather armor and had a sword hanging from his belt. Connor's heart nearly stopped as the wolf walked towards his hiding place.

He certainly wasn't expecting what happened next. The wolf opened his pants and took out his cock, and started pissing on the bushes. Or more precisely, on Connor. The weasel closed his eyes and held his breath as he felt the hot stream soak him completely. The wolf let out a sigh of obvious relief as he kept emptying his bladder, seemingly unaware of the weasel's presence. It was _a lot_of piss, and Connor soon recognized the musky scent as the same that was in the bushes when he first arrived. This had to be the wolf's usual pissing spot.

"Oh," said a voice suddenly. "What do we have here? The little fugitive?"

Connor opened his eyes and saw the wolf looking at him with a curious smile, the stream of piss still directed at his body. He had a scary, rugged look, but his expression seemed surprisingly kind.

"Don't worry, I'm almost done here."

"P-please don't hurt me..." Connor moaned.

"Shhhhhh, be quiet," whispered the wolf. "They're searching for you."

The wolf shook his dick to let out the last drops of piss as the stream finally came to an end, and tucked it back into his pants. He quickly looked around him before speaking again.

"If you don't want to go back to the dungeon and be punished for trying to escape, stay here and don't make any sound. I'll come get you later."

And with that, the wolf turned around and walked towards a group of guards. Connor's heart was beating hard. Did that wolf really mean to help him escape? Why? Could he trust him? It wasn't as if he had any other choice anyway...

Once the initial shock passed, Connor took a deep sniff. He and everything around him reeked of the wolf's piss. The guard didn't seem especially troubled with having pissed all over another person, and strangely, Connor didn't find it as unpleasant as he would've thought.

As minutes and then hours passed, Connor could only wonder why did the wolf offer to help him. Wouldn't he risk his job and maybe even more by doing it? He had to have some ulterior motive. Connor couldn't stop thinking about the wolf. Every breath he took reminded him of his promised savior. That huge, imposing male. Was he... somehow attracted to the wolf? He'd only seen him for a few seconds, but he'd certainly made a strong impression on him. After a while, Connor noticed that he was erect, and there was no doubt that the wolf's image in his head was the cause.

The erection was getting painful. He brought one of his hands to his hard cock. "Not now..." he said to himself, but he couldn't stop himself from reaching inside his pants and grabbing his leaking member. He knew it was risky. He knew he definitely shouldn't do it. But he started stroking his cock.

He had to do it. So he'd better do it quick.

As silently as he could, Connor jacked off, with the wolf's arousing scent ever present. He wished the wolf would return soon. He wanted so much to see him again.

"Oh fuck..."

He was getting close. He started stroking his cock harder, and that was when he heard the noise. He stopped suddenly, and muffled a gasp. A guard holding a torch seemed to be walking towards his hiding place, and it wasn't the wolf. Connor recognized him as one of the younger recruits that had caught him in the first place, a deer. As he approached, he wrinkled his face, and he was about to inspect the bushes where Connor was hiding when a familiar voice spoke.

"Hey, rookie, that's my spot."

The deer turned to face the wolf from earlier. "Yeah... I think I noticed."

"I have this area covered," replied the wolf, ignoring the sarcastic remark. "You can leave now, unless you want to watch me take a leak."


The wolf walked past the deer and stood next to the bushes once again. And just like the last time, he whipped out his dick and started relieving himself, paying no mind to the fact that he had an audience, and not acknowledging the presence of the weasel in the slightest.

"You seem to be enjoying the show," said the wolf. "Wanna suck my dick after I'm done?"

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" shouted the deer as he started to leave.

The wolf shrugged. "The offer's always standing if you change your mind."

"I won't suck your fucking dick!"

"Not with that attitude."

The young guard mumbled something and walked away at a fast pace.

Once the deer was far enough, the wolf looked at the soaked weasel and smiled. "Sorry for pissing all over you again, I had to make sure my friend there didn't find you. Although you don't seem to mind too much."

Connor smiled awkwardly in response, and tried to casually hide his hard cock.

"Oh gods... you were actually jacking off," said the wolf immediately. "I knew I smelled something musky. It was you! You're a naughty little weasel, eh? But you know, that was really risky. I'm a little disappointed. What if they'd caught you because of that?"

"I'm sorry..."

"Yeah, you should be. Now's not the time to be jacking off."

"I... couldn't help it..."

The wolf looked at the weasel and sighed. "Okay, little buddy, now listen to me. My shift is over, so now we get to go home. I need you to get in this sack and remain absolutely still. It's full of my dirty clothes, so it won't be very pleasant, but it's the only way I can think of to get you out of here."

"Why are you helping me?"

"Because I don't think anyone deserves to rot in a dungeon just because they stole some food. And because you're really cute. Now get in the sack."

The wolf put the sack in front of Connor and opened it. The weasel hesitated for a second before he entered. Once he did, the wolf grabbed the sack and put it on his shoulder before starting to walk.

Just as the wolf had warned him, being carried like that wasn't the most enjoyable experience. The clothes inside the sack were full of mud, dirt and even dry blood. But also noticeable was the wolf's manly musk, which Connor found surprisingly comforting during the rough trip.

"We've already left the town," said the wolf after a while. "But you should remain in the sack until we get home, just to be safe."


"My name's Marcus, by the way. What's yours?"


"Nice to meet you, Connor. I know the circumstances have been a bit awkward so far, but things will get better now, trust me."

"Thank you, mister Marcus."

The wolf laughed. "Just Marcus is fine. For now, at least."

"Where are we going?"

"To my house, I live in the woods. Fitting for a wolf, don't you think?"


They remained in silence for the rest of the trip, until they finally reached their destination. Marcus gently deposited the sack on the floor and let Connor walk out. It was already morning. The weasel was disoriented and barely had enough strength to stand.

"Poor thing, you're just exhausted," said Marcus as he grabbed the weasel and held him in his arms. "Don't worry now, you're safe here."

Connor looked at Marcus. Despite his brutish appearance, he had a sweet, kind smile, and the weasel felt happy and protected in his strong arms. He still hadn't fully processed what was happening, but he was thankful he'd met the wolf. Just to think a few hours ago he was trapped in a musty dungeon cell.

"You must be hungry. And thirsty. Let me get you something."

Marcus deposited the weasel on a soft surface. Connor looked around him. He was in a small wooden cabin, and he was currently lying on the only bed. The wolf apparently lived alone. The weasel waited as Marcus searched through his house.

"I have dried meat and beer, would you like some?"

"I... don't have any way to repay you..."

"Oh, please, don't worry about that. It hurts me to see you in such a deplorable state. You'll make me incredibly happy if you get better."


Marcus nodded, and sat on the bed next to Connor. He slipped one of his hands under the weasel's shirt and rubbed his abdomen. "You're so scrawny. Please, have some food."

Connor hesitated for a moment before nodding and accepting the wolf's offer. He took a small bite of the dried meat, and it felt like it was the tastiest food he'd ever had. He took an even bigger bite, and then another.

Marcus smiled at Connor, gently ruffled his head fur, and then stood up fetch two jugs of beer and offered one of them to the weasel. Connor accepted it in silence and took a sip of the bitter beverage.

"Good, isn't it? I make it myself."

Connor nodded enthusiastically, and kept drinking, while Marcus joined him. The jugs were Marcus-sized, so Connor had barely started when the wolf was already pouring a second serving for himself.

Marcus downed his second beer in one go and accompanied it with a loud burp. "Oops, excuse me," he said, patting his gut.

"Hey, your home, your rules."

The wolf laughed. "I like you. You're a little shy, but we can work on that. I'm sure we'll get along just fine."

Connor looked at Marcus, confused. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, I'm getting ahead of myself. I... well... I have a proposition for you. Don't feel forced to accept or anything. You know, you're free now. So you can just leave and go back to your old life whenever you want. But there will be guards looking for you, and they _won't_be happy at the fact that you managed to escape. If they catch you again... I don't want to think what could happen..."

Connor gulped. "So... what do you propose?"

"They'll probably have more important stuff to worry about in a while, so they'll forget all about you. You didn't even steal anything really valuable, after all. So if you stay hidden for a few weeks, you should be okay. I can help you with that."

"Do you mean... I'd get to stay here... with you?"

"Yeah, basically."

"But why? What do you win from helping me?"

"Well, that's the fun part. I want you to be my pet."

"Y-your pet?!"

"Yup. Not forever, of course, unless you really end up liking your new life. Say, until the next full moon. I keep you hidden in my house, well fed and cared for, and all you have to worry about is keeping me company and being a good pet."

He still didn't fully understand what was happening, but just the idea of _belonging_to Marcus made Connor's cock throb. "And... what does being your pet entail?"

Marcus grinned as he seemed to notice, and he waited for a few seconds before answering. "Mostly that I get to fuck you a lot, and use you for other stuff if I feel like it. But don't worry, I'll treat you well. You'd be my pet after all, and I want you to be happy too."

Connor's heart was beating alarmingly fast. "Gods..."

Marcus slipped his hand under Connor's pants and grabbed his leaking dick. "I know you want this. I knew it since I first saw you, with the way you reacted at being marked by me. You'd love to belong to me. In fact, I'm pretty sure you already do, but you haven't realized it yet."


"So, what do you say?"

"Can you... fuck me first?"

Marcus laughed. "That's cheating. Are you worried that you won't enjoy being fucked by me? I'm afraid I can't. Even if I fucked you first, it just wouldn't be the same if you're not my pet. I want you to fully submit to me. But... I guess I can let you take a look."

The wolf stepped back, and with little ceremony, took off all his clothes, standing completely naked in all his glory in front of the stupefied weasel. His fur was completely black, and his muscular body was full of scars. He definitely had an imposing appearance. And in the middle of it all was a huge, veiny cock standing erect above a par of similarly big black balls.

Marcus grabbed his cock and pointed it at Connor. "So, do you want to feel this in your ass or not?"


"Then let me hear it from you. Will you be my pet for this month?"

"I'll be your pet! I'll submit to you and do anything you ask!"

Marcus was grinning. "Good. Then you can start by taking off your clothes. You won't need them anymore."

Connor stripped as fast as he could, and he stood naked before his new master, who smiled at the sight.

"Gods, you're cute. Have you been fucked in the ass before, my pet?"

"A few times," he answered. "But never by someone as big as you."

"Well, that's to be expected. Okay, let's prepare you first. Show me your ass."

Connor obeyed and got on all fours on the bed, presenting his ass and raising his tail for the wolf. Marcus got behind him, and with no further warning, started licking his crack. Connor moaned in delight as his master's tongue slobbered all over his butt and pressed against his entrance.

Marcus teased him for a while before he finally inserted his tongue inside the horny weasel's asshole, and Connor squirmed in pleasure.

"It feels... so good!"

"Just wait until you feel my cock," said the wolf, before introducing his tongue again and searching for the weasel's prostate, which he had no trouble finding.


The wolf kept rimming him, and Connor didn't remember ever feeling so much sexual pleasure before. Not only was the wolf extremely skilled, the fact that he was his property made everything even more exciting for the weasel.

After a few more minutes of intense rimming, the wolf finally slowed down. He gave the weasel's asshole one final kiss before positioning himself behind Connor and replacing his mouth with his huge cock.

"You can tell me if I get too rough. I don't know if I'll hear you, but it won't hurt to try."


"Get ready, my pet. Get ready for your master's cock."

And with that, Marcus started shoving his dick inside Connor's asshole. It was big. Really, really big. Definitely much bigger than anything that had ever been in Connor's asshole before. It hurt, yes. But it felt so right, that the pain was almost negligible.

"Gods, your ass feels amazing!"

"It's all yours, Master!"

"Heh, of course it is. You seem to have a good grasp of your new role in life."

"Yes! Please fuck me, Master!"


Marcus bottomed out inside Connor's asshole, and then he grabbed the weasel by the hips and started thrusting. Slowly at first, but he quickly picked up a fast pace.

Connor moaned in pleasure. The wolf was rough, but the way he shoved his dick inside the weasel's asshole made him feel extremely good. He was going to feel extremely sore after such an intense fucking session, he was sure of it, but it was completely worth it. And he knew that they'd be doing that very often, so he'd better get used to it.

Marcus grunted as he thrusted against Connor's ass. He bent down and hugged the weasel. For some reason, Connor felt extremely safe being held by the much bigger wolf, as rough and dominating as he was. Being so close to him, Connor felt his master's deep musk coming from his body, which made him even more aroused, if that was even possible.

After a while, Marcus took out his dick from the weasel's asshole. "Let's turn you around, I want to see your face as I fuck you."

Connor didn't do anything, he simply let his master do with him as he pleased. Marcus turned him around and caressed his face lovingly before reinserting his cock and resuming the thrusts, this time at a slower pace.

"You're adorable. I'm so lucky to have found such a cute pet."


"Everything will be alright. You're safe with me. You don't need to worry about anything else, my dear pet."

Connor was even closer to the source of his master's musk now. He took a deep sniff, filling his lungs with the manly scent.

"Oh, you need some of that? Here, have fun."

Marcus raised one of his arms and pressed Connor's face against his armpit. The weasel was overwhelmed by the incredibly rich smell. He felt like he was in heaven. That was the power of his master's musk.


"Yeah, take a deep breath. Get used to your master's scent. What a good pet you are!"

Connor was in a trance. He almost didn't notice as his master started fucking his ass even harder. Marcus began growling louder with his thrusts. And the weasel suddenly realized that his master was getting close to his orgasm.

"Grrrrrrrr!!!! Unf! Unf! Unf!"

"Ahhhh, master!!!!"


Marcus's last growl turned into a wild howl as he violently came inside Connor's asshole, filling him with cum. The pleasure inside the weasel was too much, and he joined his master in orgasm without even having touched his cock.


Marcus kept thrusting hard as he ejaculated, until his orgasm finally ended and he calmed down, hugging the weasel. He took out his dick with a wet sound, making a good amount of canine cum leak from the well-used asshole.

"Ahhh, that was so good!! You're perfect for this. It'll be hard to let you go after just one month, but a deal's a deal."

"Well... maybe I want to stay after all..."

Marcus laughed. "I knew you'd say that. We'll see when the next full moon comes. No need to worry about that now."

"Thank you, Marcus... I mean, Master!"

The wolf looked at the weasel with a surprised expression. "You called me by my name."

"I'm sorry, Master!"

"No, don't be. It's okay, I'm just surprised. I'd rather have you call me Master normally, but... it's okay if you use my name for special occasions."


"Yup. Now, let's rest. You had a tiring night, and I want you in your best condition."

"Where do I sleep?"

"Hmmm, you've been a really good pet so far. As long as you keep showing a good behavior, you'll sleep in the bed with me."

Connor almost cried from happiness. "Thank you, Master! I'll be the best pet!"

"That's my boy," said Marcus. "Oh, one last thing before we go to bed. Come outside with me."

Connor followed the wolf outside the cabin. He had some trouble walking, but he wasn't going to complain.

"Tell me, are you thirsty?" asked Marcus, with a smirk that implied that he wasn't talking about beer.

The weasel felt really excited as he understood what the wolf meant. "Yes!"

"Get on your knees and open your mouth."

Connor obeyed and smiled as Marcus walked towards him and pointed his now flaccid cock at the weasel's expecting mouth. The wolf started pissing, and Connor savored the bitter urine as it filled his mouth. It was like the beer from earlier, but warmer, and even better tasting.

"Swallow, there's a lot more coming."

He eagerly swallowed the hot liquid as the abundant stream continued for a long while. With how much beer the wolf had drunk earlier, it wasn't surprising. Connor started feeling a pleasant warmth inside his stomach.

After a while, Marcus directed the stream away from Connor's mouth and started peeing all over his body, just like he'd done in their first encounter. The wolf put special emphasis on the weasel's face, chest and genitals, leaving them completely soaked, until his bladder finally emptied.

"You smell really nice like this," said Marcus, smiling. "Now, do you need to relieve yourself too?"

Connor nodded, feeling the pressure in his bladder.

"Then do it. Be sure to point it at yourself, I don't want it to go to waste."

The weasel nodded eagerly. He held his cock and pointed it at his chest. After a few awkward seconds, the first shy drops leaked from his cock and dripped to his balls, and then it turned into a steadier stream. Just as his master had asked, he covered himself with his own piss, until he was kneeling in a puddle of mud.

Marcus ruffled Connor's head fur affectionately once he finished. "What a good pet. Let's go to bed now."

"But I'm dirty..."

"Do you think I would've pissed all over you and ask you to do the same if I had a problem with you sleeping in my bed like that?"

"No. I'm sorry, Master."

He laughed. "Don't be. Now, come here."

Marcus grabbed Connor and held him in his arms, such that the weasel's face was pressed against the wolf's armpit. He inhaled the pleasant musk one more time, and grinned as he realized he'd get to sleep surrounded by it.

Still cradling the weasel, the wolf got in the bed. "Sweet dreams, my dear pet."

"They can't be sweeter than this."

Marcus laughed again. "You're adorable. I know we'll have a lot of fun this month."

Connor nodded and cuddled against his master, feeling safe and happy. He had a strong feeling that his life as the wolf's pet wouldn't last only a single month. And he was perfectly okay with that.