Test Flight.

Story by Alexander Benevauntais on SoFurry

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#3 of Work or Play?

"Gnnah... Wha... Why can't I move..." Alexander said to himself before openning his eyes. Even though his vision was blurry, he could still make out the three figures laying on him and gentle nudged them all, waking them up before mumbling "Uhm... Girls, I can't feel my legs..." before getting a linked respons of sorrys from them as they all got up.

"Alice..." The vixen said before looking at Alexander and saying "I never told you my name hehe..." She then looked up at the clock, stretched, and said "Well I have to get to work." in a slightly depressed tone before walking out the door and into her office, swaying her hip seductively as she did.

Ria then walked towards the door saying "Yeah me too, i'll see ya' later Alexander!" before giving him a small wink as she walked out the door and down the hall, whistling a little tune while walking.


Now Alexander and Syn were alone, the room was a mess, the kitchen looked as if a bomb exploded, and he didn't dare go in the bathroom.

Alexander sighed before calling one of the services on the station. He quickly hung up the phone afterwards before grabbing his jacket, slinging it over his shoulder as he told Syn "I'm going as well... stay out of trouble..." before walking out the door, only hearing "Okay 'Grandpa'" witch caused him to think to himself "I'm not that old... am I?" before shake his head as he made his way down the hall.


Syn sat in the room, mumbling to herself "What a mess..." before walking over to her modual and dove into it, recharging while surfing through the security cams, and anything else she could get her little paws on.

After around five minutes she found something strange, and curiously clicked it, gasping as she found someone trying ot hack her.

She began to put up barriers and walls to stop the hacker, but nothing worked... He was now in her modual, but when she found out who it was, a evil grin crawled across her muzzle as she saw the AI-Fox from yesterday.

"Hey." the Fox as he grinned slyly. But Syn couldn't replie, she was underly shocked that someone could actualy hack her... But her sence of curiosity got the better of her as she walked over to him.

"H-hey..." she said nervously as she walked up to him, only to be grabbed by him witch caused her to yelp in shock before looking at him, starring deep into his eyes before seeing a playful grin form on his face as he began to nibble on her neck.


"Alexander Benevauntais, report to hanger nine-thirty-four immediatly, that is all." a P.A. system buzzed out before flickering off.

Alexander just shurgged before drudging his way down another hall, going through corridoor after corridoor, hall after hall, room after room, until her finally found the right hanger, and once her enterd his eyes lit up at all the technology in the room and how they polished his craft, making it gleam in the light.

He sank to his knees before rising up and bolting over ot his craft, admiaring its beauty before hearing a voice from behind him, and with a quick twist and move, he had the person in a headlock.

"Oh my god... Vira! Is that you?!" Alexander asked in a suprised tone as he let go of the person before looking her over.

She was much taller then him, alot thinner and muscular. She was a female cheetah with long yellow fur with black spots covering her body aswell as rings down her tail. her eyes were almost soul-less and red and despite her appearance she was very nice... although she has a very short fuse...

Vira stood there, rubbing her neck as she said "Still got the reflexis I see..." in a raspy voice from the tight headlock before looking at Alexander with a confused look as he was starring at her.

"I can't beleave it... The basterd wasn't lieing..." Alexander mumbled to himself before realizing he was starring and quickly turned around and headed towards his craft, checking it over in an attempt to hide how he was feeling.

"Alex what's wro..." Vira said before grinning as she found out why he was acting the way he was and walked over to him, constantly passing him as she started helpingh im chek over his craft, whiping her tail under his chin every time, causing him to blush and his heart rate to increase rapidly.

As this was happening he finally finished the check and turned over to her as she passed by once more, grabbing her arms and pulled her into a kiss. But she didn't resist, she encouraged it.

They kissed in the hanger for a while before finally breaking the kiss before Alexander said "You don't know how long I've wanted to do the..." before hearing the buzz of the hangers P.A. system flicker on, hearing a voice say "It's time for you're test flight Mr. Benevauntais." before flickering off.

Alexander looked at Vira and said "Meet me here later tonight." before handing her a small holo-paper with his residential information before leaping up into his crafts cockpit, quickly flickering on a few switches, attaching wires to plugs, strapped himself in, and put on his equipment before hearing th P.A. system once more, hearing the voice say "now activating lift."

The craft and Alexander were lifted up into a upper deck that was protected by a large dome. The voice on the P.A. then said "Opening hatch now... enjoy the test run, and don't push yourself." before flickering off.

Alexander prepared himself as the hatch opend, seeing and waiting for it to fully open before taking a deep breath and saying "Launching... now!" before feeling the launcher latch on and jetasin him out the hatch.

He quickly started the thrusters and his craft, amazed that he didn't pass out he started to turn on all necesary systems before grabbing the steering mechanisem and screaming "Yahoo!" as he began to fly around in a rythmic patern.

many furs and humans on the station were stunned at the sight, it looked as if a phantom was flying about, vanishing and reapering as the light beamed on his craft.

"it's been to long..." Alexander said to himself as he did a backflip. He practicaly lost himself in the deepness of space, doing aerial trick after aerial trick before hearing a strange voice that he couldn't understand. 'Wait, this is a closed channel...' Alexander said to himself before hearing the voice disepate as he returned to the hanger.


"How did you..." Syn said only to be cut off by him as he said "Hack you?.. it was quite easy, exspecialy since you didn't cover yourself after hacking into those cams, and don't worrie I'm not going ot hurt you, I just saw you watching me and I wanted to talk to you." before moving closer to Syn.

Syn couldn't beleave this Fox. She wasn't ever careless when hacking yet... somehow she forgot to cover her tracks, but who knows, maybe this time it was a good thing... She then moved closer to the fox until they were barely inches away from eachother, just looking at the Fox.

A small grin formed on his face as he opend a program and rezzed both of them in Alexanders room, although Syn was now in her normal skunk form.

They looked eachother over before the Fox quickly swooped her up and set her on Alexander's bed before pinning her onto the bed, making sure she couldn't move. he then removed their digital cloths, leaving the skunks body completly exposed to the fox as he leaned his muzzle down and began to lick and nibble on her neck.

Syn just laid back and relaxed as she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him down onto her softly before stroking his back with her paw slowly.

He then moved his muzzle from her neck, saying "My name is Ty by the way..." before moving his muzzle down to her breast, licking and sucking on her nipple softly as his paws stroked her sides softly.


Alexander finally landed in the hanger, hearing the door latch down as he was lowered back down into the lower hanger, seeing that Vira was gone. He just sighed before jumping out of his craft and walked out of the hanger, making his way back to his room.

But as he was, hen oticed something in the corner of his eye... It was Vira, and she was with someone. But after a few seconds he saw Vira fall to the floor and immediatly rushed over seeing a human say "Don't you dare talk to me like you were normal!" and Alexander snapped.

Quickly punching the man before slamming him against a wall saying "What the hell are you doing!" before slamming him into the wall again, knocking the man out as he gave him another punch. He then let go of the man, breathing deeply before walking over to Vira, asking "What's going on...?"

"I don't know... I just asked him something and he punched me..." vira said as a tear dripped down her muzzle. And upon further inspection, Alexander saw she was bleeding... badly.

Alexander quickly reported the man before tieing him against a pole with a shirt someone forgot before picking up Vira, carrying her on his back as he made his way to Alice's med bay.


After a what Alexander thought was fifteen minutes, the bleeding subsided and Vira passed out.

Alexander could see Alice's med bay just down the hall, and bolted down there quickly banging on the door, hearing it open he rushed Vira to one of the beds and with concerned eyes he looked at Alice and said "she needs help, now!" before sitting down, exaughsted and catching his breath.

Alice knodded to him before geting to work on Vira... And after a few hours Vira was alright, asleep due to medication but alright. Alice looked at Alexander, shaking him awake before syaing "She'll be fine, now go get some sleep you look awfull." before giggling and ushering him out the door.

He stood up, and druged out the door, looking at Vira before the door closed. "i'm getting to old for this shit..." Alexander mumbled ot himself as he walked into his room, seeing Syn and the fox mating causing both of them to freeze in shock before shutting the door, turning around he walked back into the med bay before raising his finger only to pass out in the doorway.