Working title: Wolf and Tigress, tour romance

Story by Vulpinus Lupinis on SoFurry

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#1 of WIPs

A work in progress crafted from an idea I had while in a half-awake state of high imaginative activity.

Will eventually contain explicit male/female sexual interaction, and I may elaborate a little more on the masturbation scenes in the end, undecided as yet.

Currently contains a lot of lewd/suggestive mentions of arousal and how certain body parts react to such feelings/thoughts.

Not sure when I'll return to complete/expand this, but I have it backed up in several places (now including here) and will return to it at some point.

Let me know what you think of this rough draft! (and please suggest ways to better format it)

The SF text editor seems a bit buggy about altering font color/size (not always visibly changing) and I don't know if it's SF or my old browser (firefox), so that makes things a bit of a pain, but I'll push through it. ...Huh, I talk bad about it and now it works fine, funny that.

Anyhow, enjoy!

And, if anybody wants to suggest names for the current characters, feel free to do so: Lupine-Male (American tourist), Tigress (possibly once-famous or distant relative to old ruling family of undetermined location that can also be suggested for), Bus-driver (possibly English, but could be pretty much anything, may or may not ever see him again. Pretty much any species), Tigress' daughter (obviously should have same background as her mother, unless I decide to have her father be from somewhere else), Deceased-husband (possibly from same region as tigress, possibly not, haven't decided. Probably also tiger, but could maybe be any large feline, also undecided).

Lupine male (LM for short) in the prime on his life travels to another country and goes on a guided bus tour of the city (city TBD). The tour guide is a beautiful post-menopausal tigress with a decent-sized bosom. LM sits in front row of seats to get a good view to take photos of the landmarks they pass, and tries not to get distracted by the question of whether the tigress has C's or D's under her top... Part way into the tour LM sees something worth taking a picture of, but in doing so he forgets to turn off the flash and the reflected flash from the bus window strikes the tigress. She gasps, faints, and starts to fall to the floor. LM sees this and lunges to catch her before her head strikes the hand-rail. He succeeds, but in his haste he has caught her by supporting her ample breasts in his hands. He freezes in place when he notices this, his ears becoming quite pink with blush and a bulge stirring in his shorts. Then the bus-driver's call breaks through the haze, asking if she's okay, and LM replies that she is but she's unconscious. The bus-drivers thanks LM and says she should wake up in a second, trailing off into a just audible grumble that sounded like "bet she missed her meddy-cations again...". Unsure of what to do, LM just keeps holding her for the couple of minutes it takes for her to wake up, the tent in his shorts thankfully hidden by her limp form. Shortly, the tigress stirs and brings her arms up to brace them against LM's kneeling form. Unfortunately in her dazed state one of her hands lands right on the tent in his shorts, causing LM to stifle a groan and his ears to reach near incandescence! Before opening her eyes, the tigress gives his bulge a puzzled squeeze and immediately realizes what she's groping, causing her eyes to fly open and her ears to color slightly as she quickly shifted her hand to a less personal location on his thigh. Getting her feet under her she rises up from LM's cradling embrace, not unaware of where his hands had been resting. Smiling at his blushing face and tented shorts (flushing a little herself at the reminder of her accidental grope), the tigress thanked LM for saving a forgetful old woman from bashing her head, then she gave him a peck on the cheek and took the opportunity to whisper in his ear. She invited him to stay after the tour and accompany her home so that she wouldn't fall again and so that she could thank him privately. LM's blushing was not reduced by these actions and he just smiled and nodded as he didn't trust his tongue at that moment. So, the tigress and LM both took their seats and the tour went on like normal aside from a request to make sure all flashes were turned off, there were no more incidences of fainting. Meanwhile, LM's body relaxed and returned to normal while his mind spun with questions about what the tigress meant when she said she wanted to "thank him privately". Being a healthy young 25+ male, his mind provided plenty of erotic scenarios, but he didn't think them highly likely. What worried him more was when a small dark corner of his mind suggested that she might be luring him in to take advantage of him or worse, take revenge for his accidental cradling of her bosom. He didn't think this likely either, nor when a paranoid part of his mind suggested she could easily rob him and dump him on the streets with nothing, maybe even naked! He finally shook off the annoying thoughts and enjoyed the rest of tour, being sure his flash was off when he took pictures. Later that afternoon when the tour returned them to where they'd started, the tigress renewed her invitation, LM accepted it and the bus-driver just rolled his eyes unseen as he dropped them both off in the tigress' neighborhood. As they walked several blocks to her house they got to know one another better, talking about their lives, backgrounds, and family, with some of the tigress' stories making LM laugh so hard they had to pause while he got his breath back. Soon they came to the tigress' home, a modest two-story structure longer than it was wide nestled between more of the same and differentiated only by the various bright colors they were painted. She unlocked the handsome wooden door (decorated with a garland of shells from the local beach), stepped inside turning on the light and calling back "Do come in, dear." when LM hesitated at the threshold. Shaking off the last wisps of hesitation, LM followed her into the comfortably furnished entry hall, closing the door behind him and getting distracted by the understated yet refined appearance of everything around him. He was broken from his contemplation by the sound of keys clattering on a surface as she placed her key-ring on a side-able along with her purse, then she faced him and stretched languorously, smiling when she saw the tip of his ears turn pink while his eyes slid from her matronly hips, lingering briefly on the movement of her bosom and sliding away to the furnishings again when he met her smiling eyes, his blush deepening. While she enjoyed his uncertainty (she was a cat after all), she stopped teasing him and invited him into the kitchen, asking if he liked tea (he did). Once flavors were chosen and their tea was steeping, they sat at a smallish round table in the room off the kitchen and breathed in the fragrant steam in silence. The tigress studied him, smiling as he squirmed under her scrutiny, unsure where he should look. Finally, he broke the silence, asking: "So, is this what you meant when you mentioned thanking me privately?" "Partly." she replied, asking: "Do you like it?" He nodded, saying: "Oh yes, very hospitable of you to invite a stranger like myself into your home!" He paused. "But?" she prompted. "Well, I don't mean to sound ungrateful..." he hesitated, but continued: "Couldn't we have had tea at any number of small eateries nearer where the tour took place? Why invite me here?" She chuckled and replied: "For one thing, I feel that's a bit impersonal for thanking somebody for saving your life." LM blushed and mumbled something about it being something anybody could have done... She hushed him and continued: "Two, I prefer privacy when apologizing for groping a man's crotch!" LM blushed more and replied: "Well, I didn't really mind, I was just surprised! And you moved your hand after you realized. Besides, I was *ahem* supporting you by your uh bosom by accident so we're even as far as I'm concerned..." She chuckled, and said: "Be that as it may, I wanted to do this for you. Now, where are you staying?" He blinked, puzzled. "Wha-? I have a reservation at the Chillton, why?" (he'd taken the bus tour as soon as he'd arrived due to his room not being ready yet, his bags were being stored there until it was open) She scoffed. "Overpriced and the views aren't even worth it." She stood and moved to a back window, drawing the curtains to reveal a perfect view of the city sprawling down the hills to the bay. He gaped, this really was a far better view! She broke his reverie by asking: "How would you like to stay here, for half the price they charged you?" He was speechless for a few moments after her unexpected offer, finally asking: "But why? Why me? Why take such a risk with a guy you've never met before?" She smiled and chuckled, replying: "It is not so great a risk as you think, I may not be young but I am far from helpless. I can hear the slightest whisper of movement and, if you'd follow me?" She beckoned him towards a side room with a door marked 'Exercise is power!'. More puzzled and curious than concerned at this point, he got up from the table and followed her in. The room was filled with various exercise equipment and weights as one would expect, what wasn't expected was the stack of one-foot-square pieces of wood next to an exercise mat in one corner. "One moment please." The tigress said, stepping behind a free-standing dividing wall sectioning off a different corner. LM was puzzled as he waited, then the clothing she had just been wearing began being draped over the top of it, up to and including her bra/panties! "Ummm...?" he said, unsure. The tigress' eyes peeked over the top of the wall. "Yes, dear?" she asked. Mentally shrugging, LM chose to frankly ask: "Why are you undressing?" Her eyebrows rose and she replied: Oh! I'm sorry, I should have said. I'm getting into my exercise clothes, can't exercise in my work dress after all!" LM digested this, saying: "Okay, but why? What are you going to do?" She ducked back down and resumed dressing, saying: "Ah, that would be telling! Never fear, dear, I'm just going to answer your earlier question about risk!" LM shook his head and resolved himself to seeing what she meant, at least then his curiosity would be satisfied! He looked at her bra and panties draped over the thin barrier and adjusted his own underwear so his tent would show less. He'd have to have some alone time to satisfy something else after all this! Finally, she stepped out, clad in a sports-bra and exercise shorts that left her midriff (and the additional nipples/teats -mostly- hidden in the fur there!) exposed. LM couldn't help but appreciate the mix of curves and muscle on display, just from that he could see she was no pushover! "What do you think?" she asked, doing a brief turn around for him. "Marvelously beautiful!" he replied, honestly appreciative (and hoping she wouldn't notice his renewed tent!). She -did- notice, be she was careful not to give that away as she bowed and thanked him, a slight blush visible on her own ears. Then, she rolled a sturdy framework over to the edge of the mat and set it up with one of the wooden squares mounted in it. After a few stretches and warmup exercises that left LM feeling uncomfortably warm and *ahem* stiff, she said "Observe!" and gave the board an open-handed finger-tip strike with her formidable claws out! *THUNK* Turning and smiling at LM, she said: "Here's the best part!" Then she pulled her claws free of the wood, leaving a partial ring of holes, and punched it with a fist, shattering it into kindling. Closing his dropped jaw, LM clapped as she bowed a couple times in his direction. "Now," she said, "are you convinced I don't have much to worry about when I invite young nice young men (like yourself) into my home?" LM laughed and said: "Alright, I'm convinced! You're nobody's damsel in distress!" "Damn straight!" she said with a grin. "So, will you accept my gracious money-saving offer now?" she asked, smiling at him. LM sighed dramatically and said: "Well, if you're going to twist my arm like that, yes!" They were both silent for a moment before a giggle escaped LM's muzzle and they both broke down laughing! Almost ten minutes later when they had their breath back, they worked out that LM would take a taxi (with a driver she knew, so he got a slight discount) back to the hotel to get his bags and a refund (minus a 10% late cancellation penalty) before returning to her house to get settled in for the night, meanwhile she would prepare a bed for him. The plan decided, LM left for his bags and she got to work making up a bed for him. Thinking of the bulge he'd gotten in response to her more than once, the tigress smiled and prepared three beds as a delightfully amusing idea came to her... Around 45 minutes later LM returned and rang the bell, the tigress opened the door, and he almost dropped his bags when he saw what she was wearing! She was clad in a fluffy bathrobe and slippers (with undergarment status unknown!), a towel around her long hair, a mug of the same tea he'd had earlier in one hand, and a smile on her face! "Ah, welcome back darling!" She said, opening the door wide for him to bring his bags in. Closing it after him, she led him upstairs to a room and opened that door for him. Inside was a comfortable master bedroom with a large double bed and attached bathroom complete with separate shower. It was clearly decorated to her tastes, with pictures of a younger woman (all the way back to childhood) that bore a striking resemblance to the one standing near him, except that in some pictures she was accompanied by a woman who clearly was an exact match to the tigress next to him! Curious now, he asked: "Uh, is that your daughter?" She nodded and smiled, saying: "Yes, that is my darling (name), she's about your age now and living nearby. I think she would like you, perhaps I'll introduce you if you're staying here long enough!" LM chuckled nervously and said: "If she's anything like you I'm sure I'd enjoy that!" She smiled mischievously and asked: "Are you single, young man?" LM almost choked on his tea and had to splutter for a minute or two before he could ask: "Uh, yeah, why?" She chuckled and answered: "Just curious, that's all!" with a sly grin on her face. LM mentally shrugged and asked the other question on his mind: "Say, is this your bedroom? I don't want to force you out of your own bed." She nodded and said: "It is, but do not worry, I will be perfectly comfortable on the downstairs couch." Embarrassed that he hadn't asked earlier, he said: "Oh no, really, I'd be happy with the couch, you should sleep up here!" She smiled a sharp smile and replied: "While I appreciate the chivalry young man, this is my house and I must insist that as the guest YOU take the bed!" Seeing defeat looming, LM made one last attempt and asked: "Is this really the only bed? What of the other rooms? I'd even sleep on your exercise mat!" The tigress was silent a moment, her tail lashing behind her, then she cracked and burst into laughter! LM, highly confused by this, asked: "What? What's so funny?!" Getting herself under control, the tigress put a hand on his shoulder and said: "Ah, please forgive an old woman her amusements..." "Amusements?" LM asked, annoyed. She nodded and replied: Yes, I do have more beds-" "What? Why then?!" LM interrupted. She placed a soft finger-pad against his muzzle and hushed him, saying: "I'm getting to that darling, I'm sorry for tricking you but please allow me to explain." LM nodded. "Alright," she said, "where was I? Ah yes, the beds. While you were gone I had this idea on how I could get to know more of your character before deciding whether or not to introduce my daughter to you. I would test your chivalry and smarts by pretending My bed was the only one." "How'd I do?" LM asked, still slightly annoyed. "Oh, you passed with flying colors darling!" the tigress said, smiling and ruffling his hair like mothers do. Shaking his head to settle his hair, he asked: "So, where's this other bed, then? Unless you really want me to sleep in here?" She grinned at him and said: "If you stayed in my bed there wouldn't be much sleeping, young man..." Then she burst into laughter at his stunned and blushing expression, saying between laughs: "Oh, I'm sorry darling, you should see your face! Ah, just another one of my jokes!" LM growled in exasperation and motioned for her to lead the way to his room, which she did, giggling occasionally. The new room was slightly smaller, as was the bed, but it too had a attached bathroom, this one with a combination bath/shower set up. Aside from the unexpected crossover paint-job between two popular TV series enjoyed by children (and many adults) with sheets of the same theme, the room was unadorned, just a digital clock on a nondescript dresser and a lamp on the small table by the bed. Noticing LM looking at the walls she said: "Sorry about the childish theming, this used to be my daughter's room." "It's alright," he said, "I don't mind it." She smiled and said: "Glad to hear darling, see you in the morning then!" "Goodnight!" he called after her as she returned to her room. Alone again, he reflected on the day, it had been very different from anything he could have expected! That an accidental camera flash could lead to where he was now, staying the night at the house of a woman he'd only met earlier that day! Shutting the door, he undressed for bed, but he paused when he saw the damp spot on his underwear and remembered all the times he'd tented his shorts that day... Naturally, his ever-ready member took this as a signal to swell, quickly standing at half-mast and protruding from his sheath with the knot still inside. This left him with a question, to jerk off in the bathroom or to wait for it to go down so he could sleep? If he went to bed like this there was a risk he'd leave evidence on the sheets that the tigress might find, which would be rather awkward, but so would her finding some overlooked splatter in the bathroom! Still, the bathroom was far easier to clean so he headed in there with his bobbing member stiffening in anticipation. There were plenty of towels, a powerful fur-dryer, some pleasant-smelling generic shampoos, and plenty of hot water that aided his needed release! (plus the shower was easy to clean afterwards, though a slight smell of aroused male would linger for a while) Afterwards, as he was about to climb into bed, a question came to him- whether to sleep nude like he usually did or to wear a pair of shorts for modesty in case anything happened? There was a small chance he might throw the sheet off during the night and be exposed if/when she came to wake him, but it was a negligible chance so he shrugged and crawled between the sheets in nothing more than his fur, soon to be asleep. Meanwhile, back in her own room, the tigress was also thinking about the events of the day... Shaking her head at herself for forgetting her medication again, but smiling as she remembered waking up in the arms of this strong young man, and blushing as she recalled the throbbing thickness she'd mistakenly copped a feel of! Chuckling at the feelings that stirred in response to those thoughts despite her age, she removed her robe (she hadn't been wearing anything underneath), and climbed into her old familiar bed. It felt a little empty, as it always had and likely always would with her husband gone. She reached for her bedside table and removed the small framed photo of a handsome smiling feline, the only one she had kept out where she could look at it. With a sad smile she kissed the glass over his face and returned the photo to the drawer, but when she did her hand bumped against something else. Curious, she groped for it and a blush rose in her ears when she finally grasped it, as its shape was all too familiar after the events of the day! She remembered the day it had arrived in the mail all packaged up in a nondescript brown box, she hadn't been expecting any packages and didn't initially recognize the address, yet it was clearly addressed to her! Curious, she took it inside and set it on the table while she looked up the address on her computer. Nothing could have prepared her for the answer, it was from one of the bases her husband had been stationed at! Confused, curious, and upset at the thought that this could be some kind of cruel joke, she cut the tape and opened the box. Inside was an unknown object wrapped in brown paper and two pieces of paper with writing on them, the top piece of paper was an official form detailing this as the return of misplaced property with a handwritten note on it apologizing that it had taken so long, while the other was a letter from her husband! Seeing his familiar handwriting again brought the sorrow that never fully left to the fore of her mind and she cried for at least ten minutes before her eyes were clear enough to read it, being sure not to drip on it. His handwriting was worse than usual, he'd clearly been drunk when he'd written it, but it was clear enough to read and explained what the mysterious wrapped object was. Apparently he'd been feeling homesick and had gone out drinking with his buddies during shore leave. While wondering around the town after drowning their sorrows they had stumbled across a porn shop and despite not usually being one to browse such places, he had followed his buddies in. But, once inside he hadn't seen the faces of the porn stars, amateurs, or anyone, all he could see was her face and think about how lonely she was at home without him. He communicated something of this feeling to his friends and tried to get them to leave, but they were having too much fun ogling all the flesh on display. The shopkeeper looked up from the porno mag she'd been idly flipping through when she overheard him talk about his wife being lonely without him. Walking over and tapping him on the shoulder, she claimed to have a solution for his wife's loneliness. Disbelieving at first, his drunken enthusiasm for the idea grew as she explained it to him. With an anatomically correct toy patterned off a male with the same equipment as him, she could ease her loneliness with pleasure while thinking of him! Happy to have a partial solution to his problems, he and one of his two buddies (the canine with his own wife awaiting his return) both purchased species-appropriate toys and had them prepackaged for shipping (and to avoid getting ribbed by the other guys for purchasing such a thing). Unfortunately, unbeknownst to them, the shopkeeper had accidentally mixed up the boxes when she packaged them. So they each were going to send a toy of the wrong species back to their wives, except that tigress' husband was lost at sea before he could do so and the package fell through the cracks when his effects were returned to her. The letter said he'd sent her a feline toy of roughly the same size as she was used to, but the bulbous paper-wrapped thing in the box didn't look feline! She carefully unwrapped it to find a "simulated canine phallus, accurate coloration (it was a veiny variegated red) complete with soft and squishy knot for easy insertion and hours of fun!" (or so the label on the plastic shrink-wrap claimed) She poked a claw through the plastic and slid it from one end to the other, splitting the shrink-wrap open and removing the toy. She held it, sniffed it, squeezed the knot and gave it a waggle. It flopped like a post-orgasm erection. She started laughing hysterically, tears flowing down her face as the laughs turned to sobs. After she had regained her composure she contemplated the ridiculous dildo she she still clutched in one hand, on one hand she wanted to get rid of the useless thing as it wouldn't feel like her missing husband at all, but on the other hand it was still a well-meant gift from her lost love and using it would avoid all the complicated feelings surrounding the thought of remarrying (or worse, 'sleeping' with a string of men to fill her empty bed, but she wouldn't do that to her daughter). In the end she had kept it and used it to salve the physical emptiness when her body clamored for a male (it wasn't TOO dissimilar to what her husband had sported, at least if one used the knot as a handle instead of inserting it), though she hadn't used it in quite some time. Now here in the present she contemplated it again, was it of similar size to what she'd groped by accident earlier that day? She took it under her sheets, used it to make a tent and groped it with her other hand. It was similar, but the nice young man may have been slightly bigger! She blushed at the thought, whispers of remembered sensations causing her nethers to twitch. "What the hell, why not?" she thought to herself, rolling over, setting the dildo on the table and reaching into the drawer again for a bottle of lube (with handy insertable nozzle for easy no-mess lubrication of any orifice! Or so the label claimed, with a warning to use separate bottles for each orifice and to clean the nozzle after each use). Setting the bottle on the table beside the dildo, she contemplated the knot, up to now she'd always used it as a handle so that she could think of her husband while using it. But after the day's events, she was curious what she was missing and didn't think her husband (rest his soul) would begrudge her a fantasy, especially since he'd once told her not to hold back from remarrying if he should (god forbid) die while on duty.

And that's where it's paused, as I work on the second story I recently started, to be posted once I rework/polish it a bit!