Rat Tale Ch.10 Organ Failure

Story by 55555ive on SoFurry

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It was more than one drink. A lot more. Mason kept his word and stayed sober , but I ...I was not in good shape.

Mason- so the guy says "Doctor, Doctor I think you need a stretcher"

Parker- that's not funny

Mason- oh and you can do better?

Parker- stop me if you've heard this one "a monkey and a lion walk into a bar..."

I'm sure we were pissing off the bartender with our bad jokes. Thank god for my medical license because I could never have made it as a comedian.

Mason- alright I've gotten you sufficiently drunk off your ass , I think it's time I take you home

Parker- you're a real class act you know that Mason, anyone else might have used this moment to talk me into bed

Bartender- I wouldn't

Parker- no one was asking you

Mason - I told you I wouldn't try anything

Parker- what if I want to try something

Mason- you don't mean that

Parker- Maybe I do , Gerald is off somewhere getting screwed to a bed post , why shouldn't I screw you to a wall

I was drunk enough to say it, but nowhere near drunk enough not to know how bad it was that I did

Parker- shit I ...

Mason- you're OK , we just need to get you home

Bartender- now would be nice

Mason- dude we're leaving

Bartender - leave faster

Mason got me to my feet and carried me on his side outside to my car.

Mason- where are your keys

Parker- in my pocket

Mason- I'm not reaching into your pocket

Parker- then I guess we're gonna be here a while

Mason- you know if you're serious about screwing that's cool and all, but I'd prefer you do all of this when your sober so I know for sure

Parker - I'm screwing with you right now

I had already taken my keys out with my tail. I tossed them up in the air expecting Mason to catch them , but I suppose I tossed them too wide because they came down on the hood of my car before sliding off onto the gravel covered ground.

Mason - you know there about a hundred drunken monkey jokes I could make right now

Parker- and I'm glad you're smart enough not to

He picked up the keys and we got in the car. On our way to my place I don't think I was much better than how I was at the bar.

Parker- I love Gerald

Mason- I know

Parker- I mean I really love Gerald...but he's... he's missing something

Mason - oh

Parker- he's perfect for me but he's never been perfect enough for himself, he always wants people to love him, and sure I do to , everyone wants to be loved , but he... he needs to know that they do, and I know that he loves me but fuck if it doesn't make me feel less than... you know

Mason- yea

Parker- I thought I could handle not being his everything, hell I could handle not being enough, but I'm so little that he still thinks about how people see him. He still worries about his appearance. If he were just horny and wanted to fuck around because I didn't want to have sex often enough that would be one thing , but he wants to fuck these guys to prove to himself that he can. What does that say about me

Mason - I don't think I'm the best person to tell all of this to

Parker- I think your the perfect person to tell all of this to because you get it

Mason- I get what

Parker- you lost your boyfriend to shit he couldn't deal with and now I'm gonna lose mine to shit he can't

He pulled over the car.

Mason- don't talk about my X , I like you , I really like you, but Josh... my X is not a part of my life to play with

Parker- I didn't mean

Mason- I know, you're drunk.... if you really think your gonna lose him to all of this why let him do it all

Parker- because I want to give him everything but I know that I can't , and if I told him no that would just be making it impossible for him to get what he needs. At least this way he won't grow to resent me for saying no, at least this way we're still together and not drifting apart

Mason- but it sounds like you're drifting

Parker- I'll get over it, besides he'll be making hundreds of dollars an hour, that's how all this started after all, he'll be making money

I had to look away.

Mason- I said I wouldn't ask , and honestly I'm not , but

Parker - yes

Mason- I didn't say what it was yet

Parker- you didn't get me drunk for nothing

Mason- I'm leaving in the morning... so it'll be like I was never here

Parker- but you were, and I'll remember you

He started taking off his shirt.

Parker- Not here , are you crazy he'll smell it in the seats

Mason- right , right

He took me back to the clinic. I suppose we had to go there anyway so he could get in his own car.

We went inside and we didn't leave for another hour. When it was done I didn't feel good , it didn't change anything. I still had to go home.