The Journey North 3

Story by WolfSlaveCly on SoFurry

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#3 of Monoshifter's Saga

They continued slowly toward the North, knowing that at some point they would hit the border. The day went by with little distraction. Their machines, called M.A.S. for short, moved quietly through the brush for their size. They moved with speed, but they still had a long way to go.

After noon, Wolfy wanted to stop for a break. Her heat had ended, but it left her tired. Anubis agreed and they both slid out of their suits. Wolfy sat down on a log and drank greedily from her canteen. Anubis kept a look out. If they had met rogues once before, they could again, and he doubted next time he'd know any of them.

Suddenly, he caught a scent that made him twitch. He looked back to Wolfy first, wondering if it came from her, but when he determined it didn't, he started into the brush. It was very faint, but he had a good nose, better than Wolfy, who jumped up and followed him in curiosity. They soon reached a field and peered out from behind the brush. They were both surprised.

"It's a human!" Wolfy whispered to Anubis.

"No, it's a werewolf in human form. Must be a run away slave... and poor thing is in heat...." Anubis stood, but Wolfy knew from his tone what he intended to do.

She reached out and grabbed his hand, pulling him back. He glared down at her, but she held on. "You shouldn't bother, Anu... Master," she muttered that at the look he gave her. "She probably wouldn't want it."

"Well, neither did you, but look at you now, sweeting." He knelt down to her and grabbed her hair, looking her in the eyes.

"But... that was different."

"Oh? How so?" His eyes pierced hers and she had to look away, shame in her eyes. Anubis grinned wickedly. "So, you wanted me from the start!"

"I wanted that you weren't the enemy," Wolfy whispered, ashamed at having admitted it not only to him but to herself.

"Well, she may not want <i>me</i>, but she does want my cock. Do you have a problem with that, <i>slave</i>?" His hand gripped her hair harder. She gulped. She did have a problem with it. She didn't like that he would just so easily use another female with her just standing there. She thought he was hers alone, like a normal relationship. Obviously, she had been wrong. He was just using her too.

As if sensing her thoughts, he drew her closer and whispered in her ear. "Would you like to watch, or would you like to join?" Wolfy couldn't believe he would ask such a thing! At first, she couldn't answer in her rage, but when she felt him touch her, his hand reaching down, his fingers expert in their touch, the anger in her mind vanished, burned away by pleasure. He whispered in her ear. "Haven't you ever wondered what it would be like with another female? Have you never looked at another female and wished that you could know her intimately?" Wolfy whimpered. Her cheeks burned. How could he be doing this to her? She didn't want it, but she couldn't lie that she didn't like it.

Anubis narrowed his eyes in knowing when she grew wetter from the thought. "Well, now is your chance, my slave." He stood again and tugged on her leash. She stumbled to her paws and looked down to the ground.

"Please, Master, can't we just go back? What if rogues find our suits?" She really didn't want to take advantage of the poor run away. It was obvious she was a slave; she wouldn't be able to keep her human form in her heat if she weren't.

Anubis raised her head with his hand. "This is part of your training as my slave, sweeting. I was going to wait until we got home, but this is too good of an opportunity. So you are going to watch if nothing else, understand?"

Wolfy whimpered, but Anubis didn't give her the chance to say more. He turned and left her standing there. She didn't want to watch, but she didn't want to leave. She just stood there, looking down at her feet. She soon heard Anubis' voice, smooth and low. She heard the female whimper and say something quietly. Wolfy couldn't move, she stood trembling with indecision. It wasn't long before she heard the female whimper and cry out in pleasure.

It took her some time, but she finally built up the courage to turn her eyes out to the clearing. Anubis had the female on her hands and knees, taking her hard. Wolfy felt herself grow wet and she whimpered quietly, not understanding her own emotions. She was furious at him for doing this, but she wanted to be a part of it. She shook her head, wondering if her thoughts were due to some residue of her heat which had ended only last night. But she wanted to go out there, she wanted to join Anubis, maybe draw him away from her.

"Wolfy," she heard him call out to her, his head turning slightly in her direction. Trembling, she couldn't help herself. She wondered if he knew the ancient art of magic and had cast a spell on her. Her legs moved without her wanting, and she soon found herself standing in the open, completely unsure of what she should do.

Slowly, Anubis stopped and pulled away from the female. It took him great control, considering the power of her scent. He then moved back, his hand reaching out and catching Wolfy's leash pulling her closer. The female turned, her eyes wide in fear and uncertainty. Anubis grinned at her, and his other hand reached out and grabbed her by her blonde hair. She must be a light colored wolf, and Wolfy wished she could see her in her true form. "You are a slave, and a run away at that, dear, don't tempt me to return you!" The female whimpered in submission. Wolfy could smell not only the scent of her heat but her fear as well.

Then Anubis stood and grinned wickedly. He tugged Wolfy's leash down and made her drop to her knees behind the female. "Now, my pet, you have an equal before you. I command you to please her." Wolfy gulped and female turned around and backed away. Her large eyes looked as if they would explode from her skull in her fear.

Anubis was suddenly after her, a length of rope in his hands. He grabbed her hair and pulled her head back. "If you cooperate, I'll take the Were Gem out of you and take this collar off and you'll be a free girl. Now behave. You're not going anywhere so you might as well enjoy yourself!" She tried to speak but Anubis put his hand over her mouth, forcing her silent. His yellow eyes pierced her soft brown ones and she knew she didn't have a choice. He tied her arms behind her back and pushed her down into the position he wanted.

Wolfy watched as if in a trance. This was all so new and strange and she didn't know what to do or say or even if she was awake. When Anubis motioned for her to come to him, she crawled to his feet, looking up at him, uncertain of her own feelings at this point. Anubis pointed at the trembling slave, a wicked grin on his face. "Go on, sweeting. Lick her where you like it."

Wolfy was hesitant, but she did as she was told. At her slit was where the scent of her heat was the strongest. And at this range, it even affected Wolfy and she felt herself grow wet as her tongue slid out and moved against the female's sex, her juices sweet and thick. The female whimpered and squirmed, not sure what to do but she didn't want to make Anubis angry. Wolfy soon built up courage and understood the appeal of control. She could do as she wanted to this female, and there wasn't much she could do about it. However, she was squirming, whimpering in pleasure, trying not to give into the feelings. Her clit was throbbing. She continued growing wetter as Wolfy stuck her long tongue inside of her. She cried out, twisting, not understanding the feelings. Wolfy's passing thought was that this was her first heat, much less her first time being pleasured, but it didn't get any further than that.

Suddenly, Anubis grabbed her hair and pulled her head back. He whispered in her ear so the female couldn't hear him. Wolfy whined, excited. He moved over to the female's head and used a foot to make her sit back on her knees. She looked up at him in fear. She obviously was no amateur, and had likely been trained. He didn't need to tell her what he wanted from her. It was a stretch but she took him into her mouth, moving back and forth along his shaft. Wolfy came up behind her and slid her fingers inside her. The female whimpered a bit but did what was expected of her. Anubis laid his hand on her head, and she tensed as if expecting him to force himself deeper into her throat, but he didn't bother, more focused on watching Wolfy than his own pleasure.

Wolfy did to her what Anubis had done to her so often, using her thumb to caress the female's clit while she pounded her hard and deep with her fingers. She could feel the female's walls contract, drawing her deeper until her body tensed and she had to pull away from Anubis, primitive sounds of ecstasy tearing harshly from her throat as her orgasm wracked through her body. Wolfy didn't stop while she trembled with what was likely her first orgasm, and even used her other hand to toy with one small pale nipple, making her whimper all the more. Her cum flowed over Wolfy's hand but she hardly seemed to notice.

When it passed, Anubis came over and pulled Wolfy away, taking his place behind the female. He pushed her down so that he had her the way he wanted, then slid in easily due to her wetness. She cried out, squirming, her face flushed from shame that she was being used so easily. She didn't understand what was happening to her, she couldn't even think of much as she felt like she was burning on the inside, and Anubis' cock pumping deep into her seemed to make it flare even more until she felt like she was falling or flying, and she didn't care about anything else.

Now Wolfy had a better idea of what she should do and she slid her hand under the female and played with a nipple while her other hand went down and played with her clit as Anubis took her, <i>using</i> her. Again and again the young female's body writhed and twisted in pleasure and she cried out and begged and screamed until at last Anubis stiffened. He gave a low groan as he let his seed flow into her. The female panted hard, sweat making her body shine in the fading light. As she came back to reality, Wolfy continued to play with her, making her squirm. She didn't understand how another female could make her feel so good, but she didn't give it much thought.

When Anubis pulled out, he grabbed her hair and pulled her up to her knees. His fingers moved inside her as he made her move up and down until he got what he wanted. As soon as he pulled out the little marble, the female cried out as her body shifted. She didn't get much bigger, but she did get very much furrier. Her fur grew out a lovely cream color, and her hair stayed a light blonde. When she had changed, Anubis pulled out a small laser and carefully cut through the metal collar. When it snapped off, he removed the ropes and stood, turning to Wolfy. "Let's go, sweeting. We need to make sure no one stole our suits."

Anubis turned, ready to leave without a backward glance. Wolfy, however, wasn't so cold. The female looked up desperately and reached out to Anubis. "Wait, please, take me with you!" She looked to Wolfy, pleading with her eyes. Wolfy looked to Anubis who turned and glared down at the female.

"Dear, it was fun, and I kept my part of the bargain, but where we are going it would be dangerous for you to follow." He was turning as if that ended it, but he caught Wolfy's look. He stared at her for a moment, then sighed. He turned back to the female. "Why in hell would you want to come with us?"

The female looked away from them. "I... I don't want to be alone in the woods. My masters are probably out looking for me, and I don't want to think of what they will do when they find me." She shuddered.

Wolfy glared at Anubis. He looked back at her, but she was not going to back down this time. She crossed her arms over her chest and held up her chin in defiance. The standoff lasted only a minute. Finally, Anubis growled and turned, stomping off, leaving Wolfy to do as she wanted. She turned and smiled at the pale female. "You can come with us. It will be dangerous, but hopefully we'll get through it fine. What is your name?"

"My masters call me Snow." She stood with Wolfy's help. She looked a bit ashamed as the scent of her heat was still quite strong. Wolfy ignored it, looking down on her as she was even smaller than herself. Besides, who wouldn't feel a little strange after what had just happened?

"Well, Snow, you are free now. Anubis may seem cold, but I think he's a lot different inside. I haven't been with him long, but everything he's done makes me believe that." She led Snow back toward the suits.

"Is he your master?" She looked at Wolfy's collar and leash curiously.

Wolfy gave a nervous laugh. "In a way. It's more like... a mutual ownership. I let him."

Snow looked at her strangely, not understanding how one would allow ones self to be owned. "I've been a slave since I was just a pup. My masters burned down my home and everything, and they killed my parents. Then they found me and took me with them. They made me human and they never let me change back. This is my first heat, and I knew it was coming."

"How did you get away?" Wolfy felt sorry for her, especially now that Anubis took advantage of her, even though the outcome had been favorable.

"After so many years, they got careless and lazy. They didn't bother tying me up anymore. One night I waited until they were all asleep and I ran as fast I could. I've been gone for three days. I'm surprised they haven't found me." She shuddered thinking about them.

Suddenly, Wolfy thought about what she had said. "Wait..." She stopped and looked at the little white wolf. "Your first heat?" She suddenly growled when Snow nodded. "I will have a talk with Anubis!"

"W-why?" Snow was a bit worried. She didn't want to get into trouble. Anubis could have easily hurt her, and even now he could. Even Wolfy could tear her to shreds.

Wolfy looked at her and put a hand on her shoulder. "Listen, I'm guessing no one told you... but when a female has her first heat, she is 99% of the time fertile."

Snow whined. Her ears flattened and she suddenly didn't feel so good. "Wh-what will I do?"

Wolfy licked her forehead gently to reassure her. "Don't worry, little one. I'll make sure nothing happens to you."

Anubis was nowhere to be seen when they got back, but he had made a fire. Obviously they were going to stay there for the night. Wolfy sighed and sat down next to the fire, crossing her long ankles. Snow came over to her, fearful of the darkening woods. "So, uh, why... why do you... 'let,' uh, Anubis own you?" Snow was a bit nervous about asking such a question.

Wolfy looked at her and shrugged. "I haven't really thought about it. I just do."

"Oh." Snow looked down at her lap. Her hands twisted nervously. "What... how are pups born?"

Wolfy sighed and pulled her close. "Well, they grow inside of your body. After seven months, they are grown enough to live outside of your body. Sometimes giving birth hurts, but that's only if you do it naturally. If you go to the hospital, they give you drugs and you don't feel anything. You push a few times and eventually the pups slide out and they take their first breath."

"How many will I have?" She looked up worriedly.

"That depends on how long your heat lasts. Every day of your heat you release one egg. But as long Anubis doesn't do what he did again, then you'll only have one." She held Snow close. "Don't worry. I won't let him leave you."

"But what if he doesn't want me?" Snow sniffled. She never thought such a thing would ever happen to her. Everything had happened so fast, so suddenly.

Then Anubis came out of the brush. He brought three large rabbits and skinned them and spitted them over the fire. Then he looked at the two females. His eyes fell on Wolfy and he motioned with a finger for her to come to him. Wolfy patted Snow on the head and got up and went to him. He suddenly grabbed her leash and dragged her harshly into the woods. She stumbled after him in the darkness until he swung around and pushed her against a tree. Before she could say anything, she felt his fingers touch her, playing with her, and she whimpered.

"Master, please, we need to talk." She didn't want to be distracted. She wanted to get this out now before anything happened. But Anubis grabbed her hair and pulled her head back harshly. "Do we?" His fingers slipped into her and she moaned, her thoughts melting away.

"Please...." She couldn't finish as he turned her around to face the tree. He bent her over and without hesitation slid deeply into her. Wolfy cried out and clutched at a low branch.

"I did not want her to come along because I know she's going to interfere with us! But you, my slave, are too stubborn for your own good! Obviously I haven't trained you well enough..." He extended his claws and raked them through her fur, moving along her skin. She shuddered, trying to form words, but as he started to pound her, she couldn't think of anything. She whimpered and moaned as his cock moved deeply in her.

She then yelped when his hand struck her ass. "This is for being so stubborn, my pet!" He struck her again and she whimpered in pleasure and shame. He spanked her several more times before stopping his thrusting and he leaned over her, one hand finding a nipple and the other reaching down to her clit. "Who owns you?"

"You do, Master," she whimpered, squirming. Anubis grinned wickedly. "That's right, my pet. I own you, I command you, you <i>obey</i> me. I want you to tell me where you want me to cum."

Wolfy was surprised by this. She felt her face flush under her fur, and she stuttered uncertainly. "In-in me, m-master."

"Where 'in you,' slave? You need to be more specific!" Wolfy felt strangely eroticized by the question, as much as she was ashamed to answer it. When she mumbled, he spanked her again. "Louder, slut!"

"In... in my... cunt... master." She whimpered and lowered her ears. How could she say such things and be turned on by them?

"Beg for it." Anubis thrust once hard and deep to let her know she wasn't getting out of it. He continued to play with her and she felt her clit throb harshly until she tensed in a small clitoral orgasm, much different than the others she had had. It wasn't so intense, but it was no less pleasurable.

She squirmed uncomfortably, wishing she didn't have to say it. But Anubis whispered in her ear that until she said it, he was going to keep her there, even if it took all night. Finally, whimpering, Wolfy brought herself to say it. "Please master... I-I want you to... cum in my... in my... cunt...." She almost whispered the last word, but she knew if she did, Anubis would make her say it again.

He laughed harshly, completely amused. "My, my, what a forceful little slave you are. I could do as you ask... but I'm the master, and I can do whatever I like! And I don't feel like doing what you not-so-well begged for..."

"Please master! I-I beg you to cum in my cunt!" Wolfy sobbed slightly in her shame.

Now Anubis chuckled and laid his hand across her ass so she yelped again. "Much better, pet." He started slowly, teasing her until she squirmed, pressing herself closer to him. He then sped up, taking her harder and harder, moving as deeply into her as he could. He felt like his knees were getting weak and his balls ached slightly just before he came, thrusting deeply and groaning lightly. Wolfy whimpered, moving against him.

When he was done, he pulled out and turned them around so that he was leaning his back against the tree. One arm encircled Wolfy's waist while the other went up between her breast and against her shoulder, holding her close and tight. She leaned her head back against his shoulder. They stood like that for a few moments in silence, completely comfortable with each other.

Finally, Anubis sighed. "What did we need to talk about?"

Wolfy looked at him. "This was Snow's first heat." She said it matter-of-factly.

Anubis groaned and rubbed his eyes with a hand. "Dammit."

"That's what you get for being too eager to 'train me,' Master."

Anubis nipped her throat. "Do not mock me. Fine, she can come with us. It seems you've already grown fond of her."

"It's not so much fondness as pity." She turned and put her arms around his neck, leaning her head against his chest and breathing in his musky male scent. "Besides, she's so young and she's been a slave most of her life."

Anubis buried a hand in her hair and pulled her head back to look into her eyes. What she saw made her shudder and weaken in the knees. He didn't have to say a word for her to know his feelings for her. Then he grinned playfully. "If I have my way, then you're going to be my slave for the rest of your life, so you might as well get used to servitude, wench!"

Wolfy giggled. He nipped one of her large, furry ears and released her, standing straight with her leash in his hand. He tugged her back to the camp. Snow was curled up next to the fire as close as she could get, her long tail curled around over her nose. She looked just like a little white dog. Wolfy went over to her suit and pulled out her blanket. She then laid down next to Snow. Anubis lay behind her, his arm encircling her waist, holding her tight. After Wolfy made sure they were all covered with the big blanket, she cuddled close to Anubis and fell asleep.


The morning was misty. Wolfy woke to Snow munching on what was left over of her rabbit from last night. Wolfy sat up and yawned. She looked around, but Anubis was gone. He usually was.

Snow glanced at Wolfy and peeped quietly, "He left a little while ago. He didn't even look at me." She looked down to her paws.

Wolfy smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, Snow. He doesn't hate you. He's just..." She couldn't think of what to say. She sighed. "He's not going to leave you here, so don't worry about that."

Snow gave a small smile and handed Wolfy a rabbit. She had been smart enough to take them away from the fire when they were ready. Wolfy ate hungrily. When they were both done, she stood and stretched. "Well, I guess we just have to wait until he gets back."

Snow looked around and whimpered. Wolfy perked her ears. "What's wrong?"

"There aren't any birds...."

Now that Snow mentioned it, there weren't any. There had been just a few minutes ago. Wolfy immediately went running for her suit to grab a gun. Just as she pulled it out of its holster, she felt a gun barrel touch the back of her head. She heard a language she didn't understand, but she could guess what he was saying. She dropped her gun and turned around. She blinked in surprise. It was a human! They hadn't been seen on the planet in over 50 years, not since the last war with Earth.

She heard Snow yelp and heard the humans talking in their primitive, simple tongue. She didn't understand it, but obviously Snow did. As soon as the man holding her said something to her, she went limp in his arms. She looked at the ground, whimpering in fear. The humans chattered like squirrels, and Wolfy was getting pissed. The one holding a gun to her wasn't paying attention. He didn't get the chance. She leapt on him, her fangs tearing out his throat before he got to scream.

The other humans yelled and ran to subdue her, their guns pretty much their only true defense. Knowing she was out numbered and out gunned, she lowered her ears and covered her teeth, though her eyes shot daggers at each and every one of the ugly furless creatures.

"What a bunch of ugly bitches," one of the humans said to the other.

"Yeah, well, I wouldn't mind seeing that one as a human." Another one came over and looked Wolfy up and down. "Stupid beasts are always naked."

Snow tried to speak, but due to the structure of her lupine muzzle, she couldn't make the same sounds as she could when she was human. She whimpered instead and squirmed. The man holding her pointed the gun to her head. "Shut up, Snow. You'll be getting your punishment soon as we settle what we're doing with your bitch friend here."

"Hey! Let's tie her up and take her along. Two bitches are better than one. Less waiting time!" They all agreed.

Wolfy didn't know what was going on, but she was pushed with a gun to go near Snow. The man holding her got busy tying her arms behind her. "Tell her what we want her to do, bitch, or it'll be even worse!"

Snow whimpered and looked to Wolfy helplessly. "Wolfy, I'm sorry. They... they want you to put your hands behind- ow- behind your back. Please, Wolfy, they'll hurt you if you don't."

"Who are they?" She glared at the one holding a length of rope, waiting for her to do what they want.

"They... they're my masters." She whimpered in shame and fear, lowering her ears. "I'm sorry, Wolfy. I never should have asked to come with you."

"Nonsense!" she snorted as she put her hands behind her back. She'd play along for now. Once Anubis got here, they would be in big trouble. The man tied her roughly. She growled at them, but they tied her muzzle, along with Snow's, then suddenly shoved her onto the ground, throwing Snow next to her.

Snow looked at her in terror. She knew what would come. She wished Wolfy didn't have to go through it. One of the men (to Wolfy he was the ugliest) came over to Snow and sneered. "So you thought you could take advantage of our kindness, did you, Snow?" Snow whimpered and quickly knelt at his feet, her head bowed. Obviously, he was the leader of these humans. She had enough room to stick her tongue out and she licked his boot, probably a desperate plea for mercy. He suddenly put his boot against her chest and pushed her to the ground. She gasped in pain and he bent over his knee to look down at her, his boot still planted firmly on her chest. "First, we're going to make sure you <i>never</i> attempt something like this again. Then we're going to break your little friend and you'll finally have someone to keep you warm at night!

"Why not do both at the same time?" Several of the men agreed. Wolfy had no clue as to what was going on, but she continued to glare from her position on the ground. She knew it was her best chance at staying unharmed. Werewolves rarely attacked another that was in a submissive posture where all vital areas were exposed. It was simply dishonorable to do so.

"I know!" One of the men put his rifle against Wolfy's head and pushed her against the ground. He then pushed his boot into her crotch, forcing her backend up. Wolfy whimpered in pain, especially when he twisted his foot against her clit. She growled, but the man hit her with the barrel of the rifle. He barked something at her and she quieted, but in no way did she submit to this outrage. What were humans doing here on the werewolf planet during a war between the werewolves anyways? Were they planning an attack of their own? Or were these humans who had been left behind when their forces retreated?

"Hey, I have an idea! Let's see how she likes a gun up her ass!" one of the men said. They chuckled harshly, and the one standing behind Wolfy suddenly put the barrel of his rifle against her anus. Wolfy's eyes widened and she tried to tuck her tail between her legs, but they didn't allow it. She felt the gun slide in and she cried out in pain. She felt tears in her eyes. She couldn't believe this was happening to her. It hurt and she couldn't do anything about it now that she had allowed them to tie her. She struggled, but she felt the gun jerk in her and she cried out in pain, tears wetting her fur. Anubis would never do these things to her. He'd never hurt her like this. Where was he?

Snow whimpered helplessly next to her as one of the other men did the same to her. Another one came up to her and shoved another rifle barrel into her slit, threatening to fire if she resisted. She looked to Wolfy. Wolfy looked back and saw how broken the little wolf was. She knew this treatment, they had done this to her before, more than a few times. And it made her so angry to think that at one point all werewolves were these terrible barbaric beasts.

Then one of the men cried out as one of the suits sprang to life, tossing him into a tree, breaking both him and the tree. The suit turned and swung out an arm, sending another flying. Then all guns turned toward the giant machine and went off. They bounced right off the armor, not nearly powerful enough to penetrate it. The machine suddenly lurched forward and lumbered through the men. They backed off, some jumping out of the way into thorn bushes. As they tried getting themselves back together, Anubis slid out of the suit and cut Wolfy's bonds with his knife. Wolfy pulled the poorly tied gag off her muzzle and snarled. She would have went to get her gun, but Anubis glared at her, stopping her.

Anubis pulled out his rifle and pointed it at the main concentration of the men. "No one hurts my females!" he roared as he fired. The gun flared and bucked in his hands. The humans tried running, and others jumped behind trees and rocks. Finally, he quit firing and lowered his gun, a primal animal roar exploding from him in his rage. The leader of the humans put up his rifle in retreat and yelled at his remaining comrades to run and regroup elsewhere. By the time the humans had cleared the area, Anubis had dropped his gun and was holding Wolfy and the trembling, sobbing Snow.

Wolfy held her close and stroked her hair. Though she had been violated, she knew that Snow had been more than that. She had been tortured. Anubis held both his females, his eyes still roaming to make sure the humans didn't come back. "Everything will be alright, Snow. They'll never hurt you again. You are free now." Wolfy stroked her until her tears dried on her soft white fur.


Anubis had made them move away from the area, and quickly. The machines lumbered through the brush at their quickest pace. The suits only had enough space for one person, so Snow had to hold onto Wolfy's suit. Wolfy did her best to keep her suit from bouncing and jolting. They continued until late in the day before Anubis allowed them to slow and finally stop to make camp for the night.

"I doubt those creatures could follow us," he growled as he made a fire. Wolfy pulled out her blanket and sat next to Snow, putting it around her as the night grew cold. Winter was just around the corner.

"They aren't very fast, stupid beasts," Wolfy snorted. Snow just looked down at her paws, her hands in her lap. She was still in heat, and she felt very uneasy, especially when Anubis looked up at her, his hard eyes piercing through her.

Growling, Anubis stood and went into the woods. Wolfy sighed and turned to the little white wolf. She looked like she was on the verge of tears. Surprised, Wolfy reached out to her. "What's wrong, little one?"

"He... he doesn't like me...." She sniffled and wiped her nose against her arm.

Wolfy frowned. "That's not true, darling. He doesn't <i>hate</i> you, he just feels awkward. He'll warm up soon enough. Just give it time."

"How did you meet him?" She looked up to Wolfy, her large brown eyes so puppy-like, so filled with love and loyalty, that it broke Wolfy's heart that such a lovely little wolf would have had to go through what she did.

"Well, actually, he is my... well, he fought for the side that I was fighting against. He came after me and I was trying to escape from him for two weeks. And then he caught and, well, I guess... we just match. Now we're heading back for my side to live togther."

"The... the other side? You mean, the Northern lands?" Snow got excited suddenly.

"Yes," Wolfy looked at her quizzically.

"I... I heard that there are no slaves there... Gary said it once.... but it was... when he was... hurting me...." Snow looked at her hands. "That's where my family came from. Slaves are against the law there, right?"

"Well, yes... I suppose. But not consenting slaves!" She chuckled a little. Snow obviously still didn't get it.

Then Anubis came out of the woods, dragging a large deer. He skinned it and cut it up and spit it over the fire. He said nothing, didn't look at either of the females. Obviously something was bothering him. Finally, the meat was finished. He took the biggest chunk and handed it to Snow. She looked at him in surprise. "But I...."

"You will eat because it is my pup you carry and you will obey as long as you are." His voice allowed no argument. Snow, cowed, did as she was told and took the meat. She seemed quite chagrin at not only being fed first but so much.

Wolfy glared at him, but turned her eyes away at his look. He was mad, and she didn't want to upset him further. She knew why he was in a bad mood; with Snow in heat, the scent was overwhelming and it was driving him mad. So she kept her mouth shut and took the meat he gave her. He sat down by himself across the fire to eat.

When they were finished eating, Wolfy left Snow's side and crawled over to Anubis. He watched her with his piercing gaze as she laid her head on his lap.

Slowly, she bagan to lick the fur on the inside of his thigh. "Wolfy...." He rumbled, gripping her hair and pulling her head back. She looked into his eyes, his piercing yellow eyes, and felt herself grow wet under that look, his complete confidence in his ownership of her, and the knowledge of his feelings for her.

He suddenly got to his feet and pulled her after him, though kept her head down, making her crawl after him into the woods. Once they had left the fire far behind, Anubis pulled out one of the Were Gems. Wolfy whimpered, grinding her hips. Anubis grinned, knowing very well how she had come to enjoy being changed. Once he had placed it inside her and she had transformed, he pulled her old pelt apart and pushed her to the ground on her back.

"One of these days, you will be having my pups, my dear sweet slut." Wolfy looked at him in suprise as his large, moist, hot tongue moved over her small firm breast. When his tongue moved away, the chill air caused her nipples to perk immediately and she leaned back, arching her back up. The rough pads of his fingers rubbed against them gently, making her moan as his tonuge moved down her belly, down her leg. Then Wolfy gripped a handful of leaves with a loud moan as Anubis' tonuge slid over her throbbing clit. The heat of his breath made her shudder, squirming with this new experience.

Slowly, Anubis continued to lick Wolfy's clit, gently nipping it with his small flat front teeth. She whimpered and moaned ruggedly, wriggling, completely lost in the sensation. Then Anubis plunged his long tongue deep inside of her, making her cry out in pleasure, writhing, grinding her hips with this new pleasure. He rolled his tongue inside her, making strong licking motions, causing her to babble incoherently.

Then Anubis pulled out his tongue, pulling away for a moment. Wolfy looked up at him, still panting with a foggy mind, but she knew he was thinking about something. He suddenly grinned and leaned over her, his wet black nose nearly touching her flatter human one. "I wonder what it's like for humans. I wonder how they feel pleasure. You seem to like it, my pet. I wonder if I will." Before Wolfy could really comprehend what he had said, he'd placed the second Were Gem into his mouth, slipping it under his tongue.

Anubis gave a low groan as his mass significantly decreased. As a werewolf he was massive, nearly 300 lbs, and just over 7 ft tall. As a human, he shrank quite a bit. Not even the greatest werewolf scientists could understand why the males shrank so much more than the females. However, the transformation took less than a minute. The massive, heavily furred pelt was all that was left of his werewolf form, and even that would be gone within the hour.

Pulling himself out of his own pelt, Anubis gave a quick glance over himself, feeling his nearly hairless chest. The air was much chillier, and he could hardly smell a thing. His skin was dark, not black, but more like a good tan. His muscles were more pronounced now that there was no thick fur to smooth the curves. All werewolves were taught to change into their human form when they were children, but few ever change again after that, being taught how primative and useless the human body is. So Anubis was rather curious about himself in this form, fully grown.

But he didn't really have the time to worry about himself. Wolfy's hands touched his torso, taut and muscular, and moved up his chest, her fingertips moving into every dip and curve of his muscles, tracing them up his neck and to his flat, furless face. She touched his straight, silky black hair, its texture different than when he was wolf.

Anubis buried his fingers in Wolfy's curly hair and gripped a handful, pulling her head back. He grinned down at her. "There's something I've read that humans do that wolves cannot because of our muzzles. But now that those are out of the way...." Before Wolfy could respond, Anubis' lips closed on hers. At first, it seemed rather clumsy as neither really knew what they were doing. But they quickly got the idea of kissing. It came with instinct, instinct that burned in them both, bringing out all their primal nature.

Both were slick with sweat dispite the cold air, scratching and biting at each other; tasting, feeling, probing, being one with each other. Even in human form, Anubis filled Wolfy's sweet recesses, pulling her hips against his, sliding his full length within her with great force, causing her to cry out with utter passion. His lips closed on hers with all his own burning desire, growling as their tongues mixed.

Not too far away, Snow shivered by herself. She could hear them in the bushes, and though it disturbed her, she longed to be with them. She liked Wolfy, though Anubis scared her. But at least they weren't like her old Masters. She got a little closer to the fire, shivering in the cold night air. As they got further North, it got colder and colder. She could see her breath. She breathed heavily a few times, finding this fascinating.

A twig cracked in the woods. Snow whipped about, looking up at a huge shadowed machine, her eyes wide in terror. The M.A.S. just stood there, intimidating in its design. She didn't realize that the machine was empty. All she could do was give a sharp yelp as a strong brown hand wrapped around her muzzle, another grabbing the base of her tail, the two most vulnerable spots on any wolf. With her muzzle in hand, he pulled her head back to look at him. It was a young wolf, certainly younger than Anubis. He had lots of wounds and scars on him, and he looked like he hadn't eaten in a while.

"Now what's a pretty little thing like you doing out here all alone in the woods and in heat? Just looking for trouble, are you?" Snow whined, trembling. His hand holding her tail made it impossible for her to try to move away, he could literally snap her tail base. But his dull yellow eyes turned away from her, looking at the fire where meat still hung near it to stay warm. Obviously his desire to eat was greater than any desire to mate. He snorted, his two needs battling with each other.

They didn't get too long to continue their battle. A very angry snarl came from the brush as Anubis melted from the shadows, those piercing eyes of his glowing in the firelight. He was tensed, ready to leap at the younger wolf. "Let her go, whelp!"

"If I do, you'll attack me. Better for me to hold onto her to protect my life, don't you think?" The young wolf was unusually calm. He forced Snow to her paws, keeping her between the two males. Anubis started towards him, but the younger male twisted Snow's head, his hand on her muzzle giving him perfect leverage to snap her neck. She gave a sob of fear, her knees almost too weak to hold her up. The young wolf watched Anubis' reaction with a brow raised.

Snarling in rage, Anubis had no choice but to back down. This young one meant business. He would not risk Snow's life. He cursed himself for being so foolish. Of course males would come from far and wide, her scent was strong.

"HazScott? Is that you?" Wolfy came out from around Anubis, in her normal form. The young male blinked a few times. He was totally confused.

"What are you doing with <i>him,</i> Wolfy?" He eyed them both suspiciously.

"By Monos, HazScott, it is you! I thought you were dead!" Wolfy started toward him, but Anubis grabbed her wrist. HazScott took a step back, taking Snow with him.

"I damn near was a few times. What are you doing with him?" Obviously, his battle to survive had taken his trust. He didn't even trust his own teammate.

"I... He..." Wolfy was at a lost for any words. How could she explain they were in love?

"I'm a deserter. I chose to be with Wolfy, and I didn't want to take her back to my side. I don't care about this war anymore. Only about Wolfy, and now about Snow. Let her go. I will not harm you." Anubis' voice had gone calm and quiet, realizing the situation. This young male was not an enemy.

HazScott thought about his options. Maybe it was his hunger, or maybe it was the pain, or maybe the smell of Snow, but he finally let her go, stumbling backwards. Many of his wounds were infected, and they oozed slowly, giving off a terrible smell. Snow ran to Anubis, sobbing in fear. He held her close, while Wolfy rushed over to HazScott, who looked like he was going to faint. The stress of the situation had drained him of his little remaining strength.

"Here, you should sit down. Let's get some food in you, that should help you feel better." She helped him sit next to the fire. In its light she could see the bullet wounds, and she could tell he had dug the bullets out of his own body. He'd also gotten in a few physical scuffels, with bite wounds and deep scratches all over. He had been the youngest in their group, and she had thought he'd have been the first to die. He was quick to smile and loved jokes.

He laid back, panting a bit. She gave him the last of their meat, and he took it, looking at Wolfy in her eyes. "I thought it was you who was dead. I found your M.A.S. out there, and no sign of you. I'm glad you're ok. I know Blitz and Jorgen are dead, I saw them die. And I found Mikel's body. I'd been wandering the woods for ages. I hadn't dared leave my M.A.S., not even to hunt." His voice was strained, and Wolfy knew the poor pup would need some serious help when they got home. For now, she patted his shoulder.

"Eat. Build up your strength. You've been through a lot. Everything will be ok, now. You're safe, now."

He looked at his food, bringing it to his mouth. "Safe. Now there's a word I never thought I'd hear again."