Raiyev Part 22

Story by J. M. Sutherland on SoFurry

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#22 of Raiyev

It wasn't until the humans started making their move on the giant raccoon that Raiyev's thoughts came back down to the severity of the situation. Brad was gone...gone! He was dead, and it was the fault of these damnable intruders into his life and his world.

Blinded by rage and tears, Raiyev starting attacking the humans, his much larger body fueling his strength as he knocked out one after another with fists as big as beach balls, the sheer strength of each pounding wallop sending each human flying several feet through the air before landing, unconscious, on the soft earth. There were inevitably too many humans surrounding him, though, and he felt that faintly familiar prick on his neck, and he fell into darkness.


When Raiyev awoke, he found himself strolling in some strange and foreign landscape. It seemed like a dry, barren desert, with hard and brittle earth that cracked beneath his feet. The sun was shining fiercely in his eyes as it was setting on the horizon, the golden-orange glow hurting his vision. He had no idea where he was headed, either--only that his feet seemed to be guiding him of their own accord. He tried to stop himself, but found it extremely difficult, as if he were in a dream, his body not wanting to respond to his will.

As he started to panic at the thought of his body being controlled like a marionette by some outside force, he cast his eyes around--the only part of his body that was fully under his own control. Then he saw it: glancing downward, there was an assortment of something that looked like tiny glittering pebbles or seeds cast all around the ground. There were faint patches of green as well, looking like tiny patches of moss.

It took a moment for Raiyev to register that these tiny pebbles were actually buildings, and those patches of moss were clusters of trees. It looked like a much bigger city this time, until some part of Raiyev was able to figure that it was really two sister cities overlapping each other's borders. They had done it again--the humans were using him again as their war machine. But why could he sense it this time? Why was he so aware of it?

His panic rose as he watched in horror, his body lifting his tremendous leg, that titanic hindpaw hovering over some part of the nearest city's edge, casting it in a deadly shadow before it came smashing back down with great force, the ground cracking as scores of buildings flattened instantly, snuffing out hundreds of these foreigner's lives in the blink of an eye. The paw rested there a moment before his other hindpaw lifted and swung forward over another section of the suburbs.

No... Raiyev thought. Not this time. Please...not again... You won't use me again! He struggled with all his might to overcome whatever force was controlling his bodily movements, strained to force his own will into dominance. He watched as his leg slowly started to pull back towards him, away from the cowering people beneath its shadow. Yes! he thought. Come on! No more destruction today...

But it was no good. Just as he started to regain control of his leg, it jerked forward again, much more powerfully and swiftly, and the struggle to win control caused Raiyev to topple over sideways, landing with a planet-shaking THUD that completely obliterated about a sixth of one of the cities. No! Raiyev tried to scream, only hearing his own thoughts instead. The twenty-mile-tall raccoon started to tear up as Raiyev felt beaten, feeling himself slip even further away from control over himself.

These stupid people! he thought as he started to rise again. It's all their fault! Why did they have to war with these humans? Why couldn't they just give in? He barely noticed that he started stomping the city in earnest now as he ranted inside his own head, causing unfathomable panic and bedlam to unleash down below in the city. If they just gave in, I wouldn't have to be here! I wouldn't have to do this, and I'd still have Brad! Massive tears, each big enough to fill fifteen swimming pools, streaked down Raiyev's cheek as he relented, giving himself up to the forces controlling his body.

He watched as his body easily smashed through the first city, only vaguely aware of it all. He barely registered how the houses felt like grains of sand to him, the larger buildings like small pebbles that flattened so easily beneath his incalculable weight. The people themselves were so insignificantly tiny that he couldn't even feel them had he been in total control of his body.

Far below, the people were doing there best to escape, though many resigning to their inevitable fate, accepting the fact that there would be no possible escape for them. The military had gathered, still trying in vain to battle the towering titan, whose body soared up past the clouds. Their guns might as well have been loaded with pudding for all the good they were accomplishing. The larger artillery only registered as a faint tickle for the giant, not reaching up farther than his ankles. The military only stopped fighting when they were helplessly crushed under another mighty stomp of the raccoon giant's hindpaw, compacting them and everything else in a three-mile radius deep into the earth, leaving a crater hundreds of feet deep.

As Raiyev moved on to the second city (already in an uproar of panic), that familiar twitching from his sheath grew until he was sporting the biggest raging hard-on the planet had ever seen (or likely would ever see again). The two-and-a-half-mile-long cock began oozing with huge dollops of precum that rained down over the city, crashing heavily directly into the downtown area, causing buildings to crumble, the rubble soaking in his thick, warm, sticky jism. Anyone who wasn't crushed to death from the impact of the fluid drowned almost instantly thereafter.

But before Raiyev could fully play, he had to take care of business. Swishing his enormous tail violently, he wiped out humongous chunks of the city almost instantly, murring and churring in delight at how easily he could crush this puny city simply with his thick, soft tail. The part of Raiyev that had been trying so desperately to stave this off just a few minutes ago was now so subdued that an overwhelming sense of erotic satisfaction came from destroying these cities. Every house crushed, every person stomped and broken, left Raiyev feeling better and better, his massive member throbbing almost painfully in need.

The remains of the city died quickly under Raiyev's incomprehensibly brutal attack. It was just all too easy for the looming giant to snuff out in seconds what took these people decades to build. When all was said and done, the great ruins of the twin cities--one of the planet's most prized localities--lay like a vast, barren gravesite, small fires still burning here and there. And Raiyev finally turned his attention to his aching cock.

Lowering himself cautiously to the ground, he rubbed his long member atop the ruins of one of the cities' downtown area, ploughing through it like a greatly oversized battering ram. But this wasn't enough for the giant, so pulling his dick up again, he pointed it directly down at the ground and lowered himself with a moan, murring in delight as the planet's crust shattered and gave way for his unstoppable monster cock. Pile-driving his rod into the planet, Raiyev groaned in lust as he hilted in the ground, then, paws spread out as if trying to hug the entire planet, he started humping the earth.

It was an amazing sensation, the jagged crust around his cock a delightful sensation, and he simply kept humping harder and faster, lowering his muzzle to a part of the ruined cities to lap up some of the rubble, enjoying the taste of adding insult to injury for these tiny people and their proud cities. His great tail swishing above him like a victory flag, Raiyev continued to hump and pound the planet with his rod, the ground shaking with each powerful thrust of his hips, countless gallons of precum leaking into his self-made dildo.

The giant raccoon felt his climax building, and just as he felt himself ready to explode, he pulled back out of the deep hole he made and pointed his cock at the cities themselves, roaring in delight as his organ exploded, shooting wave after wave of his thick cum over the cities, drowning what was left of them in a lake of his messy seed.

His orgasm lasted several long, glorious minutes, and he simply stayed there, his back arced, supporting his torso's weight with a single massive paw on the ground. After his cock finally shrank back into his massive, protective pouch, he rose again to his feet and strolled away, his mission complete.