
Story by blue_mystery_wolf on SoFurry

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Dreams can take odd turns quite quickly.

This story was made for one of my Patreon's. I have two slots left if you want a story every month, and skipping the queue no less!https://www.patreon.com/mysterywolf

View this story and others on my website, and download them in other formats too. New content is slowly (but surely) being created!http://mysterysden.com/

Dreamcatchers, they had stories of catching the bad dreams, while only letting the good ones into the sleeper. Jeremy had just ordered himself a dream catcher online, and it had just arrived. Although truth be told, he had ordered it a good month ago, and he forgot where he ordered it from. Even the box it came in didn't mention where it was from. He knew they were handmade, so that's what likely took it so long.

The dreamcatcher was brown, measured a good foot around, and had various white strings to make a net inside the circular shape. White feathers with black tips fluttered on strings with beads below the catcher itself. Jeremy felt the dreamcatcher, its leathery brown circle, its soft feathers, and string so delicate that he was afraid to press too hard out of fear of breaking it.

Ashley, Jeremy's fiancee, watched Jeremy open up the box. "I don't remember you ever ordering that. Don't tell me you're going to hang it above our heads." Ashley grimaced at her boyfriend. The two had similar builds in terms of weight, a little large, though Ashley had wider hips, as well as dyed blue and pink hair as opposed to Jeremy's natural black short hair, complete with scruffy beard.

"Hey, it's not like it's a SCARY dreamcatcher or anything." Jeremy held up the dreamcatcher and watch it spin, even though he hadn't messed with the strong, nor was there any wind in the house. "It can't hurt to have it, like, imagine if there's a deep down psychology that makes us both believe that it will give us good dreams, so we'll get good dreams just by using it."

"That's only if you even sort of believe in that sort of junk." Ashley crossed her arms, and let out a frustrated sigh. "I guess there's no turning back if it's already made and here though, just...don't get crazy over trying to get good dreams. The last thing I need is some mist humidifier with a strong peppermint scent filling up the bedroom."

"Okay. Just don't go opening any packages I order in the next few weeks." Jeremy stuck out his tongue teasingly at Ashley.

Ashley rolled her eyes with a smirk on her face, and just went about the rest of her day.

Jeremy too went about his day as normal. The couple led a normal, if a little boring life. They both worked, they both cleaned up after each other, and sure they argued on occasion, most couples did, but they always patched things up at the end of the day.

Nighttime, and then bedtime came for the couple after a long uneventful day. The pair often went to bed at the same time, and tonight was no different. Jeremy and Ashley got onto the bed wearing their pajamas. Jeremy with his baby blue, and Ashley with her light pink. The two kissed each other goodnight, Jeremy set the dreamcatcher up, right beside their window, and together, they fell asleep. As they slept in the warm room, a cool air blew through the windows. It might have been a little concerning, considering the windows were sealed, but both Ashley and Jeremy were fast asleep.

Jeremy's dream found himself in a vast empty black void with him floating in the air. Such a thing wasn't terrifying, although he was very confused. Normally dreams were vague, hard to remember, and often impossible to control. In this particular case, it felt as if Jeremy had as much control of his mind as when he was normally awake, and he was well aware what was going on too. He was dreaming, he knew that, but he wasn't dreaming of anything at all.

"You really are a boring dreamer. Your head is SO empty that you rely on spirits to fill up your dream." A feminine voice suddenly spoke out. Right in front of Jeremy, a creature just appeared in the blink of an eye. It was an imp, an imp that looked incredibly young, maybe in her 12s, but she was incredibly endowed, her chest, and ass, bigger than her head. She had a white t-shirt on, as well as a blue and white plaid skirt. Her skin was blood red, she had short black hair, and a long tail that measured as tall as her 4ft body did, complete with spaded tip at the top.

Jeremy blinked in surprise at this creature. He had never seen such a thing before, how could he possibly ever dream it? He was hesitant to speak, as him 'talking' in a dream was a little bizarre, but he opened his mouth slowly. "Who...are you?"

"Name's Desdemona, at your service, I'm here to teach you about the world of lucid dreaming!" As she floated in the air, her tiny red wings motionless, she did a light bow in front of Jeremy.

Jeremy was familiar with what lucid dreaming was, but he had more questions than answers, questions he thought about in his head, yet nothing changed around them. "I don't understand. How...how lucid is this?" he just had to ask one of his many questions.

"You have almost 100% control. The only thing you can't control is me, but you can control everything else. Go on, think of something. Make your empty mind think up of something to appear in the world, maybe a floor to start off with?"

Jeremy looked down at the black void below them. "A...floor?" His mind went to a brown plain hardwood floor, and then his light brown carpeted floor, just like his house had. While he imagined it in his mind, nothing appeared below them.

"Yes. You imagine the floor, you visualize it, and then make it appear below you, unless you like floating around in darkness forever." Desdemona shrugged. "Or, you know, until you wake up."

Jeremy couldn't help but continue to imagine both the hardwood floor, and the carpet. His mind, muddled and confused by the mixture as he tried to see it beneath the pair. A floor did indeed appear beneath them, but a floor unlike any other. It was a floor with a few square feet of hardwood floor, then brown carpet, then hardwood. It was arranged in a checkerboard pattern beneath them, and stretched out for what appeared to be miles before it curved downward.

"Not the floor I would have chosen." Desdemona gently floated down and placed her black high heeled hooves onto the floor beneath her. "But you'll learn to make better floors, amongst other things. Now, maybe a sky? Whether you want a baby blue sky like you have in your world, or maybe a green sky, any sort of sky you can think of, let's get rid of this blackness."

The sky came faster this time, and much more Earth-like than the floor he made. A bright blue sky suddenly appeared above the pair, one with soft white clouds. While the clouds weren't moving, and there was no visible sun, it gave the world a brighter feeling at least. "How's that?" Jeremy asked. Despite there being a floor, he found his body still floated in the air.

"Not bad. Now we have a sky and a floor." Desdemona gently kicked the ground with her hooves. "A weird floor anyways. Now, why don't you try creating an actual object? A chair, a bed, a wall, start filling up the world with whatever you want. It's YOUR dream after all."

Jeremy just couldn't think of anything creative for the time being. His mind was drawing a blank, a blank that suddenly appeared in the world as a white wall, a single white wall right beside them, stretching 20 feet tall, and 30 feet wide. The wall was as thin as a sheet of paper, though as strong as a normal wooden wall.

"Not the most impressive wall I've ever seen." Desdemona lightly kicked the wall. Even her kick made the wall wobble as if it were made of paper, even if, at least in the dreams, it was far stronger than that. "You really have a boring life, don't you? Like, imagine ANYTHING and it will become reality in your dreams. A mountain of ice cream, a hundred puppies, twenty naked women while you have forty tentacle cocks between your legs. Let your imagination go wild."

"I'm new to this, give me a break!" Jeremy grimaced at the demon-like girl. He continued to wonder just how he could have possibly even imagined her in the first place. He tried to imagine her vanishing, yet to no avail.

"It shows." Desdemona 'sat' on the air with her legs crossed. She began to float again. She turned away from Jeremy with a scoff. "I mean, do you even know what you want in life? Something you can maybe think about advancing while you're in your sleep? Or maybe just have fun with? Maybe you want to get in to construction. Think of yourself building a twenty story office, and then fuck a secretary once you've built it with a snap of your fingers."

"What is it with you and sex?" Jeremy turned away from the creature. He tried to clear his mind and picture something else for the world to have, and suddenly, a couch appeared in front of him, a two seated blue leather couch. This couch had ladders on the side that went up about six feet to another two seated blue leather couch. "There. That doesn't exist in real life!"

Desdemona stared at the two couches, linked purely together by the ladders on the side. With a sudden scowl, she smacked Jeremy behind his head. "You know damn well where that DOES exist. Get rid of it, and think of fucking something else!"

The couch suddenly vanished at the feel of the demon creature's hand on the back of Jeremy's head. The stinging sensation from that slap felt so...real. He had dreams where his body 'felt' things before, but this was the first time he had felt something so real, that he began to wonder just how much of a dream this place really was. "I don't know what to think of, okay?" he concluded. "Like, you're giving me a blank canvas, a bunch of crayons, and you're telling me to draw something. I don't know what I'd create."

"Well, what do you do for pleasure? Or I guess in a human's case, what is it you do for fun? What do you think you could do that was fun?"

Jeremy tried to envision what he thought was fun. He imagined the many times he read online stories, saw various particular fetish images, and just how much he enjoyed them. Also how, deep down, he knew he could never make such things a reality. "I mean...transformation?" he said in a hushed tone. "I'm a fan of that sort of thing..."

"What kind of transformation?" Desdemona continued to float in the air. She floated up to Jeremy's height, with her back up, and her tits down. With her legs gently kicking the air, she floated over beside Jeremy. "Fat? Cock? Male to female? Female to male? There are a ton of different kinds of transformations out there. What do you want to change others into?" she paused. "Unless YOU want to be changed, in which case, what do YOU want to be changed into?"

Jeremy looked away from Desdemona when he was asked. "It...It's silly. I shouldn't have even brought it up."

"Jeremy. This is your fucking imagination. The only people that are going to laugh at you for your ideas, even if they are stupid, are going to be people that you imagine laughing at you for those ideas. You don't HAVE to tell me, but this is your dream where you can live this shit out, plus I'm just part of your imagination anyways." She smiled sweetly, showing her not so sweet fangs.

"I've been meaning to ask you, where did I think up of you anyways? I never remember seeing anything like you, in writing or otherwise. Like...how did I think up of you?"

"Jeremy." Her smile quickly turned into a frown. "You're asking your own damn imagination how you thought up of it. What am I supposed to respond to that? I don't know? Human minds are weird? It's a dream, don't put that much thought into it, and just start dreaming about stuff you want until you wake up."

Jeremy sighed at the demon like figure. She had a point, she probably wouldn't have been able to explain where she came from if she was just his imagination, but the fact that she didn't vanish when he tried to think of her gone was a little worrisome. He imagined the white wall gone he had created, and it vanished easily, but not this woman. He decided to try something more complex, yet familiar. He closed his eyes, and focused. He reopened them, and he found himself in his bedroom. Ashley was nowhere to be seen though. It was just him in his small bedroom, complete with bookcase, television, dresser, and closet. Well, and Desdemona floating just above the plain white bed with teal sheets.

Desdemona took a look around the room with a smirk on her face. "I'm guessing this is your bedroom?" She took a look at the bookcase and noticed no books on the shelf. "Well, I guess I can't expect you to remember EVERY single detail of your room. Doesn't look too bad either, but this is still kind of plain."

The door to the bedroom opened and revealed Ashley on the other side, although a nude one with a big huge skunk tail, a tail so big and tall that it wrapped around her naked body. She smiled happily at Jeremy. "So, what do you think of the new addition, babe?" she asked in a very seductive manner.

"A skunk tail?" Desdemona had to ask Jeremy. "Not what I would have chosen, but I'm not judging." She leaned back in the bed, and kept watching. "Why you picking her though? She looks so...plain."

Jeremy turned to Desdemona with a glare. "That's my fiancee you're talking about." He snapped.

"You're acting as if guys don't fantasize about other women on occasion." Desdemona casually shrugged at his glare. "Like, it is fine if you want to dream about...what kind of famous people are around these days? I don't fucking know. Point being, you can dream about other women. It's not cheating if it's in a dream."

Jeremy looked between Desdemona, and then Ashley, and then back at Desdemona again. "I'm not really...I mean..." he was so uncertain. He turned to see Ashley just smiling and waving her fingers at him with that huge, odorless skunk tail still covering much of her body.

"You can even do stuff to this Ashley that you couldn't do to the real one. Call her insults and have her thank you for it, transform her in ways you can only dream about, it's not like the REAL Ashley is impacted by what you do with her dream self in your mind. Think about it, wouldn't she look so much sexier if she had bigger tits?"

Jeremy turned his attention back to the dream Ashley. He thought to himself that, while Desdemona had a point, he didn't want to change Ashley, even if it was just a dream version of her. With another thought, Ashley suddenly vanished. "I think maybe I want to start transforming myself rather than others."

"Fine by me, what kind of forms do you like? Or are you going to be super plain and just do muscles and a bigger cock and boring shit like that?" she paused, and smirked. "Unless you're a sub who wants to be...meeker?"

Jeremy didn't need to give it any thought about what he wanted to become. "Well, I mean, since this is a dream, I've wondered what it'd be like to be a woman." Although he doubted he would have been able to truly feel everything there was in a dream, it wouldn't do any harm to at least fantasize about it.

"See what the interior of the women's bathroom is like?" Desdemona asked. "Cause I can tell you, it's just like the men's, except there's no urinals."

"Wait, how do I know that to make you know that?" Jeremy scratched his head, confused. Not just by wondering how Desdemona knew what the interior of a women's bathroom, but how that he knew it to make her knew it. Well, and the sentence he just said. Then again, a person could often say whatever they wanted to in dreams and it could be interpreted as whatever the dreamer thought it should have been viewed as.

"Maybe you do, maybe you don't. Are you going to become a woman or not?" Desdemona asked. "Or are you going to question dream logic, because there is no such thing as logic in fucking dreams. Minds work weird, yours included. Don't think about the logic, and just do what you want to do."

Jeremy was uncertain about Desdemona. He had so many questions about who she was, and just how much of his mind she was truly part of. She was right though. He could only be asleep for so long, and while he would inevitably sleep again, he wouldn't know how much control he had of future dreams. "Okay, woman it is." It was a little hard for him to concentrate on what a woman was like though. After all, he had never been such a thing. He knew what one looked like, he had Ashley after all. With a deep breath, he closed his eyes, and focused.

Jeremy's shaft between his legs slowly pulled upwards. It was a strange sensation that he just couldn't explain how it felt, other than cold as the cock retracted inside of him. His balls soon followed as they too, pulled inside of his body. When he reopened his eyes, he looked down past his slightly chubby gut, and he noticed, no longer had he balls and shaft of a man, but a feminine slit of a woman. He reached down with a finger and stroked the new slit, shivering at the sensations. It felt so incredibly bizarre, especially since he knew this was a dream, so he shouldn't have been feeling nearly as much as he was now.

"Congratulations," Desdemona said as she watched him so casually change the sex between his legs. "You went from a man, to a cuntboy."

"Wait, I thought..." Jeremy looked down at himself again, and frowned slightly, with just a hint of embarrassment. He had changed his cock into a vagina yes, but that was literally the only part of his body he had changed. He was still fully male all over, except between his legs. "R-right. I guess I should get the rest of me changed too." With an embarrassed chuckle, he began to focus once more. This time as he focused, his chest changed. While he was slightly chubby enough to have some fat in his breast, now his breast began to fill with milk and more fat as they slowly changed into that of a woman's tits. He could feel a soft breeze brush against the nipples as they enlarged, and he smiled at the sensations. He tried to remember how a woman's tits felt, and tried to give his chest the same feeling. "Okay," he said as he finished, and opened up his eyes. "How do I look?"

"For a guy that lives with a woman, you sure don't know what tits look like." Desdemona pointed to the rather...roundish tits that Jeremy had. While they were at least E cup in size, they were round, perky, and firm. Desdemona grabbed them while in front of Jeremy, with a serious look on her face. "At least they feel real, but fuck, they are the fakest looking pair of tits I've seen. Not to mention, the rest of you STILL looks like a guy."

"I've never transformed myself before, give me a bre-uh." He was cut off when Desdemona felt those new tits he had grown. While they looked fake with how round and up high they were, they still felt very much real. He could feel himself grow wet and aroused between his legs. Not once did he question why he didn't feel 'erect' in the awake world, despite him being as aroused as he was.

"You need to focus, start from the head, and then work your way down." Desdemona floated behind Jeremy, then grabbed his face. "Get rid of this scruffy beard to start off with, then a soft feminine face."

Jeremy felt the small warm hands of the demon creature upon his cheeks. Without a word of resistance, or question, he did as she instructed. He imagined himself without his short black beard, and instead a soft feminine face with long black hair, rather than the short hair he had on his head now. As he imagined it, his head altered to his imagination. The hair on his beard shed down to the ground, vanishing before it even touched the floor. The black hair atop his head grew out longer. He could feel the tips of his hair brush up against his neck, and then his shoulders. The rugged appearance on his face softened, and then he opened his eyes to look at his smaller nose, feel his softer cheeks, and then his hair behind him. "This feels too real to be a dream..." he muttered.

"If it weren't a dream, you couldn't do all of this to yourself in the first place." Desdemona squeezed his chest again. "Don't stop now though. Shrink that Adam's apple, raise your voice, and get rid of this chest hair. Maybe the rest of your body hair too, and for god's sake, put some weight into these tits so they drop down a bit." She pushed the tits down, though she let go of them and let them bounce back up into place. "You want them to be more teardrop shape, NOT round and fakey!"

Jeremy gasped again as his tits were played with. It made it hard to focus on his transformation, and when he tried, he could only imagine those tits. His chest not only swelled in size, but a second pair developed below the first. It first started as a small pair of nipples, but then spheres grew behind them as those new tits filled with fat, muscle, and milk. If nothing else, the sensation of the extra tits made him think about a cowgirl, one with more realistic boobs. The pair of breasts slowly inched downward and took a far more realistic appearance of boobs, even if Jeremy now had a total of two pairs. At the very least, the hair on his chest, leg hair, arms, and armpits left his body, leaving him quite clean, though still with a very masculine look below his head, at least besides the tits and vagina.

"Well, not quite what I was expecting." Desdemona gave the new pair of tits a soft squeeze. "But not unwelcome either. Changing your body in a way that isn't even human isn't a bad idea at all."

Jeremy stared down at the two pairs of breasts. He couldn't believe he had grown an additional pair like that, and what made it even so much stranger was how real it felt when Desdemona squeezed them. He knew he shouldn't have been able to feel such a thing. "This is way too real for me. I want to wake up."

Desdemona let go of his chest. "But you're not even a full woman yet. Sure your face looks like one, you have the tits and cunt, but fuck, your body is still built so masculine. Those thighs aren't slim, your shoulders are broad, and there's just too much muscle. Soften your body and become a woman, THEN we can talk about you waking up, that is if you only want to experience JUST being a woman and nothing else." She paused. "But, if you just stop at being a woman, there is still one thing you're missing out on that a woman gets that no man does..."

Jeremy began to focus on changing into a woman again, although when Desdemona added the last bit about missing out on something a woman does that a man doesn't, he paused. "What is it?" He was only human, it was natural to be curious.

"Sex, of course, and I don't mean the whole anal thing, I mean straight up one cock, your cunt, hump up, and fill you with seed. That good shit." Desdemona said it rather bluntly. "I mean, if you become an attractive enough woman, I can make myself into a herm if that helps your motivation."

Jeremy felt his face flush with Desdemona's suggestion. Not only with sex when Jeremy was turned into a full she, but with a creature like her? "I uh...I uh..." he could not think of anything to respond to that. Instead, he looked down at his body, and then took her suggestion to finish changing into a woman. He'd worry about the sex thing after. He closed his eyes, and focused on trying to become a full-fledged woman. While he already had the head, tits, and cunt, he was still very manly everywhere else. Bit by bit, thought by thought, his shoulders slimmed, as did his muscle tone. His ass perked outward slightly, his feet shrank a few sizes, and he turned a female version of himself, just with two pairs of breasts instead of one.

"A little on the plain side." Desdemona said with two fingers stroking her chin as she watched. "But a woman is a woman I suppose." With a shoulder shrug, the small demon like creature grabbed onto her own clothes, and tore them off in the blink of an eye, and a rather surprising addition between her legs, not that it was obvious if she had something there before, but there it was, a red human shaped cock dangling between her legs, all the way down to her knees. Granted she was short, but the size of the shaft and balls was still quite impressive. "A promise is a promise."

"N-no, I don't need sex." Jeremy shook now her head, and her thin dainty hands wildly left and right. "I just...I just uh...I just wanted to know what this felt like." In truth, while Jeremy did feel an increased amount of pleasure throughout her body, she didn't feel that much different, aside from a little heavier in front, likely thanks to the extra set of boobs.

"Oh come on, I bet sex will feel super extra special." Desdemona's hands travelled down Jeremy's sides, and right to her ass and crotch. "You can imagine your body or mine looking better too. Give me a super huge cock, give yourself more vaginas. You don't have to be some 'mostly normal' human, make it weird!"

"I don't want sex, and I REALLY don't- uhn." Jeremy shuddered as she felt those soft hands up against her new vagina. She felt her vagina grow aroused, giving her thoughts that she knew she would have never normally had before. She couldn't control what her own mind was thinking of, and such things were being brought into reality. It all started with Desdemona's cock. It slowly grew in width, and length. While it retained its red color, a sheath developed halfway around the length of the now foot plus long cock, and the head flattened. It was beginning to take the appearance of an equine shaft!

Desdemona watched happily from behind Jeremy. As her shaft grew, she eagerly pressed it up against Jeremy's backside. Her equine sheath pushed right between Jeremy's new womanly behind. "That's it! Make it super big, as big as you want it. Here in a dream, there IS no limit to how big a cock can be."

It was hard for Jeremy not to imagine that cock inside of her, though she knew she had to try, lest she actually suddenly found that huge equine cock Desdemona had inside. She stepped away from her, turned around, and stared at that shaft with wide eyes. A cock so big that it measured up to Desdemona's large chest, and balls so large it went down to her knees. It almost made Jeremy envious of such a shaft. She had to resist her urge to 'experience' that cock though. "N-no, let's change the topic. Let's change me into something else instead!"

"Oh?" Desdemona floated up in the air again. Her breast and cock dangled underneath her as she held onto her cheeks, and grinned at the woman Jeremy. "What changes are you thinking about? Are you imagining one of those monster girls?"

A monster girl...Jeremy was very well aware about the monster girls on the internet. One of which she already had one trait of was a cowgirl. She pictured that cowgirl, and then she pictured herself as what she might look like as a cowgirl. Unfortunately, she started to feel her skin grow hot and itchy. Jeremy immediately knew what was happening, and with eyes wide, she stopped imagining it, but not quite in time for her spine to extend outwards and grow a tail, complete with a tuft of black hair at the very end.

Desdemona was in front of Jeremy, but with the huge grin on her face, it was obvious she could tell what had just happened. "Hehe, cowgirls are never not sexy, but you're in a dream world, why not try for a chimera of sorts? Become ALL kinds of creatures, make yourself super sexy and super weird."

Jeremy was a fan of cowgirls, though she wondered what she even liked about other creatures. "Well..." she briefly lost focus on monster girls, and just thought of things that would be sexy, things that no human, nor monster, could ever even have. As she imagined something, she felt her body change again, although it was only one particular spot about her body that changed. Physically speaking, nothing on the outside altered, but when she opened her mouth, her tongue unraveled, now measuring so long that it could easily stroke her own cunt, which it didn't hesitate to do. Jeremy had just grown out her tongue to a ridiculous size so quickly, all just by imagining it, and now it lapped at her vagina lips eagerly, making her shudder and moan quietly. She FELT the tongue stretch so far down, she felt herself grow so wet. This dream, she knew, was just far too real. She had thought that so many times before, but now it was getting a bit frightening with just how much she really could feel in the dream.

Desdemona raised a brow at the sight of that much longer tongue. "Not the transformation I would have chosen." She said curiously. "I would prefer a tongue out of your vagina. Something like THAT would be amazing to feel." She slowly smiled at the thought alone. "But maybe your tongue can still stretch down there. What do you think? Is your tongue so big that maybe it has a mind of its own?" She floated down a few feet in front of Jeremy, and thrusted her hips forward to show that huge cock, still fully erect.

Jeremy had no idea what Desdemona had up her nonexistent sleeves. She wondered why Desdemona would even mention such a thing. Unfortunately, when Jeremy thought about a tongue with a mind of its own, her tongue began to move without Jeremy controlling it. "W-wait." She said, muffled. Without even realizing it, she had given her tongue free will. Jeremy's long tongue suddenly thrusted towards Desdemona, and wrapped itself around her huge equine cock. Jeremy let out a sharp gasp as her tongue stretched out so far, and coiled itself around the top of that cock. She could smell the musk, she could taste it, and as much as she wanted to hate it, her body absolutely loved it.

Desdemona happily moaned as that tongue wrapped around her cock. The tongue moved up and down that shaft, and Desdemona stroked the base of her shaft happily. "Go lower tongue, you know you can do it!"

Jeremy's tongue did indeed lower itself on Desdemona's shaft. She felt the taste of that equine cock, her sheath, and that tongue was inching its way towards Desdemona's testicles. Jeremy closed her eyes, and focused. She suddenly pulled that tongue back into her mouth, zipping it back into her like winding up a cord, although once the entire tongue went into her maw, it went back to its normal size. Jeremy stuck her tongue back out, and noticed that, despite that it was normal in size inside her mouth, it could still stretch very far outside of her, given the chance. She decided it best to keep it in her mouth for now though. She could still taste Desdemona's salty warm cock.

"Aw, your owner is no fun." Desdemona pouted at Jeremy. "Your tongue got me all wet and aroused, and you're going to tease me, aren't you? Come on, one good fuck can't hurt, unless you want to play around more." Desdemona landed on the ground beneath her, and spread her legs. "Maybe you want to try a paw job next. Get yourself some ridiculous sized doggy paws, and stroke this cock to orgasm."

Jeremy hesitated. He noticed that they were still in what looked like his bedroom, just the two of them were there. "I-I-I-" she couldn't find the right words to say, a paw job? It was a tremendously unusual request, but she couldn't help but imagine how such a thing would feel, and once again, imagining it was all it took. Jeremy's feet and hands swelled, and as they swelled, they developed fur that looked black, but in bright enough light would reveal to be brown. Her index toes and her thumbs shifted upwards and sunk into her hands and feet, while the rest of her fingers and toes sunk into her growing palms and arches. Black paw pads appeared at the bottom of her feet and hands, while her fingers and toes grew into large paw stubs, complete with white tipped claws. Her thumbs and big toes became the dewclaws. Her 'hands' were at least twice the size as normal, while her feet were three times bigger, big enough to wrap a normal sized cock in them easily, something Jeremy wasn't even sure why she thought of that in the first place!

"Well, you can stroke any cock with paws THAT size." Desdemona teased once Jeremy grew the massive paws. No normal shoe size in the world would have fit Jeremy's pawed feet, nor would any glove fit his pawed hand. "Miiiight have problems working a doorknob though. Not that a monster girl such as yourself would ever need to open doors."

Jeremy wondered about that doorknob situation. She looked to her 'bedroom' door, and lashed out her tongue. Her tongue wrapped around the doorknob, and she managed to open the door, not that there was anything on the other side though, nothing but a pure white void. Jeremy's tongue pulled back into her mouth, and she shuddered. She had actually tasted the knob, and it tasted unpleasant. "Blech, that was disgusting." She paused momentarily. She thought to herself that she should be figuring out a way to get back to normal.

"Always wanting to do everything for yourself." Desdemona rolled her eyes. She suddenly pressed her short body up against Jeremy's feminine backside, and her equine cock between the couple. "I know one thing you CAN'T do for yourself though, and that's get pregnant!"

Jeremy jumped at the feeling of that warm fleshy shaft up against her back. She knew she shouldn't have liked it as much as she did, but she couldn't help but envision herself taking that huge cock on the bed. She felt the room shift and grow fuzzy, and as it faded, she found herself back on the bed, right below Desdemona, with the cock inside of her. It happened far too fast for Jeremy to process, but feeling such a huge cock deep inside of her, even if it was so suddenly, caused her to moan lustfully. "F-fuck!"

"Yup, that's exactly what we're doing right now!" Desdemona couldn't stop giggling as she thrusted her cock back and forth inside Jeremy's cunt. The scene had changed so quickly, all through Jeremy's own thoughts. "Why don't you imagine yourself being less human while you're at it?" Desdemona encouraged.

Jeremy found it hard to think much at all. She felt that huge cock inside of her vagina as it pounded away. She couldn't even think about how it was possible, how she felt it so deep that it was penetrating deeper than her new nether lips were. She could only imagine that something not human could take such a shaft, something Jeremy had some traits of already, but the more she was pounded, the more she began to change. Short black scales slithered out from Jeremy's skin, slowly covering her body. Her massive pawed hands and digitigrade feet were still black and furry, but the rest of her body was covered in smooth black scales, slightly lighter on her belly. Her four pairs of nipples peaked above the scales, and as she opened her mouth to moan, her tongue lashed out, wrapped around all four pairs of tits, and around the large balls that Desdemona had. She felt like a freak, but at the same time, the sex just felt too good to do anything about her form.

Desdemona's tongue lolled out of her mouth briefly, a very serpentine shaped tongue. Her eyes rolled up, and she blushed immensely. "Mmmpphh YES!" she froze momentarily, though her pulsing cock and twitching balls were quick to cum inside of Jeremy, giving her Desdemona's warm seed.

Jeremy felt her insides grow hotter as Desdemona's cum filled her. She saw Desdemona's tongue, and she thought of her as a demon. It would explain a lot about Desdemona's behavior. With a shiver, two horns grew from atop Jeremy's head. The horns curved slightly at a foot long in length, and while the horns were blood red at the base, the red darkened until it was as black as her scales. She imagined one more thing as that cum filled her body, and that was what she feared the most, pregnancy. As she imagined herself pregnant, and how much she would loathe it, her belly began to rise.

Desdemona laid on top of Jeremy with a smile on her face. She stroked her now scaly sides, and nuzzled her neck. "Mph, even in a dream, that was fantastic. Ten out of ten, would fuck again."

"W-wait...in a dream? But you're my imagination...w-why does this feel so real?" Jeremy was clearly confused. She could feel her belly grow heavy, and as she tilted her head up to see why, she felt her heart throb. She felt as if she were in a state between awake, and asleep, a state she couldn't even explain. She could only watch as more rows of tits grew on her front, all of which were growing at a rapid size, just like her belly. She had a total of four rows of tits, and a belly that was getting bigger by the moment.

"Maybe it's more real than you think." Desdemona wrapped her arms and legs around Jeremy, though with her small frame, and Jeremy's growing belly and tits, it proved to be a challenge for her. "Your body looks wonderful, so few nonhuman traits left! You need a snout though. I'm thinking...canine muzzle? With a pair of matching ears to go with it?"

Jeremy's eyes furrowed down at Desdemona's small frame. She was a cute imp, but this was Jeremy's dream. "I imagine you gone!" She shouted in frustration, although Desdemona's comment about a canine muzzle with ears was enough to also picture Jeremy herself with that, and grow them too. Her nose blackened, and her lips pushed outwards into a black silky canine muzzle, complete with black tip nose. The muzzle was double the size of a normal canine muzzle too, making it look ridiculous on her form. Her ears tugged up into canine ears too, and just like her nose, they too became oversized. Her end form was a ridiculous form that not even she could believe.

Jeremy's face was that of a canines, with a long tongue that was still down at Desdemona's mouth, working well against Jeremy's will. She had two horns right beside those oversized canine ears too, almost like that of a demon's, though a bit shorter. Her torso, arms, and legs were black scales, complete with a cow tail above her shapely ass. Her front side had multiple rows of tits, starting at the H cup for her top pair, shrinking down by one cup at all four rows of tits. Her belly had grown just huge. Her belly button was still visible, and with a small 'pop' her 'innie' was now an 'outie.' She had huge black paws with white tips for hands and feet, and stood on the tips of those oversized feet. Her cunt had bright pink lips, surrounded by blackness. Her asshole, something she hadn't focused on, blended in behind her tail.

"Well, you look like a total monster girl that so few have ever seen. Who knows, maybe someone will draw a picture of you." Desdemona teased. Her serpentine tongue slipped out of her mouth, and licked the top of Jeremy's chest. "But, I think now it's time for you to wake up."

Jeremy almost felt relieved by hearing such a thing. She stared down at her form, and despite how turned on she felt, she was also horrified by what she had become. Her tongue zipped back into her maw, just as everything slowly turned black. The next thing Jeremy felt was the back of her bed, and the sheets covering her body.

As Jeremy opened one of her eyes, she found that the dream catcher was glowing a green glow, and then suddenly vanished. That wasn't quite as scary though as Jeremy also referring to herself as a she, and also seeing a huge snout as she looked up from her bed. Jeremy quickly sat up, moved the covers off of her, and realized that she was still the monster she had transformed into in her sleep! She was still that demon dog cow creature, and STILL heavily pregnant. "I-I still have to be asleep." Jeremy said with a surprising feminine tone. She wanted to pinch herself, but she had huge heavy paws. Something told her that she was very much awake though. It just felt far more real now than it did ten minutes ago when she was with Desdemona. She knew one thing that could help her confirm if it was real. She turned to try to wake up Ashley, Jeremy's heart pounding heavily, but as she turned to Ashley, she froze. The creature next to Jeremy didn't look like Ashley at all!

Indeed, the creature sleeping next to Jeremy was a masculine monster. While the monster lacked the horns Jeremy had, there was a very male bear anthro face, complete with overly large two tusks on the side, jutting upwards and out of its mouth. The chest of that creature was extremely buff. While it couldn't compete in a 'Mister Universe' contest, many bodybuilders would be jealous of the six pack that the creature possessed. There was a long horse tail the creature also had, one that swept down to the creature's hooves and muscular legs. The buff creature also had hands, although they were three fingered hands with pitch black nails. One of the most prominent features the creature possessed though, was that cock. The cock had a sheath, the flare of a horse, the knot of a dog, the barbs of a cat, and it measured so tall that it was currently right at the creature's chest in terms of length. The creature's balls were so massive that it forced the creature to constantly spread its legs too.

Just as Jeremy noticed the creature, the creature slowly awoke. It revealed an eye color exactly the same as Ashley's. "Mph...That was such a weird dream." He mumbled in a deep masculine voice. The creature took one look at Jeremy, and then jumped back, and then down at himself, and let out a loud "ACK! It was real?!"

Jeremy stared at the now alarmed creature. Of course she felt panicked too, but something deep down told Jeremy that the creature, that buff creature in her bed was indeed... "Ashley?" Jeremy asked in her feminine tone. "What happened to you?!"

The buff creature, Ashley, stared at Jeremy in shock. "I could ask the same to you! I had this weird dream with this demon who encouraged me to try to change myself, so I changed myself into this." Ashley suddenly let out a loud, rumbling fart, and blushed a purple color underneath his brown fur. "I-I did a few internal changes too."

Before Jeremy could even try to comprehend how they were changed, she heard a light 'pop' inside of her belly, and then her crotch suddenly felt soaking wet underneath the sheets. Jeremy removed the sheets and revealed a big wet spot at her nether lips. "Oh shit...oh shit..." She quickly realized that her body wasn't just hyper pregnant, but now she was going into labor. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, we need a hospital Ashley, and we need it now!"

Ashley's eyes stared down between Jeremy's legs. His massive cock twitched at the sight of her nether lips. Hearing that Jeremy wanted a hospital though, Ashley shook his head. "What kind of hospital will take us? Look at us! We're absolute monsters!" Ashley was almost ready to break down in tears with the grimace on his bear face.

"C-can we worry about that AFTER I- Oh, oh god." Jeremy had never experienced pregnancy, much less birth, and it felt so weird, but at the same time, while there was twinges of pain, there was also pleasure behind it, pleasure she wished she could explain. No woman experiences THIS while birthing I'm sure. She thought to herself. She felt a growing pressure on her nether lips as she felt a large thing inside of her push downwards, inch by inch.

Ashley couldn't help but stare. "You didn't have sex in your dreams, did you?" he asked. "How could you do that Jeremy?!"

"It was a DREAM! Like you couldn't tell me you didn't have sex with that monstrous thing. I smell the cu...cum...GAH!" Jeremy's paws slammed onto the bed, she tilted her head back, and spread her legs. She felt the head of whatever it was inside of her push up against her nether lips, and stretch her bit by bit. She briefly recalled the dream where she took a huge cock inside of her, and it made her wonder if she could stretch easier than other women, as the child inside of her slowly pushed out. It was a red skinned baby girl, one that almost looked like Desdemona from Jeremy's dreams. Yet, despite just after giving birth, Jeremy's stomach was still absolutely swollen.

Ashley looked on in horror as Jeremy gave birth, and so quickly at that, creating a huge mess on the bed. He reached his three fingered hands down to the newborn infant, and pulled her away. "Well...it's a girl..." he stammered, unsure about what else to say.

The newborn infant wasn't crying at all, merely covered in plenty of...fluids from Jeremy. It reached towards Jeremy though, as if wanting something.

Jeremy hesitantly took the baby, and watched as the child latched onto one of her many nipples, and began drinking her breast milk. Jeremy blushed deeply at the sensations. "I...uh." she knew very well what the baby looked like, but she couldn't believe it. "Well I'll name it...Desdemona."

Ashley slowly nodded down at Jeremy. "If that's what you'd like. Now we just have to find a way to, you know, get on with our lives." He let out a frustrated sigh, as well as another deep bass fart from his toned ass cheeks.

Jeremy looked down at the newly born infant. She noticed the infant raised its head towards Jeremy and it looked as if it just winked at her. She had to do a double take down at the infant, before she turned her attention up at Ashley. "You know what Ashley? I think this newborn is going to make sure our lives are just fine."