Love At (Current) Site Act 3

Story by fdsadsfadsaf on SoFurry

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Link to part 1:

Link to part 2:

Please refrain yourself from reading this until you read parts one and two. This is my first series, so all the feedback possible would be great =3. Thank you all.


"Mom. Dad," I yelled up the stairs, "I'm home."

"Oh, hey Luke. I thought you were spending the night at your fiend Ethan's house? Did something happen? Because you seem very...well, I don't know," said my mom from the top of the stairs.

"Nothing happened, and I'm fine," I lied to her. All I wanted to do was help Ethan, but I really couldn't. It seemed that he was going to have to fend for himself against his parents. Ethan and I were friends for a long time, but I had only seen his father a few times and talked to him twice. Both conversations were short and uncomfortable. His dad was a large Black wolf with massive muscles and a firm face. Because of this, I got a horrible feeling that Ethan was going to get it. His father didn't seem like the calm and compasionant kind of guy that Ethan himself was. I wonder if he got that from his mother? Anyway, I felt horrible for him. I wanted to be there and possibly stick up for him if things did go bad. I am so restrained, and I know I will have to be patient, hope, and wait to see what happens before I can act. I loved Ethan, and just the thought of seeing his face beaten just like the other stories I have heard made me tear up. I did.

"Are you okay sweety?" she asked in a soft voice.

"Sure... I mean yes. Can I go to my room?"

"Are you not hungry?"

"I got food at the movie," I lied again. I really just wanted to lay face down on my bed and cry.

"Okay then," she said hesitently. "Well, I am going to watch a movie in the den with your dad if you care to join us." She walked up the stairs and I down to my room on the lower level. I hopped on the bed and threw the sheets over my head as I told myself he would be fine. Yeah! He would be fine. Ethan is strong. He can stand up for himself. But, what if he can't? Oh my god...

*Later at Ethan's house...

"Ethan, stay strong. You can do this." I said to myself. But, I wasn't confident. My heart was racing and I was near tearing up. I had always thought of opening up to my parents, well, maybe not my dad though. But, getting caught in the act was the last way I thought this would end up. Shit! I hear one of them walking down the hall. Then, two knocks on the door go by quickly as one of my parents does not wait on my responce and walks in. It was my dad. He had flames in his eyes, and his black paws were curled into fist. I was suprised he didn't kick down my door instead of knocking...

"What the HELL were you doing this afternoon?"

"Look dad jus-" he cut me off.

"No! I KNOW what you were doing with him. That fucking Luke kid! That fag!"

"Woah! Don't call him tha-"

"WHY NOT!" he screamed, "That's what he is isn't he?!? I guess You are One of those THINGS to, you pitiful excuse of a son." I stood up in his face about to try to tell him off again, but, he swung a fist across my head. After that punch, my vision went blurry and distorted. Not only was the punch disoreanting, but tears were flowing out of my eyes as well making his black figure hazed to me. I stumbled back up as I held my head and grunted. I could already feel a bruise appearing.

"Shouldn't you be proud of me? For me finding myself. For finally piecing together my mystery? For-"

"What in the HELL makes you think I would be PROUD OF YOU YOU PIECE OF SHIT FAG TAILRAISER!" My dad had never talked to me like that before. I thought he loved me. But now, it all seemed a lie. I horrible lie. The fraze "I'll love you know matter what" was no longer an idea in my head. He hated me. But, now, I hated him to. I didn't want to talk to him anymore,so I tried to shove past him toward my door, but he grabbed me and pushed me onto a wall as hard as he could making me lose my air. Then, he slung me to the ground with all the force of his right arm. My chin banged first causing pain to shot up my jaw."You're NOT going anywhere... Not outside, not to the neighbors, and not to your FUCKING BOYFRIEND'S HOUSE!" As I lay on the ground, I noticed the sound of my mother crying outside. How was she letting my dad get away with this! I needed her now of all the times in my life.

"Mom! Mom!" I shouted as loud as I could before my father kicked me in the mouth causing blood to flow out. I looked on the ground and saw one of my teeth got chipped and I noticed an agonizing pain in my mouth. I was crying loudly now and my mom was crying to outside.

"She's not saving you now Ethan. So Curl Up in a BALL and Stay in here and don't come out you FUCKING discrace! EVER!" he slammed the door hard, but before he closed it, I got a glimpse of my mother outside with tears running down her face. I split out more blood and curled up there doing that until I passed out later from the pain.

*Back at Luke's house...

"Forget this. I'm going back over there. Maybe I can help him out. I'm sure his parents haven't even talked to him yet. They might think I'm still over there. Maybe I can hop back into his window and pretend I never left. I hope Ethan will be okay with that though." I was thinking out loud, a thing a was known for, "But, I gotta sneak out first..." I creeped to the door and slowly turned the knob. But then, my mom shouted,

"Where are you going Luke?"

"Just down the street, maybe to get some fresh air," I replied quite pathetically.

" I guess that would be good for you. Fine, just be back in no more than 30 minutes okay?"

"Sure, well, see yah," I ran down the street since I lost a little bit of time at the door a moment ago. The street lights were on and cast shadows everywhere I looked. Nothing was out of place. It was just really quiet and no one was out. I sprinted to his house and finally reached it. I ran around to the side and climbed up until I could see through his window. But, I almost screamed when I looked inside. Ethan was curled up on the ground. That wouldn't have shocked me though, but what did was the blood trailing from him down the floor towards the wall that had a new hole in it. So, as quickly and quietly as a could, I lifted up his window that he normally left unlocked, and fell on my knees by his side. I turned him over and almost shrieked. His mouth was gushing up blood and there was a chip of his bottom tooth missing. I shook him to try and wake him up, but he didn't flinch. Oh god, he needs help but, what can I do? I began to frantically look around. I didn't have a clue on how to help him. So, I just took off his shirt, and he had a really nice body, but, I took it off and used it to get the blood off from around his mouth.There is no doubt in my mind that his father did this. I better not leave him here. He could get hurt more if he stays. I lifted Ethan over my shoulders and quietly snuck through his house and walked out the back door. From there, I rushed him back to my house.


Where am I? Ouch! My head is banging. It seems bruised. Shit! I remember why it is. But, why the hell am I in Luke's room? I don't remember coming here?

"Hey sleepy head," said Luke smiling, but, his smile quickly changed into a concerned look, "Do you feel any better?"

"Um, I guess so. But... My parents hate me.... my dad beat me down. They no longer wanted me as their son." I began to cry.

"Everything will be fine Ethan. Just hold your head high."

"I don't think that's going to work out...God Dammit ALL!" I plunged my head into my hands.

"I meant fine for now. You're over at my house right now and I literally carried you all the way back here with no help." He flexed trying to cheer me up. But, it didn't help. "Look, Ethan, I went back to your house to maybe see if things were going smoothly with your parents or to maybe help you out with it, but, when I went up to your window, I saw your blood all over the ground. So, I couldn't just leave you in there. I...I don't know what I would do without you Ethan. Just..." I leaned in and kissed him on the lips dispite my still bloodied mouth. He closed his eyes and so did I. This is why I'm glad to have him, he worries abut me and actually loves me enough to check on me and defend me. Even my own mom wouldn't help me or try to defend me. Luke was my perfect mate, and I knew it well. "Oh, I need to tell you something serious though. When I dragged you inside, my parents kept asking me what happened, and.."

"And?" I had an idea of what he was going to say.

"I told my parents that we were gay, and that you were beaten for trying to come out to your parents. But, I left out the part about us getting caught making out. hehe, but, my parents took it very well. I'm so suprised that your dad blew up so horribly on you. But, my dad said he would talk to your dad."

"How is that going to help," I coughed up," I mean, my dad is only going to get more pissed at your parents for trying to defend me. He will hurt me worse if I go back."

"Maybe you and I should talk to my parents."

"Can I sleep and think some more about...all this?"

"Only if I can sleep with you," he winked.

"Sure, and, Luke, thank you for saving me." I smiled and he chuckled a little.

"Ethan, like I said, I don't know what I would do without you." and with that, he got in the bed and let me rest my head on him and fall asleep.

To Be Continued...

I was horribly tired while I wrote this. So, please mind that when you write your reviews. I know the spelling is off at times, but that is because my word program failed on me. So, until next time, peace.
