Fox Family 3

Story by Vee_Stitch on SoFurry

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#2 of Fox Family

Fox Family episode 3

Alex was they most popular cat in school which was something to brag about. What made him so popular among the others was that he dated the most beautiful feline in the school Andrea. Alex wasn't the most respectful guy in the school. In fact in the eyes of others he was a jerk, but he was a popular jerk.

Alex said, "Hey hun, about after school you let me tap that ass."

Andrea just signed and Alex presumed talking to the other cats. In the far corner was the one Fox who had made a difference with Dizzy. Ever since then he decided he wanted to be called by his real name Felix. This was at least the tenth day of school but of course no one was counting. Some of the animals actually got used to Dizzy sitting with Felix. Regardless of that no one else usually dared to seat with an animal of a different species. Alex gave Andrea a good glance which meant he wanted to mate. Andrea sighed and sat up and they left cafeteria. In this school in it wasn't bad to mate it was actually encouraged as long as they went to the restrooms and into the stalls. Andrea went in first and went right to the stall. She lowered her dark purple skirt. She usually never bothered wearing panties most days. This was her regular schedule, as soon launch was almost over he would in most cases force her in. He was so confident that he claimed her, his little minx slave. He lowered his jeans and underwear and got to work on tapping the ass indeed. He could care less as she looked away and cried just a bit. Not even because it was tight but in a way she never wanted this. When Alex first started off with Andrea he was real nice and all but as time went by he started to see that he had the power in the relation and as he got more popular he started to care less of her. She knew was recently was ass for him to take advantage off. She now feared him for whenever she tried to stand up for herself he would beat her down until she could no longer get up. So she sucked it up and took it in for another day. She knew she would have one more year of this abuse before she could leave him and hopefully never see him again. Her mind set was completely separate from her current scenario. She could feel his rush and anger each time he rammed as hard as he could. She knew what was expected of her though she hated to moan for him but she did anyway.

Alex moaned, "That's it take it all in."

She felt him pushing her against the wall which hurt even more from any other previous time he did this. After his quick little show he shoved her. Then Alex got a grin on his face.

Alex demanded, "Suck on it, you little mink." She had no choice but to turn to in and he grabbed her hand with force and shoved her to suck it. She opened her mouth and he continued to shove her so that he was sucking his entire penis.

Alex moaned, "That's it. Now were talking." Alex had so much force on his side. Andrea knew she would have to work his weak spot to get in to have his orgasm. She worked her tongue to a spot under licking an area which made Alex almost kick up. She only had to work at him for a few more seconds and as soon as he gave way he pulled out and pulled up his underwear and pants and left. After he left she leaned against the bottom of the stall and cried in an almost hysterical manor. She sat down on the stall and sat there for a while.

Felix was against the furthest corner with Dizzy. Dizzy said, "Damn you know what tomorrow is right?"

Dizzy said, "The school chase. Yeah it's just like yesterday from the last one. You think there gonna make me chase you?"

Felix said, "You specialize in cat chasing. I don't think there gonna change that so abruptly."

Dizzy said, "I heard you've never been caught once."

Felix said, "Apparently that's my only honor at this school. They say there is a big price for more capture this year. So you think you're gonna capture another cat?"

Dizzy said, "It's weird, this year I don't even feel like chasing. I feel like a changed dog ya know what I'm sayin'."

Felix said, "Well I guess. I thought chasing was in dog's blood especially when it comes to cats. I'd think it would be hard to do something that is in your blood. I guess that's why I feel like I most naturally run."

Dizzy said, "Well you do have the record. You've never been caught in three years. No one else has ever done that."

Felix said, "And you've caught the most animals. We both have a weird reputation I guess. Especially now that were friends."

Dizzy said, "I guess that's apart of the reason I want to change."

Felix said, "Well that's tomorrow anyway. I'd rather worry about it than then now." Launch was over and they both went to there respectful classes. Meanwhile Andrea slowly got up and composed herself. She got to her class which once again she had to see Alex. It was a day were all the students were reminded of the rules of the chase. One chaser which always consisted of Dogs, Cheetahs, and Tigers and other chasing animals one all be assigned to one animal runner which had Cats, Antelope and the Foxes. In a way it's both a team effort and ever animal for themselves at the same time. For every animal runner caught that single chaser would get a set amount of points. At the end of the day if more then half of the runners are caught all the chasers get even more points. And for the chasers for each hour they remain not caught they would get a set of points. And if more than fifty percent didn't get captured the runners would get even more points. Every year the runners have won. Mainly in the passed two years due to Dizzy. After a runner is caught the chaser would be assigned another runner. And just to make it clear there about twice as many runners as there are chasers. Last year Dizzy one the chase catching all cats expect for one. This cat also remained not captured for three years and her name was Andrea. This was the one day that perhaps Andrea could escape from Alex and even he knew that for it was everyone for themselves. There was more pride that Felix never got caught simply for the fact that cats were harder to capture. The names would be picked out through out the day today so that everyone could right to it tomorrow. Felix soon found out his chaser would be a Cheetah named Jack. He was the chaser who got second place last year. If Jack couldn't capture Felix than he wouldn't be assigned another animal which would mess up his close encounter with Dizzy. Records from the previous year effect on how each animal is usually looked at. In a way it was an easy access rode to become popular. That was why Alex was so popular; he dated another cat that was never captured. Felix could had very easily became popular be he decided to stick to himself. Dizzy was also a very popular student last year. But ever new capture game could easily change that. There was a capture game at least five times within one year. And this year was looking to be the biggest chase ever. Dizzy found out his first runner was actually going to be the un-captured Andrea. As the day came to an end everyone knew who was runner knew their chaser and vise-versa. Felix met up with Dizzy as they were leaving. Felix said, "Well I'm pretty glad, you're not chasing me. That would have just been really weird."

Dizzy said, "And I managed to get the uncaught cat known as Andrea. After this it might still be that way."

Felix said, "Listen; if you want to keep you're record don't let me get in the way of that. In a weird way I respect that you have it. At the end of the day I'll still be your friend."

Dizzy said, "Man you're way too cool. But it's not just that. Last year she really got inside my head. She not only ran but she taunted the hell out of me. And well there is another thing..."

Felix asked, "What is it?"

Dizzy said, "You see after that round my girlfriend dumped me. She expected me to get em' all. And as she left I realized I never really actually liked her. She was just there just I won the first year. This capture game gets animals togetha' and rips them apart all at the same time. It's why it's so big for most of em'. And well when Andrea taunted me since year one I felt somethin' so different."

Felix said, "I think I get it..."

Dizzy said, "I don't think you do. It's something I can't even tell you. Cuase' to be honest I don't even think I understand it at all. All this shit is too much. You know what amma' just head home and rest on it if that's cool."

Felix said, "Yeah you look like you need to. I see ya tomorrow, maybe."

Dizzy said, "Yeah, for sure." Dizzy went to his house. He went right to his room which was never done by him before especially since there was food waiting for him when he got there. He just sat on his bed and looked to ceiling. He crossed his arms under his head as a rest. He ended up falling asleep and sleeping it over and no one else even bothered him. Dizzy got up still having that strange feeling. It felt even stronger then before. Maybe there truly was an urge to capture and it was just rushing out of him slowly. As he got ready eating just a small portion of food and opened the door.

His mom said, "Now wait just a second. You never leaver the dinner table without eating all your food, now I know there is something bothering you. Is it that big chase today?"

Dizzy looked down and said, "I don't know. It's just weird..."

His mom asked, "Honey that last time you did this was after you won your first chase and the bitch was all over you. Is it her again?"

Dizzy said, "I really don't know. Can I just go?"

His mom said, "Know when you get to school make sure to at least eat your launch."

Dizzy left without saying anything else, he got on the bus and arrived closed to the school. Felix caught up with him as he came walking. As he did Dizzy started walking with him. As soon as they were in the school they might as well go there own way. Today wasn't about classes, today was all about the chase. They both entered inside and already they saw other animals giving chase. Felix just nodded and went right to the cafeteria. He sat down, this was wise of him. No one usually entered in here until launch time. He figured his chaser wouldn't find him until much later on. Dizzy started on his own path going to the last floor. He went to the restroom there and went into a stall. He sat there and stared at the wall with a blank expression to his face. And in the meantime the first few captures were being made.

Alex was also a pretty swift cat. He tried to avoid everyone else which was probably they best strategy in this game. The only safe time was a launch and at the end of school. And even at launch though it was very unlikely some chasers could chase but they never usually did. The cafeteria was the biggest room in the school besides the gym. All runners and chasers were separated naturally and there was a pretty big gap between them in the center. Most chasers wanted to get there runner to go into the gym because there was only one way out. Felix was very relaxed about the entire thing he just sat there in the empty cafeteria listening to metal. In the meantime Dizzy was still in the stall and he hadn't even realized he was crying for a while. He finally woke up from his trance as his stomach growled. It was almost launch time. Already a lot of runners had been captured. Captured animals had some relief they could no longer be targeted in the game. As Felix felt his stomach growl he knew launch was going to start soon he didn't even bother looking at the time. As soon as launch did start Felix was the first to get his food and sit right back down in his corner. Dizzy managed to compose himself and make his way back down the stairs. As he got his food he went right to join Felix. Felix took off his headphones and put his music player away.

Felix said, "I haven't seen you all day. You must have been real busy..."

Dizzy said, "I was thinking, a lot..."

A voice from behind them said, "Well, well, here I thought I was off the hook from my chaser but here you finally are."

Dizzy turned slowly to see it was Andrea. As soon as she said that it caught the rest of the student's attention.

Andrea went on feeling more confident, "I guess you learned lesson from last year and decided to not even try." A lot of the other students instigated and they chanted various things to Dizzy like get her and so on. Dizzy stood up but Andrea didn't even back down or step back. This was they most daring thing a runner has ever done in the history of this school. All the other cats watched on with absolute against especially Alex. Some of the told her to run for her but she actually came close to him.

Andrea said, "Well I'm right here big dog. Whachta' gonna do know."

Already this was becoming even more controversial from when Dizzy sat with Felix. No other runner could possible do what Andrea was doing right now because it was probably the most stupid thing a runner could do.

Andrea said, "Come on last year I gave you run for your life and I know I caused you to lost your girl so you must really want to get me for that."

Everyone was in awe. When she brought that up it took what seemed to be the biggest rivalry and made it real personal in the end would only make it worse. The tension was so big all the animals stopped eating and watched on. Andrea did something even more daring by going right in front of Dizzy.

Andrea asked, "What's the matter cats got you're tongue?" Dizzy just stood there. As she went on he started to ponder what had got to him. It was more than just the chase and now he realized it.

Andrea asked, "So are you going to chase me?"

Dizzy looked down and gulped up his pride and looked right at her and said, "No." Everyone gasped. That even caught Felix by surprise. Dizzy crossed his hands which usually meant he was serious.

Andrea asked, "No, what do you mean no?"

Dizzy said, "I'm done being what everyone expects me to be and noting more. I'm tired of being popular for all the wrong reasons. And surprisingly you gave me that prospective last year though I never saw it until now. When I chased you it wasn't because I was trying to capture you it's because of the way I felt..."

Andrea asked, "They way you felt?"

Dizzy gave Andrea a pretty deep stare. And shouldn't couldn't help but stare at him. Her eyes were deeply pure and focused on him even though she was beyond confused. Right than and there Andrea thought she needed to feel some pity for her rival. Than what happened next went beyond anything.

Dizzy said, "I love you." Everyone was beyond awe. This was beyond a friend relationship between a fox and a dog. But this was love between a dog and a cat. This was not only unheard of but it was beyond forbidden for a dog to even be friends with a cat let alone to love one. Which was why Andrea felt frozen because she couldn't comprehend it. Dizzy next move was the tip of the iceberg. He leaned in and kissed her. The students all stood up even more than what they would normally. Alex had the biggest expression his eye wide open and his mouth dropped down low. What had gotten to everyone was that Andrea not only allowed it to happen but she started to kiss back. Alex quickly rushed up to her.

He yelled, "Hey what the hell do you think you two are doing?" Dizzy came off her and she had a face that was priceless. It was face that was in love for the first time again. Her eyes glittered and her smile was warm and completely ignored Alex all together.

Dizzy said, "Everyone in this school knows how you treat her and its wrong..."

Alex asked, "Why should you even care?" Dizzy punched Alex so hard that he not only hit the floor be he felt like he couldn't even get up and he was busted open and blood came down from his forehead. Dizzy looked back to Andrea and she some what hugged Dizzy and the presumed kissing. This act even got the principle in here. As soon launch ended he was almost trampled but all the runners who just presumed to run and soon afterwards the chasers who just also left. Dizzy took the hand of Andrea and they walked over the fallen over principle. The only one who stayed was Felix and his chaser Jack. Jack hit the table and he said, "So you've been hiding here all day huh? Well that's about to change." Jack came at Felix. Felix jumped up and climbed up the corner wall. He jumped over Jack and ran so fast and made so much distance from him. The rest of the day went by extremely fast. Felix remained not to be caught. Andrea hanged out with Dizzy for the rest of the day. And as they the honors were given out Felix was given the most points as the runners finally out did the chasers and again he remained not to be captured. So all together for the first time Felix came in first. Dizzy and Andrea were absent from it as they were called to the principles office as soon as he regained consciousness.

Vincent was furious. Vincent said, "This is the second time I called you within the same year Dizzy. You used to be my star student and know you go out and first you make friends with another animal. And now this; you claim you love a cat. This has gone too far.

Dizzy looked down and said, "I thought all a lot about it and I can't help it. I do love her. I loved her since year one as a matter of fact. Most of all I'm tired of these old rules. Things change everyday. Its time we embraced it. And if you got a problem with me than I will stand up and fight this battle. I gonna change this school, and I'm gonna take it all the way."

Vincent said, "I'll make sure to you don't. I will expel you if you keep this up."

Dizzy stood up and said, "Then I'll take the battle from the outside. And take my word for it I will win this war. Plus loving someone isn't against the rules as I read it's actually encouraged." Once again Dizzy once again using the schools own system to get him off the hook. He left and so did Andrea. Andrea walked with him and looked at him.

Andrea asked, "You're real serious about taking it all the way?"

Dizzy said, "Of course."

Andrea said, "Then you can count me in. because a part of me loves you too." Andrea kissed Dizzy and they walked out of the school together. Further behind was Felix who was being praised but ignored it once more. He joined both Dizzy and Andrea to the door and left school.


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