Play with Me Part 1

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#4 of Music Story

Arya has infiltrated the Pleasure Society's headquarters searching for her friend Uma, but the rat the snake finds is not the same person she left behind. Now, in order to have any chance of reaching and reasoning with her friend, Arya has to play her game, and Uma doesn't want to play fair

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Arya slithers along the old Victorian halls of Komodo's home, followed closely behind by Jay. As they make their way, a sudden explosions from the far side of the building and a shaking of the very foundation of the house cause the two to glance at each other before they bolt off with a renewed determination.

Large Bull Men step out of doors, chattering in their headsets and turning towards the two seemingly uninvited guests. "Hey, you too, stop right there!"

"I'll handle them," Jay shouts. "You find Uma."

"Are you sure? She's your cou-"

"We have a lot to unpack right now, and you're much more on her wavelength."

Arya nods and slithers off down a side hall while Jay steps up in front of the bulls. "Gentlemen, Komodo let us down here..."

Arya isn't able to hear the rest of the conversation, because she's too busy making her way towards the source of the explosion, threads of worry tug at her mind and her heart as she races towards her friend's aid.

Smoke rises out from one of the rooms, and the door remains slightly ajar. Arya charges on in, only to be hit by a blast of cold. She gasps, wrapping her arms around her body, shivering. She doesn't exactly dress for warmth under her human disguises, and since she ripped it off at the party, she's been naked this whole time.

Standing on the other side of the room is Uma, also nude and wielding a fire extinguisher. There is the faint scent of slightly burnt fur, but when she looks over towards Arya, there's no sign of distress on her face. "Heeeey, Snake!" she shouts, spinning around and holding the canister over her shoulder, a hand upon her hip.

Arya stands up tall, though she still shakes from the cold. "W... why do you... do you like it so... so cold, Uma!?"

"Mouse, remember it!" Uma snaps. "And I like it because it means snuggling up warm to anyone who wants to join me... anyone who isn't cold-blooded, that is."

Arya hisses. "You sound upset."

"Every time we meet, you're trying to get me to quit the Pleasure Society. Well, the answer is still 'no,' babe, I'm so close, now."

"Close... close to what?" Arya asks.

Giggling, Mouse spins around on her toe, dropping her fire extinguisher and walking up towards one of the many servers still active in this room. "I got something big in mind." She furiously types away. A bright "ding" chimes through the room, and she shakes her hips, letting out a pleased "hWooo! I did it!"

"D... did what?"

Mouse snickers as she steps to the side, rolling her arm in a fancy show of presentation. On it is a countdown timer with a giggling pixelated rat's face upon it. "Only the craziest virus to hit the Internet, babe! With the resources of the Pleasure Society at my disposal, I'm able to remain anonymous AND get the power to cripple those terrible pharmaceutical companies that are distributing the tainted vaccines. Arya, you'll be absolved of all your crimes and your Uncle will be a goner, if he's in his office when the bombs go off."

"Bombs!? Are you fucking nuts!? I can't let you kill people!"

"Oh, you want to stop me?" Mouse pouts, her hands behind her back. Bouncing on her toes, she says. "The only way to stop this is to get me to type in the counter code, and I won't do that until you either beat me at my game, or have me bent over the desk while you have your way with me with that big strong tail of yours." She presses another button, and a pipe of hot steam bursts, hazing up the room.

Arya coughs, her eyes adjusting to the lack of visible light. She can see Uma's heat once her eyes adjust, but she isn't quick enough to stop her before the rat slaps her sex with something sticky, running off with a giggling "Tag, you're it!"

The poor snake is stunned for a moment that Uma would be so brazen as to touch her there, but she soon realizes that something is stuck at her sex--tape of some sort, tight and sticky, and a cold bump, rubbing annoyingly against her clit.

Arya spins around and shouts into the darkened hall. "Uma, this has gone too far!" She follows her out into the hall and stops once she reaches a crossroads. "You've become a child, and... worse!"

"You worry too much, Snake!" Uma's voice echoes from above her. "Why don't you sit back and relax? Here... let me help you."

The sound of a loud beep heralds a most unwelcome sensation. The little nub taped to her sex begins to buzz, making Arya lurch forward, hands desperately trying to pry the tape free from her scales, but to no avail. She gasps, falling against the wall, panting heavily at the sudden intrusion of her most intimate areas.

Just as quickly as it began, it stops with another beep, and Arya glances up, seeing the ventilation system above her.

"Uma!" she roars, climbing up the wall and rips the loose grate off, allowing herself to squeeze in. "You are not getting away with that!"

A pink tail scampers around the corner, followed by the impish giggle. "You hate what your Uncle did to your venom, to your mind, but you don't want to see him dead?"

Arya crawls through the hole, her body squeezing as she slides along, but it only causes her slight discomfort. Not like the vibrator stuck in her. Unfortunately, the maneuvering she has to make slows her down compared to her prey.

"That bastard almost killed my cousin. Hell, I thought he was dead until only recently. You did, too! He deserves the swift rod of justice, probably up where the sun don't shine."

Arya finds another opening. She turns to push herself out, only to catch the sight of infrared movement further down the vent system. "Clever girl," Arya responds. "Come on, Uma, we're friends. We don't have to be at odds here."