Rumbling on the Road - Part One

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#1 of Rumbling on the Road

At the beginning of a road trip, Nick takes advantage of their method of travel to provoke a little turbulence, and a lot of pleasure, in the bunny he loves. <3

This story was written for Silvergatomon as their patreon commission for August. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults in a semi-public place.

Rumbling on the Road - Part One

Nick smirked as he watched Judy stretch out in the seat beside him, yawning loudly, arms rising high up in the cabin of their truck as her toes curled and flexed, the bunny's short legs wholly visible as they dangled off her seat and not disappearing in the slightest into the vehicle's foot-well. She was adorable, the way that she could fall asleep so easily on a car ride. He recalled how long and hard she had trained herself not to become drowsy when sitting in their police cruiser while on duty, even now much preferring to drive so that she had a much more active and undeniable reason to keep herself awake. But they weren't on duty now, and the car they were in was Judy's own, though these days they shared it pretty much fifty-fifty. Thus, the fox would have been happy to let Judy drift into a peaceful slumber had it not been for her request to be kept awake.


He murmured in a soft, sing-song voice.

"Carrots? You said you wanted to stay awake for the journey. To enjoy the scenery without being distracted by driving for once. It's hard to do that with your eyes closed."

Judy didn't respond though. Her ears were already flopping slightly as her head drooped down, chin to chest, and her arms folded cosily in around one another. She was rapidly moving towards full on slumber, and Nick chuckled when he realised that he was going to have to employ more active methods to keep the beautiful bunny awake. The fox's eyes darted to the rear view mirror of the pick-up, then to the wing mirrors and finally to the road ahead once more. The opposite lane of the carriageway, heading into the city, was only marginally busy considering the early hour. The sun had only peeked up over the horizon some thirty minutes ago, and it would be a good hour and a half more before rush hour began to bring more bustle to the main Western highway into Zootopia itself. This side of the carriageway however, heading out of the city, was nearly deserted. Thus, Nick didn't feel too guilty in doing what he was about to do.

Twitching the wheel oh so slightly to the right, Nick watched carefully as he drifted towards the carriageway's outermost lane and beyond. He might have come second to Judy in the advanced driver training course they had both undertaken, but when it came to the precision driving portion of the test he had actually outmatched her by a few points. His keen eyes served him well, and thus it wasn't long before he had the car perfectly positioned to address his very particular needs. The car began to shake. To shudder and rumble slightly as the fox drove them over the raised, painted strip between the outer lane and the hard shoulder of the carriageway. The rumble strip might have been designed purposefully to keep drivers from drifting onto it, but now it served a new purpose.

"W-wha... Nick?!"

Judy murmured, eyes blinking open slowly, then widening sharply as she saw the white strip disappearing beneath the car through the windshield. She sat bolt upright, clutching at the sides of the seat, staring in confusion and frustration at Nick as he smirked and eased them off the uneven surface once more. Oddly though, amidst her slight anger at the fox for being so reckless in his methods, Nick could see a little bit of something else resonating within Judy in those moments. A slight flushing of her cheeks and the insides of her once more upright ears. A redness due to more than the simple embarrassment of having fallen asleep so soon into their journey.

She shook her head firmly, chiding the male even as he continued to regard her out of the corner of one eye, most of his focus rightly remaining on the road.

"D-don't do that, Nick. There are other ways to wake me up. Ways that don't endanger us or other users of the road, a-and..."

Her voice trailed off, but the fox saw her cheeks getting redder still. He wished he could have known what was going on inside her head in that moment, if she really was just embarrassed or if her slumber, however brief, had conjured up some momentary dream that she was frustrated at being torn away from. But then again, Judy had never been shy about sharing her dreams with Nick. Hell, it was normally him that was embarrassed to admit the content of some of his more wild dreams to her... no matter how often she responded by going out of her way to make them come true. Still, if she didn't want to say anything more about it, Nick would respect the rabbit's privacy. The last thing he ever wanted to do was make her upset or uncomfortable, and certainly not when they were only at the very start of a close to week long holiday to be spent in the company of Judy's entire family. Needless to say, now would be a far from ideal time to get on her bad side.

"Sorry, Carrots. I'll wake you up a different way next time."

He apologised sincerely, settling back into the rhythm of the drive as Judy continued to sit there, awake but rather tense and still flushed in the face. Hoping that it might encourage her to do the same the fox took a deep, steadying breath. The windows of the truck were shut, and with the morning sunlight still in the process of warming the city's outskirts and the countryside beyond the truck's air-con was not yet active. Thus, the fox's sharp nose was greeted by a host of scents from within the truck itself. A slight citrus sweetness from the bottle of soda he'd spilled last week. The buttery rich croissants they were bringing as a gift for Gideon, the fox's increasingly pie-centred business leaving him little time to make and explore other rich pastry delicacies and thus always glad to be gifted such things from other artisan bakers. And of course, the familiar and wonderfully intermingled scent of himself and Judy. His slight musk, the inherent floral sweetness of her fur, and...

Nick's nostrils flared slightly. He inhaled again, and his eyes widened a little though remaining unwaveringly focused upon the road.

There was another scent, oh so familiar but rather unexpected in this particular circumstance. Once more Nick looked towards Judy for the briefest of moments, and his already wide eyes bulged a little more as he saw her squirm. He saw her ass, clad in pale blue denim, wriggle slightly as she shifted upon the seat in a way that might have been unnoticeable to most, but held a particular significance to the fox. He had seen that wiggle before. He loved that wiggle, and what it meant for not just him, but for both of them.

"Hey, Judy?"

The rabbit looked his way, the frustration already fading from her face but the glow beneath her cheeks still lingering. Her eyes widened just as Nick's own had been however when she saw the fox smirking, and she whimpered when she felt the truck veering slightly to the right once more. They mounted the rumble strip once again, and as the whole vehicle including the seat into which Judy was strapped began to jiggle and vibrate, she clenched her fists by her sides even as her face began to glow scarlet.

"N-Nick... goddammit... s-stop that... aaahhh..."

The fox grinned as he watched his lover's toes curl anew, though not in the relaxation of near slumber but thanks to an entirely different set of sensations. The truck in which they were seated was a farm vehicle, pretty old and without any hugely fancy suspension. As a result the vibrations emanating from the rumble strip over which they were driving were pretty intense, and Nick could only imagine that would be even more-so on the right side of the vehicle where Judy was seated. He couldn't possibly have imagined however that the rumble strip would have the effect it seemed to be having upon his beloved bunny. Nick had sat in that passenger seat dozens of times, hundreds probably, and never once had he felt it move or shake beneath him in a way that was even remotely... stimulating. Judging by Judy's expression however, and the way she was struggling, squirming in her seat, there was something about the particular vibrations of the rumble strip that were doing something to her. Something unexpected, but far from unpleasant.

He watched as the rabbit's eyes widened some more, then narrowed, then bulged once again. He saw her mouth open, but rather than words slipping forth a loud, almost grunting whimper. Again her toes splayed out, straining for a few moments before curling tightly back in against her feet, before finally the rabbit was able to let slip a few feverishly gasped words.


She whimpered helplessly, slapping a hand over her muzzle to stifle a more strained and urgent cry as her legs squeezed tightly together.

The fox should probably have backed off there. He'd had his fun. He'd basically made Judy confess openly with her cry that she was getting turned on, achieving a notable volume of physical pleasure from the rumble strip's unexpected ministrations. That alone was something he'd be able to playfully hold over her head for every car ride between now and the end of time. But... that cry. That moan of pleasure she'd let slip just then, it had awoken something else within the fox. Something with which he was all too familiar where Judy was concerned. An instinct that was not predatory nor violent, but which struck him with the very same irresistible fury.

He loved seeing Judy in pleasure. He loved hearing Judy in pleasure. And when the rabbit was, if at all possible, it was Nick's sworn and not so solemn duty to bring that pleasure to its only deserving conclusion.

His foot pressed down on the accelerator. His hands gripped the wheel a little tighter as his focus on the road intensified much as it did when he or Judy switched on the flashing lights at work. They began to speed up, and as they did so the bumping vibrations of the truck bouncing upon the rumble strip intensified. Both Judy's hands were over her mouth now, their purpose somewhere half between holding it clamped shut and to keep them from drifting elsewhere. Still though she was gasping and whimpering with each individual bump, jiggling up and down in her seat, locked in place just enough by the seatbelt to ensure that she remained in near constant contact with the rumbling, shaking chair and thus the surface through which all those intense vibrations were passing. She sat there, trembling and moaning for maybe thirty seconds, before a more strained and lingering cry escaped her.


She squealed her lover's name, one hand leaving her muzzle to reach out and grasp weakly, imploringly at the fox's nearest arm.

"N-Nick... please, I... I'm..."

Her voice trailed off into another helpless cry, and Nick growled in lustful glee. Judy was a beautiful woman. Smart, warm, everything he'd ever wanted in a lover and a dozen things he'd never known would drive him head over heels for someone until he'd met her. She was his best friend. She was his soulmate. She was his partner in all things. But first and foremost... Judy was a rabbit, with all the stereotypes, false and embarrassingly true, which that entailed.


She half wailed, half gurgled as Nick fought with all his willpower to keep his eyes on the road; to keep them anywhere except upon Judy's face as he oh so briefly watched it contort and twist in absolute rapture. The bunny climaxed, back arching, thrusting her torso against the seatbelt but unable to escape, unable to raise her rump more than a few millimetres away from the seat. Only now did her hands fly to her crotch, pawing helplessly at the denim fabric preventing her from truly stimulating herself. Nick couldn't tear his eyes from the road long enough to see if there was any visible sign of her orgasmic release upon her jeans, but the sudden increase in the strength of Judy's scent told him that might well be the case.

Trembling, blushing, panting himself as his own trousers strained in their effort to contain his arousal, Nick finally pulled the truck off the rumble strip. At around the same time, Judy collapsed back into her seat with a whimper. The look upon her face was no longer one of embarrassment, no longer one of frustration, it was one of pure and shameless satisfaction. The bunny's tongue lolled out as she smiled wearily into the rear view mirror, meeting Nick's gaze without looking directly at him. Nick wiggled his eyebrows playfully, grinning back.

"Bet you really fancy a nap now, huh?"

To his surprise though, after maybe thirty seconds of just giggling, then smiling silently as she recovered from that unexpected and in many ways unprovoked peak, Judy pulled herself more upright in her seat. Before, with the frenzy of her movements, the seatbelt had restricted her motion almost completely, but now she moved more gently and carefully. Nick watched out of the corner of one eye as Judy began to turn in her seat, leaning her back no longer against the rear of the passenger seat but instead placing it almost against the door. All of this was being seen merely out of the corner of his eyes and in the rear view mirror of course, gaze and focus forced to remain upon the mostly empty but still public carriageway. Thus, Nick only realised what Judy was doing when she actively began to do it.

He gasped as he felt her feet, soft and bare, rub across his thigh. He glanced down oh so briefly to see both her legs reaching out over the handbrake and gear-stick, over the empty cup-holder and now rubbing, kneading their toes into his leg. His eyes returned to the road, cheeks flushing as the feet began to move once more.


The fox growled nervously as he felt her feet getting closer and closer to the tented peak of his crotch, ears falling back flat against his skull and tail tensing up where it rested behind him, the only parts of his body fully free to express themselves in that moment.

"Judy, y-you... you shouldn't."

The rabbit snorted with laughter.

"No, Nick. I shouldn't. But then... I guess you shouldn't have done what you did either, huh?"

He had no answer to that. No way to argue himself out of the situation from any sort of moral standpoint as Judy's feet began to rub shamelessly all over his crotch, his cock rock hard within his tan pants purely as a result of what he had so gleefully and willingly done to the bunny. She was getting her revenge. She was pleasuring him. Stimulating him while he was forced to keep his focus on the road. And despite them both knowing what a risk it was, what a foolish thing to do it was for any citizen, never mind a pair of trained cops, Nick couldn't deny how incredible it felt.

"We're gonna have to pull over at some point. Change our clothes. Unless of course you wanna get out at the farm and hug my mom and dad with a cum-stain on your pants."

Judy spoke casually, playfully so even as she reached down and unbuttoned her jeans, the direction in which her legs were now facing allowing Nick in one of his oh so brief glances to see that their fabric was indeed marred by a dark, damp stain of the rabbit's very own. He made himself look away though, for fear that he would not be able to if he didn't right there and then. It was hard enough just to remain focused on the road as Judy's feet roamed up and down over the head of his swollen cock where it was pressing up into his trousers, never mind how much harder it grew when Judy began to gasp and moan, and the sounds of slick fingers moving back and forth across her crotch filled the car.

"M-maybe we should pull over now... aah... Judy?"

The rabbit giggled, but said nothing as Nick remained focused on the road, cock throbbing against her feet more and more with each passing second and each fresh stroke.

"Maybe we... ah... oh god, Judy... I..."

The car began to slow down, Nick truly not trusting himself to keep up normal carriageway speeds any more. Another car blazed past in the right hand land, honking its horn at the suddenly slower moving pick-up not in anger but with concern. Nick waved a weak hand at the driver, letting him know all was well. Judy ducked down out of sight, giggling maniacally as she saw her lover's gaze darting ahead and across the length of the road, no doubt looking for a rest-stop to pull into. Her toes drummed against the tip of his cock through his trousers, the fabric already stretched taut over his member, Judy able to feel the wetness and warmth of his pre-cum seeping through.

"Oh god. Judy. I... I'm cumming. Oh. Oh_fuck_!"

By the time Nick came, they'd pulled off the carriageway but had yet to reach the parking lot of the small roadside gas station and diner. The car lurched slightly as for a moment the male's paw fell heavy upon the accelerator, but only for a moment. Nick grunted and snarled as Judy moaned loudly at the sensation of his cock pulsing and spraying its cum through the fabric of his clothes, her toes glistening with his cum in ever greater quantities as it soaked and saturated the tan fabric in a much larger stain than even she had produced.

When the car finally pulled to a stop, Nick was already spent. Judy moaned louder, smirking at his strained, overwhelmed expression as she openly masturbated, both hands stuffed down the open front of her jeans.

"S-serves you right..."

She giggled, watching as Nick slowly unfastened his seatbelt, then, to her surprise, leaned over and unbuckled hers too. Not complaining in the slightest however, Judy leaned back in her chair more leisurely without the restraints limiting her movement. She only looked up again, increasingly focused on the pleasure building between her legs once more, when she heard the sound of something falling to the floor of the car. Something which turned out to be Nick's trousers, cast aside along with his underwear and falling loose into the footwell by his feet.


She giggled as the fox turned his eyes towards her, one hand reaching down and groping at his still hard, twitching cock. Her eyes widened a little as he grinned, eyes flashing while he scrambled up so that his feet were upon his seat, knees bent, poised and ready to pounce. The fox turned, his body no longer looking out of the windscreen, no longer peering into the rear view mirror of the deserted parking lot.

Instead, he looked at her.

He licked his lips as his gaze fell over her beautiful body and hard-working hands between her legs.


Judy blushed, giggling nervously now as the fox leaned forward, shrieking with laughter as all of a sudden he grabbed her by one leg and began to drag her body further out of place upon the chair, stretching her out over the central area between them.

"Oh Nick, w-what are you... we... we shouldn't..."

He began to pull her trousers down. Not all the way off, but far enough down that he could lift her legs and provide himself with a free, unhindered target. He shuffled forwards, looming over her, leaning over the centre of the front seats and grinning down savagely at the bunny.

"I know we shouldn't, Carrots. Heck, there's a lot of stuff I don't think we should have done today."

The fox murmured under his breath, breathing heavily and trembling as his recently spent but still rampant, rock hard member found itself being grasped at by Judy's own damp, trembling hands. They guided him home. Between her legs, towards her own recently worked but still needy depths. He growled, and she whimpered happily as she threw her arms around his neck, dragging him down for a kiss.

"But we did it anyway. And, I think we're gonna do this too."

By Jeeves

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