Club Corpreal Intro

Story by Venturing Viper on SoFurry

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A quick draft for the setup of scaly sex club thing. I imagined it as a sort of simulator, but this is more of a story interpretation of it.

_ This does not contain a [lap dance]sex scene. (Though some vague nude dancing is present) Fair warning, for anyone not interested in reading a conceptual thingy. At least that's what I would consider it._

Club Corpreal

The city of Nightfall was seeing a boom in populace. The urban sprawl was creeping out in rings of lights during the late evening. Pleasant weather and a bustling economy served for a great place to settle down. Along with the late-night attractions happening every weekend, the city seemed to have no shortage of visitors.

One place in particular was beginning to grow in business an obscure residence took it upon themselves to stand out away from the city lights and swarms of crowds. Nestled high up in the overlooks in the distance, through lush forests teeming with luminous vegetation, was the lascivious Club Corpreal.

Few among the wealthy knew of this place and fewer wished to make the trek through the gardens to find out might be therein. The fencing around the property seemed to indicate the highest security that most would not wish to venture in. The gardens themselves sprawled into dark passages of wilderness unsettling to tread alone, not to mention the inclines within them that would make even dedicated hikers grimace.

One adventurous fellow, Caliphas by name, a traveling snake-man specializing in photography, thought to visit the lavish estate and acquire some unique photos in the surprisingly vast property, unwittingly open to the public. He planned a trip into the gardens that would span the entirety of the day, venturing forth, Cal snapped as many breath-taking photos he could possibly muster in the time.

Onward and onward did he make his way from morning until sundown, gathering quite the album to share with a small but dedicated group of social followers. After making his way up the cliffs to catch the sunset overlooking the city, he couldn't help but notice an offside advertisement to the club within the manor.

He had already depleted his hydration reserves, and what little snacks he had left he didn't wish to eat more of. Seeking to refresh himself, he decided to enter the club for before making the long trek home to his apartment.

He walked towards the entrance following the small signs that lead into the club wing. He found two burly ox-men halt him.

"Sorry, sir, but I'm gonna need some ID before I let you in?"

"Oh," Cal paused, it wasn't often he was asked for an ID, "Sure thing." He dug into his pocket, pulling out his card. "Here."

The security took the ID, and ran it through a database on a small computer to the side.

Cal shifted a bit, finding the quietness about the place unusual.

"Everything checks out. However, what do you plan to do with that camera of yours?"

"Oh, this? I was just snapping some photos of the gardens. Lovely scenery, I'm surprised no one was out there on such a fine day. Er... would there be a problem if I brought it in?"

"We have a special policy on photography. If you are going to be taking pictures, you're going to have to agree to terms and conditions before entering the club."

"And- what would those be?"

"You'll have to use a dedicated card provided by our staff, along with signing over a license for the photos you will be taking."

"So... any other caveats I should be aware of?"

"You must be new guest here," The ox chuckled, "Let's just say that this particular club has certain explicit entertainments exclusive to the legalities found in Nightfall county."

"Oh?... Oh~ I see."

"We have some paperwork here you can sign before you proceed. Other-wise, we will need to confiscate your devices and hold on to them during your time here."

"Alright, fine by me," Cal took a glance at the paperwork before signing the sheet. The security then proceeded to swap out the memory chip in his camera with a red dyed one bearing a small imprint of the club's logo.

Cal entered into the club finding the warmth soothing from the cool evening air. Rich marble coated the entrance of the club, complimented with contrasting lights to bring out the detail in the scales etched in the walls. Cal couldn't help but stop to snap a few photos. He hadn't seen any images of this place online, so he figured he make most of his time here.

He saw a server in the corner standing professionally in a red tux. He gave an awkward smile.

"Is this ok?"

The server tilted his head, giving a nod of permission.

Cal approached the server, "What is this place?"

"This is Club Corpreal."

"Yeah, but, what is this place about?"

The server smiled, "Why don't you go inside and see for yourself? Wouldn't want to spoil the surprise." The server opened a tall door before them, revealing to Cal what supposed entertainments lurked within its walls.

A dark room lit up with the industries best in strobe illumintation dazzling his eyes. He took a few paces in, completely drawn toward the spectacle. A steady beat rippled through the room, strong yet seductive, he immediately felt the vibe of this place.

To his left, just a few steps was a large, multi-leveled stage occupied by nude dancing serpent women. Cal gulped, seeing so many desirable females twirling and sliding around poles in erotic displays. Each individual had her own captivating performance that left him in awe.

The polish of the stage itself was mesmerizing, arrays of colored lights bounded off of the surfaces in shimmering display alongside the bright scales of the women thereon.

Two men of his kind passed by him, laughing with each other as they finished their drinks and left for the evening. Cal broke from his trance and took in the rest of his surroundings. He didn't see any one else aside from the staff, which seemed to consist of a handful of servers, a bartender, and the dancers on the stage. He was practically the only visitor in attendance at the moment.

He walked toward the bar. A little uncomfortable of being the only guest. He was used to the packed clubs in the city, this was a far from the usual club he had been to.

The bartender immediately came forward. "How may I be of service?"

"Eh... do you have anything fruity? I've been walking all day."

"We have our specialty of Paradise Punch."

"I'll have a virgin of those."

"Not a drinker, are you?"

"Not really."

"I'll have it right up for you. If you'd like, you can relax while we bring it out to you."

"Oh, okay."

Cal exited from the bar and into the lounge area before the stage. The couches were of a fine leather and seemed to give in a bit, providing ample room to recline however he wished. He took a seat and splayed backward onto the chair. He sunk into the cushiony leather, finding it one of the most comfortable seats he had ever sat on. He adjusted himself so that he wasn't slouching so much. Finally settled, he looked up to something that immediately made his face flush red.

Each of the dancers had turned their attention toward him, dancing even more seductively than before. The bare skin wasn't helping in the slightest and Cal couldn't help but feel aroused at the sight. He sheepishly bore his chin down, his recline made it even harder not to hide his excitement. He took solace in the fact that he was the only guest, but still, he hardly, if ever, had the full attention of a woman before, much less several at once.

A server came by with his drink, this time a female cobra with a light tan skin adorned with speckled flakes. Unlike the dancers, she was well dressed in server attire, though, some elements such as the form fit along with the slitted skirt proved attractive nonetheless.

"Here is you're drink, sir. Anything I else I can get for you?"

"Uh... I think I'm good for now."

"Alrighty then. Let me know if you need anything." She waltzed off out of sight, behind him.

He slunk back into the chair and started sipping through the curly straw of the beverage. He felt like a horny teen again, sitting alone in the dark with a drink and a view. Only this time, he was an adult and sitting alongside the real thing.

Hardly any time had passed before he was slurping at the end of the straw. He had finished his drink only moments after receiving it. A chill went through his forehead causing him to sit up and palm his forehead. He looked up to see some of the girls smirk. He smiled back sheepishly.

Recovering from the brain freeze, he settled back down. The music faded into another song, which contained yet another erotic beat.

"Would you like a refill?" the server popped up beside him.

"Oh, yes, thank you. Eh... how much is this going to cost, if I may ask?"

"Oh, first time guests are free here. Compliments of the club."


"Yahuh. It is for a limited time though. Once the club garners more attention, we might do away with it. But, for now, it's our little secret."

"Huh." Cal handed her the empty glass. She then went to get him a refill, leaving him alone again. She returned with another cup of Paradise Punch, which he received gratefully, "Thanks. Uh, I have a question."


"I heard the guard say that there were certain 'exclusive entertainments' that the club offered. Do you know anything about that?"

"Oh," a faint redness appeared in her nose, but she retained a collected poise, "Yes, we do offer some more 'illicit' services. We have special permits so that guests can divulge their desires in physical interactions with licensed individuals. To state it bluntly, we offer sessions with certified prostitutes."

Cal eyes widened. "So, you mean to tell me that this place deals in prostitution."

"Yesss..." she felt a bit uncomfortable, bringing a hand to the back of her neck, "It's a service that's not legal in most of the country, and we've gone through a great many troubles to acquire these exclusive rights."

"A-Are you sure this is legal?"

"I'm quite positive. We have government approval, if you wish to speak with the management, they'll gladly run you through the documents. Provided we aren't advertised and we follow guidelines, we are able offer sessions to individuals seeking them."

"You got to be kidding me. So... are these sessions available to first time guests? I'm just curious."

"They actually are. But only if your approved by our personnel. Like I said, there are guidelines, and so long as you have a clean history, and body, and meet the age requirement, you will be able to participate in a session with one of our girls. Though, our selection is pretty limited at the moment and sessions are only available at the host's discretion."

"I can't believe I'm having this conversation right now."

"Neither can I," she chuckled, "Most of our guests are somewhat aware of what this club offers. So, I'm a bit surprised."

"Guess I was lucky to wander in here by accident. The place looks like a fortress from the outside."

"Yep, we take great lengths in security. So... I take it you're interested."

"In a session? Hoooh boy. Umm... I'll think about it." He took another sip from his drink.

"By the way, if you wanna hop on stage and dance with the girls, it's fine by us. So long as you don't cause any harm, you should be good."


"The floor's spacious for a reason, and the girls look interested in your company."

"Eh~ hehe..."

"Not a dancer?"

"I'm not really a stage person."

"Well, you are by yourself, why not make the most of your first visit."

"Erm~... alright, I guess. But if I get in trouble, I'm blaming you."

"It's fine. Just behave yourself up there."

Cal got out of his chair, a nervousness coming alive inside him. The dancers all fixed their eyes on him, continuing their performances whilst gliding around the floor. Cal walked up the steps, finding plenty of space for footwork.

The music shifted to another rave, bringing in a tune he figured he could dance to. There were a few guards surrounding the edges of the floor, in case anything got out of hand. The dancers twirled around him, teasing his eyes. He gave an exhale before letting the beat sink in.

After a few moments of catching his rhythm he began swaying to the beat. Each of the girls considerate to let him find his groove. He closed his eyes and began doing some basic dance moves he had learned growing up. The girls around him were smiling, seeing that this guest wasn't entirely out of his element.

The rave picked up and soon he was lost in the music. The serprentresses around him began to dance wildly to the beat.

He opened his eyes to find a hooded cobra-lady dancing before him. She faced him giddily seeming interested in dancing alongside him. Cal smiled and faced her, letting loose a few amateur moves. She grinned widely, seeming to enjoy partying with the guest. The two shared a fun few minutes sharing moves, a few of which Cal tried to mimic, but not so gracefully.

He felt a slight brush against his tail and backside. He turned to see a dancer had glided past him and onto a nearby pole. He felt another brush against his arm follow by a brief lucid gaze that quickly spun away.

The cobra-lady rubbed against his side and twirled in front of him, gaining his attention again. She threw a playful glance at her friends for trying to steal her dance partner away. The cobra continued to dance around him, gently caressing him every so often in a seductive manner. After she teased him for a few more moments, she swiftly spun away, having had her fun.

Cal leaned forward, feeling fatigued. He hadn't danced like that in a while, coupled with his long hike, he was practically exhausted. He couldn't help but think about the stamina the girls had to keep up their routines. He made his way off the stage, giving a small wave to the dancers, complimenting them on their work.

He slunk back into his comfy chair for a quick rest.

"You look like you had fun," the server came by again, "Would you like another drink?"

"Water. Please." He panted.

She hasted off to get him a glass of water. She returned with a glass and straw. He took the glass and took a large swig to ease his thirst.

"Wooh, haven't danced like that in a while."

"You seemed like a natural. With some work, you might actually be able to land a job here as a male dancer. It'd be a first."

Cal nearly choked on his drink in laughter, "I wouldn't be caught dead dancing nude in front of an audience." He snickered catching some of the water coming through his teeth. The server ran off to fetch him a towel.

She came back in a flash, "Here you go."

"Oh, thanks." He wiped his face with the towel.

He sat there for a moment, contemplating what he should do next. He turned to the server, "Er~ you don't suppose..."

"Oh, thinking about a private session?"

He nodded in embarrassment.

"Sure, right this way."

He got out of his chair and followed the server to the far end of the room, toward a double door. Inside, he found a waiting room with some square couches as well as a receptionist's desk. Two more muscly guards stood by the doors leading in and out of the private chambers, batons and cuffs hung alongside their belts, insuring that no nonsense were to happen to the women behind the doors.

"So... how does this work exactly?" he tapped his two fingers together, nervously.

"Oh, we have a sort of visual catalogue, you get to pick who you want to meet, and if they accept you, well, then you get to go inside and spend time with them. We don't get many guests, so session lengths can vary depending on how things go. If she likes you, she might want to keep you a while, but do take great measure to ensure their safety so it's best not to do anything brash or abusive, or security might have to intervene," she pulled an electronic tablet from the desk, "Though, as I mentioned before, we do have a limited selection of women at the moment, though small, we like to keep a bit of diversity, and eventually expand."

She handed him the tablet. He took a moment to register that he was going to actually participate in what would normally be considered illegal in his country.

"Er, I think I'll take a moment to uh... browse. Eheh."

"Sure, take all the time you need. No need to rush."

He nodded as he motioned to the side before taking a seat at the couch.

He stared at the tablet. It was like a dream come true. He could feel a slight shaking of anticipation at the thought, as a well as a tinge of self=awareness, giving him some doubts. He dismissed his thoughts. It was by chance he managed to get this far. Why not go all the way and get the full experience?

He pressed the browse button and examined who was available for a session. He was surprised to find eight listed, a bit more than he expected in spite of the limit the server had implied.

He pressed the first listing.


_ Emerald Tree Boa_

_ "If you like being wrapped up In coils and serviced by a strong body, I'll happily bring you into a tight embrace and give you a pleasurable experience."_

A 360 3D model of the lady in the description could be viewed in full detail. He spun her around, examining her figure, finding a vibrant green emitting from her scales as well as a bright smile and sexy posture coiling up along a log, gently arcing about just enough to show her enticing bits without being too exposed.

He could picture doing a session with her, but he wanted to see the full list, just in case.

He pressed the next icon.


_ Species: Boiga "Mangrove Cat-Eyed Snake"_

_ "If you love the taste of Thai, you'll certainly love me."_

_ _ Cal couldn't help but stifle a laugh.

He examined her model. Finding a wonderfully detailed serpentress. Dark black scales contrasted with a shining golden underbelly arcing in a fine bend over a mossy log, topped off with a seductive tongue flick. He was always curious about how venomous girls handled oral play, though he never had the nerve to ask one out.

He tapped the icon again.


_ Species: Paradise Tree Snake_

_ "I'll take you into paradise."_

_ _ He grinned again, did they come up with their own bios? A bit corny, but it seemed to work.

Her model proved interesting. She hung down from a tree branch, making full use of spiraling her back, showing off her bright, green hex pattern over her dark scales, and tapering her flattening ability up from her neck, as if to advertise her ability to "glide over you". That, and her dreamy gaze proved a unique and beautiful lure for him.

Again, he tapped next.


_ Species: California Red-Sided Garter_

_ "Experience the color and exotic side of the West Coast."_

_ _ Her 3D model showed her lying on her side with an expectant smile. Long streaks of bright sea blue trailed along her back and formed a hex trail along the edge of her scutes. Bands of crimson red, and navy blue occupied the space between the streaks. She was indeed really colorful, a noticeably smaller size than the rest, but still mesmerizing to behold. He spun her around softly to get a good look at her lying in the sand.

He looked up, feeling like a giddy kid looking at porn. Which was pretty much exactly what he was doing. The server gave a smile, seeing his excitement spill out of himself. He smiled, aware that he was browsing a consort for the evening.

He pressed next again.


_ Species: West African Gaboon Viper_

_ "I may look hefty, but trust me baby, I'm all you'll ever need."_

_ _ He examined her model to see a generously proportioned figure. She stared straight at the viewer, propping her leaf patterned head in a firm gaze. Two pointy spines could be seen atop her nose. From the front, one could clearly see her mass pressing up against the floor. He looked at her from the size, finding her to be both muscular and fleshy. He could imagine the power in her frame as well as the amount of weight she could press up against him. There was also plenty of her to grab hold of and squeeze. Her pattern consisted of dark square splotches along her sides with crisscrossing browns of various bright fall shades, with a final tan stripe running all the way down her back.

He considered a thick gaboon would be an interesting experience.

He pressed next.


_ Species: Black Rat Snake_

_ "You won't find as dark and as devious a beauty like me."_

_ _ Her model showed her sitting on her side, propping her upper body in a fierce spring all while luring her viewer in with a beckoning finger and demanding gaze. The gloss on her scales was dark mirror shine running all along her body. Truly a black beauty if ever he did see one. And again a seductive tongue flick to capture her personality.

He gave her a nice long rotation before proceeding to the next entry.


_ Species: Desert Horned Viper_

_ "Don't be afraid to take me by the horns."_

_ _ Her model had her reclining on her back over a stone, she gently propped her torso on the side, highlighting her curvature while caressing her neck with her free hand. She seemed to make an effort to snake her body along the stone just right enough to prompt arousal. Though her scales were a bit on the pointy end, it seemed they were polished down to not be as protruding as most other desert snakes he had scene. She seemed to have a subtle craziness in her eyes and smile, having a hint of a devilish personality which could lead to a wild time if he chose her.

He gave a breathe for the final entry.


_ Species: King Cobra_

_ "An Egyptian goddess and queen of the bed chamber, worship me and I may grant you desire you seek."_

_ _ Oh, she sounded feisty. He examined her model.

She sat up on her knees, raising an arm to her cheek while raising the other above her head, from the side she stared judgmentally at the viewer, making sure her pride was reflected in the model. Her scales were bright and full of color from a clean shed. Bands of dark brown and lush tans colored her backside and belly. Her hood had a striking flare, making her fiercer than any of the previous women. Around her were fine linens on a soft bed, a noticeable difference from the natural wilderness used in the other pictures.

There were no other candidates to choose from. He paused and shuffled through the list another time, being sure to look over his options. He smiled, settling on his decision. He got up and walked to the server.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes, I am."

He made his choice and was escorted into the private area of Club Corporeal.

Oof, left ya'll hanging. Sorry, getting a little sleepy and going through a drawn-out smut scene is not my specialty.

This was meant to be more of a conceptual thing. I'd like to elaborate on each of the scenarios, but I already have a couple of stories I have yet to finish. This is more of an idea for a simulator game featuring scaly characters, primarily snake anthros, since that is my fetish. I was thinking of doing non-anthros as well as a few other species, that is, if I can start a prototype to begin with.

I might not ever get to a prototype, hek, probably not even an animation or model. (Or maybe that one model I have.) But it was just to entertain the thought. There are already a few promising games in the works, (Shades of Elysium looks good thus far, though, I don't think it's a dedicated simulator, more like a furry rpg with a sex minigame.) and I'm afraid I don't have the time to actually start something like this on this side account. Oh well, I hope you enjoyed this tease, I'll leave it up to your imagination as to what happens behind those doors. *hissy noises* (: }~