Rumbling on the Road - Part Two

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#2 of Rumbling on the Road

Nick and Judy continue their semi-public rendezvous in the confines of Judy's truck, as things get more and more heated.

This story was written for Silvergatomon as their patreon commission for the month of October. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults in a public place, and takes place in the world of Zootopia! This chapter also contains some watersports related content! :3

Rumbling on the Road - Part Two

Fox and bunny kissed deeply, Judy's arms still wrapped around Nick's neck as he pressed his cock into her over the centre console of the truck's interior. They might both have cum recently in spite of having only just pulled up at this rest stop, but that did nothing to stifle their passions whatsoever. They moaned into one another's muzzles as their tongues teased across one another while their lips smacked, parted and drove together once more, and as Judy's still mostly clothed legs were pinned up against Nick's chest as he leaned down over her, she felt her toes curling and twitching against his shoulders while his straining member pressed slowly but hungrily deeper into her clutching inner workings.

"D-daaa-ahhh... dammit, Nick..."

She whimpered as their kiss broke, feeling her only recently satisfied body begging hungrily for release yet again, feeling her pussy clamping down around the several inches of hot fox cock spreading them wide open, yet still eagerly, insistently begging for more.

"You know I can't hold back w-when you do this stuff to me. You know I can't resist. W-why do you insist on being so... s-so..."

Her voice trailed off into a desperate grunt of desire as the fox leaned in close to one of her long, perky ears and let loose a rumbling, predatory growl that made the rabbit's nose twitch and her leg muscles tense with the instinctive desire to leap and bolt away. Adrenaline flooded her already worked up system, and Judy's eyes rolled back into her head as Nick snarled playfully at her.

"So what, carrots? So naughty? So bad? So sly and conniving a fox?"

He stared with wild, gleeful passion down into Judy's eyes as they blinked and grew clear, the bunny snapping herself out of that last rush of desirous delirium only to groan and nearly be thrust right back into another by the intensity of the fox's eyes boring into her very being. She whimpered, nodded, but then shook her head just a moment later.

"Y-you're all those things... dumb fox. But, that wasn't what I was going to say. I was going to say why do you insist on being so good at knowing exactly what I need. Exactly what I could never say no to, e-even before I know that I want it?"

Nick grinned, but didn't answer that question. Instead he shifted his grip upon Judy from her hips to further up her torso, running his hands down her back and within the interior of her t-shirt. He felt her spine arched, holding itself purposefully rigid, straining to avoid sinking down onto the handbrake over which the two of them were leaning. With a deep growl and a grunt of effort, Nick pulled back and dragged Judy's whole body, still wrapped around his cock, right up with him. She gave a strained shriek of pleasure as his cock throbbed and her pussy clutched at him urgently with the sudden shift in their position, and clung to the male's neck tighter than ever as she found herself now held against him, pussy sinking down around more and more of his cock thanks to gravity alone while her legs remained raised over his chest, resulting in her body bending over almost double.

"C'mon, carrots. Let's get a little more comfy, hmm?"

Shuffling around until his bare legs were resting in the driver's side footwell once more, Nick gently released his hold upon Judy after making sure that she was still holding on tightly to him. His hands moved to her legs, caressing her thighs and even sliding between their increasingly intimately acquainted laps to cup and briefly squeeze the irresistible furred flesh of Judy's buttocks. Before long though they were sliding back up the near vertically raised length of Judy's legs, and teasing further along their lengths her only partially pulled down jeans. Soon they were bunched around her ankles, and then, with his own hands resuming their grip around Judy's back, she was able to use her own hands to tug them free entirely, casting her sodden underwear and damp crotched pants into the footwell alongside Nick's own lower garments. Her legs were free, and with a relieved moan she slid them down and wrapped them around the sides of Nick's body instead, allowing her torso to be pulled much more intimately close to him in place of her lower limbs.

"Oh, Nick..."

She whimpered as her arms encircled the fox's neck once more, his hands falling right back to her ass and immediately beginning to lift her slightly upon his cock, only to let her sink back down upon it just a moment or so later. The fox grinned, playing as though entirely innocent and curious about the reason for Judy's gasp. He raised a warm, coaxing eyebrow as though urging her to explain what was worthy of exclamation about this situation, and when Judy opened her muzzle to try and chide him for teasing her, he rapidly lifted and dropped her down around his cock all over again.


Judy wailed, half in frustration, half in bliss, shuddering violently and then immediately afterwards beginning to giggle with helpless excitement. Once again, the fox knew just how to play her. Just how to tease and tempt her into the most lustful and shameless vices. She looked out of the windows around them, the early morning sky still lit with the colour of dawn and the car park of the rest stop still utterly empty aside from a few large trucks off to the far side, their owners probably still asleep after a hard day and night on the road. Moaning happily, bashfully, the insides of her ears glowing every bit as red as her cheeks, she let Nick continue with his teasing, manipulating her into riding him without any additional effort beyond the stretching and stimulation of her pussy on her part. Finally, several fox-assisted bounces later, she gasped and whimpered in bliss as she felt him lowering her more and more, until finally his hands let her go and the bunny found herself perched astride the throbbing, bulging girth of Nick's knot.

He licked her affectionately across the face, and again the bunny giggled, playfully headbutting the fox's shirt-clad chest before reaching out, unbuttoning the first few buttons of the same green shirt Nick had been wearing the day he met her, and planting a series of light, tender kisses across his collarbone and the base of his neck. She continued to undress him as she kept on laying those kisses upon his soft fur, using that action as cover to inhale deep, rich draughts of the fox's musky scent. Her pussy clenched around his twitching, throbbing shaft. It dripped, it drizzled his already slick knot with yet more of her arousal, and when finally his shirt lay open fronted, Nick growled playfully in response and in one quick, tender motion he grabbed at the base of Judy's t-shirt and pulled it up and off of the bunny, rendering her every bit as naked as he was upon shucking off his shirt.

"We're gonna be late now, a-aren't we?"

Judy whimpered as she glanced at the dashboard clock, still not even six-AM but still believing exactly what she said despite the current early hour. The fox just smiled tenderly and licked her across the face again, not saying a word and not doing anything further to force motion upon their desperately horny, already eagerly intertwined bodies.

"You could have grabbed me and flipped me upside down. Buried your face in my... m-my burrow, and dropped my face down onto your cock. You could have done any number of different things to make us cum again, Nick. B-but... dammit, you had to do this."

She squirmed slightly, whimpering, letting loose a soft, almost mewling little squeak of desperate desire as she wriggled upon Nick's cock, and against that huge bulbous sphere of swollen nerves and blood vessels beneath her. Now, in a low, rumbling growl that set the rabbit's instincts ablaze once more, the fox spoke.

"What did I do, carrots? I'm not doing anything right now. You can slide right off me. You can ask me to do whatever you want, and I promise, I'll do it."

Crying out louder and ever more desperately, clinging tighter to the fox with both arms and legs wrapped around his torso, Judy wriggled and rubbed herself down against that huge knot, grunting as she felt her clit grinding against it, swamping her mind with even more intense pleasure than was already surging like white hot fire through every last cell of her body. Her toes curled. Her eyes bulged. She stared in blissful anguish into Nick's face, and whimpered in horror as he just smiled at her, knowing exactly what she was feeling in that moment and exactly what she was about to do. Nothing more, and nothing less than exactly what she wanted, and exactly what both of them needed right then.

"Fine, Nick. F-fine. I... ooh god, I'll do it. But... y-you're the one who's gonna have to come up with a reason why we're late to my parents. I can't exactly tell them that their precious eldest daughter is late for her visit home because her predator boyfriend made her so horny on the road that they had to pull over a-and... oh god... and knot."

She released her grip on Nick with her legs, only to lower her feet down to the sides of the chair upon which the fox was sitting and begin to push down, to lift herself up and off of the very base of the fox's cock. Pleasure was etched upon both their faces as she began to bounce and ride upon Nick's comparably huge vulpine erection, but despite panting and growling in lust the fox still grinned, and still found the breath to moan teasingly back at his lover, imitating his most high class, aristocratic voice.

"Oh dear, I am frightfully sorry that we are... oohhJudy... l-late, mama-in-law Bonnie, papa-in-law Stewart. You see, as we were leaving Zootopia, there was this horrendous backlog of traffic from a crash earlier in the morning. Thank the heavens nobody was... ah, yes... that nobody was hurt. We decided to pull off the road and wait out the traffic jam in a rest stop. And while there, your daughter wrapped herself so snugly around my genitalia that I almost said forget about visiting you entirely, and drove her back home so that I could spend the entire weekend pretending to go savage, eating her up over, and over, and over a-ahh... again."

Judy whimpered yet again.


He grinned, kissed her gently on the forehead, and resumed speaking in a lustful whisper, more close to his natural voice and yet this time addressing Judy directly rather than pretending to speak to her folks.

"I'm just teasing of course. I wouldn't drive us back home, I love visiting your folks, Judy. The shower in the farmhouse... I know it's big because it was made to house like ten bunnies at a time so your mom could get you all ready for school. But god, if it doesn't make for the most incredible place to lay you down and make you..."

The bunny wailed desperately, cutting him off as she drummed her fists against his bare chest, bouncing and bucking upon his crotch, driving herself down against his huge knot but not quite able to force herself down upon it.

" Nick!"

He grinned. The fox kissed Judy on the forehead once more, and then he grabbed her thighs, he lifted her high up off his cock so that only the very tip was keeping them from slipping away from one another, and...

Judy threw back her head, and in a scream that made her own sensitive ears ring she began to cum uncontrollably hard as with a hot, thick slurp and a loud pop Nick dragged her back down again and thrust his hips up in the same motion, plunging his whole cock, knot and all deep into her pussy and locking them together. Only then did the grin fade from his face, replaced by a sudden, desperate look of his own pleasure-stricken shock as he felt Judy's nether regions clamping down hard and gushing her orgasmic juices out around the hyper-sensitive knot buried inside of her. She began to writhe and buck all over again despite them already being locked together, and Nick was right there with her, thrusting and pressing himself up against the rabbit's beautiful body even though they could not possibly have gotten any closer, any more tightly or intimately wrapped up in one another if they had tried.

The truck's windows began to steam up from within as the two continued to writhe and press themselves against one another, and though they were less aware of it from within the front suspension began to bounce slightly, creaking as they fucked with the frenzied passion only a rabbit and fox combined could possibly have produced. Judy's screams echoed out around the empty parking lot, not just once, but twice, then a third time even as Nick still continued to rise the only short distance to his own desperately sought after orgasm.

"Cum in me!"

Judy begged in a shrill, feverish cry as she writhed and humped at the fox, his knot throbbing against her g-spot and stretching her so wide open that it left her clitoris protruding rather obviously, allowing it to grind up against his crotch in its helpless exposure.

"Cum, Nick!"

She stared pleadingly into his eyes, trembling hands reaching up and grabbing at the back of his head, dragging it down to press against hers as she whimpered and continued to stare, continued to beg in a frenzy of her own multi-orgasmic lust.


She wailed, grunting a breathless repetition of that same cry with each and every surge of pleasure that crashed through her as she rocked and thrashed and ground herself down against the panting, howling fox.

"Cum. Cum. Cum. Cum. Cum. C-... ohh Nick! Oooohhhh god, ohh_yes_, Nick! N-Nicholas... cum!"

Knot throbbing, balls aching, cock twitching and pouring forth every last drop in a surprisingly powerful and potent climax considering he had already been drained less than half an hour ago, Nick howled as he shamelessly obeyed. He clutched Judy's body close to his as they came long and hard together, not thrusting any more, barely moving at all in fact aside from his cock's straining and spurting inside of her. They didn't need to move. All the hard work was done, all the effort which had gotten them to this point had already been expended. Now all they had to do was rest there together, trembling, whimpering in one another's arms, and enjoy the fruits of their passionate labours for as long as they could make them last.



The clock on the dashboard read 7.55am by the time Nick let slip that nervous, bashful whimper to the bunny slumbering peacefully on his chest. He had waited as long as he could since waking up, hoping that his knot would deflate in those twenty minutes, but no such luck had befallen him, and now he could wait no longer.

"Judy. Please wake up. I... w-we... we have a problem."

Judy's ears twitched, and as she began to slowly drift back towards consciousness her first thought was wondering why Nick was whispering so carefully. Then, of course, she heard it. The sound of wheels crunching against the dusty ground below. The sound of voices. She sat bolt upright, gasping sharply as she realised in that moment that her aching, still sensitive pussy was still locked around Nick's own nether regions, his knot yet to even begin deflating by the feel of things. Panicking for just a moment she glanced urgently around, expecting to see beady eyes peering in judgement and anger in through the truck's windows. Thankfully though they were still steamed up to a substantial degree, meaning that all that was visible from the cars parked around their own were the shapes of the vehicles, and the figures no doubt grabbing their morning coffee on their way out of town milling back and forth around them.

She whimpered back, but leaned in and kissed Nick reassuringly on the lips.

"It's okay. W-we'll just rest a little longer. You'll be free soon, then we can get dressed and carry on our way. No-one will know."

The fox shook his head though, eyes getting wider and wider with apparent anguish, apparent desperation despite the source not being immediately obvious.

"I... I can't. Judy, I'm so sorry. I... I'm so sorry, but... I... I need to go. I need to... t-to take a leak, bad, Judy. And... I can't just jump out of the car and carry you to the restroom with me. There's so many people out there now."

Judy's eyes widened, and though she opened her mouth to ask Nick to hold on just a little longer, she could see upon his face, in his eyes that it simply wasn't an option. He couldn't wait. He couldn't put off this situation until they could escape from it.

He whined and began to look shamefully down, unable to meet her gaze. She grabbed at his chin however and forced it back up, her own face flushing as she looked deep into his eyes and shook her head.

"Don't you look away from me, Nick. N-not now."

With her free hand, she reached down and grabbed at one of his. She blushed, not just pink, but crimson as she drew a deep breath, and guided his hand between them. Between their entwined, interlocked bodies, to where her swollen clit was still protruding and throbbing even now as the flesh all around it was stretched and teased by the very presence of the fox's throbbing, engorged knot.

"R-remember a couple of months ago, N-Nick... after you found out I wanted to try spanking, a-and... and you told me that if there was ever anything else I wanted to do, I could tell you? Anything... kinky? Remember how I said no, b-but, if I thought of anything that one day I realised I might find hot... I'd tell you?"

Trembling, panting with the effort of holding back his achingly tender, desperately fully bladder, Nick nodded. He was so strained, so overwhelmed by the embarrassment of what he felt like he was about to do, he sincerely had no idea what Judy was suggesting in that moment.

Judy's already crimson cheeks burned brighter.

"Nick. I... I swear, I never thought about it. I never imagined. But... r-right now... oh..."

She got the male's hand started, coaxing him to begin stimulating her clit before letting go and gasping as he continued of his own accord, brow still furrowed with confusion and concentration, not to mention guilt.

"Right now, Nick... I... I swear to you, t-there's nothing hotter, nothing sexier in the world, t-than... than the thought of my parents wondering where we are. Of people walking all around us. O-of the two of us sitting here, naked, knotted in the drivers seat of my car... and then you... you, Nick... pissing on me. In me."

Nick groaned in anguish.

"Judy. Oh god. Y-you're amazing. I love you so much, carrots. But... y-you don't have to say that. You don't... ah! Ah! Judy, w-what are you... ohhh god! Oh god, Judy!"

His voice trailed off, then he began to whimper, to whisper urgently, desperately as all of a sudden the hand that had led his own paw to the rabbit's swollen clit began to press down on his stomach. To squeeze and compress his bladder, while the rabbit stared into his straining, wonder-stricken face with gleeful embarrassment.

"I'm not just saying it, Nick. I... I'm just... apparently I'm just a very, very kinky bunny. And right now... your kinky bunny wants you to let go. To piss inside of her... a-and... ohhh... ohhhh Nick. And to r-rub her clit harder."

By Jeeves

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