Eriol's biography

Story by Tyradark86 on SoFurry

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Artwork made by Onixtymime a FA artist

Name: Eriol Gender: Male Species: Shiny Sylveon Type: Fairy Personality: Friendly, playful, helpful, protective, active, elegant, a little grumpy and quiet. Place of birth: Turquoise Town Current location: Turquoise City

Appearance: Quadruped mammal covered mainly with pure white-colored fur with blue feet, ears and tail. She has two ties in his body, one in his left ear and the other around his neck, of which two tapes adorn him. The ribbons are white with blue in the center, while the tapes are white with blue and pink tips.. He sends a soothing aura of these sensations to stop fights, and also uses them to "hold hands" with humans. He has a short stature, his legs are short and slender and small paws with three fingers visible on each paw. His left eye is green and blue the right eye with white pupils by heterochromia. When his mouth is open, two pointed teeth can be seen in his upper jaw. His fluffy blue tail is slightly curved in the shape of a crescent.

Mini story: Born in a small village in the mountains at 20km from Snowbelle City. He lived in a church with the priest where they helped the needy of a Pokémon orphanage. One day, when he woke up he had evolved to Sylveon with a mark of Arceus on his back and the very surprised priest had the feeling that it was a divine sign of the Pokémon God and good things were coming in the village. After days with heavy blizzards, he finally made a sunny day. Families began to come wanting to live in the village and even adopt a Pokémon so that they lived with them. A few days later, trainers of all Kalos adopted more Pokémon and some didn't want to leave the church for fear that they will leave them again, but in the end they left happy with their new trainers. A month later Snowbelle City gym leader along with other leaders and the Elite Four, visited the village to build new buildings as a Pokemon center and the population increased by 95% more. Eriol was happy for the change and the priest of the Church thanked Arceus for the miracle that has happened in the village, changing to Turquoise city.


  • Arceus mark increases by 10% the fate of his trainer.


  • In winter he likes to fight while in summer he prefers to be inside the church all day until dawn

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