Ekain's biography

Story by Tyradark86 on SoFurry

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Artwork made by Onixtymime a FA artist

Link: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/30539428/

Name: Ekain Gender: Male Species: Charizard Type: Fire / Flying Birthplace: Ash Mountain Personality: Suspicious, grumpy, friendly, curious, territorial, active.

Appearance: Ekain is a bipedal "Dragon" pokémon . He's mostly orange with the bottom of his body that starts from the chest to the tip of his tail with the color cream, which burns with a considerable flame. He has a long neck, small blue eyes, raised nostrils, and two horns protruding from the back of his rectangular head. There are two fangs visible in the upper jaw when his mouth is closed. Two large wings with blue-green bottoms sprout from his back, and another horn protruding out by the third articulation of each wing. His arms are short and skinny compared to his sturdy belly. Each arm has three white claws. He has short legs and the soles of his feet are cream-colored. He has a tribal sun tattoo on his belly and a big burn that starts from the right side of his face, leaving no vision in his right eye, passing through his neck, part of his right wing, up to his right arm and claw. He has multiple scars on his body.

Mini-story: Born in a very old tribe in which the Charizard were like Big Guardians, Ekain was the trainer of the son of the leader of the tribe and being a Charmander already had the tattoo of the tribe making it very respected by the rest of the village. One summer day, there was a great division between the tribe, father and son had a discussion on the shiny Charizard. Those who supported the son said that they were not a danger even if they were black as the dark and that they not bring misfortunes to the village while those on the side of his father wanted to execute them. After 2 days and 2 nights of meeting with the Council of the tribe, they decided that father and son do a Pokémon battle. They both accepted and did it entirely alone inside a cave. The fight was very intense and the father won but his Charizard wanted to give him the punchline using Fire Blast but he had given him no order. Ekain protected his trainer and left him a serious burn in the middle of his face leaving him half blind but the other Charizard still trying to attack his trainer until the leader threw a stun dart at his Pokémon leaving him paralyzed next to a strong fainting. His son was very frightened and immediately called the others to treat his son's Charizard. After a long recovery, father and son made peace and the Charizard shiny were represented by Guardians of the night while the common ones were guardians of the day.


  • His tattoo increases his physical stamina by 10% in critical condition.


  • Loves to fly in the sunsets with his trainer
  • Although with that burn has lost half of his vision, his sense of sight with his other eye is excellent.

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