Dragon's Night Out (Guy's night)

Story by Yaxnonth on SoFurry

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well i finally got something done and it's yiffy to =)

but yea i should be back writing again now so expect to see more from me soon Enjoy the story

Warning: this story contains M/M and M/M/M/M so if your not into that kind of stuff you don't have to read it maybe try another story that you might like.

Characters belong to there users

Drake and Rocky belong to Deadman2142

Nikko belongs to Hype

Yax belongs to me Yaxnonth

Dragon's night out - guy's night

Yax pulled up to the curb and turned off the engine, he leaned back in the drivers seat waiting for a moment sighing slightly in content knowing the night ahead will be fun.

*clink* the passenger door opened and in came a bright red dragon named Nikko.

"Hey Yaxy" Nikko greeted Yax with a hug as he sat in the passenger seat.

Yax giggled feeling Nikko's embrace, Nikko and him met a few months ago and quickly hit it off they usually talked over the internet but they decided tonight they would go to a little club downtown.

"Hey Nikko" Yax smiled "your looking pretty spiffy tonight" he tugged at Nikko's shirt.

"hehe thanks...should we head off now?" Nikko turned to put on his seatbelt.

"Sure thing, the night is young now let's go enjoy it" Yax said starting the car and driving off towards their destination.

On a street downtown a black and red dragon walks on the side walk by himself.

He sighs quietly is he looks up to see a big green neon sign that spelled 'THE SCALE'.

He heard a low beat emitting from the entrance and thought about entering.

He walks close to the door where there were only 3 people in line being blocked by a large Doberman.

He stopped in line and waited a few minutes for his time to get through.

Yax parked in a lot under the club and the two of them got out and headed to the elevator.

"So how'd you find out about this place anyways?" Nikko asked walking alongside Yax.

"Hmmm...well I think it was when one of my friends yelling in my ear about the fun time she had here so I thought I'd give it a try" Yax chuckled "plus I got 2 free passes to this place"

"Oh I see" Nikko giggled giving Yax a friendly nudge.

They both headed into the small elevator and headed to the floor level

As the elevator doors opened they could hear the beat flowing and smell the intensity of the room.

They walked out into the dark room that flashed lights all along the walls, there were many furs crowding the center of the room almost seeming to gravitate around a specific area while still moving to the music.

Yax chuckled seeing all the furs in the room pumped full of adrenalin and moving about and began to head over with Nikko following along and joining the crowd.

Before they both got separated in the mass amount of furs Yax signaled Nikko to get closer "when you feel like you're tired or if you want to wait for me we'll meet up at the bar over there ok?" Yax pointed to a small bar on the side of the room with a fairly big canine cleaning the counter.

Nikko nodded and headed off into the crowd to dance.

A faster paced song started playing and Yax was still wondering what was in the center of the room that people were looking at; so he parted through the crowd and looked over a few heads to see that there was a clear area were there seemed to be furs challenging each other each pulling of some incredible break dancing moves.

Suddenly he was pushed forward and stumbled onto the middle of the floor almost knocking over a spinning feline.

"Yo! Get out of the way!" someone yelled.

Yax flinched only seeing feline footpaws heading his way; suddenly he felt a tug on his shirt collar pulling down back into the crowd.

"Geez, are you alright? You really shouldn't just jump in there all willy nilly you know" Yax heard as his shirt was released and he stood up.

He turned around and spoke back at who ever had pulled him out "I didn't just jump in someone pushed me!" he paused for a second looking at his rescuer "...but I guess I should have moved out of the way huh?" he said with a little bit of embarrassment.

"I'm going to get a drink..." Yax said "care for a beer on me?" moving by and heading towards the little bar at the edge of the room.


As Yax got to the counter and asked the bartender for 2 beers he noticed the one who helped him out sitting next to him.

In the dark room with only flashing lights it was hard to make out but he looked like a black and red scaled dragon.

"I guess I haven't really introduced myself, my name's Yax; what's yours?" Yax asked.

"It's Drake" he smiled slightly and grabbed the beer Yax offered.

Yax giggled "well it's nice to meet you Drake...it's lucky I did to or I might have had a paw print kicked onto my face" he sipped a little bit from his beer "are you having fun at this place?"

Drake looked over at Yax and thought 'I know how I'd like to have fun' and glanced down at Yax's crotch quickly.

"Yea I guess so" Drake said putting down his drink "I did come here to meet a few people so things are going well so far" he chuckled.

Yax smiled and put his hand on Drake's back "well if you're looking for people I should introduce you to my friend Nikko he's really nice." Yax stood up and looked around the room "I'm going to go find him, you stay here ok, I'll be right back" he patted Drake and walked off to search for his friend.

"Alright..." Drake said quietly handing an empty beer glass back to the bartender.

"would you like another round buddy?" the black lab behind the bar asked in a pleasant tone "someone left there's here and I'd rather not see it go to waste" he pushed a full glass in front of Drake.

Drake smiled looking at the cute charismatic face of the bartender and blushed "thanks" he said graciously.

Drake looked over at the bartender's name tag on his shirt "Hi my name is ---ROCKY---"

"Thanks a lot Rocky" he giggled quietly before chugging back the contents of the beer glass.

Yax looked around the room and walking through the dancing crowd towards his red scaled friend.

"Nikko! Hey Nikko!" he called out getting Nikko's attention and seeing him get closer "Nikko there's someone I want you to meet he's a nice guy looking for some friends" Yax gently pulled Nikko out of the crowded area and headed towards the counter.

"Alright I'll meet him...but you so owe me a slow dance later" Nikko chuckled.

Drake took the final gulps before putting the glass down and breathing back a content sigh "that kept the buzz going" Drake smiled at Rocky who was blushing ever so slightly.

"Well would you like me to help with that buzz?" Rocky asked whispering into Drake's ear and placing a paw on his chest rubbing the scales under Drake's shirt.

"Oh I'd enjoy that" Drake licked his lips and stood up; Rocky lifted a part of the counter up so Drake could get by.

He walked past the counter to meet Rocky and soon found himself being held in Rocky's furry arms "I think I can end my shift for now" Rocky said "how about you join me at the back?" he guided Drake towards a door that led to a small private room.

Drake was feeling excited, here he was being pulled into a room with a sexy canine and he knew what he wanted seeing that tail wag behind the smiling lab.

They stopped inside the room, it was dim but you could still see and there was a shag carpet on the floor very appropriate for what was soon to happen.

Drake looked at Rocky and smirked "looks like I still need a drink" he rubbed his hand along Rocky's back and grabbed his tail gently "you don't mind if I get some for myself do you?" he started getting down on his knees.

"Oh I wouldn't mind at all" Rocky smiled back running his paws through Drake's hair as he went down.

He grabbed Rockys pant's an unzipped them slowly removing them below his waistline.

Drake hovered around Rocky's canine sheath and took a nice long lick to draw out the already exposed length.

Drake lapped at the tip making Rocky shiver and groan quietly from being teased, Drake saw as the canine meat grow to its full size Drake licked his lips and grabbed the base above the knot and started pawing Rocky off.

Rocky moaned as he felt Drakes hand grip his length and felt Drake's tongue wrap around his meat before slowly placing his muzzle over the first few inches.

Yax and Nikko walked up to the bar and noticed no one was there not even the bartender.

"I told him to stay here where'd he go?" Yax asked quietly to himself.

"So where's the guy?" Nikko asked stepping up to the counter tapping his fingers on the top.

"I don't know" Yax said looking around; then they both heard a muffled whimper from past the door near the counter.

They didn't know what was happening but they thought to go check it out just in case someone was in trouble.

As they both got close to the door they could here a few grunts as well and as Yax opened the door he took a peek inside and smirked.

"Oh that's just lovely" Yax whispered slowly creeping open the door so the two in the room wouldn't notice.

"What are you doing?" Nikko grabbed Yax's tail.

"I'm going to have a little fun" Yax said yanking his tail back and letting Nikko follow him; he crept up close and just reached into Drakes view smiling mischievously "you know I told you to stay right there when I left, I didn't mean hit on the bartender"

Both Rocky and Drake had a surprise look on their face as they noticed Yax standing there; Drake pulled off of Rocky's meat and thought for a moment at how embarrassed he was feeling and then thought of other things.

"well at least you found me here Yax...but how about we get to know each other better" Drake smirked "and your friend over there to" Drake pulled off his clothing and threw them towards the wall lifting his tail up and showing off his hole "come on you know you want to"

Yax looked at him and smirked "heh then you seem to know me very well already" he walked closer slowly removing his thin clothing and dropping it to the floor; he turned to look back at Nikko "come on you know you want to meet him to"

Nikko couldn't help but smile and pulled off his clothing before entering the room.

Drake grabbed hold of Rocky's length again stroking it before replacing his muzzle overtop, he bobbed down a few times hearing Rocky moan gently as he felt Rocky's soft paw on the back of his head holding him and guiding his muzzle.

Yax kneeled down by Drake's raised tail and inspected the gorgeous tailhole, he got close and gently nuzzled close to it before opening his maw and licking at the hole stretching it and lubing it.

Nikko slid underneath Yax's and Drake's legs and looked up at Drake's dripping hard on, he stretched his tongue and licked the pre off of the tip and slowly wrapped his tongue around the girth of the dragon cock.

Their moans and slurps echoed through the room as the feeling of pleasure had just begun.

Yax pulled his muzzle away from Drake's tailhole and stood, he positioned himself and steadied Drake's body as he lined up his full erection with Drake's lubed hole.

"Lets see how much I get to know you on the inside" Yax slapped Drake's ass before he lunged forward plunging his hard cock into Drake's hole.

Drake flinch slightly as he felt himself being penetrated, he moaned onto Rocky's cock as he sucked and licked along it.

Yax began slowly pumping in and out of the stretched hole; he held the base of Drake's tail as his body slammed into the others.

Nikko pulled away from Drake's cock as it continued to leak pre that dribbled slowly onto Nikko's body; Nikko took some of the pre leaking from drake and lubed his own cock, then he wrapped his arms around Drake's body and pulled himself close "any room for one more?" Nikko asked poking his cock at the already taken tailhole.

"Oh plenty of room" Yax chuckled grabbing hold of Nikko's cock and pushing it into Drakes hole stretching it wider.

A low moan came from the two of them as they felt both their cocks grind against each others in Drake's warm insides.

"hmm I'm getting close don't stop" Rocky said taking a harder grip on Drake's head and pushing him lower onto his cock to the knot.

"Damn your tight, I don't think I'm going to last much longer either" Yax said pounding into Drake faster and grinding against Nikko's cock caused him great pleasure as he grunted and held on tightly.

A few moment's passed as their tone got louder with their pace Rocky howled and he shot off his load sending wave after wave of doggy cum down Drake's throat; Drake pushed forward and used his tongue to lick at Rocky's knot making Rocky buck forward slightly while holding Drake's head.

Yax's thrusts became harder and faster, suddenly his balls twitched and his cock spasmed he shot his dragon cum into Drakes insides setting off Nikko's orgasm flooding Drakes hole with more cum, letting it leak past both their cocks and onto Nikko's body and the floor.

With the last forceful push from Yax and Nikko in Drake's full hole they slammed his prostate and as he felt the pressure build it released all over Nikko shooting out all over his belly and up to his neck.

All of them breathed heavily as Drake removed his muzzle from Rocky's semi flaccid cock letting what little bit of cum left spill onto his muzzle.

"Now that gave me a real buzz" Drake gave a little lick to Rocky's tip as it receded back into his sheath.

Yax and Nikko pulled out their cocks from Drake's now sore hole with a gush of excess cum spilling out as they did.

Yax rubbed his hand along Drake's back "I bet you enjoy meeting new people huh?" Yax leaned closer onto Drake's body "I know I did" he said into Drake's ear.

Nikko let out a deep breath "oh yes it was definably nice to meet someone new" Nikko nuzzled Drake's neck slightly from below.

They giggled a little before slightly relaxing their bodies more.

"Anyone up for a round on the house?" Rocky said grabbing his pant's with his tail wagging behind him "...at my house?" he asked sheepishly.

they all smiled and looked at him, it looked like this dragon's night out was going to be more fun than they knew.


well here it is readers a little yiffy story requested to me tell me what you thought by Commenting on it you know i love to know what my readers think, thanks for reading guys!