Independent: Chapter 6

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#7 of Independent

Chapter 6 of Independent

The fight between Ryker's team and the AllAle CFO is on! How will the team defeat their first ever officer and indeed how will they fare with the aftermath? Read on and find out!

Independent Fun Fact #7: Kanoth's Function 'Elk Cloner - Organic' is actually based on what is believed as the 'first ever computer virus', Elk Cloner. Elk Cloner was just meant to be a prank placed on a disk back in the days when programs were passed around using physical formats. All it really did was print out something on the screen after the computer was booted a certain number of times and it would clone itself secretly to every computer that used an infected disk. Nothing overly harmful and really made as a college prank.

Chapter 6

Booze Money

Ten years ago, Emile Santos had created his own microbrew, AllAle, and had made his fortune through careful marketing, skilful navigation of the corporate world and a damn good beer. From his small farm way outside of the city, Emile had expanded to occupy three floors in a high rise on Manhattan. It was what had attracted the young Kanoth Lameer to the corporation. It wasn't the beer - he could barely stomach the stuff - it was Emile's keen business sense and ambition. Something told the young accountant that if he stuck by Emile, he would be rich.

Kanoth fidgeted nervously as he examined the reams of paper and charts he was carrying for what must have been the fiftieth time since he had left the elevator. This was his chance to really make an impact on AllAle. For six years, he had been working in the accounting department of the relatively small beer company. It was company policy to have 'pitch meetings' every month where anyone from any department was free to organise a pitch to the CEO and hope for the chance to make their idea a reality. That was what Emile had envisioned AllAle to be, after all; a conglomerate of all microbrewers who needed a platform to sell their products to the rest of the world.

These days, AllAle rarely produced their own drinks. It just funded the efforts of other brewers with a sizable commission, of course. What Kanoth was going to introduce would increase their profits a hundred-fold.

He just had to keep himself from fidgeting so much.

The secretary at the door suddenly looked up. "Mr. Lameer. It's your turn."

Gulping loudly, he tried to keep his teeth from chattering in fear but between that and gathering his presentation material, he found it impossible. With each step taken like trying to walk on stilts, Kanoth somehow managed to make it past the secretary and into the large conference room. There was a big, broad, circular table at the centre of the room with screens and monitors positioned in a well at the centre so that the screen being presented could be seen by anyone sitting around the table.

There was Emile Santos, the rattlesnake that had started the company and made splashes in the beer world. To his right was the stunning Aileen Raskeil and to his left, was Nero Greenwood. It had actually been Nero who had encouraged him to make this pitch during an impromptu meeting they had over lunch one day. The American-Indian rhino gave him an encouraging smile as Kanoth waddled forward. Each of them were intimidating, even Nero. Not only did they hold incredible power in the company and corporate world, but they were physically stunning. Especially Aileen. There were lean muscles beneath her white fur which didn't take away from her femininity. If Wonder Woman were a pitbull, Aileen Raskeil would be her body double.

"Mr. Lameer," Emile said, back straight like a military man and yellow, serpentine eyes gazing straight at him. "I understand you have a pitch for us."

"Ah... yes..." Kanoth stammered. "I just got to set up and..." He made to set down his charts on the table but his clumsy, sweat-covered fingers slipped off them and toppled away from his grasp. A short gasp and some panicked breathing later, he was on his hands and knees, apologising profusely while scrambling for his papers. They were probably thinking that this was some fat, fuzzy idiot who had no clue what he was doing. Kanoth was also sorely aware that his butt crack was starting to show over the seat of his suit pants that he hadn't worn since he was first hired six years ago. He had _really_let himself go during that time.

Gentle, manicured, white paws suddenly picked up one of the charts and his felt his cheeks erupt into flames.

"Take your time, my dear," Aileen said calmly. She briefly glanced at the diagrams in her paws. "Ah, now this is interesting..." She straightened, holding up the sheet at arm's length. "You're proposing that we expand our operations to organic brews?"

Kanoth took a second to compose himself... and re-tuck his shirt as his sizable belly had slipped out in his scramble. "Y - Yes, Ms. Raskeil. There's been a lot of m-m-media speculation around producing more eco-friendly beers. I - I - I think that by sponsoring organic microbrewers, we'd not only increase AllAle's reputation as someone who is outwardly looking after the planet but also increase our clientele."

"What clientele are you talking about?" Nero prompted, right on cue.

"There's been a large uptick of the 'hipster' movement. People who are more interested in following something that is out of the ordinary or outside of the norm. Th - th - they often followed the adage that they followed something before it was cool. Th - the demographic is usually on the younger side of the generations and I think if we can build b - b - brand loyalty with them from an early age, w - we would be able to retain them as customers in the l -l-long run."

"Our products do tend to focus on the older side," Aileen said, leaning down and plucking a few more documents and charts. Her eyes darted across the pages like lightning. "Targeting the youth of today would indeed bring greater return on profits over a longer period of time." She glanced briefly towards Emile. "Let's face it, Emile, older generations tend to be split between either binge drinking or quitting drinking. According to Mr. Lameer's research, the younger generations tend to consume the same amount of alcohol over a longer period of time."

A soft smile touched the rattlesnake's lips. "If I didn't know any better, I could have sworn you two conspired together to make this pitch a success."

How could he have known? Nero was subtle!

"Moi?" teased Aileen. "Come now, Emile. This is as much a surprise to me as it is to you. I'm honestly surprised no one else has come up with the idea of integrated_organic_ microbrews into AllAle."

"Perhaps because they are far more costly to produce." Those words cut through Kanoth's enthusiasm like a laser, deflating what confidence and hope he may have had. "Ingredients are much more difficult to acquire and there is a stigma over anything 'organic'. A customer buying it would have to weigh the cost of buying the product versus the supposed health benefits, which, let's face it, is minimal at best. People buy beer to get drunk. They do not buy it to get healthier. Why would we spend our time and effort on this endeavour when it ultimately is less marketable than the any of our other products?"

This was it... He was screwed. His idea shot down by the cold, hard logic of Emile Santos. Why had he even bothered getting his hopes up? He was dealing with a genius in marketing and making beer. Emile would _surely_have thought of this before.

"Why don't we give him a shot?" Nero prompted. "A good idea is still a good idea. We've given starting capital to people with shittier ideas. I mean, he's even come up with a logo for the brand, haven't you, Mr. Lameer?"

Kanoth reached down and slowly turned around the diagram he had mocked up for this very presentation. It displayed a rough and tumble, almost wild rhino with green hair holding a large tree in one arm while clutching a beer in the other. The rhino was incredibly masculine, simply oozing_testosterone which head hoped would counteract the idea that buying something organic would be a sign of weakness; running counter to the traditional definition of a male who would drink anything. He also hoped that the logo would appeal to the young women the product was designed for. Everyone wanted a strong, muscular man to hold them and _be in them, after all.

Emile was silent for a long moment, just regarding the logo. Then, the rattlesnake slouched slightly in his seat. "What's his name?"

He was surprised by the question and blinked a few times in confusion. "S - Sir?"

"Your rhinoceros' name. What is it?"

He hadn't really thought of giving his mascot a name and panicked, his eyes going wide behind his thick glasses. "Cedar," was the first thing that came to mind. "His name is Cedar."

Emile's lips tugged upwards very slightly into a smile. "Cedar. I like it." Then he straightened again. "Alright, Mr. Lameer. I'm going to give you some starting capital. Let's see how far you can get with this idea of yours. I have high hopes for you."

Kanoth's eyes widened in surprise.

"S -S-Sir! I won't let you down!"


Splintered wood, embers and droplets of water lay scattered between the two sides of the battle. Arthur's marvellous golden armour was dented, scratched and his right arm was now exposed with a deep cut bleeding profusely on his shoulder. Just behind the boar knight, Cliff held his manifested Function, that dagger of his, but just like Arthur he was heavily injured, his clothes tattered and torn with many cuts on his orange and black fur. His mask thankfully remained on his face. Oliver and Summer were in no better position. Already injured by the start of the battle, Oliver was lying on his rump while Summer stood over him, barely able to lift his bat.

Then there was Ryker and Takoshi.

Panting heavily, Takoshi had placed himself protectively in front of Ryker. The grey-furred wolf had been the one to unleash the opening salvo and managed to get Summer back to their side but Kanoth had realised his potential and directed Cedar to attack him. Leaves now clung to the pup's fur from the rhino's relentless attacks while Takoshi had tried to defend him as well as he could. The polar bear had one particularly nasty gash on his neck, the blood staining his fur. It wasn't a deep wound but noticeable enough because of the contrasting colours of his fur and the blood.

The worst part was that Kanoth hadn't even joined the battle yet.

It had all been Cedar.

The big, green-haired rhino stood just a few paces in front of his Host, an enormous fallen tree draped over his shoulder. Still dressed in that driver's outfit, he was barely scratched save for a few light cuts from when Takoshi had gotten close enough to slash him. Other than that, the titanic muscle man was unharmed.

"Is this_really_ all Libertatis can throw at me?" taunted Kanoth giving a helpless shrug. "Seems your reputation is _severely_exaggerated."

"We're not done yet, you short fuck!" Takoshi shouted. Howling winds swarmed around his blade. He thrust it straight at Kanoth, a bullet of wind that could've caused a sizable bruise. Before the projectile could hit, pillars of wood about as thick as Takoshi's arm erupted from the ground in front of Kanoth. His wind bullet slammed into the barrier, splintering a few parts of the wall but not breaking through it. Cedar lowered his one, free, massive hand and the pillars sank back into the ground.

"I don't know why Emile and the others were so worked up about these guys," chuckled Kanoth. "None of you are even remotely strong enough to stand toe -to-toe with an officer let alone a CEO."

Ryker grit his teeth together. There had to be some way to beat Kanoth and Cedar. Something he can do to tip the balance in their favour. If not, he might lose Takoshi and be forced to be little more than a corporate button pusher for the rest of his life. He couldn't do that after what Syntax had done to him!

A cold wild blew and brushed a few leaves across his vision. Those very same leaves settled into the shape of a few letters.


He lifted his gaze. The stars behind Kanoth seemed to shift and change, forming letters.


An idea sprung to mind.

"Bandit," he whispered softly. "Your Function. It can open anything, right?"

"Yeah..." Cliff muttered, holding his dagger in a reverse grip. "Why?"

His mind was spinning, working up a plan. "Ronin, Summer, use your ranged attacks. Aim straight for Kanoth."

"Cedar will just block it again," Summer protested.

"I know. Avalon..." He locked gazes with the knightly boar. "You're the only one that has a chance of standing against Cedar's wood. Keep him occupied. We'll take down Kanoth." With a nod towards Cliff, he said, "On my mark, use Open."

"On what?" Cliff asked, puzzled. "There are no locks around."

"Oh yes there is," he growled enigmatically. "Everyone ready?"

"No!' protested the tiger but Takoshi was already gathering wind in his blade and Summer was doing the same with his bat. Arthur lifted his shield, flaming sword at the ready. Cedar and Kanoth hadn't heard their conversation and both raised an eyebrow in unison at the battle formation. They were definitely in synch.

"Summer! Ronin!"

The two burly furs launched bullets of compressed wind and high-velocity water at Kanoth. The gopher had enough time to roll his eyes before a barrier of wood rose up in front of him, once again protecting him. The bullets did little more than splinter a few of the logs. Summer and Takoshi were getting tired. Arthur let out a trumpeting roar and charged, shield up straight at Cedar. The rhino shook his head in exasperation and gripped the long log over his shoulder with both hands. He immediately swung it at Arthur.


The long, thick piece of wood slammed into Arthur's shield, pushing the King of Knights a few feet to the right as he blocked the blow.

"Bandit! Now!" Ryker shouted, charging forward while gripping his phone tightly. "Ronin! Summer! Covering fire! Avalon! Keep up the heat!"

Confused but still willing to fight, Cliff charged right beside him at Kanoth. Wind and water bullets sped past them, striking the barrier that protected Kanoth. Cedar seemed to suspect something was wrong and pulled his log away from Arthur to sweep at the two charging college students. This gave Arthur a chance to charge after him. Realising his mistake, Cedar was forced to lift his log above his head and bring it crashing down onto the knight. The boar had to lift his mighty shield above his head, catching the blow that would've shattered any normal person's knees from the mere impact. Somehow, Arthur managed to remain standing even if he was forced to crouch a little to catch the impact. Kanoth tried to peek around the corner of his barrier to see what was happening but a water bullet sped past him, forcing him to retreat.

Exactly as Ryker had planned.

He closed in on the barrier and for a second, he caught sight of Cedar. The green-haired rhino lifted his log off Arthur and brought it slamming back down. This was no killing blow but the impact immediately barred him from the barrier.

But not for long.

"Bandit! Now!"

Cliff lunged forward, swiping his dagger upwards. "Open!" roared the tiger.

Miraculously, a shining light, thin as a razor, appeared across vertically across not only Cedar's log but also the barrier beyond. That light erupted, its force pushing the two halves of both wooden walls apart a good five feet just as Ryker had hoped. Open wouldn't just open locks. It would open the way.

Kanoth stared in shock, mouth agape.

That left him open for Ryker.

The wolf charged past the wooden valley and -


Slammed a fist right into Kanoth's face. The _AllAle_CFO staggered back a few steps, more stunned than hurt, his glasses dislodged slightly.

"Kanoth!" Cedar exclaimed, immediately rushing to his side. Ryker fell to his knees, clutching his paw. Punching someone's face was a lot more painful than cartoons and movies made it look. His knuckles were throbbing and radiating pain throughout his fingers. Maybe he should have gone for a scratch or a slash instead.

"That... that was fairly impressive."

He grimaced while he looked up. Kanoth had brushed aside Cedar's concern with a light, gentle touch while adjusting his glasses. Apart from a little swelling, he barely looked injured.

"You came up with that plan didn't you?" accused the gopher. "Using your IPs to keep me behind the wall while the only one with some semblance of strength stood against Cedar to keep him distracted. Then you used a Function in an unconventional way to get to me." He adjusted his glasses a little more then frowned. The frames had been bent by Ryker's punch and would not sit on his head properly anymore. "All for little more than a scratch. Impressive. I could definitely use someone like you on my team. Though I think I'd rather not take the risk of someone so... inventive."

Ryker's ears folded back and let out a soft whimper.

"Someone like you might just find some way to break out of any Contract I set," said Kanoth, darkly. He began unbuttoning his jacket. "Sorry kid, I can't take the risk. I will grant you one honour before you die though." The CFO tossed aside his navy-blue jacket revealing the toned, strong body beneath. That suit hid a deceptively muscular physique and as Kanoth began rolling up his sleeves, revealing the wide, vascular forearms beneath, Ryker began regretting his decision. "Cedar..."

The rhino, anger flashing in his eyes, held out a hand to his flank. A long but thinner pole of wood erupted from the ground which he grasped with both hands like a bo staff. "With pleasure."

There was something about the way he said those two words, something... telling. Strong paws seized his scruff and yanked him back. Cedar lunged after them, swinging his log down. Where it hit the ground, huge sharped wooden spears like punji sticks launched out in long bands like serpents lunching for him eager to sink their fangs into his guts. Cliff, who had been the one to pull Ryker back, ducked behind the barrier that had one protected Kanoth and tossed his lupine roommate to the ground, forcing his body to flatten out so that it had the less chance of being skewered.

A deafening thump followed and Ryker managed to look up in time to see Cedar had somehow leapt over the barrier and was now standing in between Takoshi and Summer. Showing surprising agility for someone his size, Cedar swept his staff around, smacking first Summer's beak and then ducking low to avoid Takoshi's high slash to smack his staff at against the back of the polar bears knees, forcing the samurai to stumble. Before Summer could even get up, the rhino was leaping into the air and slapping his pole with the strength of his fall and his own might against the eagle's chest. The wood didn't shatter. The same couldn't be said for Summer's ribs. Blood burst from between the eagle's beak with the blow alone.

Takoshi lunged at him, thrusting with his blade. Cedar easily parried the blow but was not ready for the blade-like wind that launched after the thrust. Sharp winds slashed at the impeccable driver's suit, shredding it entirely and revealing that beneath the jacket and shirt, the rhino wasn't wearing anything save for a leopard print loincloth. Red flames flickered behind Cedar, alerting the AllAle IP. Cedar pulled away, slipping under Takoshi's blade and dodging Arthur's overhead swing. The board clumsily staggered aside to avoid hitting Takoshi as both burly furs lost their balance from the surprisingly nimble rhino.

Cedar's strength was clearly in group battles when he was outnumbered. He was capable of using his own foes strengths against one another. When he faced against Arthur, he was a mostly even match.

Ryker slowly got to his feet...


And the barrier of punji sticks erupted outward in a torrent of gold-coloured water. The smell of alcohol was rich in the air. Kanoth stepped out from the opening. Draped over his shoulders was what appeared to be a cloak made out of deer skin with the head of a proud elk sitting atop his head antlers included. Amber fluid was pouring ceaselessly from the somewhere beneath his cape, leaving him dry by covering the asphalt in the strong odour of booze.

"Shit..." Cliff murmured, visibly shrinking back from the comparably smaller gopher.

Kanoth noticed them but chose to ignore them and stepped forward, his feet encased in those polished black shoes striding across the surface like he was walking on water.

"Is... Is that his manifested Function?" asked Ryker, crawling away from the seeping liquid and towards Cliff.

"I think so, yeah. All the AllAle officers have some variation of the same Function since they were all introduced to the Overworld under the single company. It's called Elk Cloner."

"How astute," rumbled Kanoth, glazing over his shoulder. "I possess Elk Cloner - Organic. It produced a fluid that is akin to alcohol but whose effects cause inebriation by the simply touching it. You're lucky that it won't kill you. Just make you really drunk."

It was a good thing Ryker had chose to shy away from the fluid but, as if compelled by Kanoth alone, the amber substance began inching its way towards the combatants across from them. With sweep of his paw, the liquid surged forward, compelled to form a wave. Cedar grinned and immediately leapt back, a wooden platform rising from beneath his feet and lifting him well away from the impact of the wave. Summer, who was still on the ground, could not avoid it. The liquid evaporated before it even hit Arthur but for Takoshi, who had no protection against it, the booze-like substance hit him directly on the chest.

Immediately, Takoshi began to sway and stagger.

"Oh fuuuuuck..." moaned the bear.

"Finish them off, Cedar!" Kanoth boomed, turning towards the two Hosts. "I'll take care of these two."

There was yowl from behind Kanoth and a black figure suddenly collided with the gopher. Both of them crashed into a puddle of liquid. Oliver managed to get in a few good scratches with his claws before the inebriation began to slacken his strikes. Kanoth snarled and threw the the tabby aside.

"I will deal with you later!" snapped the gopher, his cheeks getting flushed with inebriation. He wasn't immune to his own powers!

Cliff was suddenly charging past him, roaring and swinging his dagger through the air. Kanoth instantly became more careful - at least as careful as he could - be and swerved and twisted his body in surprising cohesion to dodge Cliff's attacks. The gopher ducked beneath Cliff's sweeping strike and slammed a paw against the tiger's gut. A loud gag escaped Cliff's lips as all the air was forced out of his muzzle and he fell to his knees, the booze soaking through his pants into his skin.

"Don't think that getting me drunk on my own booze has any detrimental effects on me," boomed Kanoth, surprisingly coherent despite supposedly being drunk. "I've been able to manifest my Function for years now. It would've been foolish of me not to learn how to cope with its limitations!"

There went everything Ryker had been planning up to that point.

So that meant he was right back up to his first plan.

With a shout, he charged, lifting his fist and aiming once more for Kanoth's face. The gopher didn't even hesitate and just took three steps towards him, swinging at arm.


He tasted blood then pain exploded from the back of his head as he hit the dry asphalt hard. The lariat blow had been strong enough to knocked him several feet and onto his back. It didn't end there with Kanoth's foot slammed against his chest, pressing down on his ribs.

"Take comfort in the fact that you get to see the majesty of my full manifested Function before you die," Kanoth said, looking straight down at the wolf with contempt in his eyes. "Few, even my own Corpsmen, have ever had this honour. You are one of the few that get to lay eyes on it it." He spread his arms wide in a typical Machiavellian gesture. "Pity you will be not one of the few who lived to tell about it."

Ryker grit his fangs together and lifted his left paw, the paw that was still clutching his phone and with his thumb hovering over one of the RAM squares.

"Anyone every tell you that you talk way too much?" he growled. "Break!"

A flash of horror crossed Kanoth's features as white cracks appeared across his leg. Light spilled from those cracks, each one spreading like the vines of a plant and racing all the way up and down his leg until it ended about halfway up his thigh.



Kanoth Lameer's entire leg exploded.


"What the actual fuck!?" exclaimed Wau, leaning over the edge of their invisible observation deck. He alongside Yu and Ecks were at the limits of the platform while Aye and Si stood back, observing them as much as the battle. Cue was off to the side, hands folded behind his back. "Did he just use Break on Lameer's leg!?"

"Ooooh!" Yoo exclaimed gleefully. "Would you look at all that blood! Lameer wasn't expecting that!"

"That is a very dangerous Function," Si mused darkly. He turned towards Cue. "It has the power to literally break anything, doesn't it? A Contract. A body part. Maybe even the bond between IP and Host."

Cue was unresponsive.

"What happens should Ryker Wall manifest his Function?" Si rubbed his chin thoughtfully in his hand. "When we manifest our Functions, it allows us to use said Functions in the Realworld instead of just in the Overworld. He could cause all sorts of havoc with that. He could literally break down entire cities at his whim."

"Or destroy Servers," Ecks hummed. "Instead of needing to inject each officer with the Exception Virus before destroying a server, we could deploy him directly to the Server and destroy it without having the need to endanger our people to hunt down incredibly powerful men like Kanoth Lameer."

Yoo tilted her head back so she was looking directly at the two. "Alternatively, we could just make him a Kage he shares his Function with the rest of us. We could all take down all those corporations_way_ faster if everyone has Break!"

"You really want to arm people who have vendettas against corporations with such a powerful Function?" rumbled Aye. "Think of it. What if we were to use Break on the shadows that are people's minds here in the Overworld? What would happened then?"

A grim air fell all around them and even Si could not answer that.

Cu broke the silence.

"Now do you see why we cannot have Ryker Wall fall this day?"

Si stepped forward, approaching the edge of the platform. "Alright then. I'll go down and help. No use in all of us being exposed."

"Do you really think now is the time to help?"

The 'voice' of the leadership and often the one that actually gave the orders, turned toward the prodigal son. "You were just berating us about not doing anything and now you're asking if we should help now?"

"Don't you think the time for action has passed?"

Then it dawned on them, one by one. The time for action had passed. They had stood by, questioning one another and their motivations to act all the while the world kept turning. Now, the battle had turned for the worst...


Kanoth screamed, pulling back as blood blasted out of his severed leg and poured onto the prone Ryker. The gopher fell back, slamming into a pool of his own booze while his own crimson life fluids mixed in with the amber fluids. The headdress of a stag fell of his head, revealing his widened eyes that were quickly going into shock.

Cedar immediately abandoned his fight against the drunken Takoshi and a stunned Arthur. Completely disregarding the effects of Kanoth's Function, he slid across the ground, feet first like a baseball player diving for home. He scrambled next to Kanoth, holding the gopher's head as the CFO's screams turned into panicked gasps.

"Kanoth!" pleaded the rhino. "Hold on! Just hold on!" He turned angry, teary eyes towards Ryker. "What the fuck did you just do!?"

Ryker hadn't expected something so... brutal. The gopher's leg had just... disintegrated. It broke. Not only in the terms of flesh and bone but completely out of existence. There were critical arteries in the leg of which were now severed and pouring gallons of blood all around them. Ryker was bathed in the very same blood and he felt his skin crawl at the sensation.

"Holy shit..." Cliff murmured. "Dude... Your Function is brutal."

Cedar was gently slapping Lameer's cheeks. "Kanoth! Kanoth! Stay with me! Don't go to sleep!"

The gopher was looking paler and paler by the second, his eyes quickly going unfocused. He somehow managed to reach out and grasp onto Cedar's cheeks... his paw sliding down the rhino's muzzle before seizing the male's horn tightly. A desperate attempt to cling to life, perhaps?

The gesture only made Cedar weep more openly.

Ryker couldn't afford to be in shock. This was a _fatal_wound. A few more minutes and Kanoth Lameer would be beyond help. He needed to think of something. Something to stop the bleeding! He glanced around, searching for the answers. It came in the form of trails of blood in the booze swirling around near Arthur's armoured feet. They formed one word.


"Arthur!" he exclaimed. "Bring your sword over here!"

Cedar snarled at him. "You've won already! You want to barbecue us too!?"

"I want to cauterise the wound!" snapped Ryker. "Stop the bleeding!"

"Why?" Oliver shouted, drunk, angry and with his face red in fury. "He's the one that basically killed Summer and replaced him with a brute! Why the fuck are you trying to help that bastard!?"

Why indeed? Oliver was just one of the many victims of Kanoth's greed and deceptions. Thinking back to those videos shown by Arthur and Cliff, Kanoth Lameer had intimidated smaller businesses into complying with his will, bullied aspiring brewers to signing Contracts with_AllAle_ and even used his own Functions against his daughters. Why should he save someone like that?

"Because it's the right thing to do, Oliver."

For a second, the rhino's eyes widened in surprise. One glance towards Kanoth and then towards Arthur's blade. "We need to clean the wound."

"The alcohol," Ryker concluded. "It can help clean the wound at least until we come up with something more permanent."

With a wave of his hand, Cedar summoned a jug made entirely out of wood from the ground. He handed it immediately to Ryker who held it out. "Kanoth," pleaded the rhino, holding one of the gopher's hands tightly. It was not a simple gesture of a man watching a friend die. "Listen to me. You need to pour some alcohol into this jug. You hear me? Please!"

Still gripping Cedar's horn, Kanoth somehow managed to muster the strength to lift his other paw towards the jug. The concentrated alcohol sprang from his cloak, freshly generated and pouring into the jug.

"Cliff, I need your help!" Ryker announced. "Lift up his leg. The severed one."

"I'm studying to be a lawyer not a doctor," Cliff muttered, looking pale. "This... this is not what I thought would happen today." Despite his complaints, he still did as he was told and held up Kanoth's rapidly bleeding leg. Ryker immediately poured the alcohol down into the wound. Too much blood had been lost for Kanoth to really scream in agony or perhaps the booze's powers had just kept him in a pleasantly drunken stupor.


The boar stepped forward, the booze around his feet evaporating as he approached with his flaming sword.

"You bear a noble soul, young Ryker," said the boar. Then he pressed the fiery blade against Kanoth's stump.

Whatever numbness the booze may have placed on Kanoth immediately faded. The gopher's eyes widened immediately and he straightened. An ear-splitting scream cut through the air and his claws scraped across Cedar's horn. Beads of sweat formed on his brow. Teeth, including his large front teeth, gnashed together in a painful hiss the matched the sound coming from where Arthur's blade met the severed flesh. The smell of cooked meet and burnt fur soon overtook the heady smell of alcohol.

Ryker felt sick to his stomach but held it in. Cliff was unable to hold it in and ducked aside, letting out retching noises. Arthur, steely-faced and noble, pulled his sword away. Ryker dared not look at the wound. Panting but somewhat conscious, Kanoth collapsed into Cedar's arms, barely able to speak but with eyes mostly clear.

The beads of sweat on Kanoth's cheeks formed a familiar pattern.


"If you use the Refresh Function, won't redistribute your strength and heal his wound?" Ryker asked.

Cedar shook his head miserably. "His phone is embedded into the sever that allows AllAle to access the Overworld. One drawback of the way corporations do things is that we no longer have access to the phones and the Refresh Function. Can't check our synch rates either without physically going to the server room."

"Then let's go to the server and press the button! He can't have his leg severed forever!"

Cedar shot him a foul stare. "Do you think this is just a game where you cast a magic spell and everything will be all better? That his hit points will just go back up to full? It doesn't work that way, kid!" The anger faded as he looked down at Kanoth's leg in sorrow. "Maybe my energy will be enough to at for him to produce enough blood so he can stay alive but if I want to restore his whole leg...?"

"You'd have to give him everything," Arthur concluded. "Or drain the energy from countless other Corpsmen. The point is moot anyway since you'd have to do so from his phone which is, thus far, unreachable."

"I'll storm AllAle and press that button if I have too," snarled Cedar, his hands tightening around Kanoth's shoulders. "I'll tear down that server. If you guys help me, I'll help you bring down AllAle."

Cliff straightened, wiping his muzzle free of vomit with the back of his paw. "Now hold on, chief. I'm all for bringing down the mob-like corporation but, bro, you'd be going up against the other officers and hordes of Corpsmen. You might know your way around but you're down Lameer and no matter what you know, we're still outnumbered and outgunned."

"I can't just leave him like this!"

Takoshi staggered over, more drunk than he had ever been. "Why the fuck do you even care? Just kill the ass and move on. Bet someone in AllAle would be happy to have you as their IP."

Then Ryker understood. The looks Kanoth and Cedar shared. The way they held each other. The concern they shared for one another. It wasn't just the simple partnership between IP and Host.

"You love him."

Cedar looked like he had been struck by lightning and squeezed his eyes in shame, pushing the tears that were in his eyes down his cheeks. "Yes, damnit! Yes, I love him. It's impossible not to be so close, to synchronise with someone and not have some feelings for them!"

"You love him to a fault," Arthur mused. "Even encouraging his heinous acts. By rights, you are just as guilty of the very sins that has blackened his soul and just suffer his fate regardless of whether or not you share true affection for him."

"I don't need your fucking lecture," snarled the rhino. "He wasn't always this way." His eyes drifted back to Kanoth, filled with tears. "When we were first introduced, he was all wide-eyed and innocent. He wanted to do the right thing for the company. But... but I swear, after years of working with Emile and those other vipers, he began to... to change. It's like working with them poisoned him or something. He became more like Emile Santos and less like... like himself." Cedar shook his head furiously and threw Ryker a fiery stare. "If you're going to kill us, then do it quickly. I'd rather die now with him than let him suffer like this."

Takoshi hiccoughed loudly. "You heard him!" He staggered forward, clutching his sword shakily. "I'll go high, you go low."

Ryker held up his paw, as the tears on Cedar's cheek formed one word. "Wait."


"We need to inject you with the Exception Virus."

Cedar spat. "Of course you do. Always after the corporations with no concern over who you'll trample in the process. Don't you understand that -"

"Listen to me," Ryker interrupted. "If we hit you with the Exception Virus, you'll have five minutes to decide whether or not you stay in the Overworld or in the Realworld. I want you to pick the Realworld."

Cedar stared at him incredulously. "What? Why?"

"Because he can then be my Contact. We can verbally agree to being Contacts but only in the Realworld. Since the phone with the app isn't on your person, we can't do it the usual way."

The rhino stared at him incredulously. "You're kidding me... Why would you want that?"

"Because Contacts can share energy." He had experienced it in his activities with Oliver during the heated session they had just a few hours ago. They had all shared the same pool of energy, drawing from Takoshi's seemingly immense stores to redistribute it amongst them to keep going and going. Though there was a bit of energy lost in conversion because their synch rates weren't that high, Kanoth's leg could possibly be restored if there was a network of them working all at once.

"If all of us become his Contact, maybe we can contribute some of our energy to help repair his leg," Ryker explained.

"You want me to be his Contact?" spat Oliver. "_Hell_no!"

"I'm with the cat on this one," Takoshi said, slurring his words. "No way I'm going to give that fat rhino some of _my_energy! Just because he's got a horn on his head doesn't make him bigger than me!"

Ryker eyes his IP curiously. "Ronin... Kanoth is the gopher that's lost his leg, not the rhino."

"Huh?" The bear was surprised and clearly drunk. "Oh. Okay then. I'm okay with that."

He shook his head and glanced towards Cliff and Arthur. Both members of the Libertatis nodded and he already knew their answer before they said anything.

"We're in, bro," Cliff said. "The Custodes Libertatis doesn't kill."

"Nobility at its finest," added Arthur. "We're all bros here." That switch between knightly stalk to frat-speak was still jarring.

"Wait," Cedar said grimly. "There are still Corpsmen waiting for us in the Realworld. The moment we drop out, let me do the talking."

He had forgotten about them. "I guess we'll be putting our trust in you just as you're putting your trust in us." He held out his paw towards the green-haired IP.

Cedar took his paw and gave it a firm shake. "So it seems." He let go and then puffed out his chest. "Alright. Do it."

Cliff stepped forward, fishing out his phone and pointing it towards Cedar. "Upload Exception Virus." Streams of green ones and zeros mixed with some strange, arcane runes filtered out of Cliff's phone and seemed right into Cedar's chest. The IP grimaced, shutting his eyes in the process as the field of figures consumed him.

Then, both he and Kanoth immediately dropped out of view, becoming little more than shadows in the Overworld.

"Well..." Ryker sighed. "Ready?"

Oliver huffed even as Summer gently draped an arm over his shoulder. "Fine... I suppose."

Ryker shut his eyes and lifted his phone. With a press of the button, he was immediately in the Realworld again. The Corpsmen were waiting for them but they were all standing a good distance away. None of them looked like they were about to attack but they were still tense. Cedar was standing now, arms raised and seemingly having just talked the Corpsmen down. Upon appearing, Cedar turned towards Ryker.

"You promised," insisted the now mortal IP.

"I know," Ryker said, handing the rhino his phone. "Add Kanoth as a Contact. I'll do my best but we were just enemies not too long ago."

Cliff and Oliver reappeared a second later with Summer and Arthur in tow. Takoshi had passed out, completely drunk on the floor, snoring loudly. Cliff was the only one to hand his phone to Cedar.

"Okay," Ryker said, regarding the buttons on his Contact list. "You guys ready?"

Cliff nodded as did Arthur.

"Just you wait," Oliver scowled. "He's going to attack us the moment he gets his leg back."

Ignoring the cat, Ryker pressed the button. He immediately felt a drain of his power just when he had been fucking Oliver like someone was sucking out his blood. It was at a steady rate and one that wasn't too draining just like before. With the responsibility shared between him, Cliff, Takoshi and Arthur, he just hoped they could heal Kanoth.

Small, yellowish light like a sunset emanated from Kanoth's injured leg.

"It's working!" Cedar cried. "It's really working!"


There was a saying that when close to death, one's life flashes before their eyes. For all of his power and prestige, the same could be said for Kanoth Lameer. The moment his leg had been blasted off by that irritating member of the Custodes Libertatis, memories overlayed themselves over reality. They were flying by too fast for him to appreciate every single moment but there were bits and pieces that he caught.

The days as a child when he had beet fat and slow were filled with bigger, more physically fit furs bullying him. There were entire classes that he spent crammed into a locker because as a gopher, he was predestined to be small and stout and that equated to being stuffed into the metal coffins for those pea-brained muscle heads.

That day when he was accepted as an accountant at AllAle. He was filled with such pride and joy. To be working under the esteemed Emile Santos, 'The Cognac King' in the industry, had filled him with such apprehension that he could barely sleep that night. Then the crushing realisation that he wasn't even directly working under Emile. He was just another cog in the monumental machine that Emile had built.

All those hours spent just crunching numbers, checking accounts and filing. So. Much. Filing. It never seemed to end. He remembered feeling like he was physically ageing every tax season as that was when all the pressure ramped up.

Then there was that accidental meeting with Nero, the pitch meeting and shortly after that... meeting Cedar for the first time.

He remembered the awe he felt upon looking at the IP, so big, so manly, so muscular. At first, he felt a pang of jealousy and his usual timidness against someone bigger than him. He fully expected the green-haired rhino to bully him throughout their partnership. But Cedar was kind, sweet and so friendly.

The first night they spent together was magical. It was just after he had his first child. It had been a stressful day at work and he could hear the baby's screams and wails from the curbside as Cedar parked the car. Instead of letting him out, Cedar took him for a drive. Kanoth vented. Then Cedar gave him the best blowjob of his life.

Then the show reel of his life ended. It was all Cedar. No Cecilia, Clarice or Charlotte. It was his rhino. He was fine with that.

Except... there was something else. In that darkness, he felt... a presence. A shadow. This was not the abyss of death. It was the all-consuming void of someone else's dark heart. It had wrapped around his own, devouring everything that had been him and wrapped around his mind, body and soul until it masqueraded as him. It was slow and gradual but eventually Kanoth Lameer had been stifled and silenced, turned into... something else.

Turned into Emile Santos.

Then, that darkness lifted and he felt... abandoned. That presence discarded him. There was contempt in it. Disgust. He didn't have the strength to beg it to come back. This time, he was fading into death and no one, not even the evil that had cloaked him, could - would - save him.

There was a thin line that cut through the sudden darkness. This was the end; the light that was beckoning him to the beyond. If there were any memories that he could take with him, it would definitely be of Cedar and he as more than content with that.

The light widened, searing his retinas. Shapes formed and sounds, voices came filtering into his ears.

"... mystery continues as to how the car was tipped over and crushed. Witnesses claim that the parked vehicle spontaneously collapsed into itself before being thrown onto its side."

This wasn't Heaven... or Hell for that matter. He was in a bed staring at a ceiling fan. There was a TV to his right and it was switched on to what appeared to be the 7 o'clock news. A familiar, burly figure was crouched at the foot of the bed, watching.

"Experts claim that there was likely a buildup of pressure in one of the valves within the vehicle that caused a small explosion at the base of the vehicle that first caused the underside of the chassis to warp and shoot upwards, giving the appearance of being crushed before a bigger explosion that sent it flipping over. The fates of Kanoth Lameer and his driver are still unconfirmed."

"Cedar...?" he croaked.

The rhino suddenly straightened and turned to look over his shoulder. "You're awake!" boomed his IP. Then he turned towards the door, cupping his massive hands over his muzzle. "Guys! He's awake!"

The gesture surprised him but no more when the door to the room burst open and in came those punks from the Custodes Libertatis.

"You!" he exclaimed, eyes directly upon the wolf. They weren't wearing masks anymore and he assumed it was because he was their prisoners. He propped himself up only to suddenly feel a strange... shift of weight on the lower part of his body. One glance down confirmed his fears. "My leg..."

"We did our best," offered the wolf apologetically. "But there was only so much energy Cliff and I could offer to repair your lost limb."

"What are you talking about?" Kanoth bellowed. "You blew off my leg!"

Cedar was by his side, gently placing a hand on his paw and another on his chest. "They made you their Contact so they could filter as much energy as they could to you to help repair your leg. But because your synch rate wasn't that high with them, the conversion rate was _really_low. They could only really heal the wound and keep it from being infected."

"You should've just taken me back to AllAle," snarled the gopher. "I have more than enough Corpsmen who would've been willing to give me power to heal myself!"

"It would've taken too long and you would've bled to death before then," Cedar answered sorrowfully. "Kanoth... you _leg_was gone. You had, maybe, ten more minutes before you died. They did what they could." Then his features hardened. "And _someone_called the Corpsmen at the scene back. They left the moment they saw what was happening."

Abandoned.AllAle abandoned him.

He shot the Libertatis brats a seething stare. "Is that what you tell yourselves so you can sleep at night?"

The big, muscled polar bear stepped forward, pushing past the two and looming over them. "As far as I see it, we could've just left you there to die and I'd sleep a lot more soundly," he growled. "If it had been up to me, I would've cut off your other leg just so that you'd die quicker but I..." He glanced off to the side briefly, his ears twitching. "... didn't have a say in the matter at the time." Then his icy blue eyes switched back to the gopher. "So you should be damn grateful we did anything at all."

"Grateful!?" spat Kanoth. "Grateful for what? That you now have me prisoner? You think that somehow saving my life despite blowing off my leg would make me owe you? You think I'll betray AllAle's secrets just because you saved me from death, a death you would've been responsible for!?"

"No," Cliff, the tiger said, stepping forward. "Bro, I think you're going to give up AllAle's secrets because you want to."


Cedar gently rubbed his chest, a gesture that always calmed him down. "Kanoth, listen to them for a second." He glanced over to his IP... only to realise what had happened. "We're not in the Overworld. Not anymore. I... I had to choose the Realworld so that they would save us."

They were no longer IP and Host. That bond between them was severed. They were no longer synchronised. Cedar was mortal, just like him. His stomach sank... but at the same time, his heart soared. Ignoring the phantom pain of his leg, he threw his arms around the rhino's thick neck, burying his muzzle into the corded muscles and taking a long, deep breath of the familiar musk. This scent wasn't just a figment of his imagination given form. It was real. Cedar was real.

Then, remembering his audience, he pulled away but kept his paws firmly around Cedar's neck. His gaze was cast down.

"I haven't forgiven you," he snarled.

"I don't expect you to," answered Cliff. "But when we were speaking with Cedar these past few days..."

"How long have I been out?" the gopher interrupted.

"About two days."

Two days. A lot of damage could be done in two days. AllAle relied on him to provide financial guidance to the rest of the corporation. Signing off on big expenditures was his job. If he was being reported as missing on the news, then AllAle_may have been thrown into a panic. Sure he had his subordinates and someone was likely to step ups as acting Chief Financial Officer but no one else apart from the five chief officers knew the full extent of _AllAle's activities in both the Real and Overworlds. The company was likely hemorrhaging money not only to protect itself but because the corporate world was filled with metaphorical wolves who would pounce at the slightest weakness.

Other corporations, smelling blood in the water, were circling and either poaching Corpsmen or employees for secrets. Anything to weaken AllAle. They were likely planning their own attacks in the Overworld now if they weren't already deploying them. Then there were internal power struggles as well as people were vying for the coveted CFO role. Nature abhors a vacuum and even two days of unexpected absence could cause immense damage to the corporation that he had poured his blood, sweat and tears into.

"I need a phone," he demanded. "If you have any mercy in your heart, you'll let me call Emile and tell them I'm alright."

"And get your Corpsmen to come barging in on us?" Oliver spat. "Keep dreaming, Lameer."

"You're ruining other people's lives!" The gopher tried to rise but found himself still unused to his missing leg. He collapsed back into Cedar's strong arms. "Do what you want with me. Hell, I'll even formally resign but don't let anyone suffer because of me."

Oliver's brown eyes flashed in fury, his pupils dilating into slits. "Where was that empathy and compassion when your goons bullied me into signing a Contract!? Where was that compassion and consideration when your men took away all my business and crushed all my hopes and dreams!? I poured everything I had into my brand and you twisted it into something else that would 'turn a profit' without blinking an eye!"

The irony was not lost on Kanoth. Not too long ago, he would have personally waltzed into a bar or microbrewery and done what he could to intimidate, coerce and bully someone into signing on with AllAle. He would have been standing exactly where the Libertatis goons were standing. Now, he was the one pleading for mercy and consideration.

Still, it was a valid question. Why was he moved _now_and so concerned about his employees when he hadn't blinked an eye when he had Oliver Klein's IP stripped down and turned into something more 'profitable'? Where had his conscience been all this time?

He thought back to that moment when he was flitting between life and death... and that darkness he felt that lifted from his heart. Was... was that just some allegory his mind came up with... or something else?

"I can't expect lenience," he murmured softly. "But I thought I might as well ask. Not for me but for others."

"See?" Cliff suddenly interrupted, cutting off whatever it was that Oliver was going to say. "Why couldn't you have shown that sort of empathy in your day to day? Why did you have to wield the Overworld and your powers like you were some mob boss trying to force people under your 'protection'?"

Indignant, he just snarled. "I don't know, alright? I can't... I can't explain it. You may look at me from an outside view looking in but what I had to do, the responsibilities I was thrust with... You couldn't possible understand them!"

"Really? So getting your own personal bodyguard in Cedar didn't play into any of your business practices? You didn't... I dunno..." The tiger flicked his paw casually to the side. "... get Cedar to trash a guy's microbrewery in the Overworld to bankrupt them and effectively force them to join up with AllAle so that they would have no choice but to join up with you?"

Kanoth's eyes widened. "How did...?"

But Cliff wasn't finished. "What about implanting the idea that certain products not affiliated with AllAle were shit and taking away people's customers? Or what about using your Functions on innocent people to your advantage? Maybe, like your daughters and wife?"

The gopher sat up again, this time he was able to maintain his position. "How the fuck did you know about that? I demand to know!"

"They're the Custodes Libertatis, Kanoth," Cedar sighed, his voice resigned but also strangely... relieved. "They've got their resources. They know a hell of a lot about us. Not just us either. They've got dirt on the rest of the officers."

"Then why not just go public with that information?" Kanoth spat. "Did you have to..." His voice broke as his hands grasped at the missing part of his leg.

The big boar spoke. "What use is going public with that kind of information if a corporation has access to the Overworld that can easily sway people's minds?"

That was a very good point and one Kanoth couldn't really refute. It felt like a dig at him though he had never done anything personally to dissuade any information or leaks that were out there. He was sure Nero or maybe Aileen had been involved in 'silencing' people or manipulating people's thoughts in that way, though.

"Point taken," he mumbled. Lifting his gaze, he took asked, "So what do you want?"

"You're serious about resigning?" asked the wolf. "Then resign."

"That doesn't change the fact that you'll be causing millions of dollars in damages!"

"Compared to the lives you've ruined and the damages you've caused?" Klein countered with a snarl. "Don't try pulling that crap. You're going to resign, Lameer. And you're going to do more. You're going to tell your wife that you've been having an affair with your driver. Look your children in the eye and tell them how you _really_feel!"

He jerked back in surprise. "What? How does that help you?"

"It doesn't," said the brown-eyed wolf, oddly calm. There was a look in his eyes that burned a hole into Kanoth's chest. It was one that he wasn't expecting; pity. "It'll help you."

"What are you talking about?" snapped the gopher, suddenly agitated. How dare someone like him look upon him with pity? He may have lost his leg but he was far_richer than this... this _college_student! Even without his powers in the Overworld, he still had influence in the business world and could probably take them in a hand-to-hand fight! "How does _any of this help me?"

"Because then you'd be honest with yourself."

Those simple words struck through Kanoth like an arrow to the heart. It pierced right through him, a beam of light, that caused his chest to bleed and pour out in a fountain of suppressed emotion. Somehow, those simple words had managed to cut past the layers upon layers of vile, despicable acts and reached the core of his being. It forced him to look at himself, to realise just how he had become desensitised to all he had done and how he had buried himself in mountains sin.

All this manifested as tears welling up in the corners of his eyes and the inability to look the boy in the eye.

"You know I'm right," pressed the lupine pup. "We spoke with Cedar. He knew who you were back then. Before you became engrossed in the pull of the Overworld and started abusing it. You were this hopeful, compassionate guy that was very worried about where he was going and never thought he'd find love. You thought that in order to find love, you'd have to big, handsome, rich and intimidating."

"How do you think I got my wife and kids?" he snarled.

"You don't love them, though. The person you love is the one holding you now."

He knew it was true and he knew that was _exactly_where the pup was going but hearing those words still stung like being attacked by a billion bees. "You don't know what you're talking about."

"Look Cedar in the eye and tell him you don't love him."

He didn't even want to try.

"Name your price," he sneered. "Tell me what I have to do. Just leave Cedar out of this."

The tiger shook his head sadly. "Can't do that. No matter how you spin it, you and Cedar are now without the Overworld. The Exception Virus basically locked you out of it permanently. That's why it's call the Exception Virus. It's like Parse except it permanently expels you from the Overworld or the Realworld depending on which side you choose. You have to take care of Cedar now. He basically doesn't have a background."

"What we want you to do is to tell everything to your family," the wolf pressed. "Because you're going to have to explain to them why you're suddenly taking care of Cedar. No more lies. Just tell them the truth. They deserve it. Leave that old life behind and start fresh."

"You think it's just that easy!?" Kanoth barked, tears streaming from his face. "I spent years in AllAle! I can't just leave!"

"We'll help," said the boar. "If you're afraid that AllAle will come after you, like Cedar said, we've got enough pull force them to stay their hand. The rest will be up to you. You're resourceful."

The young wolf gave him a faint smile, tilting his head to the side. "Don't think of this losing or destroying your old life. It's you getting a chance to start over." He glanced over to the tiger with a faint smile. "I was once in a similar position. Something was taken away from me. A lot of work just went to nothing. But I had someone tell me that it's never too late to turn it around and make something else."

"You're naivete is sickening," Kanoth snarled. Cedar's hands tightened around him. This wasn't just what these punks wanted. It was also what Cedar wanted. Even if they never openly spoke about it, he _yearned_for a life where it was just him and Cedar. No publicly acceptable marriage. No non-controversial family. No Overworld.

"But," he sighed at length, "I'll try."


Emile Santos sat quietly brooding in the den of his private home upstate of Manhattan. In all the tumult of Kanoth's disappearance, he had taken to leaving his New York apartment which he used during weekdays and retreated to his lavished 20 bedroom mansion. Quite funny because he only ever lived alone so those twenty bedrooms mostly went unused. No servants, no butler. Just him. He was a self-made man, after all. From a simple farming background to one of the richest men in all of New York.

For a long time, he had been secure in his position amongst the wealthy. There were skirmishes with other corporations both in the Realworld and the Overworld but he was always able to fend them off. Aileen took care of the day-to-day, Kanoth made sure everyone was financed, Elijah watched their defences while Nero made sure that they had the latest equipment and technologies at their disposal. He was the one that gave the general direction the company was going.

But now... it seemed that the _Custodes Libertatis_were closing in.

Swirling a cup of whiskey in his hands, he watched the crackling fire pensively. His 'guest' emerged from the shadows and sat quietly on the seat opposite to him. No matter what angle the flames flickered, it was impossible to see past the pixelated features of the man.

"Watching the fire pensively while drinking some hard liqueur?" Cue observed. "Being a little cliche, aren't we?"

"You're hardly one to talk," Emile scolded. "Hiding in the shadows, sending your dogs against me then having the arrogance to come here and taunt me." His reptilian eyes narrowed at the mysterious, black-cloaked figure. "Just who are you_?"_

The first time they had met, Cue had introduced himself as one of the original leaders of the Custodes Libertatis_but had distanced himself somewhat from the little cult of protesters. Unlike any other members of the _Libertatis, however, he showed an uncanny familiarity and control over the Overworld. Somehow, despite all their defences, Cue had managed to slip into Emile' private office back in Manhattan without anyone noticing. When video surveillance was checked in both worlds, the man in the long, black cloak was never seen.

Not once.

"Who do you think I am?"

Another infuriating thing about the man. He almost always only spoke in questions.

"I think you're an asshole," snarled Emile. "I think you're here to rub in the fact that your fanatics have captured Kanoth and now you're going to tell me what the ransom is. I think you're hoping that I'll cave and pay up."

Cue did not response, merely staring blankly forward through his ever-shifting, pixelated features.

"Well?" Emile snapped. "Get on with it. What are your demands?"

"What makes you think I am here to make demands?"

"What other reason could you possibly have for coming here?" Emile's fingers closed around his glass, cracks slowly appearing across the surface. "You'd be a fool to challenge me. I don't care how powerful you think you are, you wouldn't be able to defeat me without a scratch."

"Do you think I would not have approached you right now had I not known I would be unable to survive the encounter?"

He grit his teeth together and slowly sank back into his chair. "If you were going to attack, you would have done so already. But you're not. So that suggests you're after something else." He took a sip from his whiskey then slammed the glass down into the table beside him, shattering the glass and sending the rest of the liquid spilling onto the expensive carpet below. Cue didn't even move. "Say what you will then get out."

The mysterious member of the _Libertatis_held up a finger. "What do you think happened to Kanoth Lameer?"

"What do I..." he began then he cut himself off and shook his head. "What I think happened is that according to the Corpsmen that were there, Oliver Klein defected to your side and attacked Klein unprovoked! Kanoth had fully anticipated this and was more than a match for the traitorous punk even down to the point where you had reinforcements come in. Parse was used, the Corpsmen were evicted and then your pitiful three-man team were forced to face against Kanoth."

He couldn't smile. At one point, he would have made mention that Libertatis must really be strapped for resources if they just sent two_people after Kanoth not including Klein who seemed to be working on his own. But considering how his Corpsmen had reported that one of Kanoth's legs had been _blown off and the gopher was barely conscious, it didn't seem a wise thing to point out.

"What happened then?" asked Cue.

Was the Kage actually fishing for information or was he just making Emile say these facts to rub salt into the wounds. He wished he hadn't destroyed his glass because he needed another drink.

"There was a lot of fighting. The Corpsmen couldn't see what was happening just the effects of the battle. Kanoth and his IP, Cedar, appeared after some time. Kanoth was already missing his leg. Cedar told the Corpsmen not to fire or do anything against Libertatis when they reappeared. From the reports, it seemed like they were transferring energy to Kanoth to help repair his leg. It didn't heal all the damage but stabilised him. Then, they carried Kanoth away. Some of my men tried to chase them but they vanished into the Overworld and lost them."

"Who ordered the Corpsmen to abandon the fight?"

Emile stared daggers at Cue. "You know full well who." But Cue didn't respond. He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Fine. I did. Kanoth had his uses but I don't have time or the resources to nurse a cripple back to health. Especially one who thought he could take on your progeny without a plan." He scowled and swirled the glass in his hands. "He has always been a hothead."

"Don't you think he got that from you?" Before Emile could counter, Cue interrupted with another question. "What do you think are the implications of this act?"

"That your people are kidnappers and currently have Kanoth hostage." He turned towards Cue furiously. "So make your demands. Tell me how much I have to pay to get Kanoth back."

"Do you truly care for him or what he represents to your company?"

"It doesn't matter! I'll pay you anything!"

"Are you paying for Kanoth or the information he has?"

"Does it really matter?" Emile shot back, glad to fire a question at the infuriating man.

"What could you possibly possess that would be of equal or greater value than what Kanoth Lameer could offer me?" Cue responded.

Emile was about to protest, shout some more, when he realised that Cue had phrased that question in a very specific way. His heart started to plummet. "What are you saying...?"

"Is that really the question you should be asking?" The mysterious agent of Libertatis rose from his seat and turned to leave. "Has it ever occurred to you that Kanoth Lameer might become our friend?"

Independent: Chapter 7

**Chapter 7** ** ** **Fresh Vintage** Four days since Kanoth went missing, Aileen Raskeil had gotten a private email. _AllAle's_ CFO wanted a personal meeting in the Realworld, in Emile's office. No one else was to be there. No Corpsmen. Just the...

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Independent: Episode Oliver

**Episode: Oliver** ** ** **Episode: Oliver** Waking up in the arms of another man had never been something that Oliver Klein had anticipated let alone waking up in the arms of _two_ men. There was no denying what had happened though. Especially...

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Independent: Chapter 5

**Chapter 5** ** ** **Truth, Drink, Kiss or Promise** There was a reason that Aileen Raskeil always needed a very strong dose of coffee every morning; she got very little sleep every night. Not because she was stressed, had nightmares or was...

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